HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/14/1982 October 14, 1982 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco IvlEMBERS PRESENT: Chairma..l1 Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli, Getz*, Grimes, Mantegani and Terry 1mMBERS ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Hoyer *Commissioner Getz arrived at 9:25 P.M. during the Public Hearing of UP-82-635, Item No. 8 on the Agenda. ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel Christians Philip Gorny Bill Holloway Assistant City Attorney Police Fire Director Public Services/CE Chief Building Inspector Elladene Katz Sgt Ron Petrocchi Fred LagJ,mmarsino Robert Yee Jake Wittwer Pledge of Allegiance APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To approve the minutes of the September 9, 1982 Meeting as presented. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ORAL COM~MUNICATIONS Agenda Change: Case Number UP-82-628, R.M. & J.R. Filamor was added to the Consent Calendar as Item lA. Case Number GPA-82-21, City of South San Francisco, Item No. 13 on the Agenda was moved to Item No.5. CONSENT CALENDAR Joseph A. Perry, Jr., UP-82-627 A Use Permit application to allow construction of a 12 story, 220 room hotel with supporting restaurant and meeting room facilities on a 1.65 acre site located at the southwest corner of San Mateo Avenue and Produce Avenue in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. (Continued from 9/9/82 Meeting) October 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Mantegani: To continue this case to the meeting of December 9, 1982. Approved by unanimous voice vote. R. M. & J .R. Filamor, UP-82-628 Use Permit to construct a proposed roof enclosure for an existing patio attached to an existing dwelling at 2424 Wright Court in the P-C Planned Community Zone District. - 4476 - October 14, 1982 CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Motion-Bertucelli/Second Mantegani: To continue this project off calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS Homart Development Co., PM-82-201 It was noted that this application was .withdrawn by the applicant. No action required by Corrmission. Homart Development Co., PM-82-202 A Tentative Parcel Map application to subdivide Lot 3 of the Gateway Center Sub- division CSA-81-74) into 3 parcels. Property located at the northeast corner of proposed Gateway Boulevard and East Grand Avenue in the Gateway Specific Plan District. October 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: John Aguilar, Project Manager 480 Industrial Way Motion-Bertucelli/Second Terry: To approve PM-82-202 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Homart Development Co., PM-82~203 A Tentative Parcel Map application to subdivide Lot 8 of the Gateway Center Sub- division (SA-81-74) into 2 parcels. Property located at the northeast corner of East Grand Avenue and Industrial Way in the Gateway Specific Plan District. October 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: John Aguilar, Project Manager 480 Industrial Way Motion-Bertucelli/Second Grimes: To approve PM-82-203 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEMS City of South San:Francisco, GPA-82-21, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 382 Amendments to the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the General Plan and maps related thereto changing: (1) the land use designation of land in the City's Sphere of Influence along the west side of Bayshore Boulevard from Randolph Avenue north to the City limits from Low Density Residential and Regional Park to Heavy Commercial; (2) the realignment of the Hillside Boulevard Extension project north of and parallel to Randolph Avenue and (3) the realignnment of the Oyster Point Boulevard interchange with Highway 101 north of its present location to inter- sect generally opposite the planned Hillside Extension. October 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. - 4477 - October 14, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Speaking on the Project: Mrs. Garris 1401 Hillside Blvd. Jim Keegan 1244 Crestwood Douglas Butler 133 Adrian Jan Pont III Belmont Mrs. Garris was concerned about traffic on Hillside Blvd. and the location of the new interchange. Staff advised Mrs. Garris that no residential structures are planned to be taken for the Hillside Boulevard Extension project. Mr. Keegan indicated that the City's Feasibility Study indicated that the acquisition of theEB Motel and a portion of Levitz Furniture property would be required in connection with the new Oyster Point interchange. Mr. Butler questioned why this amendment was before the Comnission now. He thought that the Terrabay Hearings should be conducted first. Assistant City Attorney Katz stated that State Law requires the City's General Plan first be revised before the Corrmission acts on the Terrabay Specific Plan. Mr. Butler asked if it was the purpose of this amendment to accommodate the Terrabay Project. Ms. Pont asked when work would begin on the Hillside Extension Project if it was approved. She was advised that there was no definite time schedule for beginning this project. Also, it was noted that there was no guarantee that this roadway project would be undertaken. She asked how long it would take to complete the Hillside Extension Project. The response was 2 years after the construction bid was approved. Comnissioners pointed out that approval of this C;eneral Plan Amendment does not guarantee approval of the Terrabay Project. Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 382 and adopt the resolution recommending that the City Council approve GPA-82-21 based on information contained in the Staff Report and findings contained in the resolution. Unanimously approved. Grosvenor Airport Associates, UP-82-626 A request that Special Condition No. 4 dealing with the on-site ground sign to be deleted as a condition of approval for UP-82-626, a Use Permit to make additions to the Holiday Inn at 245 South Airport Boulevard in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. October 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Jorge Maezono Neville Price & Assoc. 