HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1996-10-23Mayor Jack Drago Council: Joseph A. Fernckes Eugene R. Mullin · ~ohn R. Penna Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room October 23, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: PRESENTATIONS '%and Avenue Relocation by City Librarian Sommer 5'og3 Fiscal Operating Report by Finance Director Brooks ACTION TAKEN 7:45 p.m. Mayor Drago presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Fernekes, Mullin, Penna, Yee and Drago. None. The Pledge was recited. Rev. Jones, Good News Chapel, gave the invoca- tion. PRESENTATIONS City Librarian Sommer related: the Grand Avenue Library will be officially closed for 6 to 8 months; the Library will reopen on 11/4/96, Monday, at 200 Linden Avenue during the interim; there will be the internet on-line, the regular catalog, the childrens' story hour, various books and magazines, they have tax forms; the history room has moved to W. Or- ange; the new location will observe the same library hours; the book drop is currently at Grand Ave. until it is moved to the temporary location. Mayor Drago stated he had asked for these staff presentations in lay language for the benefit of the public. Finance Director Brooks presented slides on the Operating Budget with illustrations in pie graph form: sales tax is 31.8%; property tax is 21.5%; department percentages on the expenditures repre- sent 90% of the budget; sales tax is 8-1/4% and generates $80 million of which the City receives 12% amounting to $10 million; property tax is $56 million of which 65% goes to schools, 9% to special districts, 14% to the County and 12% to the City; there are 16,600 parcels in the City and the City spends $522 for police and fire service per house; other sources of taxes pay for other services; etc. 10/23/96 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PRESENTATIONS Stephanie Getzler - Winner of Cultural Arts Contest 500 ~ AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Wilson Requested: - Add a Motion to add a resolution to the Agenda, "A Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Expen- ditures from the Proceeds of Obligations to be Issued by the City and Directing Certain Actions Related Thereto" that requires a 4/5 vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM 3NSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 10/9/96. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Drago thanked the Finance Director for the presentation and asked for a copy of the documen- tation for this was something he had asked for for years without success. Mayor Drago explained that Ms. Getzler won $100.00 for her painting "Serenity" in the recent Cultural Arts Contest and Cultural Arts Commis- sioner Burgess would accept the award. Cultural Arts Commissioner Burgess stated, on 9/13/96 the Commission had its first art show in the Betty Weber Room, 31 artists competed and there were 250 in attendance that voted for the award. He read a note of thanks from Ms. Getzler who was unable to attend the meeting. He stated the Com- mission will have a photo show in February. AGENDA REVIEW Councilman Yee questioned the emergency in adding it to the Agenda. City Manager Wilson stated the bond people recom- mended staff do this, however, it would not be awarded until next year. M/S Mullin/Fernekes - To add the Rem to the Con- sent Calendar as Item No. la. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Maggie Pierson, Art Rise, stated their new production of Orphans will run from 11/1/96 through I 1/23/96 with matinees at 2:00 p.m. on Sundays. COMMUNITY FORUM Vice Mayor Fernekes stated there will be a spaghetti dinner on Friday 11/1/96 at 7:00 p.m. to benefit the S.S.F. High Cultural Exchange Students to Lucca. CONSENT CALENDAR Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Mullin. 10/23/96 Page 2 AGENDA ACT!~ TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR A RESOLUTION DECLARING INTENTION TO REIMBURSE EXPENDITURES FROM THE PRO- CESS OF OBLIGATIONS TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY AND DIRECTING CERTAIN ACTIONS 50~ RELATED THERETO 3. Resolution authorizing acceptance of grant of $21,000 from California Literacy, Inc. for Project Read. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 97-3 TO THE 1996-97 OPER- ATING BUDGET ADDING 421,000 FROM CALI- FORNIA LITERACY, INC. RELATED TO PRO- JECT READ ADULT LEARNER CONFERENCES 4. Resolution amending the list of designated positions for the City's Conflict of Interest Code. A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE LIST OF DES- IGNATED POSITIONS FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO'S CONFLICT OF IN- TEREST CODE Resolution authorizing an amendment to a repayment agreement with the Redevelopment Agency to in- crease advances from the General Fund to the El Camino Corridor Project Area to cover anticipated expenditures for FY 1996-97 and on into the future. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO REPAYMENT AGREEMENT FOR CAMINO CORRIDOR Motion to accept the Aircraft Noise Insulation Pro- gram, Phase X as complete in accordance with th_e~q,5 plans and specifications. Motion to accept the 1996-1997 Resurfacing Project as complete in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations. 8. Resolution of award of contract for the Water Quality Control Plant Hypochlorite Facilities to Monterey Mechanical Co. in the amount not to exceed $686,000 as the lowest responsible bidder and amend the 1995-97 Capital Improvement Program to increase the allocation from $500,000 to $836,000. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AWARD OF CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 153-96 RESOLUTION NO. 154-96 RESOLUTION NO. 155-96 RESOLUTION NO. 156-96 Approved. Approved. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Mullin. 10/23/96 Page 3 AGENDA A~TION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution - Continued. CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY FOR WATER QUALITY CONTROL PLANT FACILITIES AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENT BUDGET CIP 97-5 Resolution of award of contract for the Municipal Services Building Non-Skid Surface in the Garage to Surfside Restoration in the amount of $33,294.00 as the lowest responsible bidder. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AWARD OF CONTRACT TO SURFSIDE RESTORATION FOR THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE BUILDING INSTAL- LATION OF A NON-SKID SURFACE IN GARAGE · Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 10/9/96. o Resolution of award of contract for the Water Quality Control Plant Hypochlorite Facilities to Monterey ~0 Mechanical Co. in the amount not to exceed $686,000 as the lowest responsible bidder and amend the 1995-97 Capital Improvement Program to increase the allocation from $500,000 to $836,000. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AWARD OF CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY FOR WATER QUALITY CONTROL PLANT FACILITIES AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENT BUDGET CIP 97-5 CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 157-96 M/S Fernekes/Yee - To approve the Consent Calen- dar with the exception of Items No. 1 and 8. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Mullin stated page 6 of the minutes, in the middle of the page, should read $50,000 rather than $5,000 that Millbrae and San Mateo were contributing. M/S Mullin/Fernekes - To approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 10/9/96. Carried by majority voice vote, Mayor Drago ab- stained as he did not attend the meeting· Councilman Mullin questioned spending $100,000 for design when this was relatively standard, or was it unique. Director of Public Works Gibbs stated it was unique because of the flow and drip feed system before it is pumped out. He stated it was a health and safety issue. Councilman Yee stated the total of $836,000 is not our share, but a 2/3 percentage of that figure. City Manager Wilson stated the City is advancing the funds, but next year in the award the cost will be allocated. 10/23/96 Page 4 AGENDA _AC_TIQ_N TAKEN Resolution - Continued. RECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Public Hearing - Consideration of first readings and introduction of ordinances on the 1994 Edition of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Build- ings, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Administrative Code, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, Volumes 1, 2 and 3, 1993 Edition of the National Electrical Code, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code, Volumes 1 and 2, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Housing Code, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Mechan- ical Code, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code; Conduct Public Hearing; Motion to waive reading and introduce ordinances. AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 15.18 TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING THE UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1994 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.06 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM ADMINIS- TRATIVE CODE, 1994 EDITION AND TO RE- PEAL THE UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 1991 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.08 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE, TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STAN- DARDS, 1994 EDITION, AND TO REPEAL THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS, 1991 EDITION Mayor Drago stated he wanted a report on the meet- ings held on the strategy of the costs. M/S Mullin/Yee - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 158-96 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Drago declared a recess at 8:22 p.m. Mayor Drago recalled the meeting to order at 8:27 p.m., all Council was present. PUBLIC HEARINGS Assistant Building Official James Kirkman stated these Codes were a three year cycle and the State has mandated the Council adopt the 1994 Codes. He stated, of primary interest is the 40% increase in fees which is chronicled in the staff report. He reviewed an overhead projection of comparison of fees in cities. Mayor Drago questioned if there were any changes to the recognized Code due to local conditions that were not there before. Assistant Building Official Kirkman stated no, and our fees had not increased for eleven years, in 1985 and that was a 46% increase. He spoke at length: of other cities fees; that contractors have been noti- fied and there were no negative responses; etc. Discussion followed: Councilman Yee has a prob- lem with a 40% fee increase to typical homeowners that come in to do a modification and he does not have a good feeling if we are talking about hundreds or thousands of dollars; Mayor Drago wanted to see samples of average addition modifications, like a rehab of a home or adding a bedroom or a kitchen and what the increased costs will be; the costs do not include fire or plumbing fees, just building fees; the City has the option to not raise the fees for single family additions; 40% is a dramatic increase for some companies in for a new roof, plus the Finance Director said we are not in bad shape; Councilman Mullin did not realize this item dealt with fee increases and wanted two more weeks to review the document; the State does recommend fees 10/23/96 Page 5 AQENDA A~I!QN TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 0. Public Hearing - Continued. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.20 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE NATIONAL ELECTRI- CAL CODE, 1993 EDITION AND TO REPEAL THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1990 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.24 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1994 EDITION AND TO REPEAL THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1991 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.24 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1994 EDITION AND TO REPEAL THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1991 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.10 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1994 EDITION AND TO REPEAL THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1991 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.16 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM MECHANI- CAL CODE, 1994 EDITION AND TO REPEAL THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1991 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.12 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1994 EDITION, AND TO REPEAL THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1991 EDITION ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Motion to appropriate quarterly funding for the San Mateo County Convention & Visitor's Bureau and . consideration of the S.S.F. Conference Center's ..~10 ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS to be set by cities in 11 or 13 western states; fees can be set at any time; Mayor Drago stated the Council is not obligated to accept the changes now for we have our local addenda to the Codes, so it can be held over for two weeks; he stated the Council does not have to accept any portion of the recommendation because it hasn't done it since 1985, so it will be held over for two weeks; City Manager Wilson stated it is only the Administrative Code that deals with the fees, so Council can waive reading and introduce the other ordinances or extract out the fees and proceed; Councilman Yee stated the Plumbing Code, page 2, Appendix G, talks about single family dwellings and he has concerns on drinking water for single family homes and does not know the details; that was put in there for the drought and a low grey water to flush down things without contamination and are bio degradable to flush the toilets and is not potable; Councilman Yee stated when they get to the drought that will be dealt with, however, he does not have control or understanding of the grey water; this was not in the 1990 Code, so that is another change; he remem- bered the issue of the remax wiring the City did not recognize all through the UBC and did not allow it all through the City; he feels a lot of the changes need a lot of discussion; staff shall incorporate Councilman Yee's suggestions on the item; Coun- cilman Mullin would have liked his documents to be highlighted to see the changes and he wants to look at the whole package again in two weeks; Councilman Yee criticized the absence of findings in the resolutions; Mayor Drago agreed there were no findings, yet in his dealings as Fire Chief there were always findings; he had asked if there were changes or an addenda to the documents at the beginning of the meeting and was told there were none; Mayor Drago stated there are enough questions, there is no emergency and the item will be held over for two weeks. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS City Manager Wilson related the Convention & Visitor's Bureau item is three parts: San Mateo County funding, which is the total of past funding, 10/23/96 Page 6 AGENDA _AC_TIQN TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 1. Motion - Continued. recommendation on a supplemental program. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS partial funding or nothing; the marketing proposal by the Conference Center, is it worthy of accep- tance, should the City take it over or the hotel association and suggested leaving the Authority out completely because this is not a benefit to the Cen- ter; if there is a reduction in City funding in the first part, then we have to decide where the reduction can be used. Councilman Penna stated he had been the Council's representative on the Convention Bureau and two years ago in May or 1994 the City Council passed or adopted a performance standard. They wanted to see the Bureau perform and the Conference Center develop them and be the agent for the City. Since then the points were developed and approved by the Council, and the budget goals were reviewed with the Bureau's Manager. In the past year he has been diligent in attempting to explain the City's position with the Bureau and has been trying to point out how the performance standards have not been met. At the last meeting Council received a report having to do with the performance of the Bureau and some of the more glaring things had to do with the amount of T.O.T. brought in by the Bureau versus the amount of money given the Bureau, which is $110,000 a year. He stated the City only received $22,000 from rooms booked through the Bureau, that type of return is not acceptable which he tried to point out to the Bureau. He feels there is more work to be done with the Bureau and thinks our City would be best served if we completely drop out. He recommended the City remain members with a minimum fee of $7,500 and that would make a clear message to the Bureau that we expect the performance standards to be met. As of this point there has not been any explanation as to why we are being stone walled on the points raised. Councilman Yee questioned what would be the impact with the Bureau if the Council only partici- pates with $7,500 opposed to $110,000. He stated that all along he felt the $100,000 the City contrib- utes may or may not be equitable as far as a return on their money, but he is concerned as to whether the Bureau can sustain a $7,500 contribution for he 10/23/96 Page 7 A~ENDA A~TION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 1. Motion - Continued. 