HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Ordinance-1977south san francisco california 1977 ORDINANCE 353 ZONING SECTIONS: 1.O PURPOSE AND ADOPTION OF ZONING PLAN 1 2.0 DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED 1 3.0 R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 2 3.20 R-2 DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 4 3.30 R-3 RESTRICTED MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 6 3.40 C-1 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 8 3.50 C-2 CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 9 3.60 C-3 HEAVY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 10 3.70 M-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 11 3.80 M-2 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 12 4.0 OFF-STREET PARKING 13 4.20 P-C PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT 21 4.30 REGULATION FOR B DISTRICTS 30 4.40 P-C-M PLANNED COMMUNITY AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 30 4.50 OS--OPEN SPACE DISTRICT 31 4.60 P-1 PROFESSIONAL, EXECUTIVE AND RESEARCH DISTRICT 33 5.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS AND EXCEPTIONS 35 6.0 PERMITS 44 6.20 USE PERMITS 44 6.30 VARIANCES 47 6.40 APPEALS 49 6.50 REVOCATION OF PERMITS OR VARIANCES 50 6.60 AMENDMENTS 51 7.0 DEFINITIONS 53 8.0 INTERPRETATION 58 9.0 ENFORCEMENT, PENALTIES, AND LEGAL PROCEDURES 59 lO.O REPEALING 60 ll.O VALIDITY 60 12.0 REFERENCE 60 13.0 PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE 61 ORDINANCES: 528 STONEGATE RIDGE PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT, AS AMENDED 62 511 WEST PARK PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT 72 575 WEST PARK NO. 3 PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT, AS AMENDED 82 603 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE appendix 1 455 SIGN ORDINANCE appendix 2 The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: PURPOSE AND ADOPTION OF ZONING PLAN SECTIONS: 1.0 Purpose and Adoption of Zoning Plan 1.1 There is hereby adopted a zoning or districting plan. 1.2 The purpose of this ordinance is to promote the growth of the City of South San Francisco in an orderly~manner and to promote and protect the public health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare. 1.3 The zoning or districting plan effectuated by this ordinance is a part of the Master Plan of the City of South San Francisco and consists of the establish- ment of various districts, including all the territory within the boundaries of the city, within which the use of land and buildings, the space for buildings, open space around buildings, and the height and bulk of buildings are regulated. 1.4 No building or structure shall be erected, reconstructed, moved, or structurally altered in any manner, nor shall any building or land be used for any purpose, other than as permitted by and in conformance with, this ordinance and all other ordinances, laws, and maps referred to herein. DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED SECTIONS: 2.0 Districts Established 2.1 The several districts established are as follows: Single Family Residential District or R-1 District Duplex Residential District or R-2 District Multiple Family Residential District or R-3 District .NeigbbQrhood Commerical District or C-1 District Central Commerical District or C-2 District Heavy Commerical District or C-3 District Industrial District or M-1 District Heavy Industrial District or M-2 District Unclassified District or U District Combining District or H District Planned Community District or P-C District Combining District or B District - Planned Commercial and Light Industrial District or P-C-_M District Open Space District or OS 'District 2.2 The designation, locations, and boundaries of the districts established are delineated upon the map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of South San Francisco, California", dated June 18, 1975, which map and all notations and information thereon are hereby made a part of this ordinance by this reference, a copy of said map being attached hereto. Any land within the incorporated limits of the City of South San Francisco, now or in the future, and not designated or indicated on the zoning map shall be inme unclassified, or U, district; also, any land hereafter annexed to the City of South San Francisco shall, upon annexation, be in the unclassified, or U, dis- trict until given a definite classification. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR R-1 DISTRICT SECTIONS: 3.0 Single Family Residential District or R-1 District 3.11 Uses Permitted 3.12 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining a Use Permit in each case 3.13 Building Height Limit 3.14 Building Site Area Required 3.16 Minimum Yards Required 3.0 Single Family Residential District or R-1 District The following regulations shall apply in all R-1 districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 5. 3.11 Uses Permitted A. Single family dwellings. B. One accessory building, only if constructed simultaneously with, or subsequent to, the main building on the same lot. C. Accessory uses normally incidental to single family residences. 'This is not to be construed as permitting any commercial uses, including the storage of commercial vehicles. D. One sign, not over four (4) square feet in area and unlighted, per- taining only to the sale, lease, or rental of the property upon which the sign is to be located. 3.12 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining a Use Permit in each case A. Churches, schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility and public and quasi-public buildings and uses. B. Crop and tree farming. C. Public or private parking lots for automobiles when adjacent to any C or M district. D. Second single family residence on a building site when an existing single family residence has been constructed on the rear one-half (½) of the building site prior to the adoption of this ordinance. E. Private non-commercial clubs subject to the following requirments and conditions: 1. The building site area shall not be less than 2 acres. 2. The site for any such use shall be located on a parcel abutting on a major street or shall be able to provide access to a major street without causing heavy vehicular traffic on local residential streets. Vehicular entrances and exits 2 shall be carefully controlled and designed to minimize traffic hazards. 3. No main building or outdoor place of assembly shall be located closer to any lot line than the distance set forth in the following table. Greater distances may be required as a condition of any Use Permit. Occupancy load as re- ferred to in the following table shall be determined in accordance with the rules of the Uniform Building Code for each type of occupancy. DISTANCE IN FEET FROM MAIN BUILDING TO LOT LINES OCCUPANCY LOAD TO SIDE TO REAR TO FRONT LOT LINE LOT LINE LOT LINE Under 6 5 20 15 6-20 12 30 20 20-50 18 40 25 50-100 30 50 30 100-200 36 50 40 200 and over 40 50 50 4. The conduct of such use and the use of mechanical equipment re- lated thereto shall not produce noise sustained over long periods percetible at the exterior lot lines of the lot on which located. 5. All exterior artificial illumination shall be so arranged and placed as to reflect the light away from adjoining lots in Residential Districts. The intensity of illumination from any light source on a lot shall not exceed one-half (½) foot candles at any point ten feet (10') beyond the side or rear lot lines abutting any other lot in any Residential District. 6. There shall be maintained on each lot line abutting any other lot in any Residential District, a solid masonry wall or a landscaped screen planting strip not less effective than a six-foot (6') compact evergreen hedge to protect ad- joining property from noise and activity generated on the site. Additional screening may be required as a condition of the authorization of any Use Permit. 7. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 4.0 unless in the opinion of the Planning Commission a larger number of spaces are required. 3.13 Building Height Limit A. for dwellings - maximum thirty (30) feet. B. For accessory buildings - maximum, twelve (12) feet average height between floor slab plate and ridge pole. If floor joist type construction is used, the height limit may be increased three (3) feet. 3.14 Building Site Area Required A. For each dwelling - minimum of five thousand (5000) square feet, minimum width of fifty (50) feet minimum depth of eighty (80) feet, on interior lots; minimum of six thousand (6000) square feet, minimum width of sixty (60) feet and mini- mum depth of eighty (80) feet, on corner lots. In no case shall there be more than one (1) single family dwelling on any one (1) building site. (See Section 3.12 (d) and Section 5.3 for exceptions.) 3.16 Minimum Yards Required A. Front Yards - Minimum required, fifteen (15) feet, and maximum per- mitted thirty-five (35) feet, but in no case shall any structure be erected closer than forty (40) feet to the center line of any street, nor shall any garage, carpomt, or accessory building be erected so that the entrance thereof is closer than nine- teen (19) feet to the nearest edge of the sidewalk line; provided that where twenty- five (25) percent or more of the lots in a block have been improved with buildings, the minimum front yard required shall be the average of improved lots if less than fifteen (15) feet. When twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the lots in a block have been improved with buildings, the minimum distance from a garage, carport, or accessory building entrance to the nearest edge of the sidewalk shall be the average of the improved lots if less than nineteen (19) feet. B. Side Yards - Five (5) feet to the portion of the building nearest the lot line (excluding eaves, chimneys, and similar architectural features), pro- vided that the side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall not be less than ten (10) feet and provided, further, that on the rear twenty (20) feet of the street side of a corner lot, where there is reversed frontage, the side yard shall not be less than the front yard required or existing on the adjacent reversed frontage; and provided further that the side yard on any lot with an average width of forty (40) feet or less shall be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the lot width but in no case less than three (3) feet. No eave, chimney, or other architectural feature shall ex- tend more than two (2) feet into any required side yard. C. Rear Yard - Twenty (20) feet minimum, not to exceed five per cent (5%) average grade, provided that when the average slop exceeds five percent (5%) the rear yard may be terraced at various elevations so that a total of twenty (20) feet or more is provided of less than five percent (5%) slope. DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR R-2 DISTRICT SECTIONS: 3.20 Duplex Residential District or R-2 District 3.21 Uses Permitted 3.22 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining a Use Permit in each case 3.23 Building Height Limits 3.24 Building Site Area Required 3.25 Percentage of Lot Coverage 3.26 Minimum Yards Required 3.20 Duplex Residential District or R-2 District The following regulations shall apply in all R-2 districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5. 3.21 Uses Permitted A. Single family dwellings. B. Two family dwellings, or duplexes (single structure). C. Accessory buildings and uses normally incidental to single family and duplex residences. This is not to be construed as permitting any commercial uses, including the storage of commercial vehicles. D. One sign not over four (4) square feet in area and unlighted, pertaining only to the sale, lease, or rental of the property upon which the sign is to be located. 3.22 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining a Use Permit in each case A. Churches, schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility and public and quasi-public buildings. B. Crop and tree farming. C. Public or private parking lots for automobiles when adjacent to any C or M district. D. Second single family residence on a building site where an existing single family residence has been constructed on the rear one-half (½) of the building site prior to the adoption of this ordinance. E. Second single family residence on a building site where said site fronts on a public street and rears on a public street or public alley. F. One sign, over four (4) square feet in area, and pertaining only to the sale, lease, or rental of the property upon which the sign is to be located. G. Residential Planned Unit Development. 3.23 Building Height Limit A. For dwellings - maximum thirty (30) feet. B. For accessory buildings - maximum, twelve (12) feet average height between floor slab plate and ridge pole. If floor joist type construction is used, the height limit may be increased three (3) feet. 3.24 Building Site Area Required A. For each dwelling - minimum of five thousand (5000) square feet, minimum width of fifty (50) feet and minimum depth of eighty (80) feet, on interior lots; minimum of six thousand (6000) square feet, minimum width of sixty (60) feet, and minimum depth of eighty (80).feet, on corner lots, in no case shall there be more than one (1) single family dwelling or one (1) duplex on any one (1) building site. (See Section 3.22 (d), 3.22 (e) and Section 5.3 for exceptions). 3.25 Percentage of Lot Coverage Permitted A. For aggregate building coverage - maximum, fifty (50) percent of lot area. 3.26 Minimum Yards Required A. Front Yards - Minimum required, fifteen (15) feet, and maximum per- mitted, thirty-five (35) feet, but in no case shall any structure be erected closer than forty (40) feet to the center line of any street,nor shall any garage,carport, or accessory building be erected so that the entrance thereof is closer than nine- teen (19) feet to the nearest edge of the sidewalk line; provided that where twenty- five (25) percent or more of the lots in a block have been improved with buildings the minimum front yard required shall be the average of improved lots, if less than fifteen (15) feet. When twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the lots in a block have been improved with buildings the minimum distance from a garage, carport, or accessory building entrance to the nearest edge of the sidewalk shall be the average of the improved lots if less than nineteen (19) feet. B. Side Yards - Five (5) feet to the portion of the building nearest the lot line (excluding eaves, chimneys, and similar architectural features), provided that the side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall not be less than ten (10) feet and provided, further, that on the rear twenty (20) feet of the street side of a corner lot, where there is reversed frontage, the side yard shall not be less than the front yard required or existing on the adjacent reversed frontage; and provided further that the side yard on any lot with an average width of forty (40).feet or less shall be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the lot width but in no case less than three (3) feet. No eave, chimney or other architectural feature shall extend more than two (2) feet into any required side yard. C. Rear Yards - Twenty (20) feet minimum, not to exceed five percent (5%) average grade, provided that when the average slope exceeds five percent (5%), the rear yard may be terraced at various elevations so that a total of twenty (20) feet or more is provided of less than five percent (5%) slope. RESTRICTED MULTIPE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR R-3 DISTRICT SECTIONS: 3.30 Restricted Multiple Family Residential District or R-3 District 3.31 Uses Permitted 3.32 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining a use_permit in each case 3.325 Accessory Uses Permitted 3.33 Building Height Limit 3.34 Building Site Area Required 3.35 Percentage of Lot Coverage 3.36 Minimum Yards Required 3.30 Restricted Multiple Family Residential District or R-3 District The following regulations shall apply in all R-3 districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5. 3.31 Uses Permitted A. Single family dwellings and two family dwellings or duplexes (single structure). B. Multiple family dwellings and apartment houses. C. Accessory buildings normally incidental to multiple dwellings. This is not to be construed as permitting any commercial uses including the storage of comm- ercial vehicles. D. Signs not over four (4) square feet in area and attached to the main building. 3.32 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining a use permit in each case. A. Hotels, motels, rooming or boarding houses, and dwelling groups. B. Professional offices and mortuaries. C. Community centers, social halls, lodges, clubs and rest homes. D. Churches, schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility and public and quasi-public buildings. E. Crop and tree farming. F. Public or private parking lots for automobiles when adjacent to any C or M district. G. Signs over four (4) square feet and appurtenant to any use allowed. H. Residential Planned Unit Development. 3.325 Accessory Uses Permitted A. Accessory uses and buildings normally incidental to any of the above. This shall not be construed as permitting any commercial use or occupation. other than those specifically listed. 3.33 Building Height Limit A. For main buildings - maximum, fifty (50) feet. B. For accessory buildings - maximum twelve (12) feet average height between floor slab plate and ridge pole. If floor joist type construction is used, the height limit may be increased three (3) feet. 3.34 Building Site Area Required A. For each building or group of buildings - minimum of five thousand {5000) square feet, minimum width of fifty {50} feet and minimum depth of eighty {80} feet on interior lots; minimum of six thousand (6000) square feet, minimum width of sixty {60) feet and minimum depth of eighty {80} feet on corner lots. B. For each family unit in any building or group of buildings - minimum of one thousand (1000) square feet of lot area. 3.35 Percentage of Lot Coverage A. For aggregate building coverage - maximum of seventy-five percent. 3.36 Minimum Yards Required A. Front Yards - Minimum required, fifteen (15) feet and maximum per- mitted, thirty-five (35) feet, but in no case shall any structure be erected closer than forty (40) feet to the center line of any street, nor shall any garage, carport, or accessory building be erected so that the entrance thereof is closer than nineteen 191 feet to the nearest edge of the sidewalk line; provided that where twenty-five 25 percent or more of the lots in a block have been improved with buildings, the minimum front yard required shall be the average of improved lots, if less than fifteen (15) feet.' When twenty-five (25) percent or more of the lots in a block have been improved with buildings, the minimum distance from a garage, carport or accessory building entrance to the nearest edge of the sidewalk shall be the average of the improved lots if less than nineteen (19) feet. B. Side Yards - Five(5) feet to the portion of the building nearest the lot line (excluding eaves, chimneys, and similar architectural features), provided that the side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall not be less than ten (10) feet and provided, further, that on the rear twenty (20) feet of the street side of a corner lot, where there is reversed frontage, the side yard shall not be less than the front yard required or existing on the adjacent reversed frontage; and provided, further, that the side yard on any lot with an average width of forty (40} feet or less shall be a minimum of ten (10) percent of the lot width but in no case less than three {3) feet. No eaves, chimney or other architectural feature shall extend more than two (2) feet into any required side yard. Interior side yards shall be increased by two (2) feet for each ten (10) feet or portion thereof that the building exceeds thirty (30) feet in height. C. Rear Yards - Minimum of ten {10} feet if building not over thirty- five feet in height. Add one (1) foot for each l0 feet over thirty-five feet. 7 Said minimum rear yard shall not exceed five (5) percent grade, provided that when the average slope exceeds five (5) percent, the rear yard may be terraced at various elevations so that a total of ten (10) feet or more is provided of less than five percent (5%) slope. D. Special Yards and distances between buildings: 1. Distance between buildings in any dwelling group, minimum 10 feet. 2. Side Yard providing access to single row dwelling group, minimum twelve (12) feet. 3. Inner court providing access to double row dwelling group, minimum twenty (20) feet. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OR C-1 DISTRICT SECTIONS: 3.40 Neighborhood Commercial District or C-1 District 3.41 Uses Permitted, subject to provisions of Section 3.42 3.43 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining a use permit in each case 3.44 Building Height Limit 3.45 Building Site Area Required 3.46 Minimum Yards Required 3.40 Neighborhood Commercial District or C-1 District The following regulations shall apply in all C-1 Districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5. 3.41 Uses Permitted, subject to provisions of Section 3.42 A. Multiple family dwellings, apartment houses, and dwelling groups. B. Churches, libraries, hospitals, and other public buildings. C. Rooming and boarding houses. D. The following uses when conducted within a building: Bakeries, (re- tail only), food stores, hardware stores, banks, barber shops, beauty parlors, book stores, variety stores, shoe shops, drug stores, offices, florist shops, restaurants, personal service establishments, department stores, launderettes, cleaning agencies. E. Unilluminated signs attached to the main building and appurtenant to the use thereof, and not projecting more than one (1) foot over the property line. 3.42 Whenever any of the uses specified in Section 3.41 shall be for a loca- tion closer than two hundred (200) feet to the boundary of any dwelling district, then a use permit shall be first obtained. 3.43 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining a'use permit in each case A. Single family dwellings and duplexes. B. Other stores within a building, mortuaries, gasoline service sta- tions, theaters, drive-in banks, drive-in restaurants, any "on-sale" establishment where liquor is served, used car sales lots, and other uses which in the opinion of the Planning Commission are of a similar nature. C. Social halls, lodges, fraternal organizations, and clubs. D. Non-flashing signs appurtenant to any permitted use, and not pro- jecting more than one (1) foot over the property line. E. Commercial Planned Unit Development. 3.44 Building Height Limit A. Maximum height any building - thirty (30) feet. 3.45 Building Site Area Required A. For each main building - Minimum five thousand (5000) square feet. 3.46 Minimum Yards Required A. Front yards - Fifteen (15) feet. B. Side yard - None, except where the side of a lot abuts upon the side of a lot in an R district, in which case the side yard shall be not less than ten (10) feet, or in the case where property rears on other commercial property and is one hundred fifty (150) feet or more in depth, the rear yard setback shall be ten (10) feet. CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OR C-2 DISTRICT SECTIONS: 3.50 Central Commercial District or C-2 District 3.51 Uses Permitted 3.52 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a use permit in each case 3.53 Building Height Limit 3.54 Building Site Area Required 3.55 Minimum Yards Required 3.56 Parking Regulations 3.50 Central Commercial District or C-2 District The following regulations shall apply in all C-2 districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5. 3.51 Uses Permitted A. Retail stores and personal service establishments within a building including appliance stores, bakeries, banks, barber shops, beauty parlors, book stores, department stores, drug stores, food shops, hardware stores, nurseries, offices, radio stores, restaurants, shoe shops, studios, tailor shops, and other uses which in the opinion of the planning commission are of a similar nature. B. Non-flashing signs appurtenant to any permitted use, and not pro- jecting more than one (1) foot over the property line. 3.52 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a use permit in each case A. Any use permitted in any R district except mortuaries. B. Drive-in banks, drive-in restaurants, theatres, animal hospitals, auto repair shops, cleaning and dyeing establishments, creameries, gasoline service stations, any "on-sale" establishment where liquor is served, la,dries, launderettes, second hand sales, outdoor markets, out-door sales establishment, pet shops, public garages, used car sales lots, palmistry and other uses which in the opinion of the planning commission, are of a similar nature. C. Signs not attached to the main building and signs other than those 9 appurtenant to any permitted use, including billboards. D. Commercial - Industrial Planned Unit Development. 3.53 Building Height Limit A. Maximum height any building - fifty (50) feet provided that additional height may be permitted if a use permit is first procured in each case. 3.54 Building Site Area Required A. For each main building - Minimum, two thousand (2000) square feet. 3.55 Minimum Yards Required A. Front, side, and rear yards required - None, except that where property is one hundred fifty (150) feet or more in depth and there is no alley and property ~' rears on other commercial property, the rear yard setback shall be fifteen (15) feet. 3.56 Parking Regulations A. Off'street parking onthe building site shall be required in C-2 Dis- tricts according to the formulas set forth in Section 4.11, except for those areas of the C-2 District located within the boudaries o~ the Parking District No. 1-1955-1 of the City of South San Francisco. HEAVY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OR C-3 DISTRICT SECTIONS: 3.60 Heavy Commercial District or C-3 District 3.61 Uses Permitted 3.62 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a use permit in each case 3.63 Building Height Limit 3.64 Building Site Area Required 3.65 Yards Required 3.66 Parking Regulations 3.60 Heavy Commercial District or C-3 District The following regulations shall apply in all C-3 districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5. 3.61 Uses Permitted A. Retail stores and personal service establishments within a building, including appliance stores, bakeries, banks, barber shops, beauty parlors, book stores, department stores, drug stores, food shops, hardware stores, nurseries, offices, radio stores, restaurants, shoe shops, studios, tailor shops, and other uses which in the opinion of the planning commission are of a similar nature. B. Wholesale stores and storage within a building. C. Signs appurtenant to any permitted use. 3.62 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a use permit in each case 10 A. All uses permitted in any R district except mortuaries. B. Drive-in banks, drive-in restaurants, theaters, any "on-sale" esta- blishments, second hand sales, gasoline service stations, light maufacturing, including manufacture of clothing, novelties and toys, palmistry and uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission are of a similar nature. C. Sings, other than those appurtenant to any permitted use, including billboards. D. Bottling works, blacksmith shops, building materials yards, contractor yards, lumber yards, machine shops, planing mills, storage of goods and materials, and other uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are of a similar na- ture. The Planning Commission may require a fence of a type and design to be approved by it for all uses listed in this subsection. No sign shall be painted or erected on such fence until approved by the Planning Commission. E. Commercial - Industrial Planned Unit Development. 3.63 Building Height Limit A. Maximum height of any building - sixty-five (65) feet, provided that additional height may be permitted if a use permit is first obtained in each case. 3.64 Building Site Area Required A. For each main building - Minimum, two thousand (2000) square feet. 3.65 Yards Required A. Front, side and rear yards required - None, except that where property is one hundred fifty (150) feet or more in depth and rears on other commercial property, the rear yard setback shall be fifteen (15) feet. 3.66 Parking Regulations A. Off-street parking onme building site shall be required in C-3 Dis- tricts according to the formulas set forth in Section 4.11, except for those areas of the C-3 District located within the boundaries of the Parking District No. 1-1955-1 of the City of South San Francisco. INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT OR M-1 DISTRICT SECTIONS: 3.70 Industrial District or M-1 District 3.71 Uses Permitted 3.72 Uses Permitted, subject to first obtaining a use permit in each case 3.73 Building Height Limit 3.74 Yards Required 3.70 Industrial District or M-1 District The following regulations shall apply in all M-1 Districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5. 3.71 Uses Permitted A. Retail stores and service establishments. B. Wholesale stores and storage. C. Light industrial and manufacturing uses including furniture, clothing, novelties, toys', cabinet shops, sheet metal shops, research laboratori'es, lumber yards, planing mills. D. Signs appurtenant to any permitted use. 3.72 Uses. Permitted, subject to first obtaining a use permit in each case l'~ uses n . A. A permitted i any R district, and motels and kennels B. Inctustrial or manufacturinguses, which in the opinion of the Planning Commission, may be obdectionable by reason of production of offensive ordor, dust, noise, bright lights,~'~,~r vibration or involving the stora§e or handling of explosive or dangerous materials'~ and all the following uses: Metal' fabrication, assembly plants, chemical plants, rock ctushers, asphalt plants, ready-~.ix cement plants, rock and gravel plants, drilling for and~,or removal of oil, gas, or o~er hydrocarbon substances; com- merical excavation of buil~ding or construction mater~ls; dumping, disposal, incineration of garbage, sewage, offal,~,dead animals, sawdust or/refuse; manufacturing or storage of acid, cement, explosive§~,~or fire-works, gas, iQflammable fluids, gypsum, lime or plaster of paris, smelting oW iron, tin, zinc, o~<other ores. C. Signs, other'~,~han those appurt~hant to any permitted use, including billboards. D. Commercial - industrial Plan.,ed,Unit Development. 3.73 Building Height Lim~.~t A. Maximum height of any b~lding - sixty-five (65) feet provided that additional height may be permitted if'..a ~se permit is first obtained. 3.74 Yards Required A. Front, side, and rear yards required - None, except that where pro- perty is one hundred fifty (150) fe~t or more in depth and there is no alley and pro- perty rears on other commercial pre'perty, the rear yard setback shall be fifteen (15) feet. /' ' INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT OR M-2'DISTRICT SECTIONS: 3.80 Industrial District or M-2 District 3.81 Uses Permitted 3.82 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a use permit in each case 3.83 Building Height Limit 3.84 Yards Required 3.80 Industrial District or M-2 District ~ The following regulations shall apply in all M-2 Distr~ts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5. 3.81 Uses Permitted 12 A. Retail stores and service establishments. B. Wholesale stores and storage. C. Manufacturing establishments, including manufacture of furniture, clothing, novelties and toys, metal fabrication, lumber yards, planing mills, cabinet shops~sheet metal shops, assembly plants, research laboratories, pottery works. %, D. Signs appurtenant to any permitted use. ~ E. Sanitary fill operation (fill and cover)' for dumping and Solid waste disposal ~rovlded that Council or Planning Con~n~ss~on ~nds and determ(nes that the establi )t, maintenance, operation or use of the area will not under the circum- stances of e particular case be detrimental to the/health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and eral welfare of persons residing or,.~vorking in the neighborhood and will not be detrim~ ~1 or injurious to property and i~mprovements in the neighborhood or to the general e of the City. 3.82 Uses rmitted, subject to first/procuring a use permit in each case A. All idential uses, trai}~r courts, motels and kennels. B. Ind or manufacturing uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, may be ob, ~ble by reason of production of offensive odor, dust, noise, bright lights, or vibration involving~'the storage or handling of explosives or dangerous materials, and all e followj'ng uses: Auto wrecking and junkyards, rock crushers, asphalt plants, read 'x cement plants, rock and gravel plantS, drilling for and/or removal of oil, gas or hydrocarbon substances; commercial excavation of building or construction material tion of bones, dumping, disposal, incineration or reduction of garbage, sewage, dead animals, or refuse; fat rendering; manu- facturing or storage of acid, cemeHt, )losives or fire-works, fertilizer, gas, in- flammable fluids, glue, gypsum, l~me or aster of paris, stockyard or slaughter of animals, refining of petroleum oy its Pro( :ts, smelting of iron, tin, zinc or other ores. C. Signs, other tJhan· those a .enant to any permitted use, including billboards. D. Commercial ~ Industrial P1 ~it Development. / / 3.83 Building Height Limit A. Maximum /height of any building - si -five (65) feet provided that additional height may be/permitted if a use permit is first obtained. / 3.84 Yards Req~ired / / A. Fron~, side and rear yards required - None, except that where pro- perty is one hundred/fifty (150) feet or more in depth and there is no alley and property rears on olFher commercial property, the rear yard setback shall be fifteen (15) feet. / / OFF STREET PARKING SECTIONS: 4.0 Off Street Parking 4.11 Intent and Purpose 4.12 Psrking Spaces Required 4.121 Residential Use Types 4.122 Institutional Types 13 4.123 Commercial Types 4.124 Manufacturing Types 4.13 Computation of Off-Street Parking Spaces 4.131 Required Off-Street Parking 4.132 Mixed Uses 4.133 Uses Not Specified 4.14 General Parking Requirements 4.141 Size 4.142 Location and Type 4.143 Improvements 4.144 Peripheral Walls 4.145 Lighting 4.146 Access, Circulation, Landscaping 4.147 Off-Street Loading and Unloading Spaces 4.0 Off Street Parking 4.11 Intent and Purpose The problem of providing adequate streets, highways and parking to meet the present and future traffic needs generated by our rapidly expanding population is of prime concern to both the City government and individual citizens of the City. All types of property, regardless of location or use, are harmed by inadequate off-street parking facilities. Cars parked on the streets, as a result create a safety hazard, impede the flow of traffic and delay fire-fighting equipment. The provision of ade- quate off-street parking, on the other hand, benefits the property owners by adding security and stablility to his property; benefits his neighbors by relieving con- gestion; and benefits the entire City by allowing the streets to be used as traffic movers. 4.12 Parking Spaces Required Every use hereafter inaugurated and every building or structure here- after erected or altered shall have permanently maintained parking spaces in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. The Number of off-street parking spaces required shall be no less than the following: 4.121 Residential Use Types Parking Spaces Required (A) Dwelling, single-family 2 spaces (1 covered) per unit 3 spaces (2 covered) per unit with 5 or more bedrooms. (B) Rooming houses, boarding I for each sleeping room; in dor- homes, or clubs with sleeping mitories, 100 sq.ft, of gross floor facilities area shall be considered a sleeping room. (C) Dwellings, multiple-family Bachelor and I bedroom apartments, I (1 covered) for each unit; 2- bedroom apartments, 1¼ (1 covered) for each unit; 3 or more bedroom apartments, 1½ (1 covered) per unit. (D) Mobile Home Parks 2 (may be tandem) for each site, plus i for each 5 sites. 14 4.122 Institutional Types Parking Spaces Required (A) Hospitals 1½ for each bed. (B) Convalescent Hospitals, I for each 3 beds, childrens homes, homes for the aged and nursing homes. (C) Churches and mortuaries I for every 4 fixed seats, or 28 sq. ft., where no permanent seats are maintained in the main assembly area. Every 24" on a bench shall be con- sidered as one seat for parking purposes. (D) Libraries, museums and I for each 200 sq.ft., of gross floor galleries area. (E) Elementary and Junior High I for each classroom and I for every Schools 35 sq.ft, gr~ss of non-fixed seating area in the auditorium. (F) High Schools 5 for each classroom and I for every 5 fixed seats, or for 35 sq.ft, gross of non-fixed seating area in the auditorium, plus the standard for public assembly areas and dormitories. (G) Colleges and Universities 7 for each classroom and I for every 5 fixed seats, or for every 35 sq.ft. gross of non-fixed seating area in the auditorium, plus the standard for public assembly areas and dor- mitories. (H) Day Nurseries I for each 5 children maximum en- rollment based on the maximum occu- pancy load. 4.123 Commercial Types (A) Any commercial use listed in I for'each 200 sq.ft, of gross floor the C-1, C-2 or C-3 zones, irres- area. pective of where it is maintained, except as specifically provided below. (B) Bowling Lanes 2 for each bowling lane, plus the requirements for connected commercial uses, such as eating or drinking establishments. (C) Auto and Open Air Sales I for each 3000 sq.ft, of gross lot area. (D) Furniture Stores I for each 750 sq.ft, of gross floor area. (E) Hotel and Motels I for each unit; 1½ for each unit with kitchen facilities, plus I for each 200 sq.ft, of gross floor area for lobby and office area and I for each 5 units for guests. (F) Spectator Entertainment I for every 5 fixed seats, and for Fraternal Organization every 35 sq.ft, of non-fixed seating Clubs and Lodges area in the auditorium plus I for each 200 sq.ft, gross of non-seating area plus I for each 50 sq.ft, of 15 dining and or drinking area, (G) Participating Entertainment I for each 50 sq.ft, of gross floor area. (H) Dining and Drinking Establishments I for each 50 sq.fto of gross cus- tomer area, and I for each 200 sq,ft. of all other floor areas. (I) Drive-in Restaurants i for each 50 sq.ft, of gross floor a rea. (J) Golf Courses 8 per hole and I for each 35 sq.ft. of gross floor area in assembly buildings connected with the course, plus, I for each 200 sq.ft, of gross floor area for adjoining commercial uses. (K) Golf D~iving Ranges 1½ for each tee plus I for each 200 sq.ft, of gross floor area for ad- joining commercial uses. (L) Miniature Golf Courses 2 per hole and I for each 200 sq.ft. of gross floor area for adjoining accessory commercial uses. (M) Game Courts - tennis, etc. I for each player authorized to part- icipate at one time. (N) Swimming Pools I for each 500 sq.ft, of gross area related to the pool and related facilities, and I for each 200 sq.ft. gross of pool area. (0) Business and Professional I for each 300 sq.ft, of gross floor Offices, Financial Institu- area. tions. 4.124 Manufacturing Types (A) Industrial uses listed in the I for each 1500 sq.ft, of gross floor M-1 and M-2 zones area, or one for each 2 employees on the largest shift, whichever is greater, plus 1 for each company car. I for each 300 sq.ft, gross of office or non-storage or non-manufacturing areas. (B) Automatic or semi-automatic i for each employee on the largest public or quasi-public utilities shift, plus I for each company car (2 minimum) (C) Warehouse, exclusive of any I for 2000 sq.ft, of gross floor area assembly, manufacturing or for the first 10,000 sq.ft, of gross sales activities floor area, then I for each addi- tional 5000 sq.ft, of gross floor area, plus 1 for each company car and I for each 300 gross sq.ft, of office area. 4.13 Computation of Off-Street Parking Spaces 4.131 Required off-street parking All off-street parking spaces shall be computed as set forth in Section 16 4.12 of this ordinance, except as follows: A. When the application of said Section 4.12 results in the requirement of a fractional parking space, any fraction up to ½ may be disregarded, and any fraction equalling ½ or more shall be construed as requiring one full parking space. B. When required parking computations are based on gross floor area, floor area devoted exclusively to parking shall not have off-street parking space or landscaping requirements. C. When the property proposed for development lies within an approved parking district, and the applicant has received permission of the Parking District Commission for development of the property. 4.132 Mi~xed Uses In the case of mixed uses, the total requirements for off-street parking spaces shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing parking facilities for any other use. The Planning Commission may, however, approve the alternating use of parking facilities in cases where parties wish to cooperatively establish and operate parking facilities and where these uses generate parking demands primarily during hours when the remaining uses are not in operations. (i.e. one use may operate in the daytime only and the other at night only and the parking would then serve both uses). The burden of proof for a reduction in the total number of required parking spaces however shall remain with the applicant, and documentation shall be submitted to the Planning Commission substantiating the reasons for this requested parking reduction. As a condition prece- dent to approving such alternating use, the Planning Commission shall require: A. That whenever alternative units of measurement are required for com- puting off-street parking requirements, that unit of measurement which provides the greater number of off-street parking spaces shall control. B. The submission of satisfactory statements by the parties providing such facilities and the parties such facilities are to serve, describing the nature of the uses and times when such uses operate so as to indicate the lack of conflict between them. C. Submittal of a title report for said parcel and an agreement between the owners of record and the respective users which describes the parcel and obligates it for said parking purposes free and clear of exceptions which would interfere with said use, describes the obligation of each party, describes the parking facility by parking diagram approved by the Planning Commission, which agreement shall be recorded in the County Recorder's Office of San Mateo County. D. No use established pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.132 may be changed without the prior approval of the City of South San Francisco, in accor- dance with Article 4. 4.133 Uses not Specified The parking space requirements for uses not listed in Section 4.12 of this article shall be defined by the Planning Commission. Such determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use specified in Section 4.12. 4.14 General Parking Requirements 4.141 Size Each off-street parking space shall be at least 9 feet by 20 feet, ex- 17 clusive of driveway and aisles. Concrete bumper guards or wheel stops shall be pro- vided for all parking spaces. The concrete curb around the required landscaping shall not be used as a bumper stop unless the landscaping adjacent to the space is at least 6 feet wide and the area of the car overhang will not damage or interfere with plant growth and its irrigation and except where a sidewalk occurs adjacent to said curb stop. 4.142 Location and Type A. Dwellings - Parking spaces shall be located on the same lot or building site as the dwellings they are to serve. At least one space per unit shall be a garage space 10 feet in width and 20 feet in depth, covered or totally enclosed. B. All other uses - Parking spaces shall be located on the same lot or parcel as the building or use to be served, except that an adjacent or contiguous lot may be used by the permittee for said parking spaces if the owner of record submits a title report for said parcel and an easement or convenant running with the land, or easement which describes the parcel and obligates it for said parking purposes free and clear of exceptions which would interfere with said use, describes the obligation of the party to maintain the parking facility, describes the parking facility by a parking diagram approved by the Planning Commission, which convenant running with the land or easement shall be recorded in the County Recorder's Office of San Mateo County. 4.143 Improvements A. Paving and drainage. A~I onsite parking areas, maneuvering areas, turnaround areas, and any other driveways used for access thereto shall comply with the following provisions: 1. Paving: (AA) Concrete surfacing shall be designed in accordance with the standards set forth by the Director of Public Services. All concrete shall be constructed in a workman like manner and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. (AB) Asphalt type surfacing shall be compacted to a minimum thickness of 2 inches and laid over a base of crushed rock, gravel, or similar material compacted to a mini- mum thickness of 4 inches. (AC) The Director of Public Serivces may approve alternate materials and specifications in lieu of the foregoing requirements and/or greater or lesser standards with- out notice or hearing and may require substantiating evidence by a Soils Engineer. 2. Drainage: Parking and circulation areas shall be designed with an adequate drainage system and improvements shall con- sist of 2 foot wide concrete gutters, subsurface drains and other appropriate drainage devices determined by the Director of Public Services. 3. Plans: For each application for on onsite paving and/or drainage or building permit, three sets of plans shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for approval. Such plans shall be prepared to the specifications of the Director of 18 Public Services and shall comply with the provisions of the Architectural Committee and/or use permits for the subject property. 4. Exceptions: In the case of single-family dwellings improved indivi- dually the applicant need only show that the installation of the entrance driveway will be in accordance with Sec- tion 4.43 (1) and that positive drainage will be to the public right-of-way. 4.144 Peripheral Walls A parking area which abuts another parcel or portion of the same parcel, which is zoned residential shall be separated from this parcel by a six (6) foot high masonry wall. Such wall shall not exceed 36 inches in height from the front lot line to a depth equal to the required front yard setback on the abutting residential zoned pro- perty. 4.145 Lighting All public or quasi-public parking areas shall be illuminated to the satis- faction of the Chief of Police. Any such lighting used to illuminate such public parking areas or vehicle sales area shall be so arranged so as to reflect the light away from any adjoining residential property and the public streets. 4.146 Access, Circulation, Landscaping A. Driveway 1. Each entrance and exit to a parking lot shall be constructed and maintained so that any vehicle entering or leaving the parking lot shall be clearly visible at a distance of not less than 10 feet to a person approaching such entrance or exit on any pedestrian walk or footpath. 2. Exits from parking lots shall be clearly posted with "stop" signs. 3. Appropriate directional sign or painted arrows shall be main- tained where needed and as required by the Architectural Commit- tee. B. Driveway Access - Driveway access to parking areas for single-family dwellings shall be not less than 10' in width throughout, and required turn-around areas may not be used for required parking spaces. 1. Driveway access to all other uses shall be at least 15 feet for one-way traffic, nor less than 25 feet for two-way access. 2. Exceptions: The Architectural Committe may recommmend to the Planning Commission a reduction in the total number of required parking spaces for any project containing 10 or more such spaces by 10% of the total number required, if in the con- sideration of the Committee, such reduction shall promote additional landscaping features. 19 3. The Director of Public Services may recommend a reduction in a one-way access drive to no less than 12 feet and a two-way access drive to no less than 20 feet; if in his opinion such width reductions are necessary to the property functions of such access ways, and if such reductions will have no adverse effect on the public health, safety and welfare. C. Circulation 1. No parking space shall be so constructed as to cause a vehicle to maneuver within 10 feet of vehicular access to the property. 2. A turnaround area shall be provided of at least 25 feet for 90o parking, 18 feet for 600 parking, 14 feet for 450 parking, 12 feet for 30o parking or parallel parking (provided that at least 4 feet shall be provided between each 2 parallel spaces). D. Landscaping 1. Each Parking area, except those provided for single-family dwellings and those inside a building or structure, shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of the Archi- tectural Committee. 2. The Architectural Committee may relocate the parking area landscaping required for storage yards, service area and other similar areas, if such areas are not visible to the general public. 3. A 6 foot wide landscaped strip shall be required, with plant material at least 30 inches high or to a height acceptable to the Architectural Committee, adjacent to all public rights-of- way, (except within approved entrance and exit ways). 4. Any of the following driveways or open parking areas shall be separated by a planting strip at least 3 feet wide. (A) Where 2 or more driveways to 2 or more buildings or parcels each of which has one or more separate parking lots. (B) Where there are 2 or more parking lots for vehicles adjacent to one another which do not use a common driveway. (C) Where a parking lot abuts a driveway or access way which does not provide access to that said parking lot; and (D) All landscaping areas adjacent to parking, driveway, turn- around or similar areas shall be enclosed with a 6 inch concrete or masonry curb and shall be provided with a per- manent sprinkler system, subject to the approval of the Architectural Committee. 4.147 Off-Street Loading and Unloading Spaces Unless waived or modified by the Planning Commission, every use here- 2O after inaugurated and every building or structure hereafter erected or altered shall have permanently maintained off-street loading and unloading spaces as follows. Such loading and unloading spaces shall be exlusive of driveways, setbacks and public rights- of-way. A. Uses of institutional nature and uses listed as permitted in the com- mercial and industrial zones: Under 5000 sq.ft. None 5000 to 30,000 sq.ft. 1 30,000 to 90,000 sq.ft. 2 90,000 to 150,000 sq.ft. 3 150,000 to 230,000 sq.ft. 4 One additional space for each additional 100,000 square feet or portion thereof. B. Size - Each loading space shall be not less than 12 feet in width or 50 feet in depth by 14 feet in height. PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT OR P-C DISTRICT SECTIONS: 4.20 Planned Community District or P-C District 4.21 Purpose 4.22 General Procedure 4.23 General Conditions and Regulations 4.24 Application 4.25 Public Hearings; Findings Required; Planning Commission Action 4.26 Modification or Amendment 4.27 Administration 4.20 Planned Community District or P-C District The following regulations shall apply in all P-C districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5 of this ordinance, except that where conflict in regulations occurs the regulations specified in this section shall apply. 4.21 Purpose The purposes of the Planned Community District are to: A. Establish appropriate zoning regulations for large tracts of land which are under unified ownership or development control, to permit the long term development of such tracts with a variety of uses of land while insuring that: 1. The development will be consistent with the adopted general plan of the City. 2. The tract will be planned and development executed in a manner to provide an environment of stable quality and desira~e char- acter within the tract. 3. The development when completed will be compatible with present and probable future uses in the surrounding area as a whole. 21 B. Provide resonable assurance to the developer that the planned unit development plans prepared in accordance with an approved general development plan and the terms and conditions of the Ordinance establishing the P-C zone will be acceptable to the City. C. Provide for a zoning and general plan for development of large tracts of land, which will serve as a guide for preparation and filing of planned unit plans required by this Ordinance. 4.22 General Procedure A. Application - An application for P-C zoning consisting of a verified petition, a general development plan and general development schedule in form and con- tent as hereinafter set forth shall be filed with the Planning Commission. B. Hearings and Recommendations - The Planning Commission upon receipt of the documents set forth in Subsection (a) shall hold hearings and render its deci- sion in the form of a written recommendation to the Council as provided by Sections 4.25 (c) and 6.63 of said Zoning Ordinance as amended. C. City Council Hearings and Actions - The City Council shall follow the procedure set forth in Sections 4.25 (d) and 6.64 of the said Zoning Ordinance as amended upon receipt of said written recommendations. D. Plans for Planned Units - may be sumitted concurrently with the appli- cation for P-C Zoning but no action on any planned unit shall be final until the P-C district zoning has been established by Ordinance. 4.23 General Conditions and Regulations The regulations set forth in this section shall apply in all P-C districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5 of this Ordinance, except that where a conflict in regulations occurs, the regulation specified in this section shall apply. A. Establishment of P-C Districts - Residential P-C Districts may be es- tablished on parcels of land which contain sixty or more acres and which are suitable to permit the development of a complete neighborhood or community or a major section thereof having a range of dwelling types together with necessary local shopping facilities and off-street parking, parks, playgrounds, schools and other community facilities; and other uses consistent with the adopted general plan of the City. Com- merical - Industrial P-C Districts may be established on parcels of land which contain sixty or more acres of ~and ahd'which~'are suitable to_the development of a complete Commercial-Industrial Community of major section thereof having a range of uses con- sistent with the adopted general plan of the City. B. Area Characteristics - The area included within a P-C District shall be: 1. Bounded by major thoroughfares or other physical features or by political boundaries or a combination thereof, or 2. Comprise a unit which because of size, shape and physical char- acteristics requires development in accordance with a comprehensive plan. 3. Shall be free from features forming barriers to community or neigh- borhood cohesiveness. C. Acreage Requirements - A P-C District shall include sixty or more acres of contiguous land. D. Ownership and Control - At the time of application the tract or parcel of land involved must be either in one ownership or the subject of an application filed jointly by the owners of all the property included (the holder of a written option 22 to purchase land and a redeveloper under contract with the redevelopment agency to acquire land by purchase or leaseshall~for purposes.of such application be deemed to be an owner of such land) or be the subject of an aPplication filed by any govern- mental agency including~the redevelopment agency of the City. Subsequent to the estab- lishment of a -C Distr~ct, disposal of any lands, property or estates in such District shall be in such units and manner as prescribed in the approved general development plan, the conditions and requirements attached thereto, the terms of the Ordinance establishing the P,C Zone..and shall.be subject to the procedures and requirements of theSubdivision Ordinance of the City. E. Effect of Establishing a P-C District; Planned unit Development - A Planned COmmunity classification establishes the general nature, design and character of development permitted in the district and in the separate zones within the district and provides for. development,of the district and said zones only through planned units, which units more Particularly establish the natUre, design and character of said development. Development of the Planned Community District or any of the several desig- nated districts or zones shall be by planned units of not less than four acres, unless otherwise,Provided, for which a Use Permit shall be required as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. of the City of South San Francisco and related provisions of this Ordinance. No' Building Permit shall be issued nor shall any buildings or structures be moved into said Planned Community District or any of the several district or zones prior to obtaining a Use Permit or Zoning Permit therefor. All plans, specifications and drawings shall be in complete and final form prior to granting of a Use or Zoning Permit. No Use Permit or Zoning Permit shall be granted subject to report andrecom- mendations of departments, boards, commissions or other agencies. If departments, boards, commissions, and other agencies file reports setting forth requirements and recommendations ~and said reports are approved by the Planning Commission, then the related plans, specifications and drawings shall be amended so as to d~lineate thereon and therein said.requirements and recommendations as approved by the Planning Com- mission prior to the issuance of a Use Permit or ZOning Permit. No Use Permit or Zoning Permit shall be granted until developer has conveyed the common greens free and clear of all liens., taxes and encumbrances, exCept those consented to by the City, to a homeowners' association formed for the purpose of accepting such grants and maintaining suc'h common greens or to City and said area has been annexed to or included within a separate maintenance district or other agency formed for the purpose of maintaining such common greens. Developers shall, at the time of the~conveyance, file a title insurance policy with the grantee, assur- ing title vested in the grantee free and clear of all said liens, taxes'and encum- brances. · No Use Permit or Zoning Permit shall be issued until developers have filed with the City Planner the necessary doCuments providing for the construction, instal- lation and maintenance of the common greens in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and shall have filed with said City Planner a corporate surety bond guaranteeing the construction and installation of said common greens in accor- dance with the related plans and specifications. Developers shall provide for maintenance of the commongreens from the completion thereof until acceptance by the. grantee for maintenance~as hereinbefore set forth bY filing with the City Planner an agreement to so maintain secured by a corporate surety bond in the principal sum approved by the CitY Landscape Specialist-and City Attorney. . ,,No Use.Permit or Zoning Permit shall be issued until developers have filed a final, sUbdivision,maP i~n accordance With the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. F. Uses Permitted, General - When in conformity with the adopted General Plan or.the City, subject to authorization by the terms of the Ordinance estabtishing~the~P-C Distri, ct, ~he following uses are permitted upon obtaining a Use Permit: 1. Residential planned unit. 23 2. Commercial planned unit development. 3. Crop and tree farming, truck gardening, floriculture and grazing pending the development of the lands for the purposes set forth in the general development plan. 4. Excavation and grading and removal of excavated materials from the site in conjunction with the execution of an approved general development plan. Said Use Permit shall contain provisions sub- stantially in accord with the City's Grading Ordinance. G. Schedule of Basic Population Density and Building Coverage Regulation. The following table sets forth the basic population density, and building coverage regulations for P-C Districts located within neighborhoods of the density categories recommended by the General Plan: Neighborhood Maximum Building Cover- Density Category Population Density age Limit Low Density 20 35% Medium Density 25 35% High Density 30 40% The Planning Commission may recommend and the Council may authorize higher densities than those set forth above when it is demonstrated that, in the specific case, with the added development proposed in the P-C District, the population density in the entire developed portion of the neighborhood will not exceed the gross density recommended for the neighborhood unit by the General Plan. H. Required Distances Between Buildings in Dwelling Groups - Except as hereinafter provided, distances between opposing walls of buildings in dwelling groups shall be not less than those set forth below: Neighborhood .. Walls with Walls with Other Walls Walls Density Living Room Bedroom With Without Catogory Windows Windows Windows Windows Low 40 24 10 6 Medium 36 18 10 6 High 36 18 10 6 Where opposing walls differ in regard to type of window openings, the largest required distance shall govern, except where the wall opposite is without windows, the distance may be reduced to the average of the distances required for the types of wall conditions involved. The required distances between buildings as set forth above shall be increased one foot (1') for each four feet (4') the building exceeds thirty feet (30") in height. Where buildings are unequal in height, the average height shall be used. 1. Yards - Along all P-C District boundaries, yards shall be provided which are not less in dimension than required for the abutting property in the adjoining districts. 