HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1996-02-14 Mayor Jack Drago Council: Joseph A. Fernekes Eugene R. Mullin :-'~ohn R. Penna dobert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room February 14, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: ~ESENTATIONS Certificate' of Recognition to William Dunn Certificate of Recognition to Jack Pacheco Proclamation - Rotary International - Houston Lawrence AGENDA REVIEW Interim Assistant City Manager Moss P~tuested: - Remove Items 9, 11 and 13 from the Agenda. · ?,AL COMMUNICATIONS ACI!Q_N TAKEN 7:45 p.m. Mayor Drago presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Fernekes, Mullin, Penna, Yee and Drago. None. The Pledge was recited. Rev. Baltodano, Mission de Espritu Santo, gave the invocation. Councilman Penna asked for a moment of silence to commemorate the death of Lupe Huerta. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Drago read the Certificates aloud and pre- sented them to Messrs. William Dunn and Jack Pacheco for having responded to an international emergency in fighting the cholera epidemic in Africa with Chief Blackburn and four retired S.F. firemen. Mr. Pacheco stated when they arrived in Africa thousand were dying daily from the cholera and contaminated water supply. He stated through combined efforts the death rate ultimately dropped to 150 a day. Vice Mayor Fernekes read the Proclamation aloud and presented it to Mr. Lawrence. AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Drago stated he had asked a representative be 2/14/96 Page 1 AGENDA _ACI!Q__N TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2/14/96 Page 2 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS present from California Water Service to explain the discoloration of drinking water. Mr. Craig Gilmour, California Water Service Co., related: the problem appears to be excess sediment within the water in certain areas of the City; S.S.F. water comes from City wells and Hetch Hetchy and allows the Company to economically serve water in a constant supply for the community; the iron bacte- ria in the well water is non-harmful to humans and is not unique to the area; whenever there is iron in the wells there is sediment that is periodically pumped out; they flushed the areas and the problem is resolved; they have made changes where the wells they have here are in a collection tank which serves to settle out and that is pumped to a larger tank and commingled with the treated water and into the system; the recent problem was more wide spread possibly through the reduction of use because of the seasonal changes; there were comments they were flushing too much, but the problem continued and they had to continue flushing; they are using a com- puter with the flushing, they think the sediment is settling and the results are good and there are no complaints; they took the wells out of operation which was a factor that led to the decrease in sedi- ment; they are concerned that the customers feel that the water is not safe for drinking - which is not true; the sediment is not harmful, but is aesthetically unpleasant; they are going to install a filtration system at the well to remove the sediment; because water is carried in iron mains and in the water; the Company will continue to flush until we have the filter in place, which he hopes will be May 1st and they will use the wells again at that time. Councilman Mullin asked if California Water Ser- vice Company increased the amount of chlorination in the City in the last year or so. Mr. Gilmour replied, the amount of chlorine is not necessarily from the wells for they maintain a con- sistent level of chlorine, but the water from the San Francisco Water Co. can be in excess amounts of chlorine. Councilman Yee stated he read in the newspaper that the cause of the iron in the water is due to the old pipes - is that true, or not the case any more. AGENDA ACI!ON TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 12/13/95, Special Meeting of 1/10/96, Regular Meet- ing of 1/10/96, Special Meeting of 1/12/96, Special Meeting of 1/17/96, Adjourned Regular Meeting of 1/17/96 and Regular Meeting of 1/24/96. Motion to confirm expense claims of 2/14/96. Motion to accept the Junipero Serra Slope Recon- struction as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. _q'O 95 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Gilmour stated that can be a contributor and there were some older pipes that were connected and do have corrosion. The Company feels that the problem is at the wells, not within the mains. Discussion followed: Councilman Yee commented, the same newspaper article said PUC did not ap- prove the budget for the Company to replace the lines; the Company has an annual replacement and are under the purview of the Public Utilities Co. that approve the budget; and a portion of the budget was reduced, but the Company continues on as negxls occur; is the Company planning to replace that line in the future; Mr. Gilmour could not answer that question, but feels the sediment will disappear; when will the customer see a difference in the water; they do tests to make sure the water is safe, because they cannot see the sediment in the sampling process and rely on customer complaints to alert them; a water system does have sediment regardless of surface or ground water; the flushing has been hampered by a long drought; sometimes the connections in this town from the meter to the house are galvanized pumps that can corrode, etc. COMMUNITY FORUM Councilman Mullin complimented the Building Division for the relighting of the City seal on the Municipal Building for it has been dark for many years. He asked that people take a look at the build- ing at night for the lighting enhances, shows the beautiful seal and brings it back to the look of when it was constructed. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Mullin asked that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of 12/13/95, page 24, M/S for the denial of the appeal should read M/S Mullin/ Fernekes rather than M/S Fernekes/Mullin. Approved in the amount of $2,968,909.56. So ordered. 2/14/96 Page 3 .-t2ONSENT CALENDAR Resolution certifying Local Agency-State Agreement No. 04-5177 and Program Supplement Agreement No. 014 for the processing of reimbursement funding in the amount of $18,304 for rain damage to the Junipero Serra Boulevard slope. ~'~ fi'E~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AS THE AGENT OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA DE- PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR FED- ERAL ROADWAY FUNDS 5. Resolution commending former Councilwoman Teglia for her service to this community. .3"/-~ ._~ A RESOLUTION COMMENDING ROBERTA CERRI TEGLIA FOR SELFLESS DEDICATION TO COMMUNITY SERVICE THROUGHOUT HER SEVENTEEN YEAR INCUMBENCY AS AN ELECTED COUNCILMEMBER Resolution of Intention to vacate a 15' wide public utility easement within and across the properties between 206 and 230 Clifden Drive. _6'"o ff'~ A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO VACATE A 15' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT WITHIN AND ACROSS THE PROPERTIES BETWEEN 206 AND 230 CLIFDEN DRIVE, SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO Motion to authorize the advertisement of construction bids for Linden/Baden Ave. Traffic Signal Upgrade Proj eot. .~"D ~ Mot[on to authorize the advertisement for construc- tion bids for the Westborough and Airport Boulevard Signal Interconnect Projects. .5'-~ 8'D Resolution authorizing purchase and improvements to visual voting and sound systems for Council cham- bers in the Municipal Services Building and a budget amendment. ,5' ~ 7' A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PUR- CHASE OF AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE VISUAL VOTING AND SOUND SYSTEMS FOR THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN THE MUNICIPAL CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 15-96 RESOLUTION NO. 16-96 RESOLUTION NO. 17-96 So ordered. So ordered. Removed from the Consent Calendar during Agenda Review by the Interim Assistant City Manager. 2/14/96 Page 4 AQENDA A~!!Q~ TAKEN o7¸ CONSENT CALENDAR ~. Resolution - continued. CONSENT CALENDAR SERVICES BUILDING AND APPROVING BUD- GET AMENDMENT 96-8 TO THE 1995-1996 OP- ERATING BUDGET 10. Resolution approving budget amendment relating to the Recycling and Waste Prevention Program for an educational assembly program for the schools. ~ I ZD A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 96-9 TO THE 1995-1996 OP- ERATING BUDGET RELATING TO THE RECY- CLING AND WASTE PREVENTION PROGRAM FOR CITY SCHOOLS RESOLUTION NO. 18-96 11. Resolution amending the compensation program for the Management Group personnel, p-az> rD A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPENSA- TION PROGRAM FOR THE MANAGEMENT GROUP PERSONNEL Resolution amending the compensation program for the Public Safety Managers. p-o o O Removed from the Consent Calendar by the Interim Assistant City Manager. A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPENSA- TION PROGRAM FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGERS RESOLUTION NO. 19-96 13. Resolution amending the compensation program for the Confidential Unit Personnel. />-~ o o A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPEN- SATION PROGRAM FOR THE CONFIDENTIAL UNIT PERSONNEL Removed from the Consent Calendar by Interim Assistant City Manager Moss. M/S Mullin/Penna - To approve the Consent Calen- dar with the exception of Items No. 9, 11 and 13 and the correction on Item No. 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS · . Public Hearing - To consider ZA-96-001, an ordi- nance amending the Municipal Code related to the duration of Development Agreements; Conduct Public Hearing; Motion to waive reading and introduce the 2/14/96 Page 5 Carried by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS City Clerk Battaya read the title of the ordinance in its entirety. Mayor Drago opened the Public Hearing. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Public Hearing - Continued. ordinance. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 19.60.180 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO THE DURA- TION OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS 15. Public Hearing - To consider ZA-96-002, an ordi- nance amending the Municipal Code related to sign regulations; Conduct Public Hearing; Motion to waive reading and introduce the ordinance. .5-'0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION 01) OF SECTION 20.76.090 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO SIGN REGULATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS M/S Fernekes/Penns - To continue the item for two weeks. Discussion followed: why was it being continued; because it can affect Terrabay for the existing Development Agreement will be up for extension; this ordinance has a broader universe than just Terrabay; etc. City Clerk Battaya read the title of the ordinance in its entirety. Mayor Drago opened the Public Hearing. Director of Economic & Community Development VanDuyn related: there is an inconsistency in the sign ordinance as it relates to campaign signs; in the last election one candidate exceeded the 16 sq. ft. limitation by installing two signs for a total