HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/12/1984 January 12, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission ~~Erv1BERS PRESENT: Chai rman Getz, Vi ce-Chai rman Terry, Comm; ss i oners Bertuce 11 i , Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Assistant City Attorney Elladene Katz Police Department Fire Department Sgt. Ron Petrocchi Dave Parenti Director of Public Services Robert Yee Building Division Jake ltJi ttwer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ELECTION OF OFFICERS Motion-Hoyer/Second Mantegani: Planning Commission for 1984. To elect Charles W. Getz IV as Chairman of the Unanimously approved by voice vote. t~oti on-Getz/Second Grimes: To el ect Eugene P. Terry as Vi ce-Chai rman of the Planning Commission for 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Outgoing Chairman Hoyer thanked Staff and Commission. Chairman Getz presented a pl aque to outgoi ng Chai rman Hoyer in appreci ati on for hi s servi ce as Pl anni ng Commi 5si on Chai rman duri ng 1983. Chai rman Getz made several remarks of accep- tance of his Chairmanship. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moti on-Grimes/Second Bertucell i : To approve the mi nutes of the December 8, 1983 meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITE~.1S UP-83-646/Peninsula Auto Center (Classic Van) Use Permit revocation evidentiary hearing for non-compliance with the Special Conditions of Approval. The Use Permit is for the sale and custom conversion of automotive vans at 105 Linden Avenue in the C-2, Central Commercial Zone District. A Court Reporter was present for this hearing. Louis Dell'Angela (Director of Community Development), Daniel B. Christians (Senior Planner), and Jake Wittwer (Chief Building Inspector) were sworn. Wallace Coppock, Attorney for the applicant, advised the Commission that he vwul d not provi de sworn testimony, but that he was appeari ng on behal f of Marshall Bloss, the applicant. January 12, 1984 January 12, 1984 Staff Report was presented by Senior Planner Christians. This Staff Report wi th all attachments thereto (i ncl udi ng the Court Judgement of October, 1982) was entered into the record as Exhibit IIAII. Testimony was presented by Chief Building Inspector Wittwer. The Assistant City Attorney and Mr. Coppock also testified. rVlotion-fv1antegani/Second Grimes: To recommend that the City Council, revoke UP-83-646 based on the off; ci al record of documented vi 01 ati ons and four (4) findings contained in the January 12, 1984 Staff Report. Unanimously approved. [NOTE: A complete transcript of the above proceedings will be on file with this case in the Department of Community Development]. UP-83-657, Anthony Valencia Use Permit revocati on evi denti ary heari ng for non-compl i ance wi th the Speci al Conditions of Approval. The Use Permit is for an auto salvage and parts storage facility at 150 Harbor Way in the M-2, Heavy Industrial Zone District. A Court Reporter was present for this hearing. Anthony Valencia was sworn. January 12, 1984 Staff Report presented by Senior Planner Christians. The January 12, 1984 Staff Report and all exhibits thereto were entered into the record as Exhibit IIAII. Mr. Valencia presented pictures taken on the site and advised the Commission of the status of improvements requi red for the Use Permi t. He requested a con- tinuance to allow completion of all improvements. The Cammi ssi on di scussed the condi ti on of the si te and the improvements sti 11 required to comply with the conditions of the Use Permit. Director Dell'Angela advised the Commission that it would be six (6) to eight (8) vtJeeks after the Planning Commission recommendation before the City Council public hearing would be held on this application. Chairman Getz advised Mr. Valencia that a recom- mendation to revoke this permit would be, in effect, a continuance because Mr. Valencia would have additional time to meet the conditions of approval before the City Council considers this application. He advised that the recommendation to revoke the permi t woul d be based on the present condi ti on of the property. (January 12, 1984). Motion-Hoyer/Second Bertucelli: To recommend that a time extension to May 1984 be granted to allow the applicant to meet the conditions of approval for UP-83-657. AYES: Commissioner Hoyer and Commissioner Bertucelli. NOES: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Mantegani and Martin. The above motion failed. January 12, 1984 Motion-Terry/Second Martin: To recommend that the City Council revoke UP-83-657 based on the official record of documented violations and the three (3) findings contai ned in the Staff Report. AYES: Chai rman Getz, Vi ce-Chai rman Terry, Commi ssi oners Grimes, Mantegani, and Marti n. NOES: Commi ssi oners Bertucell i and Hoyer. [NOTE: A complete transcript of this hearing will be on file with this case in the Department of Community Development]. The Court Reporter left the meeting at this time. Kung Leung Cheung, DR-B3-513 Appeal of Kung Leung Cheung of the findings of the Design Review Board and the Department of Communi ty Development denyi ng the archi tectural appearance of a greenhouse addition located at 17 Vista Court in the RPD-5, Residential Planned Development Zone District. January 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Neither the applicant nor his representative were present. Chairman Getz asked the Assistant City Attorney if the Commission could proceed with the hearing. Ms. Katz replied in the affirmative. A letter of January 5, 1984 from James H. Niven, Attorney for the applicant, was entered into the record. Mati on-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To deny wi thout prej udi ce DR-B3-513 based on the three (3) findings contained in the Staff Report and to order abatement of any violations of the Uniform Building Code. Unanimously approved. Ares Commercial Properties, UP-83-672, Negative Declaration No. 426 Request for exemption from Ordinance No. 925-83 and Use Permit for retail sales, additional offices, and to establish a new sign program at 372 Shaw Road in the ~!1-2, Heavy Industrial Zone District. (The Good Guys) (Continued from the December 8, 1983 Meeting). January 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Seni or Pl anner Gorny read into the record a 1 etter of January 10, 1984 from McLellan Equipment, Inc., opposing this application. Applicant's Representative Present: Speaking in Opposition to the Application: John Merchant, Director Good Guys Stereo Dr. Earl Wachter 360 Shaw Road January 12, 1984 George Mitchell 344 Shaw Road Mr. t~erchant stated that he would comply with the new Building Division con- dition regarding the storage racks. He al so advised the Commission that he had ~"ri tten to nei ghbors to assure them that the Good Guys woul d comply wi th all conditions of approval imposed by the Commission. Dr. Wachter and ~1r. Mi tche 11 stated that they were sti 11 concerned about the traffic generated by the IIweekendll sales events, especially if the sales were to begi n on Fri day afternoons. ~~r. Mi tchell al so stated that the tenant at 344 Shav/ Road had Fri day afternoon del i veri es when a 1 arge truck wi th a forkl i ft used the road for unloading. There was Commi ssi on di scussi on regardi ng the traffi c, si gn program, hi ri ng of security guards and days and hours of operation for the four (4) sales events. The following conditions were amended and added: Amended Special Condition No.3 (Underlining shows addition). "3. The applicant shall submit details of the wall signs and the low, monu- ment sign to the Design Review Board for review, with Planning Commission approval." Amended Special Condition No.5. "5. Retail sales at this location shall be limited to four (4) events per year as fo 11 OvIS: Two (2) events to be four (4) day sales where the Monday is a Federal legal holiday and two (2) events to be three (3) day (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) sales. The hours of the sales will be limited to the fo 11 ovJi ng: Friday Saturday - Sunday ~lon day 2 P.~l. 8 A. ~1. 8 A.M. 10 A.M. 10 P .~1. 11 P.M. 11 P .t~. 10 P.M. (FEDERAL LEGAL HOLIDAY ONLY)" Added Special Condition No. 10. "10. The retail sales operation shall be monitored by the Community Development Department and Pol ice Department for a peri od of si x (6) months after approval of the permit. If, after two weekend sales have been conducted, both Departments determine that severe traffic and/or parking problems have been produced in the area, the Planning Commission shall be authorized to reconsider and severely restrict or otherwise eliminate Friday and Monday sale periods after a public hearing.1I January 12, 1984 Added Special Condition No. 11. "11. The applicant shall initiate a trash and debris clean-up program during and immediately after the sales and is responsible for such clean-up within a 3001 radius of the property." Added Special Condition No. 12. "12. Warehouse sales shall not be conducted until the storage rack building permi tis issued and the storage rack constructi on \AlOrk compl eted in accord with the Uniform Building Code." t.10ti on-Hoyer/Second Bertucell i : To approve UP-83-672 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 426 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above added and amended conditions, contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Getz, Vi ce-Chai rman Terry, Commi ss i oners Bertucell i, Grimes, Hoyer, and Mantegani. NOES: Chairman Martin. Robert Leech, UP-83-652, Negative Declaration No. 402 Use Permit for the construction of a 6,085 square foot 2-story automobile ser- vice and office building at 435 South Airport Boulevard in the M-2, Heavy Industrial Zone District. January 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Attorney Present: Geoffrey Becker 1699 El Camino Real Millbrae Attorney Becker questioned the Use Permit requirement since the building, in his opinion, was approved in 1978 on a Development Permit (DP-78-282). Director of Community Development DelllAngela advised Attorney Becker and the Commission that the approved Development Permi t has no 1 egal status. He stated that he viewed the issuance of thedeve 1 opment permit in 1978 to be improper and, further, that the building currently under consideration was different from the structure nOvl being applied for. In the current building, the service area is much 1 arger wi th a di fferent confi gurati on. He further advi sed the Commi ss i on that this Use Permit application is proper and that the City Council had granted an exception from Interim Ordinance 923-85. Assistant City Attorney Katz con- firmed Mr. Dell 'Angela1s statement. The Commission questioned Special Condition No.6 stating that the language was not specific enough. Special Condition No.6 was amended as follows: "6. Only fleet service automobiles shall be stored on this site. There shall be no exteri or storage of automobiles for sal vage purposes on this site." A discussion ensued regarding Special Condition 7 requiring a solid wood fence or masonry v'Jall. It was decided that Special Condition 7 should remain as written. January 12, 1984 Hoti on-t4antegani /Second Grimes: To approve UP-83-652 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 402 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above amended Special Condition No.6, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Capital Improvement Program Review of 1983-84 Capi tal Improvement Program for Consi stency wi th the General Plan. January 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Mr. Dell'Angel~ reviewed the recommendations stated in the Inter-Office t~emorandum of January" 6,~ 1984 from the Di rector of Communi ty Development to the Director of Public Services. Mr. Yee responded to the recommendations. The Commission discussed various aspects of the Capital Improvement Program. Motion-Mantegani/Second Hoyer: To adopt a Resolution determining that the Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the City's General Plan. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Items from Staff Raymond Jacobsen (Jacobsen Enterprises) (Public Storage), UP-83-670 Mr. Dell'Angela stated that the applicants for the above project requested that he see ho\'J receptive the Commission might be to the establishment of a Lyon1s Restaurant on the back half of the site. The applicants requested this prelimi- nary opi ni on in order to make a determi nati on as to whether or not to pursue this possibility. The consensus of the Commission was not in support of the concept. Di rector Delli Angel a stated that a prospecti ve buyer of the Dubuque property vJished to demolish the existing building on the site and use the site for a three or four year peri od to store vehi cl es. He woul d be wi 11 i ng to purchase the property wi th the cond; ti on that the vehi cl e storage use woul d be di scon- tinued after this time period. He asked the Commission's opinion regarding such a proposal. The Commission did not support the concept. Mr. Dell'Angela asked which Commissioners wished to attend the League of Planning Commissioners Conference to be held in San Diego February 29 - March 3. Vice-Chairman Terry and Chairman Getz indicated interest in attending. Items from the Commission Commissioner Mantegani stated that the new three-way traffic light at Chestnut and Grand Avenues is causing problems.. He felt that a sign indicating that it is a three-way signal would improve the situation. Mr. Yee stated that he would look into this matter. Chairman Getz asked about the stop sign on the East Grand Avenue overpass. Mr. Yee responded that this was a temporary stop sign. January 12, 1984 Vice-Chairman Terry noted that the building near Mr. Leech's property on Airport Boulevard is storing large plastic barrels which contained some chemicals. Mr. Dell 'Angela W$~ stated that he will check into this. Commi ss; oner Grimes commented about the property across the street from hi s home. Three (3) recreational vehicles are being stored in the driveway. ~1r. Wittwer will be asked to look into this matter. Adjournment: 11:30 P.M. Charles W. Getz IV, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco 1307