HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09-18-03MINUTES September 18, 2003 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TAPE 1 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL / CHAIR COMMENTS PRESENT: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia*, Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt and Chairperson Romero ABSENT: Commissioner Meloni STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: City Attorney: Engineering Division: Police Department: Fire Prevention. Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Bertha Hernandez, Admin. Asst. II Kimberly Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Bob Hahn, Senior Civil Engineer Dennis Chuck, Senior Civil Engineer Sergeant Jim Thane, Planning Liaison Maurice Dong, Fire Marshal Commissioner Teglia arrived at 7:31 p.m. AGENDA REVIEW Chief Planner Sparks pointed out that items 2 & 3 were being continued. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2003. Approved Commissioner Teglia was concerned with the minutes not reflecting certain details on a discussion regarding CDBG grants for the Group 4 Architects proposal. He believed that stronger sentences were needed on this subject in the minutes. Chief Planner Sparks stated that he had those details left out of the minutes because CDBG grants are not within the Commission's purview but that they could be reinstated at the Commission's pleasure. Com~ssioner Honan did not recommend stronger language in the minutes. Motion Honan / Second Ochsenhirt to approve the minutes as drafted. Ayes: Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chah~erson Ochsenhirt and Chairperson Romero Noes: Commissioner Teglia Abstain: Commissioner Giusti Absent: Commissioner Meloni Approved by majority roll call vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Haskins, Richard Eimo/Owner Continued Budget Rent-A-Car, Inc./Applicant 69 So. Linden Ave. P03-0076 and Negative Declaration ND03-0076 (Recommend continuance to October 2, 2003) Use Permit and Design Review allowing a truck rental facility accommodating a maximum of 35 rental trucks, site improvements, upgrades to the existing buildings, new landscaping with 17 at-grade open parking for employees and customers vehicles and off-site truck rental parking for up to 26 trucks and allowing a seven foot tall fence on a 1.68 acre site situated at 69 South Linden Avenue (APN 014-103-090 & 014-103- 100) in the Industrial (M-l) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Section: 20.30.030 (c), 20.74.120 (b) and Chapter 20.85. Chairperson Romero asked if the applicant for this item was ready to do their presentation at this time. Senior Planner Carlson noted that they were prepared but the item had to be renoticed due to the September 4 meeting being canceled at which meeting this item was going to be reviewed by the Commission. Motion Sim / Second Honan to continue the item to October 2, 2003. Approved by unanimous voice vote. . Frank & Nannette Diokno-owner/applicant 22 Vista Court P02-0019 and Negative Declaration ND02-0019 Continued (Recommend continuance to October 2, 2003) The Modification of a Residential Planned Unit Development involves the construction of a 2 story single family dwelling and on-site parking, in accordance with the provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.84. The Parcel Map will allow the existing 24,225 square foot lot at 233 Vista Court containing an existing single family dwelling to be split into a total of two lots with areas of 13,335 square feet (new lot) and 10,890 square feet 22 Vista Court), in accordance with SSFMC Title 19. Motion Honan / Second Giusti to continue the item to October 2, 2003. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 4. Intrinsic Inc.-applicant Intrinsic Deerfield 160, LLC-owner 160 South Linden Ave. P03-0057/UP03-0007 and Categorical Exemption Section 15061C0)(3) Approved Use Permit allowing up to 12 artist ateliers ranging in size from 267 square feet to 725 square feet in an existing 65,003 square foot 3 story building, upgrades to the existing buildings, upgraded landscaping and 15 at-grade open parking spaces. Design Review of 12 artist ateliers ranging in size from 267 square feet to 725 square feet in an existing 65,003 square foot 3 story building, upgrades to the existing buildings, upgraded landscaping and 15 at-grade open parking spaces. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. He suggested that the Commission could add a condition from the Police Department that the applicant develop a program for managing the site so that it precludes live-ins subject to the Chief Planners approval. Michael Tevis, applicant, noted that their plans have changed since 2000 when they bought the property. They are proposing to build artist space. They have received positive response and the 12 units for this proposal have been committed to. The project will be a phased project. Phase I the current proposal will be finalized within six months. Phase II for 20 more studios will also be finalized in six months. They're looking at having the entire site leased in a two-year period. To ease the Police Department's concerned, they propose to provide a caretaker. The project is being phased due to the current economics. It is about half developed and the landscaping that will be provided is based on this. The rest will be provided with the additional phases. As a short-term solution to the Police Department's concerns he asked that they be allowed to have a trailer on-site and act as a caretaker's unit. This will allow them to incorporate a caretaker's unit in the second phase being that it was not done for the first 12 units. Public hearing opened. There being no speakers the public hearing was closed. Commission comments were as follows: · Providing round-the-clock security without having to provide an on-site caretaker can satisfy security issues. · The showers in the plans could allow for the site to become a home for tenants. · Being that this is a phased project the Commission wanted to see a Master Plan to envision what the long- term goal was for the applicant. · Welding requires additional safety measures and the Commission wanted to know if they were going to allow welding on site. · They wanted to know how long leases would be given for. · There was a concern if the artists advertised their work at the current site, they would generate more traffic to the area. · This is a good idea for the Lindenville area and the artists will become a benefit to the City. · They questioned what the applicant planned for the exterior aesthetics and how they plan to remove the mechanical equipment. · This was an incomplete application because they did not see the other phases · They were all in support of the project proposed. · A concern was raised with regard to hazardous waste and how it would be handled from the building. · They