HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/10/1984 November 10, 1983 Regular Meeting ~ the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, and Terry ~,1E~1BERS ABSENT ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner Martin Communi ty Development Staff Louis De'l IAngela Daniel B. Christians Phi 1 ip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Assi stant Ci ty Attorney Police Department Elladene Katz Sgt Russ Moss Fire Department Director of Public Services Dave Parenti Robert Yee Building Division Jake Wittwer Public Works Inspector Mike Rozzi PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Getz: To approve the Minutes of the Joint Study Session with the Parking Place Commission and Regular Planning Commission meeti ngs of October 13, 1983. Unanimously approved by voi ce vote Vi; th Commi ssi oner Mantegani abstaining. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS The Chairman advised that a court reporter would be present about 9 P.M. for Agenda Item Number 11 (Wagner-Levine) and when the reporter arrived this item would be heard. Since Agenda Items No.6 (Kung Leung Cheung) and No. 12 (Classic Van) were for a con- tinuance to the December 8, 1983 meeting, they were placed on the Consent Calendar. Vi ce-Chai rman Getz cl arif i ed comments he made at the October 13, 1983 meet; ng con- cerning the newly established procedure for revocation hearings. Vi ce-Chai rman Getz a1 so reported that he recei ved tvJO telephone cal's from peop le regarding items on the current Agenda. He advised the callers that he felt that it was improper for him to speak privately on an item. Commissioner Bertucelli requested Staff to check the Special Conditions of approval f or the Taco Bell Restaurant to determi ne if hours of operati on had been set. He has recei ved comp' ai nts from res; dents of the apartment bui 1 di ng behi nd the si te. The Di rector of Communi ty Development i ndi cated that thi s wou1 d be checked and a report would be furnished to the Commission. 1286 November 10, 1983 CONSENT CALENDAR Kung Leung Cheung, DR-83-513 Appeal by Kung Leung Cheung of the f i ndi ngs of the Des; gn Rev; ew Board and the Department of Community Development denying the architectural appearance of a greenhouse addition located at 17 Vista Court in the RPD-5 Residential Planned Development Zone District. November 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To continue DR-83-513 to the meeting of December 8, 1983 based on the applicantls request and Staff IS recommendation. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Classic Van, UP-83-646 Use Permit revocation evidentiary hearing for non-compliance with Special Conditions of Approval. The Use Permit was for the sales and custom conversion of automobile vans and the improvement of a parki ng lot at 105 Linden Avenue. November 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To continue UP-83-646 to the meeting of December 8, 1983 based on the applicantl s request and the Staff I s recommendation. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS Genstar Development Inc (Broadmoor Homes, Northern Division), SA-83-81, Neg. Decl No. 416 Revised Tentative Subdivision Map for a53 unit residential, air-space condominium project \vith related parking and landscaping on Lot 4 of St. Francis Terrace located between Appi an Way and Gell ert Boul evard, south of Westborough Boul evard in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Zone District. November 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Gene Fuller 6250 Village Park Way Dublin Speaking in Opposition of the Application: Arthur \rJo'lf 104 Valleyview Way Donald t~ulvihill 57A Appian Way II/Ir. Wolf, representing the Westborough ~Jay Homeowners Association, reiterated the concerns he expressed at the October 13, 1983 ~1eeti ng regard; ng the bui 1 di ng of a 1287 November 10, 1983 pedestri an stai rway, the buff er zone on the south end of the proj ect, and the amount of landscaping provided in the project.. He again requested that the IINo Parkingll signs currently on Appian Way be removed. Mr. f\1ulvihill, representing the St. Franci,.sTerrace Homeowners, , read into the record a 1 etter of November 6, 1983. The of the Associ ati on are concerned about the quality of the building materials this Phase of the project.. They requested that the qual i ty be mai ntai ned at standards of the previ ous phases.. Vice-Chairman Getz recommended the following additional Finding and Condition of Approval: Finding 1111. As conditioned, the construction of this phase will not adversely affect surroundi ng property val ues or adversely impact the overall appearance of St. Francis Terrace Condominiums..1I Special Condition 1111.. Construction shall be, at the minimum, to the exact specifications as shown on the approved plans, and to the quality and construction, using materials of comparabl equal ity to the earl ier phases constructed by the appl icant, Broadmoor homes.1I Moti on-Getz/ Second Mantegani: To app rove SA-83-81 and Negati ve Decl arati on No.. 416 based on findings, including above added finding Number 11 and subject to all con- ditions, including above added Special Condition Number 11, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Paul Jackson (Paul1s Campers) UP-83-667 Use Permit for sales of camper shells, installation and minor repairs at an existing facility at 656 E1 Camino Real in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District. November 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant1s Representative Present: Paul Jackson Representing Owner Dona 1 d Jackson 656 El Camino Real Commissioner Grimes stated that he had observed some camper shells being installed on El Camino Real rather than on the site. The following Special Condition 9 was added: 119. All camper shell installation shall occur on-site.1I Moti on-Grimes/Second Terry: To app rove UP -83-667 based on f i ndi ngs and subj ect to all conditions, including above added Special Condition Number 9, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. 1288 November 10, 1983 Louis Poletti, PM-83-212, Negative Declaration No. 423 Tentati ve Parcel ~ilap to combi ne a porti on of the Ponderosa School property wi th two adjoining parcels to create one 1..70 acre parcel located north of the northerly ter- mi nus of Bl ondi n Way, west of A 1 i da Way.. November 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Louis Poletti 333 E1 Camino Real Vice-Chairman Getz expressed concern about the build out of the adjoining project. Moti on-Grimes/Second Bertucell i : To approve pr4-83-212 and Negati ve Dec1 arati on No.. 423 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Donald M. Ahlbach, V-83-273, Negative Declaration No. 281 (Previously Certified) Variance to construct two townhouse units on two vacant lots, each unit to encroach three. (3) feet into the requi red three (3) foot i nteri or si deyard setback and to encroach five (5) feet into the required ten (10) foot street sideyard setback at 200 2nd Street and 150 B Street. Applicant's Representative Present: Joseph Conte Panko/Sinclair Architects 15 N. Ellsworth San ~1ateo Speaking on the Application: Angela Molinari 128 Vale St. Daly Ci ty Mr. Conte stated that the applicant was opposed to the Park & Recreation Department condition ~vhich required payment of a $1200 Park Impact Fee in lieu of land dedica- ti on. He requested that the Commi ssi on wai ve payment of thi s fee. Mr. Gorny explained that the fee "vas required by Ordinance.. Mrs. Mol inari, a property owner in the area of this project, also questioned the imposition of this fee. The Corr~ission advised the applicant that they could not waive payment of the fee but that he had a right to appeal this matter to the City Council. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Getz: To approve V-83-273 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Edward Ching, PC Mod 83-1 Planned Communi ty Zone Di str; ct ~10dif i cati on to extend the first floor garage area under an exi sti ng townhouse to create space f or a 1 aundry room and rumpus room at 3707 Brunswick Court in the P-C Planned Community Zone District.. 1289 November 10, 1983 November 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Henry Look 250 Columbus Ave. San Francisco Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve PC Mod 83-1 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. At this time it was determined to hear Item Number 11 on the Agenda next. A Court Reporter was present for this Item. UP-83-643, Wagner-Levine, Inc. Revocati on Evi denti ary Heari ng f or the placement of a mobile home f or, a caretaker and for the storage of equipment and truck parking at 205 Oyster Point Boulevard. Assistant City Attorney Katz explained. the procedure which was to be followed for this Item. Louis Dell'Angela/ Director of Community Development, Philip Gorny/Senior Planner, and Michael Rozzi/Public Works Inspector were sworn. It was noted for the record that no representative from Wagner-Levine was present in the audience. t4r. Gorny advi sed that a Noti ce of Heari ng was sent by certif i ed ma; 1 to Wagner-Lev i ne and to the Ameri can Bri dge Di vis i on of U. S. Steel. A retu rn recei p t showi ng that the noti ce \r~as recei ved f rom Wagner-Levi ne was on f i 1 e. No return receipt was received from US Steel. Mr. Gorny also noted that Lewis Eslick, a new purchaser of the property, was sent a Noti ce of thi s Heari ng. These noti ces were entered into the record as "Group Exhi bi t A" by the Court Reporter. Based on the advice of the Assistant City Attorney, Mr. Gorny paraphrased the November 10, 1983 Staff Report. This Staff Report, including all attachments thereto, was entered into the record as IIExhibit B" by the Court Reporter. Vi ce-Chai rman Getz asked if all observati ons contai ned in the Staff Report were made by City Staff. Mr. Gorny and Mr. Rozzi replied in the affirmative. Mr. Gorny noted that the observations made in the Staff Report were all true as of November 1,1983. He advised the Commission that some of the conditions at the site were not the same today, November 10, 1983 since work has begun on a curb and some rock crushing has been done. No one spoke for or against the revocation. Assi stant Ci ty Attorney Katz advi sed the Commi ssi on that Secti on 20.80.160 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code provides that any violation of the Use Permit con- ditions gives the Commission the right to revoke the Use Permit. 1290 November 10, 1983 After a discussion by the Commission, it was the consensus that there \vas no substan- tial change in the site and that the applicant had been given sufficient time to meet the conditions of approval. Vice-Chairman Getz noted, for the record, that the time was now 9:12 P.M. The meeting was noticed for 7:30 P.M. and no one from Wagner-Levine was present. ~110ti on-Getz/ Second Mantegani: To recommend that the Ci ty Counc; 1 revoke UP -83-643, based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Bay Investment Co & El Carn Co., V-83-274, Negative Declaration No. 424 Variance from Section 19.16.110 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code which requires that all lots abut upon a dedicated and improved street, for a proposed land division located north of San Francisco International Airport, east of South Airport Boulevard (Belle Air Island) in the M-2, Heavy Industrial Zone District. Bay Investment Co & E1 Cam Co., PM-83-213, Negative Declaration No. 424 A Tentative Parcel Map application to divide a 38.5 acre parcel into t\tJO lots of 32.9 and 5.55 acres located north of San Francisco International Airport, east of South Airport Boulevard (Belle Air Island) in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. November 10, 1983 Staff Reports presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Louis Arata 1 La Cruz Millbrae Speaking on the Application: Richard Gee District Engineer SamTrans ~1r. Yee adv; sed the Commi ssi on that a permanent i ngress/ egress to thi s si te was required. Assistant City Attorney Katz advised the Commission that they could impose an addi- tional condition to guarantee this permanent access. Mr. Gee advised the Commission that SamTrans approval of this matter would be required and meetings were being held with his St~f, the applicant and BCDC. The following special condition was added: 115. The applicant shall secure a permanent non-revokable access easement to the site from Airport Boulevard over the improved roadway prior to filing the Final r~ap.1l t~1oti on-Grimes/Second Bertucell;: To approve V-83-274 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 424 based on f i ndi ngs and subj ect to all condi ti ons, i ncl udi ng above added Spec; a 1 Condition Number 5, contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Hoyer, 1291 November 10, 1983 Commi ssi oners Bertucell i, Grimes, ~/lantegani, and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vi ce-Chai rman Getz. ~loti on-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve PM-83-213 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 424 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above added Special Condition Number 5, contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Hoyer, Commi ssi oners Bertucell i, Grimes, ~~antegani, and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vi ce-Chai rman Getz. Trustees of the Calif orni a Ironworkers Pensi on Trust (Southl and Corp), UP -83-669, Negatlve Declaratlon No. 421 Use Permi t f or the constructi on of a 24-hour, 7 -El even conveni ence food store wi th rel ated parki ng and 1 andscapi ng on the northwest corner of Westborough Boul evard and Callan Boulevard. November 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Ben ~.10rtara Attorney Southland Corporation Commissioner Grimes requested that a Special Condition be added to require 7-Eleven to keep the area around the new store clean. He and Commissioner Terry and Vi ce-Chai rman Getz di scussed the probl ems of 1 oi ter; ng and 1; tteri ng in connect; on with 7-Eleven stores. The following Special Condition was added: "10. The applicant shall pick up litter on site on a daily basis and within a 300' radius on a \f.Jeekly basis." tv'loti on-Grimes/Second Bertucell i : To approve UP-83-669 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 421 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above