HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/10/1982 MINUTES June 10, 1982 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Corrmission PLACE: MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Martin, Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Conmissioners Getz, Grimes, Mantegani and Terry MEMBERS ABS~rr: Commissioner Bertucelli ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'Angela Daniel Christians Philip Gorny Gisele Sorensen City Attorney: H. Rogers Assistant City Attorney E. Katz Director Public Services/CE R. Yee Police Sgt R. Petrocchi Fire E. Simpson Bldg Division H. J . Wittwer Pledge of Allegiance APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Hoyer: To approve the minutes of the May 13, 1982 Meeting as presented. Unanimously approved. Conmissioner Terry joined the Commission at this time. AGENDA CHANGES Item Number 4, Alissa Bowers, UP-82-620was withdrawn. City Attorney determined that a Use Permit was not required for this Project. Home Savings of America, SA-81-61, time extension request placed on Consent Calendar. Item No.7, San Mateo County Harbor District Appeal - Applicant requested that this Item be heard first on the Agenda. Commission concurred. CONSENT CALENDAl:t Home Savings of America, SA-81-71 An extension of time for Tentative Subdivision Map SA-81-71 to create 92 residential townhome condominiums on El Rancho Theatre site located southwesterly of Hickey Blvd. and Camaritas Avenue. Staff Report presented. Motion-Hoyer/Second Getz: To approve the six-month time extension based on information contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 444h - June 10, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS San Mateo County Harbor District Appeal An appeal of the San Mateo Co. Harbor District on architectural findings of Design Review Board related to the building elevations for the proposed buildings at Oyster Pt. Marina. Staff Report presented. Harbor District Representatives present: Rod McClellan Jim Marsh rJr. Marsh made a short presentation on function and appearance of the proposed buildings. Motion-Hoyers/Second Grimes: To approve the concept plans and to have the Harbor District work with Staff to refine designs. AYES: Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Comnissioners Grimes, Mantegani, Terry, Chairman Martin. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Getz. Century Development Co., UP-81-598 (Revision No.1) A Use Permit to construct two office buildings, a parking structure, landscaping and uncovered parking on vacant land located north of Noor Avenue, east of El Camino Real, and west of Huntington Avenue. June 10, 1982 Staff Report presented. Representing the Applicant: Warner Schmaltz Environmental Planning & Research Mr. Schmaltz explained the proposed changes and showed a model of the project to the Commission. M~. Yee requested that the following special condition be added: "Improvements shall be constructed during the first phase of the project." The above condition was added as Special Condition No. 11. Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve UP-81-598, Revision No.1, based on information and subject to all conditions, including above special condition No.ll, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Kenneth A. Colombo, Case No.V-82-256 Variance to encroach ten feet into the required twenty-foot rear yard in order to construct an addition to an existing residential structure located at 500 Rocca Avenue in the R-l Single Family Residential District. June 10, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Kenneth Colombo 500 Rocca Speaking Against the Variance: Keith Lyman 508 Rocca - 4447 - June 10, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Mr. Lyman was concerned that if this variance was granted, all variances requested in the area would also have to be granted. Ms. Sorensen explained the Variance ~Procedure and explained. that each variance must be considered on its individual merits and site characteristics. Motion-Mantegani/Second Hoyer: To approve V-82-256 based on information and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Victor Calleja, V-82-257 Variance to construct an addition to an existing garage encroaching four (4) feet within the required side yard setback at 665 Myrtle Avenue. June 10, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Victor Calleja -665 Myrtle Avenue Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve V-82-257 based on information and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Allissa Bowers, UP-82-620 No Action Required. Atlantic Richfield Co., UP-82-619 Use Permit to allow three interior-illuminated price signs at an existing auto- mobile service station at 2300 Westborough Boulevard. June 10, 1982 Staff Report presented. Signs not more than nine (9) square feet in area recommended by Staff. Applicant concurred with recommended Staff change. Applicant's Representative Present: Matt Bonhagel ARCO The Commission requested that the applicant's representative convey to A~OO Management their concern about the existing large ARCO sign on the site. Motion-Hoyer/Second Getz: To approve modified UP-82-619 based on information and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Negative Declaration No. 359, Louis Poletti An environmental determination for grading, filling and related drainage ~rove- ments on vacant property located northerly of the terminus of Blondin Way in the R-3 Multiple Family Residential Zone District. June 10, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Louis Poletti 333 El Camino Real - 4448 - June 10, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Applicant's Representatives Present: Paul 'Wal t\i ( Attorney) 211 Hud60n Bay, Foster