HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 145-1927 ORDINANCE NO. 145 ties of a 750 gallon pump to be lng said special election; and Francisco, a' municipal corpora- AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING installed on the combination WHEREAS at said special ' ties in the County of San Matzo, AND PROVIDING FOR THE chemical engine and hose car now election more than two-thirds State of California, do ordain as INCURRING OF BONDED IN- owned by said City, the acquisi- (2-3) of the qualified voters of follows: DEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY ties of a new 750 gallon combina- said City of South San Francisco Section 1. That in accordance OF SOUTH SAN FRANCIS- ties pumping engine and hose voting at said special election, with the will of the voters ex- CO, A MUNICIPAL CORPOR- car with water tank equipment, voted in favor of said proposi- pressed at said special election ATION IN THE COUNTY OF the acquisition of twenty-five tion submitted to said qualified held on the 28th' day of June, SAN MATEO, STATE OF CAL- hundred (2500) feet of standard voters and accepted said proposi- 1927, and in accordance with said IFORNIA, IN THE SUM OF fire hose and the acquisition, con- ties, and thereby authorized is- ordinance numbered 144, regular- FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS struction and completion of a suing of bonds for such indebted- ly passed and adopted on the 6th ($40,000.00) GOLD COIN OF building-on the easterly side of ness as provided by said ordin- day of June, 1927, by the Board THE UNITED STATES OF the right of way of the Southern ance and by law; and of Trustees of the City of South AMERICA, TO PAY THE COST Pacific Railroad Company for WHEREAS all the votes cast San Francisco, County of San OF CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IM- the purposes of housing fire fight- at said special election were duly Mateo, State of California, am PROVEMENTS IN AND FOR lng apparatus, will be too great and properly cast and counted aforesaid, and in compliance with. THE SAID CITY OF SOUTH to be paid out of the ordinary an- and the returns thereof duly certi- the laws of the State of Califor- SA~ FRANCISCO, AUTHOR- nual income and revenue of-said fled, made, and canvassed; and nia, bonds of said City of South ~ IZED AT A SPECIAL ELEC/- City of South San Francisco, WHEREAS the whole number San Francisco in the sum of Forty TION HELD IN SAID CITY ON and will in addition to the other of votes cast and the whole num- Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) THE 28TH DAY OF JUNE, expenditures of said City of South ber of voters voting at said special be issued in accordance with the 1927, AND PROVIDING FOR San Francisco exceed the income election was seven hundred sixty- provisions of an act of the Lewis- THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS and revenue provided for in any six (766), of which whole number lature of the State of California, EVIDENCING SUCH INDEBT- one year; and five hundred thirty (530) voters, entitled, "An act authorizing the EDNESS, SPECIFYING THE WHEREAS the total assessed voting and five hundred thirty incurring of indebtedness by cJi- FORM OF SAID BONDS, valuation of all the real and per- (530) votes were cast and given les, towns and municipal corpor- .~ PROVIDING FOR A TAX sonal property within said City for and in' favor of and accepting ations for municipal improve- ~' LEVY FOR THE PAYMENT of South San Francisco is the sum the proposition to incur a bond- ments and regulating the acqui- THEREOF, AND CREATING of $4,601,875.00; and A MUNICIPAL IMPROVE- WHEREAS the total indebted- ed indebtedness of $40,000.00 in sitlon, construction and comple- Gold Coin of the United States of tion thereof," which became a · MENT BOND FUND. ness hitherto incurred for public America, for the object and pur- law February 25th, 1901 and all WHEREAS the City of South improvements by said City of pose of acquiring, constructing acts emendatory thereof, for the San Francisco is a municipal South San Francisco is $249,000'.- and 'completing by the 'City of purpose of paying the cost of the corporation incorparated under 00, and of said last mentioned South San Francisco, a municipal following public municipal the laws of the State of Cailler- amount the sum of $181,300.00 corporation, of One Hundred provements, to-wit: nia', and the legislative' branch of remains unpaid; and Thirty (130) fire hydrants, the For the acquisition, construeto- said City of South San Francisco WHEREAS the entire indebt- acquisition, construction and corn- ion and completion of One Hun- is designated as the Board of edness herein proposed to be in- pletion of an extension to the fire dred Thirty (130) fire hydrants, Trustees of the City of South San curred for all said municipal is- alarm telegraph system now exis.t- the acquisition, construction and Francisco, and consists of five. provements .hereinbefore men- .lng in said City, the acquisition completion of an extension to the (6) members, and the President tioned shall not in the aggregate of a 760 gallon pump to be install- fire alarm telegraph 'system now of said