HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 67-1913 A?,T OIiDIBTAJTC~ CALLIA~G A SPF, OIAL ~L~:CTION I3T T~ CITY SOUTH S~ ~}TCISCO) COU~TTY O~ S~T ~A~O, STAT~ O? CALI~O~II;, FO~ T~ PU~OS~< 0~o~'~.~°~'~'~v'~'~:,:~, ~ SUB~I?'TI~G TO TB~ 0,UALI~'I~P. ~.:~,~ ~,,o,,n~-... ..... o 0F. T'I~ CITY OW GOUT}{ S.~'~ F~? CISC0,~r ( I ~'~U~[ICI.ALp COR- PO~mlON) A PROPOSITION TO I}TCUR A BOIleD I?,mFT~TED],~'SS TO PAY T~ COST O? C~}.',TAIN PUBLIC ~4UMICIPAL I~ROV~SI~,~TS, COST OY ~{ICH SAID ~.cJ}IICIPAL ~I~RO~gi~{TS ~rIL[, 2~ TOO C-H'>~AT TO ~]~ 'PAID 0 T . . _ . 0_. O? TH~'. O~IKAhY AOE~U~ IN)C0~,~ ~ ~%~1~ O~ SAID Cfi f OF SOUTH SA}:f vf~)?CISCO, AND ~rILb, I~l AD])ITI0.~.~ TO PE~I. ~,S O~ SAID CITY OF S UT.~; SA]X F~;~CISCO, DAY' T}'~ ..... ,1913, Ao T~ DATE UP.}~ ,~q{iCR SAI~ ~L .... TIO~. SJ~L], BF h~'L~: T~ ~AYt~R O? HOL~IV~ SAID ~C'~ION AR~ VOTI}(G ~'0~ 0~ AGAI~f~T INCUP~I~<~· SUCH A~S0 D~C~ARZ~:~ T~ ESTZ~AT~I~ COST OF SAID P~0~OS~D eUBLIC B~ INCU~D THTJJ.~',F0~ AI~ T~ ~T~ O~'I~ST T0 B~ PAID ON. ~E ~UALIFI~U) EL~,CTOnS.:~, SAID CITY 0'? EOUTH SkXI AC.~UISIIION, C0t~STRUCTI().N ~'~ C0~,~TI01',I icy T~D~ CI?'Y O? S0O,.H 322.:~ '~'~:,,:CiSC~C), ~ ~UC.flCI:P,~ COiioOI~TIOV, OW A S'YSTE~,~ O~ ?Ok SAID CITY OF SOOTH SAN F~:~CiSCO INCbODI.~G ~ OUT~ALD ~'~ Tl~ ACO.~ISITIOI'T ()? T'~-~ >~C~SSA~ EIGHTS O? ~rAy :~OE SAID 0 OTV ALL ~;~ ~_ereas, the City of SOuth San Francisco is ~ co~poratfon incorporated under ~he laYfs of the State of Califor- nia, ~nd the legislative branch of said City of ~outh San Fran- 6isco is designated as %he Board of Truste~s of the City of South S~:~n ~rancisco and consists of five ~emt~e~, ~nd t,.he ~leut of said Board of Trustees is the chief executive of said mun i c ip a 1 i ty, ~lnd ~nere~s the legislative br~nck cf said City' of So~lth Wrancisco, County of San ?ateo, State of California, to-%vit: zhe i%oard of Trustees of said Citj~ of Soutk S~u vr~ucisco 4id o~} the 2~-%h d~y of ~?~%rck, 1~)13, by ~n affirmative vote of l~ore ~h~%n t'~vo t?~irds of it~ mem]~pers, to-v~i~: the five 'members of said legisla~,ive branch, de~e~ine in due and ~0roper fo~ by resolution that ~ubiic interest ~nd necessity dem~r]d t]~ acqui- sitio~, congt~ction ~nd c~oletion of cer~Rn ]0ublic municipal imlTrovemengs in ~.nd for s~Id City of South S~ Vrancisco, to- %vi~: The acquisiSion, construction ~nd completion of a system sea-ers for said CiS~,~ of South San vrancisco including an outfgll sewer, ~i~d the acquisition of ~he necessary rights of %'~gj~ for s~iid outf~ll sewe~; t~-~t~ ~.:.e cost of said mu~nicip~.~] i~prove~ents ~ill be too great to be paid out of %he ordinary 5n~ual income and revenue of said City of South San Francisco, ~nd ~lll, in addition to the other ex~oendit~]res of said City of South San ~%ereas, ~he executive, the President of the Board of T~s- tees of said City of South San Francisco, County of San S%~te of California, did on the 24~h d~.~' of '~%~rch,1915, duly ~o_ere~, the ~o'~L~i a::~es~sed w~lue of all ~her~-~z-~ ~ ~nd _~er- sonal property within said City of South San Trancisco is the sum of !~l 394,253:00, and , ~.~hereas, the City of 9outh San V~rancisco has incur'red no inde]~;edness heretofore For public improvements, and ~.ereas, the indebte,~ness herein proposed to be incurred for s;~id m~icip~l improveme~ s shall not in the a~gregate exceed fifteen per cent of the assessed value of ~11 the real a~]d per- so~al pruperty in said City of South San Francisco, ]~ow the~"efore, the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco do ordain as follows: Section I.A special election is he~-eby called and shall be held in the City of South S?~n 7,~ra~e. isco, County' of San ~,~ateo, 19i3, ~for the p~rpose of submi..:ting, and at which electio~ there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Sou't?;. S~n Wrancisco, t~e proposition ~o iz;cur /~ i~o'n:~ed in~ebted- ne;:~,~ ~f (~52,000.00 in Gol~. Coin of the Unite,~ States of An~eric~.~, for the pu~ose of acquisition, construction said Ci~;y uF South San mramcisco, a municipal corporation, of a system of sewers for said Cit.},- of South San ~ra~cisco, imcludinff~ ~n turf ail sewer, and tJ-~e ~cquisition of the neces.sary rights of way for sa~id turf all sewer; An~ the last mentioned date, ~~ ...... ,i:)l[~, is he~'e?~¥ fi:~e~ ~t~ t?:e date .rot holding said special election and notice" of said election is hereby given and the said proposition to incur sai~] bonde~] indebtedness by s~tid City of South San Fr~tncisco .i~...,] ;?;~: ~ ~.~.,t~r~ ~f said Citj, of South S~ Francisco for their dete~min~.tion at said eiect'i~,n. Secti~n 2. The object and purpose for which said bonded indebtedness of ~62,.'-~00.00 is proposed to be incurred and bonds is ~he ~cqui~i~iun, a~ou~ction a~ conpletion of a system of sewers ~or' said City of South San Wrancisco including an outfall sewer, ~d tf~ acquisition of the necessary rights of way for said outfall sewer. Section ~. ~e esti~ated cost of s~id municipal improve- ment~ i~ .]~,000.00 and the ~o~t of the pr~cip~,~ of i;be ~edness to be i~curred therefor is ~'~62,0~0.c~. Sec~i~ ~. I~f ~ s~t~d ~peci~i election two-thirties of all t].~e voters voting[ c~t such s~Teci~l election s~%all vote in favor of i~currir~g ~ b~o~ded i~ebte~mes~; of ['~[~[2,000.00, as in this ordim~r~ce provid, ed, s~%id bonds shall be ~%uthorized ~o ~0e is~'yued ~nd sT!;~.~l ~e i~.~-~e~U ~;., ~.,.~ ~t~.at :3e ~32,0~O.~30, for the purpose aforesaid, [~aj,,-a]~le in QolO Coin of th~~ Unite~ States of America; said b~ld.s shall Joe negoti~tble in form amd shall ]:)e of the cha- racter kno'~rn aa seri~ls and ~zkall ]oe~%r 'th(~ re~'~e of interest and sh~il be p~ti~l ~%s he r'eine~f~er provided. The bonds z~uuho:~i~'ed 'to Joe is..~ued pursuant to, s~i,~ election shall 1eear interest from t/~eir ~te ~]n5il paid at 't~:e rate of five per cen. t per a~uum, pay~tble semi-annu::tltljr, and the princi- pal and. interest of said. bo~]~ ~-]:~11 )~e paj-~.~'01e in O,,~id Coin of the United. States of America in t]~ mau~e~' follo,~i~z[, that is to s~y; one thJ~"{;y-~.r;st (1/31) p~trt o6 the .~v~ole .~r~]nt of the principal of s~id indebtedMess ~reated uncler the provisions of this ordinance shall be p~aid c~ch amd every year at the City Tre~%sur>~ of said City of South San Fr~..;ncisco, County of ~ateo, State of Ca!ifurni~, o~] a d;~y ::~sd d.~tte to be here~fter fixed by the legislative branch of t. he said '~uMicipality, to- get]~er with the interest on a[[1 sums unbraid at such date; --4-- provided that the interest on said bonds shall be paid semi- annually so that trier.. ~haii be ~ p~yment of interest on all sums then u. npaid in each and every' half-year, one of such semi- annual pa~ents in each year being on the day and date of the pa~ent of t~he annual inztal]'meut of the princi~:al of such in- deb te~ne~s as afores~id; Provided ~,~rthe~' t'q~t"o s~id iaterest shall be evidenced by 't~ proper coupons at~:ac~ed to said bonds, a separate coup~.~n in~ ~-~t~,.u~u:~:'t_ . to each bo~d for each semi-ar~rual .~ayment of interest to become due on such bond; amd That the tot~tl indebtednes~ authorized to be created said election shall be re~ ~sen~ea by bonds payable in the man- ner aforesaid, ~znd t~a~'~. ~aid boud~,,:, ~ha[t. be i.~'-'~ed~.r~.,.. :-~ch de- nomial~tions ~s t'te lef~islative '~'ranch of s~ai~ Ci'~, of South San ~rar:ci:sco may determim.:, except t)z~:tt no bonds shall be of a les ~ denomination t!tan one hundred dollars nor of a greater denomination t~a~ one thousand do-[~.:~:c~ ,'tr~ t;~a,~: ?;t~ bor~-~.-~ ~e known as munici[;al improvemert server Section 5. It is further ordai~'~ed t[~at the manner of hold- ~uo ~aid ~pecial election and of v~timg theresult for and against said proposition of incurring said i~debtedness, shall be provided in this or,'~inance and that in ~1.1 particulars not recited herein such s~ecial electio~ ml~ll hel~ as provided ?or by i~.~'~ ~or hol~i~f~ municipal electio~s in said City of South San Wrancisco, a~d that in all ~articul~'~rs not recited he~ein and not provided for by law for bol~ting such ~u~icipal elections, abe~e~er',~tl election law~._ o~he State of California, ~o far the ~r~e .,,~ be ap["iic~bie,~q:-~l That fo~ the purpose of said special election said 0ity of South San Wrancisco b.a,~ been and now is ~]ivi~ed into two (2) electio~ precincts respectively to be l~nown as ooutb San cisco ~4unicipal .-,iection Precinct No.l" ~nd "-: '- .?¢unicipal ]~lec~ion Precinct. No.2'.' South San Francisco ~un~cl.,.,al Flectio~ ~recinct ~o 1 shall co~tain all that territory of said city included within the following descr~oe:t boundaries, to-wit: Begin~i~ at a point on the ea~tely line of the m~in countj ro~-~d iea~im~ from S~zn Francisco to San Jose, where the south- e~steriy line of the :~0.11 acre tr.~ct of la~d, fon~erly the land of Tomaso Crelsta, i~tersect.~ said road and run~io~ therce north- easterly alorE the southeasterly line o¢ s~.~i~ Tom~.-',.~ Cra~-~t~ ~.~cre t~ct to the southwesterly line of the lands of the 'Crocker -, ~ · st ....... ~ t~e $,ou% ~we~terly line esthete run~in.~ thence un a~ne~ erly ' ~ of the lands of~ the Croc'cer estate to the usrz~r,ve~terly coruer of the 440.91 acre tra.tct of 'the land:~ ~f 'tTle S,O~lt}! S~tq %~rancisco ~.~erly and La~d and ~prcvemer~t Compa.~y; ruuninv 'the.hoe ea~+ northeasterly alonf/ the northerly' b.uunfl.~-try line ~.f the s~.~.id 440. 91 acre tr:tct of t%e 2outh San Z'r'aucisco Land amd Improvement Company 1;o t~e point where said last m +'-~ is i~tersected b~,~ the center line cf Olive Avenue in ,,.._e City of South San 7~*ra~c isco, , ....... ~,,~'~;'-¢ .... ": .... oe~ter li~e of Olive Aveuue to the center li~e of Amo'~r Avenue; ,~long the center line of A~.our thence southeasterly, on and" Avenue so the center li~e of Li~den Avenue; t):e~ce on ~,nd :-,zo'q~ the center lithe of Linden ,Avenae to i;'~e center line of the right of way of t,he Sout"-.ern Pacific Hailroad Company; of said Southe~ Paci¢ic ~ilro~¢ Company 'to a point where said center line is 4:~ersected by the nor.~erly line of Fifth A~dition to San >runo Park;/ thence ~outhwesterly the northwesterly ii'ne of bt~o~Fifi;7~ A,l~].i;J.~q bo S~n P%rk/ and the southerly line of the ands off the ~outh San r, rancisco ~and and Improvement Company to the westerly side,' of the Sonthern ...... :..-, :[¢...' .... · ! Pacific Railroad; thence northwesterly along the s~id westerly side of the Southern Pacific Railroad to the northeasterly cor- ner of the lands of the New Caligornia Jockey Club, known as "Tanforan Park"; %herce southwes%erly along t~e northwesterly line of said Tanforan Park to the easterly line of the main county road leading from San Francisco to San Jose; thence one ,'uile; ~hence cro~i,%~~.~:.~ said roatd to its ~veste~ly line and ~nning nort.~wes~erly c%long i%s westerly line to ~ point where ~ae southerl3 line of the 90.11 acre tract, fo~erly the land of Tomaso Cres~a, if ex~ended sout?z'~esberly ~cro:5~ said road_, '.~oul.d intersect the ad,ne; Shence nor%heas%.erly crossing said road ~o the point of begin;ting. Sou~h S~n ~ra, r~.ci~(~:o ~u~icip~%l Election Precinct ~o.2 shall contain ~11 th~ territory of said city included, within the fol- lowing described boundaries to-wit: Begtnnisg at a point on tn_, northerly bouodary line of the 440.91 acre tract of land. of the S.'~ut~ S.t~,~ ~r~nci~:~o I,~?rave,]e~]t Company where the center ]i~e of Olive Avenue in the t _e same, City of South San Wrancisco intersects ~ and running t)~ence along the northerly boundary line of ?eck's Subdivision of South San Francisco ~o t~e easterly line of San rannirg thence northeasterly alo~ Dhe easterly line of San Bruno Road to the nort~vesterty corner of Lot number 18 of ~ec- uion 15, ~ownship Z Sou,th, Y~nge ~ ~est; running thence ~ue east along the northerly line of Lots numbers 17 and 19 of said Sec- tion 15 and along the northerly line of Lots numbers 24, 25 and 22 of Section 1.~, and to ~he.center of Section 14, S.~,h, }%%nt.~e 5 V~est; tt~ence due e~s~ ~o ~he li~e separ.~-~ting the counties of Ala~eda~and San ~a~eo, thence run~ing ~ut~erly separ~].ng the counties of Alameda and S~ ~ateo to a point due eas~. of ~he extension of the northerly boundary line' of Section ;56, Town.~hip .5 South, Range 5 West; ru, n~ing t:hence due west to the northeasterly corner of the Water Mr,ont and the Tide Land Company's 80 acre trac~ of said Section ~6; zunni~ 't>~ar~ce ],~ ',~r~.~t ~-~io~og the north sec'rich lines of Sec- ~ions 35, 35, 34 and 33 of said Township ~ South, ~nge 5 West, to the east,erly line of S~ Brmno ~ad; thence northerly along the easterly line of the San B~,~o Road 38 chains more or less, to a point ~here the northerly line of the ?ifth A~JditiOn to San ~ ' run~ Park, if extended nor%heas~rly would sa:~id easterly line of the said San B~no Ro~; thence ~outh- westerly along the northw~,~;~terly line of the Fifth A~dition S~n ~rtl~no P.:,,r-k~ ..... ~,rld, tile so~i'.->,eF1~. y line of the lands of the South San ?rancisco Land and Improvement Company to the center line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; thence northerly and northeasterly along said center' li~e of said Southern Pacific }~ilroad Company to a poir~t where s~id center line is intersec- ted by the cent.er line of' Linden Avenue; thence northerly alone said center line of m~id Linden Avenue to the center line of Armour Avenue; thence northwesterly along the ~ce. ni;er line said A~our Avenue to %i~ze center iine of Olive Avenue; thence northerly alo~L~ the center line of said Olive Avenue to the point of beginning; provided, however, that the followi~des- cribed land and territory is not intended to be included, and that the same is not included within the territo~~ above descri- bed, nor ,~ithin the corporate limits of i;}.