HomeMy WebLinkAboutMintues 08/12/1982 MINUTES August 12, 1982 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Martin, Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Grimes and Terry MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel Christians Philip Gorny William Holloway Assistant City Attorney Director Public Services/CE Police Fire Building Division Eladene Katz Robert Yee Sgt Ron Petrocchi Ed Simpson Jake Wittwer Pledge ?f Allegiance APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To approve the minutes of the July 22, 1982 Meeting as presented. AYES: Chairman Martin, Corrmissioners Bertucelli, Grimes and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Corrmissioner Getz. ABSENT: Corrmissioner Mantegani. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Dell'Angela advised the Commission of a letter received from Norman C. Hynding, requesting a continuance of Item 10 (UP-82-625) to the meeting of September 9, 1982. Mr. Dell'Angela referred to a letter from Reimer & Associates (delivered to the Corrmission) representing Homart Development Company, requesting that the Corrmission consider at the August 26, 1982 General Plan Hearing the proposed extension of Gateway Boulevard to Airport Boulevard. Corrmission agreed to consider this Item at the August 26, 1982 meeting. A draft of the Capital Improvement Program was given to the Commission. lVIr. Yee advised the Commission that this document was in its first draft form and currently input was being received from affected Departments. He stated that the Corrmission would receive an updated. Draft after Departmental input was received. The Corrmission would then have 30 days to review said draft and offer their input. - 4460 - August 12, 1982 CONSENT CALENDAR Gordon A. Kullberg, SA-80-68, UP-79-503 Extension of time request for a 48 unit residential condominium project located on the north side of Mission Road between Chestnut and Oak Avenues in the C-O Commercial Office Zone District. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant's r~resentative present: Joseph Breen Motion-Bertucelli/Second Grimes: To approve a six-month time extension to Feburary 19, 1983. Unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEMS Ronaldo M. & Josephine R. Filamor, UP-82-628 Use Permit to construct a proposed roof enclosure for an existing patio attached to an existing dwelling at 2424 Wright Court in the P-C Planned Community Zone District. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presen~ed. AppliGants Present: , Ronaldo M & Josephine R. Filamor 2424 Wright Court Speaking in Opposition to Application: Evelyn Mars 2430 Wright Court Ms. Mars, a neighbor, felt that the addition did not conform with the existing dwelling as the materials were not the same. She stated no similar structures had been built in the area. Commissioner Getz noted that the panels of the addition were not the same material as the main structure. He felt that the addition was not compatible with the town- house complex in Westborough. The general consensus of the Commission was that they had no objection to enclosing the patio but that the materials and appearance needed to be modified. The applicant had no objection to modifying the application. Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To continue this application to the September 9, 1982 meeting in order to allow the applicant time to submit an alternative design. Unanimously approved. Edgar & Maria Pensabene, UP-82-629 Use Permit to construct a proposed family room between an existing garage and house at 3642 Baldwin Hills Court. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. - 449:1- - August 12, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Applicants Present: Edgar & Maria Pensabene 3642 Baldwin Hills Court Motion-Hoyer/Second Grimes: To approve UP-82-629 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Mari-Paz (Ziroll) Sanz, UP-82-631, Negative Declaration No. 372 Use Permit to allow construction of a proposed second additional dwelling unit on one lot at 856 Baden Avenue. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Mrs. Sanz 296 Mallorca, San Francisco Questioning the Application: Connie Noonan 860 Baden Avenue Ms. Noonan wanted to know if there was sufficient insurance in case the construction damaged her property. Mr. Dell'Angela responded that insurance is required prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Terry: To approve UP-82-631 and Negative Declaration 372 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. David & Joan Ford, DR-S-81-55 Appeal of Design Review Board and Department of Community Development determinations regarding the wall and freestanding signs for Shelley's Place Restaurant, 909 Antionette Lane. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Getz: To continue this application to the September 9, 1982 Meeting based on information contained in the Staff Report. Fiji Jamat, UP-81..,.590/Mod 1, Negative Declaration No. 369 A Use Permit modification application to allow the relocation and expansion of the existing dwelling in conjunction with the previously approved Mosque at 373 Alta Vista Drive. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Mohamed Hassin, President Speaking in Behalf of the Project: Jamil M. Abu-Handeh 101 Park, Walnut Creek Frank Kozma 161 Canal Rd - 4402 - August 12, 1982 AGENDA I~1S (Continued) Speaking Against the Project: Rosie Garcia 270 Conmur St Carlos Garcia 260 Conmur St Applicant explained to the Commission his need to have a caretaker on the property. The residence currently on the property is proposed to house the caretaker. Mr. Wittwer advised the Corrmission that a demolition permit had been issued for the existing dwelling unit. Ms. Garcia stated that: her home was in back of the property; there was excessive noise on the property; a fence had been erected about 5' away from her fence and that there were weeds and debris between the fences; and at times there were more than 50 cars at the Mosque. She showed pictures to the Corrmission. She commented that the house had been moved and that there were trenches and sewer lines dug. Mr. Garcia reiterated Ms. Garcia's remarks. He questioned why the house had been moved and trenches dug with no approvals. The general concensus of the:Comnission was that the applicant had not conformed with the previously approved Use Permit on this project. Commissioner Getz suggested that perhaps a caretaker's unit could be made a part of the approved Mosque building. Chairman Martin requested that Staff make a field inspection to see if violations had occurred and, if so, a "Stop Work" notice should be posted. He requested that Staff report back to the Corrmission at the next meeting. The Corrmission adVised the applicant that the retention of the residential structure on the site was not acceptable and that modification of the main Mosque building was the only possible alternative. Motion-Getz/Second Grimes: To continue this project to the meeting of September 9, 1982 for redesign. Unanimously approved. D. G. Patel, V-82-261, Negative Declaration No. 370 A Variance application to decrease the required amount of parking from 28 to 25 spaces for a 23 unit motel located at 701 Airport Boulevard. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant's RepresentativesPresent: Ted Walker 1805 1st Ave, Sacramento David Pfaff, Builder Motion-Getz/Second Grimes: To deny V-82-261 and Negative Declaration No. 370 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 446,3 - August 12, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) D. G. Patel, UP-80-566/Mod 1, Negative Declaration No. :37'0 Modification to a Use Permit to increase the number of motel units from 22 to 23 including one manager's unit at 701 Airport Boulevard. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative present: Ted Walker 1805 1st Avenue, Sacrrumento Mr. Walker explained the proposed changes to the Commission. He advised the Corrmission that the onwer wished to change the name of the Motel from "Golden Eagle" to "Sierra Motel". Staff and Commission had no objection to this name change. Motion-Hoyer/Second Getz: To deny UP-81-590/Mod 1 and Negative Delcaration No. 370 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Home Savings of America, SA-81-71 A proposed amendment to Tentative Subdivision Map SA-81-71 to allow construction to proceed in three (3) separate phases for a 92 townhome condominium project on the site of the former El Rancho Drive-In Theatre, located southwesterly of Hickey Boulevard and Camaritas Avenue. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative present: Craig Page Home Savings Speaking on application: Doris Agee 819 Ridge Court Mr. Page explained the reason for this request and said Home Savings will comply with all conditions of approval. Ms. Agee stated that problems occurred when all units were not required to be members of the same homeowner's association. She felt that a stipulation should be included that ultimately all of the phases would be in the same Association. Commissioner Getz recorrmended and the Corrmission concurred that the following additional finding be made: . "10. The applicant's stated intent and that of the Planning Corrmission is the creation of one (1) homeowner's association only." Assistant City Attorney Ktaz advised the Corrmission that she was currently reviewing the CC&R's and she would assure that the intent of the Commission was followed. Motion-Getz/Second Hoyer: To approve SA-81-61 & RPD-81-12 amendment based on findings, including the above stated finding, and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 4464 - August 12, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Ron Stabile, UP-82-630 and Negative Declaration No. 371 A Use Permit to permit the operation of an automobile repair facility with landscaping and parking at 821 Cypress Avenue. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant was not present since he had requested a continuance and was to be out of town. Speaking Against the Application: George Bugnatto 216 Juniper Avenue The Chairman requested that Mr. Bugnatto return to the September 9, 1982 Meeting since the case could not be heard at this time. Mr. Bugnatto was also advised that he could convey his concerns to Staff in the event he was unable to attend the next meeting. Motion-Grimes/Second-Terry: To continue UP-82-630 and Negative Declaration No. 371 to the Meeting of September 9, 1982 based on information contained in the Staff Report. Norman C. Hynding, UP-82-625, Negative Declaration No. 366 A Use Permit to construct two, 2-story buildings containing offices, retail and storage uses with related parking and landscaping located on the northwest corner of South Spruce Avenue and Myrtle Avenue. Letter was received from applicant requesting continuance to September 9th Meeting. Corrmissioner Grimes questioned why the Staff Report indicated that this property was not in the flood zone. Mr. C'JOrny stated that he would check into this by the next meeting. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Grimes: To continue UP-82-625 and Negative Declaration No. 366 to the meeting of September 9, 1982 at the request of the applicant. Grosvenor Airport Associates, UP-82-626, Negative Declaration No. 367 Use Permit to allow construction of a proposed 2-story administration and meeting room facility, the remodeling of the existing coffee shop, dining and meeting room, and an enclosure of the existing canopy for new foyer and sitting area for the Holiday Inn at 245 South Airport Boulevard. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative present: Jorge Malzono Neville-Price Associates 251 Post St., San Francisco Mr. Malzono explained the project. Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve UP-82-626 and Negative Declaration No. 367 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 4465' - August 12, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Joseph A. Perry, Jr., UP-82-627, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 368 Use Permit to allow construction of a proposed 220 room hotel with supporting restaurant, meeting rooms, and parking facilities on the southwest corner of Produce and San Mateo Avenues. August 12, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Joseph A. Perry, Jr. Brisbane The applicant advised the Commission that he had met with Mr. Yee regarding the issues of concern expressed in the Staff Report. He stated that an environmental impact report would take too long to process and would be too costly. Chairman Martin requested that, in addition to FAA approval, Staff contact the Airline Pilots Association and AOP (private pilots group) regarding the issue of building height. It was the concensus of the Commission that this was a good project but that several issues needed to be addressed. The next step is to allow the applicant the opportunity to address the environmental issues. By the September meeting a decision could be made as to whether or not a scoped EIR would be required. Mr. Jim Jacobsen, representing the current owner of the property, stated that he felt this project would have a positive impact on South San Francisco. Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To continue UP-82-627 and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 368 to the meeting of September 9, 1982. Unanimously approved. Items from the Corrmission Commissioner Terry asked Staff if the City has control over a lease building if the outside of the building is used for storage. Mr. Gorny replied in the affirmative. Vice-Chairman Hoyer commented that since there were two parking lots on Miller Avenue between Maple and Linden Avenues, this area should be zoned Commercial rather than residential. This will be discussed at the General Plan Hearing on August 26, 1982. Items from the Public Doris Agee 819 Ridge Court Ms. Agee stated that about a year ago the Commissioners were invited to attend Design Review Board meetings. She said she would again like to invite the Commisioners to attend these meetings. Four Corrmissioners indicated that they had attended these meetings. Adjournment: 10:45 P.M. .~-:------~------. ~_ ft~ '~~~L__ Louis Dell' Angela -,r- ~. Secretary of the Planning Commission ('I; +,"<7 ,...,-P .Q,...",+"h Q<:ln k1",,<:lYln; con,..., Louis Martin Chairman of the Planning Commission r-'1; +,7 ,,-F' Qr"\."I,+h QnV'\ V........n"V'\.......-a..; r"1r"lor"'\.