HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1994-03-09 Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes Council: Jack Drago John R. Penna ---Roberta Cerri Teglia Robert Yee MINUTES City Council - Municipal Services Building Community Room March 9, 1994 185 SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MARCH 9, 1994 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 9th day of March 1994, at 6:30 p.m., in the Municipal Services Building Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotia- tions and litigation. Dated: March 4, 1994 City Clerk City of South San Francisco CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotia- tions and litigation. ACTION TAKEN 6:53 p.m. Mayor Fernekes presiding. Council Present: Penna, Yee and Fernekes. Council Absent: Drago and Teglia. City Clerk Battaya related that Councilman Drago was on vacation and unable to attend tonight's meet- ing. Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 6:54 p.m. to discuss labor negotiations pursuant to GC 54957.6 - AFSCME, and personnel matters, pursuant to GC 54957 - appointment of Interim City Attorney. 3/9/94 Page 1 AGENDA _.Councilwoman Teglia Arrived at the Podium: le, ECESS MEETING RECONVENED AND A CONTINUATION OF THE CLOSED SESSION: RECALL TO ORDER: ADJOURNMENT: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, arbara A. Battaya, City t;ity of South San Francisco AC!!QN TAKEN .. 186, Councilwoman Teglia arrived at the meeting at 6:56 p.m. Mayor Fernekes recessed the meeting at 7:27 p.m. He reconvened the meeting at 12:05 a.m. and ad- journed the meeting to a Closed Session for further discussion of the items mentioned. Mayor Femekes recalled the meeting to order at 12:30 a.m., all Council was present, no action was taken and direction was given. MIS Yee/Teglia - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 12:31 a.m. APPROVED. ~;;I of South Saneph Al FemekT, ranMeiaYsOc; The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 3/9/94 Page 2 Mayor Joseph A. Femekes Council: Jack Drago ~----lohn R. Penna Roberta Cerri Teglia Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room March 9, 1994 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: --I~RESENTATIONS roclamation - Women's History Month AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Wohlenberg Requested: Defer Item No. 9 to the 3/23/94 meeting on re- quest of the Mayor REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ACTION TAKEN 7:56 p.m. Mayor Fernekes presiding. Council Present: Penna, Teglia, Yee and Fernekes. Council Absent: Drago. City Clerk Battaya stated Councilman Drago had informed the office that he was on vacation and unable to attend tonight's meeting. Girl Scout Troop 292 and Brownie Troop 1357 presented the colors and the Pledge was recited. PRESENTATIONS Councilwoman Teglia read the Proclamation aloud and presented it to Ms. Lueille Thomas. AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER The City Manager chose not to give a report. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Thomas R. Head, Managing Agent for Project 101 Assoc., cited his concerns on the Oyster Point overpass tax: his understanding was that the over- pass had been funded; he did not understand the formula used for the tax; one of his most recent tenants is a small retail furniture business, wanting 2,300 sq. ft; the overpass tax for the gentleman to move in was going to be $20,000, which represents approximately 17 months rent for the gentleman, which, he felt, was absurd; they did not have an 3/9/94 Page 1 A~ENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3/9/94 Page 2 ACTION TAKEN . 188 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS immediate means of appeal for a reformulation of the tax; he had a 21,000 sq. ft. tenant, who has been there 25 years - is moving and leaving 21 employ- ecs, of which six were S.S.F. residents; they had lost a large national furniture organization for that space, because of the overpass tax and the time it would take to try to. get some variance on signage plans; he felt the City was being hurt because of this tax, as they lost another tenant who would have used 25,000 sq. ft., but located in Burlingame because of the tax. He stated he would like to see a committee estab- lished with small businesses, developers and land- lords who will come and sit down with a Council Subcommittee to lessen or do away with the tax. Councilman Yee stated that this conversation had taken place last October and there was supposed to be a report from staff in January on the funding and whether the tax should be continued. Mr. Head stated he had received a letter from the City Manager, after having spoken at the meeting in October, saying it would be addressed. He stated that he still had one potential tenant on line, but this tax issue had to be addressed and he had to get action by April 1st for the potential tenant. Discussion followed: Councilman Yee wanted to see how the $20,000 for 23,000 sq. ft. was derived, in that he was responsible for developing the formu- la - which he could explain, and felt Mr. Head should meet with the City Manager; he felt the goal was not to lose any more businesses from our com- munity and was sure