HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/09/1983 June 9, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton William Holloway Elladene Katz Assistant City Attorney Police Department Fire Department Sgt Ron Petrocchi Brian Niswonger Department of Public Services Robert Yee Building Division Jake Wittwer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Approval of Mi nutes: Moti on-Grimes/Second Bertucell i : To approve the mi nutes of the May 12, 1983 Meeting as presented. Unanimously approved. CONSENT CALENDAR Wagner-Levine, Inc., UP-83-643, Negative Declaration No. 389 Use Permit to place a proposed mobile home for a caretaker and to store equip- ment and trucks on the easterly 9 acre portion of US Steel/USS Fabrication pro- perty at 205 Oyster Point Boulevard in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. June 9, 1983 Staff Report Presented. Motion-Mantegani/Second Getz: To continue UP-83-643 to the Meeting of June 23, 1983. Unanimously approved. Ron Stabil~ (Dan Atkins), UP-82-630 Revocati on of Use Permi t heari ng for an auto repair faci 1 i ty at 821 Cypress Avenue in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone District. June 9, 1983 Staff Report Presented. 1Y10ti on-rVlantegani /Second Bertucell i : To conti nue UP-82-630 to the Meeti ng of June 23, 1983. Unanimously approved. Michael Callan/Geortom, Inc., UP-83-644, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 391 Use Permit fora proposed 132 unit residential condominium project with related parking and landscaping located on two sites on Carter Drive near Callan Boulevard (Carter Park 1 and 2) in the PC-R3 Planned Community Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District. 1243 June 9, 1983 June 9, 1983 Staff Report Presented. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Bertuce11 i : To conti nue UP-83-644 to the Meeti ng of June 23, 1983. Unanimously approved. Ci ty of South San Franci sco Pl anni ng Commi ~si on/South San Franci sco Uni fi ed School District General Plan Amendment, GP-83-23 To change from "Medi urn Hi gh Densi ty Resi denti al" to "Hi gh Densi ty Resi denti al" two parcels owned by Michael Callan and located on the westerly side of Carter Dr; ve and to change from "[1 ementary School Si te" to "Medi urn-Hi gh Densi ty Resi denti al" a fi ve (5) acre parcel owned by the South San Franci sco Uni fi ed School District and located on the west side of Galway Drive, opposite Williamsburg Court. Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertuce'li: To continue GP-83-23 to the Meeting of June 23, 1983. Unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEMS Oroweat Foods Co., Case No: UP-83-651 Use Permit for proposed 1080 square foot office addition on the south and east side of the ex is t i ng offi ce bu i 1 ding at 264 South Spruce A venue in the PCM Planned Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District. June 9, 1983 Staff Report Presented. Applicant's Architect Present: Michael O'Brien 3345 Bennington St. San Francisco Commi ssi oner Grimes asked ; f the appl i cant woul d comply wi th the condi ti ons imposed for the original Use Permit especially those conditions relating to noi se and 1 andscapi ng. The app 1 i cant IS representati ve i ndi cated that Oroweat Foods Co. was willing to comply with all currently and previously imposed con- ditions. The following additional Special Condition was imposed: "8. Applicant will comply with all conditions of the original Use Permit except as modified by this Use Permit." Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-83-651 based on findings and sub- ject to all conditions, including above added Special Condition, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. 1244 June 9, 1983 Joe Eberle (Neeley/Lofrano, Inc.), Case No. V-83-269, UP-83-~63, Negative Declaration No.404 Variance for three (3) off-street parking spaces (eight (8) are required) for conversion of the former Buri-Buri fire substation to an office building located on the southwest corner of El Camino Real and Del Paso Drive. Use Permit to convert the former Buri Buri firehouse, located on the southwest corner of El Camino Real and Del Paso Drive, into offices with related parking and landscaping. June 9, 1983 Staff Reports Presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Gordon Crespo Neeley/Lofrano Inc. 222 7th St.. San Francisco Speaking on the Project: Hel en John Del Paso Drive Mrs. John requested that the building facade be preserved as it is a landmark in the neighborhood. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Terry: To approve V-83-269 based on fi ndi ngs and sub- ject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.. Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To approve UP-83-65J and Negative Declaration No. 404 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Eastimpex Pension Fund (Tacony Corp), UP-83-655, Negative Declaration No. 406 Use Permit to construct an office and warehouse building at the eastern terminus of East Grand Avenue in the M-2, Heavy Industrial Zone District. June 9, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant not present. Chairman Hoyer asked Mr. Yee about the "fair share II payment required by the appl i cant for the Oyster Poi nt/East Grand Avenue Overpass. Mr. Yee responded that the City has every intention of requiring this payment. Moti on-Getz/Second Bertucell i : To approve UP-83-655 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 406 based on findings and' subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. 1245 June 9, 1983 Thomas J. Callan, Jr., Case No: PM-83-206 Tentative Parcel Map for a proposed resubdivision of approximately 15.3 acres on the westerly side of Gellert Boulevard northerly of Westborough Boulevard in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. June 9, 1893 Staff Report Presented. Applicant not present. Speaking in Opposition to the Project: Anne Garry 2455 Unwin Court Anne B. Waters 2266 Shannon Drive Ms. Garry was opposed to further development on the slope due to the sl ides. Ms. Gary, a resident at the above address for twelve (12)+ years, has observed the gully under Unwin Court worsening. She also opposed more access roads onto Westborough Boulevard, citing the current heavy traffic. Ms. Waters, a member of the Westborough Homeowner's Association and speaking in behalf of the Assocation President, Robert C. Stevens, stated that the members of this Association were opposed to Mr. Callan building any more units on this parcel or having any more entrances onto Westborough Boulevard. Current traffic problems were again ci ted. A statement from the Westborough Homeowner's Associ ati on opposing this project was read into the record by Ms. Waters. Mr. Callan and his representative, Gilbert Rod1i arrived while Ms. Waters was speaking. Speaking in Behalf of the Applicant: Gilbert Rodli Burlingame Mr. Rodl i advi sed the Commi ssi on that he and Mr . Call an were wi 11 i ng to work with the Commission, City Council and Staff to resolve the concerns. He requested a thirty (30) day continuance. There was a discussion among Commissioners about the slope stabilization. It was the concensus of the Commission that there would be no approval of a deve- lopment on a slope of sixty-seven percent (67%). Commissioners also expressed a desire to have with this application an ultimate plan of development for all parcel s. Commi ssi on urged the appl i cant and hi s representati ve to meet wi th people in the neighborhood to explain the project. The Commission also stated that this application should not be brought back in thirty days unless all of the issues were resolved. By unanimous voice vote the Commission continued this application and the public hearing to the Meeting of July 14, 1983. 1246 June 9, 1983 louis Poletti, Case No: RPD-83-27, SA-83-80, Negative Declaration No. 403 A Residential Planned Development Permit to construct a 36-unit residential con- dominium building with related landscaping and parking located at 455 Alida Way. A tentative Subdivision Map to create a 36-unit air-space condominium project with common parking and landscaping located northwest of the northern terminus of Blondin Way, west of Alida Way. June 9, 1983 Staff Reports presented. Applicant Present: louis Poletti 333 [1 Camino Real Applicant's Architect Present: George Avanessian 914 linden Avenue The Commission expressed concerns about the landscaping, noise impacts and exteri or appearance of the proposed bui 1 di ng. They requested that a detai 1 ed landscape plan, with a plant list, be furnished. They also requested that the applicant consider making design changes to his project to break up the bulk size of the building. Concern was also expressed about the setbacks especially considering that another large building had been approved for the adjoining pro- perty. Moti on-Getz/Second Mantegani: To conti nue RPD-83-27, SA-83-80 and Negati ve Declaration No. 403 to the Meeting of July 14, 1983 to provide the applicant