10/23/96 Page 8 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS is not sure when their budget begins and ends. Councilman Penna noted, the Bureau is not an agen- cy of any government, they are a marketing firm; etc. Mr. Mark Chapman, Manager of the Bureau, stated a City cut to $7,500 would be dramatic cut back on the Bureau. He stated Councilman Penna was cor- rect, he had met with ex City Manager Wohlenberg and the Bureau has tried to meet the standards but has not. A committee was formed that Penna was part of and one of the biggest challenges has been to come up with a plan to increase the umbrella mar- keting efforts 4 to 5 %. Their fiscal year begins November 1st and a significant reduction would cut back our programs in the next year. Discussion followed: Councilman Penna reiterated the City is only getting 1% of the T.O.T. and felt the Bureau's efficiency should be measured; are quarterly payments made to the Bureau; that is the general plan, however, it has not been done this year; Mayor Drago was part of the Committee that set standards; Councilman Yee felt the Bureau should be given a reasonable amount of time to de- velop a plan and then the City decide the funding; Vice Mayor Fernekes stated during the budget he had questioned the $110,000 and was prepared to lower the figure, however, this is not a new item, the Council has been discussing this for months based on Councilman Penna's figures - which the Bureau knew; he wants to see the Bureau achieve the set standards; Councilman Mullin agreed it was no surprise and $22,000 was a poor return to the City for an investment; Councilman Mullin stated, certainly no surprise for Council knew the problem with the return on their investment and over paying paying for the benefits received; he feels $7,500 is too low and would consider a contribution of $50,000 which Millbrae contributes; etc. Mr. Dave Connor stated he was representing the Hotel Association and related the following: even with the figures quoted by Councilman Penna the hotels ran 96% occupancy in August; he did not want to be looked in to booking $65.00 rooms when the rate in October is between $80.00 and $90.00; he pays the City $1,000 a day for his two hotels and AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS .1. Motion - Continued. 10/23/96 Page 9 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS $1 million from T.O.T.; if the Marriott and other hotels are booked then he raises his rates; all of the hotels are supportive of the Bureau and will take all the rooms in November and December the Bureau will give them. Mayor Drago related: he wanted equity among city contributions; he tried to get a formula - not 5%, but 3-1/2% for a fair share; Millbrae paying $50,000 and this City paying $110,000 is not fair; only 5 out of 13 cities are paying their fair share; this City should reduce its contribution until other cities come on board and questioned how we get these other cities to the table. City Manager Wilson suggested putting the fair share funding before Mayors of all cities for if we cut our funding, we also cut our service from the Bureau. Mayor Drago stated sometimes it takes drastic turns and noted that non-paying cities are sitting on the Board of the Bureau. He stated the City was a minority on the Board and would be even more so if the Conference Center Director is removed from the Board. Bureau Manager Chapman stated there was an error, but the nominating committee will nominate the Executive Director. Mayor Drago felt it was a vindictive move to push this Council's buttons by removing her from the Board, however, the City has a commitment for $25,000 to start with in contributions. Councilman Yee suggested $25,000 as a first pay- ment, with a maximum of $50,000 unless we get a standard from the Bureau, then only contribute $25,000. Mayor Drago noted that Councilman Mullin sug- gested $50,000 as a maximum, and he will send letters to each of the eight cities on the inequities and if nothing is done we will reduce it. M/S Mullin/Fernekes - To pay $25,000 now, with a cap of $50,000. AGENDA _A C_.T I Q N TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS L 1. Motion - Continued. rEMS FROM COUNCIL 10/23/96 Page 10 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Drago gave the three choices on the market- ing proposal: 1) City run it; 2) run jointly by the City and the Hotels; 3) run by the hotels for he does not think the Authority should enter into it. Councilman Yee noted, if Mr. Connor says he has a 95 % occupancy we could hire someone for an in- crease of 5%, for if the City is expanding its mar- keting, then he feels the hotels should share in the cost. Mr. Connor stated the City is running a 77 % occu- pancy; there are now hotels on each side of the Conference Center that he owns; this will help the small hotels that cannot afford advertising; he can- not commit the hotels to anything, but will pay his share; all hotels are behind this and are asking for a reinvestment of the T.O.T.; he will have a meeting with the hotels; August and October are the two best months in this area; the advertising will help in the slow months; etc. Mayor Drago asked Mr. Connor to get back to the Council after he meets with the hotels about a joint partnership. He asked if the Council wanted to designate the saved budget money for a specific purpose or put it back in the General Fund. Councilman Yee stated tonight was premature for tomorrow is a meeting of the Bureau. Vice Mayor Fernekes asked staff to look into beau- tification of the area. Mayor Drago asked Mr. Connor to discuss with the hotels their participation in beautification of the area. Mr. Connor stated he will, and will personally contribute to the beautification of the Airport Blvd. area. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL No one chose to speak. AGENDA _AC_TIQN TAKEN GOOD AND WELFARE 12. To adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 10/30/96, 7:00 p.m., City Council Conference Room, City Hall, for discussion of the Airport Blvd. Beautifica- tion Project and Cultural Arts in-lieu credit. Time of adjournment was 9:55 p.m. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. M/S - To adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 10/30/96, 7:00 p.m., City Council Conference Room, City Hall, for discussion of the Airport Blvd. Beautification Project and Cultural Arts in-lieu credit. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADJOURNMENT: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk City of South San Francisco APPROVED. of South San Francisco ~e entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- ,,ons, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 10/23/96 Page 11