the Council will agree to make every effort to retain tenants; Councilwoman Teglia noted the formula was set by the Council and would have to come back to the Council for any change; the formula had been difficult to design at the time, because of the considerable egress and ingress prob- lems and funding being hard to come by, and the formula is the part applied to the new businesses and existing businesses that changed in the area and had to pay their fair share; she did not know that the statement that the project was funded was true, be- cause City funds were limited; Mr. Head believed that each business should be handled as a different case, based upon their means to pay the tax; he had A~ENDA _ACIIQN TAKE_N ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR · Motion to approve Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of 2/16/94 and Special Meeting of 2/23/94. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS heard reports that the tax was going to be or may be waived, because everyone understood that it was funded, and we might know more in January; he supported the tax to a certain extent, but not when it is contrary to what you have asked us to do - to re- zone the property and bring in retail tenants, but then charge them to come in, which would more than double the rent they have to pay; City Manager Wohlenberg stated that part of the problem is deter- mining the ultimate scope of the project, because what is out there is not the total project, however, he would get full information by, perhaps, the next meeting· Mr. Steve Firpo, Western TV Cable, announced a seminar being held tomorrow for the benefit of the School District Teachers. He stated that there would be ten programmers there to explain how channels carried can help in the classrooms etc. Mr. Brett Weber stated he was in commercial real estate and felt it was unfair to assess a small busi- ness, who is trying to compete in the S.S.F. market against a larger company who can easily afford the tax, as they can go to another City and not have to worry about "welcome to S.S.F and now pay the $20,000 fee". He stated that, in the Office Depot case, they did not have a problem with the tax, but the head real estate guy was fired for not knowing how expensive the overpass tax was going to be and for thinking the $120,000 was to be paid over the whole project. He stated that the businesses in the area are not the only ones who benefit from the overpass - so do the people in the area, like the Hillside District, Daly City and Colma. He felt something should be done about the tax, because it was hurting businesses. COMMUNITY FORUM No one chose to speak. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. 3/9/94 Page 3 A~ENDA CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to confirm expense claims of 3/9/94. Resolution approving amendment to the Capital Im- provement Program budget in the amount of $75,000 for developing a new play area in Westborough Park. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT CIP 94-3 TO THE 1993-1994 CAP- ITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET .,6' / Z o Resolution implementing a tax benefit of the Internal Revenue Code for Executive Management and Police Association employees, t°- o ~ A RESOLUTION IMPLEMENTING A TAX BENE- FIT OFFERED BY SECTION 414 (11)(2) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE (IRC) FOR EXEC- UTIVE MANAGEMENT AND POLICE ASSOCIA- TION EMPLOYEES Resolution of award of contract to Saviano Co., Inc. in the amoum of $38,800 as the lowest responsible bidder for recoloring and resurfacing of specific tennis courts. .b"O ~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR TENNIS COURT RECOLORING AT STONEGATE, BURI BURI, ORANGE, SELLICK AND WESTBOROUGH PARKS AND TENNIS COURT RESURFACING AT BRENTWOOD PARK 6. City Manager Review of monthly report on goals and objectives. PUBLIC HEARINGS - JOINT MEETING WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION Public Hearing - East of 101 Area Plan; 1) conduct Public Hearing; 2) hear comments on the Revised Draft EIR; 3) Motion to direct preparation of the Final Area Plan incorporating the Council's and Commission's comments. ,.5't9 ~ ACI!Q_N CONSENT CALENDAR !A_K_E_N 190 Approved in the amoum of $2,808,570.89. RESOLUTION NO. 25-94 RESOLUTION NO. 26-94 RESOLUTION NO. 27-94 Noted. M/S Penna/Yee - To approve the Consent Calendar. Carried by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS - JOINT MEETING WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commissioners Present: Lucehesi, Padreddii, Romero and Mantegani. Planning Commissioners Absent: DeZordo, Warren and Zellmer. Mayor Fernekes opened the Public Hearing. 3/9/94 Page 4 ~ENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing - Continued. 