time to address concerns expressed by the Commission. Unanimously approved. Sutter Hill limited, UP-82-632 Consi derati on of revi sed archi tectural pl ans for a previ ously approved 176,424 square foot office building located on a 5.9 acre site along the east side of Dubuque Avenue at 830 Dubuque Avenue. Applicant Present: Steven Rothert Sutter Hill limited Applicant's Architect Present: Glen Bower Robinson Mills Mr. Rothert expl ai ned the modi fi cati on to the Commi ssi on by showi ng a three dimensional model. The applicant requested that this revised design be approved as being consistent with the originally approved Use Permit. Moti on-Getz/Second Grimes: To approve the above modi fi cati on to UP-82-632 as bei ng consi stent wi th the ori gi nal Use Permi t.. Approved by unanimous voi ce vote. 1247 June 9, 1983 Items from Staff Director of Public Services rvlemorandum of May 10,1983, Subject: Land Use Diagram-Circulation. Mr. Yee explained the four minor revisions requested in said Memorandum. rvloti on-Bertucell i /Second Mantegani: To approve revi si ons as requested in the Director of Public Services Memorandum of May 10, 1983. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Report on Building at the northwest corner of Linden Avenue and Hillside Boulevard: IVlr.. Christians advised the Commission that a building permit had been issued at this site one year ago. The Building Division and Community Development Department are worki ng to have the area brought into conformance wi th current standards. Mr. Christians further advised the Commission that the City was con- siderinq a Propert.y Maintenance Ordinance. Commissioner TerrV commented that this particular building had been originally approved for a single use and is now a multi-use building. French/Moroccan Restaurant in the Brentwood Shopping Center. Mr. Chri sti ans stated that thi s proj e~t was sti 11 under constructi on and the debris had been removed. Specific Plan - Oyster Point Marina: The Director of Community Development requested that the Commission defer action on this item until June 23, 1983. Mr.. Dell' Angel a presented a new Agenda format to the Commi ssi on for thei r con- sideration. Vice-Chairman Getz noted that he supports the time limit imposed for applicants and speakers as stated in the new Agenda format. The Commission unanimously approved the new format. Mr. Dell 'Angela requested that in the interest of maintaining a complete record, a copy of all correspondence recei ved by a Commi ssi oner but not Staff con- cerning a project on the Agenda be forwarded to him. Vice-Chairman Getz noted that it is illegal for an applicant to speak privately with a Commissioner on a pending project unless the conversation is disclosed to the entire Commission. Items from the Commission Due to vacation schedule conflicts, the Commission cancelled the Meetings of August 11, 1983 and August 25, 1983 by unanimous voice vote. Commissioner Grimes asked if there was an Ordinance prohibiting the boarding up of buildings. Mr. Wittwer responded that there was not and the City was working on a Property Maintenance Ordinance which would address this issue. 1248 June 9, 1983 Commissioner Grimes noted that fires were being set in the City Park area located behi nd hi s home on Franc i sco Terrace. Deputy Fi re Marshal Ni swonger stated that the weed abatement program was about to begi n and that he woul d check into this matter. Vice-Chairman Getz commented on an article in the San Francisco Examiner which indicated that video arcades were beneficial to school children. Chairman Hoyer and Commissioner Terry noted that they will not be present at the June 23, 1983 Meeting Items from the Public Jim Keegan 1224 Crestwood Drive Mr. Keegan spoke about boarded up buildings and in particular about the Brosnan properties. He asked how long building permits were in effect at this project. Mr. Wi ttwer advi sed the Commi ss ion that if a proj ect was abandoned and there was no progress on it for a period of six (6) months, then the building permit would lapse. He added that if there was progress, a permit could continue inde- finitely. Vice-Chairman Getz requested that Staff look at this issue and recom- mend a uni fi ed approach to address abandoned houses and 1 apses in bui 1 di ng permits. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. LOU1S De 1 Secretary, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Herman Hoyer Chairman, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco 1249