HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/14/1985 March 14, 1985 Regular.Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chair Wendler, Commissioners Agee, Boblitt, Getz, Hoyer, and Martin ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Staff Jean T. Smith Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Deputy City Manager/CD&A Mark Lewis Deputy City Manager/CE Robert Yee City Attorney Robert Rogers Assistant City Attorney Robert Kasper Police Department Sgt. Ron Petrocchi Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Martin/Second Agee: To approve the minutes of the February 14, 1985 Planning Commission meeting as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Terry advised the Commission that the Task Force on Willow Gardens met and took a walking tour of the site. He indicated that some of the problem was the City-owned property. He also indicated that the Police Department would more strictly enforce violations and stated that a more complete report of the Task Force would be made at a later date. Chairman Terry presented a Resolution and Plaque!g:fQ:rm~E~lanning Commissioners Grimes and Mantegani commending them for their,:(~gnttrnQ:i,tQl1&3 as Planning Commissioners. Both Commissioners expressed their appreciation. AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS) Bernard P. Hagan, UP-194 Evidentiary hearing for revocation of Use Permit UP-194 for on-going violations of the conditions of approval for a senior citizen retirement center at 416 Alida Way in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District. (Continued from the 2/14/85 Meeting). March 14, 1985 Staff Report presented. - 1420 - March 14, 1985 AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS) (Continued) Vice-Chair Wendler expressed concern about the Use Permit Modification to allow disabled persons to reside in this senior-citizen center. She indicated that it should be clearly stated that this refers to the one (1) disabled person currently residing at the center as these units are for the elderly. Mr. Christians indicated that Staff would set a number limit or refer to Section 8 which defines the disabled. Commissioner Agee stated that the apartment for this disabled person should be fully equipped. :Mr. Christians stated that the Building Division could inspect the apartment. Sgt. Petrocchi stated that he had set April 12, 1985, the day after the next Commission meeting, for the applicant to meet all security requirements. It was the consensus of the Commission that the applicant should meet all the security requirements by April 10, 1985. Motion-Boblitt/Second Wendler: To continue the revocation hearing to April 11, 1985. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-Agee/Second Boblitt: To set a public hearing date of April 11, 1985 to consider a Use Permit Modification to allow a non-senior citizen resident manager, and non-senior disabled persons as residents, to restripe the parking lot, and to amend other existing special conditions, as necessary. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Ron Price, UP-85-712 Use Permit to allow construction of a two-story showroom and office addition to an existing automobile sales facility and to modify the existing exterior elevations at 1 Chestnut Avenue in the C-l, Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. March 14, 1985 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Architect Present: George Avanessian 914 Linden Avenue Mr. Avanessian stated that in 1978 when Mr. Price consolidated and moved to #1 Chestnut Avenue, the Planning Commission approved 397t square feet of signage under UP-78-450. Mr. Avanessian stated that at that time this amount of signage was not needed nor installed. He objected to Staff's recommendation of 338 square feet of signage for this Use Permit. It was the consensus of the Commission that, since the previous signage was not used, there was no non-conforming status and current Ordinances and policies should be used for this application. .e6iiiji~~~~Q~nr:,::Martin stated that he drove by this establishment and was amazed at the "number and size of signs. He stated he was strongly opposed to additional signs and stated that he wished Special Condition No. 5 to be changed to indicate that the sign program should be reviewed by the Design Review Board and Planning Division with final approval by the Planning Commission. He stated that the signage at this location requires Planning Commission full attention. - 1421 - March 14, 1985 AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS) (Continued) Associate Planner Morton advised the Commission that an additional Special Condition No.7, regarding parking, was required for this application. Following is amended Special Condition No. 5 and added Special Condition No.7. "5. A comprehensive sign program, limited to a total of 338 square feet, shall be submitted for review by the Design Review Board and Planning Division and approval by the Planning Commission." "7. At no time shall more than twenty (20) parking spaces be used for storage and/or display of cars.' t Motion-Martin/Second Wendler: To approve UP-85-7l2 and Negative Declaration No. 482 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above amended and added conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Milan Jurkota, S~83-78/RP~81-25 One-year extension of time request for Residential Planned Development Permit RP~81-25 for a six unit residential condominium project with related parking and landscaping at 111 Chestnut Avenue. March 14, 1985 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Milan Jurkota 111 Chestnut Avenue City Attorney Rogers advised the Commission that the Planning Commission could extend the RPD Permit subject to the condition that the City Council extends the Map. Commissioner Agee requested that the applicant consider the possibility of rental apartments for this project rather than condominiums. Motion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To grant a one year extension of time for RPD- 81-25 to April 6, 1986, provided that the extension of time not become effective until such time as the City Council grants an extension of time for one-year for the Tentative Subdivision Map. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Mot ion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To recorrmend that the City Council grant a one year extension of time to April 6, 1986 for Tentative Subdivision Map SA- 83-78. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Homart Development Co., ZA-85-30 Zoning Amendment addiijg. subsection 20.57.2001 and Section 20.57.205 to the South San Francisco Municipal Code and adding Subsection C.2.i and Section C.2.5 to Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No. 868 (Uses Permitted in the Gateway Specific Plan Zone District.) - 1422 - March 14, 1985 AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS)(Continued) March 14, 1985 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: John Aguilar Homart Development Co 601 Gateway Boulevard Applicant's Representatives Present: Janet Cochran Coldwell Banker Jose Rodriquez Hertz Rent-A-Car 300 E. Millbrae Avenue Millbrae Mr. Aguilar advised the Commission that Ms. Cochran and Mr. Rodriquez would address the requirement of having a fence enclose the Automobile Storage Facility (20.57.205(a) of the Proposed Ordinance for this Zoning Amendment). Ms. Cochran advised the Commission of the security on this site which includes two (2) cameras, remote video recorder, and a radio control with guard which is staffed 24 hours. Mr. Rodriquez stated that this facility would be for overflow parking for 350 cars and would be used only at major holiday times. He indicated that this site would not be used more than four or five times a year at major holidays (e. g., Christmas, New Years, Easter and the 4th of July). Mr. Aguilar stated that the facility would be limited to a three year lease to expire in June 1988. There was Commission discussion with regard to the fence issue. Sgt. Petrocchi advised the Commission that the Police Department conditions are based on the minimum security necessary and that the imposition of a condition for fencing was consistent with other uses of this nature. City Attorney Rogers stated that the focus should be on the central issue of discussion which is the Ordinance. He indicated that the fencing require- ment would be a condition imposed in the Precise Plan. He stated that he would remove the language for the fencing from the Ordinance and that when the Precise Plan for this application is considered by the Redevelopment Agency, the issue of the fence could be addressed. Motion-Getz/Second Hoyer: To adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve ZA-85-30 adding subsection 20.57.2001 and Section 20.57.205 to the South San Francisco Municipal Code and Adding Subsection C.2.i and Section C.2.5 to Exhibit TlATlto Ordinance No. 868 (Uses Permitted in the Gateway Specific Plan Zone District) based on the findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 1423 - March 14, 1985 AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS) (Continued) Amirkhas and deRoux (Archiforms), DR-84-534 Appeal of Design Review Board decision rejecting the design for a 5-unit apartment complex with related parking and landscaping at 519 Baden Avenue in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District. March 14, 1985 Staff Report presented. Commissioner Agee advised the Commission that she was a member of the Design Review Board for this case but that she wished to participate in the discussion but abstain on the vote. City Attorney Rogers stated that there was no legal problem with this. Associate Planner Morton distributed pictures of other structures in the area of this project~ Applicant's Attorney Present: David E. Newhouse 777 W 1st, Ste 444 San Jose Applicant Present: Mr. Joseph Amerikhas Archiforms 60 Malta Drive San Francisco Mr. Newhouse distributed pictures of other structures in the neighborhood explaining each of the structures~ The Attorney indicated that there was an error on the first drawings indicating that the complex would be 75% lot coverage~ He stated that the actual coverage is 31% of the lot (28% if sidewalks are included). It was noted that this is an apartment project, not a condominium project as misstated in the Staff Report~ Mr. Newhouse requested that the Planning Commission reverse the decision of the Design Review Board since this is an R3 zone and this zone allows high density. He also indicated that reducing the size of the apartments would preclude rental to families with 3 or 4 members. MY. Amerikhas addressed the points raised by the Design Review Board and indicated that, in his opinion, the project was not too intense. He stated that if the units were reduced in size the rents generated from 5 studio apartments would not justify construction. He indicatedi.that he would comply with all landscaping requirements and that he was not aware of UBC violations. He stated that he believed that this is a good project. After Commission discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that the project was too intense. The Commission was not adverse to five (5) units but felt the project should