HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/26/1984 January 26, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes*, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin *Commi 5si oner Grimes arri ved duri ng the readi ng of the Staff Report for UP-84-678, Martina Sepaher (Naugles, Inc.) ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell IAngela Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Police Department Sgt. Ron Petrocchi Fire Department Bri an Ni s\"Ionger Director of Public Services Robert Yee Building Division Ray Lauer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Bertucelli/Second Hoyer: To approve the minutes of the January 12, 1984 meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITD1S Martina Sepaher (Naugles, Inc.), UP-84-678, Negative Declaration No. 432 Use Permit for a Naugles 24-hour, drive-through fast food restaurant at the northwest corner of Hi ckey Boul evard and El eami no Real, in the C-1 Nei ghborhood Commerci al Zone District. January 26, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representatives Present: IViargaret Watkins 3700 Plaza Drive Santa Ana Michael Mooslin, Pres. Naugles Restaurants 621 Povllell Dr. Newport Beach Owner Present: ~1arti na Sepaher 1236 Toyon Dr. ~li 11 brae Speaking in Opposition to the Application: Marshall Goldkuhl,Manager Treasure Island Trailer Court Ms. Watkins presented revised plans to the Commission. She stated that these plans were prepared in order to conform with Staff recommendations as contained in the 1~(\Q January 26, 1984 Staff Report. A colored rendering was also presented. Ms. Watkins stated that these pl ans were in conformance wi th all the changes recommended by the Des; gn Revi ew Board. Mr. Mooslin explained the operation of Naugles Restaurants. Mr. Goldkuhl was concerned that, if approved, patrons of this restaurant would make U-turns through the driveway at the Treasure Island Trailer Court. He also expressed concerns about a 24-hour operation noting that many of the residents of the Trailer Court were senior citizens. The Commission discussed Policy 32 of the proposed General Plan. They were concerned that the applicant had not been informed in a timely manner that this restaurant with a drive-through window is not in conformance with an adopted policy of the Planning Commission. Senior Planner Gorny advised the Commission that the applicant had been informed of the General Plan policy. Commi ssi oner Hoyer stated that he fel t Staff shoul d provi de more di recti on to the Design Review Board. He cited some Design RevievII Board recommendations in relation to this application which .he felt were inappropriate. Commi ss; oner IVlarti n expressed hi s opi ni on that the Commi ssi on shoul d recommend that the City Council proceed with utmost haste to adopt the General Plan. In response to a Commission question regarding the concerns expressed by the Trailer Court Manager, Sgt. Petrocchi stated that it was difficult for him to respond since he had not had a chance to review the revised plans, but that there may be a poten- tial problem with nU" turns.. He indicated that if this application were approved the Police Department conditions of approval would mitigate any possible problems. Chairman Getz asked Mr. Mooslin if he would agree to a continuance of this applica- tion so that the applicant could consider removing the drive-through window. Mr. Mooslin did not wish a continuance for this purpose. It was the consensus of the Commission that Recommended Policy 32, which states that restaurants vl/ith drive-through ~I/indows not be allowed in this area be upheld. The Commission also recommended that the City Council adopt the General Plan. IVloti on-tJlarti n/Second Grimes: To deny UP-84-678 and Negati ve Decl arati on No" 432 based on the findings contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Getz, Vi ce-Cha i rman Terry, Commi ssi oners Grimes, Mantegani, and ~1arti n. NOES: Commissioners Bertucelli and Hoyer. Ron Price (Ron Price Volkswagen), UP-84-677, Negative Declaration No. 431 Use Permit to construct an additional automobile showroom at an existing automobile dealership at #1 Chestnut Avenue in the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial Zone District.. January 26, 1984 Staff Report presented. 1309 January 26, 1984 Applicant's Architect Present: George Avanessian 914 Linden Avenue Associate Planner Morton requested that the following additional special condition be added as a result of the Design Review Board's recommendation: "5. Additional landscaping, consisting of Italian Cypress trees and shrubs, shall be provided along the north and \'Jest property lines, subject to the approval of the Department of Parks and Recreation." [\1otion-Grimes/Second Bertucell i : To approve UP-84-677 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 431 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above added Special Condition No.5, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Northwest Equity Corporation, UP-84-676, Negative Declaration No. 430 Request for an exception from Ordinance No. 925-83 and a Use Permit to construct a 74,000 square foot office and warehouse building with landscaping and parking at 550 Eccles Avenue in the M-2, Heavy Industrial Zone District. January 26, 1984 Staff Report presented. Department of Community Development fvlemorandum of January 25,1984 adding Special Conditions No.6 through 9 was entered into the record. Applicant's Architect Present: George Avanessian 914 Linden Avenue Mr. Avanessian requested that Special Condition No. 6 be amended to delete a reference to the east side of the building. Special Condition No.6 was amended to read: 116. The fenestration design on the front of Building 2 shall be continued around the corner to the v~est 5i de of the bui 1 ding" . Associate Planner Morton advised that the Director of Public Services requested that Condition No.1, under Traffic Impacts, as contained in his Inter-Office Memorandum of December 28, 1983 (Exhibit "B") be deleted. Sgt Petrocchi, Pol ice Department, requested that the last line of Condition No.3, Traffic & Parking, page 4/5 of the Police Department Inter-Office tvlemorandum of December 7,1983 (Exhibit "e") be deleted. These deletions were made. 1310 J Jan IS J Jan 1 January 26, 1984 Applicant's Representative Present: Robert f\1antegani 113 James Court A letter from San Mateo County, dated January 26, 1984, regarding street improvements was read into the record. Based on this letter the following Special Condition was added: 115. Only those sections of Hillside Boulevard which are adjacent to Parcels 2 and 3 shall be improved in accordance wi th the County Engi neer IS requirements.1I f\10ti on-Grimes/Second Marti n: To approve Pfvl-84-214 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 433 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above added Special Condition No.5. AYES: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Hoyer, and Martin. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Mantegani. Chairman Getz advised the audience that it had been suggested that Item No.9 on the Agenda, Proposed Revisions to the Land Use, Circulation and Transportation Elements of the General Plan, be continued to the meeting of February 9, 1984. He stated that a person in the audience expressed a desire to have his counsel present fOr this hearing and additionally the City's Assistant City Attorney was not present tonight. He also stated that the 11 P.M. deadline would not be met if this item were heard. Moti on-Bertucell i /Second Hoyer: To conti nue GP-82-20 to the meeti ng of February 9, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Amendments to Section 20.63 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code relating to the Terrabay Spec i fi c Pl an Zone Di stri ct (App 1 i cant: w. 1;J. Dean) January 26, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Robert Eppler Proj ect ~~anager REfv1 Applicant's Architect Present: Speaking in Opposition of the Project Doug Dahlin Sydney Barrett 128 Claremont Ave. Douglas Butler 133 Adrian Ave. Jim Keegan 1244 Crestview Dr. Chairman Getz advised Staff that he wished to see the recent engineering studies and analysis of the grading and soil conditions on the site. jvtr. Eppl er advised the Commission that he was disappointed by Staff's restrictive recommendations, since the applicant intended to eliminate inconsistencies in the January 26, 1984 Terrabay Specific Plan. He felt that the Staff recommendation eliminates much of this flexibility. However, he advised the Commission that the applicant would proceed based on the Staff's recommendations. Ms. Barrett spoke on the issue of unstable soil. ~'1r. Butler asked about the possibility of members of the community viewing specific building plans and the latest soils analysis as noted by Chairman Getz. Mr. Dell 'Angela advised the Commission and members of the audience that several stu- dies, including studies by the City's geotechnical engineers are currently being con- ducted. He stated that both the Commi ssi on and communi ty woul d be informed of the results of these studies when they are completed. Mr. Keegan also spoke to the soil studies currently being conducted. Chairman Getz noted that there was one (1) unresolved item as stated in the Building Division ~lemorandum of January 18, 1984. ~1r. Yee advised the Commission that he would prefer to have Mr. Wittwer address them on this issue. Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To continue ZA-84-25 to the meeting of February 23, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Items from Staff Staff requested clarification from the Commission regarding the application of the Good Guys, UP-83-672, Special Condition No. 5 regarding the retail sales events. Commission concurred with the Special Condition No.5 as contained in Staff's Inter- office Memorandum of January 26, 1984. Associate Planner Morton advised the Commission that Design Review Board Member Peter Kostrikin's term will expire in February 1984. ~lr. Kostrikin will be unable to accept another term, but may be able to serve as a member unti 1 a replacement is found. The Commi ssi on requested that Staff adverti se for a new member and expressed their appreciation to Mr. Kostrikin for his service on the Design Review Board. Items from the Commission Vice-Chairman Terry expressed concern about the "Willow Gardens" area and asked that Staff report on various possibilities for resolving the problems there. Commissioner Grimes advised that the Building Division and Code Enforcement Officer had responded to his concern about the residence in his neighborhood. Chairman Getz noted that cars were parking across the sidewalk on Hillside Boulevard and that this was a hazard. 1....1.... January 26, 1984 Items from the Public Margaret Warren 790 Stonegate Dr. Ms.. Warren stated that the Ci ty Staff shoul d be aware that si gni fi cant problems in condominium developments lead to legal actions. Ms.. Warren also stated that she was distressed by an applicant's comment about the amount of money spent to get a project approved.. She felt that this was immaterial and should not be considered in deter- mining whether or not a project should be approved. Chairman Getz stated that the Planning Commission is not an economic Commission and no weight is given to how much an applicant spends.. Jim Keegan 1244 Crestwood Dr. Mr. Keegan stated that he felt that the City Council should include a discussion of the Willow Gardens project at its General Plan hearings. He also commented on the progress of the Brosnan project. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. Ange a Secretary, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Charles Getz IV Chairman, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco