HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/14/1982 MINUTES January 14, 1982 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Martin, Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Grimes and Mantegani N1EiVIBERS ABSENT: Commiss ioner Terry AlSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip CJOrny Gisele Sorensen Police Sgt Ron Petrocchi Director Public ServicesjCE Robert Yee Building Division Robert Bossi Pledge of Allegiance APPROVAL OF MINTJTES: Motion-GrimesjSecond Bertucelli: To approve the minutes of December 10, 1981. AYES: Chairman Martin, Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes and Mantegani. ABSTAINED: Corrmissioner Getz. ORAL mMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Bertucelli asked about having 4-way stop signs placed at the intersection of Grand and Magnolia. He said the signs along Grand had been requested in the past and turned do\vn. He noted that in the last week a young school boy was hit at that corner. Commissioner Getz requested that Items No. 7 and 8 be moved ahead of Items 5 and 6 on the Agenda. Said Agenda change was made. Commissioner Grimes inquired what had been done about his past request to check into the noise at the Oroweat Bakery and. the absence of public parking at the Telephone Company on Huntington. Staff notified Commissioner Grimes that they had been unable to check these matters but would do so prior to the next meeting. mNSENT CAIENDAR Rotary Club, Inc., RPD-79-14 Time extension request to begin construction of a 55-unit senior citizens annex to Rotary Plaza, located on the terminus of Blondin Way in the R-3 Multiple Family Zone District. - 4416 - January 14, 1982 Donald. M. Albach, V-80-231 Time extension request to begin construction of a two-unit planned development on the northwesterly corner of "B" Street and 2nd Street in the R-2 Duplex Zone District. Jack L.S. Davis, PM-81-194 A Final Parcel Map to combine two parcels into one property located at 292 E. Grand Avenue in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. Chairman Martin read each of the above consent calendar items into the record. He asked if anyone present wished to speak for or against any of these items. There was no response. Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani - To approve Items 1 through 3 on the Consent Calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS Mese Hsin Tung Yang Food Company, UP-81-607 A Use Permit to establish a meat processing plant in an existing building located at 405 South Airport Blvd. in the ~1-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. January 14, 1982 Staff Report Presented. Letter of January 7, 1982 sent by Karl E. Geier, Applicant's Attorney, requesting a continuance of this matter to the February 11, 1982 ~leeting was read into the record. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Grimes: To continue TJP-81-607 to the February 11, 1982 Meeting. Unanimously approved. Sam Ladki, UP-82-610, Negative Declaration No. 348 A Use Permit application to establish an overall sign progrrun including two, 270 square foot, 25-foot-high freestanding signs for automobile rental and vvarehouse uses located between Shaw Road and Highway 101 at 326-352 Shaw Road in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. January 14, 1982 Staff Report presented.. Applicant Present: Sam Ladki 929 W. Laurel, San Diego Speaking in Opposition of the project: Stanley Kreeger P.O. Box 480, Palo Alto Don Linn, Tenant 380 Shaw Rd. - 4417 - January 14, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) The applicant brought renderings and made a brief statement concerning his proj ect . He agreed to comply with all conditions of Staff approval. The opposition speakers were concerned about the height of the proposed signs and thought the signs might obstruct the view of adjacent properties. They were unaware that the signs were to be placed on front of a proposed building. After learning this, they withdrew their objections. MotiOri-GrimesjSecond Bertucelli: To approve UP-82-610 and Negative Declaration No. 348 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Shell Oil Company, UP-82-611, Negative Declaration No. 349 A Use Permit to reconstruct an existing automobile service station into a 24- hour self-serve operation having additional signs, landscaping, car wash and canopies located at 248 So. Airport Blvd., in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. January 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Michael Clark, Engineer 1150 Bayhill, San Bruno Mr. Clark gave a brief explanation of the Project. He asked to have the Police Department Condition No. E. 3. removed. Sgt Ron Petrocchi, Police Department said that Condition No. E.3. was not necessary. At the request of the applicant, the word ! 'facia" in line two of Condition No. 5 of the Special Conditions was changed to read "Columns". Also, at the applicant's request, Condition No.6 of the Special Conditions was amended to require four (4) box specimen trees. Motion-ManteganijSecond Getz: To approve UP-82-611 and Negative Declaration No. 349 based on findings and subject to conditions (including chanved conditions shown above) in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Corrmissioner Getz stepped do\Wll and abstained from action on the next 2 Items. Rich Diodati, UP-82-612 and Negative Declaration No. 350 A Use Permit to construct two, 5-story office buildings with related parking and landscaping on the easterly 23 acre portion of the former Healy Tibbetts site located at the easterly terminus of Oyster Point Boulevard, northwesterly of the Oyster Point Marina in the M-2 Zone. January 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. The following was read into the record: - 4418 - January 14, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) TJKM Correspondence of January 11, 1982. Applicant's Merrorandum to File of January 13, 1982, regarding contact with the FAA. Applicant's Memorandum to File of January 13, 1982 regarding contact with Army Corps of Engineers. Letter of January 13, 1982 from San Mateo County Harbor District. Letter from San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Corrmission of January 14, 1982. Applicant Present: Rich Diodati 1461 San Mateo Avenue Applicant's Architect Present: George Avanessian 814 Linden Avenue Applicant's Traffic Engineer: Chris Kinzel,TJE}{ Walnut Creek There was a discussion about the project in general and the traffic more specificall Staff was concerned about the mixed use concept, the site design and internal and peak hour traffic ~act. Staff felt more time was needed to address all concerns and requested the application be tabled to the February 11, 1982 Meeting. Motion-Hoyer /Second Mantegani: To continue llP-82-612 and Negative Declaration No. 350 to the meeting-of January 28, 1982. Unanimously approved. Robert Sirrms-Trux Inc., UP-80-545, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 258 (Approved 12/16/81) A Use Permit application to construct two office-warehouse structures with related landscaping and parking located easterly of So. Airport Blvd. and north of the southern most City limit line in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. January 14, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Robert Simms 341 Allerton Applicant's Attorney Present: Robert M. Desky San Mateo Staff requested that Special Condition No. 7 be changed to read as follows: "7. That vehicular access from the south to the site shall not be permitted wi thout consent from the owner of the adj oining property." Mr. Simms questioned Special Condition No.1. He stated his Mechanical Engineer could provide a filter 100% effective in the office but that this system would not be as effective in the warehouse as the doors would be opening and closing. _ /1/11 a _ January 14, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Mr. Yee, CE said that no filter would be able to filter outside air with opening and closing of warehouse doors. Hr. Yee agreed that as long as the air in enclosed environment (office area) is filtered, it would be satisfactory. Motion-ManteganijSecond Bertucelli: To approve UP-80-545 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report including modified Condition No.7. Unanimously approved. ITEMS FROM STAFF Hearing Date for Proposed Amendments to the P-C-M Planned Conmercial Light Industrial Zone District, Section 20.66 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. January 14, 1982 Staff Report 'presented requesting that the Comnission set February 11, 1982 as a public hearing date to consider amendments to the P-C-M Zone. Chairman Martin moved to adopt a Resolution setting February 11, 1982 as a public hearing date for PCM AII1endmerits. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Setting of Public Hearing for Certain Amendments to the Municipal Code and Zoning Ordinance relating to the variance procedure. January 14, 1982 Staff Report presented requesting that the Planning Commission set February 11, 1982 as a public hearing date foramenclments to Sections 20.80. 100A, 20.80.120A, 20.80.13OC.2 and 20.130.C.3 of the M1-micipal Code and Sections 6.31A, 6.33A, 6.34.C.2 and 6.34C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance of South San Francisco. Motion-Chairman Martin: To set February 11, 1982 as a public hearing date for the above Amendments. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM mMf\HSSION Commissioner Bertucelli asked Mr. Yee about 4-way stop signs at Grand and Magnolia. Mr. Yee advised Comnissioner Bertucelli that a petition would have to be submitted to the City Council on this matter. Mr. Yee further stated that his recommendation would be not to have a 4-way stop sign at this intersection. Corrmissioner Hoyer commended Staff on the proposed PCM Amendments. He questioned some wording on page 2, paragraph B (the word. "shopll). Staff advised they would reword this portion and that further discussion could be held at the February 11, 1982 Meeting. Adjournment: 10:05 P.M. Secretary to the Planning Conmission City of South San Francisco Louis Martin Chairman to the Planning Commissic City of South San Francisco - 4420 -