HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/10/1981 MINUTES September 10, 1981 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: J\1UNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Corrmissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry ~fBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Getz ALSO PRESENT: ColTIffiunity Development Staff Daniel Christians Gisele Sorensen Director-Public Services/CE R. Yee Chief Building Inspector H. J. Wittwer City Attorney's Office C. Houck Pledge of Allegiance APPROVAL OF MIN1ITES: Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve the minutes of August 20, 1981. AYES: Vice-Chairman Martin, Camnissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry. ABSTAINED: Chairman Grimes GOOD AND WELFARE Commissioner Mantegani commented about the grafitti which he thought was becomming more prevelant in the City. He requested that the Police Department be asked what could be done and that the Police Department report back to him. Chairman GrliY1es wanted to know about the time limits for starting construction of buildings. Chief Building Inspector Wittwer responded. AGENDA ITEMS American Land Exchange, V-81-245, Negative Declaration No. 327 A Variance application to have less than the standard 50 feet of average lot width on a parcel located on the westerly side of Oakmont Drive approx~ately 480 feet southerly of Westborough Blvd in the R-l Single Family Residential Zone District. September 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. The applicant was not present. Staff explained that this was the third time this application had been heard and that no progress had been made to revise the parcel in accordance with local laws. - 4389 - September 10, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To deny V-81-245 and Negative Declaration No. 327 based on the findings contained in the Staff Report and advise the applicant of his appeal rights. Unanimously approved. American Land Exchange, PM-81-192 and Negative Declaration No. 327 A Tenta ti ve Parcel Map to create two parcels from one existing parcel on vacant property located on the westerly side of Oakmont Drive approximately 480 feet southerly of Westborough Blvd in the R-l Single Frunily Residential Zone District. September 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. The applicant was not present. Staff explained that this 'Was the third time this case had been heard by the Commission and the applicant had been present at the first two meetings. Because the map had not been redesigned in accordance with state and local laws, the Commission should make a decision on this case at this time. Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To deny PM-81-102 and Negative Declaration No. 327 based on findings contained in the Staff Report and advise the applicant of his appeal rights. Unanimously approved. Century Development Company, UP-598 and Negative Declaration No. 332 A Use Permit to construct three office buildings, a parking garage, landscaping and uncovered parking on 8.33 acres of vacant land located northerly of Noor Avenue, easterly of El Camino Real, and westerly of Huntington Avenue in the PCl1 Planned Commercial Light Industrial Zone District. September 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Motion-Hoyer/Second Terry: To continue UP-81-598 and Negative Declaration No. 332 to October 8, 1981 ~~eeting based on information contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Arthur S. Haskins, Jr., PM-81-190 A Final Parcel Map to create 3 parcels from 1 existing parcel and develop a stub street on a new public right-of-way located easterly of the terminus of Haskins Way in the M~2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. September 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Arthur S. Haskins, Jr. 114 So. Maple The City Engineer explained that there was a minor difference between one of the nrunes on the title report and the Final Map which would have to be documented before the Final Map is recorded. Motion-Hoyer/Second Bertucelli: To approve PM-8l-190 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 4390- September 10, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Anthony & Elaine Scoles, V-81-250 A Variance to extend a patio cover 2 feet into the required 4 foot easterly side yard setback located at 760 Circle Court in the R-l Single Family Zone District. September 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Mrs. Elaine Scoles 760 Circle Court Mrs. Scoles presented a letter of support from an adjacent neighbor. Motion-Hoyer/Second Martin: To approve V-81~250 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Maria Melero, V-81-249 A Variance to extend a carport 4 feet into the required 4 foot southerly sideyard setback at #5 San Felipe Ave. in the R-l Single-Fmnily Zone District. September 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Maria Melero #5 San Felipe Commissioner Mantegani asked if this Variance \\Quld set a precedent for similar situations. Staff responded that this was a unique situation and there were exceptional characteristics and circumstances related to the case. Motion-BertucellijSecond Martin: To approve V-81-249 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Corrmissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer and Terry. NOES: Commissioner Mantegani Electrical Products/Andrew UcellijBrentwood ~~rkets, LP-81-599 A Use Permit to install a 172 square foot wall sign on developed property located at 1170 Mission Road in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. September 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: David Hanson Electrical Products, Oakland - 4391 - September 10, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Motion-Hoyer/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-81-599 based on information and subject to all conditions contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved. Easement Vacation, City of South San Francisco Proposed vacation of a sanitary sewer easement located southwesterly of Grand Avenue and Willow Avenue in the R-3 mgh Density Residential Zone District. September 10, 1981 Staff Report presented. Motion-Mantegani/SecondMartin: To adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council vacate the easement based on information contained in the Resolution. Unanimously approved. Staff also requested an additional finding that the new easement is consistent with the General Plan. Motion-Mantegani/Second Martin: To make a finding that the proposed sanitary sewer easement is consistent with the General Plan. Unanimously approved. ITEMS FRCM mMMISSION Chairman Grimes asked a quest ion about the sewer and storm drains for the proposed Century Development Company proj ect . The City Engineer responded that the City will make sure that the existing problem will be corrected and that the sewer and storm drain problem will not be worsened in the area. ADJOURNMENT: 8:30 P.M. NEXT MEETING: Thrusday, September 24, 1981 o .' , Lt1v\"v~je C/(\A.{i~f~,~.A.'''''.'' Daniel Christians Senior Planner Acting Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco DonaldGrimes,,',"',.,'" ",. Chairman to the Planning Commissic City of South San Francisco - 4392 -