HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 135-1925 . . ! (~,DINAI~CE GRANT~N~ TO PACII~IC ~AS AND W, LECTRIC COM- PS, A C~I~O~IA C~~TION, ITS ~C~8SO~ ~ ~G~, T~ ~GHT, P~VI~GE A~ ~~ISE OF ~ ~ ~ ~0~ O~ ~T~NG, CO~C~NG ~ DI~- ~a~SSlON LI~S ~ ~ ~~IC ~I~S ~ ~~~, IN ~ ~C HIG~AYS, ~ ~ O~ T~ OI~ OF SO~ S~ ~~S~, IN ~ ~ T~ ~~, ITS SUC~O~ OR ~SIG~, FOR ~0~ OF ~~NG SAID CITY A~ ITS I~IT~S W~~ ~ person or a~ corporation or- ganized for such ~pose under ~e laws of the State of ~lifornia, which was, on the loth ~y of October, 1911, ~ing the public hig~s, streets ~d alleys of said City of Sou~ S~ ~ancisco, and maintaini~ or using electric trans~ssion lines and other electric conductors, appli~ces and aP~tus in said highw~s, streets ~d alleys, for the purpose of suppling said City and its ~bitants with electric li~t, under and ~suant the provisions of Section 19 of ~ticle ~ of ~e Con- stitution of the State of ~lifornia as the s~e existed prior to its ~en~ent on the last ~ntioned date, the ri~t to conti~e to use said ~ublic hi~w~s, streets and alleys ~d to inst~l, ~intain-and use said lines, conductors, appliances a~ a~tus for the purposes aforesaid upon the te~s ~d conditions set forth in said Section; and ~~ it is deemed By the Board of ~stees of the ~ty of South San ~cisco that ~ic g0~d requires t~t the fr~chise hereinafter de- fined be' granted upon the te~ and conditions herein- after set forth, N0~, T~ORE, The Board of Trustees of the City of South San ]~rancisco DO ORDAIN AS i~LLOUS: ~ECTION 1. The right, privilege and franchise of maintaining and using, for the purpose of transmitting, conducting and distributing electric current to ~be sold and used for heat and power lmXrpcee$, or an~ thereof, all and singular the pole and wire electric transmission lines and other electric conduct- ors, appliances and apparatus which the grantee of this franchise shall hereafter maintain and use in the public highways, streets and alleys of maid City of South San; Francisco for the purpose of supplying said City and its inhabitants with electric light, is hereby granted to PACIFIC GA~ AND ELECTRIC C0~[pANY, a California ~or- pcraticn, its successors and assigns, for the term of twenty-five (2~ years from and after the time when this ordinance shall go into effect, upon the terms and conditions in this ordinance prescribed. The grant- ing of this franchise shall not limit or affect the right of said City to grant electric light, heat or power franchises in said City to other persons or ocr- po rat i ohs. SECTION 2. Ail construction done under the authority of this ordinance shall be done subject to the general supervision and direction of the Super- intendent of ~treets of said City and in compliance with all valid ordinances and regulations which are now or hereafter shall be enacted and prescribed by said City under its police power. Said City of South S~n- . . ! ~rancisco shall retain and hereby reserves all rights which it now possesses or shall hereafter possess to enact, in the exercise of its police powers, ordinances for the protection, health and safety of said City and its inhabitants, including the establishment of under- ground districts for electric lines an~ conductors in said City. ~ork under this franchise shall be prosecuted diligently and tn good faith so as to meet and fill the reasonable needs of the inhabitants of said City of South San l~rancisco. S~CTION 3, The grantee of said right, prSvilege a~d franchise, its successors or assigns, sh~ll during the life of said franchise l~y to said City of ' South San ~rancisce two (2] per cent. of the gross, a~l receipts of said grantee, its successors or assigns, arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise. No percentage shall be paid for the first five (5~ years succeeding the date of this' franchise, But thereafter Such percentage shall be payable annually; a~d in the event said payment is not made, said fran- chise shall Be forfeited; provided, however, that if saiA. franchise be a renewal of a right already in exist- ence, the payment of said percentage of gross receipts shall begin at once. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall g~ into effect thirty (30] days from its final passage and pub- licaticn, u~lesa suspended from going into operation by a referendtun petition filed as provided by law, and be- fore becoming effective shall be published once in 'The -3- I Enterprise', a newspaper of general circulation publish- ed in said City of South San l~rancisco. Passed By the Board of Trustees of the City of 5outh San ~"ranoisco on the ~_~day of :~ 192%, ~ the followi~ vote: foes: TrusteeB ~ Absent: T~stees ~ ' /~ President of t~e Board [/ of TrUstees of the City Attest. ~rk' of'be South San l~rancisco.~//