HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/26/1984 July 26, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission ~1EMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin* *Commissioner Martin arrived after Approval of Minutes of 7/12/84 at 7:35 P.M. ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell .Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Ci ty Attorney Robert Rogers Ro,n Petrocchi Police Department Director of Public Services Robert Yee Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve the Minutes of the July 12, 1984 meeting as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS Macy.s California, UP-78-432 (Modification) (PUBLIC HEARING) Deletion of requirement to hold IIQuarterly Retail Sales" in accordance with Special Condition No.3 of Use Permit UP-78-432 for the Macy.s Distribution Center at 1556 El Camino Real. July 26, 1984 Staff Report presented. Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To continue UP-78-432 (Modification) to the meeting of September 13, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Art Rise, South San Francisco Unified School District (Property Owner), UP-84-679, Negative Declaration No. 439 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit to conduct auditions, rehearsals, and construction of sets in the multi- purpose room of the Avalon School, 375 Dorado Way. JUly 26, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant.s Representative Present: Margaret Pierson 204 Rockwood Drive 1'H:::0 July 26, 1984 Speaking in Opposition of the Application: Joy Ann Wendler 321 Granada Dr. President, Avalon/ Brentwood Homeowners Association) Mrs. Pierson briefly described the Art Rise use. Mrs. Wendler stated that the neighbors disagree that the use is consistent with the General Plan policy which indicates that the use of the Avalon School buildings should be predominately day-oriented. She indicated that there were no neighborhood compl ai nts because the nei ghbors deci ded to bri ng the compl ai nt di rectly to the Planning Commission at this meeting. Mrs. Wendler cited policies regarding vacant school property uses from three neighboring communities. In response to a Commission concern about possible noise associated with the construction of sets, an additional condition was imposed to limit set construction and the storage of materials to the inside of the building. In order to structure this Use Permit to comply with the General Plan policy, Special Conditions No.1 through 3 were amended as follows: 111. This Use Permit shall be limited to the following hours: 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M., Sunday through Thursday. Not more than three (3) week nights in a five (5) day period shall be used. and, if approved by the School District, *10:00 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. Saturday and Sunday * 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. Friday and Saturday *Prior to using the facility at these times, the applicant shall secure a lIuse permitll from the South San Francisco Unified School District. 2. The construction of sets shall be limited to 10:00 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. Saturday and Sunday. All set construction and storage of materials shall be indoors. 3. The uses at this site shall be limited to closed rehearsals, auditions, and the constructi on of sets. It shall not be used for performances or other artistic presentations.1I Motion-Hoyer/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-84-679 and Negative Declaration No. 43~ based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above modified conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. The Good Guys (Ares Commercial Property), UP-83-672 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit Modificaton regarding revised site plan and landscaping and other matters for warehouse, offices, and sales facility at 372 Shaw Road in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. 1 ') I" f'\ July 26, 1984 July 26, 1984 Staff Report presented. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Marti n: To conti nue UP-83-672 to the meeti ng of September 13, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. The Good Guys Temporary use of a promotional cold air balloon, 372 Shaw Road. It was the consensus of the Commission that a promotional cold air balloon could be used by the Good Guys at their next weekend warehouse sale at 372 Shaw Road for the Labor Day weekend August 31 through September 3, 1984. Fiji Jamaat, UP-81-590/Mod 1 (PUBLIC HEARING) Review of Use Permit for compliance with all conditions of approval for a mosque with resident caretakerls quarters and related parking, lighting, and landscaping at 373 Alta Vista Drive in the R-1 Single Family Zone District. July 26, 1984 Staff Report presented Applicant Present: Mohammed Kahn 373 Alta Vista Drive Applicantls Legal Advisor Present: Speaking in Opposition to the Application Asman Khan Joy Ann Wendler 321 Granada Dr. (President, Avalon/ Brentwood Homeowners I Association) Miguila Garcia 260 Conmur Mrs. Erni~ Garcia 270 Conmur The applicant indicated that a Use Permit modification application would be submitted to the Commi ssi on on September 13, 1984 to request a modi fi cati on to the hours of operati on. Mohammed Kahn stated that the other condi ti ons regard; ng , andscapi ng, fenci ng, and bui 1 di ng and engi neeri ng requi rements wou' d be sati sfi ed. He stated that people were not sleeping overnight at the Mosque. Asman Khan stated that there was a new administration at the Mosque which was stri ctly enforci ng the hours of operati on. He. i ndi cated that he woul d cooperate wi th the neighbors. Mrs. Wend' er spoke about 1 ate ni ght traffi c. She di stri buted a time schedul e pre- pared by the applicant when this Use Permit was originally considered. Mrs. Wendler 1...r1 July 26, 1984 stated that people stay at the Mosque until 11:00 P.M. and some arrive before 7:00 A.M. Mi gui 1 a Garci a al so spoke about 1 ate ni ght traffi c. She di stri buted photographs to the Commi ssi on showi ng that weeds were growi ng between her fence and the fence erected by the Mosque. Mrs. Ernie Garcia reiterated Miguila Garcia's statement about the late night hours. She also stated that there were people sleeping at the Mosque. The Commission expressed their concerns about the use and indicated that there was a credibility problem with the applicants. They advised the applicant that all the conditions of approval of UP-81-590/Mod 1 should be met before the September 13, 1984 meeti ng. They al so advi sed the appl i cant that the unapproved si x foot (6 I) chai n link fence should be removed prior to September 13, 1984. The Commission also stated that the appl i cant shoul d remove the weeds between thei r fence and Mrs. Garci a's fence and that this area, as well as all the landscaped areas, should be maintained. Certain of the Commissioners indicated that if there was not 100% compliance with all the conditions of approval by September 13, 1984, they would initiate revocation of this Use Permit on that date. Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To continue the review of UP-81-590/Mod 1 to the meeting of September 13, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Public Storage, Inc. and Lyon's Restaurant, UP-84-689, Negative Declaration No. 452 (PUBLIC HEARING) Exception to Ordinance 923-83, as amended, and Use Permit for a public storage faci- lity and the remodeling of an existing warehouse including a resident manager's apartment, and for a Lyon's 24-hour restaurant, servi ng al cohol i c beverages, wi th rel ated parki ng and 1 andscapi ng, at the southwest corner of San Mateo and Produce Avenues. July 26, 1984 Staff Report presented Public Storage, Attorney Present: Gary Royce 421 Grand Avenue Public Storage Representative Present: Dan Hoffman, Vice-President Dublin Lyon's Restaurant Representative Present: Gary Maze, Vice-President Real Estate City Attorney Rogers advised the Commission that they should first deal with the use issue. Attorney Royce advised the Commission that the applicant had done everything possible to cooperate wi th the Staff. He stated that all traffi c issues had been mi ti gated and the design of the project improved. 1")1:'1\ July 26, 1984 City Attorney Rogers advised the Commission that if the use is inconsistent with the General Plan, the Use Permit could not be approved. He further advised the Commission that this use is not the same as the previous use for this property. He added that the requested use is not in conformance with the General Plan. Attorney Royce disagreed with the City Attorney on this issue. Mr. Hoffman stated that this public storage use is not the same operation as the other South San Francisco facility operated by Public Storage, Inc. Mr. Maze stated that his firm had been seeking a quality location in South San Francisco and felt that this was a good location for a Lyons Restaurant. It was the consensus of the Commission that the public storage use was not consistent with the General Plan. Motion-Terry/Second Hoyer: To deny UP-84-689 and Negative Declaration No. 452 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. City of South San Francisco, ZA-84-28, Negative Declaration No. 450 (PUBLIC HEARING) Ordinance Amending Subsection 20.52.070C of the South San Francisco Municipal Code and Subsecti on 4.131 (c) of Ordi nance No. 353, as amended, and addi ng Subsecti on 20.52.0700 (Parking IIIn Lieull Fees). July 26, 1984 Staff Report presented. Parking Place Commissioner Present: David Sciandri Commissioner Sciandri stated that he was present to answer questions. Commissioner Martin asked how the Parking Place Commission arrived at the recommended $4,000 in lieu fee. Commissioner Sciandri stated that it was based on a staff survey of surrounding cities. A revised Page 2 of the Ordinance was distributed to the Commission. City Attorney Rogers requested that the following changes be made to this revised page: Line 9 - after the word Commission add lIand the reasons for said findings.1I Line 19 - after word respond add lito the Planning Commission in writingll Line 20 - after the word and add 1I0fll t40ti on-Hoyer/Second Grimes: To adopt the Reso 1 uti on recommendi ng that the Ci ty Council approve ZA-84-28 and Negative Declaration No. 450 based on findings and sub- ject to above changes. AYES: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Hoyer, and Mantegani. NOES: Commissioner Martin. 1"')1':""') July 26, 1984 I terns from Staff Resolution commending Frank Bertucelli. Motion-Mantegani/Second Hoyer: To adopt Resolution No. 2348 commending Frank Bertucelli for this service as a Planning Commissioner during the period 1975 through 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. By unanimous voice vote, the Commission cancelled the Planning Commission Meeting of August 23, 1984. Staff polled the Commission about a possible change of Planning Commission meeting dates. The first and third Tuesdays and Thursdays of the month were discussed. Due to conflicts with certain Commissioners, the Planning Commission meetings will con- tinue to be held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Director of Community Development Dell'Angela stated that an inquiry had been received from the California 6 Motel chain for a motel on the Stewart-Warner property at 124 So. Airport Boulevard. Mr. Dell'Angela described the proposed project and showed the Commission preliminary plans for this project. It was the consensus of the Commission that this was an appropriate land use. The Commission indicated that the building and site needed revisions. The buildings should cover less of the site. Three story buildings should be considered to increase open space on site. Items from the Commission Commissioner Hoyer took exception to the Design Review Board's remarks on the Public Storage/Lyon's Restaurant project. He obj ected to the general terms used by the Board. Director Dell 'Angela stated that he would request the Board to be specific in their recommendations and avoid using general terms. Commissioner Grimes advised the City Attorney that the Francisco Mini Park situation was worse and that full bottles were being thrown into the park. He stated that there were no postings at the park. The City Attorney stated that he would advise the Police and Parks & Recreation Departments of this situation. Adjournment: 11:15 P.M. ----. ~. '~' c-..-~, Louis Dell nge a, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco ., Charles W. Getz, IV, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco