HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/27/1986 (Cassette No.1) March 27, 1986 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Wendler, Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer, Martin and Terry. ABSENT: Vice Chair Boblitt ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. Smith Philip Gorny Steven Alward DCM/City Engineer Robert Yee Assistant City Attorney Robert Kasper Police Department Ron Petrocchi Building Division H. J. Wittwer Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the February 13, 1986 Planning Commission Meeting were approved as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Louis Dell'Angela, 460 Gardenside Avenue, spoke regarding the Planning Division's application process and the Design Review Board. Mr. Dell'Angela made several recommendations for improvement and Chair Wendler said the Commission would take this under consideration. AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS) Orchard Supply Hardware (Thomas Callan, Jr., owner) UP-86-755 and Negative Declaration No. 541, 2290 Gellert Boulevard Continued from Planning Commission Meeting of February 13, 1986. Use Permit to allow construction of a retail hardware supply facility with related parking and landscaping, and to stabilize the hillside on vacant land at 2290 Gellert Boulevard. March 27, 1986 Staff Report presented and staff noted that additional information from the applicant in response to issues PC Mtg. 3/27/86 Page 1 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) noted at the last meeting had just been received this week and were distributed to the Commissioner's places for the meeting. Commissioner Getz pointed out that there were potential and significant adverse effects related to this project and moved that an Environmental Impact Report be prepared to address the traffic problems, slope stability, aesthetics, on-site circulation and parking, and cumulative effects. Commissioner Getz suggested that testimony be taken on this issue first before hearing the merits of the project. The Commissioners discussed the significance of an EIR and also its lengthy process. All Commissioners agreed there was a traffic problem in the Westborough-Gellert Boulevard area. Commissioner Martin suggested a scoped EIR be prepared but Commissioner Getz reasoned that it would be scoped anyway through its normal EIR process. Applicant: Thomas Callan, Jr. 2790 Junipero Serra Daly City Applicant's Representative: Ted Tronoff 345 Park Plaza Dr. Daly City Robert Ingram Orchard Supply Speaking in Opposition to the Project: Albert Waters 2266 Westborough Bl. Leo Sack 2248 Shannon Drive Alice Bullos 2444 Liberty Court Caesar Churchwell 2309 Wexford Avenue Mr. Tronoff stated that an EIR was performed when this area was first developed and that another one was not necessary. Chair Wendler explained that if it were not for the fact that houses existed above the slope a risk could be taken; but it is the commission's responsibility to be concerned with the effect this project will have on the entire community. PC Mtg. 3/27/86 Page 2 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Commissioner Martin commented that getting material/information on a project five minutes before a meeting did not give a commissioner enough time to digest all the facts and to make a decision on a project, especially one of this magnitude. Mr. Callan argued that a general EIR was done in 1972 which showed exactly what's at Gellert and Westborough Boulevards today. Professional consultants were hired as the City requested and they have made their reports. Mr. Callan felt that any further reports were not necessary. Deputy City Manager/City Engineer Bob Yee spoke regarding his review process if the project was approved. He also indicated that the firm of Harding Lawson has written his office confirming that the retaining wall concept is sound and can be dealt with. Mr. Waters, as a representative for the Westborough Concerned Citizens, stated several reasons why he opposed this project (public safety, traffic congestion, property depreciation, and economics). (Cassette No.2) Mr. Sack, Mrs. Bullos and Dr. Churchwell opposed the project due to the amount of traffic it would bring an already impacted area. All supported the requirement for an EIR. Commissioner Martin asked staff the time involved in doing the EIR. Director smith said it would take about two to three months to be completed and state law requires it be circulated, which takes forty-five (45) days. Director Smith also pointed out that it would take the same length of time if a scoped EIR was performed. Assistant City Attorney Robert Kasper explained that under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) an EIR is required whenever a project arguably will have a significant effect. The existence of the effect has to be supported by some substantial evidence in the record, not just opinions. Motion-Getz/Second Martin: To require an Environmental Impact Report be prepared for UP-86-755. AYES: Chair Wendler, Commissioners Agee, Getz and Terry. NOES: Commissioners Martin and Hoyer. ABSENT: Vice-Chair Boblitt. Thomas Callan, Jr., PM-86-241 and Negative Declaration No. 541, West Side of Gellert Boulevard, North of Westborough Boulevard. continued from Planning Commission Meeting of February 13, 1986. Tentative Parcel Map to resubdivide 15.3 acres of vacant land into two lots of 7.5 acres and 7.8 acres on the westerly side of PC Mtg. 3/27/86 Page 3 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Gellert Boulevard, northerly of Westborough Boulevard in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. Staff recommended to deny without prejudice PM-86-241 due to the outcome of the previous application, UP-86-755, since the cases are associated. Applicant Thomas Callan, Jr. 2790 Junipero Serra Daly City Mr. Callan offered to have his consultants make their presentation to the Commission. The