be redesigned~ The Commission did not favor balconies over the driveway. - 1424 - March 14, 1985 AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS)(Continued) Motion-Getz/Second Martin: To uphold the decision of the Design Review Board and Planning Division and deny the appeal based on the findings contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chair Wendler, Corrmissioners Boblitt, Getz, Hoyer, and Mart in. ABSTAINED: Corrmissioner Agee. Louis & Natalia Poletti, RZ-85-78 Rezoning a 25,252 square foot parcel of land located on the westerly side of Alida Way, south of Ponderosa School, from 'lUll Unclassified to R-l Single- Family Residential District in accordance with Special Condition No. 1 of PM-83-2l2. March 14, 1985 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Louis Poletti 333 El Camin~ Real In response to a Comnission question, Mr. Christians explained that R-l was the .appropriate zone for this parcel as this area is shown as low density on the General Plan.. Mr. Christians advised that this lot could be combined with the Parcel Map and that it would allow 4 additional units for the condominium project. In response to Vice-Chair Wendler's question, Mr. Yee stated that the sewer line would accomnodate these additional units. Motion-Martin/Second Getz: To adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council rezone a 25,252 square foot parcel of land located on the westerly side of Alida Way, south of Ponderosa School, from "U" Unclassified to R-l Single-Family Residential District in accordance with Special Condition No. 1 of Parcel Map PM-83-212, based on the findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Crow, Spieker, Singleton, UP-85-713 Use Permit to construct three (3) office/research and development buildings totalling 111,900 square feet with related parking and landscaping and to demolish the existing concrete structure at 830 Dubuque Avenue. March 14, 1985 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Dennis Singleton 2180 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park Mr. Singleton's Architect presented a study model to the Commission. Mr. Singleton stated that this project was similar to numerous other projects in the Bay Area and that it would house Research and Development; Bio-Chemical, Engineering Companies, and similar uses. Comnissioners complimented Mr. Singleton for his presentation and project. - 1425 - March 14, 1985 AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS)(Continued) Chairman Terry stated that the landscaping should be continued to be maintained. Planning Director Smith advised the Commission that an additional condition regarding a Transportation System Management Plan should be included. The applicant had no objection to this condition. Special Condition No.6, as follows, was added: "6. That the applicant submit a Transportation System Management Plan (TSM) to the Deputy City Manager/CE for review and approval prior to occupancy of the Building. 11 Motion-Martin/Second Agee: To approve UP-85-713 and Negative Declaration No. 483 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above added Special Condition No.6, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF Window Sign's Rarnm's Furniture, UP-84-699 Planning Director Smith called the Commission's attention to a memorandum that was part of their packet and the letter sent by Mr. Modena, Attorney for Rruum's Furniture regarding window signs. Commissioner Getz gave the following as a definition for window signs and the rest of the Commission concurred: "Any sign in a window, adjacent thereto or immediately visible from the window or any sign whose primary purpose is to be visible from without the building." Mrs. Smith requested that Commissioners provide any comments they may have on the proposed Zoning Ordinance revision to the Planning Division as soon as possible. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Motion-Martin/Second Getz: To cancel the Planning Corrmission meeting of March 28, 1985. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Commissioner Agee spoke about the League of California Cities convention which she attended. She stated that the Planning Commission handbook distributed at that convention was excellent and suggested Staff obtain a copy for each Corrmissioner. Commissioner Hoyer asked about the Price Club. City Attorney Rogers stated that this application would come before the Comission. Commissioner Getz advised that he would be unable to attend the April 11, 1985 Planning Commission meeting as he would be attending a conference in Phoenix. Chairman Terry asked when the Design Review Board vacancy would be filled. Mrs. Smith stated that she was not prepared to answer at this time. Chairman March 14, 1985 ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION (Continued) Terry stated that he felt uncomfortable interviewing applicants in public at the last Design Review Board appointment. City Attorney Rogers advised that this could be done at a special meeting. He advised that a non-majority subcommittee could meet to do initial evaluation and then make recommendations to the full Commission. The subcommittee will be Commissioners Agee, Boblitt, and Martin. Commissioner Agee stated that the City Council was reviewing salaries of various boards and she noted that the Design Review Board has no co~ensation. It was her opinion that this should be reviewed. Adjournment: 10:45 P.M. ("l . 1/::) jl .. /J !\{ e: ~ r -' /"'J~ ~ /Jean T. Smi th, Secretary fPlanning Commission City of South San Francisco Eugene P. Terry, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 1427 -