HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 151-1929 .... ' ' '°~ ~'"~" . :'.. ' '. ' ':' ' "'" ': ~ '.~'?.~'.' ~"?-'II~'~'~':','?~:'"'~':.~':~. "'~~J~I ..... ..,, .., . , , .-__'.: .... , ,~,,,' .....,.. ,.,:. ,...,:~:,::--_, :.,-..,,, ,:..,.....:.. . .. .:.....,.. . . . ... .:~' . ?. '~:. ':'..' .' 7:",:' .~.'~:.'' :' -. ~ ~.'"' . ,' ~,:: .~' ~ · '?~ ....... ~5~5' · ~'.'~'~' ~: O~I~CE PR~IDING ~OR I HOUSE N~BERING SYSTmi --~ IN THE c~Y o~ SOUTH S~N F~SCO ~ I~LING ~ The ~it~ Oounci: of the City o: ~outh ~an Francisco do or- dain as follows: Section 1. :Wery ho~e fronti~ upon ~y public s~ree~, avenue, lane, place, or highway in the City of South San Francisco s~ll bear a n~ber in accordance wi~h the ho~e n~bering system provided in ~his agreement. Section 2. Those certain ma~ entitled "O~IC~ ~TREET N~BE~ING ~ ~' CITY O~ SOUTN 8~ ::T~ ~~IA, which maps were filed in the office of the CiSy~lerk of said City on the 18th day of March, 19S9, are hereby adopted, and the house n~bering system here~der provided for and the n~bers thereof shall he, designated upon said See, ion 3. In all cases numbers shall be of wood, metal or enameled metal and shall not be less than three ~3~ inches in heigh$. All n~bers s~ll be placed on or near houses in such a ~nner ~ha~ such n~bers can be easily read from the street, avenue, lane, place or highway upon which the same fronts. N~bers s~ll not be ma~e with paint, i~ or crayon. See, ion 4. IJ s~ll be unl~l ~or any occupant o~ any house faci~ as in See, ion 3 hereof stated, ~o fail or ~glecJ Jo n~er such house in the maker in J~s ordinance pr~ided. Sec, ion ~. ~ery person, fi~ or torpor,ion who or which s~ll violate any of t~ p~visio~ of this ordi~nce s~ll be deemea ~il~y of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punis~ by a fine not exceedi~ ~ifty Dollars ($80.00), or by impriso~ent for ' a period no~ exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such f~e and impr iso~ent. -1- Section ~. This ordinance shall be lmAblished once in "The Enterpr ise and The South ~an Francisco Journal", a weekly news- paper published and circulated in said 0ity of South gan ~rancisco, and shall take effect and be in force from and after the expiration of thirty (~0) days from the date of ira passage. Introduced this /~day of ~~ , 1929. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of by the following vote: Noes, Councilmen Absent, Councilmen Mayor. Attest: -2-