3/9/94 Page 5 ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS Chief Planner Solomon stated the staff report sug- gests changes to the Plan that relate to the transfer station, Haskin's site and the public access to Colma Creek. He stated that a number of interested parties had submitted further comments, which the staff had addressed as an attachment to the written report, and many of the individuals would address those eom- ments tonight. He stated that, if the Area Plan is to be adopted by May 20th, any issues left unaddressed could be addressed by the Steering Committee or a special meeting could be called, within a week, to continue on schedule. Mr. Paul Shepherd, 401 and 415 E. Grand Ave., expressed concern that his area was going to be changed to a Planned Industrial District, which allows only distributing facilities utilizing light delivery trucks, and would make their freight for- warding businesses non-conforming. He stated that their over-the-road semis were needed because of the Airport's expansion plans. He stated it was not easy to finance a building that is a non-conforming use, because it devaluates the property. He stated his second concern with the proposal is the intent to encourage high density uses in the area north of Grand Avenue. He related: warehousing uses do not generate traf- fic; making their use non-conforming would not improve City revenues, due to the fact that property owners would approach the Assessor to devalue their properties; his suggestion was for the planned industrial park zoning to be modified to Airport related uses; another suggestion is to grandfather existing uses and buildings that have been built with dock high doors and rail sidings; they had built a building and Genentech had come in and taken the whole building, however, that is not the case with the tenant requiring $40.00 a sq. ft.; etc. Mr. Don Fox, S.S.F. School District, stated he had submitted a letter from Superintendent of Schools Rigg that addressed significant impacts to schools within the District by allowing residential develop- ment. A~ENDA A~TION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Public Hearing - Continued. 3/9/94 Page 6 192 PUBLIC HEARINGS Mr. David Baldwin, Real Strategies, Inc., related: he was with a real estate company retained by Homart to work with them on their property at the Gateway; there had been a name change on the Homart property to HD Delaware Properties Inc., which was formed as a Homart Development Co. affiliate to hold title to certain properties and is successor in interest to Homart properties in the Gateway; he had furnished written comments by a letter faxed Monday night and wanted it to be part of the record. He stated that HD Delaware, on behalf of Homart, by letter of 2/18/94, had requested data on seasonal wetlands over the Plan and within the Gateway. He stated they were unable to determine whether one of those areas impacts land owned by Homart or other properties within the Gateway. He stated that the 3/17/94 letter had requested an extension to respond, as it pertained to the wetlands, and time to review the forthcoming data before the Area Plan was adopted. He proceeded to elaborate on his letters: Homart did not intend to develop the vacant land, but is looking for developers to do that; they felt the text of Policy LE4B mis-characterizes the facts, because the towers could be built out to a higher F.A.R. Chief Planner Solomon stated that had been ad- dressed and it was exempted. Discussion followed: contention over the amount of area taken up by the Gateway in the Plan; the Corp. of Engineers had been consulted, there may be wetlands on the Serra Point site and staff had identi- fied potential wetlands; Mr. Baldwin wanted to know exactly where the wetlands were located and have them identified in the EIR - which he had asked for by letter repeatedly; generally the private property owners would define where the wetlands were located; the City did not have the resources to identify the wetlands; a delineation study is where the Federal Government would define the seasonal wetlands; Mr. Early stated Dames & Moore, a subcontractor, was to conduct a one day drive to conform the general location of natural features occurring in the area and look for other potential resources not yet identified by existing maps, how- AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS ~. Public Hearing - Continued. 3/9/94 Page 7 _ACIIQN TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS ever, a delineation has not occurred; based on the representation of the consultants, all information gathered has been presented; Mr. Baldwin felt it was understandable that there was standing water, from time to time, on Homart property, since there is a remedial project that was approved by DFF - which means, when it rains, the water is not going to infil- trate into the ground to the degree the clay cap was on, because it was not put on so it would drain; the wetlands place a cloud on property for development and places road blocks on the property; he did not feel there were wetlands on the property; the City had to do an EIR and it was not for them to deter- mine wetlands; Mr. Baldwin felt there should be substantiation of wetlands before they were put in an EIR or Area Plan; Councilman Yee felt Mr. Baldwin should talk to Dames & Moore and come to an understanding; Mr. Early felt the Homart site work could have created the wetlands and, under Federal regulations, this is a wetlands; Councilwom- an Teglia questioned if the EIR could say that it is a potential wetlands; etc. Mr. Don Shattuc, 907 W. Cardinal Dr., Sunnyvale stated he was concerned about habitat and wetlands and proceeded to read about changing the face of the earth and living with the outcome, from a work by Charles F. Keating. He proceeded to speak in detail of the garbage and litter on the streets going into the bay and having tragic impacts on fish, toxic waste impacting wetlands and the natural habitat. He wanted the City to keep the developments back from the bay, minimize toxic waste and follow the rules and regulations on wetlands. He stated the solution is to get a confirmed delin- eation and keep the tractors and development away from the wetlands. Mr. Naphtali Knox, 1010 Doyle St., Menlo Park, stated he was representing Richard Haskins and they were pleased with the Area Plan and wanted to see it adopted. He related the following: the mixed use compro- mise works; light industrial recognizes the fact of absorbing the 17 acres during the ten to fifteen year life of the Plan, because the Plan builds in protection in the policies to encourage on-site improvements; AGENDA AC_TIQN TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing - Cominued. 3/9/94 Page 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS the designation of coastal had not come about in a public meeting, as he had attended every meeting on the draft EIR, and felt this would negate and pro- nounce a death sentence on the proposed develop- ment; after the 11/3/93 study session, the staff plugged this into a report the next night for the Planning Commission to reconsider the compromise; the new EIR for the combined coastal and commer- cial, which the Subcommittee agreed to allow with conditions; he asked that the Council adopt the Plan and allow Avis to come in with their proposal; they had presented their design concepts to the Planning Commission and had presented drawings to the Council. Gary Royce, Esq., related: prior litigation against the City by Arthur Haskins, wherein Judge Veal gave the go ahead for Haskins to process a use permit; there was nothing that obligated the City to a rubber stamp, but it was understood that the City would assist and participate in the application; the Haskins family discussed this with staff and the Planning Commission; Mr. Knox was hired as a professional planner to deal with all of staff on the application, with two years of work going into the draft submitted in January of 1994 - to have the property designated as light industrial and coastal; his client had not been contacted on a later change of designation; everyone wanted to use the property to its highest use; the application had been portrayed as the concrete jungle, with an undercurrent that this provided no benefit to the City; Mr. Knox had de- scribed the benefits of the project to the City; Haskins was paying $300,000 for the Oyster Point assessment; if the light industrial designation is authorized, the property can be developed immedi- ately - which will give the City more than it has now; the key point was the transitional use of the property, because staff's idea of the highest use of the property will not happen in the near future; authorization of the light industrial designation will promote business and revenues for the City. He stated he wanted to publicly offer condolences for the loss of Councilman Penna's father. Mr. Havey E. Levine, Hall, Grimson & McNicols, stated he was representing Serra Assoc. and spoke in detail of a letter he presented to Council citing their A~ENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS ?. Public Hearing - Continued. 3/9/94 Page 9 ACT!QN TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS concerns: Circulation Policy No. 5 should continue to leave the determination of the roadway configura- tion to the future, but which would not eliminate the alternative of no direct connection to the east of 101 area or the rest of S.S.F.; he has three alternatives to access; felt the City should not go into the wet- lands preservation business, which is regulated by state and federal governments; etc. Mr. Early stated this was a natural resource preser- vation and the Planning Commission wanted the City to be involved in this. Mr. Colin Post property would and would be a driver. He felt sion, as well as was concerned that non-conforming eliminate trucks going by Genentech disadvantage for him as a truck this was part of the Hillside Exten- for the Oyster Point Overpass. Councilwoman Teglia stated development and Coun- ty fees paid for the Hillside Blvd. Extension. Chief Planner Solomon pointed out that non-con- forming uses, as long as they are not vacant for six months, can operate forever. Discussion followed: uses that could be prohibited; warehousing did not bring in sales tax; etc. Mayor Fernekes closed the Public Hearing. He stated that there was a Subcommittee meeting on the Haskins property and the conclusion of the Subcommittee was that we bring it back to the Com- mission and Council for predesignating it from its current coast/commercial back to the original con- cept of planned industrial. Assistant Planner Padovan stated that surprised him because, when we started these open meetings, this same item was on the agenda as planned industrial and, because of the meetings and the representatives of Haskins family, an open public meeting was held. He stated that each of these were brought up, it was the unanimous consensus of the Commission that it be changed to light industrial and they gave the alignment. He stated that the four Commissioners present tonight are still in favor of it as light indus- trial. A~ENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS I. Public Hearing - Continued. 3/9/94 Page 10 ACTION TAKEN . 196 PUBLIC HEARINGS Commissioner Lucchesi stated two Commissioners were on the Subcommittee that discussed this and, on his part, it was a consensus to discuss it in a joint arena - that is all. Councilwoman Teglia stated there had been a tre- mendous amount of discussion and, because it could not be resolved, it was brought back for discussion, but not necessarily with a recommendation. Councilman Penna stated he was also on the Sub- committee, felt it was potentially too great a site for the light industrial designation and there was consen- sus that it should go back to a higher use. Commissioner Padreddii stated it would have been a lot fairer if they had a report that this was the rec- ommendation from the Subcommittee, rather than finding it out now. Commissioner Mantegani stated he realized it when he read the staff report, but would like to know how this was viewed by both Bodies. Commissioner Lucchesi stated one of the issues was the permanence of the zoning and another was mix- ing the least restrictive use with the highest use. Councilman Penna related: there was a lot more discussion on the whole area east of 101 and the development of the area; what would be beneficial; traffic; water supply; sewer capacity; industry com- ing into the City, because of location; attracting more biotech companies into the area; looked closely at uses; today is similar to uses looked at between 1958-1977, when the City changed from the slaugh- ter houses, steel mills and heavy industrial uses; took the property and developed a redevelopment area into higher use of Airport related uses; how Genentech had taken an old plant and developed an $80,000,000 complex; City was getting a new sup- ply of enterprises that are supplying jobs and their employees are buying and upgrading property, which increases our tax base; the need tonight was to determine the direction the City is to take; etc. Councilwoman Teglia stated the difficulty was in doing a plan for a lot of years and that we are get- ting a particular application, which isn't before us AOENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing - Continued. 3/9/94 Page 11 ACTION TAKEN '. 197 PUBLIC HEARINGS yet, mixed up and letting the application dictate the study - or vice versa. She stated those were the kinds of discussions and it was not total agreement. She stated she also wanted what was best for the City in the long haul, but is torn by what is going on in the world today. Councilman Yee remembered the November meeting where the interim use was discussed and he recalled consensus that there could be an interim use. He stated that it was nice to have dreams but, if the area develops, zero times zero is still zero. He stated he was not sure this is a good plan but, for certain, you can zone it and make a pretty pie- ture and, if you don't build it, you have nothing that has to be incorporated into this plan. He stated that you have to drive over there and look at it like Oyster Point Marina -- are the people waiting in line, that is a question that has to be asked. He stated that, if the use was downgraded, it may be more than we want. He stated we had good dreams with the Homart Project - yet, it didn't happen and there were a lot of problems in filling the offices. He stated that there was a better interim use on the Haskins prop- erty but, if that doesn't happen because of the zon- ing, it will be vacant. He stated that this plan is just a guideline and, if adopted, can be changed at any time regardless of the designation of the Haskins property. Chief Planner Solomon stated that the applicant is willing to commit to a twenty year time line for the interim use. Discussion followed: Councilman Penna felt the old trucking business use was not compatible with the biotech businesses; Mayor Fernekes felt the City should allow uses for an interim period; Council- woman Teglia noted that Homart was supposed to be built out in 10 years, it was now 17 years and not done; the same was true with Shearwater, yet it sat their vacant; she felt twenty years is not such a long time for an interim use; she felt the City would have to be satisfied with the amount of biotech things we have; Commissioner Mantegani stated it AGENDA ACIION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS ?. Public Hearing - Continued. PLANNING COMMISSION ADJOURNMENT: ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Discussion of current and proposed recreational class- es, community meetings and events, facility rentals, senior services and recreation for school-age children programming at the Westborough Park Building, per, citizen request of February 9, 1994. 