HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 262-1947 AN' 0~Zi'[,~i<CE AL~i,DiR'G 0i',DL,,,~,LCE 150 0F THE CiTY 0F SOUTH 5A}[TM':""'- ~ .... - ""~"~'"" ' ' "Al, Ti~ z,~.',~Cio~0~:,~zzzLED : , 0i{D!!,L~:iCE CF CITY 0 F :~ UTH S~fi,[ F~L.2,[CZ SC0 ES2ABLISHiN'G RE ~TLATIONS FOR ~i'~ ~C~MU~TION, ~L~C2ION ~,i~m i{~i0Y~L OF ~RB~GE", PASSED ~i{D ~DOPTED BY Ti~ CifY COUNCIL 0F T~ CI2Y 0F h~U'Tii S~[ FI:~(CISC0 0!{ ='t~ 1st day of APRi~, 19 29. The City Council of the City of South San Fra~cisco does ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 19 of Ordinance ~{o. 150 entitled: "An Ordinance of the City o~ South San Era?~czsco Establishing .... mul~tions for the -~ccumulation, Collection and Removal of Garbage", passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Fr'ancisco on the 1st day of npril, 1929, is hereby amended so that said section, as amended, shall '~'ead as follow's: Section 19. The maximum rates for~ service to be charged by garbage collectors for garbage removal are hereby fixed as follows: 1. For'private dwelling houses, dry garbage only, in 25 gallon cans, -Ohe v~eicht of the garbage not exceeding 50 pounds, for one collection per week. For one collection per month .40 per month 2. For special pick-ups, such as brush, z~.bbish and boxes, for each pick-up ~}1.00 per cubic yard 3. For restaurants, hotels, cafes, stores and similar places of business and factories, wet or dry garbage; for 25 gallor, cans, the contents no-~ exceeding V0 pounds in weight, for each Call, 1 pic~-up per %~'eek 1.00 per ~mnth 2 pick-ups per week 2.00 per month $ pick-ups per week 3.b0 per month 4 pick-ups per week 4.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week 5,00 per month 6 pick-ups pe~ week · 5.00 per month ~o~ restaura~ts, hotels, cafes, stor~s al'~d similar places of businea% and factories, for boxes, paper amd other rubbish _)1.00 per cubic yard 5. For restaural~ts, hotels, cafes, stores and similar places of busii~ess, au~m factories, where oa~ls are ~ot used 1.00 per cubic yard 6. ~or ti~e removal of ashes from inci~erators not exceedi~ 60~ gallons in capacity 1.50 for each service 7 For the use of a truck for special service, with driver 6.00 per hour Section 2. Section 15 of said 0z~dinance Lo. 150 is h~rebY amended so -that said section, as amended, shall z'ead as follows: section 15. Each such person, firm or corporation engaging in the business of hauling or removing garbage or waste material shall pay to said City a license tax of One Thousand Dollars (?.~1,000.00) per year. 5aid license 'tax shall be payable semi-annually in advance, on the first '~ ~o a=~o of January and July of each year. ili'o permit under this ordinance shall be effective fo~' any purpose ;vhatever until said license tax shall be paid for v.~,e half year foz~ ~±ch such permit shall be used. Section 3. ~ ~ew section is hereby added to said Ordinance i~o. 150, which sectiol~ shall be nu~?.bered 14 a, az~d shall read as follows: ~ection 14 a. Aa~y bolla fide householder in the ~ ty of South San Fra~cisco ~my transport garbage and ~.~aste matter, which he may' permit to accumulate on premises actually occupied by him as his reside~ce in said city, to t~-le city dump and may dump such garbage a~a waste [~mtter on sai~ city dump at such places or places ~s.s may be required by the custodian of said city dump, upon first receivin~:~i a permit so to do from .the City Clerk. Said City Clez-k is hereby authoz"ized to issue' suc?~ .... '~ ~. pe~'mz~ to a~'~y person, v.~hom he shall have found to be such householder. Said City Council may revoke any permit issued by the City Clerk on receiving proof of the failure of the reciDient of said permit to observe all ',~easonable regulations required by said custodian of said city dump for the dumping of such ~dum,ping. o$)'suct~ garbage and waste matter. - Section 4. This o~dinance shall be published once in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published in said City of South San Francisco, and shall ta~e effect and be in force~ expiration of thirty (Z0) days after its passage and adopt'ion.~.~ Introduced this~/~ day of March, 1947. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City~of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Fra?~cisco, this day of , 1947, by the follow- ing vote: Noes, Councilmen ,~ Absent, Councilmen ~ Approved: Mayor of the City of South San Franci sco. ATTEST: