HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/09/1981 M 'INUTE S July 9, 1981 meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Corrmission PLACE: MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Corrmissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry AlSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Gisele Sorensen City Attorney's Office Catherine Houck Director-Public ServicesjCity Engr. R. Yee Fire Marshal E. Simpson Police Services Officer Sgt Ron Petrocchi Chief Building Inspector H. J. Wittwer Pledge of Allegiance 'APPROVAL 'OF 'MINlTrES Motion-ManteganijSecond Bertucelli: To approve the minutes of June 11, 1981 as presented. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chainnan Martin, Cammissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry. Abstained: Comnissioner Getz. {J(X)DANDWELFARE There was no audience participation. Agenda Change: Item No. 10 (Norman C. Hynding and Western TV Cable) changed to Item No. 4A. Comnissioner Hoyer advised the Carrnission that he attended the last Design Review Board Meeting. Corrmissione:n5 Hoyer and Bertucelli will attend the August meeting and Vice-Chairman Martin the September meeting. Corrmissioner Getz stated that he attended the South Slope meeting and found the input helpful. He also appeared at the City Council Meeting to express the Commission's concerns with regard to the Stonegate Ridge Project. Commissioner Martin met with Supervisor Speier vvith regard to the feasibility of the County installing lights along Westborough Boulevard. between El Camino and Junipero Serra Blvd. He was hopeful that the lIghting would be provided wi thin the next 18 to 24 months. - 4370 - July 9, 1981 GOOD A.T\ID WELFARE (Continued) Chairman Grimes expressed his appreciation to Staff for requiring the pipe behind the Exclusively Women IS Spa to be painted. AGENDA ITEMS Fred Poli, V-81-244 A Variance to construct a garage addition encroaching 2 feet into the required 5 foot easterly sideyard setback and 10 feet into the required 20 foot rear yard setback on developed property located at 235 Rockwood Drive in the R-l Single-Family Residential Zone District. July 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Fred Poli 235 Rockwood Drive Speaking in Favor of the Project: Bill Neideffer 234 Rockwood Drive Motion-Hoyer/Second Mantegani: To approve V-81-244 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Dominguez & Associates, 'RPD~79-8 andSA~79-53 A 12~onth time extension request to record the final map and begin construction of a 17-unit planned residential development located northerly of Eucalyptus Ave., southeasterly of Stonegate Ridge Drive in the PC Planned Comnunity Zone District. July 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Renan G. Dominguez 3 South Linden Avenue Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve the 12 month time extension based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. D6mirtguez'&'Ass6ciates, 'RPD~79~8 artdSA~79-53 Proposed deletion of Condition No. 11 which required that prior to sutmittal of a Final Map for a 17-unit planned residential development located northerly of Eucalyptus Ave., southeasterly of Stonegate Ridge Drive, the applicant shall receive the approval of the City Council to vacate the Eucalyptus Ave. stub street. July 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Renan G. Dominguez 3 South Linden Avenue - 4371 - July 9, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Speaking in Opposition of the deletion: Anthony E. Fanelli 794 Park Way Mr. Dominguez agreed to discuss this matter further with the City Engineer, Department of Community Development Staff and adjacent property owners to attempt to reach a consensus on this matter. Mr. Dell' Angela recorrmended that the Corrmission continue this matter to a "date certain". Motion-GetzjSecond Hoyer: To continue this matter to July 30, 1981. Unanimously approved. J. Marques Jones, UP-81-592 and Negative Declaratiori'No.325 Use Permit to construct an 8-unit multi-tenant industrial development on vacant property located on the east side of So. Maple Ave. ~ approximately 400 feet northerly of Victory Ave. in the M-l Light Industrial Zone District. July 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented Applicant's Representative Present: Mr. George Avanessian 914 Linden Motion-ManteganijSecond Hoyer: To approve UP-81-592 and Negative Declaration No. 325 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Repo);t. Unanimously approved. NorrnariC.Hyridirig'&Westerri'TVCable,UP"':'81"':'593artd'Negative'Declarati6riNo. 326 A Use Permit to construct an officejstorage building and two cable television receiver discs with related parking and landscaping located on the northerly side of Myrtle Avenue, approximately 176 feet westerly of South Spruce Avenue in the P-C-M Planned Commercial and Light Industrial Zone District. July 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant's Representative Present: George Avanessian,Architect 914 Linden Avenue Western TV Cable Representative Present: Jim Stowell, President Questions on the Project: Mr. Sheldon 118 Fir Carl Smith 144 Fir A discussion was held concerning the widening of Myrtle Avenue, the installation of a traffic signal and possible drainage problems. The applicant stated that the discs were quiet as they only receive signals. Also, there would be no radio or TV interference. Motion-BertucellijSecond Martin: To approve UP-81-593 and Negative Declaration No. 326 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 4372 - July 9, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Applicant Present: Rich Diodati 1461 San Mateo Avenue Mr. Diodati agreed with all conditions of approval except for the condition related to the Oyster Point Blvd Overpass in the City Engineer's report. Mr. Diodati stated he was willing to pay his TTfair share" for the Oyster Point Boulevard overpass improvement. He objected to this condition because no "fair share" amount had yet been determined. He was advised that if at the time this condition is imposed, he felt his "fair share" cost to be unreasonably high, he could appeal for relief from the Commission. Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve PM-81-193 and Negative Declaration No. 328 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Ccmnissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry. Abstained: Corrmissioner Getz. American Land Exchange, V-81-245,PM-81-192,NegativeDeclarationNo. 327 (1) A Variance application to have less than the standard 50 feet of lot width on a parcel located on the westerly side of Oakmont Drive in the R-l, Single Family Zone District. (2) A Tentative Parcel Map to create 2 parcels from 1 existing parcel on vacant property located on the westerly side of Oa.krront Drive approximately 480 feet southerly of West borough Blvd in the R-l Single Frunily Residential District. July 9, 1981 Staff Reports presented. Applicant requested a continuance of these applications so that he could redesign the parcel map to meet City requirements. Applicant Present: Mike Callan 82 Idobella Atherton Speaking in Opposition of the Project: Colonel Elman Elmore 2575 Banfry Lane Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To continue V-81-245 and PM-81-192 to the July 30, 1981 meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Commissioner Getz left the meeting at this time. 'JamesJ. 'Powers,V~81"':'246,NegativeDeclaration No. 324 A Variance to construct a 5-unit residential condominium development having a parking backup distance of 24 feet rather than the standard 25 feet located at 615 Baden Avenue. July 9, 1981 Staff Report presented. - 4374 - July 9, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Hdni.e Sa;virigs 'artdIciart 'ASsociatiorijHamlinLaridCO. 'et 'a1;RPD-81"':'23and Certified. 'Negative'Dec1aratiori'Number311 A Residential Planned Development Permit to construct a 92~unit townhouse development on the former El Rancho Drive-In Theatre site. July 9, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Charles Cincebaugh Home Savings & loan Assn. Speaking in Favor of the Project: Colonel Rhea West borough Water District The Corrmission discussed the proposed emergency access road from the project to Alta loma Drive. Also discussed was the need for sidewalks along the interior loop road. The Commission concluded that sidewalks along the inside of the loop road should not be required and the emergency access road to Alta Lama Drive should be improved in accordance with the require- ments of the City Engineer. Motion-GetzjSecond Martin: To approve RPD-81-23 based on findings and subject to all conditions except the loop road sidewalks, contained in the Staff Report. UnanirrDusly approved. Hdni.eSavirigs 'arid LOan 'AssociatiorijHamliriLarid 'Qj et 'a1; SA-81-71 A Tentative Subdivision Map to create a 92-unit condOllinium planned townhouse development with related common areas on the former El Rancho Drive-In Theatre site, located southwesterly of Hickey Blvd. and Camaritas Ave. in the R-l Single-Family Residential Zone District (proposed RPD-6 Zone District). July 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Charles Cincebaugh HOlle Savings & loan Assn. Motion-ManteganijSecond-Martin: To approve SA-81-71 based on findings and subject to all conditions, except the loop road sidewalks, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. RichDiodati,PM~81~193, Negative Declaration No." 328 A Tentative Parcel Map to create 4 parcels from 1 existing 52.8 acre parcel on vacant property, located northerly of the terminus of Oyster Point Blvd. in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District (Healy Tibbets Site). July 9, 1981 Staff Report presented. Corrmissioner Getz abstained from discussing this application as BCDC is represented by his office. - 4373 - AGEr'IDA ITEMS (Continued) Applicant's Representative Present: July 9, 1981 Jim Durkis Architect Commissioner Terry questioned why a Design Review Board recarIDendation that fireplaces be incorporated into the design was not included on the plans. The applicant responded that this recommendation was not energy efficient, nor cost effective enough and that they are incorporating covered entry ways into the design instead to provide architectural features. Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To approveV-81-246 and Negative Declaration No. 324 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chainnan Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer, MRntegani, Terry. Absent: Comniss ioner Getz. James J. Powers, RPD-81-24,Negative Declarati6nN6.324 A Residential Planned Development Permit to construct a 5-unit residential condaninium project with related parking and landscaping located at 615 Baden Avenue. July 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Motion-Hoyer/Second Terry: To approve RPD-81-24 and Negative Declaration No. 324 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Conmissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry. Absent: Commissioner Getz. Walker Pinkst6nCompanies,UP-79-493, Modification No. 1 A Modification of the Use Permit for the Gellert Square Shopping Center to allow a revision of the site plan to construct a common access driveway at the north- west corner of the property located in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. July 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Letter of July 9, 1981 from Thomas J. Callan, Jr. opposing staff recommendation was read into the record. Applicant - Not Present. Mr. Dell' Angela stated that he had spoken with the applicant (Don Walker) on the telephone and informed Mr. Walker of Staff's recoIImenda tion. Mr. Walker stated he would be willing to comply with any decision the Planning Commission made in this case. Speaking on the Project: Colonel Rhea Westborough Water District Thomas J. Callan Daly City Mr. Callan opposed the requirement that a chain link fence be installed along the property line as reconmended' by Staff. The Commission advised Mr. Callan that the type of fence need not be a chain link fence. Rather any fence or barrier approved by the City Engineer and Director of Community Development could be installed. The applicant could in the future apply to the Carrnission to have the sign/barrier rEmoved. It must be demonstrated that vehicular access through this area would not have an adverse effect on the City. = 4375 - July 9, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Motion-ManteganijSecond Bertucelli: To approve the change in the site plan as shown in Exhibit "D" in the July 9, 1981 Staff Report based on findings and subj ect to all conditions in the Staff Report. Ayes: Chairman Grimes., Vice-Chairman Martin, Corrrnissioners Bertucelli; Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry. Absent: Conmissioner Getz. AntiochFel16wship,UP-81-594 A Use Permit to establish a church, offices and a private school at the El Rancho School located at 753 Del Monte Ave. in the R-l Single-Family Zone District. July 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Steve Gollnick San Francisco Motion-MartinjSecond Bertucelli: To approve UP-81-594 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chainnan Martin, Comnissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer., Mantegani and Terry. Absent: Corrmissioner Getz. City6f South SariFraricisco,'ZA-81-19,Negative Declarati6nNo. 329 An amendment to Section 4.45 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow building heights of more than 50 feet in the P-C-M Zone if a Use Permit is first obtained. July 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Motion-BertucellijSecond Terry: To adopt a Resolution recorrmending that the City Council approve the proposed amendment to Section 4.45 of the Zoning Ordinance and approve Negative Declaration No. 329 based on findings contained in the Resolution. Ayes: ChaiTIDan Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin; Corrmissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer, Mantegani, Terry. Absent: Carmissioner Getz. 'Fiji Jarnaat, UP-81"':'590, Negative Declaration No. 319 A Use Permit application to construct a 3925 square foot Mosque building with related parking and landscaping on partially developed property located at 373 Alta Vista Drive Drive in the R-l Single-Family Residential Zone District. (Continued fran 6/11/81 Meeting). July 9, 1981 Supplemental Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Moherrnehed Hahn, President of Fij i Jamaat Daly City Applicant I S Representative Present: Kamil Navai Campbell, Calif. - 4376 - July 9, 1981 AGENDA'ITEMS (Continued) Speaking in favor of the Proj ect : Larry Casey Speaking in Opposition to the Project: Jo Parkos 412 Northwood Frank Feger 400 Dianne Ct Mrs. Carlos Garcia 260 Conmur Frank J. Adasiewiez 360 Alta Vista Dr Joy Ann Wendler, President Avalon/Brentwood Homeowners Assn. Neighbors voiced concern about parking, noise and heavy traffic. Motion-Hoyer/Second Martin: To approve UP-81-590 and Negative Declaration No. 319 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the supplemental Staff Report. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Corrmissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer and Terry. Noes: Commissioner Mantegani. Absent: Corrmissioner Getz. Robert S:irrrns":'Trux Inc.,. UP-80-545,Negative DeclaratioriN6. 258 A Use Permit application to construct two office/warehouse structures \vith related landscaping and parking located on vacant property located easterly of So. Airport Blvd. and north of the southern City limit line in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District (Continued from the 6/11/81 Meeting). July 9, 1981 Sta~f Report Presented. Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To continue this project off calendar based on information contained in the Staff Report. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM "STAFF Staff recomnended and Comnission concurred that the July 23, 1981 meeting be cancelled and a special Corrmission Meeting be held on July 30, 1981. A second workshop to solicit public input on the South Slope concept plan is scheduled for Saturday July 18, 1981. Wednesday, August 26, 1981 was set by the Comnission for a joint public hearing with the County Planning Corrmission to consider a concept plan for the South Slope of the San Bruno Mountain, submitted by W. W. Dean. The meeting will be held in the Municipal Services Building at 7:30 P.M. 'ITEMS FROM COMMISSION : The Commission voted to cancel its regularly scheduled meetings in August due to vacation conflicts. Adjournment: 1150 P.M. Next Meeting: Thursday, July 30, 1981 ~"'-~~~ n-.'"'. "'__~ Louis Dell'Angela ~ Secretary to the Planning Corrmission Ci ty of South San Francisco Donald Grimes Chairman to the Planning Corrmissic City of South San Francisco - 4~77 -