HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 180-1935 All 0RD~ ...... C!TU '~'~ ~ ~.~,.~ OF TL~ OF 2 ~ SA~7 F~ICiSCO CREAT!~G ~IF OFFI~ 0F ~DT~ ?!SPFCTOR, IctUseS.CE 0F RTIILDI~G Thc City Oouncil of the Oity of South ~an F~:~cisco do ordain as follows: Section I. There is hereby created 2he office of bui~ing iaspe ctor. Section 2. It shall be the duty of tke building inspector to inspect all buildings during the course of conztr~ction thereoff and all alterations cf, editions to and repairs upon all buildi~gs d~r ..~ the ti~ such alterations, additions or repairs are being ~de~ except as h~:reiaaft~r provided. The building inspector sial see that all laws of tlc State of Oalifo~ia and ordin~cea of the ~ity of SoutL San Fr~clsco pertaining to the coast~ction, altera- tion of, or addition to ~d repair off buildings arc ~t~ctly enforced. For this p~rpose said building inspector shall kave free access at alt r~asonabie hours to all buildi~gs e~oraced Said b~ildiag inspector shall be ex-officio pl~bi~g in- specter and electrical inai:,ector, and shall perform the duties of pi~bin6 inspector, as prescribed by ~rdii~ancc m~bcr 102 of said 0ity of South ~ Francisco entitled '0rdia~ce i~o. i02 requiring the registratio~ of ~ster ~.imubers; fixin6 a license for tkos~ engaged in the pithing ~=neo., res~iatimg ~i~.ting ~d drainage work; creating the office ~f pi~bing i~spectc, r, deflnin6 Lis duties, ~d fixing a fee in paj~ment thereoff~, passed o~ tlc 7th day of lpril, 1919; amd ali duties of electrical inspector, as prescribed by 0rdinm~c~ ~ibar 126 of said City of South Sm~ Francisco entitled ordin~ce to cstablisL tke office cf electrical inspector in and for the City of Soutk S~ Fr~,cisco, to re6u~te and define the duties such office ~d to establish ~les amd r~gulatio~s ccncer~img the stailation, opera, ion amd ~intan~ce of electrical ~ ~=r~ng and apparatus, -i- ~ENTRAL RECORD~ to fix penalties for the violation of its provisions and repealing all laws in conflict therewith", passed on the E0th day of October, 19~, and all the duties which may hereafter be required by ordinance to be performed by the plumbing inspector and the electrical inspector. Section 5. All fees which said building inspector shall receive in the co~rse of p~rformaz~ce of his duties shall be the propert~~ of tke City of South Sa~ Francisco and st~all be paid into ~ Sou~ San Francisco at the times and in the treasury of ~e City of the r~a~r prescribed by law for officers collecting or receiving moneys belongi~ to or f~r +'~-'~,~ use of sa id Cit ~ec~ion 4. Said building inspector shall keep an accurate ~acord cf all kis official acts. $cctio~ ~. Said building inspector shall receive such compen- ~ ~s services as the City 'Council of the City of South San Francisco skall fix from time to time by resolution. TL~ buildiz~g inspector shall, at tlc time of qualifying~give to said city a bo~d, approved by said City Council and conditioned for the faithful perfcz'~._a~-~ce of [~s duties, in such amount as said City Council shall determine. Section 6. ~[o perso~, firm or corporation shall erect any building or structure cf any kited or remodel or enlarge, add to, or extez~d any building or structure already erected rithin the City of ~-~a~ Yz'a~c~sco ~,'~t~ou~ first obtai~i~6 a permit therefor. ~here ~.~z~ the primary and secondary fire limits, as established by Ordina~ce i~.?o. 156 e~titl~d "An ordinance establishing fire limits, regulat- ing thc co~struction, alteratior, and .repair of buildings, the disposal of rubbish and the storage of gasc~iine and other products of petroleum in the City of South ,San Francisco and prescribing the penalty for vio- iation of said ordinance; and repealing Ordinance ~?o. llE of the City of South San Francisco", passed az~d adopted on the ~th day of ~ay, 19E5, or within such fi~e limits as may be hereafter designated by said City Cou~cil, ~s involved, the p.a~,~.~ s:~.ali be obtained from card City Council. In all other cases the permit shall be obtained frer~ the building inspector. Section 7. Each applicant for a permit shall state the exact site to be occupied, the material, dime~sions and esti:~ted costs of the proposed building or structure. A copy of the plans for such work s~a~t be filed with the building inspector. Where re- pairs or alterations or additions are to be made tc any existing structures, said City Council or building inspector, as the case may be, may permit the applicant to fil-~ a state~e~t in writing setting forth any repairs or aite~atio~s or additions which are contemplated, and deecribin~ the general character, nature, and extent of the same. Sectio~ 8. Each permit shall be issued in triplicate, a~d one copy shall be given to the applicant, one copy shall be filed in the office of the city clerk and one copy shall be retained by the buildi~ inspector. Sectio~ 9. lYo permits shall be issued, except upon full pay- ment of the fee therefor in adva~ce. Sectio:~. lC. ~hem the work of construction, re-construction, alteratio~s or repairs, for which permission shall have been given, has been completed i~ coz~formity with law, the building inspector shall issue his certificate to that effect. Such certificate shall be issued in duplicate, and one copy thereof shall be given to the applicant named in the permit and the other copy shall be retained by tile building inspector. Section I1. The fees for inspection under this ordinance shall be Two Dollars ($S.00) for each One Thousand Dollars (~lO00.O0) or fraction thereof, of the estimated cost of the construction, re- construction, alteration or repair herein provided for, Where such cost exceeds One Hundred Dollars (~$10O.O0), except as hereinafter provided. -3- Section 1£. Thc foregoi~g provisions of this ordinance shall not a~ply to the construction, re-construction, alteration or repair of buildings to be used or used for r~anufacturing purposes. Before the construction of any building intended for manufacturing purposes is commenced, a cOpy of the plans and specificatio~ls therefor shall be filed with the building inspectcr and his permit for such construction obtained. Each appl~ication for a peri, it for the con- struction of a building for manufacturi~.~g purposes shall be m~de to the building ir~spector and shall state the exact site to be occupied, the material, dimensions arid the estimated cost of the proposed building or structure. On completion of any such building a certlficate of the architect having charge of such work of construction, stating that such buildir_g has been constructed substantially in accordance with such plans and specifications and strictly in accordance with the laws of the State of California and the ordine~ces of the City of South San ~ra~cisco regulati~g the construction of buildings, shall be filed with the building inspector. Section l~. The fees for the permit herein required for buildings intended for manufacturing purposes shall be One Dollar (~l.00) for each One Thousand Dollars (~l,O00.~0), or fraction thereof, of the estimated cost of such construction. Upon the payment of such fees, the building inspector shall issue the peri, it provid~d for in Section 1E of this ordinance. ~uch permit shall be issued in triplicate a~d one copy shall be givez~ to the applicant, one copy shall be filed in the office of the city cl~rk, and one copy shall be retained by the building inspector. Section l~. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, whether as o~er, agent, contractor, builder, architect, engineer, superintendent, tenant, lessee, lessor, or occupant, or in any other capacity whatsoever, to erect, construct, re-construct, alter, b~uld upon, or add to any buildi~g, or cause, permit or suffer any buildi~g to be erected, constructed, altered, built upon or added to contrary to the provisions of this ordiriance. Section 15. Any person, firm or corpoz'ation violating any of the terms of this ordinance shall be deepened guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fi.ue not less than Twenty-five Dollars (~25.00) and not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars (~200.00) or by impris0n~nt for a period of not more than thirty (~0) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 10. This ordinance s~all be published once in "The Enterprise and The South San Francisco Journal", a weekly news- paper published and circulated in the City of South San !~rancisco, Califor~.ia, and shall take effect and be in force from and after the expiration of thirty (3~ days after the day of its p~ssage. Introduced thisT~ day of~ , 1935 Passed and adopted ~s an~inance of t~e ~ity of ~outh San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City of South San Francisco, this/~ day o~f~ , 1935, by the following vote: Noes, Co~cilmen ~~ ~ Absent, Councilmen~Approved: ~~~'~ ~r~c i soo .~ ~ ~ ~ity Clerk.~