HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - IntroductionGenentech Campus Master Plan Update Draft Environmental Impact Report SCH # 2017052064 Lead Agency: City of South San Francisco October, 2019 Prepared for: City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080 Prepared by: LAMPHIER-GREGORY COMBINED NOTICE of RELEASE AND AVAILABILITY OF THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE GENENTECH CAMPUS MASTER PLAN UPDATE PROJECT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of South San Francisco Planning Division has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for the Genentech Campus Master Plan Update project. This Draft EIR is now available for public review and comment. The Draft EIR may be accessed on the City’s website at http://weblink.ssf.net under Planning Division/Environmental Reports. Copies of the Draft EIR are available for review at the Orange Avenue Library at 804 W. Orange Avenue; the Grand Avenue Library at 306 Walnut Avenue; the Planning Division at 315 Maple Avenue; and at the City Clerk’s Office at 400 Grand Avenue. PROJECT LOCATION: The Genentech Campus (the Project site or Project Area) is located along the San Francisco Bay shoreline in the East of 101 Area of the City of South San Francisco. The Project site includes the approximately 162-acre Genentech Campus as analyzed in the prior 2007 Master EIR, as well approximately 45 acres of land added to the Campus pursuant to the City’s zoning text and map amendments of May 16, 2013, for a total Project Area of approximately 207 acres. The location of the Genentech Campus is shown on the attached Figure 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Genentech Campus Master Plan Update (Project) provides an overall vision for future growth and development of the Genentech Campus. The Master Plan Update establishes a conceptual land use and development framework to accommodate an eventual buildout potential of up to 9 million square feet of building space at the Campus, or an increase of approximately 4.3 million net square feet. The Master Plan Update provides flexibility in implementation of this buildout potential to enable Genentech to adapt to changing conditions and new medical and scientific discoveries over time. For purposes of the EIR analysis, the EIR Project Description presents one realistic and potential vision for how the Master Plan Update’s flexible framework might ultimately be developed (see Figure 2) including a forecast growth of approximately 1.6 million square feet of new lab space, approximately 2.4 million square feet of net new office space, and approximately 0.3 million square feet of various types of employee amenity spaces. The Project Description also assumes a net retention of nearly 1.3 million square feet of manufacturing, warehouse and distribution building space that is currently within the Project Area. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: The Draft EIR identifies that the Project would result in significant and unavoidable environmental effects related to criteria air pollutant emissions, construction-period noise, and traffic impacts at local intersections, freeway ramps and freeway segments. All other potentially significant environmental effects of the Project would be reduced to less than significant levels through implementation of either existing regulatory requirements or additional mitigation measures as recommended in the Draft EIR. PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD: The City of South San Francisco is soliciting comments regarding the analysis contained in the Draft EIR. All comments must be received by the City of South San Francisco Planning Division no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 23, 2019. Written comments on the Draft EIR may be sent via U.S. mail and addressed to: Tony Rozzi, Principal Planner Planning Division, City of South San Francisco P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco, CA 94083 Comments may also be sent via email to: [email protected] Public Review Schedule: Public Release of Draft EIR November 8, 2019 Planning Commission Public Review Hearing South San Francisco Municipal Services Bldg. 33 Arroyo Drive South San Francisco, CA 94080 Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. 45 Day Review Period End Date December 23, 2019 For additional information please contact Tony Rozzi, Principle Planner at (650) 650-877-8535 /s/Sailesh Mehra Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Dated: 11/8/2019 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page i Table of Contents Genentech Master Plan Update Draft EIR Chapter Number Page 1: Introduction Proposed Project ......................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Description of the EIR ................................................................................................................................. 1-4 Intended Uses of this EIR .......................................................................................................................... 1-10 2: Executive Summary Project Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 2-1 Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures .......................................................................................... 2-1 Summary of Alternatives ............................................................................................................................ 2-5 3: Project Description Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3-1 Context and Setting..................................................................................................................................... 3-2 Existing Campus .......................................................................................................................................... 3-8 Current Land Use Controls ....................................................................................................................... 3-14 Genentech Campus Master Plan Update ................................................................................................. 3-18 Buildout Assumptions for EIR Analysis ..................................................................................................... 3-31 Approvals Required to Implement the Project ........................................................................................ 3-45 4: Approach to the Analysis New Program EIR ....................................................................................................................................... 4-1 EIR Baseline ................................................................................................................................................. 4-2 Types of Environmental Impact Analyses .................................................................................................. 4-3 Mitigation Measures and Regulatory Requirements ................................................................................. 4-4 Cumulative Analysis Assumptions .............................................................................................................. 4-5 Project Proposal for Limits on Net New Traffic .......................................................................................... 4-6 5: Aesthetics Environmental Setting ................................................................................................................................ 5-1 Regulatory Framework ................................................................................................................................ 5-4 Impacts and Mitigation Measures .............................................................................................................. 5-7 Scenic Vistas ........................................................................................................................................ 5-7 Scenic Resources from a State Scenic Highway ................................................................................ 5-15 Visual Character ................................................................................................................................ 5-15 Light and Glare .................................................................................................................................. 5-26 Cumulative Aesthetics Effects ........................................................................................................... 5-29 6: Air Quality Environmental Setting ................................................................................................................................ 6-1 Regulatory Framework ................................................................................................................................ 6-6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures ........................................................................................................... 6-13 Table of Contents Page ii Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Consistency with Clean Air Plan ......................................................................................................... 6-14 Construction-Period Emissions of Criteria Pollutants ....................................................................... 6-18 Construction-Period Health Risk ....................................................................................................... 6-21 Operational Criteria Pollutant Emissions .......................................................................................... 6-29 Operational Health Risks ................................................................................................................... 6-33 Cumulative Health Risks .................................................................................................................... 6-41 Cumualtive Air Quality Effects ........................................................................................................... 6-45 7: Biological Resources Environmental Setting ................................................................................................................................ 7-1 Regulatory Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 7-34 Impacts and Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................................ 7-41 Tidal Aquatic Species and Essential Fish Habitats ............................................................................. 7-42 California Ridgway’s Rail ................................................................................................................... 7-44 Burrowing Owl ................................................................................................................................... 7-47 San Francisco Common Yellowthroat and Alameda Song Sparrow .................................................. 7-47 Harbor Seal and California Sea Lion .................................................................................................. 7-49 Bird Strikes ........................................................................................................................................ 7-50 Invasive Species ................................................................................................................................. 7-51 Sensitive Natural Communities ......................................................................................................... 7-52 Wetlands and Other Waters .............................................................................................................. 7-53 Environmental Corridors ................................................................................................................... 7-54 Conflicts with Local Tree Protection Policies ..................................................................................... 7-55 Conflict with Habitat Conservation Plan ........................................................................................... 7-56 Cumulative Biological Resource Effects ............................................................................................ 7-56 8: Cultural Resources Environmental Setting ................................................................................................................................ 8-1 Regulatory Setting ....................................................................................................................................... 8-5 Impacts and Mitigation Measures .............................................................................................................. 8-8 Historic Resources ............................................................................................................................... 8-9 Paleontological Resources ................................................................................................................... 8-9 Archaeological Resources .................................................................................................................. 8-10 Tribal Resources ................................................................................................................................ 8-12 Cumulative Cultural Resource Effects ............................................................................................... 8-14 9: Geology and Soils Environmental Setting ................................................................................................................................ 9-1 Regulatory Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 9-10 Impacts and Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................................ 9-14 Seismic Hazards ................................................................................................................................. 9-14 Landslides .......................................................................................................................................... 9-16 Differential Settlement and Unstable or Expansive Soils .................................................................. 9-19 Substantial Soil Erosion or Loss of Topsoil ........................................................................................ 9-20 Septic Tanks ........................................................................................................................................ 9-21 Cumulative Geologic Effects .............................................................................................................. 9-21 Table of Contents Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page iii 10: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change Environmental Setting .............................................................................................................................. 10-1 Regulatory Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 10-8 Impacts and Mitigation Measures .......................................................................................................... 10-24 Stationary Source Emissions Subject to Cap-and-Trade ................................................................. 10-27 Permitted Stationary Source Emissions .......................................................................................... 10-30 Operational Emissions Fully Covered under the SSF CAP ............................................................... 10-31 Other Operational GHG Emissions by Year 2020 ............................................................................ 10-36 Other Operational GHG Emissions by Year 2030 ............................................................................ 10-39 Construction-Related GHG Emissions ............................................................................................. 10-41 Cumulative GHG Emissions ............................................................................................................. 10-42 11: Hazards and Hazardous Materials Enviornmental Setting ............................................................................................................................. .11-2 Regulatory Setting ................................................................................................................................... 11-14 Impact Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 11-23 Routine Transport, Use, Disposal or Storage of Hazardous Materials ............................................ 11-24 Reasonably Foreseeable Upset and Accident Conditions ............................................................... 11-27 Cortese List Sites ............................................................................................................................. 11-29 Construction-Related Hazardous Materials .................................................................................... 11-32 Emissions of Hazardous Materials near a School ............................................................................ 11-35 Safety Hazards Related to a Public or Private Airport or Airstrip .................................................... 11-36 Impairment or Interference with an Emergency Response or Evacuation Plan ............................. 11-37 Wildland Fires .................................................................................................................................. 11-38 Cumulative Hazards ......................................................................................................................... 11-38 12: Hydrology and Water Quality Environmental Setting .............................................................................................................................. 12-1 Regulatory Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 12-6 Impacts and Mitigation Measures .......................................................................................................... 12-12 Water Quality .................................................................................................................................. 12-12 Groundwater ................................................................................................................................... 12-15 Drainage Patterns and Runoff ......................................................................................................... 12-17 Flood Hazards .................................................................................................................................. 12-19 Cumulative Hydrology Effects ......................................................................................................... 12-22 Non-CEQA Effects Sea Level Rise .................................................................................................................................. 12-24 13: Land Use and Planning Setting ....................................................................................................................................................... 13-1 Project Consistency with Regulatory Setting ........................................................................................... 13-3 Comprehensive Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for SFO (2012) ............................................... 13-4 McAteer-Petris Act .......................................................................................................................... 13-10 South San Francisco General Plan .................................................................................................... 13-12 East of 101 Area Plan ...................................................................................................................... 13-17 South San Francisco Municipal Code .............................................................................................. 13-24 Zoning Standards of the Genentech Master Plan Zoning District ................................................... 13-26 Impacts and Mitigation Measures .......................................................................................................... 13-26 Divide an Established Community/Residential or Business Displacement ..................................... 13-26 Conflict with Policies/Regulation Adopted to Avoid or Mitigate an Environmental Effect ............. 13-26 Table of Contents Page iv Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Conflicts with Applicable Habitat Conservation Plan ...................................................................... 13-29 Cumulative Land Use Effects ........................................................................................................... 13-29 14: Noise Environmental Setting .............................................................................................................................. 14-1 Regulatory Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 14-9 Impacts and Mitigation Measures .......................................................................................................... 14-12 Construction Noise .......................................................................................................................... 14-14 Operational Noise ........................................................................................................................... 14-17 Construction-Period Ground-Borne Vibration ................................................................................ 14-19 Operational Ground-Borne Vibration ............................................................................................. 14-21 Substantial Permanent Increase in Ambient Traffic Noise .............................................................. 14-21 Excessive Noise Due to Location within an Airport Land Use Plan ................................................. 14-24 Cumulative Traffic Noise ................................................................................................................. 14-25 15: Population, Housing and Employment Environmental Setting .............................................................................................................................. 15-1 Regulatory Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 15-3 Impacts and Mitigation Measure ............................................................................................................. 15-6 Induce Substantial Population Growth ............................................................................................. 15-6 Displace Substantial Numbers of Existing Housing Units .................................................................. 15-9 Displace Substantial Numbers of People ........................................................................................ 15-10 Cumulative Effects ........................................................................................................................... 15-10 16: Public Services Environmental Setting .............................................................................................................................. 16-1 Regulatory Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 16-3 Impacts and Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................................ 16-4 Police Service ..................................................................................................................................... 16-5 Fire and Emergency Medical Services ............................................................................................... 16-6 Recreation ......................................................................................................................................... 16-7 Cumulative Effects ............................................................................................................................. 16-9 17: Transportation/Traffic Environmental Setting .............................................................................................................................. 17-1 Regulatory Setting .................................................................................................................................. 17-20 Impacts and Mitigation Measures ......................................................................................................... 17-28 Local Intersection Level of Service/Queuing (Existing plus Project) ............................................... 17-40 Freeway Ramps (Existing plus Project) ............................................................................................ 17-55 Freeway Segments (Existing plus Project) ....................................................................................... 17-57 Roadway Design Hazards / Internal Vehicle Circulation ................................................................. 17-59 Conflict with a Transit, Bicycle or Pedestrian System Program or Policy ........................................ 17-60 Cumulative Impacts ................................................................................................................................ 17-62 Local Intersection Level of Service/Queuing (Cumulative plus Project) ......................................... 17-67 Freeway Ramps (Cumulative plus Project) ...................................................................................... 17-81 Freeway Segments (Cumulative plus Project) ................................................................................. 17-84 Non-CEQA Topics Parking ............................................................................................................................................. 17-86 Vehicle Miles Travelled ................................................................................................................... 17-89 Table of Contents Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page v 18: Utilities Environmental Setting .............................................................................................................................. 18-1 Regulatory Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 18-7 Impacts and Mitigation Measures .......................................................................................................... 18-14 Water Supply ................................................................................................................................... 18-15 Water Supply Infrastructure ............................................................................................................ 18-21 Exceedances of Wastewater Treatment Requirements .................................................................. 18-22 Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Capacity ............................................................................... 18-24 Wastewater Collection Infrastructure ............................................................................................. 18-27 Stormwater Facilities ....................................................................................................................... 18-28 Solid Waste Disposal ....................................................................................................................... 18-29 Energy .............................................................................................................................................. 18-30 Cumulative Effects ........................................................................................................................... 18-33 19: Other Less than Significant Effects Agriculture and Forest Resources ............................................................................................................ 19-1 Mineral Resources .................................................................................................................................... 19-2 20: Alternatives Introduction and Overview ....................................................................................................................... 20-1 Alternative #1: No Project – Continuation of the 2007 Master Plan ........................................................ 20-6 Alternative 2: Reduced Project ............................................................................................................... 20-16 Alternative 3: Different Land Use Mix .................................................................................................... 20-24 Environmentally Superior Alternative .................................................................................................... 20-30 21: CEQA Conclusions Summary of Significant Impacts................................................................................................................ 21-1 Significant and Unavoidable Impacts ....................................................................................................... 21-4 Growth-Inducing Effects ........................................................................................................................... 21-7 Alternatives to the Project ....................................................................................................................... 21-8 Significant Irreversible Environmental Change ........................................................................................ 21-9 22: References Report Preparers and Contacts ................................................................................................................... 22- Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 22- Appendices (Appendices are included on a Compact Disk in the back cover of the Draft EIR document.) Appendix 1A: Notice of Preparation Appendix 1B: Responses to Notice of Preparation Appendix 6A Air Quality Technical Appendix, Ramboll, December 2018 Appendix 6B CalEEMod Output File for Project Construction, Ramboll, Appendix 6C CalEEMod Output File for Project Operations, Ramboll Appendix 6D Genentech, Inputs for Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Analyses, Genentech Appendix 7A Biological Constraints and Opportunities Report, H.T. Harvey and Associates, September 2016 Table of Contents Page vi Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Appendix 7B Memorandum Regarding Special-Status Plant Survey and Drainage Ditch Evaluation, H.T. Harvey and Associates, July 2017 Appendix 8 Record Search Results for the Proposed Genentech Corporate Campus 10-Year Master Plan, California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) Inventory, Northwest Information Center, Sonoma State University, April 23, 2018 Appendic 10 Greenhouse Gas Technical Appendix, Ramboll, December 2018 Appendix 11 EDR Radius Map Report, Hazardous Materials Sites, EDR, December 2017 Appendix 14 Traffic Noise Impact Analysis, RGD Acoustics, August 2017 Appendix 16 2017 Municipal Services Assessment, prepared for 2017 Oyster Point Specific Plan Update, November 2017 Appendix 17A Genentech Master Plan, Transportation Impact Assessment, Fehr and Peers, ____ 2019 Appendix 17B Genentech Campus Mode Share and Parking Report, Nelson|Nygaard, Fall of 2017 Appendix 18 SB 610 Water Supply Assessment for the Genentech Master Plan Update, California Water Service, November 21, 2017 List of Tables and Figures Table Number Page 2-1 Summary of Project Impacts and Mitigation Measures ................................................................. 2-8 3-1 Genentech Campus and Neighborhood Areas ................................................................................ 3-5 3-2 Baseline (2017) Building Space by Land Use Type ........................................................................ 3-11 3-3 Genentech Campus Buildout Potential: 2007 Master Plan and Master Plan Update ................. 3-20 3-4 Parking Ratios (Spaces per 1,000 SF) ........................................................................................... 3-27 3-5 AM Peak Hour Trip Calculations, Prior EIRs ................................................................................. 3-28 3-6 EIR Project Description - Buildout Potential, by Neighborhood Campus ..................................... 3-32 3-7 Projection of Total Building Space and Employment at Buildout ................................................ 3-36 3-8 Campus Lab Space - Growth Projections ..................................................................................... 3-37 3-9 Campus Office Space - Growth Projections ................................................................................. 3-39 3-10 Predicted Parking Demand at Buildout, Based on TDM Range .................................................... 3-42 4-1 2016 Existing and 2040 Cumulative Baseline Land Use, East of 101 Area ..................................... 4-6 4-2 Increase in Single-Occupant Vehicle Trips as Calculated in Prior Campus EIRs .............................. 4-7 6-1 Summary of Air Pollution Monitoring Data .................................................................................... 6-3 6-2 Construction Criteria Pollutant Emissions .................................................................................... 6-20 6-3 Construction TAC Emission Rates ................................................................................................. 6-23 6-4 Construction Health Risk Assessment (Unmitigated) ................................................................... 6-27 6-5 Construction Health Risk Assessment (with Mitigation) ............................................................... 6-29 Table of Contents Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page vii 6-6 Operational Criteria Air Pollutant Emissions ................................................................................. 6-31 6-7 Roadway Screening Health Risk Analysis ..................................................................................... 6-36 6-8 Operational Parameters for TAC Emission Calculations .............................................................. 6-37 6-9 Operational Health Risk Assessment at Sensitive Receptors ....................................................... 