~e s<~id City of South San ~rancisco but is especially excepted a~ excluded there- from, and fr.~ the jurisdiction of said City of So~th San Fran- cisco, to-wit: Bed~inni~]~E at a point on t~:. dividing line between Sections 22 and 23, Township 3 South, Range 5 Went., ~I. ~. ~. said point'being 150 feet north of the granit, e 'mont~ment set ten chains north of Section corner common to Sections 2~, 23, 26 and 27, Twonship 3 South, ~n6;e 5 West, and r~nning thence northwesterly to a point that is distant south ~4 de~rees mimer.es '~est, 750.;-~:~ feet .From t],~e granite monument which is set for' the most nort}~erl~~ cor~er of the land of the ~estern ~eat Company; thence n.~rth 37 degrees 47 min'~tes east, 1201.07 feet; -thence north 51 degrees 13 minutes ear, t, 2.~2.2 feet :~0 ~;?~.~ right of way of the Selby Smelti~ and Lead Company; ther~ce easterly along s~id sou'tV~erly line of said ri~:ht of way to the dividii~g lithe between Section's [-~2 and 23, Twonship 3 South, l~nge 5 West; thence north to a po~'~t that i's dist~t~t 50 feet fro~-~ the shore line of the S~%n ?rancisco Bay; tT~ence east. erly and southerly to ~ p,~int that is due wes'~ of the south- we~t corner of tide lot No.27, Sectio~ 14, Twonship 3 ~n~[e 5 ?est; t?~ence due east to the dividing[ line %:et~,~eem t~ countries of San ~.~ateo and Ala?;eda; thence cou?:::.e~'ly alo~f~ said dividin~ line to a point th~'~ is ,::]ue east of the poi:~t whe~'e c~;sZerly boand~try li~e cf tide lot ]~o.10 of Sectio~ 2Z intersects ~e shore li~e of t]'~e San ?rancisco Bay; thence 5ne west to point that is 50 feet westerly at ri~?,%t angeles to the li~e of t'b.e ri~ht of ray of the Smei'ter [~il:~o,~d; thence easterl'y ~d southerly ~long the line diet,tnt 50 feet from and parallel to t.he said southerly line of the right of way of the said rail- road to a point t?:at is due east from the poirt of thence .i~;e ~zest ~;o t~e point of Tl~at said election sl~a].l ]pe conducted by board, s of election consistinff of one (1) Ins~ector, one (1) Yudge and Tvzo (2) Clerks for eac~ precinct ?~hose duties and powers shall be and are the s~me as those of bombards of e].ection ard of such election officers, respectively under the law governi~fj municipal elec- tions~of said City of South San ~rancisco, and in particulars not co~ered by such law, then uoder the ge~er~ election laws of ~he State of California. If any of ~he ~embers of said Boards of E2ec~ion hereinafter na~ed fail to ~end at the openi~g of the p~iis o~ the morning of such election, the electors of that precinct present, at that hour m~y supply Zhe place of ~y such abse:~t member by appointment, as provided 'by said general elec- tion lav~s. At said special election, the polls shall o'clock of the morning of such election and shall be kept open until six o'clock in t)~.e afternoofi of the same day when the said polls shall be closed. In said South San Wrancisco (m~nicipal e;iection preciocts ~5 i' ~ e p 0 ]. [ ~ ;~ '~ ~ ~ ~11 be held ~t the pJ.~ces and the election conducted as aforest~id 'by' said Inspectors, Judges and Clerks, respectively% hereinafter named as follows, to-wit: In South San Francisco Municipal Election Precinct ]~.i the poiis shall be ]~eld in ~/Tor~zzini'~ S~;o~e ~o~m situated o~ t~ae northeast corner of Grand Avenue and ~f~ple Avenue in said City and 'the Imspector shall be ~rs. Ca~-rie ~interhaltar; the Yudge shall be ~illiam Quirn;the Clerks shall be ~r;s. ~ary ~(obinson and g. Eikerenkotter. In S~ub;~ S~zn ~rancisco ~uniciBal Elect, ion Precinct ]~o.2 the polls shrill ]>e he/d in t}':~~ Cit~' ~i~lI at 1{o. 5i0 Li~:den Avenue in s~.~id citj~~ and t>~e Ins~oector s~_a]l be Richard Harder; the Judge shall 'be ~. Foley; t?~e Clerks shall be ~rs. ]~. Daneri and ~ i~. Cne~ ~y And said polling places above ,~esif{~a~ed h+-tve 'oeen found an~f are hereby determi~ed to be suit~:.~ble amd ?rob:er plf~ces for hol~.inf] ~3~0)~ s~eci~,~l election , ~nd s~id several ~erzons above de;~ignate<~ as members of the ~espective }~oard.~ of ~lection h~ve -i0- , been found and are hereby determined to be quali'~ied for said respective positions on said Boards of Fiection as requir'e~ by law and they shall and will be and are hereby aT~,~ointed as such officers to conduc~ such and said election and constitute said Board~ of Election, ~nd said Boards of ~lec~ion and said officers ~a,~l conduct ~nd are hereby directed ~o c~nduc~ s~.ti~, election ~ by law ~nd this ~rdin~nce provided ~nd ~o c~nvass the votes given and c;~st at sai~ special election and to make and deliver red, urns the~'eof in ac~ordance ' ' ~ ~v~t.., the provisions of this ordi- nance and of law and t~e said S~th S~...n ~r~:~_cisco s'.-.~.[1 mee~; andc,~nv.~, ~ .~ said re'Curtis '~ ~aen received ~nd declare the result of said special election in %he man'::er provided f.ur by l~v~. Section O. A suffficient number of ?~uiiots shaJl be and is hereby di~'ected to be prepared and caused to be printed s~id ~reci~cts as p~'ovic~ed for by law and up.~n the proper '~ind of pa~3~er, oo-wit: ~:.e same as ~sed ~t ffeseral elections i~ tt~.~ S~..~e o.~ Cali- ~'~ the ~ fo~ni~, ~ ~,le~k of nhe City of South San ?ra~cisco and be furnished and p~'ovided for the use of '~he voters at said spe- cial election at.tL.e expense of the Ci%~ ~f South San mramcisco and to have t?;e following ma~ter ]~cinted such other matt, er as may be required by la~.v, to-w~.t: "A special election submit'ting to the qualified voters of t'he City of South San F~'ancisco, Co~nto, of San ~a~,eo, State of~ California, the following .proposition, T~.~ pm~.9o~[~;;.,,a to ;.'~' .:~ bonded indebtednes~ of ~62,000. O0 Gold Coin of the United States of ~merica for the object and purpose of acquiring, comstrucaing a'sd completing by the City ~f South S~n Francisco, a municipal corporation, a system -11- of sewers, including an outfall sewer and acquiring the ~cessary right~ of way for said outf~ll sewer, as more particularly forth in: ~he plans and specifications adopted by the .Board of Trustees of ~he Cit~~ of S~_~th San ~rancisco by resolution ~.uly pas,~ed and adopted on the 24th d~- of ~.~arch, 1913, to which plans and ~pecifications reference is hereby made, For said proposition to incur a bonded debtednc~ .... ~ ~c2 '~' ,000.00 in Gold Coin of the ~ited States of ~eric~ for the .pt~:r.~o~e ~cq~'~,'~'~j, c~structing ~nd completing ~ tern of se~ers, i~cludin~/ ~n outf~]l sewer and ~he necessary ri~'~.