HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1997-12-10Chairman Eugene R. Mullin Boardmembers: James L. Datzman Joseph A. Fernekes Xaryl Matsumoto ,ohn R. Penna N MINUTES Recreation And Park District Municipal Services Building Community Room December 10, 1997 SPECIAL MEETING RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DECEMBER 10, 1997 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Public Resources Code of the State of California and by Resolution, that the Recreation and Park District of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 10th day of December 1997, at 6:45 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: 1. Call to order. 2. Motion to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of 8/27/97. 3. Adjournment. Dated: December 2, 1997 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: (Cassette No. 1) otion to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of 27/97. City Clerk Recreation and Park District City of South San Francisco ACTION TAKEN 6:55 p.m. Chairman Mullin presiding. Boardmembers Present: Datzman, Fernekes, Matsumoto and Mullin. Boardmembers Absent: Penna. Clerk Battaya stated Boardmember Penna was out of the country. Executive Director Wilson stated the Agency was obligated to have a meeting once a year. 12/10/97 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADJOURNMENT: M/S Datzman/Fernekes - To approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of 8/27/97. Carried by majority voice vote, Boardmember Matsumoto abstained. M/S Datzman/Matsumoto - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 6:57 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, Clerk Recreation And Park District City of South San Francisco APPROVED. Euge Mullin, Chairman Recreation and Park District City of South San Francisco ~e entries of this District meeting show the action taken by the Recreation and Park District to dispose of an item. :al communications, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 12/10/97 Page 2 Chairman Eugene R. Mullin Boardmembers: James L. Datzman Joseph A. Fernekes Karyl Matsumoto ~ohn R. Penna VoNow,4. z. MINUTES "~:~ c-~2,o Capital Improvements Financing Authority Municipal Services Building Community Room December 10, 1997 S_EE_C!A L MEETING SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FINANCING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DECEMBER 10, 1997 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant Resolution of the City of South San Francisco, the Capital Improvements Financing Authority of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 10th day of December 1997, at 6:50 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: 1. Call to order. Motion to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of 5/28/97. 3. Adjournment. Dated: December 2, 1997 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: (Cassette No. 1) otion to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of 28/97. Capital Improvements Financing Authority City of South San Francisco ACTION TAKEN 6:58 p.m. Chairman Mullin presiding. Boardmembers Present: Datzman, Fernekes, Matsumoto and Mullin. Boardmembers Absent: Penna. Clerk Battaya stated Boardmember Penna was out of the country. M/S Fernekes/Mullin - To approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of 5/28/97. 12/10/97 Page 1 ADJOURNMENT: ACTION TAKEN Carried by majority voice vote, Boardmember Matsumoto abstained. M/S Datzman/Matsumoto - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 6:59 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APPROVED. Barbara A. Battaya, Clerk Capital Improvements Authority City of South San Francisco Capital Improvements Authority City of South San Francisco The entries of this District meeting show the action taken by the Capital Improvements Financing Authority to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 12/10/97 Page 2 Mayor Eugene R. Mullin Council: James L. Datzman Joseph A. Fernekes Karyl Matsumoto Iohn R. Penna CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: ~ESENTATIONS 12/10/97 Page 1 MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room December I0, 1997 ACI!Q_N !AK_EN 7:45 p.m. Mayor Mullin presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Datzman, Fernekes, Matsumoto and Mullin. Penna. City Clerk Battaya stated Councilman Penna was out of the country. The Pledge was recited. Rev. Ivory, St. Paul's Methodist Church, gave the invocation. PRESENTATIONS State Senator Kopp gave his yearly legislative up- date: the money issue of restoring property taxes diverted from cities and counties from 1992-1996 and given to the School Districts; he thinks that outcome will be determined by another issue which is tax cuts; the legislature on the last night of the session, 9/12/97 legislation was passed that provided a state income reduction that amounts to $690 mil- lion for middle income families; that will not be an issue in 1998, but it will be because it is an initial issue and will trickle down in political ways because in 1998 there is a statewide election with 80 mem- bers of the Senate and he cannot forecast the out- come, but as long as the economics flourish there will be money available and the first call on that is restoration to cities, and secondly to counties for they have obtained restoration in the form of the State assuming financing 60% for the Superior Court budget; it is not in the provision, but educa- tion will be the major issue and cities and counties and he thinks the City can expect a bond issue for schools on the June or November ballot and a mini- mum of $26 million which is the highest amount they have ever submitted to the voters as AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PRESENTATIONS AGENDA REVIEW 12/10/97 Page 2 PRESENTATIONS general obligation bonds; another issue is air quality and that will be a major issue in terms of legislation and in terms of fact, that the bay area is the only one that does not violate Federal law and that means other parts of the State are jealous and some of his colleagues are introducing legislation to punish the bay area; one bill is to impose the requirement of smog test, but that only applies tbr Los Angeles where the air quality violates State law and there will be other areas to punish; the Sacramento Valley is a Federal mitigation site; the other city issue, which is a problem in San Marco, is an over concentration of care and treatment homes in single family residential neighborhoods, which the State allows in R-1 areas, and he introduced legislation that says they must be 500' apart; the bill passed, but the Governor vetoed it; he was successful with a Senate resolution that establishes a task force of city and county representatives and then some of the non-profit agencies that are operating group homes of one kind or another with 25 people in it; they have met but there is not a meeting of the minds; the legislature will reconvene on 1/5/98 and Council should forward their views to him for needed legis- lation; he spoke of funds from toll bridge fees being used for transportation; for the first time we have control on the toll on the State owned toll bridges, all except Dunbarton and Antioch, and that stopped the control of Caltrans over the money; he spoke of MTC control over gas tax and truck weight fees and stated they will make the decisions on all regional projects; he wished everyone a merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah. Councilwoman Matsumoto asked if the Senator could provide a bill process, whereby legislation was forwarded to the Council. Senator Kopp stated it was handled on a case by case basis, the League of Cities puts out a bulletin and he did not see a need for duplication. AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Wilson stated the Redevelopment items 6 and 7 will be considered with Council item 12. He stated Items 5 and 8, on the Consent Calen- dar, were received late and if there is a problem they can be continued. AGENDA AC!!ON TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 12/10/97 Page 3 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Bob Kane, Atty. related: he is representing certain property owners and businesses on Airport Blvd. who were concerned that they did not receive notice on the Airport landscape project; there were meetings with Councilman Penna and the Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn, and he had conveyed his clients concerns in a letter today to the Mayor; they feel that the project has environmental impacts; he did a survey of which owners have received notices and have not found that it occurred; he learned from the City that the project was categorically exempt from CEQA; meet- ings went well and were responsive to the business- men and property owners and we suggested that the Mayor and Councilman Penna meet with them and give some assurance and we wanted to work on that and talk to the Director of Economic & Community Development on their concerns because the work does not correspond to the plans; the concerns are safety, visibility and parking; there were a number of suggestions that they want to solidify and want the Mayor to be authorized to meet with his group to go forward in a positive way after getting a re- sponse on his correspondence. Mr. Rich Ochsenhirt stated he was unable to attend the 12/1/97 swearing in, and wanted to welcome our newly elected Councilmembers Karyl Matsumoto, Jim Datzman, John Penna and our new Mayor Eu- gene Mullin. He is looking forward to working with the Council for his tenure as a Park & Recre- ation Commissioner has been exciting and reward- ing. Mr. Victor Feudale congratulated Karyl Matsumoto, and stated the last time we had a woman on the Council it was Roberta Teglia. He stated he was President of the Historical Society and spoke of the restoration they were doing on donated Plymouth Schwartz House Museum. He recited the history of the home: this house sat on the corner of Grand and Spruce as a first house built in 1905; the house was moved across the street to its present location; Mrs. Schwartz husband's paintings are throughout the house and Mrs. Schwartz donated the house to the Historical Society and all of the members have donated their services for restoration for the last two years and have an outstanding gift AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM 12/10/97 Page 4 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS shop; the lower floor has bound newspaper copies of the Enterprise up through 1990, and the retired firefighters, led by former Mayor Drago, has put in a fire museum; the Society is going to restore the upper floor which takes sums of money to do any restoration and they need funds from foundations and individuals or from any possible source; we do have docents for the house and the fire museum, which is open every Wednesday and a few Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; he encouraged peo- ple to buy from the gift shop for this is the only home museum in the City and this is how we pre- serve our heritage tbr future generations. COMMUNITY FORUM Vice Mayor Datzman related a meeting he attended last week in San Francisco on water transportation issues and ferry boats. Senator Kopp stated he is Chairman of the meeting Vice Mayor Datzman attended on water transit services and asked people in November 1998 to vote on Measure 1, for 3% of that money has been set aside for ferry services and bike lanes which will amount to $1 million a year. He stated they had added 2%, so now it is 5% out of the $1.00 toll will be allocated to ferry services and that is controlled by MTC for allocation of the money. He stated his first choice is the station which is a tent out in the elements, not attractive or comfortable. He believes S.S.F. should transmit its plan as soon as possible to institute ferry services, get on the leadership for that money, otherwise it will be allocated elsewhere. He stated that at the hearing all of the ferry transit was in Oakland, Alameda and Vallejo who are capturing 60% of the operating funds which S.S.F. can do, and he will go on record again before MTC on our plan, which he did once before when Coun- cilman Nicolopulos asked for assistance for ferry service. Councilwoman Matsumoto stated, as newly appoint- ed to the Airport Roundtable, she attended a meeting and conveyed Council concerns, i.e., we need to insure there are funds available for the completion of all of the dwelling units contemplated in the MOU. She wanted that scale to be used so we can AGENDA ACTION TAKEN COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of ~ 10/22/97 and Regular Meeting of 11/12/97. Motion to confirm expense claims of 12/10/97. ,~t9/.~ 3. Motion to cancel the Regular Meeting of 12/24/97. o~15~ COMMUNITY FORUM more accurately evaluate the formula. We as a city will benefit from that, and as a follow up they spoke of the article in the paper about Councilman Penna wanting to build highrises that the planes could not fly over. Mr. Wilson arranged a meeting with U.S. Senator Boxer and two airport people about our city and she was asked if we wanted to participate, she agreed and will bring back information to Council. Mayor Mullin complimented Councilwoman Matsumoto on her assertiveness with the airport, he attended a meeting and she represented the City in a competent manner. Councilman Fernekes related a meeting held on the third with the joint powers on the emergency ser- vices to the County and we are coming down to the end of discussions concerning the contracts between two providers. At that meeting two agreements were presented and Russ Lee and Mike Ahern were there from the Fire Dept., and brought back the agreements to the City Manager and City Attorney. On the meeting of the 17th Council will have to make a decision to enter or not enter into the agree- ment and staff will be coming back with recommen- dations to the whole Council prior to the 17th. Vice Mayor Datzman related: the meeting he at- tended on water transportation, he had explained that he was there at the request of the Mayor and did not make policy and that would be discussed at a Coun- cil level; if a majority chooses to go in that direc- tion, so it will be. Mayor Mullin related: normally Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, but being the second meeting is 12/24/97, it has been rescheduled to the 17th; he went to the Oldtown Homeowners Christmas party and enjoyed the program which had a large turnout. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved in the amount of $4,712,493.86. So ordered. 12/10/97 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to accept the 1997-1998 Street Resurfacing Project as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. 30'8'D o Motion to reject all bids for the heating and air modi- fications for the Administration Building at the WQCP. 6. Motion to accept the ANIP Phase XIII as complete in~ accordance with the plans and specifications. ~'fl, 8 7. Resolution to approve the S.S.F./San Bruno Water Quality Control Plant Negative Declaration. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DEC- LARATION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT PRO- GRAM FOR THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO/SAN BRUNO WATER QUALITY CONTROL PLANT AND APPROVING A MITIGATION MONITOR- ING PLAN Resolution approving a budget amendment for the Operating Budget for expansion of West Orange Library and award of contract to Group 4 Architects, in the amount of $60,000.00, as the lowest responsi- ble bidder. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO GROUP 4 ARCHITECTS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $60,000 FOR THE WEST ORANGE LIBRARY EXPANSION PRO- JECT AND APPROVING A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE 1997-98 CAPITAL IM- PROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP 98-12) TO IN- CREASE THE ALLOCATION BY $45,000 FOR THE WEST ORANGE LIBRARY EXPANSION o Motion to accept the Orange Park pool Building Exterior Painting Project as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. .~tg~D 10. Motion to accept the Contour Avenue Storm Drain Improvement Project as colnplete in accordance with the plans and specifications. .5'0~ 0 Resolution authorizing the purchase of emergency sandbag equipment and amending the Operating Bud- get. ~'/:2 CONSENT CALENDAR So ordered. So ordered. So ordered. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Mayor Mullin. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Vice Mayor Datzman. So ordered. So ordered. 12/10/97 Page 6 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Resolution - Continued. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PUR- CHASE OF EMERGENCY SANDBAG EQUIP- MENT AND APPROVING AN OPERATING BUD- GET AMENDMENT TO THE 1997-98 OPERAT- ING BUDGET (NO. 98-5) TO ADD $17,156.25 FOR THE PURCHASE OF SANDBAG EQUIP- MENT, WITH FUNDING FROM THE STORMWATER FUND Resolution to approve the S.S.F./San Bruno Water Quality Control Plant Negative Declaration. ,,6"~0~ 7 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DEC- LARATION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT PRO- GRAM FOR THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO/SAN BRUNO WATER QUALITY CONTROL PLANT AND APPROVING A MITIGATION MONITOR- ING PLAN o Resolution approving a budget amendment for the Operating Budget for expansion of West Orange Library and award of contract to Group 4 Architects, in the amount of $60,000.00, as the lowest responsi-_ ble bidder. ,ffd~ D A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO GROUP 4 ARCHITECTS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $60,000 FOR THE WEST ORANGE LIBRARY EXPANSION PROJECT AND APPROVING A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE 1997-98 CAPITAL IM- PROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP 98-12) TO IN- CREASE THE ALLOCATION BY $45,000 FOR THE WEST ORANGE LIBRARY EXPANSION CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 133-97 M/S Fernekes/Datzman - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items No. 7 and 8. Carried by unanimous voice vote with the exception of Councilwoman Matsumoto abstaining on Item No. 1. Mayor Mullin questioned if the bay trail concerns were resolved in the EIR. Director of Public Works Gibbs stated they were to a point, he went before BCDC and put forward the plan with TRUX, the Board approved it, but it was not finalized. M/S Datzman/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 134-97 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Vice Mayor Datzman asked, what is the urgency on this, we had a revised resolution tonight, but in 1993 we had an expenditure to remodel the library. Director of the Library Sommer stated in 1993 new carpeting, lighting and electricity was put in with some cosmetics. Vice Mayor Datzman stated $20,000 was put in the budget for a study and now its $60,000. City Manager Wilson stated in last year's CIP we did a study for the Fire Dept. and plugged in $20,000, but knew it was inaccurate. This year was the same thing, now we are focusing on the library and this figure will be addressed, once the work program is done we will come back again on the 12/10/97 Page 7 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN _.3. Resolution - Continued. RECESS: .... ECALL TO ORDER: PUBLIC HEARINGS REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECON- VENED ITEMS 6 AND 7 FOLLOW: Public Hearing - To consider the Owner Participation Agreement, Disposition Development Agreement and certification of EIR for Bay West Cove Oyster Point Blvd. north side/east of 101 in concern with the City Council; Conduct Public Hearing, resolution certify- ing the EIR, resolution approving Owner Participation Agreement resolution approving Disposition Develop- ment Agreement. A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING AN ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE BAY WEST COVE PROJECT, ADOPTING A STATE- MENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS FOR SAID PROJECT AND APPROVING A MITIGA- TION AND MONITORING PLAN FOR SAID PRO- JECT A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN OWNER PAR- TICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE RE- expansion numbers, so they are developing these figures as they occur. Vice Mayor Datzman stated those are exactly his concerns - what is the study for $60,000, and where are the plans and specs. City Manager Wilson stated it is to set forth the needs or replacement, what is there, to set forth the options. The architectural costs are 15% of con- struction costs and could exceed $100,000. Vice Mayor Datzman was concerned - eight bids, but doesn't say who responded and there is no scope of work for the study costing $60,000. City Manager Wilson stated staff could give Council a scope of work. Consensus of Council - To continue the item to 12/17/97 Mayor Mullin recessed the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Mayor Mullin recalled the meeting to order at 8:50 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Mullin reconvened the Redevelopment Agency meeting at 8:51 p.m. Mayor Mullin opened the Redevelopment Agency Public Hearing, as well as the City Council Public Hearing on this item. City Clerk Battaya read the title of the City Council Item No. 12 ordinance in its entirety. Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn related: the property is the former U.S. Steel property that intersects 101; there was a spe- cial election in September of 1995 on a gaming initiative that was defeated for this property; in Jan/Feb. 1996 Bay West Cove, the applicant, dis- cussed a mix of land uses included office, retail and flex warehouse; City indicated it was not interested and reiterated its interest in high sales tax genera- tors and wanted a commitment from the developer to fund Oyster Point Flyover; in April 1996 the City approved an exclusive negotiating rights agreement 12/10/97 Page 8 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN · --~UBLIC HEARINGS 5. Resolution - Continued. DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND BAY WEST COVE LLC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND BAY WEST COVE LLC RELATED TO PROPERTY LOCATED GENER- ALLY AT 159 OYSTER POINT BOULEVARD PARCEL MAP NO. 015-010-160 Public Hearing - To consider Precise Plan PP-97-080, Negative Declaration No. 97-080 t(~r a proposed auto dealership at 155 Oyster Point Boulevard, Auto Na- tion, USA/VZM/TransSystem Corp.; Conduct Public Hearing; Motion to approve Negative Declaration No. 97-080 and Precise Plan PP-97-063. 12. Public Hearing - Consideration of Owner Participa- ~l,.~ tion Agreement, Disposition Development Agree- ment, Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment and certification of the EIR to allow construction of a mixed-use retail and lodging complex; Conduct Public Hearing in concert with the Redevelopment Agency meeting for the Bay West Cove Oyster Point Blvd. north side/East of 101/General Plan; resolution certi- fying an EIR, resolution adopting a General Plan Amendment GP-97-027, resolution approving the Specific Plan (SP-97-027), Motion to waive reading and introduce an zoning ordinance. A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING AN ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE BAY WEST COVE PROJECT, ADOPTING A STATE- MENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS FOR SAID PROJECT AND APPROVING A MITIGA- TION AND MONITORING PLAN FOR SAID PRO- JECT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE EAST OF 101 AREA PLAN (GP-97-027) RELATED TO THE BAY WEST COVE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THE BAY WEST COVE DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS with Bay West Cove with directions; in August 1996 the applicant presented proposals to the Agency and the EIR work started; October 1996 the Agency agreed in concept with the proposed mix of uses and all parties realize it will require an amendment to the General Plan; May 1997 the applicant submitted the draft Specific Plan for the Project; August 1997 draft EIR circulated for public review and comment; October 1997 was a hearing before the Planning Commission on the draft EIR; November 1997 was the Planning Commission hearing on the Final EIR, General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan and recommended Council approval; he went through each of the actions to be taken by the Council and the Agency; City Council - adopt resolution certify- ing EIR-97-027 including the statement of over- riding considerations, adopt a resolution to approve GP-97-027, adopt resolution to approve SP-97-027, and introduce an ordinance on RZ-97-027; Redevel- opment Agency - resolution certifying EIR-97-027 including statement of overriding considerations, resolution to approve an Owner Participation Agree ment, resolution to approve a Disposition and Devel- opment Agreement, and approve precise plan PP-97 -080 for Auto Nation; the general plan amendment is to facilitate the development program and the applicant has requested City approval of amend- ments to the East of 101 Plan policies and/or design requirements; etc. Coordinator of Economic & Community Develop- ment Beyer related the staff report for the Redevel- ment Agency: he was asking the Agency to certify the EIR; adopt the Owner Participation Agreement and Disposition and Development Agreement; he described the factors affecting the development; he talked about an office mart, for the City wanted something to generate substantial revenue; there will be a $5.2 million pay back if there is a retail project and that will come in irrespective of commitment over a five year plan; this project en- compasses the whole Shearwater Project; the Devel- oper will pay for the improvements; six acre City site will be remediated by the City and accepted before the $3.2 million is paid to the City for the land. Ms. Jan Pont, 111 Belmont Ave., felt there should be more information before Auto Nation is ap- 12/10/97 Page 9 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PIIBLIC HEARINGS Redevelopment Agency, Council # 12. Resolutions - ~ontinued. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMEND- MENT TO CHAPTER 20.61 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH THE BAY WEST COVE SPECIFIC PLAN DIS- TRICT AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REDESIGNATING THE PROP- ERTY IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL MAP NOS. 015-010-160, 015-010-340 AND 015- ERTY IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL MAP NOS. 015-010-160, 015-010-340 AND 015- 010-350 AS THE BAY WEST COVE SPECIFIC PLAN DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARINGS proved. She questioned if the Council perused the extensive documentation for the EIR and other things, for it would take at least six hours to get through it. Mayor Mullin stated that is right, it took more than six hours. Ms. Pont said it probably took 20 hours, but for the general public there are things in the EIR and the staff report - yet you only give a person five min- utes to talk, and she felt that was unfair. She ques- tioned if it was really necessary to bring in Auto Nation, with 1000 cars for resale, a service center and to do other services for diagnostics and oil lubes. How often are cars sold every day, she knows the City is looking for revenue, but she does not think it is that great of an idea. She stated there is other retail that generates greater taxes, like a large grocery store or outlet stores as there are in Vacaville and get more tax dollars. She is really opposed to this used car sales application. She stated the thousand cars have to be washed and the water has to go somewhere and into the bay. The City just cleaned up a toxic waste from Bethlehem Steel, and now you are going to cover that with not much top soil over clay that is unstable which makes her very concerned. She is happy to see the bike trails and natural plants that is going to be considered for this area, you are also considering 4 more hotels, yet she can see a nice restaurant and use this land for a municipal parking lot for Caltrans, rather than what is being proposed; etc. Mr. Brumley, Fort Lauderdale, stated he is Director of Real Estate and wanted to address some of these issues. He knew Council had seen a video describ- ing Auto Nation and some of the issues are the shortcomings of the car industry and that is why Auto Nation is coming into existence. Most of us buying a car are coming away less than satisfied. If you break down the entire car buying process the people that sell the car are in charge over the process the second you walk in the door, but what we have done is turn around the process and when you come in we have a 1000 cars in all varieties for the customer to see. There are computers around and the customer can do his own credit approval and insurance and other than driving the car you don't 12/10/97 Page 10 AGENDA ~!ON TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS ,7 Redevelopment Agency, Council # 12. Continued. Resolutions - PUBLIC HEARINGS need to talk to any one. All the cars are previously used, but we recondition the automobiles at our place in Stockton. We believe in the reconditioning of the autos, and any car has an unconditional mon- ey back guaranty, as a matter of fact if you bring back the car with a problem we rent you a car to use while we fix your auto and that is how much we stand behind our product. To try to facilitate the process we have a small restaurant and a child play area and one of our main targets is single mothers and if you come in with a child he/she is left with an attendant for we are a first class organization and there is nothing out there like it today; etc. Councilwoman Matsumoto stated the cars are going to be done in Stockton, and in the tape it says your cars start at $14,000. Discussion followed: yes $14,000 is an average; Auto Nation is in San Jose, Dublin and Richmond, in the greater bay area they have four operations; the video mentioned a community room as a public service which was not mentioned tonight; they do have a meeting room with a small kitchen and VCR and allow special interest groups to use it; they label it as a training community room; Auto Nation is going to send Council an outline to explain the process to use the community room; etc. Discussion followed: letter on bay trail improve- ments are not included in the top 200' for there is a land link to the Sierra property; there is an amended condition for the applicant to extend the 200' for it melts into the right-of-way; staff anticipates some sort of roadway between Bay West and Serra Point; nothing has been surveyed and costs are not known, however, the costs will be shared; Mayor Mullin stated they didn't want to pay fair share on anything other than their property, but the potential need for a road is for emergency services; Serra has circu- itous access to S.S.F. and for police patrols and may need cooperation from the roalroad; applicant will present the definition of the auto sales and other things have to be approved before this can be ap- proved; staff report conditions say there shall be a sign no taller than 12'; etc. 12/10/97 Page 11 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS ,7 Redevelopment Agency, Council # 12. Continued. Resolutions - PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Mullin closed both the City Council and Redevelopment Agency Public Hearings. Discussion followed: the emergency service road, is that where the t~re engines will travel; City Manager had discussed with Brisbane a service contract, but the two safety departments and they feel they can respond to Serra Point by freeway and arrive faster than any other way; the dilemma is during the nor- mal police patrol, to show a presence, we wanted to avoid the beat car to travel excessive distances, so that was the primary need for the linkage; Coun- cilwoman Matsumoto was interested in the restaurant and whether it was a 3 star rating that is above the average restaurant in the hotels; Vice Mayor Datzman asked whose responsibility is it to take care of the bay trail, for he did not want it to fall into disrepair as others have; what is the agreement for continued maintenance; it is the responsibility of the project applicant; Mr. Larson stated the maintenance of the trail is connected to other aspects of the Pro- ject, as seen from the tentative map and the project plan for there is a service roadway that bypasses and that will be owned by an association that the various owners of the site will be members and are bound by the responsibilities of the disposition and devel- opment agreement; Vice Mayor Datzman wanted some teeth put into the agreement for maintenance; there will be perhaps a Marriot Hotel and they will have a continued interest in that; there are some hotels that do not do restaurants, but the 3 star was put in to assure quality of the project; the OPA requirement is to maintain the public access and the City Attorney suggested there be direction to allow staff to negotiate that, and it is also subject to BCDC and they will make similar requirements and allow staff to coordinate that; Vice Mayor Datzman was concerned about the EIR, page 15-9, would impact P&R for it says public service for bay trail and talks about mitigation measures and sounds like a City responsibility; City Attorney stated it was his rec- ommendation because they are going to BCDC getting directions as well, and we want to be sure there is an on-going funding and on-going mainte- nance and draft a condition to have staff negotiate that with the applicant after approval so as to be consistent with BCDC; when will the additional police be hired; the City Manager hopes to be back in January with a program to add personnel; private 12/10/97 Page 12 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ._.PUBLIC HEARINGS ,7 Redevelopment Agency, Council # 12. Continued. Resolutions - PUBLIC HEARINGS security commencing with the construction and that means there will be security on the site early on; it is not an issue, but a requirement; noise and dust control of the site is a standard condition on the part of the construction approval for a project this size; Vice Mayor Datzman noted a page that was dupli- cated with handwritten comments; those are Suzie's editorials; Mayor Mullin had watched for the last ten to twelve years the toxicity hot spots on the site and attempts to clean the site and have it be aestheti- cally pleasing; the idea of a used car lot sends shiv- ers through the Mayor, but it will be well land- scaped and upgraded from what it has been and the rest is pie in the sky; it will generate revenues and is the culmination of a large project, which is not 100%, but it will enhance that entrance to the City and move traffic which is a key element, plus the flyover for the Oyster Point and that is more apparent to widen four lanes for the additional traf- fic to the marina and will be pleasing to the commu- nity; the City Attorney was asked to direct the Council and Agency on actions to be taken. M/S Fernekes/Matsumoto - To adopt the Council Resolution certifying an environmental impact re- port. RESOLUTION NO. 135-97 Carried by unanimous roll call vote. M/S Datzman/Fernekes - To adopt the Council Resolution adopting the General Plan Amendment GP-97-027. RESOLUTION NO. 136-97 Carried by unanimous roll call vote. M/S Fernekes/Matsumoto - To adopt the Council Resolution approving the Specific Plan. RESOLUTION NO. 137-97 Carried by unanimous roll call vote. M/S Matsumoto/Fernekes - To waive reading and introduce the ordinance. 12/10/97 Page 13 AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS ,, 7 Redevelopment Agency, Council # 12. Continued. Resolutions - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING ADJOURN- MENT: ITEMS FROM COUNCIL ACTION PUBLIC HEARINGS TAKEN Carried by unanimous roll call vote. M/S Fernekes/Datzman - To adopt the Redevelop- ment Agency Resolution certifying an Environmental Impact Report. RESOLUTION NO. 18-97 Carried by unanimous roll call vote. M/S Datzman/Matsumoto - To adopt the Redevel- opment Agency Resolution approving an Owner Participation Agreement. RESOLUTION NO. 19-97 Carried by unanimous roll call vote. M/S Fernekes/Matsumoto - To adopt the Redevel- opment Agency Resolution approving a Disposition and Development Agreement. RESOLUTION NO. 20-97 Carried by unanimous roll call vote. M/S Matsumoto/Fernekes - To adjourn the Rede- velopment Agency meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 10:30 p.m. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilman Fernekes stated he wanted an item agendized on the Summerhill Project across from Orange Park, tbr a Subcommittee was established that met quarterly with Kaiser, however, it is an item for the whole Council. City Manager Wilson related: staff looked at three or four different types of projects that would be residential and a mixed commercial with the possi- bility of senior housing; staff compared how that would be compatible to the neighborhood and looked at the traffic; Council made a policy for a rezoning 12/10/97 Page 14 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 12 / 10/97 Page 15 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL to residential and was favorable to a senior housing component; in response to that Summerhill did an analysis - what do you mean by senior housing, we cannot determine it in the market place; it is a num- ber of units and land mass to put together a profile to make a goal of it; they came back and started putting together a proposal for the hospital and that started conversations on senior housing on the site or whether that was appropriate on another site; the final decision has not been made, so they were careful not to mention it around Kaiser; he does not believe either of the two Councilmembers want to say yea or nay, although there are discussions at Kaiser maybe running afield - is this deal possible or not possible; so he will come back and get great- er detail to determine if we are interested in senior housing either on site or a development fee and then we can give direction to the developer, for until you see a proposal on the site he did not think the Coun- cil wants to discuss only a part of the project; one alternative is senior housing on the site, and the other alternative is a significant contribution. Mayor Mullin stated Council needs to structure an approach, which he will leave to staff for direction or another study session for he has obvious concerns that center around both of the issues, as well as creating some type of senior housing. He wants to continue providing housing that he will broadly call middle class that we need in our community, and we have need to look at the seniors and newly constitut- ed families that will propel us through the next 30 years. City Manager Wilson suggested agendizing this for 12/17/97 for a discussion, a conceptual discussion. Councilwoman Matsumoto asked for direction for the next Roundtable meeting in reference to mem- bership of cities out of the County. Mayor Mullin replied, that is an issue once you let a city in that is out of the County. Vice Mayor Datzman stated he wanted to talk about the item concerning appointments. Mayor Mullin spoke of a Council of Mayors dinner Friday night at 6:00 p.m. and the lobbying of votes AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL ~OOD AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION 13. Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957.6, labor nego- tiations on the Police Association; pursuant to GC 54956.8, real property negotiations for 191 North Access Road - Parcel No. 015-173-160, and the southeast corner of Grand and Chestnut Avenues - Parcel No. 012-312-380; and pursuant to GC 54956(c) initiation of litigation - once case. RECALL TO ORDER: ADJOURNMENT: ITEMS FROM COUNCIL by various Councilmembers from other cities for various seats, and he has been besieged from sup- porters and detractors of candidates, some of whom he barely knows by sight. Discussion followed: it is a self nominating process which was done by Lee Panza and Helen Fisicaro; Mayor Mullin is in the dark as to which person to select that is best for the job; at the meeting each candidate will stand up and give brief comments on why they feel they are appropriate and questions are allowed; Vice Mayor Datzman stated Lee Panza has done a decent job, if not a better job, and if people are applying for reappointment that should be the criteria; Councilwoman Matsumoto stated if the Council knows the individuals, having worked with them, we could provide that to the Mayor for she knows Mr. Panza to be thorough; City Manager Wilson stated the Mayor could delegate that with a letter; this is always done after the first Friday following reorganization. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. CLOSED SESSION Council entered a Closed Session at 10:58 p.m. Mayor Mullin recalled the meeting to order at 12:46 a.m., all Council was present, no action was taken and direction was given. M/S Fernekes/Matsumoto - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 12:47 p.m. 12/10/97 Page 16 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ... RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk City of South San Francisco APPROVED. City of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 12/10/97 Page 17