HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1997-10-08 Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes Council: James L. Datzman Eugene R. Mullin --lohn R. Penna Robert Yee o\,o S z....- \ MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room October 8, 1997 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: PRESENTATIONS '-'", Nino - Superintendent of Facilities Bordi and Superin- ndent of Streets White ACTION TAKEN 8:00 p.m. Mayor Fernekes presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Datzman, Mullin, Penna, Yee and Fernekes. None. The Pledge was recited. Rev. Jeff Brook, Grand Avenue Baptist Church, gave the invocation. PRESENTATIONS Superintendent of Streets White and Superintendent of Facilities Bordi related the following with the aid of a slide show on the questions: what is E1 Nino; why should we be concerned; what can we do to be prepared. He further related: El Nino is a warming in the ocean on the equator and the coast of S.S.F.; based on the information from the weath- er service it began in May and the water rose ten degrees and the sea it rose ten inches; there are patterns for California and in 1982-83 we had 175% participation with millions of dollars of damages and lives lost; we don't know what to expect for there have been years, such as in 1975 where was a drought, so we are taking precautions and showed slides to correct the condition of trees that are dan- gerously leaning, are in need of pruning and thin- ning out for the wind to blow through, cleaning out drain pipes, storm drains and catchment basins; the importance of people cleaning out their drain spouts from the roof and making sure the water is not going into windows or the garage; they have put rubber membranes into cracked concrete to make it water tight; putting sand in planter boxes to weigh them down; all City roofs have been checked for safety and in good shape; our chippers and trucks are in excellent shape, but that is not to say they can't blow up; cleaning debris out of Colma Creek; 10/8/97 Page 1 AGENDA A C TI_QO N TAKEN PRESENTATIONS 1 Nino - Continued. Introduction of New Employees 10/8/97 Page 2 PRESENTATIONS there is a deep gutter along Mission Road that gets accumulation of debris and maintenance makes sure it is clean, as well as the miles and miles of gutters; catchment basins are sucked out and taken to the drainage beds at the WQCP; there is debris on Evergreen and we clean it up; they are having meet- ings with fire and police to plan strategy on how to put together our EOC and checking communications and we are going to disseminate to areas prone to flood damage and put information in the paper and on local cable; there is a 10/17/97 EOC drill in con- cert with the County for storm related issues and power outages; making barricades for the outpour at intersections and have prepared sand bags to have on hand and provide to the public; we have a limit of ten bags per person for we are not there to supple- ment everyone; the public can help themselves by using a little common sense; if people know they have had problems before, then they should have taken corrective steps; make sure the yard drains are clean, if you have drains put water in them to make sure they are clear; clean gutters and down spouts and trim the trees ahead of time; make sure your flashlights and radios work and be prepared for power outages; the public can call park maintenance for consultation on 877-5304 and street maintenance on 877-8550 or 911; we are there to help the public and we do not know what we are up against. Discussion followed: Vice Mayor Mullin heard a report that the trade winds are coming directly on and increasing the possibility of very heavy rains; he noticed that in his neighborhood a lot of people have put new roofs on and he understands there is a long delay for roof work; do we have information on that for he heard it is hard to get it done; Superintendent of Facilities Bordi stated if you have a bad roof the problem is that the roofers are booked through next year, so it will be difficult to find a roofer; if people have concerns about that, look into it immediately, however, the City will provide emergency service with the fire and police responses to try and take care of the problem; people should be careful that the down drains into the backyard do not go under the foundation or into a room down- stairs, however, they call maintenance to see what they can do about it before the rains start; Council- man Yee stated in the winter of 1982 we had the largest storm that he could remember and he wanted AGENDA ~TION TAKEN PRESENTATIONS I Nino - Continued. 10/8/97 Page 3 PRESENTATIONS everyone aware of those areas of the City that are sensitive to flooding and potential problems; what are we doing with the catchment basins in Terrabay for they are a major concern we need to address because the County is supposed to take care of those and if they don't, it doesn't work; the other location would be Olympic and Dublin; the system is still working there but someone needs to monitor it; staff continues to monitor it; or get experts to look at it before the winter for that is a major concern; the other major concern is on Franklin where there was a house slide; we should notify the home owners behind those properties to have an inspection to make sure a potential problem, like in 1982, does not happen; he wants a staff member to make that effort; he is not sure property owners are aware of the potential problems there are in not cleaning out their gutters and down spouts, so perhaps mainte- nance can go out to the homes and make sure they are clean; he knows of many along the Callan prop- erty up in Valley View and they are all homeowner associations that are responsible and they should be notified by the City of the potential problems; Su- perintendent Bordi stated Mr. White has made con- tact with the ones Councilman Yee spoke of and they are monitoring Terrabay; he looked at the County property and they are clean right now, but they have to be monitored because you don't know if it will become blocked in the night and must be monitored 24 hours a day when it starts to rain; he knows that in a high tide and a hard rain it is going to flood Airport Blvd. and Terminal and Produce, which they have prepared for with sand bags and barricades are there already and they can put the warning signs up; flooding problems in seven houses in Winston Manor and A Street; there is a meeting with the County tomorrow at Orange Park and Mr. White will ask what the plans are for Colma Creek during El Nino, for it is important; staff plans to take the carts and tires out of Colma Creek; Coun- cilman Datzman complemented staff for being reac- tive when resources are limited; Vice Mayor Mullin also complemented staff on averting problems through proper maintenance; staff has been receiving a lot of calls on tree trimming and there are only three tree trimmers who have been doing projects on Junipero Serra; staff checks complaints, and if they are not dangerous, we tell them we will come back later otherwise we take care of it right away; if the AGENDA ACTI__ON TAKEN PRESENTATIONS ,1 Nino - Continued. Introduction of New Employees AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Wilson Requested: - Move Item #7 to Administrative Business. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 10/8/97 Page 4 PRESENTATIONS trees have climbed to high voltage wires staff tells the people to call PG&E, but some people get dis- turbed and think it will cause harm, but it won't; Mayor Fernekes thanked the two Superintendents for their report and for doing a good job. City Manager Wilson stated he wanted to introduce the following new positions: Director of Commu- nity Outreach Heather Quinn who comes from Jack- ie Speier and Byron Sher's Offices and will be working with the non-profit organizations and trying to add additional services to the community; Direc- tor of Personnel Jennifer Bower who was with the Union Sanitary District and was the Acting Director of Personnel; Fire Chief Russell Lee who has been with the City for over 28 years. Fire Chief Lee thanks the Council and City Manager for providing him the opportunity to become the new Fire Chief. He stated he has lived in S.S.F. his entire life and next week will celebrate 28 years with the Fire Department. He stated he was very proud of the City and Fire Department, believes they are second to none due to the past and present employees dedicated to the preservation of life and property and are responsive to the community's needs. He stated he is totally committed and will work hard to maintain those standards, by taking them to greater heights. He stated he is excited, proud and honored to be working with the City Council and the employees to meet the challenges and wants to express his gratitude for this opportu- nity. AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Judy Korte, 755 Camaritas Ave., stated her concern for homes in Winston Manor, Sterling Ter- race and some in Westborough that were not in- cluded in the Airport insulation program. She stated her neighbor Hilda has been attending the Round- table meetings, including the one last Wednesday, and came across a letter dated 9/21/97, addressed to Councilman Robert Yee from Patrick Kelly regard- AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 10/8/97 Page 5 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ing the Airport noise project boundaries. It spoke of residents living on Camaritas and other areas attend- ing Roundtable workshops and saying the boundaries should be expanded for the noise insulation for those adjacent or near to the boundary. It spoke of the noise map configuration on SFIA aircraft noise and was further based on the funding contained in the 1992 final mitigation MOU and includes areas con- tiguous to the 1983 contour lines. He explained to the residents that the location of the ANIP is not within the purvue of the Roundtable and suggested that the residents bring it to the Council, for the Roundtable's only role is to monitor the progress on a semiannual basis on behalf of C/CAG. He appre- ciated the concerns of the residents and welcomes their comments, but it appears they do not under- stand that the Roundtable does not have any influ- ence over the boundaries, signed Patrick Kelly. She spoke of a letter from David Valkenaar, 3/11/97, to Patrick Kelly and explained: the com- plaints from the people on Camaritas and other neighborhoods on the ANIP that Mr. Kelly referred to their City Council and said the Roundtable could not do anything about it, it was up to the Council; this is not true, the fact is that the areas covered are precisely set by the MOU and the City has no au- thority to spend MOU monies outside of that unless the Airport agrees to it - and the Airport says no to any such agreement; Mr. Valkenaar asked Mr. Kelly to be aware of this and dispel the myth that the cities are in control, signed Councilman Robert Yee by David Valkenaar, Manager of the Aircraft Noise Insulation Program. Ms. Korte stated the residents are confused by Pat- rick Kelly's letter and the second letter, in August when we were here we asked if the City Council would consider a noise consultant to influence the Airport in the sense they believe they are affected by Airport noise just as much as our neighborhood which is included, and we are not. City Manager Wilson stated he had actually inter- viewed for someone and will meet with the Council Subcommittee to finalize a selection they will ratify and get to business and put together a strategy. Mayor Fernekes stated he and the City Manager met AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 10/8/97 Page 6 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS with the Director of the Airport and let him know we are interviewing a consultant and we are looking to try to expand or increase the number of homes in the Plan. It is important for the Director to know the issues. Councilman Yee stated he called the City Manager's Office to prepare a letter for his signature to respond to Patrick Kelly's letter. He stated the concern is not only the boundaries, but the residents want their homes insulated and the Roundtable is the proper area to discuss that because where else can they discuss it. The Airport sent her to the Roundtable and he wants to make that point, that the Roundtable should always welcome discussion of Airport issue whether or not they like it. He will see Mr. Kelly tomorrow and will let him know that he believes Mr. Kelly's letter was out of line. Councilman Datzman stated he has a greater ap- preciation about what Council people encounter on this issue, for he is hearing - did you hear the noise, and where were you in relation to my house. Even if people go down to the Roundtable it is still going to come full circle and he has an understanding of the funding and what we will say as to how it ex- tends to the boundaries. People are looking to the Council and we don't have the answer. Mr. Ken Wall, 218 Bryce Ave., stated the 9/27/97 Day In The Park festival was a great success, he picked up a lot of information and he wanted to congratulate Mayor Fernekes for putting the event together. One of the things was material from Congressman Lantos' booth on his voting record and makes a point of his record on the aircraft noise, and he was glad to see that he considered it impor- tant. Congressman Lantos is Federally elected and we should keep him in mind when going forward with the aircraft noise program. He related: newspaper articles on a new runway going right out over the bay; he has reason to think that may be a good thing for us depending on how it is used; what are the routes taking off on that run- way; if it leads to an increase of louder planes he feels most residents would agree that is not accept- able and work to oppose that; at least it is a new proposal that promises to help and he will be watch- AGENDA A~TION TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 10/8/97 Page 7 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ing as it is developed; one of the areas that would benefit is Ponderosa School; his son goes to school there and he is serving on the PTA and planes go over it when they take off from SFIA and the class- room is disrupted to a fairly great extent, so it is an issue for the school and the neighborhood, which includes his neighborhood and is an interest for him as well; the neighborhood asked State Legislatures to come to an 10/16/97 meeting to hear Senator Kopp' comments in general and discuss the idea of a new runway; he hopes it has good attendance to demon- strate to Senator Kopp how important this is to us as a community; he invited Council, staff and members of the community that are interested in aircraft noise to the meeting at Ponderosa School, 10/16/97, 7:00 p.m., for hopefully Senator Kopp will take it to Sacramento for the bay area, but our situation is unique and important; he wants the Senator to un- derstand what our unique problems are. Discussion followed: wasn't Ponderosa insulated; yes, ten years ago, but there have been significant relocated classrooms aimed at class size reduction; those are boxes with tin roofs without insulation because they are relocatable so federal funds cannot be allocated to them. Ms. Karyl Matsumoto, 1 Appian Way, also compli- mented the Mayor on the successful S.S.F. Day in the Park, for she sat in the Cultural Arts and the Hilltop Garden booths and heard nothing but praise from the participants and the community. She asked that the Council consider making this festival a yearly event. Mr. Collin Post also thanked the Mayor and mem- bers of Council for the S.S.F. Day in the Park, and had positive response from the public who also think it should be an annual event. He stated he talked to the City Manager about the noise insulation program and understood that any home in the 65 CNEL area was in the program. Discussion followed: yes, they would be in the footprint; Mr. Post questioned who did the study since homes on the right and the left of the 65 CNEL area are not included; it was the Airport. AGENDA A~TION TAKEN COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM Councilman Yee stated the S.S.F. Day in the Park was successful, he enjoyed it, agrees it should be done next year and every year by the then Mayor. Mayor Fernekes stated he received a phone call earlier about a commercial on the TV with Home Depot, he called the City Manager and worked with staff to call them at the station. He received a letter asking the Mayor to accept an apology for misrep- resentation that may have occurred on the advertise- ment. He pointed this out to the station, the ad was changed and the old one destroyed. Home Depot wants to be a part of this fine community some time in the future, and again asked the City to accept their apology for it was really talking about the south part of San Francisco. Mayor Fernekes gave a brief summary on the events and the people participating in the S.S.F. Day in the Park. He stated in excess of $25,000 was raised for S.S.F. associations, clubs and organizations for this community. He gave special thanks to staff, the people, corporate sponsors and organizations that made it happen and it did not cost the City one penny for it was funded by the business community. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Special Meeting of 9/2/97, Special Meeting of 9/24/97 and Regular Meeting of 9/24/97. 2. Motion to confirm expense claims of 10/8/97. 5t9l ~5 Resolution of award of contract to G.E. Chen Con- struction in the amount of $4,728,000, as the lowest responsible bidder, for the Airport Insulation Noise Project Phase XV and a budget amendment toaxth~e~'~ Capital Improvement Project. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO G. E. CHEN CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,728,000 FOR THE AIRCRAFT NOISE INSULATION PROGRAM PHASE XV ,.. Resolution approving an amendment to the 1997/98 Capital Improvement Budget in the amount of 512-O CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved in the amount of $2,978,602.54. RESOLUTION NO. 109-97 10/8/97 Page 8 ~ENDA CONSENT CALENDAR  "~ Resolution- Continued. $110,000 and approve plans, specifications and autho- rize advertising for bids for the repair of the Point San Bruno Breakwater Jetty. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1997/98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO- GRAM (CIP 98-5) TO ADD $110,000 TO THE 1997/98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR REPAIR OF THE POINT SAN BRUNO BREAKWATER JETTY, APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHO-RIZING THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE SAME REPAIR 5. Motion to advertise bids for a left turn signal at _~0'~ t9 Chestnut Avenue to El Camino Real. Motion to adopt an ordinance establishing a cultural arts fund with respect to landscaping regulations. 5'//,7 AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 20.101 TO TITLE 20 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING A CULTUR- AL ARTS FUND WITH RESPECT TO LANDSCAPING REGULATIONS Adoption of resolutions approving Memoranda of Understanding for AFSCME, Confidential Employ- ees, Management Group and Executive Management. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO AND AFSCME, LOCAL 1569, FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1997 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO AND THE CONFIDENTIAL BARGAINING UNIT, FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1997 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COMPEN- SATION PLAN FOR THE MANAGEMENT EM- PLOYEES, FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1997 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000 ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR TAKEN RESOLUTION NO. 110-97 So ordered. ORDINANCE NO. 1214-97 Removed from the Consent Calendar to be heard under Administrative Business by the City Manager under Agenda Review. 10/8/97 Page 9 ~ENDA ACTI~ TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR Resolutions - Continued. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT EM- PLOYEES, FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1997 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000 M/S Mullin/Datzman - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item 7. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Adoption of resolutions approving Memoranda of Interim Director of Personnel Lee explained: this is Understanding for AFSCME, Confidential Employ- a three year package for all bargaining units; there is ecs, Management Group and Executive Management. l°-Et9 t9 an average increase of 15-1/2%; there are specif- ic increases for the outside market; etc. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- M/S Penna/Yee - To adopt the Resolution for CISCO AND AFSCME, LOCAL 1569, FOR THE AFSCME. PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1997 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000 RESOLUTION NO. 111-97 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COMPEN- SATION PLAN FOR THE MANAGEMENT EM- PLOYEES, FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1997 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000 Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Penna/Datzman - To adopt the Resolution on the Confidential Unit. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COMPEN- SATION PLAN FOR THE MANAGEMENT EM- PLOYEES, FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1997 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT EM- PLOYEES, FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1997 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000 RESOLUTION NO. 112-97 Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Yee/Penna - To adopt the Resolution for the Management Employees. RESOLUTION NO. 113-97 Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Datzman/Penna - To adopt the Resolution for Executive Management Employees. RESOLUTION NO. 114-97 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Yee stated he only has a few more Wednesdays, has worked with City staff and even 10/8/97 Page 10 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Resolution of award of contract to C.M. Construction in an amount not to exceed $1,204,459, as the lowest responsible bidder, for the City Hall Seismic Up- grade, and allow Public Works Director to revise support contracts; EQE, Signet Labs contingencies and additional construction work as required to the limit of the projected budget of $1.8 million. 6't5~D A RESOLUTION (1) APPROVING AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO CHIANG C.M. CONSTRUC- TION, INC. FOR CITY HALL SEISMIC UP- GRADE, (2) APPROVING A CHANGE ORDER TO THE CONTRACT WITH EQE INTERNATIONAL TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SER- VICES FOR THE SEISMIC UPGRADE, AND (3) APPROVING A CHANGE ORDER TO THE CONTRACT WITH SIGNET TESTING LABS TO PROVIDE SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SERVICES DURING THE SEISMIC UPGRADE ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS though he is on Council rarely does he give a com- pliment. He feels staff acts very professional and many times you have an answer. Director of Public Works Gibbs related: this is the same contractor that retrofitted the Library and it turned out very well; the bid contracts came in within the estimates; he had architectural drawings to show the work to be done; the major difference is the structure at the back which is a brick wall for support; will add stone pillar and replace the balus- trade; the elevator shaft will be brick to match the building; the building will be painted; they will replace wood sills and fix the cracked asphalt; they will attach bricks from the roof to the basement; the contractor will work from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. to not disrupt the neighborhood; the construction will be coordinated with the new phone system; EQE is the original designer of this system of retro- fit; the contingency amount is high. Councilman Penna stated the building was built in 1920 and was concerned that old historic values might be found and destroyed when the building is torn apart. He wants photos to be made for histor- ical value. He also suggested doing a time capsule. Director of Public Works Gibbs stated he always takes photos, but for this building he will take a film and preserve the building. Vice Mayor Mullin stated the building should be brought back to its original design and the City can have it made a national resource, he questioned if Mr. Gibbs had a sense of the level of movement. Director of Public Works Gibbs stated the UCBC is used for historical buildings and is designed to meet that Code in a 7 or 8 range of earthquake, however, it could have a 60% damage. Councilman Yee was concerned with the low bidder being 50% lower than anyone else and felt the Di- rector should also be concerned how it could be done for 50% less than any other bidder. Discussion followed: the bid was challenged and the contractor stated he would stand behind his bid; what was his bid for the library; with change orders 10/8/97 Page 11 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ~. Resolution - Continued. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL GOOD AND WELFARE ADJOURNMENT: 10/8/97 Page 12 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS it came well within the budget and the change orders were mostly upgrades; Councilman Yee felt the Director should be concerned about potential change orders and suggested he work between 4:00 p.m. and midnight, yet we are paying him more to work those hours and what are we getting for that; the City does not have to relocate employees and change the phone system and educate the community, and if money got tight it is estimated at seven to nine months with or without an alternate; Councilman Yee wants Council to consider a bell for City Hall at the entrance level; the Vice Mayor thought that a good idea; Councilman Penna thought the employees were moving to First Interstate Bank during the construction; City Manager Wilson stated Alternate //5 will negate that need; Director of Public Works Gibbs stated it should be a two or three day process for a department, for they must pull out the corners and attach beams, and it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars if they move. M/S Yee/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 115-97 Carried by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL No one chose to speak. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. M/S Yee/Penna - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 9:45 p.m. AGENDA RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, City of South San Francisco _AC_T!ON APPROVED. TAKEN Joseph A. F]~rnekes, M~yor.,~ Cit..?~of Sou~ San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 10/8/97 Page 13