6-40 6-10 Cumulative Operational Health Risk Assessment, at Sensitive Receptors ................................... 6-44 7-1 Habitat Acreages in the Biological Study Area ................................................................................ 7-4 7-2 Status and Potential Occurrence of Special-Status Plant Species ................................................ 7-12 7-3 Status and Potential Occurrence of Special-Status Animal Species .............................................. 7-21 9-1 Significant Earthquake Scenarios .................................................................................................... 9-7 10-1 Genentech SSF Campus GHG Emissions Reporting Data ............................................................. 10-7 10-2 Emission Sources Covered by Cap-and-Trade ............................................................................ 10-29 10-3 Operational GHG Emissions from New Emergency Generators ................................................ 10-30 10-4 Emission Sources Covered by the South San Francisco Climate Action Plan ............................. 10-32 10-5 Project’s Net Increase in Electricity Use ..................................................................................... 10-36 10-6 Net New Emission Sources, Compared to the Year 2020 Land Use Threshold .......................... 10-37 10-7 Net New Emission Sources Compared to the Year 2030 Land Use Threshold ........................... 10-40 10-8 Construction-Related GHG Emissions ........................................................................................ 10-42 11-1 Summary of EDR Records Search Results .................................................................................. 11-12 13-1 Baseline Building Space by Land Use Type.................................................................................... 13-3 13-2 Applicable FAA Building Height Regulations and Restrictions ...................................................... 13-8 13-3 Consistency with General Plan Policies of the East of 101 Sub-Area Element .......................... 13-15 13-4 Consistency with East of 101 Area Plan Policies ........................................................................ 13-19 14-1 Definitions of Acoustical Terms Used in this Report .................................................................... 14-2 14-2 Typical Noise Levels in the Environment ...................................................................................... 14-3 14-3 Vibration Criteria for Specialized Research Equipment ............................................................... 14-5 14-4 Long-term Noise Measurement Results ...................................................................................... 14-7 14-5 Short-Term Noise Measurement Results ..................................................................................... 14-8 14-6 California Recommended Noise Compatibility Guidelines ........................................................ 14-10 14-7 City of South San Francisco Land Use Criteria for Airport Noise-Impacted Areas ..................... 14-11 14-8 Receiver Site Noise Level Standards, City of South San Francisco ............................................. 14-12 14-9 Typical Construction Equipment Maximum Noise Levels .......................................................... 14-15 14-10 Typical Construction Equipment Vibration Levels ...................................................................... 14-19 14-11 Traffic Noise Levels, Existing and With Project .......................................................................... 14-22 14-12 Traffic Noise Levels at Noise-Sensitive Receptors ...................................................................... 14-24 14-13 Impact of Increased Traffic Noise Due to Project and Cumulative Growth ............................... 14-26 15-1 Existing and Projected Employment at the Project Area ............................................................. 15-7 15-2 East of 101 Cumulative Buildout (without Project) ..................................................................... 15-8 17-1 Peak Hour Intersection Levels Of Service – Existing Conditions ................................................... 17-9 17-2 Existing Vehicel Queues Near US 101 ........................................................................................ 17-11 17-3 Peak Hour Freeway Segment Levels of Service – Existing Conditions ....................................... 17-13 17-4 Peak Hour Freeway Ramp Levels of Service – Existing Conditions ............................................ 17-14 17-5 Signalized Intersection LOS Criteria ........................................................................................... 17-31 Table of Contents Page viii Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR 17-6 Unsignalized Intersection LOS Criteria ....................................................................................... 17-31 17-7 Existing Genentech Campus Vehicle Trip Generation Rates ...................................................... 17-32 17-8 Existing Vehicle Trips, Genentech Campus ................................................................................ 17-33 17-9 Calculation of Trip Cap, Based on Prior EIR Trip Assumptions ................................................... 17-33 17-10 Project Trip Generation .............................................................................................................. 17-34 17-11 Drive Alone Commute Mode Share, 2005-2016 ........................................................................ 17-35 17-12 Peak Hour Intersection Levels of Service – Existing Plus Project Conditions ............................. 17-42 17-13 Existing Plus Project, 95th Percentile Vehicle Queues Near US-101 .......................................... 17-47 17-14 Peak Hour Freeway Ramp Levels Of Service – Existing Plus Project Conditions ........................ 17-56 17-15 Peak Hour Freeway Segment Levels Of Service – Existing Plus Project Conditions ................... 17-58 17-16 2016 Baseline and 2040 Cumulative Baseline Land Use, East of 101 Area ................................ 17-62 17-17 Peak Hour Intersection Levels of Service – Cumulative Plus Project Conditions ....................... 17-72 17-18 Cumulative and Cumulative Plus Project, 95th Percentile Vehicle Queues Near US-101 .......... 17-74 17-19 Peak Hour Freeway Interchange Levels Of Service – Cumulative plus Project Conditions ........ 17-83 17-20 Peak Hour Freeway Segment Levels Of Service –Cumulative Plus Project Conditions ............. 17-85 17-21 Existing (2017) Campus Parking Supply ..................................................................................... 17-86 17-22 Predicted vs. Actual Parking Demand, Fall of 2017 .................................................................... 17-87 17-23 Projected Parking Ratios at Increased TDM ............................................................................... 17-87 17-24 Range of Predicted Parking Demand at Buildout ....................................................................... 17-88 17-25 Calculation of Project VMT at Buildout ...................................................................................... 17-93 18-1 Cal Water’s Peninsula Districts Actual Water Supplies ................................................................ 18-2 18-2 Baseline Genentech Campus Water Demands ............................................................................. 18-3 18-3 Genentech’s Genentech’s Baseline and Projected Water Demands ......................................... 18-16 18-4 Cal Water Peninsula Districts - Normal Year Supply and Demand Comparison ........................ 18-17 18-5 SSF District Projected Potable Water Demand .......................................................................... 18-17 18-6 Cal Water Peninsula Districts - Three Consecutive Dry Years: Supply and Demand Comparison ................................................................................................................................ 18-18 20-1 Project and Alternatives Development Summary ......................................................................... 20-4 20-2 Alternative #1 Buildout Potential ................................................................................................. 20-6 20-3 Alternative #1 Buildout Potential by Land Use Type .................................................................... 20-7 20-4 Alternative #1 Trip Generation and TDM Requirement ............................................................. 20-11 20-5 Alternative #2 Buildout Potential, by Neighborhood Campus ................................................... 20-16 20-6 Alternative #2 Buildout Potential by Land Use Type .................................................................. 20-17 20-7 Alternative #2 Trip Generation and TDM Requirement ............................................................. 20-20 20-8 Alternative #3, Buildout Potential by Land Use Type ................................................................. 20-24 20-9 Alternative #3 Trip Generation and TDM Requirement ............................................................. 20-26 20-10 Summary of Impacts and Relative Comparison to the Project .................................................. 20-31 Figure Number Page 3-1 Regional Location of the Project Area ........................................................................................... 3-3 3-2 Major Transportation Infrastructure Systems .............................................................................. 3-4 3-3 Surrounding Land Use Character .................................................................................................. 3-6 3-4 Project Area Boundaries ................................................................................................................ 3-7 3-5 Genentech Campus - Neighborhood Campuses ........................................................................... 3-9 3-6 South San Francisco General Plan Diagram ................................................................................. 3-15 3-7 South San Francisco Zoning Map ................................................................................................ 3-17 Table of Contents Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page ix 3-8 Genentech Campus Master Plan Update - Opportunity Sites ..................................................... 3-22 3-9 EIR Project Description, Illustration ............................................................................................ 3-33 3-10 Master Plan Buildout Assumption - Potential Future Lab Locations ........................................... 3-38 5-1 Key to View Photos and Conceptual Illustrations ......................................................................... 5-8 5-2 Views from US 101 Toward Genentech Campus ......................................................................... 5-10 5-3 Point San Bruno Hilltop, Before and After Project ..................................................................... 5-11 5-4 Public Views towards Point San Bruno ....................................................................................... 5-13 5-5 Near Views of/from Genentech Campus .................................................................................... 5-14 5-6 Lower Campus, Conceptual Illustration ...................................................................................... 5-17 5-7 Mid Campus, Conceptual illustration .......................................................................................... 5-18 5-8 Upper Campus, Conceptual illustration ...................................................................................... 5-20 5-9 Upper West Campus, Conceptual illustration ............................................................................. 5-21 5-10 Lower West Campus, Conceptual Illustration ............................................................................ 5-22 5-11 South Campus, Conceptual illustration ....................................................................................... 5-24 6-1 Sensitive Receptor Locations ...................................................................................................... 6-24 6-2 Construction Period Health Risk Map ........................................................................................ 6-26 6-3 Construction Locations Requiring Mitigation ............................................................................. 6-28 6-4 Modeled Toxic Air Contaminant Sources ................................................................................... 6-35 6-5 Laboratory Stack Locations, Health Risk Implications ................................................................ 6-38 6-6 Emergency Generator Locations, Health Risk Implications ........................................................ 6-39 7-1 Biotic Habitats (Northerly Study Area) .......................................................................................... 7-2 7-2 Biotic Habitats (Southerly Study Area) .......................................................................................... 7-3 7-3 CNDDB Sensitive Plant Records ................................................................................................... 7-11 7-4 Subsequent Special Status Plant Survey Area ............................................................................ 7-17 7-5 CNDDB, Special Status Animal Records ...................................................................................... 7-19 7-6 Potential Waters of the US, State and BCDC Jurisdiction (north) .............................................. 7-29 7-7 Potential Waters of the US, State and BCDC Jurisdiction (south) .............................................. 7-30 7-8 On-Site Drainage Ditch Locations ................................................................................................ 7-32 7-9 Marsh and Wetland Habitats in Biology Study Area .................................................................. 7-45 9-1 Geologic Units in Project Area and Vicinity .................................................................................. 9-3 9-2 Regional Faulting ........................................................................................................................... 9-4 9-3 Seismic Shaking Severity (ABAG) ................................................................................................... 9-6 9-4 Liquefaction Susceptibility (ABAG) ............................................................................................... 9-8 9-5 Opportunity Sites, Steeper Hillside Locations ............................................................................ 9-17 11-1 Map of Environmental Records (EDR) ...................................................................................... 11-10 12-1 On-Site Drainage Channels .......................................................................................................... 12-3 12-2 FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Panels 0042F and 0044F ..................................................... 12-5 12-3 Tsunami Inundation Zone for Emergency Planning ................................................................. 12-21 12-4 Sea Level Rise, Scenario 1 ........................................................................................................ 12-27 12-5 Sea Level Rise, Scenario 2 ......................................................................................................... 12-28 13-1 SFO ALUCP Safety Zones and Noise Compatability Zones .......................................................... 13-5 13-2 SFO ALUCP FAA Part 77 Building Height Review Requirements ................................................. 13-7 13-3 Approximate Building Heights Triggering FAA Part 77 Review ................................................... 13-9 Table of Contents Page x Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR 13-4 South San Francisco General Plan Land Use Diagram .............................................................. 13-13 13-5 East of 101 Area Plan Land Use Map ........................................................................................ 13-18 13-6 General Plan Health and Safety Element, Slope Map .............................................................. 13-22 13-7 South San Francisco Zoning Map .............................................................................................. 13-25 14-1 Noise Measurement Locations .................................................................................................... 14-6 17-1 Regional Transportation Routes .................................................................................................. 17-2 17-2 Project Area and Local Roadway System .................................................................................... 17-3 17-3 Study Area Intersections ............................................................................................................ 17-6 17-4 Peak Hour Traffic and Lane Configurations - Existing Conditions .............................................. 17-7 17-5 Local Transit System Services ................................................................................................... 17-16 17-6 Local Bicycle and Trail Facilities ................................................................................................. 17-19 17-7 Vehicle Trip Distribution ............................................................................................................ 17-37 17-8 Peak Hour Traffic and Lane Configurations, Project ................................................................. 17-38 17-9 Peak Hour Traffic and Lane Configurations - Existing plus Project Conditions ......................... 17-45 17-10 Peak Hour Traffic and Lane Configurations - Existing plus Project Conditions, with Mitigation .......................................................................................................................... 17-52 17-11 Peak Hour Traffic and Lane Configurations Cumulative no Project Conditions ....................... 17-65 17-12 Peak Hour Traffic and Lane Configurations - Cumulative plus Project Conditions .................. 17-70 17-13 Peak Hour Traffic and Lane Configurations - Cumulative plus Project Conditions, with Mitigations ....................................................................................................................... 17-78 17-14 MTC’s Regional Traffic Analysis Zones ...................................................................................... 17-91 18-1 Sewer System Serving the East of 101 Area ............................................................................... 18-5 20-1 No Project Alternative, Opportunity Sites assumed in the 2007 Master Plan ........................... 20-8 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page1-1 1 Introduction This Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) has been prepared by the City of South San Francisco in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)1 and associated CEQA Guidelines.2 The purpose of this document is to describe the potential environmental consequences of the proposed Genentech Master Plan Update. This Draft EIR is intended to serve as an informational document for use by public agency decision makers and the public in their consideration of the proposed Master Plan Update. Proposed Project Project Location The City of South San Francisco is located on the west shore of the San Francisco Bay in northern San Mateo County and is directly served by major transportation corridors including US-101, I-280 and I-380, as well as BART, Caltrain, the Union Pacific Railroad and the San Francisco International Airport. The Genentech Campus (the Project site or Project Area) is located along the San Francisco Bay shoreline in the East of 101 portion of the City of South San Francisco. The Project site includes the approximately 162-acre Genentech Campus as analyzed in the 2007 MEIR, as well approximately 45 acres of lands added to the Campus pursuant to the City’s zoning text and Map amendments of May 16, 2013, for a total Project Area of approximately 207 acres. Genentech also occupies other leased building space in the East of 101 area (e.g., the Gateway Business Park near US-101) that are not a part of the Master Plan Update. Background Genentech is the world’s first biotechnology company, founded in 1976 and initially operated out of former industrial warehouses in the South San Francisco industrial area east of US-101. Today, the Genentech Campus serves as the headquarters for all Roche Pharmaceutical operations in the United States, is the principal employer in the City of South San Francisco and is one of the largest single biotech research facilities in the world. At the South San Francisco Campus, plus other satellite buildings in the East of 101 Area, Genentech employs approximately 12,000 people working in more than 5.2 million square feet of laboratory, office and manufacturing spaces. Major prior planning milestones at the Genentech Campus include: ● Genentech’s first Master Plan was adopted by South San Francisco in 1995 to provide an integrated framework for development within its Campus. A Genentech R&D Overlay zoning district (previously Chapter 20.39 through 20.40 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code) was adopted concurrently with, and based on the 1995 Master Plan. ● The second Genentech Master Plan was prepared in 2007 (the 2007 Master Plan) as a 10-year update to the 1995 Master Plan. The 2007 Master Plan established a temporary limit (through the year 2016) on the overall buildout potential of the Campus, at a total of 6 million square feet. 1 The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is codified in section 21000, et seq., of the California Public Resources Code 2 The CEQA Guidelines are set forth in sections 15000 through 15387 of the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3 Chapter 1: Introduction Page 1-2 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Concurrently, South San Francisco updated its zoning code and established the Genentech Master Plan zoning district (Chapter 20.260 of the City of South San Francisco Municipal Code). The Genentech Master Plan zoning district establishes facility-wide development standards and design guidelines for properties subject to that zoning. ● In May of 2013, South San Francisco added additional properties to the Genentech Master Plan zoning district, including previously entitled development along Forbes Boulevard and the previously entitled 27-acre Britannia East Grand project (now known as the Genentech South Campus). Master Plan Update Genentech is now proposing a second update to the Genentech Master Plan (referred to in this document as the Project, or Master Plan Update). The goal of the Master Plan Update is to retain those close physical relationships between Genentech’s various business units that are critical toward meeting the long-term growth needs of the company, and that can only be made possible in a campus setting. This can be achieved by: ● enabling scientists to work in a collaborative environment that supports research, development and production goals by clustering Genentech’s scientific facilities in close proximity ● maximizing the efficiency and support capabilities of administrative functions by keeping these functions centralized and physically proximate to scientific facilities ● retaining Genentech’s ability to transform scientific discoveries into new medicines quickly and efficiently by retaining close physical relationship between R&D and manufacturing facilities ● providing efficient logistics support to the Campus with ready access to warehouse and distribution facilities ● fostering a sense of community among its employees and with the broader South San Francisco community by creating interconnectivity and ease of access, and ● assuring Genentech’s continued proximity to world-class scientific and academic institutions A more detailed description of the Project’s Goals and Objectives can be found in Chapter 3 Project Description. Campus Boundaries The Master Plan Update confirms and refines the boundaries of Genentech’s Campus and its smaller component neighborhood campuses, which include the three original 1995 neighborhood campuses (Lower, Mid and Upper Campus), a fourth neighborhood campus added in 2007 (the West Campus), and expansions of the West Campus and an additional new South Campus as established with the 2013 zoning additions. In total, the Campus is now proposed to include approximately 207 acres. Development Potential Genentech currently has approximately 4.7 million square feet of building space within its Campus boundaries. The 2007 Master Plan limited total development within the then-defined Genentech Campus to 6 million square feet at buildout. Genentech now proposes to utilize the Genentech Master Plan zoning district’s floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.0 times the total area of the Campus, to enable a buildout potential of just over 9 million square feet, or approximately 4.3 million square feet of net new building space, not including any satellite building space outside of the Campus. The 9 million square-foot buildout potential of the Master Plan Update establishes an upper limit on development that Genentech considers large enough to accommodate mid- to long-term growth, but unlike the prior Master Plans, this buildout is not tied to a specific buildout year. For purposes of this EIR analysis, the cumulative scenario is generally defined at year Chapter 1: Introduction Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 1-3 2040, consistent with cumulative land use and trip generation forecasts from the City of South San Francisco Travel Model as updated in July 2018 (see further discussion in Chapter 4: Approach to Analysis). Flexibility Like the prior 2007 Master Plan, the precise development program for the Campus is not determined under this Master Plan Update. Instead, the Master Plan Update defines an overall development program that will ultimately result in a cohesive and integrated Campus reflecting Genentech’s needs based on future innovations in science and medicine, individual site conditions, transportation synergies and broader Citywide goals and objectives. The Master Plan Update focuses on specific organizing themes that lay a foundation for built form, connections, and open space and amenities to be incrementally developed in the future. The Master Plan Update does not define precise building locations, shapes or forms. The Master Plan Update is intentionally flexible, enabling Genentech to adapt its Campus to accommodate future innovation in medicine and science, and to enable creative new urban design strategies to influence future building plans. Other Important Master Plan Update Concepts The Master Plan Update also addresses a comprehensive range of additional topics including urban design and campus place-making, transportation and Transportation Demand Management (TDM), parking, on- campus circulation (pedestrian and bike), infrastructure needs and environmental sustainability. EIR Project Description To provide detail and specificity for this EIR, the EIR Project Description provides one potential detailed buildout scenario that meets the goals of the Master Plan Update, and is used for quantitative analytical purposes for this EIR. This Project Description is intended to be specific enough to allow for detailed analysis in the EIR, representing the maximum development potential that could occur within the Campus (i.e. Project Area) pursuant to the Master Plan Update. The EIR Project Description is based on an estimate of projected employment growth and future building space needs by land use type and/or function, increasing building space from approximately 4.7 million square feet today to a maximum of 9 million square feet at buildout (or approximately 4.3 million square feet of net new building space). This estimate includes a forecast growth of: ● approximately 2.4 million square feet of net new office space (inclusive of potentially relocating employees from nearly 0.5 million square feet of off-Campus leased space to new, on-Campus space) ● approximately 1.6 million square feet of new lab space, and ● approximately 0.3 million square feet of various types of new employee amenity space The Master Plan Update also assumes a net retention of the nearly 1.3 million square feet of manufacturing, warehouse and distribution building space that is on Campus today. The EIR Project Description also identifies the most likely locations where new development or redevelopment will occur within the Campus. These locations are identified in the Master Plan Update as Opportunity Sites. These Opportunity Sites generally include: ● development of new building space on existing surface parking lots (combined with a new structured parking strategy) ● redevelopment of older, less efficient buildings with new buildings that are larger, taller and more architecturally and functionally complex ● infill development at locations within the Campus where vacant or under-used infill sites exist, and Chapter 1: Introduction Page 1-4 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR ● new buildings and/or parking structures constructed into existing hillsides within the Campus, such that these new buildings can also serve as “bridges” that link together the upper and lower elevations of the Campus Additionally, the EIR Project Description includes an expected Genentech-sponsored TDM program that meets or exceeds City-required alternative mode split ratios, and that provides transit linkages between the Campus and other transit services such as Caltrain and BART. Description of the EIR Notice of Preparation The City of South San Francisco (City) determined that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required for the proposed Project. The City circulated a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for this EIR on May 23, 2017 (see Appendix 1A). The public comment period on the scope of the EIR lasted through June 23, 2017. The NOP was sent to responsible agencies, neighboring cities, interested organizations and individuals, and to the State Clearinghouse. A scoping session was held on June 8, 2017 at the Annex City Hall Conference Room at 315 Maple Avenue, South San Francisco. Notice of this scoping meeting was provided to San Mateo County, the City and County of San Francisco, and to the cities of Colma, Brisbane, Pacifica, Daly City and San Bruno. It was also provided to Responsible Agencies (any public agency that has jurisdiction by law with respect to the project) and to any agency or individual who has filed a written request for notice of such types of EIRs. Both written and oral comments received by the City on the NOP and scoping session were taken into account during the preparation of this EIR. The written comments received are included in Appendix 1B, and generally summarized below: BCDC Comments (letter dated June 23, 2017) ● the DEIR should analyze the effects of sea level rise on the Project's waterfront and discuss how Genentech intends to address the Commission's policies on public access ● the DEIR should note the Commission's policies on Appearance, Design, and Scenic Views ● the DEIR should consider the transportation policies in the Bay Plan to ensure that the shoreline will remain accessible to the community and the public via diverse forms of transportation ● the DEIR should consider the Bay Plan policies related to shoreline protection, including the requirement that levees and seawalls be designed to withstand the effects of projected sea level rise and to be integrated with adjacent shoreline protection ● the DEIR should discuss the relevant policies governing the protection of the Bay's natural resources, including fish, other aquatic organisms, and wildlife, and certain habitat needed for their protection, such as tidal flats, marshes and subtidal areas San Mateo County City/County Association of Governments (letter dated June 2, 2017) ● the TIA and EIR for this project should comply with the San Mateo County Congestion Management Program (CMP) Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Policy and Land Use Guidelines ● traffic forecasts and expected impacts of the project should address the CMP roadway network as outlined in the TIA policy, ● if the project will generate a net of 100 or more peak-hour trips on the CMP roadway network, mitigation measures should be required to reduce the impact of the project (e.g., reducing project scope, building roadway and/or transit improvements, collecting traffic mitigation fees, and requiring project sponsors to implement TDM programs Chapter 1: Introduction Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 1-5 Native American Heritage Commission (letter dated June 1, 2017) ● recommended contacting the California Historical Research Information System (CHRIS) Center for an archaeological records search ● recommended contacting the NAHC for a Sacred Lands File search and a Native American Tribal Consultation List ● recommended inclusion of mitigation and monitoring provisions for the identification and evaluation of inadvertently discovered archaeological and cultural resources San Mateo County Department of Public Works (letter dated June 23, 2017) ● indicated that storm water runoff from the site must not be directed to drain into City storm drain lines which ultimately enter the District's flood control channel ● advocated that trash management measures be incorporated into the design elements of the storm drainage system and appurtenances Governor's Office of Planning and Research, State Clearinghouse (letter dated May 24, 2017)  listed the EIR with State Clearinghouse Number #2017052064 ● included a list of State agencies copied on the NOP and encouraged those agencies to express their concerns early in the environmental review process Program EIR One of the purposes of this EIR is to assess in a comprehensive manner the entirety of potential environmental impacts that may be associated with adoption and implementation of the Master Plan Update. Specifically, it evaluates the physical environmental and land use changes that may result from all future development that could occur pursuant to adoption and implementation of the Master Plan Update. Such impacts are described at a level of detail consistent with the level of detail provided in the Master Plan Update. Accordingly, as provided for under CEQA Guidelines Section 15168, the City has determined to prepare this document as a new Program EIR, rather than as a Subsequent or Supplement to the prior 2007/2012 Master EIR. A Program EIR is appropriate for environmental review of the proposed Master Plan Update because it establishes the framework for a number of individual future development projects. These future development projects are related geographically within the Genentech Campus, are logical parts in a chain of contemplated actions, will be carried out under the same authorizing statute and regulatory authority of the City of South San Francisco, and will have similar environmental impacts that can be mitigated in similar ways. This programmatic environmental review is used to analyze the series of actions pursuant to the Master Plan Update that are characterized as one large project. This Program EIR focuses on broad policy alternatives and mitigation measures, as well as regional influences, secondary effects, cumulative impacts and other factors that apply to the Master Plan Update as a whole (pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15168[b][4] and [d][2]). This programmatic approach provides the City and other responsible agencies with the ability to consider program-wide mitigation measures and cumulative impacts that might be slighted in a case-by-case analysis approach. Project-Level Analysis Preparation of this Program EIR is also intended to simplify the task of preparing subsequent project-level environmental documents for future projects proposed pursuant to the Master Plan Update. Where feasible and where an adequate level of detail is available such that potential project-level environmental effects may be understood and analyzed, this EIR also provides a project-level analysis intended to minimize the need for Chapter 1: Introduction Page 1-6 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR subsequent CEQA review of individual development projects that could occur pursuant to the Master Plan Update. Although not required under CEQA, project-level impacts of reasonably foreseeable developments are analyzed to the extent that such impacts are known. The EIR Project Description provides one example of a detailed development program for the Genentech Campus pursuant to the Master Plan Update, providing physical development plans that indicate general density and intensity of use, building height and bulk, and location (by Opportunity Sites) of anticipated future development and public infrastructure and transportation improvements. The Master Plan Update also provides a maximum development envelope (defined in terms of both maximum square feet of new building space and a “Trip Cap”) which govern the maximum amount of development which may occur within the Campus. The Trip Cap is based on the maximum number of net new AM peak-hour vehicle trips that anticipated future development would generate. The physical development envelope and the Trip Cap have been used to provide project-level assessments. South San Francisco intends to use the streamlining and tiering provisions of CEQA to the maximum feasible extent, such that future environmental review of specific development projects within the Campus that are carried out in furtherance of the Master Plan Update are expeditiously undertaken, without the need for repetition and redundancy. Use of Prior CEQA Documents Prior CEQA Document Overview Together, the following documents are collectively referred to throughout this EIR as the Prior Environmental Impact Reports (Prior EIRs): 2007 Master EIR In 2007, the City of South San Francisco certified an EIR for the 2007 Genentech Corporate Facilities Research & Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Project (2007 Master Plan). That 2007 EIR considered the environmental impacts that may result from development of approximately 3.2 million square feet of new building space, to a buildout of 6 million square feet, pursuant to the 2007 Master Plan on Genentech’s then 160-acre Campus as well as a broader 220-acre Study Area. That 2007 EIR (State Clearinghouse No. 2005072165) was certified by the City of South San Francisco on March 14, 2007. After certification of the 2007 EIR, the City Council subsequently adopted the 2007 Genentech Master Plan and amended the City’s Zoning Ordinance to allow expansion of the Genentech Research and Development Overlay (R&D) zoning district. That 2007 EIR was prepared as a “Master EIR” (2007 Master EIR or MEIR) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15175 through 15179.5. 2012 Supplemental Master EIR The City updated the 2007 MEIR in a 2012 Supplemental Master Environmental Impact Report for the Genentech Corporate Facilities Research & Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Project (2012 Supplemental Master EIR or SMEIR, - also SCH No. 2005072165). This 2012 SMEIR reviewed the adequacy of the 2007 MEIR pursuant to the five-year limitations of the 2007 MEIR as set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15179, and included additional environmental review to supplement the 2007 MEIR. The 2012 SMEIR focused largely on regulatory changes that had occurred since certification of the 2007 MEIR in the areas of air quality, greenhouse gas emissions and land use/planning, and new information and changed circumstances since certification of the 2007 MEIR in the area of traffic/transportation development. The 2012 SMEIR assessed impacts of the remaining approximately 2.7 million square feet of new building space pursuant to buildout of 6 million square feet. Chapter 1: Introduction Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 1-7 2002 Britannia East Grand EIR In 2002, the City of South San Francisco certified the Britannia East Grand Project EIR (2002 BEG EIR – SCH No. 2001052085). The Britannia East Grand Project was located at the east terminus of East Grand Avenue and consisted of a campus of 12 buildings devoted to research and development use, including high technology and biotechnology industries, offices, and auxiliary services within a total of approximately 804,500 gross square feet of building space. After certification of this EIR and completion of entitlements, construction of the Britannia East Grand project was conducted to suit Genentech’s needs and became fully leased to Genentech as its South Campus. The 2007 Master Plan acknowledged the Britannia East Grand project as Genentech’s South Campus, but it did not include the South Campus as part of the 2007 EIR Study Area. In 2013, Genentech requested that the City add the South Campus properties to the Genentech Master Plan zoning district.3 In May of 2013, the City Planning Commission recognized that addition of these South Campus properties would “increase the baseline of existing development and the total amount of development within the Genentech Master Plan area and Genentech Master Plan zoning district, but would not increase the amount of new development authorized by the 2007 Master Plan”.4 The South Campus was added to the Genentech Master Plan zoning district in 2013 with prior CEQA review under the 2002 EIR. Incorporation by Reference and Tiering The City of South San Francisco has determined that this environmental document is to be a new Program EIR, rather than a Master EIR or a second Supplemental Master EIR. Both the City and Genentech have concluded that the five-year update requirements for master EIRs as set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15179 have potential to limit the intended streamlining of later environmental review of projects carried out in furtherance of the Master Plan Update, and introduce additional CEQA processes which may be repetitive or redundant. This new Program EIR is also necessary to address changes that are part of the Master Plan Update (e.g., increasing the maximum development potential on the Campus to 9 million square feet), as well as changes in baseline conditions during the 10-year interval since certification of the 2007 MEIR. South San Francisco has used the streamlining and tiering provisions of CEQA, such that relevant information from these Prior EIRs is used to the maximum extent reasonable and applicable. For example, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15150, this document incorporates by reference portions of these Prior EIRs (including descriptions of the environmental setting that remain consistent and regulatory provisions that remain applicable. Scope and Structure of the EIR Environmental Topics Addressed Based on the written and oral comments received by the City on the NOP, as well as CEQA Guidelines Appendix G, the following environmental topics are addressed in this EIR following the initial Chapters 1 through 4: ● Chapter 5: Aesthetics ● Chapter 6: Air Quality ● Chapter 7: Biological Resources 3 The Genentech Corporate Facilities Research & Development Overlay zoning district was amended and modified in 2013, and is now the Genentech Master Plan zoning district (South San Francisco Municipal Code, Section 20.260) 4 City of South San Francisco, Zoning text and map amendments, May 16, 2013 Chapter 1: Introduction Page 1-8 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR ● Chapter 8: Cultural and Historic Resources ● Chapter 9: Geology and Soils ● Chapter 10: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change ● Chapter 11: Hazards and Hazardous Materials ● Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality ● Chapter 13: Land Use and Planning ● Chapter 14: Noise ● Chapter 15: Population, Housing and Employment ● Chapter 16: Public Services and Recreation ● Chapter 17: Transportation, Circulation and Parking ● Chapter 18: Utilities and Service Systems ● Chapter 19: Other Less-than Significant Effects (agriculture and forest resources and mineral resources) Report Organization The EIR is organized into the following chapters: Chapter 1 – Introduction Discusses the overall EIR purpose; provides a summary of the proposed Specific Plan; describes the EIR scope; and summarizes the organization of the EIR Chapter 2 – Executive Summary Provides a summary of the significant environmental impacts that would result from implementation of the proposed Master Plan Update, and describes those regulatory requirements and recommended mitigation measures that would avoid or reduce significant impacts Chapter 3 - Project Description Provides a description of the Project Area, Master Plan Update objectives and assumptions, overarching planning strategies, expected buildout under the proposed Master Plan Update, and required approval process Chapter 4: Overall Approach to the Analysis Chapter 5-19 - Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures Describes the following for each environmental topic: existing (or baseline) physical setting; applicable regulatory setting including relevant regulations applicable to the Master Plan Update that serve to reduce or avoid potential environmental impacts; thresholds of significance; potential environmental impacts; mitigation measures as applicable; and identification of the resulting level of significance following implementation of mitigation measures. Potential impacts are identified by level of significance, as follows: ● No Impact - No noticeable adverse effect on the environment would occur. ● Less than Significant (LTS) - The Project would cause an environmental effect, but that effect would not exceed the City’s threshold of significance. Chapter 1: Introduction Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 1-9 ● Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures (LTS with MM)– The proposed Project could cause an adverse environmental effect, but that impact can be reduced to a less than significant level with implementation of recommended mitigation measures as identified in this EIR. ● Significant and Unavoidable (SU) – The proposed Project would cause an adverse impact that exceeds the threshold of significance and cannot be avoided or reduced through implementation of recommended mitigation measures, or recommended mitigation measures would have secondary adverse effects that cause the mitigation measure to be rejected. Chapter 20 - Alternatives Evaluates a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed Master Plan Update and identifies an environmentally superior alternative Chapter 21 - CEQA-Required Assessment Conclusions Provides the required analysis of cumulative impacts, growth-inducing impacts, significant and irreversible changes, effects found not to be significant and significant unavoidable impacts Chapter 22 - Report Preparation Identifies preparers of the EIR, references used, and the persons and organizations contacted Appendices The appendices contain the NOP and written comments submitted on the NOP, as well as other technical studies and reports relied upon in the EIR. Effects of the Environment on the Project CEQA requires the analysis of potential adverse effects of a project on the environment. Analyses or mitigation for effects of the environment on a project is not required under CEQA. This EIR nevertheless analyzes certain potential effects of the environment on the project (e.g., the effects of sea level rise) in order to provide information to the public and decision-makers. Where a potential significant effect of the environment on the project is identified, the document identifies Project-specific and non-CEQA recommendations to address these issues. Public Review This Draft EIR is available for public review and comment during the period identified on the Notice of Availability of a Draft EIR accompanying this document. This Draft EIR and all supporting technical documents and referenced documents are available for public review at the offices of the City of South San Francisco Planning Department, located at 315 Maple Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080. During the public review period, written comments on the Draft EIR may be submitted to the City of South San Francisco Planning Department at the address indicated on the notice. Oral comments on the Draft EIR may be stated at the public hearing on the Draft EIR, which shall be held as indicated on the notice. Following the public review and comment period, the City will prepare responses to comments received on the environmental analysis in this Draft EIR. The responses and any other revisions to the Draft EIR will be prepared as a Response to Comments document. The Draft EIR and its appendices, together with the Response to Comments document will constitute the Final EIR for the proposed Master Plan Update. Chapter 1: Introduction Page 1-10 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Intended Uses of this EIR Adoption of the Master Plan Update Under CEQA, the City of South San Francisco is the Lead Agency for the proposed Genentech Master Plan Update (the "Project”).5 As the Lead Agency, the City intends that this EIR serve as the CEQA-required environmental documentation for consideration of the Project by City decision-makers, the public, and other responsible agencies and trustee agencies.6 This EIR is intended to serve as a public information and disclosure document for use by governmental agencies and the public. Its purpose is to identify and evaluate potential environmental consequences of the proposed Master Plan Update, to evaluate and recommend mitigation measures that would substantially lessen or eliminate adverse impacts, and to examine a range of feasible alternatives to the proposed Master Plan Update. The information contained in this EIR is subject to review and consideration by the City of South San Francisco, prior to the City’s decision to approve, reject or modify the proposed Master Plan Update. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15146, such impacts and mitigations are discussed in this EIR to the level of detail necessary to allow reasoned decisions about the Project. The City must ultimately certify that it has reviewed and considered the information in the EIR and that the EIR has been completed in conformity with the requirements of CEQA before making any decision on the proposed Master Plan Update. This EIR identifies significant environmental effects that would result from the proposed Master Plan Update. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15091, the City cannot approve the Master Plan Update unless it makes one or more of the following findings: ● That changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the Master Plan Update which avoid or substantially lessen significant environmental effects as identified in the EIR ● That such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency (not the City of South San Francisco), and that such changes have been adopted by such other public agency, or can and should be adopted by such other agency ● Specified economic, legal, social, technological or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the EIR Zoning Actions The Master Plan Update does not propose any amendments to the City of South San Francisco General Plan, but it does include conforming Zoning Code text amendments, as more fully described in the Project Description, in order to enable development as proposed. This EIR provides the environmental review necessary for City decision-makers to consider these zoning text actions. Individual Projects This EIR is intended to provide sufficient detail to enable the City to make informed site-specific decisions on individual development or infrastructure projects located within the Project Area. This EIR is intended to provide the City with the ability to consider mitigation measures and cumulative impacts resulting from total 5 CEQA Guidelines section 15367 defines the "Lead Agency" as the public agency that has the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project. The City of South San Francisco is the Lead Agency for the proposed Master Plan Update, ultimately responsible for adopting the Master Plan Update and all associated and subsequent approvals. 6 Under the CEQA Guidelines, the term "Responsible Agency" includes all public agencies, other than the Lead Agency, that have discretionary approval power over aspects of the project for which the Lead Agency has prepared an EIR. Under the CEQA Guidelines, the term "trustee agency" means a state agency having jurisdiction by law over natural resources affected by the project that are held in trust by the people of California, such as the Department of Fish and Game. Chapter 1: Introduction Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 1-11 buildout of the Master Plan Update that might be might otherwise not be addressed in a case-by-case analysis approach. It is also intended to enable the City and Genentech to carry out all or portions of the Master Plan Update without having to prepare additional site-specific environmental documents, and/or to simplify the task of preparing subsequent project-level environmental documents for future projects pursuant to the Master Plan Update, as applicable. The City intends to use the streamlining and tiering provisions of CEQA to the maximum feasible extent, so that future environmental review of specific development projects and public improvement projects carried out in furtherance of the Master Plan Update are expeditiously undertaken, without the need for repetition and redundancy. Specifically, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183, Section 15183.3, and/or Section 15162-15164, future environmental analyses may rely on, or be tiered from this EIR: ● CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 mandates that projects that are consistent with the development density established by existing zoning, community plan, or general plan policies for which an EIR was certified, shall not require additional environmental review, except as might be necessary to examine whether there are project-specific significant effects which are peculiar to the project or its site. This streamlines the review of such projects and reduces the need to prepare repetitive environmental studies. ● CEQA Guidelines Section 15183.3 provides for streamlining of certain qualified, infill projects. Under this provision, CEQA would not apply to the effects of an eligible infill project if the effect was adequately addressed as a significant effect in this EIR, and if uniformly applied development standards apply to the infill project that would substantially mitigate that effect; ● CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162-15164 allow for the preparation of a Supplemental or Subsequent EIR, and/or an Addendum to a certified EIR when certain conditions are satisfied. The above are examples of possible streamlining/tiering mechanisms that the City may pursue and do not dictate the City’s approach to future environmental review of specific projects. In some cases, the formulation of site-specific issues will not be known until subsequent design occurs, leading to the preparation of later, project-level environmental documentation. When considering the applicability of the streamlining provisions of CEQA, the City of South San Francisco intends to limit the examination of environmental effects of these later projects to: ● those effects that are peculiar to the project or parcel on which the project would be located, and/or ● subsequent projects that may result in impacts that were not analyzed as significant effects in this EIR, or which may result in impacts that are identified in this EIR but which may be determined to have a more severe adverse effect than discussed in this EIR (per CEQA Guidelines, section 15183) At such time as individual actions (i.e., development proposals and public infrastructure and transportation improvements) contemplated under the proposed Project are proposed for implementation, the City will consider: ● whether the action’s environmental effects were fully disclosed, analyzed, and as needed, mitigated within this EIR ● whether the action is exempt from CEQA ● whether the action warrants preparation of a subsequent or supplemental environmental document or an addendum, or ● whether the action warrants preparation of focused environmental review limited to certain site- specific issues