City Louis Arata (Engineer) 1 La Cruz, Millbrae Mr. Welte explained to the Commission about the lengthy discussion held at the City Council Meeting regard.ing the proposed drainage pipe. He stated that the City Council voted 4 to 1 to approve the pipe installation. Mr. Arata summarized his drainage study of the area. Speaking in Opposition of the Project: Joe Stamatis 269 Avalon Drive Raymond John, Principal St. Veronica's School 434 Alida Way Joy Wendler 321 Granada Drive Many people in the audience raised their hands when the Chairman asked who was in opposition to the land fill and grading project. It was the opinion of the opposing speakers that the proposed filling would worsen the flooding situation in the area. 1tt. John expressed concern for the safety of the children at the School. The City Engineer, ~tt. Yee, said the problem was down- stream from Mr. Poletti's property. Mr. Yee stated that the proposed 66" pipe would be adequate. The Corrmission questioned Mr. Yee about having larger pipes installed down and up stream from the property. Mr. Yee responded that these improvements would be made when money is available but noted that other projects might have a higher funding priority. COITnlissioner Getz was concerned about potential for problems being increased by the installation of the drainage pipe. He also stated that, since 1tt. Poletti, could not tell what the long range use of this property would be, he felt he could not support this filling proposal. He was concerned with the cumulative impacts of the overall project. Chairman Martin directed Staff to address the downstream problem and communicate to the City Council the Commission's concern about the problem and request action be taken with regard to these upstream and downstream pipes. It was noted that the installation of the pipe was previously approved by the City Council and this Negative Declaration related to the grading and filling permit. Motion-Getz/Second Hoyer: To deny Negative Declaration No. 359. Martin, Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Corrmissioners Getz, Grimes. NOES: Mantegani and Terry. AYES: Chairman Commissioners - 4449 - June 10, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) South City Ford, UP-531 (Amendment) A Use Permit amendment to amend Special Condition No. 3 (signs) at Cypress Avenue and Miller Avenue in the C-2 and C-3 Commercial Zone District. June 10, 1982 Staff Report Presented.. Applicant's representative present: Dave Gonzales, Vice President So. City Ford Motion-Terry/Second Getz: To amend Special Condition No. 3 based on information contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Deletion of North Spruce Avenue Connection to New Hillside Boulevard Extension/ General Plan Amendment, GPA-82-18 A General Plan Amendment to the Circulation Element and maps of the General Plan of the City of South San Francisco regarding deletion of a proposed connection of North Spruce Avenue to the proposed extension of Hillside Boulevard. June 10, 1982 Staff Report presented. Speaking in Behalf of the Deletion: Frank Castelento, Public Works Dept. San Mateo County James Peters 156 N. Spruce Motion-Hoyer/Second Mantegani: To adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council amend the General Plan deleting the North Spruce Avenue extension to the proposed extension of Hillside Boulevard and approve Negative Declaration No. 360 based on findings contained in the Resolution. Unanimously approved. Broadmoor Homes, SA-82-76/RPD-79-12/Mod 1 Elimination of concrete pedestrian stairway between Lots 3 and 4 from Gellert Boulevard to Appian Way, St. Francis Terrace. June 10, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: James Casper, Broadmoor Homes Dublin Staff advised the Corrmission that they informed the President of the West borough Homeowners Improvement Association, Robert Stevens, of the proposed elimination of the stairway. Mr. Stevens stated the Association had no opposition to removing the stairway requirement. The Commission discussed the question of public access if the stairway was deleted. Mr. Casper said that there would be no fences installed to prohibit the public from passing through the project to reach the Park. The following special condition was added: "The CC&R's for the project will not preclude public access through the project to reach the park." - 4450 - June 10, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Motion-Getz/Second Grimes: To approve elimination of concrete pedestrian stair- way and easement between Lots 3 and 4 on SA-82-76/RPD-79-12/Mod 1 based on information contained in the Staff Report and subject to all conditions including above added special condition. Unanimously approved. ITEMS FROM STAFF Reappointment of Design Review Board Members It was recorrrnended that the Planning Commission reappoint Wayne Gehrke, George Sinclair and Doris Agee to serve an additional two (2) year term on the Design Review Board. Their appointments will expire in June 1982. By unanimous voice vote the Corrmission reappointed the above three (3) Design Review Board members for an additional two (2) year term. Setting of Public Hearing for an Amendment to the Municipal Code and Zoning Ordinance Relating to Zoning, Use and Variance Permit Longevity By unanimous voice vote the Commission set a July public hearing date for the above. Revision to plans for RPD-81-25, Milan Jurkota By unanimous voice vote the Commission concurred with minor revisions to the above plans. It was noted that a study session on the General Plan was scheduled for June 24, 1982. Adjournment: 10:45 P.M. Louis Martin Chairman to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Secretary of the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 4451 -