HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 210-1940 ORDINANCE RE~ING TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC ETS OF THE OiT.~Y 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. The city council of the City of ~uth San Francisco do Ordain as follows: ITION~: ~. $~etio~l.',l. ;~ ~he following words and expressions, whemev®~ useA im ~l~is or~inam~, shall have ~he meanings given to th®m, reap®e~lvely, lm ~he Vehielm G-e~e of the $ta~e of ~allforni& as the same emists~ on the first ~ay of ~eto~r, 195~: Street, roadway, ~idowalk, im~ermectiom, w~hiclm, per,om, ~riw~r, ~perator, priwa~m' ~rivm~ay ~d remidenem ~ffielal wa~l~ ~d diree~iom signs ~d mh~l, as thos~ e~res~ions are use~ he~im, me~ all warnln~ · lree~iem mi~m ~d si~al~ eenformi~ with said V~hiel~ ~m me% imeonsls~em~ wi~h this ordin~em, whether heretoform or hereaf~mr plaem~ or er~ete~ ~der this ordin~e~ by authority of ~he eiSy ........ / A~ORI~ OF POLICE. ~ ......... /T~F~C SIGNS ~ SI~~ ~e~iem ~ ~dlen~ ~e peliem. ~ffle~r~ of ~he policm ~epar~m~m~ are her~y authorized ~e dirmet all traffic by me~a of visibl~ or aute~%i~ sisals. It mhall ~ unlaw~l for any ~o r~sm or fail ~o eo~ly with ~y law~l erdmr, ~i$~ ~r dir~iem of a %raffie er police offie~. I$ shall ~e ~law~l for ~y ~lr~ er att~p% ~o dir~e~ %raffle, unlearn authorized to do me by order of the chief of polie~ Se~i~ ~ ~gns. ~e city ee~ell shall, ~y ~solu~lem~ d~e~!~ ~d ~esi~atm the eharaeSer of all official wa~ing ~lr~etiom ~lSs ~d sisals. ~bJe~ to this s~etien, the chief ef ~eliee i~ hermby au~horiz~, ~d am to thos~ signs requl~ hereundmr, 1~ ~11 ~ him du~y, to place ~ ~intaim or cause to be am~ ~ln~aine~ all official wa~i~ and direction siSs ~d ~l~al~. cENtral r£CoR~ fl . No. 0 Section 4, No provision ef this o~dlnence, for which slg~s are required, shall be enforcible against the alleged violator if, at the time and place of the alleged violation, the sign herein re- qul~re4 is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarly observant person. Section 5. No public utility or department in this city shall erect or place any barrier or sign, unless of a type first approve~ by the chief of police. It shall be unlawful for any driver or operator or pedestrian to disobey the instruction of any barrier or sign approve~, as above pr~0vide~, erected or placed by a public utility or by any department of this city. T~IC. MARKER, LINES, BOULEVARD STOPS. Section 6. Location of turning markers. The chief police is hereby authorized, and as to those intersections mentioned in para- graph (1) of this section, it shall be his duty to place or cause to be placed the turning markers in intersections as follows: (1) Within intersections where e~her~lntersect- ing roadway is less than sixty (60) feet in width and in intersections where one street terminates in another, a marker shall be placeA at every intersection of the medial 12~e of each street with the prolonga- tion of the property or the cu'~b, lines of the~interseotlng street~/or. as near ths~ntersection point of said line as may be practical. (2) Intersections other than those mentioned in paragraph (I) may be' marked as Provided in paragraph (1), or a single marker, m~y be Placed within such intersection at the intersection of the medial line of the intersecting street.~ Section ?, Boul®vax~t stops. The driver or operator of any vehicle shall stop such vehicle immediately before entering upon the respective.streets or avenues hereinafter named from any one of the respective s~reets or avenues hereinafter named and intersecting therewith' particularly specifle~ as follows: -2- (1) Upon ~/agnolla Avenue from Commercial Avenue and Miller Avenue. (m) Upon Lux Avenue from Cypress Avenue. (n) Upon Hallroa~ Avenue from Maple Avenue, Spruce Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, ~range Avenue1 and Circle Court. (e) Upon Orange Avenue from A Street, B Street am~ C Street, (p) Upon Mission Roa~ from Gran~ Avenue. be chief of police is hereby authorl~.e~ an~ re~uire~ to place an~ maintal~ or cause to be place~ an~ maintaine~ upon each e~ every stx~eet intersecting a~other street, where the operator is re~uire~ to stop such vehicle, an~ at or near the property line of such street appropriate signs upon the street er ~evlces or marks lm the roadway, such signs, ~evices or marks te bear the wor~ -STOP~ or ~he wor~s "~V~ ~P= in such position ~d with letters of a size to be clearly legible from a distance of fifty (~0) feet alcng t~e steer intersecting such other steer. R~S FOR D~VING. ~ction 8. Cros~ng fire hose. No vehicle shall be ~riven over any ~protecte~ ~ese of the fire department when laid ~o~ on ~y at,et or private ~riveway, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the chief of the fire ~epartment, o~ the assiat~t la c~~. sec~!em ~?~ Bicycle rl~lng restricted. It shall be umlaw~l to ri~e a bicycle upon ~y sidewalk lm sal~ city. ~e rider of a bicycle upon a roadway shall ri~e as nearly as practicable within five (~) feet of the right h~ curb or e~ge of the roadway, except when passing a stan~i~ or other vehicle, or m~iag a left h~d t~n' at ~y intersection. (a) Upon Grand Avenue from each of the following name~ streets and avenues; Division Street, Cypress Avenue, Maple Avenue, Walnut Avenue Spruce Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, Locust Avenue, Orange Avenue, Avenue, Eucalyptus Avenue, Laurel Avenue, Chestnut Avenue, Oak Avenue and Willow Avenue. (b) Upon Bay Shore Boulevax~l from each of the following named streets and avenues: Randolph Avenue, Butler Avenue, Chapman Avenue, Linden Avenue, Armour Avenue, Pine Avenue, California Avenue, Lux Avenue, Miller AvenUe, Grand Avenue and Baden Avenue. [~) Upon Linden Avenue from each of the following named streets and avenues: ~Iroad Avenue, First Lane, Commerelal Avenue, Second Lane, Baden Avenue, Third Lane ' Grand Avenue, ~ourth Lane, Miller Avenue, Tamarae~ Avenue, Lux Avenue, Sixth Lane, California Avenue, Seventh Lane, Pine Avenue, Eighth Lane, Aspen Avenue, Ninth Lane, ~uniper Avenue, Armour Avenue and Hillside Boulevard. (d) Upon Baden Avenue from Cypress Avenue, Maple Avenue, Spruce Avenue, Orange Avenue., Magnolia Avenue, Acacia Avenue and Euc alypt us Avenue. (e) Upon Miller Avenue from ~pruce Avenue. (f) Upon Lux Avenue from Spruce Avenue. (g) Upon C~ommercial Avenue from Orange Avenue. (h) Upon C'hestnut Avenue from Miller Avenue. (1) Upon C2preas Avenue from Lux Avenue. (J) Upon Eli CAsino Real from FlrSt~.Street, Second Street an~ Orange Avenue. (k) Upon Maple Avenue from Commercial Avenue:, Miller Avenue., Lux Avenue, Walnut Avenue and California Avenue. Section 10. Riding on handlebars prohibite~. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any bicycle or motorcycle, when upon a street, to carry any other person upon the bar, handle or tank of any such vehicle, or for such person to so ride upon any such vehicle. Section il. Use of coasters, roller skates and similar devices restricted. It shall be unlawful for any person upon roller skates to ride on, or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device to go upon any roa/~ or upon the sidewalk upon any of the streets described as follows: Grand Avenue from Maple Avenue to 'Division Stre®~; Linden Avenue from Baden Avenue to Miller Avenue, Mapie.. Avenue from Baden Avenue to Miller Avenue, Cypress Avenue from Baden Avenue to Miller Avenue, and Bay Shore Boulevar~l for the entire length. /~ Section lE. Unlawful to Drive Through Funeral Processions. It shall be unlawful far the driver or operator of any vehicle to ~ drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession, provided that such vehicles are conspicuously so designated. Section l~. 01inging to Moving Vehicles. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person traveling upon any bicycle, motorcycle or any toy vehicle to cling to or at~ach himself or his vehicle to any other moving vehicle or street car upon any roadway. Section lA. It shall be unlawful to park any automobile, other than an automobile used in the United states postal service, in front of a post office, or to park an automobile in front of any bank entrance during banking hours, or upon the portion of Butler Avenue east of Bay ~h. ore Boulevard, or upon either side of CYPress-. Avenue with- In the distance of fifty (50) feet north of the north line of Gran~ AVenue. Section 15. The City Council shall, from time to time, as public convenience may require, establish certain areas to be known as bus stops, which shall be designate~ by appropriate signs. Smch bus stops shall not exceed fifty (50) feet in length, and shall no~ l~e. place/~ adjacent to a safety zone. Se,etlon 16, The driver or operator of a vehicle shall not park such vehicle for longer than one (1) hour between the hours of ? o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m. of any day, except Sundays and holidays, on streets designated as follows: Grand Avenue from Division Street to Maple Avenue, Bay Shore Boulevar~ from Miller Avenue to subway; Linden Avenue from Baden Avenue to Miller Avenue, Cypress Avenue from Miller Avenue to Baden Avenue; Division Street from Miller Avenue to' Grand Avenue; nor shall the operator of a vehicle park such ve- hicle at any time in Third and Fourth Lanes between Cypress and Maple Avenue, except for the purpose of loading an~ unloading. Section 1~..EarlY Morning Parking Limited. It shall be un- lawful for the driver or operator of any vehicle to park sal~ vehicle on any street for a perlo~ of time longer than one {1) hour ~tween the hours of ~ o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock a. m. of any day. ........ .:~ pollce officer may cause any vehicle, parked in violation of this section, to be taken to some public garage in said city. The expenses of so removing such vehicle and storing the same shall be a lien upon such vehicle. The cost of removing such vehicle- to a public garage shall not exceed Two Dollars {$~.00) and the charge to be made for storing such vehicle is hereby fixed at Fifty {50) cents for each twenty-four (24) hours or fraction thereof. Section 1S. Standing or Parking Close to Curb. The driver or operator of a vehicle shall not stop, stand or park such vehicle in a roadway other than parallel with the curb and with the two right- hand wheels of the vehicle within one (1) foot of the curb, except in any residence district now established or which may be hereafter establishe~, and except on Grand Avenue between Maple Avenue and the Bay ~hore Boulevard where vehicles may be parked diagonally against the curb at such angles as may be indicated by lines placed upon the pavement under the direction of the chief of police. Section 19, At such places as may be designated By asia city council, the chief of police shall cause paint to be placed upon the top of curbing in the following colors: red, yellow and white. (a) Red indicates no stopping, standing or parking, whether the vehicle ia attende/~ or unattende~l; provided that a bus may stop in a red zone marked or sign posted as. a bus loading zone. (b) Yellow indicates stopping only for the purpose of load- ing or unloading passengers or freight at any time between the hour of 8 o'clock a. m. and the hour of & o'clock p. m. of any /~ay, except Sundays and holidays. (o) ~hlte indicates stopping only for loading or unloading of passengers between the hour of 8 o'clock a. m. and the hour of 6 o'cloc~ p. m. of any day, except SUndays. and holidays. Section ~0, ~xcept as provided in Section 1/~ of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful to stop, stand or par~ any vehicle in any street in the business district of said city, unless the front portion of suah vehicle shall point forward along the curb to the right of the driver thereof. Section '21. It shall he unlawful for the proprietor or operator of any garage, in which vehicles are repaire/[, to permit or allow any damaged vehicle or any vehicle needing repair or adjustment, to stand upon any street or other public thoroughfare in said city more than one (1) hour Before such vehicle is repaired or adJuste/~. Se0tlon 22, Parking Vehicles for Sale. It shall be unlawful for any person to par~ any vehicle upon any street for the purpose of displaying it for sale. action ~3. It shall be unlawful to unlaod merchandise from any vehicle upon any sidewalk upon Grand Avenue between Cypress Avenue and Maple Avenue between the hours of nine (9) o,cloc~ a. m. and seven (?) o'clock p. m. of any day, or to permit merchandise to be deposited upon or remain upon said sidewalk during such time. Section 24, It shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle upon any street of said city when any solid or liquid material carried in or upon such vehicle is allowed to drop therefrom upon such st re et. Section 25, It shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle over, across or upon any portion of any sidewalk in said city where pro- vision has not been made for a vehicle crossing in such sidewalk. Section 26. It shall be unlawful to deposit, or store or leave standing, any vehicle, or wrecked or dismantled vehicle, or part er parts of any vehicle, or of any wrecke~ or dismantle~ vehicle. upon any land in said city, not covered by some building conforming to the building ordinances of said city, and not owned by the person or persons having the custc~ly or control of Such vehicle, or wrecke~ or dismantled vehicle, or part or parts of such vehicle, or wrecke~ 'or dismantled Vehicle, without the written consent of the recor~ owner or owners of such lend first thereunto obtained and duly acknow- ledge~,by such owner or owners, before some officer competent to administer an oath, and filed in the office of the city clerk of said city. PEN_A_LTIES. Section 27. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the city Jail for a period not exceeding three (5) months, or by both such fine and imprison- section ~8, Effect of Ordinance. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Co'~ncil hereby declares that it would have passe~ this ordinance and each section, sub-section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. ~eetion Eg~ This ordinance shall be published once in 'The Enterprise~, a weekly newspaper printed and published in said City of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and be in force from and after the expiration of thirty (301 days after its adoption. Introduced this ~i~ day of~~ , 1940. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South ~an Francisco et a regular meeting of the Cit~_~ouncil of the City of South San Francisco, this ~ day of .. ,lOAO, by the following vote:f Ayes, ~ou~cilme~ ~~~~.~ Absent, Councilmen Approved: Ma~[Qr of 'San Francisco.