HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 205-1939 ORDINANCE N0. 6~-~7C,' ~,, ALI 0~INAI,~CE LICENSIngS ~fD REGU~TI~G T~ 0PE~TI~O OF AUTOMOBI~S FOR HI~ ~JL ~l~ '~!SPORiA~t0N 0F PASSENGERS Ti-~IN WITHIN Ti-~ CITY OF SOUTH S~ FR~J- ~'%~ CISC0. Th~ city council of ~he City of Sou~h S~n F~encisco do o~ein ~s follows: SECTION ~. Th~ wo~ds "~utomobile fo~ hi~e" shall m~ and in- ciude every s~lf-p~opeiled mo~o~ vehicle othe~ than a st~ee~ d~iven on the public streets between certain definite points termini, o~ otherwise, ~d conveying passengers fo~ ~ fixed ch~ge between such termini and intermediate points, o~ oth~ise, and so h~Id out, advertised o~ ~nounced. Such eutomobile is hereby desi- gnet~d to b~ ~ co,on ca~ie~ and is subjec~ to th~ ~eguletions h~ein p~esc~ib~d. Tk~ wo~d "person", fo~ the purposes of this o~dinanc~, is ~e~eby defined ~s ~ individual, fi~m, co-pa~tne~ship o~ co~po~ation. SECTION ~. B~fo~e operating ~ny automobile fo~ hi~e ~s such upon ~y public street, the own~ o~ l~ss~e t~e~eof sh~ll ~pply fo~ ~d obtain a p~mit th~efo~ f~om the city council of the City of South S~n F~ncisco, ~s herein p~ovid~d~ SECTION U. Application fo~ a permit to ope~te ~ ~utomobil~ fo~ ~i~ sh~ll be made in w~iting ~nd filed with th~ city clerk of seid city end shall state: (1) The t~e of mo~o~ ve~icle ~nd the name of the o~ ot~e~ popula~ name t~of; Tl~e factory numb~ ~d ste~ license n~nbe~ t~e~eof; The s~ating capacity thereof according to its (~) Th~ name of the ovme~ or lesse~ ~he~eof; {B) Th~ ~t~ets to b~ t~av~sed and t~e t~mini b~tw~en which t~e ~pplic~t purposes to oper~t~ such ~utomobile fo~ hi~e, ~he~ th~ sam~ is to b~ operated b~twe~n fixed t~m~ini; -1- (61 If any automobile for hire is to be operated otherwise than between fixed termini, the application shall so state. (7) if such automobile for hire is not to be operated be- tween fixed termini, the ap?lication shall state the pro?osed plan of operation of the sa~e; The application shall be verified by oath of the appli- cant, or by some o;ae in behalf of the applicant. SECTi0i~I ~. In order to insure the safety of the public, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any such auto- mobile for hire and no permit for the opera,rich of the same shall be in effect, until the applicant shall have filed in the office of ' the city clerk of said city a policy of insurance executed by a responsible insurance company authorized to do business under the laws of the State of California and approved by the city council of said City of ~outh San Francisco, in which provision shall be made for the payment of a sum not exceeding Twe~ty-Five Thousand Dollars (~25,000.00) for loss from an accident resulting in bodily injuries to or in the d~ath of one (1)_~erson only, and the :_,~ayment of a sum not exceeding Fifty T!!ousand Dollars (~50,000.00) for loss resulting from any one accident resulting in bodJ_ly injuries to or in the death of more than one (1) person, and a sum not exceeding Five Thousand Dollars (~.5,000.00) for damaf!;es to or destruction of pro]~erty, by reason of negligent operation of or defective co~struction of such auto- mobile for hire, or any violation of any of the ?rovisions of this ordi- nance, or of the laws of the State of California. Such policy of in- surance shall be executed to the City of South San Francisco and shall in- ure to the benefit of any and all ~ersons who may suffer loss or damage, as herein provided, and suit may be brought in any court of comp~- tent Jurisdiction upon said policy of insurance by any person or persons or corporation suffering such loss or damage. ~uy permit granted by said city council shall recite that the permit is issued upon condition and in consideration of the filil~g of such policy of insurance. Such policy of insurance shall be a continuing liability, notwithstanding any recovery thereon, and, if at any time, in the judgment of said city council, such policy of insurance is not sufficient for any cause, said city council may require the plicant, to whom such permit is issued, to replace such policy of insurance with another policy of insurance satisfactory to said city council and, in default thereof, such permit may be revoked. SECTION 5. It shall be unlawful: (1) To drive or operate, or cause to be driven or operated, any auto~obile for hire upon or along any street within the City of South San Francisco without a permit therefor. (2) To drive, or operate, or cause to be driven or operated, any automobile for hire, unless there shall be displayed upon some prominent or fixed portion of such automobile words in letters, each of which shall be at least two (2) inches in height and three-eights (3/8) of an inch wide and plainly v~ritten, so that they wy be distinctly seen and read, showing that such vehicle is ~n automobile for hire. (~) To permit or allow a greater number of passengers to ride in any such automobile for hire than the actual seating accommodation of any such automobile provides for, or to permit passengers to ride upon the running boards or fenders thereof. SECTi0~ O. Any person, firm or corporation, to whom the permit herein provided for is issued, must file with the city clerk a schedule showing the times of arrival and departure at each terminus throughout each day, before any automobile for hire be operated thereunder, where such automobile is to be ope~ated be- tween fixed termini. Continuous s~rvice must be maintained by each such automobile for hire in this section mentioned each and every day, beginning at six o'clock in the morning, at either terminus, -3- and until et least nine o'clock in the evening, except in the case of accidental injury to such automobile. It shall be the duty of said city council to revoke any permit given hereunder, in the event of failure on the part of the holder of any such permit to maintain such continuous service. SECTION 7. Any permit shall be revoked by said city council for any violation of the provisions of this ordinance, for the failure to pay any Judgment for dan~ages arising from the unlawful and negligent operation of an automobile for which a permit is issued, or for a violation of the laws of the State of California now in force, or hereafter to be adopted. SECTION 8. Every person owning or operating, or causing to be operated, any automobile for hire in the City of South San Francisco shall thoroughly wash each such automobile for hire, when so operated, ~et least once a week and shell also carefully sweep and clean e~ch such automobile for hire daily, and when- ever required in writing by the health officer of said City of South San Francisco. Every person owning or operating, or causing to be operated any such automobile within said city, shall fully disinfect each such automobile by spraying such automobile with an efficient disinfectant. SECTION 9. It shall be unlawful for any driver of an auto- mobile for hire in the City of South San Francisco to smoke any cigar, pipe or cigarette or to burn tobacco while passengers are occupying any of the seats in such vehicle. SECTION 10. If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconti- tutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. The said city council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordins, nce and each section, sub- $ section, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid o SECTION 11. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and iz~orisonment. Each day's continuance of any violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed a separate offense ,and shall be. punishable accordingly. SECTION 12. This ordinance shall be published once in "The Enterprise" a weekly newspaper orinted, published and circulated within the City of South Sa~ Francisco. ~o~uoe~ ~s ~- ~ o~~~~ , ~. P~sed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the city cou~il of said 1939, by the following ~ote:_ ~ Ayes, Counci~en _ ~~ ~~~~ .Noes, Counci~en Absent, Counci~en~ ~aTo~f/g~e ~g7 o~ Sough -5-