HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 2573-1958 Signed Copy(Grant of }_olic Service Easement - East End of Butler Road) RESOLUTION NO. 2573 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GRANTING A PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT MHEREAS, the City of South,San Francisco desires that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company install poles and facilities for electric power se~¢ice in the vicinity of the east end of Butler Road, and WHEREAS, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company is willing to provide said service upon obtaining an easement to install poles and accessory equipment, and the City is willing to grant said easement. NO~, THEKEFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco does hereby authorize the execution of that certain Grant of Easement dated the 20th day of January 1958, granting an easement in the vicinity of the east end of Butler Road to the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor shall be authorized to executed said ~aa~.~of Easement on behalf of the City of South San Francisco and the City Clerk to attest his signature. . . . . I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a the 20th day of January vote: regular meeting held on 1958, by the following AYES, COUNCILMEN G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, and Leo J. Ryan NOES~ COUNCILMEN ABSENT, No ne Francis Lucchio City Clerk hereinafter called first party, does hereby grant to PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a Cali- fornia corporation, hereinafter called second party, its successors and assigns, the right to erect, maintain, replace, remove and use a line of poles with all necessary and proper crossarms, braces, anchors, guys and other appliances and fixtures for use in connection therewith, and to suspend therefrom, maintain and use such wires as second party shall from time to time deem necessary for the transmission and distribution of electric energy, together with a right of way along said line of poles, over and across those certain premises, situate in the.,..~...~..~.~l..i~D..]~'el~, ......... County of ..... ~1~.]~ ......................................... , State of California, which are described as follows: sh~t attached hereto, ~ked lh~h~b~t uAu, and ~ The route of said line of poles across said premises shall be as follows: Over~ aeross, along and vlthtn thoee oertain pareole of land designated 1~ 2 and ~ upon the shoet a%taehod hereto, ' ~"~' irp h:tbtt '~', sad hereby sade a part hare~, and ~ ~n the saeet attached heret~ ma~ed l~xh~b~t ",t", and hereby nade a Said right includes the trimming by second party of any trees along said poles and wires whenever considered necessary for the complete enjoyment thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF first party has executed these presents this ........... ~.O.~J/ ..................... day of Exeeut~ed in the presence Witness. FOR NOTARY'$ USE ONLY FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY CHECKED 9' Weet 78.?~ foot t~ & point herein for oonvsni.el~o and run~ thanee Se~h ~e42' F~t 193 feet t~ a point ~_'~n for ceave~ienee ~ Point ,Bt. A etrip ef land ef the unifor~ ~idth of 20 feet, ex- ten~g northm~terly fr~a the westerly bouadary !~,,_ on each aide of the line which begine at ~aid ~ UAn aad rua~ thence North 80022, Wear ~3.%% feet. A ~rip ef land of the unifor~ ~idth ef 23 feet, extemd- in~ ner~erl~ fro= the ~~V b~mSar~ line of ~Ad strip of land deaignated 2, and lying equally on each side of the line wh~Lch begins at said Point "Au and runsthence North ~;-~2' West 10 feet. A strip ef laud ~f the unifee~a ~idth of 3 feet, ex- tm~ '~'ng m~ther!y free the ~eatherly boundary line of each aide ~f th~ lime ~hich begin~ at said Point mB* APPROVED CH. DATg I SCALg I I/V c?. /.~ 7',Y-// I ~ .-: · ..::/~ .."7/.., ,._:' >% ~ / ..? :-:-,, ._ ,. .<::'12'. '::;= · ~:'.:-~-'~'-"~' ../':' ;~ "::;-- "-~/"'"// '-'-'.'/>' ,-. · . ' ~ 7'4/'?-. ' / =:-- ~ '7 ~- ,:'~ .'?-':"-,'" / :~_'. ! '"'":" .....F,AC rfc ~'~ ~"' -' '-< "' .... ' '" ~- ~"' GAS AND I:"LE:CTRIC COMPANY SAN F'RANCIICO, CAL,