were also concerned about the trailer acting as a caretaker's unit's and discouraged it. · They suggested that the next proposal include the entire project. Applicant response: · If the economic factor is not considered with regard to round the clock security then they can provide this service. This is a very costly expense that they cannot handle economically. · The lease agreement states that the site is only for working purposes and not living. Should they live in it they are in breach of their lease. He added that strict management would get the attention of the rest of the tenants. · With the next proposal before the Commission, the applicant will have a Phased plan for them to review. · With regard to the welding safety measures, a condition can be added to be sure that these measures are taken. · The mechanical equipment will be removed as the phases are being completed and the exterior will be improved in the long run also. · The leases will run month-to-month or on a yearly basis depending on what the artist is looking for. · The building will have a janitor sink on every level that will be used to separate oil and water based paint. · The applicant noted that they envision having a gallery onsite to showcase the artists' art. Staff's Response: iiiiii 0 Assistant City Attorney Johnson suggested that the Commission add the following condition to tie this to the Use Permit rather than leaving it as a private lease. "Upon notice unpermitted residential occupancy by a tenant the applicant shall immediately take procedure to cease such use." She suggested adding a condition that requires a business license for any artist, a requirement which could be set forth in the lease. She also stated a six-month review gives the Commission the opportunity to see how the project roms out it. · The application was complete from the beginning and the applicant is only requesting 12 units and will remm with an additional proposal. · Chief Fire Marshall Dong noted that any hot work such as welding requires a permit. He added that with any new building they inspect the site and they also do this with new business licenses. · Senior Planner Carlson noted that the applicant could coordinate with the Scavengers to have them pick anything that is not oil or water based. He added that this could be added as a condition of approval. · The trailer was a suggestion by staff to provide on-site management until the applicant had enough time to change one of the units to a residential unit. Summary of Conditions added: 1. The lessees shall apply for business licenses. 2. The application will have a review at 6 months or at the time that the applicant submits a subsequent application, whichever is earlier. 3. The applicant shall work with Planning Staff and the Police Department to arrange night watchman' s quarters on site. 4. Unpermitted residential occupancy by a tenant shall immediately be terminated by the applicant. 5. The applicant shall provide a program to have oil / water separators within the building. 6. The applicant shall contact the South San Francisco Scavenger Company and develop a waste disposal program for solid waste. Motion Teglia / Second Sim to approve the permit with the above mentioned conditions. Approved by unanimous voice vote. TAPE 2 6-Month Review for Cingular Wireless/The Alaris Group-applicant Approved A!dersgate Methodist Church-owner 115 E1 Campo Drive P02-0018 and Categorical Exemption Class 3 Section 15303 New Construction of Small Facilities 6-month re .m_'ew of Use Pe__rm_it to allow installation of a telecom_m__un/cations facility consisting of 3 a_nXe_n_n_as and associated mechanical equipment at Hope United Methodist Church/ALDERSGATE METHODIST CHURCH in the Single Family Residential (R-l-E) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.105. Chief Planner Sparks presented the staff report. Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Teglia suggested that in the short term the applicant could plant flowers. He also pointed out that condition of approval #7 noted that there was a possibility for co-location. He asked if the applicant had explored this possibility. The Cingular Wireless representative noted that landscaping would be done in 3 to 4 weeks when the renovation is completed. He also noted that there is sufficient room to include another antenna. The Commission commended the applicant on the completion of the antenna. They noted that this is a model for all future applications. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 6. Items from Staff a. STUDY SESSION Action Signs, Inc.-owner William or Andrew Morocco-applicant 178-190 Airport Blvd. P03-0091/SIGNS03-0025 Type "C" Sign Permit (Special Circumstances) to allow the expansion of an existing single faced billboard to: 1) increase the height from 70' to 90'; 2) increase the size of the sign face from 588 sf (12'x42') to 672 sf (14'x48'); 3) install a new monopole structure; 4) improve the illumination; and 5) double face the sign in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zoning District in accordance with the SSFMC 20.76.170 & 20.86. Principal Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Commission concerns were: Increase in height and size. The City has actively tried to reduce these types of signs; an example of this was Terrabay. How this ties with the relocation of the Caltrain station. They asked for a comparison between this sign and the others in the East of 101 area. There would be a visual impact on Airport Blvd., Baden Avenue and Grand Avenue. · Several Commissioners noted open mindedness about the proposal, requesting additional information for further consideration. Staff response: · The example of the billboard signs at San Bruno Mountain is that although they were removed, extra square footage was added on the East side of 101. · The site is key in controlling the intersection of Baden and Airport to induce redevelopment in the area and tie in the relocation of the Caltrain Station. regard to height and size will be provided, as well as, photographs showing view impacts from adjacent streets. b. Chief Planner Sparks noted that Day in the Park was on Saturday, September 20, 2003. 7. Items from Commission Commissioner Teglia requested CDBG loan information. Chairperson Romero asked that staff look into a sign in the middle of the street on E1 Camino Real redirecting delivery trucks to another entrance at Costco. 8. Items from the Public I Don Mason, 10 Arlington Drive, commended the Commission for keeping the neighbors in mind on the billboard sign study session. 9. Adjournment 9:51 P.M. Motion Sim / Second Ochsenhirt to adjourn the meeting. Th-~m"~. S¢~}ks ~ _..,, Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco William Romero, Chairperson Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting October 2, 2003, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA TCS/blh