500 &' 198 PUBLIC HEARINGS goes back to Policy 20 - if the answer is yes, if no - the Haskins site is put back in LU 19; Councilwom- an Teglia stated she could live with a light industrial use; Commissioner Merino would prefer planned commercial, but recognized the need to be flexible and to allow interim uses and light industrial was more flexible; Commissioner Padreddii supported the flexibility of light industrial/planned industri- al/coastal commercial; Commissioner Lucchesi suggested going with the realistic viewpoint of interim uses and making a general use interim poli- cy; etc. Consensus of Council and Planning Commission - To change the designation of the Haskins site to coastal commercial/light industrial. Consensus of COuncil and Planning Commission - To request further information on BCDC trust. MIS Lucchesi/Mantegani - To adjourn the Planning Commission meeting to Wednesday, 4/6/94, 7:00 p.m., Municipal Services Building, Community Room, for further discussion of this item. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 11:00 p.m. MIS Penna/Yee - To continue the item to the ad- journed regular meeting of 4/6/94. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Ser- vices Nagel spoke in depth on use of the Westbor- ough Building: free classes put on by Adult Educa- tion for seniors that had been discontinued; nominal fee classes put on by the Recreation Dept., as well as offering pre school day care on a Monday through Friday basis; community meetings/events; facility rentals; after school activities. He related: that it was hard to justify free senior services in conjunction with what they were offering seniors; they were pursuing any funding available; if anything more was done, it would have to come out 3/9/94 Page 12 AQENDA ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS $. Discussion - Continued. 3/9/94 Page 13 AcI!Q_N IA_K_~_N ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS of the General Fund; the recreation budget was over $600,000 a year; the City received fees for the classes, but subsidized some senior services. He stated that he had been notified by letter from Administrator Bettucchi, S.S.F. Adult Education, that they would no longer be able to offer exercise classes free of charge at the Westborough Building and the Municipal Services Building. He stated they had picked up the instructors, put them on the pay- roll and charge a nominal fee for the seniors. He stated they tried to maintain a balance in what they can offer within the existing resources. Mr. Al Waters stated he was happy this was put on the agenda, but he was questioning senior services, and said what you have done is opened a Pandora's box. He questioned the validity of the staff report, because he had a copy of a 1983 letter from the Di- rector of Recreation making reference to the 25 members from Westborough who served on the Steering Committee to give input on their communi- ty center to be built. He related: he moved to Westborough in 1963 and the Developer, Mr. Callan, sold the area with a community center and swimming pool to a diverse group of people of color; in 1970 Mr. Callan gave 10 acres for a fire station and one acre for a li- brary; next to that was 5 acres for the School Dis- trict, which they sold without notice to the general public; in the 1970's San Diego and Richmond were provided with redevelopment funds and he had thought we could get that for a 12,000 sq. ft. build- ing to accommodate all of the Westborough uses; Director Norton, in a meeting with Mr. Churchwell and himself, had said you can't intermix child care with these items and he had agreed; two years after the community center was built they could not get into the building because of the child care; he had seen three different Directors of Recreation - each with his own scope of plans for that particular build- ing; the Steering Committee was to decide, after the building was open, what type of programs the com- munity wanted; no one had been contacted for the Committee's input; after the building was opened, the Park and Recreation Dept. went beyond the Committee and hired outside people to make surveys on the needs of the community; questioned why the ~ENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS !. Discussion- Continued. Resolution allocating $430,000 of 1993-94 HOME funding from the San Mateo County HOME Consor- tium to complete seismic retrofitting and accessibility requirements for the Metropolitan Hotel's single room occupancy units and authorizing necessary construc- 3/9/94 Page 14 20O ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS City had not pursued redevelopment funds. Mrs. Cynthia Tank, 2437 Unwin Court, stated her daughter goes to pre-school and she thinks it is wonderful. Mr. David Campbell, 3973 Haussmann Court, felt the community center should serve all the Westborough residents. Mr. Ed Hanberg, Chairman Senior Advisory Board, stated he had worked diligently for the senior classes in Westborough in 1992 and they had 7 Westbor- ough people, two of which were members of the Board, yet people did not show up for the classes and it came down to only 2 or 3 people showing up for the classes. Councilwoman Teglia stated the community is the City of S.S.F., which the Steering Committee was made up of, to look at building designs. She stated the City is too small to be divided up into communi- ties and the building serves the needs of all age groups. She questioned the contention that the Steering Committee was not included, because the Senior Advisory Committee can attend Park and Recreation meetings. Councilman Yee reiterated the issues: exercise class - have the City Manager send a letter to the School Board to find out if they can supply free classes in some places; had mentioned having town meetings and getting information on this; waiting list for pre-schoolers. Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Serv- ices Nagel related that State licensing wants to see a child care room set up at all times, they have rigid rules and the program is cost covered. Mayor Fernekes stated Foxridge School is empty, which should be looked into for these classes, and he will send a letter to the School District. Item deferred under Agenda Review by the City Manager. AGENDA ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Resolution - Continued. tion contracts. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPROVAL OF USE OF SAN MATEd COUNTY HOME CON- SORTIUM FUNDS FOR SEISMIC RETROFITTING AND DISABILITY ACCESS AND AUTHORIZING RESULTANT CONTRACTS FOR THE METRO- POLITAN HOTEL 10. Hearing - Cost Statement and Imposition of Assess- ment for recovery of summary nuisance abatement costs and lien against 379 Arbor Drive, Parcel No. 010-251-040, Emanuel and Mildred Ghilardi in the amount of $12,625.00; 1) resolution approving state- ment of costs and directing the City Clerk to file the resolution as an assessment with the Tax Collector for inclusion in the 1994-95 tax rolls 2) and for recor- dation with the County Clerk/Recorder. ..6-.~ 7 7 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE STATE- MENT OF COSTS FOR THE SUMMARY ABATE- MENT AT 379 ARBOR DRIVE 11. Discussion of proposed ordinance mandating separa- tion of recyelables from refuse by business operators in S.S.F. (requested by Councilwoman Teglia). ' 12. Resolution approving agreement with Price Club for soils remediation at City property on So. Airport Blvd. ._~'3/e/o A RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN PRICE COMPANY AND CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RELATING TO THE CONTAMINATED SOILS CLEAN UP ON THE PRICE CLUB PROPERTY LOCATED AT 451 AND 479 SO. AIRPORT BLVD. ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Mayor Fernekes opened the Hearing and invited anyone to speak on behalf of the owner - no one did, and he closed the Hearing. M/S Yee/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 28-94 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilwoman Teglia stated she was not opposed to continuing the item until Councilman Drago was present for the discussion, to perhaps the first meet- ing in April, and having the business community in- volved. Councilman Yee felt the Subcommittee should meet with the Chamber and there should be input from the Scavenger Co. City Attorney O'Toole suggested sending a notice of the meeting to the debris box companies. M/S Ye~FFeglia - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 29-94 Carried by unanimous voice vote. 3/9/94 Page 15 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Motion to waive reading and introduce an ordinance amending the Public Employee Retirement System contract to provide military service credit for fire personnel. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMEND- MENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 'CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND THE BOARD OF ADMINIS- TRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES'RETIREMENT SYSTEM ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 14. Oral Committee Reports. CLOSED SESSION 15. Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotia- tions and litigation. ADJOURNMENT: 202 LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS City Clerk Battaya read the title of the ordinance in its entirety. M/S Penna/Teglia - To waive reading and introduce the ordinance. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilman Penna requested a report on the unfin- ished house on Northwood. Assistant City Attorney Chiozza replied: construc- tion began four years ago; gentleman lost his job; he and the Chief Building Inspector worked with him and the gentleman did everything but the perfor- mance bond; gentleman has now told the City he will demolish the building. Mayor Fernekes reported on the liaison meeting with the Chamber of Commerce in relation to benches on Grand Ave. and the underpass being lit, and the City Manager is getting the information. He stated there would be a BART meeting on 3/15/94 and he wanted the City to have a meeting before that date. CLOSED SESSION The Council chose not to hold a Closed Session. M/S Teglia/Yee - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 12:04 a.m. 3/9/94 Page 16 ~CTION '_TAKEN .... ,RESPECTFULLY SUBMITI'ED, 'Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk ~ City of South San Francisco APPROVED. Jos~l~ A. l%rnekes, Mayor Cil~of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments.~and comments are recorded on tape, :The tape and documents related to 'the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 3/9/94 Page 17