HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/10/1983 March 10, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco * ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'Angela Daniel B. Christians Phi 1 i p Gorny Naureen Morton Will i am H 011 oway City Attorney Robert Rogers Assistant City Attorney Elladene Katz Department of Public Services Robert Yee Fire Department Dave Parenti Brian Niswonger Police Department Sgt Ron Petrocchi Building D-ivision Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF ~lINUTES: Motion-Nartin/Second Grimes: To approve the minutes of the January 27, 1983 and February 10, 1983 Meeti ngs as presented. Unanimously approved with the following correction: Land Use, Circulation and Transportation Element of the General Plan. Commissioner Mantegani abstained from voting on the portion of the Plan dealing with the Chestnut/Grand Avenue properties. AGENDA REVIEW Staff requested that Item Number 11, Michael Cal1an/Geortom, Inc., UP-83-644 be moved as the first Item after the consent calendar as the applicant will request a co~tinuance of this item to the meeting of March 24, 1983. Speaking on UP-83-644 Thomas Gill 3740 Appian Way Mr. Gill advised the Commission that the Notice of Hearing had been sent to his parents who res ide in Ohi 0" They are former O\'Jners of the property and he questioned the accuracy of. the mail ing list used. Staff explained that the names and addresses of property owners are supplied by the applicant using the Assessorl s ownership 1 i st which is on fi1 e in the City Cl erk I s Office at City Hall. Representing Mr. Callan Thomas Vlasic Portol a Vall ey Mr. Vlasic advised the Commission that there would be no presentation at this meeti ng. He requested that thi s item be conti nued to the meeti ng of March 24, 1983 . *MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice- Chairman Getz, Dommis oners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, ~~artin and Terry. 1220 ~1arch 10, 1983 CONSENT CALENDAR Ernest Maguire, Jr., V-83-267 Variance for a room addition, to encroach 51/2 feet into the required rear yard setback at 120 IIBII Street in the R-2 Dupl ex Zone District. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Motion-Grimes/Second-Getz: To continue V-83-267 to the meeting of April 14, 1983. The applicant has requested the continuance to allow him to modify and improve his drawings. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Mike Callan/Geortom, Inc., UP-83-644 (Carter Park Residential Condominiums) A Use Permit for a 132-unit residential condominium project with related parking and landscaping located on two sites along Carter Drive in the PC-R-3, Planned Community Multiple Family Residential Zone District. Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To continue, at the request of the applicant, UP-83-644 to the meeting of March 24, 1983. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS Terrabay Development Agreement A proposed development agreement between the City of South San Francisco and W. w. Dean & Associates for the Terrabay Project, generally located in the unincor- porated area north of and conti nguous to the north City L imi ts, lyi ng east of Hillside School and west of Bayshore Boulevard. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: w. W. Dean 151 W 20th Ave San ~1ateo Applicant's Engineer Present: Bob Eppler Resources Engineering and Management Speaking in Opposition of the Project: Dougl as Butl er 133 Adrian Avenue Doris Agee 819 Ridge Court The applicant's Project Manager, Mr. Eppler, explained the development phases. 1221 March 10, 1983 Mr. Dell 'Angela summarized the Development Agreement. Mr. Butl er expressed concern about havi ng i nsuffi ci ent time to analyze the changes between the current agreement and the agreement presented at the February 10, 1983 Planning Commission Meeting. Mr Butler felt that the changes made weakened the document. He stated that there was no mention of building the hotel during the construction of the residential phase of the project. He also stated that there was no mention of hook ramps opposite the hotel. Mrs. Agee was not aware of the recommended changes and fel t it woul d be appropriate to continue this hearing to the meeting of March 24, 1983, to allow the public additional time to study the proposed development agreement. The Commi ss ion rai sed questi ons regardi ng the timi ng of the bui 1 di ng phases. They were particularly concerned about the timing of the Hillside Extension Project. They requested that Staff describe the more significant changes in their subsequent Staff Report. Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To continue the public hearing on the Terrabay Development Agreement to the meeting of March 24, 1983. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Dave Agresti, V-83-268 V ari ance for a proposed garage encroachi ng 5 feet into the requi red 19 foot sideyard setback at 232 Brentwood Drive in the R-1 Single Family Zone District. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Dave Agresti 232 Brentwood Drive ~10tion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To approve V-83-268 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Raymond De Nardi, GP-83-22, RZ-83-76, Negative Declaration No. 387 Proposed General Plan Amendment and a Rezoning application to amend the Land Use Element from Low Density to Medium-High Density and to Prezone and Rezone an approximately 0.45 aC,re property from R-1 (County) and "U" Unclassified (City) to RPD-15, Residential Planned Development, property located on the southwest corner of Ponderosa Road and Alida Way. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Raymond De Nardi 453 Alhambra Road ~1otion-Getz/Second-Bertucell i: To approve the Resol ution recommending that the City Council amend the General Plan designation on the property to ~1edium-High 1222 r.1arch 10, 1983 Dens i ty Res i dent i a 1 and prezone and rezone the site to RPD-15 ( Res i denti a 1 Planned Development Zone District/15 units per acre) based on the findings con- tained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Isaac P & Betty Guillory, SA-82-66 & Negative Declaration No. 373 A request for a Tentative Subdivision Map to create 10 residential condominiums on the south side of Baden Avenue (631-635 Baden) between r~agnolia Avenue and Orange Avenue in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District. Applicant Present: Isaac Guillory 1402 Ashwood Dr., San Mateo fvloti on- Mantegani /Second Grimes: To approve SA-82-66 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 373 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Milan Jurkota, SA-83-78, Negative Declaration No. 342 Tentative Subdivision Map for a six (6) unit residential condominium project at 111 Chestnut Avenue in the R-2 Duplex Zone District. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Mil an Jurkota 111 Chestnut Avenue Moti on-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve SA-83-78 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 342 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Croatian Association, UP-83-647, Negative Declaration No. 393 Use Permit application to allow proposed remodeling of the existing Croatian Association Building at 415 Grand Avenue and the demolition, addition and remo- deling of adjacent structures at 417-4171k Grand Avenue and 416 Third Lane in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Staff requested that this case be continued to the meeting of April 14, 1983 to allow input from the Parking Place Commission. ~lotion-Grimes/Second Terry: To continue UP-83-647 and Negative Decl aration No. 393 to the meeting of April 14, 1983. Unanimously approved by voice vote. 1223 March 10, 1983 Peninsula Auto Center, Inc. (Classic Van) UP-83-646, Negative Declaration No. 392 Use Permit appl ication for proposed sal es and custom conversion of automotive vans at 105 Linden Avenue in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Attorney Present: Walt Koppoch, Attorney San Francisco The appl icant' s Attorney stated that the appl icant intends to comply with all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Commissioner Martin commended the City Attorney for pursuing this matter. Sgt Ron Petrocchi South San Francisco Pol ice Department read into the record the Pol ice Department's recommended conditions. He advised the Commission that the Pol ice Department reserves the right to impose these conditions on this application. The following two additional Special Conditions were imposed by the Commission: 116. All vans and employee vehicles shall be parked in the adjacent parking lot on the west si de of the bui 1 di ng. II 117. V ehi cl es described in Speci al Conditi on 6 above shall not block the adj acent all eyway or streets. II Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-83-646 and Negative Declaration No. 392 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including the above two added special conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Jack J. Kramar/Sapir Press (Charles Hoffman), UP-83-645 Use Permit application for a proposed commercial printing business at 519-523 Mayfair Avenue in the PCM Planned Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: J ackKramar 363 6th Street, San Francisco Staff requested that Special Condition No.1 be amended to read as follows: Ill. A six-foot high block wall shall be constructed along the west property line, between the PCM and R-1 Zone District from the front edge of the building to a point 80' north of the rear property line, as required by Section 20.66.090 of the Municipal Code.1I 1224 March 10, 1983 Staff also requested that the following additional special condition be imposed: 114. Garbage/trash pick-up shall be 1 imited to the hours between 6A.M. and 6 P.M. daily.1I Motion-Martin/Second Grimes: To approve UP-83-645 based on findings and subject to all condi ti ons, i ncl udi ng the above two condi ti ons, contai ned in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Stephen Hynding (Avanessian), UP-82-625, Negative Declaration No. 366 Use Permit to construct two, 2-story office buildings with related parking and landscaping, at the northwest corner of South Spruce Avenue and Myrtle Avenue in the PCM - Planned Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Architect Present: George Avanessian 914 Linden Avenue Since elevation plans were not included in the Commission's packet, the Commi ssi on conti nued thi s case to the March 24, 1983 t~eeti ng. The Commi ssi on requested that a colored renderi ng of thi s proj ect be shown at the March 24, 1983 Meeting. Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To continue UP-82-625 and Negative Declaration 366 to the Meeting of March 24, 1983. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Dr. Quinton Robertson, UP-83-633, Negative Declaration No. 379 A Use Permit to add 754 square feet to an existing Mexican Restaurant and a 3200 square foot office addition to the main building with landscaping and parking lot improvements, near the southwest corner of El Camino Real and Hickey Blvd. in the Winston Manor Shopping Center. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Dr. Quinton Robertson 95-37th Ave., San Mateo The Commission expressed concern with the appearance of the parking lot and with the phasing of the improvements. Dr. Robertson was advised that this applica- tion was for two (2) office buildings and that if he wished to have retail stores on the lower floors of the office addition he would be required to submit and receive approval of an amended Use Permit application. Dr. Roberson agreed to this stipulation. Motion-Martin/Second Grimes: To approve UP-82-633 and Negative Declaration No. 379 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff 1225 March 10, 1983 Report. AYES: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, and Martin. NOES: Commissioner Terry. Revocation of UP-914/155 Harbor Way/Anthony J. Valencia Revocation of Use Permit hearing for expanded auto dismantl ing, towing, and salvage yard at 150 and 155 Harbor Way in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. March 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Assistant City Attorney Katz noted for the record that the applicant had a court reporter present. She further stated that this in no way substituted for a cer- tified transcript of this hearing. Applicant's Attorney Present: Harold Martin, Attorney 135 N. San Mateo Drive San Mateo Applicant Present: Anthony Valencia 150 Harbor Way Speaking in Favor of the Applicant: ~1ike Garrzo 220 Rankin St San Francisco Mr. Dell' Angel a noted for the record that the Pol ice Department had suspended the towing permit for Valencia Brothers. He advised the Commission that this was not a subject for this hearing and that testimony on this matter should not b e allowed. The applicant's attorney presented seven (7) Exhibits for the record. He advised the Commission that an attempt had been made to resolve the problems concerning his client's property at a meeting with City officials held on March 22, 1983. Mr. Martin stated that his client would be willing to erect a chain link fence wi th redwood sl ats around the property. The concrete wall bei ng requested by Staff would cost about $97,000. His client was not prepared to pay this amount. lVlr . Martin stated that a 1 etter from the former City Pl anner to Mr. Val enci a indicated that a Use Permit had been obtained for 150 Harbor Way. This letter was one of the exhibits entered into the record. Mr. Valencia advised the Commission that he was attempting to comply with City requirements. He felt he should be able to discuss the towing permit. Commi ss ion di scussed thei r concerns and noted that numerous 1 etters had been sent to the applicant over a ten (10) year period and that no significant impro- vements had occurred to date. Certain of the Commissioners stated that they would be willing to give the applicant a short period of time to comply ",lith City regulations. 1226 March 10, 1983 Motion-Getz/Second Martin: To recommend that the City Council revoke UP-914. AYES: Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Grimes, tvlantegani, and Martin. NOES: Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, and Terry. ITEr~S FROM STAFF Staff indicated that a copy of Urgency Ordinance No. 916-83 for buildings in the M-2 Zone had been included in their binders. Staff stated that several applica- tions from industrial builders requesting exceptions to this Urgency Ordinance woul d be heard by the Commi ss ion begi nni ng at the Meeti ng of March 24, 1983. Adjournment: 12:45 A.M. ~""~o. ~9,~~. Louis Dell Angela - ---..... Secretary, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Herman Hoyer Chairman, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco 1227