HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/11/1982 MINUTES february 11, 1982 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING" 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco :MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Martin, Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Carmissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Grimes and Terry. NIElffiERS ABSENT: Corrmissioner Mantegani ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'A~gela Daniel Christians Philip Gorny Gisele Sorensen Fire E. Simpson Police Sgt D. Haskin Director Public ServicesjCE R. Yee Building Division H. J. Wittwer R. Bossi Pledge of Allegiance PPROVAL OF MINlITES: Motion-GrimesjSecond Hoyer: To approve the minutes of the anuary 28, 1982 Meeting as presented. Unanimously approved. ORAL mM1V!UNICATIONS A Plaque was presented to Commissioner Donald Grimes in appreciation of his services as Planning Commission Chairman for the year 1981. Mr. Dell' Angela introduced Bill Halloway, a Planning Intern with the Department of Community Development. Appointments.to the Design Review Board Staff recommended that the Planning Carmission appoint Julian Munoz to the Design Review Board as a temporary replacEment for WaYne Gehrke who is out of the Country. Mr. Gehrke is expected to return in June of 1982. Motion-GetzjSecond Bertucelli: To appoint Julian Munoz temporarily as a Design Review Board Member. Unanimously approved. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission appoint ~1r. Peter Kostrikin to serve on the Design Review Board to fill the vacancy created by the recent resignation of Neil Vannucci. Mr. K6strikin is self-employed as a landscape architect and building designer. - 4423 - February 11, 1982 Appointments to the Design Review Board (Continued) ~otion~etzjSecond Bertucelli: To appoint Peter Kostrikin as a member of the Design i.eview Ibard. Unanimously approved. CDNSENT CALENDAR D. G. Patel, UP-80-566 Time extension request to begin construction of a 23 unit motel on vacant property located on the west side of Airport Boulevard north of Pine Avenue in the C-2 Zone District. February 11, 1982 Staff Report presented. Motion-BertucellijSecond Terry: To approve a one year time extension for UP-80-566 based on information contained in 'the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEMS J. C. Penny Co., lW-82-613, Negative Declaration No. 351 A Use Permit to establish various retail-commercial uses and establish a comprehensive sign program at the former Treasury Store located at 180 El Camino Real in the PQi Planned Commercial and Light Industrial Zone District. February 11, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Walter Beardon, Architect 363 El Crunino Real Applicant's Sign Representative Present: Terry Long, Ad Arc 950 30th Street Oakland A discussion was held regarding the size, location and brightness of signs. Special Condition 3a was changed with regard to reduced sign sizes. Special Condition 2b was added to indicate that the illumination of the freestanding signs would be reduced to a lower candlepower output. After discussion the Commission added Special Condition 4k requiring a rrdnimum of 10% landscaping be provided on the site. Special CDndition 10 was also added requiring the applicant to post a bond to insure maintenance of the landscaping. The City Engineer requested that Special Condition No. 9 be added which would require the developer to deposit a cash bond equal to 40% of the cost of a proposed median island on Spruce Avenue between El Camino Real and Huntington Avenue. Motion-r~tzjSecond Bertucelli: To approve l~-82-613 and Negative Declaration No. 351 based on information and subject to all conditions, including above mentioned condi tions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 4424 - February 11, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Chairman Martin temporarily suspended action on the Agenda Items to make a presentation to Neil Vannucci, departing member of the ~sign Review Board. Chairman Martin presented Mr. Vannucci a Resolution cOrrIDending him for his contribution to the City as a member of the Design Review Board from 1977 through 1982. Chevron, USA, UP-82-614, Negative Declaration No. 352 A Use Permit to construota 385 square foot storage room addition to an existing automobile service station located at 124 Linden Avenue in the C-3 Central Commercial Zone District. February 11, 1982 Staff Report presented. At the request of the applicant, the Planning Commission voted to continue this item to the meeting of March 11, 1982. Mese Hsin Tung Yang Food Co., UP-81-607, Negative Declaration No. 344 A Use Permit to establish a meat processing plant in an existing building located at 405 South Airport Blvd. in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. February 11, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Attorney Present: Karl Geier Miller, Starr & Regalia Speaking in Opposition to the Project: Jim Raine, General Manager Grosvenor Inn ~tr. Geier described the proposed project. He described other uses in the area and stated that the meat processing plant was appropriate for this location. He further stated that the odor issue had been over stated. He indicated that the project would have no adverse effect on the slough. Mr. Yee advised the Corrmission that the Army Corps of Engineers has jurisdiction in all wet land areas and that a permit would be needed from the Corps of Engineers for the slough area. Mr. Geier read into the record a letter of February 3, 1982 from Mr. Jrunes Wolf, Army Corps of Engineers which stated that the property was out of' their jurisdiction. Mr. Raine, Manager of the Grosvenor Inn was concerned with the odor problem related to the proposed use. CanmissionerGetz suggested a one (1) year renewable use permit for this use be considered. Mr. Dell'Angela and Attorney Geier expressed concern about such a renewable permit. The Commission advised the applicant to submit a specific mitigation plan which would fully address the issues of odor, parking, sewage, storm drainage, and the impact on the slough. The Commission advised the applicant to fully answer all of the concerns expressed in the Staff Report. The Carmission further instructed Staff to ask the City Attorney about the legality of approval of a one (1) year conditional Use Permit. Motion-GetzjSecond Grimes: With the concurrence of the applicant, to continue this item to the meeting of March 11, 1982 pending receipt of a mitigation plan acceptable to Staff. Unanimously approved. - 4425 - February 11, 1982 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) jayland Development Company, L~-78-440 i.evised site plan and building elevations for StonegateRidge Units No. 5 and 6 located at the terminus of Ridgeview Court in the Stonegate Ridge Planned Community Zone District. February 11, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Charles Sprincin San Francisco Speaking in Favor of the Project: Doris Agee 819 Ridge Ct Margaret Warren 790 Stonegate Drive 1tt. Sprincin requested changes to Conditions No.1, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Special Conditions. Special Conditions No.1, 3 and 9 were modified with Staff's approval as follows: (Underlined words show additions, crossed out words indicate deletions). "1. These conditions shall, where applicable, supercede the previously imposed Condi tions of Approval for this Use Permit. " "3. After completion of a final detailed soils report, and prior to the issuance of Building Permits, the Applicant shall, to the greatest resonable extent possible, submerge the covered parking levels into the soil to further reduce the overall height of the two condominium buildings." "9. The southerly driveway into the lower parking area of the condominium building on Unit 5 shall be sfii-f:t;e€l-as-fa:F-OOHtfiep;hy-as-jgess:i:13;te-te J3pe~Me-great€p-vi-si-eHi-:t;y""rep-eH-eefBi-:ag-=&pa:fHe relocated per Item F of the Police Department Conditions attached hereto." Staff requested that Special Condition No. 7 be deleted from the Conditions of Approval and made a finding. Corrmission agreed) to make \this change. Special Conditions Nos. 8 and 10 shall remain as presented. Ms Agee stressed the importance of having an association meeting room large enough to accorrmodate at least 150 people. She suggested that this room have some capacity of providing some recreation when not in use for meetings. She noted that no pathways or stairways leading to the meeting room were shown on the plan. Ms. Warren reiterated the necessity fora meeting room with adequate sound proofing. Motion-GrimesjSecond Hoyer: To approve UP-78-440 based on information and subject to all conditions, including conditions modified above, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Jtion-GetzjSecond Hoyer: To recorrmend to the City Council that total park fees ecommended by the Director of Parks and Recreation be required as a Condition ___pproval of the Subdivision Map. Unanimously approved. - 4426 - February 11, 1982 AGENDA I~1S (Continued) ::ity of South San Francisco, 7.A-82-22, Negative Declaration No. 353 ..?roposed Zoning Amendment to amend Section 20.66 et. seq. of the South San Francisco Municipal Code and Section 4.4 et. seq. of Ordinance No. 353, as amended, to revise the uses permitted, required setbacks and development standards of the PCM Planned Commercial and Light Industrial Zone District. February 11, 1982 Staff Report presented. Speaking on the Amendments: William Phoenix, Attorney Remvood City Steve Hynding 116 Starlight Thomas Heffernan 107 Fir Irene Mann 103 Fir 11r. Phoenix stated that the building on Mayfair owned by Mr. Hoffman was used as a woodworking shop for 18 years with no objections by neighbors. He suggested that the exclusion of woodworking be deleted from the proposed amendments. [r. Hynding was concerned with the setbacks proposed for the new amendment. Wi th :taff's concurrence certain of the setbacks were changed. J\1r. Heffernan and Mrs. Mann voiced neighborhood concerns. The Commission requested that the Resolution be amended to reflect the additional intent of the amendment is to protect residential zones in the Community in a way that provides harmony with the adjacent industrial uses. The Resolution was so amended. Motion-GrimesjSecond Bertucelli: To adopt a resolution, as amended, recomnending that the City Council approve revisions to the P(}i Zone and approve Negative Declaration No. 353. Unanimously approved. City of South San Francisco, ZA-82-23 and Negative Declaration Number 354 Proposed amendments to Sect ions 20. 80. 100A, 20. 80. 120A, 20. 80. 13OC.. ..~ and 20. 130C. 3 of the Municipal Code and Sections6.3lA, 6.34C.2 and 6.34C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco relating to the variance procedure. February 11, 1982 Staff Report presented. Motion-GrimesjSecond Bertucelli: To adopt the resolution recorrmending that the City Council approve revisions to the Ordinances relating to the variance procedures -nd approve Negative Declaration No. 354. Unanimously approved. - 4427 - February 11, 1982 ITEMS FROM THE COIVIMISSION ~airman Martin rerrdnded the Commission of their joint meeting with the City Council :0 beheld on April 14, 1982. Commissioner Terry stated he was concerned about signs remaining when uses were no longer in business. He also questioned Staff about the sign at Accutune. Staff advised him that this was approved by the Design Review Board. Commissioner Getz suggested that cases in which the Commission had had concerns be referred to the Commission rather than being sent to Design Review Board. Adjournn1ent: 12:20 A.M. ~''"''"''-'"-"~, ~>~il,~~(l ~..~ Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Louis Martin Chainnan to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 4428 -