HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/28/1983 July 28, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, MaY'tin and Terry ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'A~gela Daniel B. Christians Assistant City Attorney Elladene Katz Police Sgt Ron Petrocchi Fire Brian Niswonger Director of Public Services Robert Yee Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: fVlotion-Grimes/Second Bertucell i: To approve the fvlinutes of the June 23, 1983 Meeting as presented. AYES: Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani. ABSTAINED: Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Martin and Terry. AGENDA CHANGE Staff requested that the Staff Report on the Abandonment of Mission Road Easement between Chestnut Avenue and El Camino Real be added as Agenda Item Sa. Commission concurred. AGENDA ITEMS Louis Poletti, SA-83-80, Negative Declaration No. 403 Tentative Subdivision Map for a proposed 34 unit residential condominium project with related parking and landscaping on an approximately 1.1 acre parcel located northwest of the northern termi nus of Bl ondi n Way, west of A 1 i da Way, between Country Cl ub Drive and Ponderosa Road in the R-3 Restricted Mul tipl e Family Residential Zone District. (Continued from Meeting of July 14, 1983). July 28, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Louis Poletti 333 El Camino Real Motion-Grimes/Second Getz: To approve revised SA-83-80 and Negative Declaration No. 403 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Kam T. Wong, UP-83-663 Use Perm; t for proposed room addi ti on located between the exi sti ng garage and townhouse at 2461 Williams Court in the P-C Planned Community Zone District. 1262 July 28, 1983 July 28, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Kam T. Wong 2461 Williams Court Motion-Bertucelli/Second Terry: To approve UP-83-663 based on findings and sub- ject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Northwest Equity Corp., UP-83-662, Negative Declaration No. 414 Use Permit for the conversion of an existing single-tenant warehouse and office building to a multi-tenant warehouse and office building at 570 Eccles Avenue in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. (Continued from Meeting of July 14, 1983). July 28, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Bud Mason 100 Kimball Way Chairman Hoyer asked if the parking lot to the west of the site would be paved. Mr. Mason responded in the affirmative. The Commission asked how many and what type of tenants \'l/ere expected to occupy the bui 1 di ng. Mr. Mason stated that there would be a maximum of eight (8) tenants and that the offices would contain air-freight, distribution, and research and development uses. Motion-Mantegani/Second Getz: To approve UP-83-662 and Negative Declaration No. 414 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Burger King Corp (Frank Gigli), UP-83-658~ Negative Declaration No. 410 Use Permit for a proposed fast food restaurant with a drive-through window and related parking and landscaping at 946-972 El Camino Real in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone District. July 28, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Michael Hussle 1333 Lawrence Expressway Santa Clara Mr. Christians advised the Commission of the CalTrans recommendations and stated that the applicant, Director of Public Services and CalTrans would work out the details. Certain Commission members expressed concern about the traffic in this area. Vice-Chairman Getz stated that while this use will increase traffic there will be no maj or impact as there are no di rect 1 eft turns into or out of the si te. He noted that good mitigation measures had been taken to improve the traffic situation in the area. 1263 July 28, 1983 Mr. Yee advised the Commission that CalTrans approval would be required for the improvements to E1 Camino Real and the appl icant had agreed to pay the cost of necessary road work. Mr. Yee also advised the Commission that the mitigation measures would make the area safer than it is currently. Ivloti on-Getz/Second Marti n: To approve UP-83-658 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 410 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Burger King Corp (frank Gigli) PM-83-210, Negative Declaration No. 410 Tentative Parcel Map for a proposed two parcel resubdivision of 1.47 acres of land at 932-972 El Camino Real and at the northern terminus of IIAII Street in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone District. July 28, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicantls Representative Present: Michael Hussle 1333 Lawrence Expressway Santa Clara Owner1s Real Estate Agent Present: Ray Lagomarsino, Representing Frank Gigli (Owner) Speaking in Opposition to the Application: Charles Petrocchi 396 Ashwood San Carlos (Adjacent Property Owner) Mr. Lagomarsino stated that the off-site advertising sign located in Parcel 2 had been leased for 20 years. Mr. Christians advised the Commission that Staff could find no Use Permit or any other City approval for this sign. Mr. Lagomarsi no stated that Mr" Gi gl i woul d take the si gn down provi di ng no Ci ty permit was previously obtained. (VIr. Lagomarsino al so advised the Commission that Special Condition No.4 stating that the applicant shall relinquish all access ri ghts along the enti re II All Street frontage woul d be a hardshi p as thi s access to the street is presently being used by the tenant" After discussion and upon advice of the Assistant City Attorney it was determined that a restricted ingress/egress would be acceptable on IIAII Street. Mr. Petrocchi was concerned about what would happen to his parcel if this Parcel Map was approved. He was opposed to el iminati ng parki ng in front of hi s pro- perty. A break was taken by the Commission to allow the two property owners to discuss a possible swap of land recommended in the Staff Report. After the break, Mr. Petrocchi advised the Commission that no agreement had been reached between him and 1V1r. Gi gl i . Mr. Hussl e requested that the Commi ssi on conti nue PM-83-210 to the Planning Commission Meeting of September 8, 1983 to allow the applicant, Mr. Petrocchi and Mr. Gi gl i to further di scus-s a 1 and swap agreement. 1264 July 28, 1983 Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: Meeting of September 8, 1983. To continue SA-83-210 to the Planning Commission Unanimously approved by voice vote. Abandonment of Mission Road Easement Between Chestnut Avenue and E1 Camino Real July 28, 1983 Staff Report presented. Commi ssi oner Mantegani asked the Di rector of Pub 1 i c Servi ces if thi s request should be made by the Commission. Mr. Yee responded that in similar situations an abandonment request is never initiated by the Planning Commission. He stated that he had no objection to the abandonment but objected to this procedure. He noted that if the City Council intends to abandon a street they would refer the matter to the Pl anni ng Commi ssi on. Assi stant Ci ty Attorney Katz advi sed the Commission that according to State law the City Council initiates street aban- donment. The Di rector of Communi ty Development stated that the abandonment of Mission Road was not currently scheduled for City Council consideration and that a Planning Commission request for the abandonment would expedite action on this matter. It was the consensus of the Commission that the usual procedure of abandonment be followed and the Commission make no recommendation at this time. Commissioner Getz stepped down and left the meeting at a this time. He advised the Commission that he would abstain from any discussion or vote on the Oyster Point Marina Specific Plan. Oyster Point Mari na Spec i fi c Pl an, ZA-83-24 - Zoni ng Amendment, Negati ve Declaration No. 415 Speci fi c Pl an proposal of the Ci ty of South San Franci sco defi ni ng permi tted uses, development standards and approval procedures and a proposed Zoning Amendment to estab 1 ish the Oyster Poi nt Mari na Speci fi c Pl an Zone Di stri ct and to change the classification of the 90 acres of Oyster Point Marina property located along the San Francisco Bay, southeasterly of the eastern terminus of Oyster Point Boulevard from O-S Open Space to the Oyster Point Marina Specific Plan Zone District. July 28, 1983 Staff Report presented. Harbor District Representative Present: Ron McClellan, General Manager San Mateo Co. Harbor District Speaking on the Specific Plan Marti Christoffer (Carnelian Group) 24 Landers St San Francisco 1265 July 28, 1983 John Penna 435 Grand Avenue Jim Keegan 1244 Crestwood Sgt Ron Petrocchi So. S.F. Police Dept. Mr. DelllAngela called the Commission1s attention to revised page 9 of the Specific Plan which added the following: (5) Business and Professional Offices 1 space for each 300 square feet of gross floor space. Mr. McCl ell an referred to the use for Parcel s 10 and 11. He advi sed that par- cel 10 is the area for the yacht club. Ms. Christoffer, representative of the Carnelain Group, developers of parcels 2 and 4, requested that the road between parcel s 4 and 6 be del eted. She al so objected to the Fire Department requirement that all buildings have a sprinkler system. She stated that the buildings on parcels 2 and 4 were to be one or two stories and that the Building Code does not require buildings of this size to be sprinkled. Deputy Fire Marshal Brian Niswonger responded that due to the extended response time to reach the area in the event of fire, the Uniform Fire Code allows the Fire Chief the discretion of requiring sprinklers. Ms. Christoffer asked what options were open to appeal this requirement. The Director of Community Development advised that this Specific Plan would be heard by the Ci ty Counci 1 and that she coul d state her vi ews at the Ci ty Council Hearing. Mr. Penna, developer of parcels 1,3, and 8, also requested that sprinklers not be required for the 1 or 2 story buildings on these parcels. Mr. Keegan raised questions about some of the parcels shown in the plan. Sgt Petrocchi read his Memorandum of July 26, 1983, regarding security require- ments. Mr. McClellan had no objection to the Police Department security require:- ments. The following changes were made to the Specific Plan and Ordinance: Page 6, Uses/Parcels: Paragraph a - Parcels 6,7,8,10,11 were deleted. Paragraph b - Parcels 6,7,8,10,11 were deleted Page 7, Uses/Parcels: Paragraph j, Parcels 10, 11 were deleted. Page 7, Paragraph 2b. Maintenance. (Underlined words reflect an addition). All streets and roadways within the Specific Plan area shall be pri- vate and maintained by the Harbor District. 1266 July 28, 1983 Page 8, Building Height. Paragraph was changed to read as follows: IIBuilding height shall not exceed fifty (50) feet except for buildings on Parcel 3 which shall not exceed one hundred (100) feet in height.1I Page 9. Paragraph (5) Added as shown earlier. Page 11, (4). The following sentence was deleted: IIFree standing signs shall be no taller in height that the height of the tallest building on the site. II Page 12. Paragraph 8. Di stri ct Securi ty Pl an of the Pol ice Department Memorandum of July 26, 1983 was added. Page 17. Paragraph h was changed to read paragraph i and the following paragraph h (reflecting a request from the Director of Publ ic Services) was inserted: IIh. An estimate, prepared by a qual ified professional, of the average daily and peak sanitary sewage discharge from the proposed development.1I The map shown as Exhi bi t II B" was amended to refl ect the del eti on of the roadway between Parcels 4 and 6 and other revisions as shown on the display map. Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve Negative Declaration No. 415 dealing with both the Oyster Point Marina Specific Plan and the Oyster Point Marina Zoning Amendment/Zone Change. AYES: Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vice-Chairman Getz. Mati on-Marti n/Second Mantegani: To adopt the resol uti on recommendi ng that the City Council adopt the Oyster Point Marina Specific Plan based on findings con- tained in the Resolution. AYES: Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vice-Chairman Getz. Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve ZA-83-24 and recommend to the City Council that the Ordinance be adopted creating the Oyster Point Marina Specific Plan Zone District and rezoning the Oyster Point Marina area from O-S Open Space to the Oyster Point Marina Specific Plan District. AYES: Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vice-Chairman Getz. Adjournment: 10:45 P.M. Herman Hoyer, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco