HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/11/1988 (Cassette No.1) February 11, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning commission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:35 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Boblitt, vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Deputy City Attorney Building Division Jean T. Smith Robert Ewing Ray Laur CHAIR COMMENTS PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS TO FORMER DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS LOUIS FORNACIARI, WAYNE GEHRKE AND GEORGE SINCLAIR Commissioner Wendler read and presented Wayne Gehrke a resolution for his services on the Design Review Board. Vice-Chairman Terry read and presented George Sinclair a resolution for his services on the Design Review Board. Chair Boblitt read and presented Louis Fornaciari a resolution for his services on the Design Review Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of January 14, 1988 Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To approve the minutes of the January 14, 1988 Planning Commission meeting as presented. Approved by voice vote. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Wendler. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Rich Diodati, PUD-87-1/Mod 1, 430-432 North Canal street continued from the January 14, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. PUD modification application of Rich Diodati to amend Special Condition No. 4 of Planned Unit Development PUD-87-1 regarding screening of roof equipment for a multi-tenant development at 430 and 432 North Canal Street. Director Smith informed the commission that a letter was received from the applicant requesting withdrawal of PUD-87-1/Mod 1. PC MTG. 2/11/88 PAGE 1 OF 4 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To accept the withdrawal of PUD- 87-1/Mod 1. Unanimously approved by voice vote. June Bacon-Bercey (pay'N Pak, owner), 470 Noor Avenue, UP-84- 688/Mod 4 Use Permit Modification of June Bacon-Bercey to allow outdoor sales, consisting of a portable 3'x5' hot dog cart adjacent to the front doors, under the roof overhang, at the existing pay'N Pak store at 470 Noor Avenue in the P-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.24.070. Director Smith informed the Commission that the pay'N Pak store as owners request that this application be withdrawn. Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To accept the withdrawal of UP- 84-688/Mod 4. City of South San Francisco, Downtown Redevelopment Project Approval of modified Preliminary Plan for Downtown Redevelopment Project. Commissioner Matteucci stepped down from the Commissioner's table after informing the Commission that he owns property located within the redevelopment area. February 11, 1988 Staff Report presented. Speaking against the project: Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Boulevard Mr. Dell'Angela, representing park'N Fly, 101 Terminal Court, asked that his client's property not be included in the project area boundaries for the redevelopment plan. He argued that the land was not included in the Redevelopment Survey Area map that was approved by the City Council. Staff informed the Commission that the Survey Area map was approved and signed by the Mayor and includes the Park'N Fly area. The Commission suggested that Mr. Dell'Angela direct his client's concerns to the City Council. A letter regarding this matter was submitted to the Commission and Mr. Dell'Angela requested it be included in the staff report to the City Council. The Commission further discussed the plan and the use of tax increments for low and moderate income housing outside the redevelopment area. PC MTG. 2/11/88 PAGE 2 OF 4 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To adopt the Resolution selecting boundaries for the South San Francisco-Downtown/Central Redevelopment Project Area and approving a Preliminary Plan for the redevelopment of the project. Unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Boblitt, Vice~Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Matteucci. Commissioner Matteucci returned to the Commissioners' table. ITEMS FROM STAFF Deputy City Attorney: Update on changes to Planning laws and Brown Act from 1987 Legislature and recent court cases. With regard to SB 512 - Sign Ordinances, staff explained that after January 1, 1988 an inventory of all illegal and abandoned signs must begin if there is an amendment or modification to the City's sign regulations of on-premises signs. Vice-Chairman Terry reported a new off-site advertising sign for the Holiday Inn, visible from Highway 101, near the Grosvenor Hotel. He supported an inventory of signs in order for the City to regulate existing signs. Deputy City Attorney Ewing informed the Commission of a case currently pending in court regarding the constitutionality of South San Francisco's sign ordinance. He gave the Commission some background on the case, reporting the sign initiating the law suit is the former Good Guys sign at 300 Shaw Road. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Reorganization of Planning Commission for 1988: Election of chairman and vice-chairman. Nominations for Chair were opened. Commissioner Wendler nominated Vice-Chairman Terry for Chairman. Motion-Wendler/Second Zellmer:' To elect Vice-Chairman Terry for Chairman. Unanimously approved by voice call vote. Chairman Terry nominated Commissioner Zellmer for Vice-Chairman. Motion-Terry/Second Warren: To elect Commissioner Zellmer for Vice-Chairman. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Commissioner Wendler reported a litter problem at the 7-Eleven store at 635 El Camino Real. PC MTG. 2/11/88 PAGE 3 OF 4 PAGES ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION - continued Commissioner Warren reported garbage bags being dumped along Randolph Avenue. (Cassette No.2) Commissioner Boblitt requested staff to investigate the possibility of a stop sign or signal at North Spruce and Hillside Boulevard. She felt the enormous amount of traffic at that intersection made it difficult for pedestrians to cross Hillside Boulevard. commissioner Mantegani reported a culvert behind the row of houses between Arden and North Spruce Avenue is overgrown with vegetation. He asked staff to find out the responsible party for keeping it clear. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. to February 25, 1988, 7:30 p.m. ean T. Smlth, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco c-)" .~. -=<.. , c=:>/ /J ......"~t...!;./ AI -..m-~ ~~~~... y;"")v~~~ Beverly Bo~litt, Chair Planning Commission City of South San Francisco BB:JTS:sp PC MTG. 2/11/88 PAGE 4 OF 4 PAGES