~ of ~,~ay ~or said outfall Any rotor ~ho desires to vote in ff'avor of s~id ~roposition aod to a~:~ept said ~ ..... ' ' - f,r~t,~s~t~on nu~y do so ~y stam~i~ a cros~; (X) i~a ~]~ v~ti'~:-,~ ~,1~,.,'~~ ~ the ri~,~ hand ~ar'?;in o-~ his be]lot, after ;~nd o~;~osite the word "Yes".. , and after such ballot shall be so stamped and deposited in t~ ballot box it s~azl be co'unted as provided by la~.w ~s a vo'~e in favor of .... ~.~c cep ~ lng ~he s~me. An~, voter who desires ~o vote ~.~iy:s~ said ~ropoeition and to reject said ~:,r~,~oision~'~ ~.~ m~ do ,~o ?~-. st~%pir~g ~:~ cross (X) in the voting square ~n tb.e right hand margin of the ballo't and op~:osite the '~ord "I{o~ a'~d af't~r such ballot shall be so stamped. and deposite~] imt :.:~ oall~t box, it shal.~ be canvassed and counted as provided .... o.~. law as a vot;e a~:,inst a~'.~ch ?ru,[:~,~,' t~on and rejecting the ~me~' ~ection 7. The man:~er of voting for or against the propo- -12- . I sition of incurring said indebtedness shall be as follows, to- wit: Any voter who desires tv v~te f~r ~nd in favor of said proposition to ir~cur said indebtm~ness as a._or'esa~d ~d to ac- cept said proposition', ~]ay do so at said special election as stated in said fo~ of ticket by stam~oin~f a cross(X) in the vot~n~:.,~ s,.lu~re in ~.he ri~.. hand mar~in~ of a b.~].lot, received ~:r':~m one of the aforesaid ~oards of ~lection, &fret and o~oo- cite the word "'ffes", and after said ballot shall have bean so st~ped and deposited in the ballot box, it shall be canvasz~ed and counted as required by law a~ a vote in favor- of s~:~D::~ ~m~- p~ition and accepting the same. And a~y voter who desires to' vote agaimst said proposition to incur said indel>tedness, as ~foresaid, ~md to re,Sect the sai~ proposition, m~y do so at said special election, as stated in said fo~m of ticket, by ~ta~in2 ~ cro:ss (X) in the voting square in the ~ight k.~d mar?in of his ballot, received from one of t.7'~e ~-~f~,e~.~iq Z,o~tmt~3 ~,~ Plec'~ion, after and opposite the word "?~[o"~.. , and after said ballot shall be so st~mped and de- posited in the ballot box, it shall be canvassed and counted as provided for by la~-~ as a vote against said proposition, and re,~ ec tin? ~;he .... e shall be done or. ly with t~ne st~mp, which, ~zith ~ecessar?-pads and ink, shaJ. 1 be provided for each booth in said two ~esignated polling place~. Section 8. Ail persons qu~lified, at ~the time of holding s~i.~ election, to vo~e ~t municipal eiectioos in a~ for the City of South San Fr~ncisco, or entitled by law governing such ~peci~,i ei~:~c~;i~, ~a]l be qualified to vote at such special election. Section 9 This ordinance shall be ?~.~b!is,._ed once a week .-13- for two (2) weeks in "The Fnterprise, a newsi)aper of general circulation, printed and published and circulated ore day a week in said City ~f So~th San Wrancisco. ~o other notice of s~ch election need be given. Section 10.-Ail ordinances or p~rts of ordina~ces in con- flict here?'zith are hereby repe~led. Section it. This ordinance shall t~ke effect and shall be in full force and effec~ f~om. and after its passage and ao~rov~l. Intro4uced this /;_j~ day of~/~ ,1913. ?a~-a, ed and at, opted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francis~ o, t3 ~, re,z~i:~r meetinf~ of t~e Board of T~s~ees of the City of South San _~ranc soo this day of _, 1'~t~, by the fo]lo~ing vote: ~. Pres '~ %~e ~rd of~"~stees o~ ~he City of oou~h San ~r~ncisco Attest: ' ~ ! hereby uO the City of South San ,r~ncls o. -14-