HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/08/1984 September 8, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Assistant City Attorney Elladene Katz Police Department Department of Public Services Sgt Ron Petrocchi Robert Yee Building Division Jake \tJi ttwer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve the minutes of the July 14, 1983 Meeting as presented. Unanimously approved. Motion-Grimes/Second Bertuce 11 i : To approve the mi nutes of the J ul y 28, 1983 Meeti ng as presented. Unanimously approved. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS The Police Department's IIMinimum Security Ordinance" was added as an "Item from Staff" for discussion later in this meeting. AGENDA ITEMS Thomas J. Callan, Jr., PM-83-207 In a letter dated September 7, 1983, the applicant requested a continuance of this item to the meeting of October 13, 1983. Staff recommended that the item be continued off-calendar. A member of the Westborough Homeowners Association asked if there was a way for homeowners to present their input on this project. The Chairman indicated that the gentleman should return to the October 13, 1983 meeting. Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To continue PM-83-207 to the meeting of October 13, 1983. Unanimously approved. Burger King Corporation (Frank Gigli), PM-83-210 (Revised) A tentative Parcel Map application for a three parcel resubdivision of 1.90 acres of land at 932-972 El Camino Real and the northern terminus of "A" Street. September 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. A revised tentative Map, dated September 8, 1983, was presented to the Commission.. 1268 September 8, 1983 Applicant Present: Michael Hussle Burger King Santa Clara Property Owner's Representative Present: Frank Blum, Attorney Speaking in Opposition to the Application: Carroll Peil 968 El Camino Real Questioning the application: Ray Sabalis 924 E1 Camino Real ~1r.. Pei 1 who rents the Gl ass Company bui 1 di ng on the property.. He asked how much time he woul d have to remove hi s equi pment and fi nd another 1 ocati on for his business. Mr.. Blum advised the Commission that a court hearing was pending for Mr. Peil's failure to pay rent. The Commission advised that they were not the proper body to settl e thi smatter. Staff advi sed that it woul d take at least 1-3 months for the construction drawings to be plan-checked and building permits issued for this project. The Commission expressed their concerns about area traffic. Mr. Yee advised the Commission that progress was being made with CalTrans. Commissioner Bertucelli suggested posting a "No Right Turn on Red" at the Chestnut and El Camino Real intersection.. Mr. Sabal is, a representati ve of the Machi ni sts Uni on at 924 El Cami no Real, questi oned the access route to II A" Street.. Mr. Chri sti ans advi sed that only limited access, or one 15 foot wide driveway would be permitted to "A" Street in order to comply with the Subdivision Ordinance. Spec i a 1 Cond i ti on 1 was modi fi ed to show that the fvlap shall be in comp 1 i ance with the Tentative Map dated September 8, 1983. At the request of the Assistant City Attorney, Special Condition 3 was modified and Special Condition 7 was added as follows: "3.. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Title 19 of the Hunicipal Code and the Subdivision Map Act.1I "7 . Pri or to approval and recordati on of the Fi nal Map, the parcel exchange required to create Parcel 2 of this Tentative Parcel Map must be agreed upon by all parties holding an interest in the subject properties..1I Moti on-Grimes/Second Bertucell i : To approve revi sed PM-83-210 and Negati ve Declaration No. 410, based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report, including the above amended and added conditions. Unanimously approved. 1269 September 8, 1983 Burger King Corporation (Frank Gigli), UP-83-658 (Revised) Revi sed Si te Pl an for a Fast Food Restaurant wi th a Dri ve- Through Wi ndow and related parking and landscaping at 946-972 El Camino Real. September 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant1s Representative Present: Michael Hussle Burger King Corp Santa Clara Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To approve revised Site Plan for UP-83-658 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Item Number 8 on the Agenda was moved and heard as Item 2C as follows: Abandonment o~ Mission Road Easement Between Chestnut Avenue and El Camino Real September 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. t40ti on-Grimes/ Second Terry: To adopt a reso 1 uti on recommendi ng that the Ci ty Council abandon the Mission Road Easement located between Chestnut Avenue and El Camino Real based on findings contained in the Resolution. Unanimously approved. Lal Singh, V-83-270, UP-83-654, Negative Declaration No. 405 (Continued from the June 23, 1983 Meeting) Variance for a dwelling encroaching four (4) feet into the required ten (10) foot separation between buildings at 823 Linden Avenue in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District. Use Permit for a second residence on the rear ~2 of the lot at 823 Linden Avenue in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District. September 8, 1983 Staff Reports presented. Applicant Present: Lal Singh 823 Linden Avenue Speaking in Favor of the Application: Mr. Wolrick 825 Linden Avenue Mr. Wolrick voiced his approval of the redesigned application. Moti on-Bertucell i /Second Mantegani: To approve V-83-270 based on fi ndi ngs and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Grimes: To approve UP-83-654 and Negative Declaration No. 405 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. 1270 September 8, 1983 Genstar Development Inc. (Broadmoor Homes, Northern Division) SA-83-81, Negative Declaration No. 416 Revised tentative Subdivision Map for a proposed 53 unit residential, air-space condominium project with common parking and landscaping on Lot 4 of the St. Franci s Terrace Condomi ni um Proj ect located between Appi an Way and Gell ert Boulevard, south of Westborough Boulevard. September 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. A 1 etter dated September 1, 1983 from the St. Franci s Terrace Homeowner's Assoc i ati on requesti ng a conti nuance of thi s case to the October 13, 1983 Planning Commission Meeting was called to the Commission's attention. Applicant's Representative Present: Gene Fuller Broadmoor Homes Speaking on the Application: Donald A. Muluihill Representative St. Francis Terrace Homeowners Assn.. Mr. ~lluluihill advised the Commission that the Homeowners Association did not have enough i nformati on on thi s proj ect and requested that the appl i cant and Staff meet with Association members at their next meeting of September 19, 1983. He stated that this was the reason for requesting a continuance of this project. Chai rman Marti n asked Mr. Ful' er if he was wi l' i ng to conti nue thi smatter until October 13, 1983. Mr. Fuller replied in the affirmative. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Bertucell i : To conti nue Declaration No. 416 to the meeting of October 13, 1983. Philip and Suzanne Graham, V-83-271 SA-83-81 and Negati ve Unanimously approved. Variance to allow construction of an attached garage and room addition encroachi ng ni ne feet three inches into the requi red 20 foot rear yard setback at 231 Bonita Avenue in the R-l Single Family Zone District. September 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Suzanne Graham 231 Bonita Ave. Speaking on the Application: L.L. Valdivia 220 Bonita Ave. Mr. Valdivia stated that he had no objection to the Variance but was concerned that automobile repair work might be done at the residence as it had been in the past. Mrs. Graham advised the Commission that no car repairs had been done at the residence for about llk years as her husband has a business in San Bruno. The Assistant City Attorney advised the Commission that the Municipal Code require- 1271 September 8, 1983 ments would prohibit this type of activity in a Residential Zone District and that violations would be referred to the Code Enforcement Officer. She further advised the Commission that a Special Condition could be imposed if the Commission so desired. The following Special Condition No.5 was added: "5. There shall be no auto repair, salvage or auto wreckage activity of any kind conducted on the premises." ~toti on-Mantegani /Second Bertuce'l i : To approve V-83-271 based on fi ndi ngs and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Sami I. Totah, UP-83-665, Negative Declaration No. 418 Use Permit for a proposed dwelling unit and garage addition to an existing com- mercial building at 7 Linden Avenue. September 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Bertuce'l i : To conti nue UP-83-665 and Negati ve Declaration No. 418 to the meeting of October 13, 1983 based on Staff1s recom- mendation and at the applicant's request. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Exxon Corporation, UP-83-666 Use Permit for a proposed canopy extension, the addition of one pump island, and the replacement of price and identification signs at an existing service station at 2296 Westborough Boulevard in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercia' Zone District. September 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Architect Present: Robert Lee 247 Limita Drive Service Station Dealer Present: Allan Brooks 2296 Westborough Blvd. ~.1r. Lee presented an Exhi bi t to Staff and Commi ssi on requesti ng a modi fi ed design which would add another 33 square feet to the sign. Mr. Brooks stated that a larger sign, as presented to the Commission, was needed since he was in competition with the ARCO Station directly across the Street. A discussion of the ARea sign ensued. Commission requested that Staff review the ARCO Use Permit to ensure that the sign was in compliance with the conditions of approval. The consensus of the Commi ssi on was that the 5i gn shown on the Exhibit presented to them was too massive. The Commission also expressed concern about the location of the sign. Special Condition No.7 was, therefore, added. 117. The applicant shall locate the approved sign to the east, subject to the approval of the Director of Public Services." Also, because of their concern about the height of the sign, Special Condition No.5, pertaining to the extension of the slumpstone columns, was eliminated. 1272 September 8, 1983 Mr. Lee objected to Condition No. 1 of the Director of Public Services Memorandum of August 22, 1983 regarding the closure of a driveway on Westborough Boulevard Mr. Brooks advised the Commission that 60-70% of his customers enter the Service Station on Westborough and the closure of this driveway would be a hardship and would adversely affect his business.. The Commission expressed concern about the traffi c.. Mr. Yee concurred wi th thei r concerns and advi sed them that the closure of the driveway in question would be an improvement.. Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-83-666 based on findings and sub- ject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report including above deleted and added condition.. Unanimously approved. Peninsula Auto Center (Classic Van), UP-83-646 Hearing Date for Revocation of UP-83-643, a Use Permit for sales and custom con- versi on of automoti ve vans and improvement of a park; ng 1 at at 105 Linden Avenue.. September 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To set October 13, 1983 as a public hearing date to consider revocation of UP-83-646. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Ernest Maguire, V-83-267 Hearing Date for Revocation ofV-83-267, a Variance to allow an addition already constructed, encroachi ng 5' 611 into the requi red rear yard setback at 120 II BII Street. September 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Grimes: To set October 13, 1983 as a pub 1 i c heari ng date to consider revocation of V-83-267. Unanimously approved by voice vote.. Anthony Valencia, UP-83-657 This item was removed from the Agenda. Rich Diodati, V-83-272 Variance to allow the percentage of compact cars to be increased from 30 to 50 percent for Bui 1 di ngs II Ell and IIGII of the Oyster Poi nt Busi ness Park located at the easterly terminus of Oyster Point Boulevard. September 8, 1983 Staff Report presented.. Applicant Present: Rich Diodati 1461 San Mateo Ave. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Grimes: To approve V-83-272 based on findings and sub- ject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report.. Unanimously approved.. 1273 September 8, 1983 Items from Staff In-Lieu Parking Fees. The Commission had no comment on the recommendations contained in Inter-Office Memorandum of August 26, 1983 which recommended against in-lieu parking fees in the downtown business district. Minimum Security Ordinance Sgt. Ron Petrocchi advised the Commission that this was the source document dic- tat; ng all proj ect condi ti ons of approval and woul d be presented to the Ci ty Council at their October 5, 1983 Meeting. He requested Commission comments or recommendations on this proposed Ordinance. Items from the Commission Commi ssi oner Bertucell i expressed concern about the vi 01 ati ons occuri ng at the stop sign at Palm and Magnolia Avenues. Sgt Petrocchi stated that he had pre- viously referred this to the Patrol Division and would do so again. Commissioner Grimes asked who was responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the containers recently installed in the Brentwood Shopping Center. Staff advi sed that there had been a di fference of opi ni on as to who was responsi bl e but that it was their understanding that the Street Department would clean the containers. Commissioner Mantegani noted that the Parkway School property was poorly main- tained. Mr. Christians advised that the tenant had been previously notified to correct this condition. He would check into the matter further. By unanimous voi ce vote the Commi ssi on cancell ed the meeti ng of September 22, 1983. Adjournment: 10 P.M. Louis Martin, Acting Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Planning Commission City of South San Francisco 1274