HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/18/1982 November 18, 1982 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: West Orange Avenue Library Auditorium, 840 West Orange Ave., South San Francisco ~ffiERS PRES~IT: Chairman Martin, Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Commisisoners Bertucelli, Getz, Grimes, Mantegani, and Terry ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Bill Holloway City Attorney Robert Rogers Assistant City Attorney Elladene Katz Director Public Services/CE Robert Yee Police Sgt Ron Petrocchi Building Jake Wittwer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Bertucelli/Second Grimes: To approve the minutes of the October 14, 1982 Meeting as presented. AYES: Chairman ~1artin, Commissioners Bertucelli "G;etz (for that portion of the meeting at which he was present), Grimes, Mantegani and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vice-Chairman Hoyer. ORAL mMMUNICATIONS Staff requested that the Commission place two items on the consent calendar - Norman C. Hynding, UP-82-625 and Dominguez Associates, SA-79-53/Th1od 1 Revision. Both applicants requested a continuance. Commission concurred. CONSENT CALENDAR Dominguez Associates, SA-79-53/Mod 1 Revision Revision to Tentative Subdivision ~1ap SA-79-53/Mod 1 and modification to Residential Planned Development permit RPD-79-8 for a 17 unit residential development located northerly of the terminus of Eucalyptus Avenue, south- easterly of Stonegate Drive. By unanimous voice vote, the Commission continued this case to the Meeting of December 9, 1982 at the request of the applicant and based on Staff's recommendation. Norman C. Hynding, UP-82-625 Use Permit to construct two, 2-story buildings with related parking and land- scaping located on the northwest corner of So. Spruce Ave. & Myrtle Ave. in the PCM-Planned Commercial and Limited Commercial Zone District. By unanimous voice vote, the Commission continued this case to the Meeting of January 13, 1983 at the request of the applicant and based on Staff's recommendation. - 4490 - November 18, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Speaking in Opposition of the Project: Roland L. Naltte 13 Westview Drive R.H. Kraut 1206 Mission Rd David Smith 217 Westview Drive Pat Martinson 1288 Morningside Ave Doug Wright 212 Westview Dr. Mr. Nelson 225 Westview Dr. Sam Riley 1041 Sunnyside Jim Keegan 1244 Crestwood Dr. The applicant stated that loitering mayor may not be caused by video grumes. He requested that he be allowed to maintain the 3 video games that are currently existing. Mr. Babilla, the owner of the 7/11 presented the Commission with a document indicating that over 100 patrons of the store were not opposed to the video grumes. He also stated that if one machine were dropped, one employee would have to be eliminated. The people speaking in opposition to the three grumes expressed concerns about loitering and littering. They felt that the 7/11 was basically a grocery store and not an arcade. Corrrrdssioner Getz felt that if three games were allowed, conditions could be set in the Use Permit which would provide a strict control of the games. Sgt Petrocchi, Police Department, advised the Commission of the current regulations governing video games with regard to juvenilles. Motion-Hoyer/Second Getz: To continue this application to the meeting of December 9, 1982 in order to have Staff prepare conditions of approval. AYES: Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Getz. NOES: Chairman Martin, Commissioners Grimes, Mantegani and Terry. Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To deny UP-82-636 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani and Terry. NOES: Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Commissioner Getz. Sutter Hill Limited, UP-82-632, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 378 Use Permit to allow construction of a proposed 176,424 square foot commercial office building 110 feet in height at 830 Dubuque Avenue. November 18, 1982 Staff Report presented. Mr. Gorny read into the record two letters - 1) Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, dated November 8, 1982 and 2) Public Utilities Commission, dated November 8, 1982. The letters indicated that the applicant has the responsibility to provide sufficient insulation to mitigate noise impacts. - 4492 - November 18, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS Ernest S. & Joanne M. Bortoli, Case No. PM-82-204, Negative Declaration No. 384 A Tentative Parcel Map to resubdivide three (3) parcels on property located at the southwest corner of Grand and Chestnut Avenues. November 18, 1982 ,Staff Report presented. Applicants Present: Ernest & Joanne Bortoli 207 Chestnut Ave. Applicant's Representative Present: HUgh Anton 1277 Sleepy Hallow Lane Millbrae The applicant's representative was advised that if the house were relocated by the Historical Society the expense would be borne by the developer. Special Condition No. 4 was amended as follows: "4. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the structure located on Parcel "B" shall be advertized for 60 days and offered to anyone who could move said unit to an appropriate site in South San Francisco. If no one responds, all historical artifacts shall be salvaged." Assistant City Attorney Katz advised that the Negative Declaration should be amended. Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve PM-82-204 and Negative Declaration No. 384 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report, including amended Condition No. 4 above. Unanimously approved. Louis Arata (Maria Klopfer/Bert Halter), PM-82-205 Tentative parcel map to resubdivide lots 8 and 9, Block 1, Amended Map of Airport Blvd. Industrial Tract to facilitate a boundary line adjustment on Beacon St., west of South Airport Blvd. in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. November 18, 1982 Staff Report Presented. Motion-Hoyer/Second Bertucelli: To approve PM-82-205 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Jack Vending, UP-82-636 A Use Permit to allow an amusement arcade for three video games located in the 7-11 store at 1136 Mission Road. November 18, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicants present: Jack Goldner 1084 Mt. View Blvd. Walnut Creek Hugh Babilla 1048 Crestview Dr. Millbrae - 4491 - The applicant advised the Commission that his Traffic Engineers were at the meeting to answer any questions. Mr. Bower explained the project to the Commission. Speaking in Favor of the Project: Doris Agee 819 Ridge Court Commissioner Getz expressed concerns that the reflective material proposed might sun-blind drivers on 101. The applicant's representative felt the sun would be well below the Peninsula Hills and the reflected rays would bury into the grqund. Staff advised they would follow-up on on building reflections on Highway 101 traffic. At th8 request of the City Engineer, Special Conditions 5, 6 and 7 were added. The added special conditions would ,r 5. The landscape plan and parking layoH!>~hall be revised by and approved by the Department of Community Development.' , "6. A Traffic Systems Management Program (TSMP) shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted to and approved by the Director of Public Services and the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building permits for the project." "7. The applicant shall obtain and/or provide all necessary easements for sewers and storm drains." h 1.1'<" Motion-Getz/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-8t-632 and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 378 based on findings, including additional finding No.7, and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report, including above three new Special Conditions. Unanimously approved. Terrabay Specific Plan - Review of Amendments On November 15, .1982, the City Council met in joint session with the County Board of SU1?ervlsors to consider the Terrabay Specific Plan, EIR, and Prezoning. Counsel advlsed both.legi~lative.bodies that any proposed changes in the Specific Plan ~ade by ~he.leglslatlve bodles would require a review by the respectiv Plannlng Commlsslons The City Att e 17, 1982, outlining ;he iSSUeS orne~ prepared a l11elrorandum dated NOVe'''her = County Board of 7 7 nee. to be diSCU$$':!1. IJTl. r "'. llJ/J l'.r I I I ,'I ~ 1 J@Q~~1' , I'J J' 'Iii!. I ~ J v I- t \t j~'"J ~, 19\:S2 to con~ider November 18, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) The following amendments were reviewed by the Commission with the City Attorney and the Director of Community Development: Amendment No. 4 - The words relating to a Development Agreement were to be deleted. The Commission agreed to the change and left final wording up to the City Attorney. Amendment No. 5 - recommended to be changed to reflect the language suggested by the County staff regarding the extension of the Specific Plan document in the event of litigation. The County will provide the language for this change. The Commission concurred. Amendment No. 9 - Commission concurred that a typographical error be corrected. Amendment No. 21 - should be amended so that the last sentence reads "The nature and extent of total participation shall be determined prior to the approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map or Precise Plan for the Terrabay Project." The Commission concurred. Amendment No. 32 should be amended to delete the language which refers to a Development Agreement. Commission concurred. Amendments No. 44, 45 and 46 were added. There was a discussion regarding the CNEL levels and the prOVlSlon that buyers be furnished a copy of a Disclosure Statement warning the potential purchaser of the noise ~pacts associated with airport operations which may occur in the vicinity of the property to be purchased. It was the consensus of the Commission to not recommend imposition of avigation easements on the development but support the requirement for noise disclosure statements and construction measures to assure 45 dBA interior noise levels. The Commission, at the request of the City Engineer, recommended that new Amendment 44 be added to reflect reference to a 100 year storm. Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: That the above mentioned Terrabay Amendments were reviewed and recommendations should be sent to the City Council. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF The next scheduled Planning Commission Meeting of December 9, 1982 is in conflict with a Northern County League of Cities meeting to be in the Municipal Services Bvilding. It was the concensus of the Commission to hold the meeting at the West Orange Avenue Library Auditorium on December 9, 1982.* The Corrmission was given a copy of the Capital Improvements Program to review. Staff advised that Commission should refer their comments to Staff and a discussion would be held at the Commission Meeting of January 13, 1983. Adjournment: 11:30 P.M. Louis Dell'Angela Louis Martin Secretary to the Planning Commission Cqairman to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Cl ty of South tlan j:i'ranc:tsco *SUbQQOllQrli::ly G-hQYlg'Qd to Wednesday, Dec. 8. 1982 at the Mnni~in:::Il .c::Pl"'U;(",~~ R11-11rl-1n......