HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/12/1984 July 12, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chai rman Getz, Vi ce-Chai rman Terry, Commi ssi oners Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Bertucelli ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Ci ty Attorney Robert Rogers Ron Petrocchi Police Department Director of Public Services Robert Yee Building Division Jake Wittwer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve the Minutes of the June 28, 1984 meeting as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS Tanforan Associates, PM-84-218, Negative Declaration No. 457 (PUBLIC HEARING) Tentative Parcel Map to create two (2) parcels from an existing nine (9) acre parcel on the northeast corner of Tanforan Avenue and South Maple Avenue in the M-1 Industrial Zone District. July 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Louis Arata, CE 1 La Cruz Avenue Millbrae Mr. Arata stated an obj ecti on to the Department of Pub 1 i c Servi ces condi ti on whi ch requi red a si dewal k on South Mapl e Avenue. The Commi ssi on i ndi cated that the sidewalk should be installed as required. The Commission requested that Special Condition No. 2 be amended to require box spe- cimen trees rather than 15 gallon si ze trees. Staff al so requested that Speci al Condition No. 2 be amended to delete the requirement that all street trees be installed prior to recordation of the final map and add that the applicant could post a 12-month performance bond. Special Condition No.2 was amended as follows: "2. The applicant shall install 24" box specimen-sized street trees along both street frontages subj ect to the requi rements of the Parks and Recreati on Department and provi de a stri ped park i ng area on Parcel 2 subj ect to revi ew and approval of a parki ng pl an by the Department of Communi ty 1353 July 12, 1984 Development. The applicant may post a twelve (12) month performance bond for the required street trees, prior to recordation of the Final Map.1I Motion-Terry/Second Mantegani: To approve PM-84-218 and Negative Declaration No. 457 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above amended special con- dition, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. M. J. Garcia, Jr., PC Mod-84-4 (PUBLIC HEARING) Pl anned Communi ty Modi fi cati on for room addi ti ons above the garage and between the garage and townhouse at 3630 Bal dwi n Hi 11 s Court in the PC Pl anned Communi ty Zone District. July 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Manuel Garcia 3630 Baldwin Hills Court Applicant's Representative Present: Tommy Quan Architect Speaking in Opposition of the Application: K.C. Chen Property Owner 3224 Baldwin Hills Court The applicant's architect called the Commission's attention to similar additions in thi s area and presented pi ctures of same to the Commi ssi on. Staff advi sed the Commission that the two additions referred to by the Architect included a model unit initially built in this manner and dormer windows added to '"the roof element of a second unit which was not comparable to this proposal. Mr. Garcia stated that the addition above the garage would be used for his parents. Mr. Chen stated that the proposed addition would block the sunlight in the living room and master bedroom of his house. The Commission discussed readvertizing this application as a Use Permit with notices sent to property owners wi thi n a 300' radi us of the Garci a property. The Ci ty Attorney advised that this application could be processed as a PC Modification with a 300' foot radi us mai 1 i ng. The Di rector of Communi ty Development i ndi cated that the Staff recommendation for denial would not change under either process. It was the consensus of the Commission that a full 300' radius mailing should occur on this application and that the Commission would consider the application on its merits. Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To conti nue PC Mod-84-4 to the meeting of August 9 ~ 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. 1354 July 12, 1984 Bolick & Dillon (Rodney E. Abernethy, Trustee). UP-84-691 and Negative Declaration No. 455 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permi t to estab 1 ish a tropi cal fi sh and aquari urn suppl i es store at 423 Grand Avenue in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District. July 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Owner's Representative Present: Hubert Humbert 1675 Rollins Road Burlingame Applicant Present: Lawrence Bolick 929 Hemlock Ave. Speaking in Favor of the Application: Fred Guzman 105 Alta Lorna, #7 The owner's representative opposed Special Condition No.4 which required the appli- cant or property owner to pave and stripe the eight (8) space parking lot. He indi- cated that the owner had pl ans for expansi on in the rear of the bui 1 di ng in about three (3) years. He further indicated that the cost to comply with Special Condition No.4 would be about $6,000. He indicated that if this requirement was not deleted the owner may be forced to find an office tenant for this space rather than rent this applicant the space. The applicant questioned why other new tenants of this building were not required to file for a Use Permit. Staff advised the Commission that the Municipal Code requires Use Permit approval for a pet store in this zone district. Staff added that office uses were permitted uses in this zone. It was the contention of the owner's representative that customers would not use the rear parking lot. Mr. Guzman stated that good fish stores were difficult to find and he would like to see one in this area. Staff advised the Commission that the Parking Place Commission had approved a parking exception subject to the striping and paving of the parking lot. After Commission discussion, it was the consensus that the General Plan policies for the downtown area should be upheld and the paved parking lot required. Moti on-Grimes/Second Hoyer: To approve UP-84-691 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 455 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Peter Gee (Southland Corp., owner), UP-84-693/UP-79-529 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit to establ ish a 945 square foot video rental and sales facil ity at 1124 Mission Road and to amend Special Condition No.7 of Use Permit UP-79-529 to allow retail sales on a portion of the site, in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. 1355 July 12, 1984 July 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Peter Gee 2917 Shannon Drive The applicant indicated he would comply with the condition which required removal of the existing window sign. The Commission questioned the City Attorney about X-rated video tapes. The City Attorney indicated that based on a recent court ruling, he had rendered an opinion which states that the adult entertainment ordinance would apply only if more than 50% of the tapes being rented are X-rated. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Grimes: To approve UP-84-693 and modi fi cati on to Speci al Condition No. 7 of Use Permit UP-79-529, based on findings and subject to all con- ditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Graciano R. Enriquez (Ralph B. Pahlmeyer, Trustee), UP-84-692, Negative Declaration No. 456 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit to establish a 115 seat restaurant serving beer and wine in an existing building at 2270 Westborough Boulevard (Westborough Square Shopping Center) in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. July 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Owner's Representative Present: Marciano Espallera Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To approve UP-84-692 and Negative Declaration No. 456, based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Gateway Redevelopment Project/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Report (PUBLIC HEARING) Envi ronmenta 1 determi nati on of the proposed constructi on of 700 addi ti ona 1 hotel rooms in the Gateway Redevelopment Project Area and the construction of the Gateway Boul evard Extensi on proj ect located between East Grand Avenue and South Ai rport Boulevard west of Mitchell Avenue. July 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Consultant Traffic Engineer Present: George Nickelson EIP 319 11th St., S.F. Speaking with Concern on the Application: William Ryan, PG&E 2225 Folsom st., S.F. Louis Poletti 333 El Camino Real Mr. Nickel son briefly discussed the impacts of the two projects and the mitigation measures being recommended. 1356 July 12, 1984 Mr. Ryan expressed concerns about the proposed PG&E substati on and stated that it could not be expanded to the same capacity because of the proposed roadway. He indi- cated that some mitigation should be proposed. He also indicated that the checklist shoul d have a IIYes" answer rather than a uNo.' answer with regard to util ity impacts. Mr. Poletti, speaking on behal f of the Poletti Trust, expressed concern about the design of the roadway in regard to his parcels. He indicated that much of his pro- perty would become small and unuseable wedges. Mr. Yee addressed the MTC corridor study. He indicated that the City is fortunate to have an opportunity for a second access to the industrial area. After Commission discussion, it was the consensus to request Staff to express the following concerns to the City Council: 1. The Commi ssi on agrees wi th the ABAG concerns wi th regard to housi n9. A discussion on the potential impact on housing should be included in th~ final EIR. 2. The San Mateo County and MTC 101 corri dor study shoul d be a part of the discussion in the final EIR. 3. Additional information on the impact of creating wedge parcels on the etti property should be included in the final EI 4. . The Harb?r WayjUtahAvenue corridor should be explored asa viable alternatlve to the Gateway Boulevard Extension Project. Moti on-Grimes/Second t4antegani: That Staff convey the above comments to the Ci ty Counci 1 wi th regard to the suppl emental draft EI R for the Gateway Redevelopment Project. Unanimously approved. , Chairman Getz stepped down. City of South San Francisco, GP-84-25 Consi derati on of changes recommended by Staff and the Ci ty Counci 1 to the Draft Housing Element of General Plan in response to issues raised by State Department of Housing and Community Development and Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County. July 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Grimes: Approve the changes to the Housi ng El ement as con- tained in the Staff Report. AYES: Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Hoy~r, Mantegani, and Martin. ABSTAINED: Chairman Getz ltems from Commission Commissioner Mantegani quest oned the operations at La Taptita on Grand Avenue. He requested that Staff advise im if this was considered a manufacturing use or a food processing plant. July 12, 1984 Vi ce-Chai rman Terry asked if the ci rcus tent on the Levi tz Furni ture property had been approved by Staff. He indicated that the tent was now removed. Vice-Chairman Terry al so requested that the Commission be provided with information on future Planning Commission items. Staff indicated that they would forward the Commission a copy of the Technical Advisory Group Agenda which lists future items for Planning Commission meetings. Commissioner Hoyer asked who is responsible for maintaining the water easement on the land behind his residence. He was advised to write to the California Water Service Company for the information. Chai rman Getz asked if Staff had recei ved the 1 etter from the St. Franci s Terrace Homeowners Associ ati on compl ai ni ng that they were not noti fi ed of the May 23, 1984 time extensi on request heari ng. Staff i ndi cated that they had recei ved the 1 etter and would notify the Association on future applications in the area. Adjournment: 10:30 P.M. LOU1S De Ange a, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Charles W. Getz, IV, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco 1358