Board of Trustees Is the exceed fifteen per cent (16%) of ed on the combination chemical existing in said City, the acqui~i- chief executive of said municipal- the assessed value of all the real engine and hose car now owned tion of a 760 gallon pump to be ity; and " and personal property in said by said City,~'the acquisition of a installed on the combination WHEREAS the legislative City of South San Francisco; new 760 gallon combination chemical engine and hose car now body of said City of South San and pumping engine and hose car with Francisco, a municipal corpora-. WHEREAS on the 6th day of water tank e/iuipment, the acqui- . owned by. said City, the acquisi- ~ tion of a new 750 gallon combina- tion within the County of San June, 1927, the said legislative sition of twenty-five hundred tion pumping engine and hose car Matzo, State of California, to-wit, branch of said City of South San (2500) feet ~ standard fire hose with water tank equipment, the the Board of'Trustees, o! said Francisco did duly and regularly and the acquisition, construction acquisition of twenty-five hund- City did, on the 2nd day of May, pass and adopt by a vote of more and completion of a building on red (2500) feet of standard fire 1927, by an affirmative vote of than two-thirds (2-3) of all the the easterly iflde of the right of hose and the acquisition, con- more than two-thirds (2-3) of all members thereof, to-wit, four way of the Southern Pacific Rail- struction and completion of a its members, ' to-wit, five (5) members (4) members of said road Company Cor the purposes of building on the easterly side of members of the said legislative legislative branch, an ordinance housing fire' fighting apparatus; the right of way of the Southern branch, determine in due and numbered 144 calling a special and ' ~' Pacific Railroad Company for the proper form, by resolution, that election in said City of South San WHEREAS ~the proposition purposes of housing .fire. fighting the public interest and necessity Francisco for the purpose of sub- hereinbefore mentioned has been apparatus. demand the acquisition, con- sitting and submitting to the duly accepted by the qualified Section 2. Said bonds shall be struction and completion, by said qualified voters of the City of voters of said City of South San negotiable in form and forty (40) City of South San Francisco, of. South San Francisco, said suni- Francisco and said City of South in number; they shall be number- certain municipal improvements cipal corporation, the following San Francisco has been, and now ed consecutively from one (1) to as follows, to-wit: the acquisi- proposition for incurring a bond- is, authorized and empowered to forty (40), both numbers inclu- tion, construction and comple- ed indebtedness by said City of incur the aforesaid bonded in- sively. Each of said bonds shall b* tion of One Hundred Thirty(130) South San Francisco, to-wit: debtedness and the whole there- of the denomination of One tire hydrants, the acquisition, PROPOSITION of; and Thousand Dollars ($1,000.0Q) construction and completion of an A proposition to incur a bond- WHEREAS it is provided in each, and all said bonds shall be extension to the fire alarm tele- ed Indebtedness of $40,000.00 for said ordinance numbered 144 payable in Gold Coin of the Unit graph system now existing in said the purpose of the acquisition, that, if at said special election ed States of America at the offlc~ City, the acquisition of a 760 gal* construction and completion by two-thirds (2-3) of all the voters of the City Treasury of said City ion pump to be Installed on the said City of South' San Frame/oeo, voting at enid special ejection vet- of 8outh San. Franebeo, County combination chemical engine and a municipal eorjmoratie~ og 01~ ed ia hvoe of lneurriB~ a.bmodmd dx' Am ,~fiid~, ~*,?fe ~ C~e}[~P'~}]. hose car now owned by said City, Hundred Thirty (130) fire hy- indebtedness of Forty Thousand Said bonds shall be dated as of the acquisition of a new 750 gal- drants, the acquisition, construct: Dollars(S40,000.00) for the pur- the first day of S,,ptember, 1927, ion combination pumpin~ engine ion and completion of an exton- pome stated in said proposition, and shall bear interest from and hose car with water tank Sion to the fire alarm telegraph bonds shall be authorized to be their date tlntJl p~tld at the rate equipment, the acquisition o£ system now existing in said City, issued to the amount of Forty of fi~e (5) per cent per annum, twenty-five hundred (2[,00) £e~ the actluisiLion of a 750 gallon Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) ~payable semi-annually in like of standard fire hose and the ac- pump to be installed on the corn- for the purpose aforesaid; and Gold Coin at the office of the qulsition, constrnction and corn- bination chemical engine and hose WHEREAS it was in said or- City Treasury' of said City of pletion of a building on the; east- car now owned by said City, the dinance number 144 provided that South San Francisco, County of erly side of the right of ~'ay of acquisition of a new 750 gallon said bonds shall be paid for as San Mateo, State of California. the Southern Pacific Railroad combination pumping engine and hereinafter provided, to-wit: -One-tenth (1-10) part of the Company for the purposes of hous- hose car with water tank equip- The bonds authorized to be is- whole amount of the principal of lng fire fighting apparatus, and sent, the acquisition, of twenty* sued pursuant to said election the entire indebtedness hereinbe- that the cost of said municipal is- five hundred (2500) feet of shall bear interest from the date fore mentioned in Section I here- provements would be too great to standard fire hose and the acqui- of their issuance until paid at the of shall be paid each and every be paid out of the ordinary an- sition, construction and comple- rate of five (5) per cent per an- year at the office of the City nual income and revenue of said ties of a building on the easter- num payable semi-annually, and Treasury of the City of South San City of South San Francisco, and ly side of the right of way of the the principal and interest of said Francisco, County of San Matzo, would, in addition to the other Southern Pacific Railroad Comp- bonds shall be payable in Gold State of California on the first 'expenditures of said City of any for the purposes of housing Coin of the United States of Am- day of September of each year, to- Sottth 8an 'Francisco, exceed the fire fighting apparatus; and erica in the following manner, gether with the interest on all · f~tcome and revenue provided for WHEREAS said ordinance that is to say: one-tenth (1-10) sums unpaid at such date, .pro- ;~ in any one year; and numbered 144 was duly and regu- part of the whole amount of the vided that the interest on said WHEREAS the executive of larly introduced at an adjourned principal of said indebtedness crc- bonds-shall be payable semi-an- · ald municipality, the President regular meeting of said Board of ated under said proposition set nually so that there shall be a of the Board of Trustees of Trustees on the 23rd day of May, forth in section 6 of said '0rdin- payment of interest on all sums maid City of South San 1927, and is hereby expressly re- ance numbered 144 shall be paid then unpaid in each and every Francisco, County of San Ma- ferred to; and ' each and every year at the City one-half (~) year; one of such tee, State of California, did, on WHEREAS s~id ordinance Treasury of said City of South semi-annual payments in each the 2nd day of May, 1927, duly numbered 144 was thereafter, to- San Francisco on a day et;' date to year being on the first day of and regularly approve such action wit, on the 6th day of June, 1927, be fixed by the legislative branch September, of each year, and the of. said legislative branch and the at a regular meeting of said Board of said municipality, together other · of such semi-annual pay- '' .resolution hereinbefore mention- of Trustees, duly passed and with the interest on all sums un- meats in each year being on the ed; and adopted by an affirmative vote of paid at such date, provided that first day of March, and provided WHEREAS the cost of the ac- more than two-thirds (2-3) of all the interest on such bonds shall be further that said interest shall be qulsition, construction and com- the members thereof, to-wit, four paid semi-annually so that there evideneed by proper coupons at- pletion of One Hundred Thirty (4) members of said Board of shall be a payment of.~nterest on tached to said bonds and separ- (1~0) fire hydrants, the aequi- Trustees of said City of South all sums then unpaid in each and ate coupons being attached to sition, construction and cOmple- San Francisco; and every half year, one of such semi~ each bond for each semi-annual tion of an extension to the fire WHEREAS said ordinance annual payments being at the payment of the interest to be- alarm telegraph system now ex- numbered 144 was thereafter on date of the payment of the an- come due on such bond; and said isting in said city, the acquisition said 6th day of June, 1927, signed nual installment of the principal bonds shall mature and be due of a 760 gallon pump to be in- and approved by the executive of of such indebtedness, as afore- and Payable as follows: stalled on the combination chest- said City of South San Francisco, said; and ' Bonds numbered one (1), two cai engine and hose car now own- to-wit, the President of said WHEREAS it was further pro- (2), 'three (3) and four (4) ed by said City, the acquisition Board of Trustees of said City of vided in said ordinance numbered shall mature and be due and pay- of a new 750 gallon combination South San Francisco, and said or- 144 that such interest shall be' able on the let day of ~eptember, pumping engine and hose car dinance was thereafter duly pub- evidenced by the proper coupons 1928;' with water tank equipment, the lished in all respects as required attached to said bonds, a separ- Bonds numbered five (5), six acquisition of Twenty-five Hun- by law and by the terms of said ate coupon being attached to each (6), seven (7) and eight (8) dred (2600) feet of standard fire ordinance; and bond for each semi-annual pay- shall mature and be due and pay- hose and the acquisition, con- WHEREAS, on Tuesday, the sent of the interest to become able on the let day of September, struction, and completion of a 28th daf of June, 1927, said due on such bond; and that the 1929; b~?!Id~.~g o~ t~ ~a~t~rly _~tde of special el~etlon, as called and total indebtedness authorized to Bonds numbered nine (9), ten the right of way of the specified in said ordinance num- be created .at said election shall. (10), eleven (11) and twelve Southern Pacific R a i I r o a d bered 144 was duly and regularly be represented by bonds, payable (12) shall mature and be due and Company for the purposes of held and conducted in all respects in the manner aforesaid, and that payable on the first of September, housing fire fighting apparatus, as required by law and by said said bonds shall be issued in such 1930; was determined to be $40,000.00; ordinance; and denominations as the legistativ® Bonds numbered thirteen (13), and WHEREAS at said special branch of said City of South San fourteen (14), fifteen (12) and WHEREAS the indebtedness to, election, the said proposition for Francisco may determine, except sixteen (16) shall mature and be be incurred{ to pay the cost of the incurring a bonded indebtedness that no bond shall be of less de- due and payable on the first day acquisition, construction and corn- and the issuing of bonds for said nomination than One Hundred of September, 1931; pletion by said City of South San proposition as specified by said Dollars ($100.00) nor of a Bonds -numbered seventeen ~rancisco, a municipal corpora- ordinance numbered 144, and greater denomination than One (17), eighteen (18), nineteen .~ .: th)n, of One Hundred Thirty hereinbefore mentioned, was duly Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) (19) and twenty (20) shall mat- (130) fire hydrants, the acqui- and regularly submitted to the and that said bonds shall be ure and be due and payable on sltlon, construction and comple- qualified voters of said City of known as Municipal Bonds Series, the first day of September, 1932; ties of an extension to the fire South San Francisco in all re- 1927. Bonds numbered twenty-one alarm telegraph system now ex- spects as required by law and the NOW, THEREFORE, the City (21), twenty-two (22), twenty- istlng in said City, the acquisi- provisions of said ordinance call- Council of the City of South San three (23) and twenty-four (24) shall mature and be due and pay- feet (differing only in the bond dated September 1, 1927. respective payments of the able on the first day of Septem- amounts and dates of maturity No ..................... principal and interest of said bet, 1933; thereof) issued by said City of ............................................ bonds shall fall due, the Treasur- Bonds numbered twenty-five South S~/u Francisco, for the par- Treasurer of the City of er of said City of South San Fran*. (25), twenty-six (26), twenty- pose of paying the costs and ex- South San Francisco. cisco be, and he is hereby author- seven (27) and twenty-eight peases of acquiring certain pub- And it is hereby ordered that ized, directed and commanded to (28) shall mature and be due Igc municipal improvements in and the executive of said City of South pay out of the moneys of said and payable on the first day of for said City of South San Fran- San Francisco, to-wit: The Mayor sinking fund the said respective September, 1934; cisco, by virtue of and in full com- of said City of South San Fran- amounts thereof, when demand Bonds numbered twenty-nine pliance with an act of the Legis- cisco be, and he is hereby author- shall be made therefor, as by law (29), thirty (30), thirty-one (31) lature of the State of California ized to sign each and every one required, and upon the surrender and thirty-two (32), shall mature entitled "~.n act authorizing of said bonds, as aforsaid as May- of the corr.esponding bonds and and be due and payable on the the incurring of indebted- or of said City of South San the coupons to the said City Treas- first day of September, 1935; ness by cities, towns and munici- Francisco, and the Treasurer of urer of the City of South San Bonds numbered thirty*three pal corporatons for municipal gm* said City of South ~an Francisco Francisco, and it shall be the duty (33), thirty-four (34), thirty- provements and regulating the be, and he is hereby authorized of the Treasurer of said City of ftw t.~.~ ~ thlrty-sl.~ (~6) aeqvlsJtlon, construction or corn- to sign each and every one of South San Francisco to cancel tho shall mature and be due and pay- pletion thereof*' in effect Febru- said bonds as the Treasurer of same immediately after their pay- able on the first day of Septem- ry 25, 1901, and all acts amend- said City of South San Francisco, meat; 'bar, 1936; story thereof, and in strict con- and that the City Clerk of said And it is further ordained, Bonds numbered thirty-seven fortuity with the Constitution and City of South San Francisco be, presented, promised and agreed (37), thirty-eight (38), thirty- Laws of the State of California. and he is hereby authorized to that none of the moneys paid into nine (.39) and forty (40) shall And it is hereby certified, as- countersign each and every one of said sinking fund shall be used mature and be due and payable serted and declared that this said bonds as Clerk of said City for any other purpose than the on the first day. of September, bond is issued by the authority of South San Francisco, and to payment of the principal of said 1937~**' of more than two-thirds (2-3) affix the corporate seal of said indebtedness and the interest Attached to said bonds shall be vote of all the qualified voters of City of South San Francisco to thereon until the whole amount interest coupons, referring to the the City of South San Francisco, each and every one of said of said indebtedness and the number of the bond to which they voting at a special election for bonds; and that said signing and terest shall'have been fully paid; are attached, which coupons shall that purpose, duly called and held, sealing shall ce.nstitute and be a and that each and every one of each represent the semi-annual and in pursuance of ordinances sufficient and binding execution the conditions and provisions stat- interest on said bonds to wihch of the said City of South San Fran- of each and every one of said ed and provided in relation to they are attached and the number cisco duly passed, adopted and ap- bonds by-.said City of South San the said bonds by said ordinance of coupons attached to each bond proved. Francisco, and that the said calling said election*and by. the shall be equal to twice the nam* 'And it is hereby certified, re* Treasurer of the City of South San laws of the State of Califbrni~ bar of years the bond has to run cited and declared that provision Francisco be, and he is hereby shall be complied with. before due. Each of said coupons has been duly made, and will here- authorized to sign each and every Section 4. And it is hereby shall represent interest on said after' be made in the manner pro* one of the respective coupons at- further ordained' and ordered bond to. which it is attached, for vided by law, for the levy and col- tached to each respective bond as that the said bonds be printed or a period of six months immediate- lection of taxes annually, suffi- the Treasurer of said City of lithographed and the Clerk of ly preceding the date of maturity cient t,o pay the interest upon this South San Francisco, and that this Board be, and he is hereby of said coupon. The said interest bond, and to discharge and re- the said signing of said coupons ,authorized and directed to have coupons shall be payable at the deem the principal thereof at ma- by said Treasurer shall consti- said bonds properly printed or office of the City Treasury of the turity, and that all other acts, tute and be a sufficient and bind- lithographed and 'that when the City of South San Francisco, conditions and things necessary lng execution of each and every same are properly printed or llth- County of San Mateo, State of to be done and to exist precedent one of said coupons by said City ographed, said bonds shall then California. Said bonds shall be to the making of said improve- of South San Francisco. be duly signed by the Mayor of signed by the Mayor of the City ments, and the levying of said And it is hereby further order- the City of South San Francisco, of South San Francisco, who is tax, and in the issuance of this ed that in case any of such of- and signed by the Treasurer of the the chief executive of said legis- bond and Others of the same sar- ricers, whose signatures or count- City of South San Francisco, and lative branch, and shall be signed les have been properly done, hap- ersignatures appear on the bonds also countersigned by the Clerk of by the Treasurer of said City of pened and performed, and do ex- ' or coupons, shall cease to be such the City of South San Francisco, as South San Francisco and shall al- ist in regular and due form, time officers before the delivery of hereinbefore stated, and that, in so be countersigned by the Clerk and manher, as required by the sUch bonds to the purchaser, ~such lieu of actual Sl. gning of the of said City of South San Francis- Constitution and Laws of the signatures or countersignatures coupons by the T?easurer of the co, and the bonds shall have aY- State of California and the Ordin- shall nevertheless, be valid and City of South San Francisco, the fixed thereto the corporate seal ances of the City of South San sufficient for all purposes the name of said Treasurer of the of said corporation, to-wit: Said Francisco, and that the total same as if they had remained in City of South San Francisco be City of South San Francisco. The amount of bonds issued or other office until the delivery of such printed or lithographed upon interest coupons of said bonds indebtedness incurred on account bonds, said coupons to be attached to shall be numbered consecutively of said improvements does not ex- Sectl0n 3. And it is further or- each of said bonds and that said and signed by the Treasurer of ceed any statutory or eonstitu- dalned and ordered that there printing and IJtho~raphing shall said City of South San Francisco. tfonal limitations, shall be levied and collected each be taken to bm the act and de~l And said bonds of said City of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, maid