area of 32 sq. ft.; the present ordinance allows for individu- al signs up to 16 sq. ft., but also an aggregate of signs on a property of up to 80 sq. ft.; the City's goal is to prohibit individual signs in excess of 16 sq. ft.; etc. Discussion followed: Vice Mayor Fernekes asked what can be done if someone put up a sign that is bigger than what the law says can be erected; if it is on private property the City can inform the property owner and the people putting up the sign and if they do not remove it the City can go through a nuisance abatement; the fastest abatement was done in two weeks; Vice Mayor Fernekes was concerned because a concern was raised and yet the sign stayed up; the purpose of the ordinance is to have a law with some teeth; part of the problem was constitutionality of private property because there was a vagueness in the ordinance that did not address that; with this ordinance in place, if someone tries to put one up the City can go after them right away through the abatement process; what can the Council do to stop the proliferation of signs being placed in the current election, because the Vice Mayor does not believe the sign people get permission to put up the signs from the property owners; signs can be taken down if put in the public right-of-way; the Clerk alerts candidates they cannot put signs on PG&E poles and they can enter into an agreement with PG&E for 2/14/96 Page 6 AGENDA AC_TIQN TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. Public Hearing - Continued. 2/14/96 Page 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS abatement; the people putting up the signs should be cited; etc. Mayor Drago closed the Public Hearing. Councilman Mullin thought it wise to include the potential for fines in the zoning ordinance, which is not part of this and questioned if it would be redun- dant to put that in this ordinance. City Attorney Mattas stated a violation can be an infraction or misdemeanor and yes it can be put in the ordinance as an infraction because that reduces the City's court costs. Councilman Mullin stated he wants to see that done. He feels the responsibility is with the candidate and had frustrations in finding that blatantly ignored by one or more of the candidates. Based on that he feels the liability rests with the candidates and not with a sign company in another jurisdiction. Vice Mayor Fernekes agreed with Councilman Mullin. Discussion followed: it was identified in the Mu- nicipal Code as a misdemeanor back in 1990 and citing candidates would have to be added to the ordinance; City Attorney felt that with the computer show posters on City polls it would be better to cite the sign companies because they are being paid to install the signs; Councilman Mullin suggested, for those signs that originate from activities in the State, then it would be directed at those entities and use other options; there will be a 16 sq. ft. limitation on political signs; Mayor Drago had initiated the 1990 ordinance with a violation being a misdemeanor which can be $1,000 and six months in jail; City Attorney advised Council that the Municipal Code makes violation of the sign ordinance a misdemeanor already, so no need to change the wordage; Mayor Drago wants Councilman Mullin's suggestion included in the wordage of the ordinance; etc. M/S Fernekes/Mullin - To waive reading and intro- duce the ordinance. Carried by unanimous voice vote. AQENDA AC!!QN TAKEN 100 A. DMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 6. Information report on traffic on Miller at Walnut. 17. Discussion and a Motion on the recommendation from the Parks & Recreation Commission to direct staff to prepare amendments to the Terrabay Specific Plan in order to replace the swimming pool with a gymnasium in the Terrabay Recreation Center. . ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Director of Public Works Gibbs related: this inter- section is north westerly of City Hall parking lot; an accident took place April 20th and three people were injured; All Soul's Church asked for the erection of a stop sign on Miller Ave.; staff looked at the multi- way stop warrant sheet and determined stop signs are not warranted for this intersection and the acci- dents and their causes over the last four years; etc. Mayor Drago stated he initiated this item at a re- quest from the neighborhood and all Soul's Church. He stated staff is suggesting Options 3 and 4 and he feels that would be a step in the right direction, especially further down the hill and it be provided with advance warning to avert the problem. Discussion followed: for Option 3 in narrowing the lane down the hill it will force people to slow down; all the accidents were in the north westerly direc- tion; the accident with the three people was a glare problem; Councilman Penna suggested parallel parking with the narrowed lane; no, that would narrow the lane too much unless we got rid of the parking on one side; that would not work; Council- man Yee asked for a map of the intersection, which staff did not have; the intersection has four cross- walks and on the west crosswalk on Miller the pe- destrians cross close to the Church; a vehicle was coming up Miller going west and had the accident as it got to the rise and the west bound vehicle hit the north bound vehicle, another was someone coming out of Walnut and another was at 12:00 in 1990 and the fourth was failure to stop at the stop sign; driv- ers can see a pedestrian on the west side, but not on the east side; install a flashing pedestrian sign to get the drivers attention, but moving the existing sign would not do any good; Councilman Mullin was concerned that a flashing light might be distracting, and a stop sign would cause more accidents with the glare on top of the hill; Mayor Drago wants to go with Councilman Yee's suggestion of installing the flashing light; etc. Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Ser- vices Nagel presented a slide slow on the proposed gymnasium vs. a swimming pool in the Terrabay Recreation Center: the design has not been finalized and staff wants a quality product; looking at cost recovery; five public meetings were held by the 2/14/96 Page 8 AGENDA ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 7. Discussion and a Motion - Continued. 2/14/96 Page 9 ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Park & Recreation Commission; 50-50 split between a pool and a gym; comments were to take the mon- ey for the pool and put a gymnasium at the Orange Pool, what are the estimated numbers of participa- tion for a gym and to take out the basketball court and put in more parking at the Terrabay site; he sent out 19,000 public opinion survey cards and received 2,400 back; the Commission recommendation is to house a gym and any extra money should go to Orange Park. Discussion followed: Councilman Yee wanted to make a decision on the use of excess money later rather than now for the money can be put in escrow from the Developer and make the decision two or three years from now; the Commission wants to see the money earmarked, based on the demands of the pool and what they heard at the meetings; Council- man Yee stated Council does not know how much money there will be between now and when the project is done and he does not want to commit money to something we may not want in the future; Council can take any residual funds and put that in escrow and later make a policy decision on how to spend or allocate the funds; can the Development Agreement use in-lieu funds rather than the funds being identified; yes, the residual funds would be used for community or park purposes as deter- mined by the Council; Mayor Drago stated Council must set the legal parameters and both parties have to agree to any changes; as to the Development Agreement - that is correct, the whole amount can be put into in-lieu park fees; the Developer has expressed, he did not want to do this, he does not want to put the money off-site; the Council approved a plan that includes recreational activity at that site and for the Council to remove all of that is a shift and in the City Attorney's opinion would require that the EIR address that; those were questions raised during the meeting and tonight we put those to rest for it cannot be done; there is an agreement with the Developer that he will accept the gym rather than a pool because he could say he is going to put in a pool; etc. Mr. Dennis Breen, Sunchase, stated he gave the City Attorney an outline of various provisions in the Development Agreement that are impacted by this and some of them are not resolved, but he under- ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ~?. Discussion and a Motion - Continued. 2/14/96 Page 10 ACTION TAKEN ---102 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS stands that tonight the Council will decide on a pool or a gymnasium. Ms. Jan Pont, 111 Belmont Ave., has many con- cerns regarding this project: the public voted for a swimming pool so, why can't the public vote on this instead of the staff or Council; mailers went out which many people in her area did not receive on the survey; we do not know the dollar value of this building, yet the Council is going to make a decision for either a gym or a swimming pool; she feels there should be public input when there are changes to the design; she is concerned about the parking regardless of the capacity, because she does not believe we know the number of people attending the gym or the pool; parking will be a problem with emergency vehicles having to service the area; she wants further hearings on whatever has to be decid- ed because this may not be developed for another fifteen years; her personal choice is for a swimming pool at the site. Discussion followed: Council is here tonight to direct staff to prepare the amendment and they will come back to Council; Council and the Commission will have the amendments, the gym vs. the swim- ming pool, and will take final action at a noticed public hearing; the 1981 South Slope election and the 1985 referendum that was set aside by Judge Jenkins as an administrative act that was not referendumable; Councilman Yee wants copies of voter information on both issues for Council which the City Clerk will provide; the Post Office said that all the surveys were delivered; Mayor Drago wants the dollar amount to be refined when the matter comes back to Council. Mr. Royce L. Morgan, 713 Haven Ave., stated his concern has to do with parking. The artist's ren- dering of the project was great, but when you look at the width of the street it is not realistic for the number of parked ears. He stated people will have to climb the stairs and that is not conducive in use of the facility for people of his age. He stated the soil will not support the building, the artist's ren- dering will not fit on the space with the tennis court and the basketball court and the Council should get rid of them. AGENDA ACIIQ_N TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ~7. Discussion and a Motion - Continued. 18. Status Report on Terrabay and request from Adams and Broadwell, Attys, on behalf of the Building Trades Council, for a Motion to extend the public comment period from 2/18/96 to 3~20~96. ~ ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS The Director says he wants a quality project, well so does he, but if you can't park and see how far you have to walk - you are precluding people from attending the facility. He stated a pool could have worked, but a gym with a third more usage is not going to work. M/S Yee/Mullin - To direct staff to prepare amend- ments to the Terrabay Specific Plan in order to replace the swimming pool with a gymnasium in the Terrabay Recreation Center and the residual dollars will be incorporated as discussed. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Consensus of Council - To extend the public com- ment period from 2/18/96 to 3/20/96. Director of Economic & Community Development VanDyun highlighted activities: Hillside Recreation Center, the swimming pool vs. the gym; the Draft Supplemental EIR; Council action on the requested ten-year extension of the Specific Plan and Develop- ment Agreement; Council is being requested to provide an additional 30 days of extended time to the public review period of the Supplemental EIR and this requires Council action; it is mandatory to extend in order to maintain the requirement under the existing Development Agreement as specified; staff has provided Council with a schedule on the progress of the activities and where the project will be after review by the Planning Commission action on the Development Agreement extension; as of this time four model homes for the single-family de- tached units in the project have been issued building permits; Centex Homes began construction of the foundation work; the anticipation is that the model homes will be completed sometime this spring; etc. Discussion followed: why have only four permits been taken out when there are 77 more to go; staff does not know; Centex Homes is purchasing lots from Sunchase and pulling permits is dependent on how quickly the houses sell; Mr. Breen hopes by this coming Sept. they will have purchased the lots, and will pull the permits; they anticipate the sales will be between September to December; the 81 permits are a critical point related to the swim- ming pool issue and Councilman Yee questioned 2/14/96 Page 11 _AQENDA _ACI!QN TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS !8. Status Report on Terrabay - Continued. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 19. Discussion on the downtown zoning issue. '-0. Informational report - Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage Standard. .5",0 'b'D A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RELAT- ING TO MAINTAINING DAVIS-BACON PRE- VAILING WAGE STANDARD IN CALIFORNIA GOOD AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION 21. Closed Session: pursuant to GC 54956.8, conference with re, al property negotiator regarding 820 Tennis Drive, concerning price and terms of payment - negotiating party Mazzanti; pursuant to GC 54956.9(b), conference with legal counsel - anticipat- ed litigation regarding Westborough stormwater man- agement; pursuant to GC 54957.6, to meet with its 104 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS how Council was going to deal with that; Council gave direction to move forward and include lan- guage to allow them to pull beyond the 81 permits and the recreation building will be constructed and the language will provide the City with security commencing with the 82 permit even without con- struction for they have not finalized the bond; it was also determined by Council to entertain flexibility and wanted the recreation center to be consistent; the City Attorney had discussed even today with Mr. Breen the Council's concern over the ten year agree- ment and now because of the City's interest we are willing to have security and protection; are there more landslides with the recent rains; there are a number of landslides including behind the water tank and we are done with Interstate Grading and the last rains were fine and no major slides at this time. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Mayor Drago stated Councilman Penna wants this item held over for study session and a longer dis- cussion. M/S Fernekes/Penna - To adopt the sample Resolu- tion as amended by the City Attorney. RESOLUTION NO. 20-96 Carried by unanimous voice vote. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. Councilman Mullin thanked Councilmembers for bringing him up to snuff as a Subcommittee Member on CDBG, Sister City and the Harbor District. CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 9:50 p.m. to discuss the items noticed. 2/14/96 Page 12 AQENDA _AC_TIQN TAKEN CLOSED SESSION 21. Closed Session - Continued. designated representatives - City Manager, Director of Personnel and City Attorney on labor matters for all employee organizations. RECALL TO ORDER; 22. Motion to adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 2/21/96, 7:00 p.m., City Council Conference Room, City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue, for the purpose of a study session on the Capital Improvement Program Budget - retrofitting of City Hall; retrofitting of the Library; the sidewalk program and East of 101 fund- ing. ADJOURNMENT: CLOSED SESSION Mayor Drago recalled the meeting to order at 11:00 p.m., all Council was present, no action was taken and direction was given. M/S Yee/Mullin - To adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 2/21/96, 7:00 p.m., City Council Con- ference Room, City Hall, 400 Grand Ave., for the purpose listed. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 11:01 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APPROVED. Barbara . Battaya, City Cler]~/ City of South San Francisco // / Jack Drago, May~r / / City of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 2/14/96 Page 13