HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1996-04-03 Mayor Jack Drago Council: Joseph A. Fernekes Eugene R. Mullin ~lohn R. Penna : Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room April 3, 1996 AGENDA ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) ROLL CALL: Joint Meeting with the Parks & Recreation Commission .5"O06, A~TION TAKEN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 7:10 p.m. Mayor Drago presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Fernekes, Mullin, Penna, Yee and Drago. None. Parks & Recreation Commission Present: Brown, Caporale, Dimminger, Fitzgibbons, Selleck and Patane. Parks & Recreation Commission Absent: None due to the fact the newly appointed Commissioner has not been sworn in. Discussion followed on the roles of Council, Parks and Recreation Commission and staff in the Park, Recreation and Open Space Process, and Status of Orange Memorial Park Expansion/Renovation: Commissioner Fitzgibbons stated the Council has to oversee the entire City whereas the Commission focuses on one particular area; she felt that for the best utilization of the Commission each should be in touch with the other on their areas of interest; Chairman Patane concurred, but was concerned that in his four years as a Commissioner this was the first joint meeting with Council; Commissioner Dimminger stated six years previously he had ap- pointed a Subcommittee on Orange Park, drew plans and had meetings and in the last four or five years the Project has died; he knows the money is there from what was paid to the Mazzantis; he feels they are a recommending Body, but their recom- mendations are not being taken care of by the Coun- cil nor has he seen any progress made on the recom- mendations; Chairman Patane felt the Commission makes recommendations, but Council pulls the purse strings, however, he wants more communications; Mayor Drago stated the money is not there to do 4/3/96 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Joint Meeting - Continued. 4/3/96 Page 2 the Park, so you Commissioners can put that in the back of their minds; the Project has not stopped, because in the last month Council has been discuss- ing the Corporation Yard which is the first step and looking at $5 million to move the Corporation Yard out of Orange Park and house it on North Canal; he stated the City will own the Mazzanti property in July and the property was paid for with the money put in the bank and the interest; Council knows they can develop the Park in the next two years and is working with the family to lease it back to them for so much a year; the money is not there because the state came in and identified unreinforced masonry buildings and that is going to cost 2.2 million for City Hall, the treatment plant will cost $20 million, so Orange Park is important, but there are other important things; Council has made an important step to put the Corporation Yard out to bid and will be on the next agenda and we will see what the bids come in at; Commissioner Dimminger wants to know if the Orange Park Project will begin after the Corporation Yard, say within 3 or 4 years; there is no doubt in the Mayor's mind, but he wants to wait as long as possible until BART is settled; Councilman Mullin noted that in Commissioner Dimminger's tenure recommendations for Burl Buri and the Westborough Community Center had come to fruition; Councilman Mullin is still having a prob- lem with the $6 million for the Corporation Yard which does not generate additional revenues; while recreation is important and undersized for a com- munity of this size, but we have greater priorities in public safety with the seismic safety issues; Mayor Drago stated monies are earmarked for Orange Park in the Capital Improvement Program; Council- man Penna served with Commissioner Caporale on the Subcommittee for Orange Park and the Com- missioner had been very concerned about the cost, so each went back to their Bodies and reviewed the cost factors; the cost factors included $6 million for the Corporation Yard. Discussion followed on City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission expectations: Mayor Drago feels the Commission is the Council's sounding board and represents all of the neighborhoods in the City and he did not like to see the Commission focus in only on Orange Park; as a sounding board the Commission comes back and makes their rec- ommendation, but they should not be upset if the Council feels there are more priorities because there AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Joint Meeting - Continued. 4/3/96 Page 3 are other concerns in the City; the Mayor feels the Commission has a lot of flexibility in the use of in- lieu fees because a lot of the things the Commission does not come before the Council, like putting walk- ways on Zamora; the Terrabay swimming pool vs. a gymnasium had been put before the public in neigh- borhood meetings of the Commission; Chair- man Patane asks if people come to the Council complaining about the Commission; Mayor Drago stated if someone complains about maintenance or the tennis people want a bathroom, then he goes to the City Manager to handle the problem; when he was approached about the concession stand he told them to deal with the Commission; Councilman Penna felt the Commission is the Council's eyes and ears and wanted to be told of issues coming before the Council; he knows the Council gets Com- mission minutes, but he does not always get the chance to read them; he thinks the Commission is doing a great job; Councilman Mullin stated he has attended three Parks & Recreation Commission meetings, and is managing to attend all Commission meetings, and is having the agendas mailed to his house; he is highly complimentary with the profes- sionalism he sees in the meetings, the quality of the Leisure Brochure, the classes he has taken part in and has not heard any complaints about anything the Parks & Recreation is doing and is happy with Barry getting the City seal lighted on the MSB building. Discussion followed on Vision for Alta Loma Tri- angle and Avalon Ballfield: Commissioner Caporale questioned if Orange Park can be done in phases, because there is a little money available; Council has not gotten to that point for it is dealing with the Corporation Yard; the $6 million for the Corpora- tion Yard does not include clearing the site and upgrading the old site; City Manager Wilson felt the Council should look at the whole master plan for it is looking at other options; he came to the City and saw a lot of money in a lot of pigeon holes, but not enough to do anything, so by moving ahead on one project something will be accomplished; there has been the purchase of a lot of land and the Commis- sion has charge of Alta Loma and Avalon land and in-lieu funds can be directed there; the Commission is going to do the Avalon strip and Westborough; Mayor Drago had a meeting with the School District Liaison and threw out - how receptive would the District be to develop their land beyond Alta Loma and make 3 diamond, because their sale of El AGENDA ACT!~N TAKEN Joint Meeting - Continued. 4/3/96 Page 4 Rancho means we lose a diamond and we pickup two at Orange Park, but can we make use of open land; Mayor Drago seems to think there is a change of attitude with the District for cooperation with the City and the City is trying to help them through the development and the child care issue; Chairman Patane asked when the McLellan property is going to be developed; Mayor Drago stated that project was based on certain density for BART and until the City knows what the commitment is we cannot do anything for it is a part of the redevelopment plan; if BART is going to pay for the undergrounding, if so, that frees up redevelopment money and affects density; the City does not know when McLellan's will be developed, but wants to get together with the Chairman to talk before rumors are stretched out of proportion; Mayor Drago stated if the El Rancho site is developed it will generate in-lieu park fees; in the past the District has been reluctant to allow the City to do capital improvements on their property - only to do maintenance; the Mayor wants to get to them and say, we serve the same people, let's do this for Citywide use which is what people like Jim Keegan have been talking about for years, but the Council has not talked about it; rumors have it that the Council wants to sell the land back to the Dis- trict and they will make a quick sell to a developer and make more money; the Mayor said he made that statement for the District is finely strapped and if we can get what we want and put money into their pockets - it made sense; Commissioners Fitzgibbons and Brown after going to a mini conference, con- tacted Victoria Von Schell to go to Sunnyvale for they have a wonderful relationship with the District and do mutually beneficial programs, but they have not made the trip yet; the City does not share equipment with the District, but there has been a reluctance to commit themselves; the City is trying to pave the way for the Terrabay being put under the S.S.F. School District's jurisdiction; hopefully it will add to the diamonds in the City; talk of jointly using School District lands; the Alta Loma property has been promised as a park for many years; it is not know how much the grading will cost; the McLellan developers came to the City last fall and the Council made a decision and they wanted a reconsideration of zoning, the Council was sympa- thetic to downzoning the property, but needed a determination on BART; the developers are anxious to move forward on the McLellan property; Mayor wants to get a bus trip going to investigate AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Joint Meeting - Continued. .... DJOURNMENT: _.ECESS: 4/3/96 Page 5 all the parks; cleaning up the lower lots at Avalon and the upper ballfields to bring up to playable standards, cut down trees and pave it; Mayor had suggested to the Liaison group that the City sell the property back to them for what we paid for it and they sell it and pick up $4 million and we use the in- lieu and the Greystone in-lieu fees to make a sports center. Discussion followed on the Pee Wee League Con- cession Stand in Burl Buri Park: should this be on the Agenda; there has been a lack of cooperation from the Pee Wee League in meeting deadlines to remove the box; there is a lack of communications and the Commission is hearing threats in the com- munity of Council politicking for groups to get their way; the Commission had requested an audit of the Pee Wee League Concession books because of a discrepancy in their account; large amounts of mon- ey are being raised by the Concession Stand - as much as $20,000; if they don't cooperate by the end of the season don't allow them to put the stand in next year; if the League puts down a low dollar amount the City would not know if it was right or not; Mayor Drago suggested giving the stand to the soccer team and get away from the taco trucks; the Commission does not hear much from the soccer team; Commissioner Fitzgibbons stated she used to be involved in soccer and the organiza- tion is very disorganized; Mayor Drago again brought up the possibility of having a joint bus ride to drive to all the parks, stop at the parks and show Council the Commission's concerns and vice versa; Councilman Mullin stated a meeting like this should be held yearly; Mayor Drago has asked the Manager last July to schedule meetings with all the Commis- sion, say from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., an open house and meet everyone; is Council still going with the gym at Terrabay, because rumors have it that it is back to the swimming pool; the gym was approved by Council; etc. M/S Dimminger/Fitzgibbons - To adjourn the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 8:13 p.m. Mayor Drago declared a recess at 8:14 p.m. AGENDA ACTIQN TAKEN RECALL TO ORDER: ..esolution authorizing an exclusive negotiating rights agreement with Bay West Group for post development of the Shearwater site. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING RIGHTS AGREEMENT WITH BAY WEST GROUP FOR POST DEVELOPMENT OF THE SHEARWATER SITE Water Quality Control Plant expansion. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Drago recalled the meeting to order at 9:04 p.m. City Attorney Mattas stated that the proposed change for the redevelopment agreement would also apply to this item (in reference to the change to Subsection 4E language of the agreement). M/S Mullin/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 41-96 Carried by majority voice vote, Councilman Penna previously left the meetings. Councilman Yee stated Council should have this kind of meeting more often, rather than be caught at the last minute where the agreement comes before the Council. He does not like having a 15 minute brief in the backroom and then have to move on an agreement, either that or some kind of a written status report that we can respond to with questions. City Manager Wilson stated he would look into the 17th as a study session for this item. M/S Yee/Drago - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by majority voice vote with the absence of Councilman Penna. Time of adjournment was 9:05 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City City of South San Francisco APPROVED. Drago, Mayor ~/ /City of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 4/3/96 Page 6