HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/26/1987 (Cassette No.1) March 26, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Boblitt, Vice Chairman Terry, Commissioners Getz, Hoyer and *Wendler. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. smith Philip Gorny Maureen Morton Deputy City Manager/CD&A Mark Lewis City Attorney Valerie Armento Engineering Division Richard Harmon Police Department Ronald Petrocchi Fire Department Fred Lagomarsino Building Division Ray Laur *Commissioner Wendler arrived 9:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To approve the Minutes for the February 26, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Boblitt, Vice Chairman Terry, Commissioners Getz, and Hoyer. ABSENT: Commissioner Wendler. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. William Ryan, Regional Land Superintendent for PG&E, spoke regarding his upcoming retirement and stated he appreciated staff's and the Commission's cooperation during the time he worked with the City of South San Francisco. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Fiji Jamaat, UP-81-590/Mod 2, 373 Alta vista Drive Request pursuant to Special Condition No. 3 to allow the closing hour to be extended to 11:00 p.m. during the yearly Ramadan from April 28, 1987 to May 30, 1987 at 373 Alta Vista Drive in the R-1 Single Family Zone District. PC MTG. 3/26/87 Page 1 of 8 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) March 26, 1987 staff report presented. Director Smith suggested that the Commission consider having staff review future requests with the stipulation that if any complaints are received the request would be referred back to the Planning Commission. Applicant's representative: Mohammed Iqbal 373 Alta Vista Drive Mr. Iqbal agreed to the staff report and staff's recommended condition modification. He stated that the members of Fiji Jamaat have tried to be considerate of the neighborhood, never wanting to disrupt it. The Commission agreed to the following modification to Special Condition No.3: "Hereafter the applicant shall submit the hours and days of the annual Ramadan period to the Planning Division for review and approval. The matter would only be referred back to the Planning Commission for a public hearing if complaints from surrounding neighbors are received in a prior year." Motion-Hoyer/Second Terry: To approve the request for extension of hours pursuant to Special Condition No. 3 of UP-81-590/Mod 2, and to modify said Condition No.3 as proposed by staff. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. pak'n Save (Brentway Inc., owners), UP-77-392/Mod 1, 2255 Gellert Boulevard continued from the February 26, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Request to amend Special Condition No. 12B regarding a freestanding sign at the rear of the site and to receive the subcommittee report for an existing retail facility at 2255 Gellert Boulevard. March 26, 1987 staff report presented. Commissioner Getz presented the subcommittee report, which makes two recommendations: 1) A standard condition of the original approval allows the Commission to have discretionary approval of the use because it is an intensification of the former use (K-Mart), and 2) because this application is considered a new project an environmental assessment is required. Commissioner Getz recommended that the Commission adopt the report as position of the Commission and proceed with the public hearing. PC MTG. 3/26/87 Page 2 of 8 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Applicant's representatives: Bill Falik, Attorney 101 Lincoln Centre Drive Foster City Albert Lujan President, Brentway, Inc. 170 South Spruce Avenue Jane Ferrari 170 South Spruce Avenue Speaking in favor of the project: Ken Takeshita 2340 Shannon Drive Arthur Wolf 104 Valleyview Way Yvonne McClymond 2420 Tipperary Avenue Sharon Aiello 3021 Oakmont Drive Mr. Falik, attorney for the applicant, submitted a letter to the Planning Commission reqarding CEQA. He and Commissioner Getz discussed the conditions necessary for a negative declaration. Mr. Falik briefly summarized his letter, maintaining that pak'N Save is an extension of the previous use and stated that this use should receive a negative declaration. Mr. Lujan presented a slide show which depicted a modern and attractive pak'n Save in comparison to the former Colma outlet. The Westborough residents who spoke in favor of the store felt it would be beneficial to the neighborhood and the City. Vice Chairman Terry asked Ms Ferrari questions regarding the petitions that were circulated. Ms Ferrari stated that very few people declined to sign the petition. The petitions were circulated in the immediate residential areas and to shoppers at the shopping center. The Commission agreed to continue the application so that staff could prepare and post a Negative Declaration and conditions relating to on-site circulation, trash and debris enclosures, implementation of the traffic study and the possibility of a recycling center. PC MTG. 3/26/87 Page 3 of 8 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Motion-Getz/Second Hoyer: To reopen the public hearing and continue UP-77-392/Mod 1 to the Planning Commission meeting of April 9, 1987. Unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Boblitt, Vice Chairman Terry, Commissioners Getz and Hoyer. ABSENT: Commissioner Wendler. Magnolia Plaza Associates/BRIDGE Housing, PM-87-247, Between Baden and Grand Avenues immediately west of the Magnolia Senior Center site Parcel Map application indicating the combination of lots and the dedication of right-of-way on Third Lane for a senior housing project. March 26, 1987 staff report presented. Applicant's representative: Arthur Sullivan 150 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To approve PM-87-247 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Boblitt, Vice Chairman Terry, Commissioners Getz and Hoyer. ABSENT: Commissioner Wendler. AGENDA CHANGES Chair Boblitt announced that Item No.5, UP-87-788, American Cancer Society, would precede Item No. 4 (with the gracious consent of the applicant for Item No.4), due to the great number of people waiting in the audience to hear Item #5. American Cancer Society (J. & A. Susa, owners), UP-87-788, 443 Grand Avenue Use Permit application to operate a resale shop as an accessory use with an office, meeting room, theatre, library, etc. for a branch office in the Downtown Commercial Zone District. March 26, 1987 staff report presented. Senior Planner Morton read into the record a letter from four Grand Avenue merchants in the immediate vicinity supporting the use at 443 Grand Avenue. At Commissioner Getz's request City Attorney Armento clarified that the use is consistent with the General Plan if the