HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1998-07-08 Mayor Eugene R. Mullin Council: James L. Datzman Joseph A. Fernekes mKaryl Matsumoto John R. Penna CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: PRESENTATIONS ---~I Cablevision 7/8/98 Page 1 MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room July 8, 1998 ACTION TAKEN 7:35 p.m. Mayor Mullin presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Datzman, Fernekes, Matsumoto, Penna and Mullin. None. The Pledge was recited. Rev. Neeley, Grand Avenue Baptist Church, gave the invocation. PRESENTATIONS Mr. Greg Schacher, General Manager TCI, related: his appreciation for Council allowing him to give TCI's exciting news; on 6/10/98 they intended to improve the broadcasting of Council meetings, because they have purchased new equipment which they plan to install in the next few weeks, for the equipment has arrived; TCI is going to upgrade the cable for S.S.F. which will start in 30 days, and will provide great opportunities for the customers; they are going to build a state of the art cable system that will take us into the 21st century in network and technology that will provide a better band width; they want to provide more choices and improve the picture, and intend to fully inform the residents con- cerning construction in their neighborhoods; respond to inquiries and concerns in a timely fashion; con- struction hotline numbers (650) 869-5292 and (800) 824-8848; TCI employees will receive special train- ing and construction updates to accurately answer resident questions; construction ads will appear weekly in the S.S.F. Enterprise and the Indepen- dent; there will not be changes in basic channels, but there will be changes in HBO; a fiber optic based system; two new premium channels Starz and Encore; the new TCI digital cable includes special interest channels such as Turner Classic Movies, Classic Sports Network, basic expanded pay per AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PRESENTATIONS 'CI - Continued. 7/8/98 Page 2 PRESENTATIONS view and new internet service; improving reception for channels coming from Sutro Mountain; he de- scribed the four phases of construction that should be finished for the first phase by the end of Decem- ber; they plan to interact with businesses with video or other information; TCI will send representatives to homes to exchange Zenith boxes for Gerald equipment and hope to get to everyone or leave a tag on the door to respond back to set up a meeting or go to the local office to exchange the converter boxes; the digital system will provide 30 more chan- nels; etc. Discussion followed: Mayor Mullin questioned, when you go east of 101 - is that a site by site loca- tion for potential fiber optics or do the entire back- bone of the City; so, if you had a very large re- sponse on the east of 101 area and it was universal for a network for all of the east of 101 network, it would make sense to handle that; it depends on the activity; Councilman Fernekes stated the Subcom- mittee discussed having joint meetings with the Chamber, businesses and TCI to discuss these possi- bilities; the digital service will be a new service; are there plans to start converting from analog to digital; TCI is not that far along to look at consumer de- mands, but they will start with 30 channels and in the future there will be more channels and more choices; Councilwoman Matsumoto hopes this in- cluded customer services, for when people call in and schedule services sometimes there is an attitude and she wants that covered; Councilman Fernekes stated that was another thing discussed by the Sub- committee and is being worked on; Vice Mayor Datzman, Subcommittee Member, stated the Sub- committee was pleased with the regional Vice Presi- dent being in attendance; one of the first questions that came up was, what are the reported advantages to the consumers as the result of the corporate merg- er with AT&T; TCI was happy to announce the merger between the two companies as both are leaders in two different technologies that will pro- vide more choices and options for the consumers, however there is a process to go through to get it finalized which will take six to nine months; Vice Mayor Datzman stated the Subcommittee wants further meetings to improve this kind of program- ming, audio and visual programming to benefit the residents; Councilman Fernekes stated TCI has AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PRESENTATIONS ~I - Continued. Presentation of new employees AGENDA REVIEW ty Manager Wilson Requested: - Continue Item No. 4 to the next meeting for revised language. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM/SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS PRESENTATIONS purchased additional equipment to enhance a power point presentation that will go through the TV screen at home and they will be able to see it clear, rather than view the darkness; Mayor Mullin thanked Mr. Schacher for the presentation and stated he looked forward to all of the items, including the merger with AT&T. The following employees were introduced by their Department Heads: Personnel Analyst Sylvia Portillo and Personnel Technician Michellaine Mercado; Paramedic Firefighter David Bardsley, Bryan Frieders and Jason Leslie; Police Records Clerk Richardo Pedemonte, Communications Dispatacher Marie Abenoja, Communications Dis- patcher Maria Garcia, PST Michael Brennan, PST Sean Curmi, Police Officer Scott Campbell, Police Officer Kenneth Chetcutti, Supervising Dispatcher Michelle Shaw, Sgt. James Thane and Sgt. Bob Eastman. AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS No one chose to speak. COMMUNITY FORUM/SUBCOMMITTEE RE- PORTS Councilman Penna related: concern over the inter- section at Chestnut and Hillside that has a ten sec- ond duration that changes and before the third car gets across, it is yellow and the fourth car going across is on a red; he believes the signal should be rescheduled; the signal at Miller to Railroad along Spruce needs to be synchronized. City Manager Wilson replied, the timing will be looked at, and on the other it has to do with changing the power source and waiting for PG&E to change it. Councilman Penna continued: the other has to do with Butler Road, which he thought staff was taking 7/8/98 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ...CDMMUNITY FORUM/SUBCOMMITI'EE REPORTS CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 6/10/98, Special meeting of 6/17/98 and Special Meeting of 6/17/98. 2. Motion to confirm expense claims of 7/8/98. 3~ Motion to cancel the Regular meetings of July 22, 1998 and August 26, 1998 and calling a Special meeting for July 21, 1998. ~4"t A Resolution approving agreements for Multi-City TSM to be the leading agency to assume primary responsibility for managing the Oyster Point Marina Plaza Shuttle Program. ~ 1.5" A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE TWO AGREEMENTS WITH MTSMA REGARDING SHUTTLE SERVICE FOR EAST OF 101 AREA 5. Motion to adopt an ordinance amending the Municipal __ Code by adding, deleting and amending specified._, positions. ~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.12.010 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL COMMUNITY FORUM/SUBCOMMITTEE RE- PORTS a look at. City Manager Wilson stated it will be at the next meeting for the Council to consider. Mayor Mullin related: the City did receive funding from transit of $150,000 to be used for engineering design for the potential relocation of Caltrain; 300 people from the community attended 3 Corn Park and the Park & Recreation Chorus sang the anthem and it was a fun evening for the community; also he got the opportunity to see the new display at the Metro on the hotel next to the proposed restaurant at the corner of Grand and Linden; he sent a letter opposing AB2621, that the Director of Economic & Community Development authored, that would have limited the City's ability to work with developments and that bill was reassigned, which means it is fin- ished for the session. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved with a few spelling changes from Mayor Mullin. Approved in the amount of $1,778,668.17. So ordered. Removed from the Consent Calendar by the City Manager under Agenda Review. ORDINANCE NO. 1224-98 7/8/98 Page 4 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN __C. ONSENT CALENDAR ;. Motion - Continued. CODE TO ADD, DELETE AND AMEND SPECI- FIED POSITIONS Motion to accept the Westborough Street Light Con- version-Phase II as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. .5'0 g 7. A Resolution to spare the air. A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REFRAIN FROM USING POLLUTING GARDEN AND UTILITY EQUIPMENT ON SPARE THE AIR DAYS AND THAT THE CITY DEPARTMENTS NOT PUR- CHASE POLLUTING GARDEN AND UTILITY EQUIPMENT D-'Z? ~ ~ t'UBLIC HEARINGS o Public Hearing - To consider PP-98-048, Jailhouse Bait & Tackle Shop, to allow a bait and tackle shop on Parcel 11 within the Oyster Point Marina; Conduct Public Hearing; Motion to approve Precise Plan PP- 98-048. ~z-tO'g ~ CONSENT CALENDAR Accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 86-98 M/S Fernekes/Penna - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item No. 4. Carried by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Mullin opened the Public Hearing. Chief Planner Harnish stated there is a recommen- dation to modify the exterior of the building to make it consistent with the area. Revised plans were submitted, which satisfied the Harbor District and staff, and staff wants the plans submitted back to the Planning Commission. Mayor Mullin closed the Public Hearing. Vice Mayor Datzman stated Commissioner Padreddii and Harbor District Manager Grennell put in a lot of time to move this in the right direction. Mayor Mullin stated he agreed, this is a facility that is needed, however, he is not sure that the name is one we want in that area for it is not a franchise, but a second operation. If the City has ferry service, that sign is the first one anyone will see and he wants to see the place in keeping with the area. Chief Planner Harnish stated the proposed sign is not part of the package, but Council can give staff 7/8/98 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS t. Public Hearing - Continued. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Emmack Cronan Group, Inc for professional technical assistance and approving an amendment to the 1998-99 operating budget. 5'12_0 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH THE EMMACK CRONAN GROUP, INC. TO PROVIDE CONSULTING SER- VICES RELATED TO INFORMATION TECHNOL- OGY AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1998-99 OPERATING BUDGET (NO. 99-1) PUBLIC HEARINGS direction. Mr. Peter Grennell, Harbor District, stated the owner is here and the name will be changed to the Oyster Point Bait & Tackle, but he wants to bring his entire clientele from Brisbane before doing that. M/S Datzman/Fernekes - To approve Precise Plan PP-98-048 subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Police Chief Raffaelli stated this came in on budget and next is to develop a strategic technology plan for the hardware and software with the City work groups. There are certain items we want them to look into which he described. Discussion followed: Vice Mayor Datzman asked, what process would you use to narrow the field of purveyors; Captain Haskins stated it will consist of interview of users and ITD staff that are working with the project so far; how was Emmack Cronan Group, Inc. chosen - through the interview process, or did the firm recently come to the attention of the Department; the Assistant City Manager had a lot to do with the selection; what other localities have used this firm to develop their communications systems; Assistant City Manager Moss stated they did Henderson, Nevada which is the largest growing community, and they worked with Reno, Nevada and Las Vegas; he spoke to City Managers who had positive results with this firm; staff is comfortable based on the representations and the interviews with the Department Heads and Daryl Jones did an out- standing job on this, because the original price was $50,000 and it is down to $27,000 to specifi- cally address the need of this City; is there a time frame; the Assistant City Manager did not have the schedule, but they hope within the next 90 to 120 days; are there California cities for whom they have done work; Santa Clara, and the Assistant City Manager spoke to the Chief and they have three contracts in that City and are in the process of re- vamping the Finance Department; Councilman Penna stated he read the staff report and still is not 7/8/98 Page 6 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 2// ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS I. Resolution - Continued. I0. A Resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors to use the Flood Control District to support the County wide NPDES program. .5'O~ 7 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SAN MATEO COUNTY FLOOD DISTRICT TO IMPOSE CHARGES FOR FUNDING THE 1998-99 COUN- TY-WIDE NATIONAL POLLUTION DIS-CHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) GENERAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS clear on what they are doing; to lay out a master plan; the police and fire have a plan that deals with this need and this will totally integrate the City, so if the Manager wants to talk to the Finance Dept. they will have data on business licenses, for it is a shar- ing of information; if Council wants information from police files what is the procedure; it would depend on the security in P.D. and Fire, providing they can release the information; one of the main points is the one stop building and roofing permits to put in a system you can come in as a contractor and you need something on the internet and get your permit and pay for it with a credit card; Councilman Fernekes complimented Daryl Jones and the police for an outstanding job, and as always with the City's interests in mind; Vice Mayor Datzman compliment- ed staff for the cost savings and for getting the job done; Mayor Mullin is bothered by the word evalu- ate, is that used interchangeably with assess; yes; Mayor Mullin wants the consultant to look at this with fresh ideas. M/S Penna/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 87-98 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Director of Public Works Gibbs related: this is the annual report with a resolution for the Council to pass; this is the sixth year of the program, which is NPDES Management Plan General Program fee; the resolution requests