251 Post St., SF Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To approve the deletion of Special Condition No. 4 for UP-82-626 based on information contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 4478 - October 14, 1982 AGENDA ITE:rvIS (Cont inued) Isaac P. & Betty Guillory, RPD-82-26, SA-82-66, Negative Declaration No. 373 1) A Residential Planned Development Permit to construct a 10-unit residential condominium project with parking, private drd..veways and landscaping at 631 and 635 Baden Avenue. 2) A Tentative Subdivision Map to create 10 air-space residential condominiums with COImDn areas located at 631 and 635 Baden Avenue. October 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Isaac Guillory 631, 635 Baden Avenue Applicant's Architect Present: Joseph Ameritas Architect 631, 635 Baden Avenue The project Architect explained the project and stated that the applicant was willing to comply with all staff recommendations except the requirement for the common drive- way. Mr. Guillory, the applicant, advised the Conmission that if he had to redesign the project, this delay would create a hardship. Mr. Christians stated that a common driveway would provide more security and would create additional parking. Chairman Martin advised the applicant that the Corrrrdssion could not approve the sub- division until it complies with all provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Chairman asked the applicant if he wished to request a continuance to allow him to redesign this project. The applicant requested a 60-day time extension. Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To continue RPD-82-26 to the meeting of December 9, 1982 in accordance with the applicant's request. Unanimously approved. Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To continue SA-82-66 to the meeting of December 9, 1982 in accordance with the applicant's request. Unanimously approved. Kohn (Aristakessian), UP-82-635 Use Permit to operate a proposed French/Moroccan restaurant, serving beer and wine, with live musical entertainment, in the Brentwood Shopping Center at 120 Hazelwood Drive. October 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicants Present: Malcolm Kohn 144 Brentwood Drive Bert Horm (Kenwood Company) 405 Primrose Rd, Burlingame Tom Aristakessian 188 Keho Avenue San Mateo - 4479 - October 14, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Speaking in Opposition of the Project: Francis Fuge 151 Northwood Drive Mr. Gorny noted for the record that a telephone call had been received from Joseph Reconni, a neighborhood resident, who was opposed to the application. A letter from the Director of Store Operations of Brentwood Market, Mr. Joseph A. Benetti, expressing concern about off-street parking was read into the record. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the City-owned parking lot. Parking concerns were expressed as well as upgrading the lot. Mr. Horn explained that ongoing discussions with the City were occuring regarding the City-owned parking lot. Mr. Yee expressed his concerns with regard to improvement of the parking lot. He said discussions with the two property owners, Mr. Kohn and Mr. Benetti, have ended in frustration. The following special condition was TImposed, by the Commission, on the owners of the shopping Center: "The Department of Public Services Merrorandum, Exhibit "D", dated October 7, 1982, shall be included as a condition of approval. Ms. Fuge had concerns regarding the 2 A.M. closing time and the noise to be generated from the use. The following two special conditions were added: "Music shall not be permitted. after. 12 midnight on Sunday through Thursday nights and not after 1 A.M. on Friday and Saturday nights." "Sound insulation shall be incorporated into the interior design of the building to mitigate any potential noise impacts on the adjacent residences." Commissioner Gr~es expressed his concern regarding wet garbage which would be generated from this use. The following two (2) special conditions were added: "Dsbris boxes and a trash enclosure shall be provided in the alley in back of the building. " "Said debris box and trash area will be kept clean and drainage will be provided for wet garbage clean-up". An additional finding was added (Finding No.5): "5. The additional conditions are necessary to resolve serious parking and traffic problems associated with this use." Motion-Terry/Second Grimes: To approve UP-82-635 based on findings (including above additional Finding No.5) and subject to all conditions (including above added conditions) contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani and Terry. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Getz. ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Hoyer. - 4480 - October 14, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Camponuevo/Robertson, UP-82-633 Use Permit to add 754 square feet to an existing Mexican Restaurant in the Winston Manor Shopping Center at El Camino Real and Hickey Blvd. A letter from the applicant requesting a continuance of this application was read into the record. By unanimous voice vote the Commission continued this project off-calendar. Ron Stabile, Case No: UP-82-631. A Use Permit to permit the operation of an automobile repair facility with landscaping and parking at 821 Cypress Avenue in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone District. (Continued from the 9/9/82 Meeting). October 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Dan Atkins 300 Orange Avenue Speaking on the Project: George Bis, Residential Propery Owner in the Area 11'..r. Atkins requested an extension from the time limit of 90 days to improve the parking lot, landscape and build the fence. He stated it would be a financial hardship to do this within the imposed time limit. After discussion with the Commission, he agreed to do all improvements except paving the parking lot within ninety days. Special Condition No. 1 was modified as follows: "All required improvements to the site and build.ing, with the exception of paving the parking lot, shall be fully completed within 90 (ninety) days of the approval of this permit. The paving of the parking lot shall be completed within six (6) months of the approval of this permit." Mr. Bis expressed his concern regarding this establishment which, in his opinion, has been an eye sore for many years. He stated that the work done to date has been minimal. Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-82-630 and Negative Declaration 371 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including modified Special Condition No.1, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Dominguez Associates, SA-79-53/Mod 1 Revised, RPD-79-8 Revision to Tentative Subdivision Map SA-79-53/Mod 1 and modification to Residential Planned Development permit RPD-79-8 for a 17 unit residential development located northerly of the terminus of Eucalyptus Avenue southeasterly of Stonegate Drive. October 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Renan Dominguez 306 Railroad Avenue - 4481 - October 14, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Speaking in Opposition of the Projct: Ben Mortara, Attorney 465 California St., SF Speaking on the Project: Paul Saroff 762 Parkway Lucille Creamer 529 Eucalyptus ~tt. Domingez made a presentation to the Commission concerning his project. Mr. Mortara was concerned about the proposed wall (Wall "BIT). He objected to this wall if it blocks access to Mr. Crosariol's property. He read into the record a letter from Mr. Dominguez claiming the wall would land lock Mr. Crosariol's property. Ms. Creamer expressed her concerns, in behalf of the neighborhood, about erbsion. She was concerned that if a decision were not reached on this project and if planting and grading is not done prior to the winter rains, the area would be a hazard to adjoining residents. Commissioner Bertucelli read into the record a memorandum from the Police Department referring to complaints from the neighbors regarding late night work at the project site. Mr. Dominguez advised the Commission that this work was done without his knowledge and was not authorized by him. Commissioner Getz asked Mr. Yee if there was any redesign that would be realistic. V.1T. Yee responded that it was physically possible but it would require a great deal of redesign and would be costly. Commission asked V~. Dominguez if he was willing to redesign the project to the satisfaction of Mr. Yee. 1tt. Dominguez said he was willing to do so. Motion-Getz/Second Mantegani: To continue SA-79-53 Mod 1 Revised and RPD-79-8 to the November 18, 1982 meeting in order to allow the applicant time to redesign the proj ect. Unanimously approved. Sierra Point Development Co., UP-82-634 A Use Permit to construct two, 13-story office buildings located east of Highway 101 and south of the northerly City limit line. October 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicants Present: George Avanessian 14 Linden Avenue Lynn Lee, Project Manager Sierra Point Speaking in Opposition to the Project: Douglas Butler 133 Adrian Mr. Avanessian felt that a supplement to the Environmental Impact Report should not be required. He felt all concerns expressed by Staff have been answered by the applicant. He suggested that the Commission accept a mitigated Negative Declaration. ~IT. Butler expressed his concerns about high rise buildings along the shoreline. He stated that the buildings will be a visual barrier to the Bay. He also expressed concerns with traffic impacts of the project, especially the impact on the Bayshore Freeway. October 14, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Commissioner Bertucelli read into the record a letter. . received from the California Water Service Company advising that the method of providing water service to this project has not been resolved. Mr. Lee said that the water supply has been dealt with by a Resolution from the Brisbane Water District. Chairman Martin requested that approvals be received from the Airline Pilots Association and aircraft owners regarding the height of the buildings. It was the concensus of the Commission that the concerns expressed by Staff needed to be addressed in an appropriate form. Mr. Christians advised the Commission that a supplemental Environmental Impact Report should be required. This supplemental report requires a 30 day review period. The Project Manager advised the Gommission that such a report could be prepared and be ready for Commission 'action by the meeting of December 9, 1982. Motion-Getz/Second Grimes: To continueUP~82-634 to the Meeting of December 9, 1982 in order to allow the applicant time to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. Unanimously approved. ITEMS FROM STAFF Mr. Dell'Angela gave the Commission a status'report on Dr.Celestri's project at the intersection of Spruce and Grand Avenues. Dr. Celestri now plans to renovate the existing hospital facility instead of constructing anew building on this site. Exterior renderings were shown to the Commission. The renovation of the existing building is not subject to the granting of a Use Permit. The Commission endorsed Dr. Celestri's renovation project. Adjournment: 12:30 A.M. Louis Dell 'Angela Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Louis Martin Chairman of the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 4483 -