and every year upon ali property of the Treasurer of the City of South San Francisco shall be sub;' City of South San 'Francisco, in subject to taxation by said City of South San Francisco thmrmt~ stantiaily in the following form the County of San Mateo, State of So. nth San Francisco a tax sniff- Section 6. This ordinance shall STATE OF' CA'I~i ami th~s bond t~ tm signed by the alee to pay one-tenth (1-10) lmrt of penernl elreulati~n, printed, TY 0lc BAN MA~]0, Clqwf O~ oxeeqtiv~ of sald municipality, to- of the whole amount of maid in- published and circulated one · OUTH ~k~ FRANCISCO,Mtn- wit: The Mayor of maid City of debtednesa each and evsry year (1) d~ty a week In the City of NICIPAL BOND. 9mnth '~an Francisco, and by the and sufficient to pay the whole 9oath-san Franciseo.. Number ................ $...~ ............ Treasurer thereof, and to be amount of the principal and inter- Section S. All ordlnanees and ~.~OW ALL MEN BY THESE countersigned by the Clerk there- est of said indebtedness on or be- parts of ordinances in conflict PREKENT~: of, and the coupons hereunto an- fore maturity, and the City Coun- herewith are hereby repealed. That tha City of South San sexed to be signed by the T/'ea- cil hereby makes provision for the Section 7. This ordinance shall Francisco, in the County of. San surer of said City of South San levying and collecting of all sums go into effect and b.e in full force Mateo, in the State of California, Francisco all as of the first day that shall or may be necessary and effect upon its final passage, is indebted to and promises to pay of September, 1927. to pay in full all of the interest adoption and approval. to the bearer the sum of ................ Introduced this 1st day of debtedness as the same shall fall August, 1927. ($ ..................................) in Gold San Francisco. due and hereby contracts and Passed and adopted as an or- Coin of the United States of (Seal of the City of South San agrees, represents and promises, dinance of the City of South San America of the present standard Francisco) that such levy shall be made, as Francisco, County of San Mateo, weight and fineness, on the first ................ '- ....... : .................... aforesaid, in ease the said bonds State of California, at a regular day of September, 19 ........ , with Treasurer of the City of shall be issued, as aforesaid, and meeting of the City Council of the interest thereon at the rate of South San Francisco. so far as this City Council of the City of South San Francisco, this five ($) per cent per annum pay- Countersigned by Oity of South San Francisco, act- 15th day of August, 1927, by able semi-annually on the first ........................................... lng in and for the City of South the following vote: Ayes, (~oun- day of ~eptember and on the first Clerk of the City of South San Francisco has power now to climes Andrew Hynding, Reese day of March of each year, until San Francisco. make the said levy, do hereby Lloyd, M. Minucciani, R. Tibbetts, the principal sum shall be paid, The interest coupons attached make same. A.J. Eschelbach. Noes, Council- upon the presentation and sur- to said bonds and evidencing the And the said City council do men l~one. Absent, Councilmen, render of the coupons hereto an- interest to accrue thereon, shall further ordain that there shall be, None. - sexed and signed by the Treasur- be in substantially the following and it is hereby provided that a A. $. ESCHELBACH, er of said City of South San Fran- form and contain substantially sinking fund is to be kept by the Mayor of the City of South eisco. Both principal and interest the following recitals, to-wit: Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco. of this bond are and shall be pay- COUPON NUMBER ........ San Francisco and to be destgnat- (SEAL) able at the office of the City Trea- 19 ..........L . $ ...................... ed as the "Sinking Fund for the Attest: -" surer oi the City of South San The City of South San Francis- Payment of the Municipal Bonds, DANIEL McSWEENEY, Francisco, County of San Mateo, co in the County of San Mateo in Series 1927", and that the pro- City Clerk of the City of South State of California, and all tax- The State of California, will pay ceeds of the levy above mentioned San Francisco. able"real and personal property of to bearer at the office of the shall be paid into said sinking I hereby approve the foregoing '~aid City is hereby irrevocably Treasury of said City of South fund as soon ns the same shall be 'ordinance this 15th day of Aug- pledged for the prompt payment San Francisco, the sum of ............ collected and shall remain in said nst, 1927. of this bond and the interest .................. DOLLARS ($ ............ ) sinking fund until required for thereon as the same matures, in Gold Coin of the United States the*-~eapective payments of. princi- A.J. ESCHELBAOH, This bond is one of a series of of America, being the semi-an- pal and interest to be made upon ' Mayor of the City of Sot[th bonds of like date, tenor and el- Dual inte..rest, upon its municipal such bonds; and that when the . San Francisco. .