Planning Commission chooses to make such a finding and that its approval is not precedent setting. PC MTG. 3/26/87 Page 4 of 8 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Applicant's representative: Kristin Stanfield 1860 EI Camino Real Burlingame Speaking in favor of the application: Dr. Richard Dorsay Kaiser Hospital 1200 EI Camino Real Robert Giorgi 212 Baden Avenue Margaret Pettigrew 408 Briarwood Drive John Susa 608 Rocca Avenue Dr. Donald Wald 624 Park Way Dr. Barry Chauser Seton Hospital Daly City Ms Stanfield agreed to the conditions as contained in the staff report and further explained the set-up of the shop and the operation of the service library and theatre. (Cassette No.2) Those speaking in favor of the application urged the Commission to approve it, stating the vital contributions it would bring to the community. commissioner Getz recommended the existing findings be renumbered and the following findings be added to the staff report: "2. The retail use is ancillary to, and necessary for maintenance of, the branch office of this non-profit applicant. 6. The applicant offers services to the community not otherwise available, and the benefits to the community sharply outweigh any detriments of the use. 7. Approval of the use is based upon the factors unique to this application and is not intended to set a precedent nor indicate necessarily, future Commission action." PC MTG. 3/26/87 Page 5 of 8 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Commissioner Wendler objected to the Discovery Shop being advertised and suggested the following modification to Special Condition No.4: "4. Any temporary window signs shall occupy no more than 15% of the window area. "Discovery Shop" sign is not approved; only "American Cancer Society" shall be used for identification." After further discussion of the use the Commission agreed to the following additional Special Conditions: "5. The use permit is non-transferable; it is restricted to the American Cancer Society. 6. The applicant shall develop, for staff approval, a trash program, to contain all trash on site, and remove said trash on a periodic basis." Ms. Stanfield agreed to the additional conditions. Motion-Wendler/Second Getz: To approve UP-87-788 subject to the conditions, including modification to Special Condition #4 and additional Special Conditions *5 and #6, and based on the findings contained in the staff report and three additional findings developed by the Planning Commission. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Terry, Commissioners Getz, Hoyer and Wendler. NOES: Chair Boblitt. Richard Diodati, PM-87-246, PUD-87-1, Negative Declaration No. 575, 430-436 North Canal Street Parcel Map and Planned Unit Development application and an environ- mental determination of same for the development of a multi-tenant office/warehouse project with related parking, landscaping, and sign program. March 26, 1987 staff report presented. Applicant: Richard Diodati 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Speaking with concern: Mr. James Gillette 100 pine Street San Francisco Mr. Victor Catanzaro 32 W. 25th Avenue San Mateo PC MTG. 3/26/87 Page 6 of 8 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Mr. Diodati accepted the imposed conditions but stated that he would like to reserve the right to discuss further with the City Engineer the public improvement conditions with regard to street and lighting improvements and the formula suggested. Mr. Gillette, representing Swinerton & Wahlberg, spoke concerning water drainage, security, and public improvements which may affect Swinerton & Wahlberg. The Commission suggested that Mr. Gillette review the staff report, and further advised him of the appeal process. Mr. Catanzaro, owner of property at South Canal and South Maple Avenue, asked for clarification on,the cost sharing process for public improvements and if it affected his property. Senior Planner Gorny explained that it only affected the property frontage along North Canal Street. The Commission discussed the 50% compact parking spaces request with the applicant and a compromise of 25% was reached. The Commission agreed to add the following Special Conditions: "11. 25% of the parking spaces shall be designated compact spaces, the remainder being standard 8.5 feet. 12. The City Engineer's conditions are subject to modification pursuant to further agreement." Motion-Getz/Second Wendler: To approve Negative Declaration No. 575 and PM-87-246 based on the findings and subject to the conditions as contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Motion-Getz/Second Wendler: To approve PUD-87-1 subject to the conditions, including additional Special Conditions 11 and 12, and based on the findings as contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. (Cassette No.3) Diane Chastain (June Asker, owner), UP-87-790, 701 Linden Avenue Use Permit application to establish a second-hand sales business in an existing building in the C-1 Zone District. Chair Boblitt suggested that since the applicant was not present and it was the Commission's policy not to hear any new cases after 11:00 p.m., UP-87-790 be continued to the April 9, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. PC MTG. 3/26/87 Page 7 of 8 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Motion-Getz/Second Wendler: To continue UP-87-790 to the Planning Commission meeting of April 9, 1987. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF Director Smith informed the Commission of the following: 1. Two zoning amendment applications will be on the April 9 Planning Commission agenda regarding the Westborough/ Gellert Overlay District, and a modification to Section 20.74.030(b)(2), Additions to Existing Dwelling units. 2. The City Council is still interviewing candidates for the Planning Commission vacancies and appointments will be made in April. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION: Commissioner Wendler asked for an update on the proposed Sign Regulations. Director Smith informed the Commission that the City Council adopted the sign regulations and they will take affect April 25, 1987. Commissioner Terry reported to the Commission on the League of California cities Conference he attended in Sacramento. Commissioner Terry also reported that the rug business at Victory and South Spruce Avenue was not using its trash enclosure and remnants were being left in the driveway. Senior Planner Gorny stated the Code Enforcement Officer would follow-up on his complaint. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Boblitt adjourned the meeting at 11:30 p.m. to April 9, 1987, 7:30 p.m. ~ ean T. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco . ~.. _.-.....~ ..:~ JTS:BY:sp PC MTG. 3/26/87 Page 8 of 8 Pages