the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors to use the San Mateo County Flood Control District as the funding mechanism to sup- port the Program. The fees have not changed in the last few years. Discussion followed: Mayor Mullin stated $900,000 is to be spent for administration, yet there is little for cleaning the bay after six years of the program; it administers the program, and staff is trying to eliminate duplicate services like oil pickup and inspections, health control for grease traps inspec- tions where the Health Dept. comes and also in- spects; Storm Water Mgmt. Coord./Source Control Supervisor Honan explained the breakdown of the fees; Director of Public Works Gibbs stated the primary thing is run-off into the storm drains; 7/8/98 Page 7 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN .._ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ). Resolution - Continued. 11. A Resolution authorizing the use of space and facili- ties for communications equipment. .fi/D ~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SAN MATEO COUNTY PRE-HOSPITAL EMERGENCY SERVICES MEDICAL GROUP TO USE SPACE AND FACILITIES FOR COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AT SIGN HILL RADIO SITE AND MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 12. Request from Italian American Club for surplus building materials. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Councilwoman Matsumoto wants a breakdown next year. M/S Datzman/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 88-98 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Police Chief Raffaelli stated the Medical-Group is a joint powers agency recently created to improve delivery of fire and emergency medical services. The JPA intends to construct a new countywide radio system to facilitate its responsibilities and desires to install one rack of radio equipment at the Sign Hill radio site and one additional rack of equip- ment in the computer room at the MSB. Three rela- tively small additional antennas will be required at the Sign Hill radio site for the JPA. In exchange the JPA will allow the City to use excess capacity on a high-speed digital telephone line that it will have installed between Sign Hill and the MSB to be used as an alternate link between our communications center, and the radio equipment at Sign Hill, result- ing in improved radio system reliability. A waiver and release will be obtained from the JPA that in- demnifies the City. He complimented Daryl Jones for bringing this to fruition. M/S Fernekes/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 89-98 Carried by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL City Manager Wilson stated this request is to recycle timber and use of materials from the Corporation Yard, for the Italian American Club wants to expand and cover their bocci courts for increment weather. Staff felt it was appropriate, and had adequate plans and specs. However, the Superintendent of Parks and Maintenance felt they need to move swiftly, so a number of steps have to be met with approvals. Vice Mayor Datzman asked why this was placed on the agenda when it is a P&R program which we should do right, and staff is saying there is a need to 7/8/98 Page 8 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL >.. Request from Italian American Club - Continued. GOOD AND WELFARE ADJOURNMENT: ITEMS FROM COUNCIL expedite this when we are fixing the park according to a master plan. He is not sold on using old doors when we haven't done anything else like that. He remembers a request for a restroom and a lot of thought went into it and the design. City Manager Wilson stated they are reutilizing resources, he agrees with the Vice Mayor, but does not think recycled timber is anything but good. Vice Mayor Datzman asked why the Park & Recre- ation is not looking at it first. City Manager Wilson stated that is part of the rec- ommendation. Councilman Fernekes wants to see something that fits into the master plan, but it should go through P&R and planning. City Manager Wilson stated staff could add "before allowing anything to be built, we can bring it back to Council" Consensus of Council - To have the Park & Recre- ation Commission look at the request. Mayor Mullin asked why one of the Fire Chiefs pictures was missing. Fire Chief Lee stated it was taken down as a model to be used by the photographer. Vice Mayor Datzman asked that the Boards and Commission list of appointments be updated. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. M/S Datzman/Fernekes - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 9:03 p.m. 7/8/98 Page 9 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~lt~ ..__~SPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City City of South San Francisco APPROVED. City of South San Francisco f The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 7/8/98 Page 10