added Special Condition, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Raymond Jacobsen & Jacobsen Enterprises (Public Storage, Inc.), UP-83-670, Negative Declaratlon No. 422 Use Permit for the construction of a public storage facility and for the addition of storage area and mi ni off ices to an ex i sti ng warehouse and off ice bu; 1 di ng and rel ated parki ng and 1 andscapi ng on the southwest corner of Produce and San Mateo AvenueS. November 10, 1983 Staff Report presented ~ Applicant's Representative Present: Gary Royce Attorney Public Storage November 10, 1983 Applicant's Architect Present: Applicant's Employee Present: Bozidar Rajkovski Dan Brown Owner Present: Raymond Jacobsen Mr. Royce made a short presentati on to the Commi ss ion ci ti ng other Pub 1 i c Storage facilities in the area. He stated that the hotel previously approved for this site is economically unfeasible. ~1r. Brown distributed photographs to the Commission of the existing building and presented renderings of the proposed Public Storage Facility. Mr. Rajkovski explained the materials of the proposed building. The Di rector of Communi ty Oevelopment advi sed the Commi ssi on that thi s area is desi gnated "Pl anned Commerci al" on the proposed General Pl an and thi s desi gnati on does not i ncl ude the type of use proposed. !-Ie advi sed the Commi ssi on that the pro- posed use ~vould be appropriate in an area designated "Light Industrial." Some of the Commissioners expressed di ssati sf acti on wi th the pai nted stripe on the building, as the rendering, which was supposed to look like windows. ~/loti on-Getz/ SecornrfY/ iVlantegani : To deny UP -83-670 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 422 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Grimes and Mantegani. NOES: Commissioners Bertucelli and Terry. ITEiY1S FROM STAFF UP-83-657, Anthony Valencia (Valencia Brothers) Use Permit for an Auto Salvage and parts storage facility on the west side of Harbor Way. November 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. The Director of Community Development advised the Commission that Staff will present a status report on completed improvements related to this Use Permit at the December 8, 1983 meeting. He requested that the Commission set January 12, 1984 as an eviden- tiary hearing date to consider revocation of this Use Permit. Motion Getz/Second Mantegani: To set January 12, 1984 as an evidentiary hearing date to consider revocation of UP-83-657 based on information contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. The Director of Community Development requested the Commissioners to advise Staff of items they wish to discuss at a joint Planning Commission/City Council Meeting which will be set for a date early in 1984. November 10, 19B3 ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION By unanimous voi ce vote the Commi ssi on cancell ed the Pl anni ng Cornmi ssi on meeti ng of November 24, 1983. Chairman Hoyer advised Staff he wished to discuss weed abatement and projects on the East side of the Freeway with the City Council. Commissioner Mantegani commented that he could not read the red lettering on the new sign at the Brentwood Shopping Center. Mr. Christians stated that this is a new type of sign which designers are now using. A question waS asked about the fence that was once around Maurice Brosnan's Willow/Grand condominium project. Mr. Christians stated that Mr. Brosnan has been requested to build a new fence. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC J ames \~agner \~agner-Levi ne ~1r" Wagner asked when the ltJagner-Levi ne case woul d be heard. He was advi sed that action had been taken on this item at 9 P.M. He was further advised that this case would be referred to the City Council for final action. Jim Keegan 1240 Crestwood Dr. ~1r. Keegan spoke on the Wi 11 ow/Grand Condom; ni um proj ect and expressed hi s concern about the unf; ni shed look of the proj ect. The Di rector of Communi ty Development stated that he would obtain a status report on the project from the Chief Building Inspector. ~1!lr" Keegan al so asked about the 01 d Kai ser Hospi tal Bui 1 di ng on Spruce and Grand Avenues. Mr. Del" Angel a tol d Mr. Keegan that Dr. eel estre (the owner of the building) has been out of the country but that Staff would follow up on this matter. The Di rector of Communi ty Oevelopment adv i sed the Commi ssi on that a study is currently underway to consider rehabilitation of the Magnolia Center site. He stated that Lyl e Norton, Oi rector of Parks & Recreati on Department is coordi nati ng the study. Adjournment: 11:35 P.M. ~.~Jan~~<fJt/MIt Louis Dell IAngela, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Herman Hoyer, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco 1294