Commissioners agreed that it was not appropriate at this time for a presentation because the Negative Declaration was denied and the parcel map cannot be approved in absence of an EIR. Motion-Getz/Second Agee: To deny PM-86-241 without prejudice. AYES: Chair Wendler, Commissioners Agee, Getz, Martin and Terry. NOES: Commissioner Hoyer. ABSENT: Vice-Chair Boblitt. Chair Wendler declared a fifteen minute recess at 9:25 pm. Chair Wendler recalled the meeting to order at 9:45 pm, and noted that Commissioner Getz had to leave the meeting on official City business at the request of the Mayor to appear before the Regional Planning commission. Citation Builders (South San Francisco Unified School District, owner), SA-86-92 and Negative Declaration No. 528, Northeasterly Corner of Chestnut Avenue and Tamarack Lane continued from Planning Commission Meeting of December 12, 1986. Tentative Subdivision Map to create 60 lots including one common area lot and to allow a zero side yard setback on one side and to allow construction of 59 single family detached residential units with related parking, landscaping, and common area on 7.9 acres of land located on the northeasterly corner of Chestnut Avenue and Tamarack Lane in the R-1 Single Family Zone District. Director Smith informed the Commission that there was a letter of withdrawal for SA-86-92 and that the Commission need not take any further action on this application. Bay Area Cellular Telephone Company (Grosvenor Properties, Ltd., owner), UP-86-758 and Negative Declaration No. 544, 380 South Airport Boulevard PC Mtg. 3/27/86 Page 4 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Gellert Boulevard, northerly of Westborough Boulevard in the C~~ Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. Staff recommended to deny without prejudice PM-86-241 due ~6 the outcome of the previous application, UP-86-755, since the(lcases are associated. Applicant Thomas,/scc'allan, Jr. 2790 lunipero Serra Dal~9;i)'Ci ty ( Mr. Callan offered to have his consultants make/their presentation to the Commission. ,f l?! 'kiif;;' The Commissioners agreed that it was not ap~~opriate at this time for a presentation because the Negative D~6taration was denied and the parcel map cannot be approved in absrnce of an EIR. Motion-Getz/Second Agee: To deny PM-~::6-241 without prejudice. AYES: Chair Wendler, Commissioners Agee, Getz, Martin and Terry. NOES: Commissioner Hoyer. ABSENT: /l Vice-Chair Boblitt. If "J,:fi Chair Wendler declared a fifteen i~inute recess at 9:25 pm. Chair Wendler recalled the mee::,.ing to order at 9:45 pm, and noted that Commissioner Getz had h~d to leave. Citation Builders (South S~h Francisco Unified School District, owner), SA-86-92 and Negatlve Declaration No. 528, Northeasterly Corner of Chestnut Avenue and Tamarack Lane Continued from Planni~g Commission Meeting of December 12, 1986. l Tentative Subdivisi~n Map to create 60 lots including one common area lot and to alt~w a zero side yard setback on one side and to allow constructiq& of 59 single family detached residential units with related pa~king, landscaping, and common area on 7.9 acres of land located o~the northeasterly corner of Chestnut Avenue and Tamarack Lane/~n the R-1 Single Family Zone District. I Director sm~h informed the Commission that there was a letter of withdrawal/for SA-86-92 and that the Commission need not take any further aFtion on this application. I / Bay Are~ Cellular Telephone Company (Grosvenor Properties, Ltd., owner)! UP-86-758 and Negative Declaration No. 544, 380 South Airpott Boulevard / Use Permit to allow four (4) antennae and a radio equipment shelter on the roof of an existing hotel at 380 South Airport PC Mtg. 3/27/86 Page 4 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Boulevard in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. March 27, 1986 Staff Report was presented. Applicant Representative: Mike McNelly Bay Area Cellular Telephone Co. 2420 Camino Ramon San Ramon Mr. McNelly had no objections to the Staff Report and agreed to its conditions. Motion-Martin/Second Agee: To approve UP-86-758 subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT: Vice-Chair Boblitt and Commissioner Getz. Holiday Inn (Grosvenor Properties, Ltd., owner) UP-82-626/Mod 1, 245 South Airport Boulevard Use Permit modification to allow installation of a satellite dish antenna in the parking lot at 245 South Airport Boulevard. March 27, 1986 Staff Report was presented. Applicant's Representative: George Avanessian 400 Oyster Point Bl. Mr. Avanessian requested that the Commission consider the original site for the satellite dish. The applicant favored that location and would provide box trees for screening. Commissioner Terry was concerned with the alternate site explaining if the satellite dish were placed near the hotel, children would have a tendency to throw objects at it. Commissioner Martin suggested a third condition be added regarding the screening of the satellite dish at the original location near the Colma Canal, as follows: Condition No.3. The project shall be properly screened by the appropriate number of boxed specimens subject to Planning Staff approval. Motion-Hoyer/Second Martin: To approve UP-82-626/Mod 1 in the location originally proposed, subject to the revised conditions and based on the findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT: Vice-Chair Boblitt and Commissioner Getz. PC Mtg. 3/27/86 Page 5 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Richard Diodati, UP-86-759, and Negative Declaration No. 545, 80 Tanforan Avenue Use Permit to allow construction of a multi-tenant warehouse- office building with related off-street parking and landscaping at 80 Tanforan Avenue in the M-1 Industrial Zone District. March 27, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Richard Diodati 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Mr. Diodati accepted the conditions were contained in the Staff Report. commissioner Terry suggested that Condition No. 8 be revised to read: Condition No.8. The applicant shall submit a uniform tenant sign program to the Design Review Board for review and approval. No window signs shall be installed on the site at any time. Motion-Martin/Second Agee: To approve UP-86-759 and Negative Declaration No. 545 subject to the revised conditions and based on the findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by roll-call vote. ABSENT: Vice-Chair Boblitt and Commission Getz. Manmohan Kapur, UP-85-738 and Negative Declaration No. 521, 634 Commercial Avenue continued from Planning Commission meeting of December 12, 1985. Use Permit to allow a dwelling group consisting of two (2) additional residential units on a site currently occupied by a single-family dwelling at 634 Commercial Avenue in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District. March 27, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative: Earl Hardt 405 Grand Avenue Mr. Hardt agreed to the conditions and findings contained in the Staff Report. Commissioner Agee queried Staff about the color selection for this site and suggested a softer tone be used. Senior Planner Alward indicated that the applicant will present the final color PC Mtg. 3/27/86 Page 6 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) selection to Planning Staff for approval, and at that time staff will follow through with the Commission's recommendation for a softer color. Motion-Hoyer/Second Terry: To approve UP-85-738 and Negative Declaration No. 521 subject to conditions and based on the findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT: Vice-Chair Boblitt and Commissioner Getz. Normandy Associates (Herman P. Wagner, et aI, owners), UP-86-760 and Negative Declaration No. 546, 325 South Maple Avenue Use Permit to allow remodeling of an existing tannery building to warehouse use and the addition of new warehouse/office space with related parking and landscaping at 325 South Maple Avenue in the M-1 Industrial Zone District. Applicant Representative: John Legallet Normandy Associates 1335 Griffith St. San Francisco William Glass Shen/Glass Architects 15 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley Mr. Legallet expressed agreement with the conditions contained in the Staff Report and reported that the sludge will be removed by the end of July. Commissioner Terry asked staff about the chain link fence with redwood slats and if it were permanent or not. Director smith indicated that it was temporary until the sludge was removed. Commissioner Terry suggested adding the following condition: Condition No. 13. No window signs shall be installed on the site at any time. Commissioner Martin pointed out that there should be a condition regarding the landscaping and a maintenance agreement. Mr. Glass, landscape architect, informed the Commissioners that his office has been working with the Design Review Board and the types of plants indicated on the plant list have been updated from the original proposal. PC Mtg. 3/27/86 Page 7 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Director Smith indicated to Commissioner Martin that a condition regarding a two year landscape maintenance contract will be added as follows: Condition No. 14. A two-year landscape maintenance contract shall be provided. Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To approve UP-86-760 and Negative Declaration No. 546 subject to all revised conditions and based on the findings of the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT: Vice-Chair Boblitt and Commissioner Getz. (Cassette No.3) Merck & Co. (Merck & Co., and Forbes Boulevard Partnership, owners) PM-86-242, 330 Point San Bruno Boulevard Tentative Parcel Map to facilitate a boundary line adjustment which results in parcels of 15.31 acres and 1.88 acres where no new parcels are being created at 330 Point San Bruno Boulevard in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. March 27, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative: Dan Cullen Cullen Engineering P.O. Box 591 Benicia Mr. Cullen agreed to the conditions contained in the Staff Report. Motion-Hoyer/Second Agee: To approved PM-86-242 subject to all conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff Report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT: Vice- Chair Boblitt and Commissioner Getz. Items from Staff Director Smith informed the Commission that McDonald's Restaurant's appeal before City Council had been continued from March 26th to April 9th. Items from the Commission Chair Wendler and Commissioner Terry discussed the tours they took while at the League of Cities Planning Commissioners Institute in San Diego in March. commissioner Agee asked staff about the testing for asbestos in the cottage cheese ceilings of the condominiums built in the early 1970's. Director Smith said she will check with the Fire Department about testing for asbestos. PC Mtg. 3/27/86 Page 8 of 9 Pages Items from the Commission (continued) Commissioner Hoyer asked Assistant City Attorney Robert Kasper if the Planning Commissioners were personally liable in the Shearwater Lawsuit. Attorney Kasper replied that the Commission was mentioned as a whole not individually, and the Commission would be fully defended by the City. Director Smith reported to Commissioner Martin that the property maintenance people at Westborough Square were responsible for cleaning the area below Denny's Restaurant. commissioner Terry informed staff that he received a complaint regarding a stairway the City built which leads from the Elks Club parking lot to a city park. The Elks Club's insurance rates apparently went up because of the liability. Adjourned: Meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. to the meeting of April 10, 1986, 7:30 p.m. ean T. Smlth, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco JTS:JAW:sp PC Mtg. 3/27/86 Page 9 of 9 Pages