HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/10/1981 MINUTES December 10, 1981 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Corrmission PLACE: MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco MErvlBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Getz ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Gisele Sorensen Police Chief Datzman Sgt Dave Haskin Chief Building Inspector H. J. Wittwer Pledge of Allegiance ORAL CDMlVIUNICATIONS Commissioner Mantegani noted that at the corner of Hickey Blvd. and El Camino a shed had been built around 2 antique cars. Staff will check into the matter. Chairman Grimes commented on the early A.M. noise at the Oroweat Bakery on South Spruce (4 A.M. through 6 A.H.). He noted that vacuums were being used and the truck unloading noises which are becoming a nuisance in the neighborl}Qod. Staff has recently spoken with the Oroweat Bakery respresent at ives about the problem but will talk with them again. AGENDA ITEMS Frank P. Pedone/B. Cleveland, UP-80-571 Review of a Use Permit for a coin-operated laundry located at 633 El Camino Real in the C-l Neighborhood Shopping Center Zone District. December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Bill Cleveland 633 El Crunino Real Mr. Cleveland advised the Comnission that they had tried posting their telephone nunber in a conspicious place but that it had been pulled down. He asked that they be allowed to use a mail slot for use by the customers. Motion-Mantegani/Second-Bertucelli: Approval of continuance of tJP-80-571 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report including changed Condition No. 9 which is to read as follows: December 10, 1981 AGENDA ITEN1S (Continued) 1'9. The applicant shall provide a mail slot for use by customers who have any problems with or complaints about the machines. II Unanimously approved. Wing Tan Gee, UP-81-605 A Use Permit to construct a room addition between an existing garage and dwelling unit located at 3624 Bassett Court in the PC Planned Community Zone District. December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Wing Tan Gee 3624 Bassett Court Motion-Hoyer /Second Terry: To approve UP-81-605 based on information and findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Kirk Lassiter, UP-81-609 A Use Pennit to establish an auto repair, auto body and paint prmng facility located in an existing building at 612 Cypress Avenue in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone District. December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Kirk Lassiter 3621 Sunset Drive San Bruno Motion-Bertucelli/Second Mantegani: To deny UP-81-609based on information and findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Sam Davis/Growing Concern, UP-81-602 A Use Permit to establish a woodworking shop at 519 Mayfair Avenue in the PCM Planned Commercial and Light Industrial Zone District. December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Sam Davis 123 Sleepy Hollow San Anselmo CAvner of the Property Present: Charles Hoffman 117 Hilltop Drive Redwood.City Speaking Against the Proj ect : Thomas Heffernan 107 Fir Avenue Mrs. Irene Mann 103 Fir Avenue - 4410 - December 10, 1981 AGENDA I~lli (Continued) The owner of the property read a letter to the Commission for the record stating his views and requesting a positive decision on this matter. The neighbors voiced concern about the noise, traffic, hours of operation and heavy trucks driving through the residential area. Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To deny UP-81-602 based on information and findings contained in the Staff Report and public testimony received. Unan- imously approved. Shamiana, Inc., IJP-81-604 A Use Permit to establish a firm for the manufacturing of upholstered, foam furniture and decorative pillows located in an existing structure at 523 May- fair Avenue in the P-C-M Planned Camnercial Light Industrial Zone District. December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: P. R. Lodhia, President 2400 Mariposa Street Owner of the Building Present: Charles Hoffman 117 Hilltop Redwood City There was a discussion about the desirability of rnTIending the Zoning Ordinance regarding permitted uses in the POvl Zone. Mr. Dell'Angela advised the Commission that such an ruTIendment would need to go through the Public Hearing process and could take 2 to 3 months to implement. ~1otion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To deny UP-81-604 based on findings and information contained in the Staff Report and public testimony received. Unanimously approved. Milan Jurkota, RPD-81-25 (Revision #1) Residential Planned Development Permit RPD-81-25 to construct three (3) duplexes with related parking and landscaping and remodel an existing single family dwelling at III Chestnut Avenue in the R-2 Residential Duplex Zone. December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Attorney Present: Gary Royce South San Francisco Applicant's Architect Present: Albert Seyranian San Francisco Speaking Against the Proj ect : William Dondero 101 Chestnut Frank Columbo 106 Chestnut Rita Sandon 908 Commercial JvIrs . Paloma 106 Chestnut - 4411 - December 10, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Sam Leonetti/Earl Hardt, V-81-251, Negative Declaration No. 336 Variance from off-street parking requirements for new commercial building of approximately 2,044 square feet located at 776 El Crunino Real. December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicants Present: Sam Leonetti 143 Oak Ridge Daly City Ear 1 Hardt 405 Grand Avenue Motion-Bertucelli/Second Terry: To deny V-81-251 and Negative Declaration No. 336 based on information and. findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Sam Leonetti/Earl Hardt, UP-81-600 and Negative Declaration No. 336 A Use Permit to construct a 2,044 square foot concrete building for the storage and reconditioning of antique cars, at 776 El Camino Real in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone. Same applicants present as for V-81-251. A letter from Dom.ld Tiani, dated December 4, 1981, 770 El Camino Real, protesting this project, was read into the record. After discussion, it was the concensus of opinion that the proposed building and use was too intensive for the lot. Motion-Terry /Second Mantegani: To deny UP-81-600 and Negative Declaration No. 336, based on information and findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 4412 - December 10, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) National Convenience Stores, Inc., UP-81-606 and Negative Declaration No. 343 A Use Permit to construct a 24-hour convenience food market with related landscaping, parking and signs located on the northwest corner of Westborough Blvd., and Callan Blvd. December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Guy Weibling, Real Estate Representative Las Vegas Speaking Against the Proj ect : Colonel Elman Elmore 2575 Bantry Lane Colonel Elmore objected to the project because of the heavy traffic at an already busy intersection. He noted that there were already 2. convenience stores in the area. There was a discussion about the fence along the westerly side of the property. Commissioner Martin requested that the applicant meet with the Principal of Westborough Junio~ High School located near the proposed project to set up guidelines regarding students frequenting the store during school hours. The following two (2) Special Conditions were added: IT9. A six foot (6') fence with redwood slats shall be placed along the top of the slope along the westerly side of the property. (Assuming that the existing fence is located on the applicant's property.)1T ITIO. Applicant will meet with the Principal of Westborough Junior High School to establish ground rules in regard to students being in the store at appropriate times. IT Motion-Bertucelli/Second Terry: To approve UP-81-606 and Negative Declaration No. 343 based on information and findings and subject to all conditions, including the above shown added Special Conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Mese Hsin Tung Yang Food Company, UP-81-607 A Use Permit to establish a meat processing plant in an existing building located at 405 South Airport Boulevard in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District. December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Francis Koo, Spink Corp Sacramento Letters opposing the project from J & H Properties and Grosvenor Airport Inn were read into the record. :Mr. Koo made a brief presentation about the nature of his project. - 4413 - December 10, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) 1tt. Dell'Angela advised the Camnission that this use would conflict with the General Plan for South Airport Boulevard. Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To continue UP-81-607 to the January 14, 1982 meeting so that Staff could discuss with the applicant the General Plan provisions and the applicant would have rmre time to respond to Staff concerns. AYES: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Corrmissioners Bertucelli and Hoyer. NOES: Commissioners Mantegani and Terry. Nick Zeidan, UP-81-608, Negative Declaration No. 345 To reestablish a neighborhood grocery store with related landscaping, parking and sign in the C-l Zone District at 200 San Felipe. December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Nick Zeidan 1914 St. Francis', Ct San Francisco Speaking on the Project: Donna L. Perry 366 Serra Drive Dunta Benvenutti 365 Katherine Drive One of the issues that was discussed was the hours of operation. Special Condition No. 3 of the Staff Report was changed to show that the hours of operation would be limited to 8:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. (The condition previously showed a 9:00p.m. closing t~e). Motion-Mantegani/SecondHoyer: To approve UP-81-608 and Negative Declaration No. 345 based on information and findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. ZA-81-20, Negative Declaration No. 346, Amendment to the Zonirig Ordinance and Municipal Code of the City of South San Francisco adding Chapter 20.38 entitled "Adult Entertainment Businesses Regulated" December 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Speaking on the Amendment: James Datzman Poillice Chief Motion-Hoyer/Second Terry: To approve Negative Declaration No. 346 and adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council approve the addition of Chapter 20.38 of the City Municipal Code with corrections noted in Exhibit C-2. Unanimously approved. - 4414 - December 10, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) ZA-81-21, Negative Declaration No. 347, Amendments to the ZoriingOrdinance and City Municipal Code, defining "Amusement Arcade"and "Coin Operated Amusement Devices" and permitting said uses in corrmercial zones. December 10,1981 Staff R~port Presented. Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To approve Negative Declaration No. 347 and adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve above stated runendments. Unanimously approved. Election of Officers, Planning Commission, 1982 Motion-Hoyer/Second Bertucelli: To elect Corrrnissioner Martin as the Chairman of the Planning Commission for 1982. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-Martin: To elect Commissioner Hoyer as Vice-Chairman of the Planning Commission for 1982. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF Staff reminded the Commission of the Study Session on the General Plan Updating to be held December 15, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall. ITEMS FROM CONIMISSION By unanimous voice vote the Commission cancelled the meeting scheduled for December 24, 1981. Re 11Jr. Volkman's letter - Staff adv:ised the Commission that the sheet metal shop had been removed. Chairman Grimes mentioned the fact that the Telephone Company/Building located at Huntington and So. Spruce had no public parking. Staff will follow-up. Commissioner Hoyer remarked about empty beer bottles, etc. in front of his house. Chief Datzman advised him to bring this to patrol attention. Chairman Grimes remarked about Friday night ball games at South San Francisco High School and the fact that St. Francis Terrace was used as a speedway. Chief Datzman advised that there were police patrols in this area to control these games. Adjournment: 12:25 A.M. NEXT NJ:EErING: Thursday, January 14, 1982 Louis Dell'Angela Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Donald Grimes Chairman to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 4415 -