24 4.24 Application The application for establishment of a P-C District shall be made by all the owners as set forth in Section 4.22 (a) and shall be accompanied by the filing fee required by Section 6.6. A. Petition - The petition shall set forth the following: 1. Names, addresses and extent of interest owned in the parcel pro- posed for P-C District Zoning. 2. A legal description of the parcel and a statement of the number of acres contained therein. 3. A Title Report verifying the description and vestees. 4. Title and other data identifying the general development and general development schedule. 5. A description of the method whereby the landscaped areas adjacent to building sites and landscaped open areas are to be established and maintained. 6. A declaration as to whether the parcel is to remain under the same ownership and control or to be divided into smaller units during or after development and the manner and method of said division. 7. A copy of any propsed deed restrictions and covenants proposed to be recorded. 8. A copy of any association, articles of incorporation and by-laws and should there be none, then a statement of the proposed contents. B. General Development Plan - The General Development Plan shall include: 1. Topography and Grading Plan. A map showing by contour lines the existing topographic character of the land and the contours to which it will be graded. The contour intervals and amount of de- tail shown shall, in the opinion of the City Engineer, be adequate to provide a basis for determining general physical feasibility of the proposed development. The Planning Commission may require a soils and grading analysis by a competent soils engineer. 2. Site or Plot Plan. The site or plot plan shall be clearly and legibly on a map not less than 18" x 26" in size and to a scale of not less than one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100'), except that should the area exceed 200 acres, then the scale may be (1"= 200'), and shall show: A. The district name. B. Date of preparation. C. North Point. D. Scale. E. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of record owner and developer. F. Name and address of the person who prepared the map and the registration or license. G. District boundaries and acreage to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) per cent. H. Locations, names and present widths of adjacent streets. I. Location of proposed streets and highways as shown on any Precise Plan or as Official Plan Lines. J. The approximate locations and widths of the streets and ways to be constructed in the proposed district. K. The location of existing and approximate location of pro- posed sewers, storm drains, fire hydrants, gas, water, power and telephone lines and other public utilities and the approximate widths and locations of all easements required for same and any other existing easements. L. Approximate location and dimension of all lots. M. A blank space of eighty (80) square inches in area, of suitable shape for certificates, conditions and approvals, etc. N. The outlines of groves of trees and the approximate location of all other individual trees with a trunk diameter of eight inches (8") or greater standing within the boudaries of the district. O. Landscaped and open areas which constitute part of a lot, or are adjacent to the lot, or are reserved as open green areas for the benefit of the district or section. P. Number of spaces and approximate location, dimensions and area of off-street parking. Q. Public areas proposed, if any. 3. Elevations and Prospective Drawings: Typical elevations of all proposed structures shall be submitted. Such drawings need not be the result of final architectural decisions and need not be in detail. The purpose of such drawings is to indicate within stated limits the height of proposed buildings and the general appearance of the proposed structures in order to determine whether the en- tire development of section will have architectural unity and be in harmony with surrounding developments. 4. General Development Statement: The General Development Statement shall contain: A. The area of each unit of the district and the percentage 26 to be reserved as open green or landscaped areas. B. The land area proposed for private uses by type of use for the entire district and each unit. C. The land area and number of sites proposed for public uses of each type. D. The standards of usable private open space, building coverage, and population density proposed for each unit of the development. E. The number of dwelling units proposed by type of dwelling. F. The total population anticipated in the entire district and in each unit. G. The amount and type of private recreation facilities pro- posed to be provided in conjunction with the development or any part thereof. H. The amount of floor area proposed in commercial buildings with a description of the general nature of uses proposed and the probable trade or service area for the commercial uses. I. The percentage of each lot to be occupied by a structure and percentage to be open and/or landscaped. J. The general character of public improvements and utilities proposed to be constructed and installed, time in which they are proposed to be completed and the methods of fi- nancing and dedicating said improvements. K. The method, source and adequacy of services or utilities to provide water, gas, electric power, telephone, sewage, drain- age and fire protection to the area. C. General Development Schedule - The General Development Schedule shall indicate to the best of the applicant's knowledge the approximate date on which construc- tion of the project can be expected to begin, the anticipated rate of development and completion date. The Development Schedule, if approved by the City Council, shall be- come part of the Development Plan and shall be adhered to by the applicant and his successors in interest. 4.25 Public Hearings; Findings Required: Planning Commission Action A. Public Hearings - The Planning Commission shall notice and hold public reari~s as required by Section 6.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Prior to noticing the ~blic hearing, the Planning Officer shall transmit copies of the application to the de- ~artment heads and other agencies deemed necessary for report and recommendation. The ~epartment heads upon receiving the application shall make a report and recommendation to the Planning Officer within ten days after receipt thereof. B. Findings Required - The Planning Commission may approve the Plan and Sched,~le and recommend same to the City Council upon finding and determining that: 1. The Application, General Development Plan and General Development Schedule in form and content comply with Section 4.2 etc. seq. 27 2. The density proposed for the district conforms to the density pre- scribed by the adopted General Plan of the City. 3. An enforceable adequate program for construction and installation, and method of maintaining landscaped open areas has been proposed. 4. Adequate public improvements and utilities are proposed and they are to the standards of the City. 5. The sites proposed for public facilities, such as schools, play- grounds and parks, are adequate to serve the anticipated popula- tion and are acceptable to the public authoritites having juris- diction thereof. 6. The streets and thoroughfares proposed are suitably located and adequate to carry the anticipated traffic thereon. 7. Any proposed commercial development is needed at the proposed location to provide adequate commercial facilities of the type proposed. 8. The development will not generate traffic which will be in excess of the capacity of streets in adjacent areas, or place an over- load on other public improvements and facilities. 9. The proposed development will constitute an environment of sustained desirability and stability and will be in harmony with the character of the surrounding area. . 10. The proponents of the Planned Community Development intend and are capable of submitting specific unit development plans for the first unit of development within one year after establishment of the Planned Community District and of completing construction of said unit within two years after approval thereof. 11. Construction of the public and private improvements in the whole district will be completed within five years after establishment of the Planned Community District except that the Planning Commission may consider the nature and size of the district as a basis for providing time for completion up to ten years. 12. The uses and development proposed conform with the adopted General Plan of the City. 13. Height, space between structures and open areas are within the limits of the following: (A) As set forth in Section 4.23 (g) (B) As set forth in Section 4.23 (h) 14. Adequate off-street parking has been provided of not less than one and one-half spaces per dwelling unit except that the Planning Commission may at its discretion increase this requirement to two Parking spaces per dwelling unit and in either instance further re- quire that one space be a garage and the additional space or part thereof be in an open parking area. 28 15. Whether a subdivision plat and proceeding should be re- quired pursuant to the Government Code and City's Subdi- vision Ordinance. C. Planning Commission Action - The Planning Commission may recommend approval if it makes the findings set forth in Subsection (b) and recommend disapproval if it is unable to make said findings. D. Council Action - The Council upon receipt of the Planning Commis- sion's recommendation shall notice and hold a public hearing as set forth in Section 6.64 of said Zoning Ordinance, as amended, except when the Planning Commission recom- mends against the adoption of an amendment, the Council shall not be required to take any further action, thereon unless otherwise provided in said Zoning Ordinance as amended, or unless an interested party requests such a hearing by filing a written request with the City Clerk within five days after the Planning Commission files its recommendation with the Council. The Council shall require that the requesting party file in support of the proposed amendment an advisory report by an urban planner who is a full member of the American Institute of Planners. If the Council, after following the procedures set forth in Section 6.6, desires to approve the amendment, or modifications thereof, an ordinance shall be passed adopting the map approved by the Council as an amendment to the City's Zoning Map for said area and the ordinance shall include the regulations for said district. 4.26 Modification or Amendment The P-C General Development Plan may be modified or the District may be amended. - A. Modification - The Planning Commission may issue a Consent to Modification of the General Development Plan, provided the modification does not materially change the nature, character and design of the P-C District. The Consent to Modification shall consist of a description of the modification and a plat or map illustrating the modification, and shall be dated and signed by the Chairman of the Planning Commission and Planning Officer. A copy of the Consent shall be filed in - Central Records and the Clerk shall endorse on the original General Plan a reference to said Consent. B. The P-C District may be amended as hereinbefore provided. The application for amendment shall specify the changes requested and include the amended plats or maps. C. In addition to the amendment procedure hereinbefore provided, - an amendment may be effected after hearing before the City Council on appeal as set forth in Section 4.25 (c). 4.27 Administration The Planning Officer shall compare the actual development accom- plished in the various P-C Districts or units of said Districts with the approved d6velopment schedules and shall report findings monthly to the Planning Commission. If, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, the owner or owners of the property in any P-C District are failing or have failed to meet the approved schedule, ti~e Commission may initiate proceedings to remove the P-C District from the Zoning Map. Upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission and for good cause shown - by the property owner, the City Council may extend the limits imposed by the develop- · ent schedule. _ 29 REGULATIONS FOR B DISTRICTS SECTIONS: 4.30 Regulations for B Districts 4.30 Regulations for B Districts The following regulations shall apply in lieu of building site area, yard, and lot width requirements in the respective R-l, R-2 and R-3 Dis- tricts where such districts are combined with a B District, and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5. All other provisions of the respective districts shall apply. MINIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM COMBINING BUILDING LOT LOT FRONT YARD SIDE YARD DESIGNATION SITE AREA WIDTH LENGTH DEPTH WIDTHS B-1 7,500 sq. ft. 75 feet 100 feet 20 feet 8 feet B-2 lO,O00 sq. ft. 80 feet 120 feet 25 feet 10 feet B-3 15,000 sq. ft. 100 feet 150 feet 30 feet 15 feet B-4 1/2 acre 150 feet 175 feet 30 feet 20 feet Any land graded or benched for building sites wherein cuts are required, leaving banks or slopes of greater grade than a ratio of 3 to 1, shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to obtaining a building permit. PLANNED COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT OR P-C-M DISTRICT SECTIONS: 4.40 Planned Commercial and Light Industrial District or.P-C-M District 4.41 P-C-M Districts 4.42 Application for Establishment of Uses Permitted in P-C-M Districts 4.43 The Planning Commission 4.44 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a Use Permit in each case 4.45 Building Height Limit 4.46 Building Site Area Required 4.47 Yard Required 4.40 Planned Commercial and Light Industrial District or P-C-M District The following regulations shall apply in all P-C-M Districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5 of this Ordinance, except that here conflict in regulations occurs, the regulations specified in this section shall apply. 4.41 P-C-M Districts P-C-M Districts may be established in areas where it is deemed de- -able to provide for limited manufacturing facilities of a design and type which ,~lll enhance the area and not be detrimental to surrounding property or the City. 30 4.42 Application for Establishment of Uses Permitted in P-C-M Districts Application for establishment of Uses Permitted in P-C-M districts shall be accompanied by preliminary architectural and landscaping drawings, including any plans for future expansion. Such drawings and plans shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval, and no building permit shall be issued until the drawings or plans have been so considered by the Planning Commission and a use permit approved in accordance with the provisions of a use permit as set forth in Section 6 hereof. 4.43 The Planning Commission The Planning Commission may designate such conditions as it deems necessary to fulfill the purpose of this section and may require reasonable guarantees and evidence that such conditions are being, or will be, complied with. 4.44 Uses permitted subject to first procuring a Use Permit in each case and subject to the provisions of Sections 4.41, 4.42 and 4.43 A. Retail stores and personal service establishments and offices. B. Research laboratories. C. Signs appurtenant to any permitted use. D. Any outdoor sales or drive-in establishments including gasoline service stations or similar uses. Said uses shall be free of nuisance factors, such as objectionable sights, sounds and smells. 4.45 Building Height Limit Fifty (50) feet. 4.46 Building Site Area Required For each main building - minimum of five thousand (5000) square feet. 4.47 Yard Required Such yards shall be required as are deemed necessary for proper landscaping and off-street parking. OPEN SPACE DISTRICT OR OS DISTRICT SECTIONS: 4.50 Open Space District or OS District 4.51 Certain Districts, Open Space Districts 4.52 Uses Permitted 4.53 Uses Permitted, subject to first obtaining a use permit in each case 4.54 General Regulations 31 4.50 Open Space District or OS District The following regulations shall apply in all OS Districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5 of this ordinance, except that where con- flict in regulations occurs, the regulations specified in this section shall apply. 4.51 Certain Districts, Open Space Districts Certain districts, designated by the symbol OS and referred to as Open Space Districts, are established to provide certain extensive uses of land and to establish standards for such uses. The intent of this district is to provide a method of implementation of the adopted Open Space and Conservation Element of the South San Francisco General Plan. The district regulations are intended as a method for the protection of valuable open space lands and uses, including the preservation of natural resources, the managed production of resources, outdoor recreation and public health and safety. 4.52 Uses Permitted A. Agriculture. B. Golf course, provided that no clubhouse or accessory building shall be located nearer than 200 feet to any dwelling. C. One family detached dwelling including accessory buildings, as regulated in the R-1 District, with the exception that the minimum lot size for such use shall be one acre. D. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a one family residence for which the use is clearly related to single family dwelling, in- cluding the following: 1. Garages and carports. 2. Garden structures. 3. Greenhouses. 4. Storage buildings. 5. Recreation rooms. 6. Hobby shops provided that no noisy or otherwise objection- able machinery or equipment is used and provided that no sales are made therefrom. 7. Private swimming pools. E. Public, parochial and private elementary schools, junior high scno s, high schools and colleges. F. Public park, wildlife preserve, recreation or open space area. G. Churches, parish houses, monasteries, convents and other reli- ~ous institutions. 4.53 Uses Permitted, subject to first obtaining a Use Permit in each case A. Broadcasting tower for radio or television. 32 B. Mining, dredging, loading, and hauling of sand, dirt, gravel, or other aggregate. C. Private, non-profit schools and colleges not including business, professional or trade school and colleges. D. Public and private philanthropic and charitable institutions. E. Public utility and public service structures or installations when found by the Commission to be necessary for the public health, safety or welfare. F. Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site with, and necessary to the operation of a Conditional Use. G. Private commercial recreation uses which do not significantly alter or eliminate the land's natural character. H. Hospital and Sanitarium. 4.54 General Regulations A. No horses or cattle and no other animals except household pets shall be bred, raised or maintained within 200 feet of any R Districts. B. Off-street parking and loading space shall be provided in accor- dance with Section 4.1 herein. C. The total ground Coverage of structures on any parcel located within the OS District shall not exceed 25% of the gross parcel area. PROFESSIONAL, EXECUTIVE AND RESEARCH DISTRICT OR P-1 DISTRICT SECTIONS: 4.60 Professional, Executive and Research District or P-1 District 4.61 Uses Permitted 4.62 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a Use Permit in each case 4.63 Signs 4.65 Building Site Area Required 4.66 Minimum Yards Required 4.67 Fences 4.68 Parking Required 4.69 Architectural Control 4.60 Professional, Executive and Research District or P-1 District The following regulations shall apply in all P-1 Districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5 of this Ordinance. 4.61 Uses Permitted A. General offices, executive and administrative offices, clinics, and other uses which, in the opinion of the Planning CommissiOn, are similar. 4.62 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a Use Permit in each case A. Multiple dwellings, mortuaries, electronic research laboratories, and other laboratories of a similar type or nature, restaurants, service stations. 33 4.63 Signs One (1) single-faced sign, not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area, may be erected for each building site. Any such sign shall be erected flatwise on the face of the building, and if lighted, shall be non-flashing, non-re- volving, and non-scintillating. No sign shall project into any side or rear yard, or over any public street. 4.65 Building Site Area Required A. For each main building - minimum of ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 4.66 Minimum Yards Required A. Front Yards - Minimum required twenty-five (25) feet. B. Side Yards - Minimum required ten (10) feet, except that on the street side of a corner lot the minimum shall be twenty-five (25) feet. C. Rear Yards - Minimum required, twenty-fi've (25) feet. 4.67 Fences Fence heights shall not exceed three (3) feet in any front or side yard extending between any building and any street line. All fences at the side of, or to the rear of any building shall have a maximum height of eight (8) feet; pro- vided, however, that fences along or near property lines adjoining any R District shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. 4.68 Parking Required A. Off-street parking on the building site shall be required in P-1 Districts according to the following formula: 1. Offices, restaurants, mortuaries or clinics: Minimum of one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area; 2. Research or other laboratories, minimum of one (1) parking space for each five hundred (500) square feet of floor area; 3. Motels, minimum of one (1) parking space for each unit. 4.69 Architectural Control The same rules and regulations pertaining to architectural control in a!~ R-3, C or M District shall obtain with respect to all P-1 Districts. 34 B. Mining, dredging, loading, and hauling of sand, dirt, gravel, or other aggregate. C. Private, non-profit schools and colleges not including business, professional or trade school and colleges. D. Public and private philanthropic and charitable institutions. E. Public utility and public service structures or installations when found by the Commission to be necessary for the public health, safety or welfare. F. Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site with, and necessary to the operation of a Conditional Use. G. Private commercial recreation uses which do not significantly alter or eliminate the land's natural character. H. Hospital and Sanitarium. 4.54 General Regulations A. No horses or cattle and no other animals except household pets shall be bred, raised or maintained within 200 feet of any R Districts. B. Off-street parking and loading space shall be provided in accor- dance with Section 4.1 herein. C. The total ground coverage of structures on any parcel located within the OS District shall not exceed 25% of the gross parcel area. PROFESSIONAL, EXECUTIVE AND RESEARCH DISTRICT OR P-1 DISTRICT SECTIONS: 4.60 Professional, Executive and Research District or P-1 District 4.61 Uses Permitted 4.62 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a Use Permit in each case 4.63 Signs 4.65 Building Site Area Required 4.66 Minimum Yards Required 4.67 Fences 4.68 Parking Required 4.69 Architectural Control 4.60 Professional, Executive and Research District or P-1 District The following regulations shall apply in all P-1 Districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5 of this Ordinance. 4.61 Uses Permitted A. General offices, executive and administrative offices, clinics, and other uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are similar. 4.62 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a Use Permit in each case A. Multiple dwellings, mortuaries, electronic research laboratories, and other laboratories of a similar type or nature, restaurants, service stations. 33 4.63 Signs One (1) single-faced sign, not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area, may be erected for each building site. Any such sign shall be erected flatwise on the face of the building, and if lighted, shall be non-flashing, non-re- volving, and non-scintillating. No sign shall project into any side or rear yard, or over any public street. 4.65 Building Site Area Required A. For each main building - minimum of ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 4.66 Minimum Yards Required A. Front Yards - Minimum required twenty-five (25) feet. B. Side Yards - Minimum required ten (10) feet, except that on the street side of a corner lot the minimum shall be twenty-five (25) feet. C. Rear Yards - Minimum required, twenty-five (25) feet. 4.67 Fences Fence heights shall not exceed three (3) feet in any front or side yard extending between any building and any street line. All fences at the side of, or to the rear of any building shall have a maximum height of eight (8) feet; pro- vided, however, that fences along or near property lines adjoining any R District shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. 4.68 Parking Required A. Off-street parking on the building site shall be required in P-1 Districts according to the following formula: 1. Offices, restaurants, mortuaries or clinics: Minimum of one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area; 2. Research or other laboratories, minimum of one (1) parking space for each five hundred (500) square feet of floor area; 3. Motels, minimum of one (1) parking space for each unit. 4.69 Architectural Control The same rules and regulations pertaining to architectural control in aN R-3, C or M District shall obtain with respect to all P-1 Districts. 34 GENERAL PROVISIONS AND EXCEPTIONS SECTIONS: 5.0 General Provisions and Exceptions 5.10 Uses 5.20 Height Limits 5.30 Building Site Area 5.40 Yards 5.50 Architectural Control 5.60 Non-Conforming Uses 5.70 Purpose 5.71 Procedures 5.72 General Requirements and Exceptions 5.73 Residential Planned Unit Development 5.74 Commercial-Industrial Planned Unit Development 5.75 Amendment or Modification 5.76 Expiration of Use~Permit and Extension of Time 5.77 Building Plans and Permits 5,80 Construction of Garages, Carports 5.0 General Provisions and Exceptions The regulations specified for this ordinance shall be subject to the following general provisions and exceptions: 5.10 Uses A. No theater, circus, carnival, amusement park, open air recreation centers,.or other similar establishments, shall be established in any district unless and until a use permit is first procured for the establiShment, maintenance, and operation of~such use. · B. No dance hall, road house, night club, commercial club, or any estab- lishment where liquor is served, or commercial place of amusement or recreation, or any such place, or any place, where entertainers are provided, whether as social companions or otherwise, shall be established in any district closer than two hundred (200) feet to the boundary of any dwelling district, unless a use permit shall first have been procured for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of such use. C. Accessory uses and buildings in any C or M distriCt may be permitted where such use or buildings are incidental to, and do not alter, the character of the premises in respect to their use for purposes permitted in the district. Such accessory buildings shall be allowed only when constructed concurrently with, or subsequently to the construction of the main building. D. The removal of top soil, minerals, earth, and other natural materials, may be permitted in any district provided a use permit shall first be obtained in each case. E. The moving of any builidng into the city or within the city may be permitted in any district provided a use permit shall first be obtained in each case. F. Accessory buildings in any R district may occupy not more than thirty percent (30%) of the required rear yard area. 5.20 Height Limits A, Chimneys, cupolas, flag poles, monuments, gas storage holders, radio and other towers, water tanks, and similar structures and mechanical appurtenances 35 may be permitted in excess of height limits provided a use permit is first ob- tained in each case. B. In R, C-1, or other districts in which front yard or side yard setbacks are required, no fence, hedge, or screen planting of any kind shall hereafter be constructed or grown to exceed six (6) feet in height (except that a one (1) foot baffle or louvre may be constructed in excess of said six (6) foot height, which shall be for wind deflection only), within any required side yard to the rear of the front line of any dwelling or along any rear property line, nor to exceed three (3) feet in height along the property line to the front, or the street side of any dwelling, or within twenty (20) feet of the street corner on any corner lot; provided, however, that a six (6) foot fence, hedge, or screen planting may be constructed or grown on the street side of any dwelling if required front and side yard setbacks are maintained. 5.30 Building Site Area A. Any lot or parcel of land under one ownership and of record as of the 8th day of January, 1948, and where no adjoining land is owned by the same person, may be used as a building site even when of less area or width than that required by the regulations for the district in which it is located. 5.40 Yards A. Architectural features such as cornices, eaves, and canopies may not extend more than two (2) feet into any required side yard. B. Open uncovered porches, landing plaoes, or outside stairways may project not more than two (2) feet into any required side yard, and not ex- ceeding six (6) feet into any required front yard. This is not to be construed as prohibiting open porches eighteen (18) inches in height and not approaching closer than eighteen (18) inches to any lot line. C. Whenever an official plan line has been established for any street, required yards shall be measured from such line, and in no case shall the provisions of this ordinance be construed as permitting any encroachment upon any official plan lines. D. In case an accessory building is attached to the main building, it shall be made structurally a part of, and have a common wall with the main buildings and shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this ordinance applicable to the main building. Unless so attached, an accessory building in a R district shall be located on the rear one-half (½) of the lot and at least ten (10) feet from any dwelling building existing or under con- struction on the same lot. Such accessory building shall not be located within five (5) feet of any alley or within five (5) feet of the side line of the front one-half (½) of any adjacent lot, and in the case of a corner lot, shall not project beyond the front yard required or existing on the adjacent lot. E. Every building or port~on thereof which is designed or used for any dwelling purpose in any C district shall comply with the provisions of this ordinance as to side yards which are required in R districts; provided that when the ground floor of any such building is used for any commercial purpose, no side yard shall be required. 5.50 Architectural Control A. In case an application is made for a permit for any building or structure in any R-3, C or M district, such application shall be accompanied 36 by the applicable following fee (R-3 District, $20.00; C District, $30.00; and M District, $50.00), and architectural drawings or sketches showing the elevations of the proposed building or structure and proposed landscape or other treatment of the grounds around such building or structure. Such drawings or sketches shall be considered by the Planning Commission in an endeavor to provide that the architectural and general appearance of such buildings or structures and grounds be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and that they not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the City or impair the desirablility of investment or occupation in the neighborhood. B. The Planning Commission may appoint an Architectural Committee of three members. C. The Architectural Committe shall have authority to approve architectural sketches within the meaning of Section 5.5 of this ordinance. D. In case the applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the Architectural Committe he may within fifteen (15) days after the decision of said committe appeal in writing to the Planning Commission. The Architectural Committee may, if it deems it advisable, refer any application for architectural approval to the Planning Commission for its decision. E. In case the applicant is not satisfied with the action of the Planning Commission, he may within thirty (30) days thereafter appeal in writing to the City Council, and said Council shall render its decision within thirty (30) days after the filing of such appeal. F. No permit shall be issued in any case hereinabove mentioned until such drawings and sketches have been approved by the Planning Commission, or'by the City Council in the event of appeal from the Planning Commission's de- cision, and all buildings, structures, and grounds shall be in accordance with the drawings and sketches. 5.60 Non-Conforming Uses A. The lawful use of land existing at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance, although such use does not conform to the regulations herein specified for the district in which such land is located, may be continued, pro- vided that no such use shall be enlarged or increased or be extended to occupy a greater area than that occupied by such use at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance, and that if any such use ceases, the subsequent use of such land shall be in conformity to the regulations specified by this Ordinance for the District in which such land is located, unless otherwise specified herein. No land used for greenhouse purposes may be extended or enlarged so that such green- houses cover a greater area than that occupied by such greenhouses at the time of adoption of this Ordinance, unless and until a use permit is first procured under the following condition: No use permit may be granted where extension of such greenhouse will adversely affect surrounding property and the general wel- fare of the area. B. The lawful use of a building existing at the time of adoption of this ordinance may be continued although such use does not conform to the regu- lations specified for the district in which such building is located. C. The non-conforming use of a portion of a building may be ex- tended throughout the building provided that in each case a use permit shall first be obtained. D. The non-conforming use of a building may be changed to a use of the same, or a more restricted, nature provided that in each case a use permit shall first be obtained. E. If the non-conforming use of a building ceases for a continuous 37 period of six (6) months, it shall be considered abandoned and shall thereafter be used only in accordance with the regulations for the district in which it is located. F. A non-conforming building damaged or destroyed by fire, ex- plosion, earthquake, or other act to an extent of more than fifty (50) percent of the appraised value thereof, according to the assessor's records, may be re- stored only if made to conform to all the regulations of the district in which it is located, provided that such building may be restored to a total floor area not exceeding that of the former building if a use permit is first procured in each case. G. Ordinary maintenance, repair or minor alterations may be made to any non-conforming building, provided that in the case of multiple-family commercial and industrial buidlings and land uses, the total cost of said mainten- ance, repair or minor alterations will not exceed 25 percent of the appraised value of such building in any one year period and, further, providing that any such minor alterations will be subject to the provisions of Section 5.5 of this Ordinance. Ordinary maintenance, repair or minor alterations may be made to any non-conforming single-family residential property, provided that any such work shall not exceed 50 percent of the appraised value of such buildings in any one year period. Other repairs or alterations may be permitted provided that a use permit shall first be obtained in each case. H. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be deemed to re- quire any change in the plans, construction or designated use of any building for which a building permit has properly been issued, in accordance with the provisions of ordinances then in effect, and upon which actual construction has been started prior to the effective date of this ordinance, provided that in all such cases, actual construction shall be diligently carried on until completion of the building. 5.70 Purpose Planned Unit Developments are permitted in order to allow diver- sification in use and in the relationships of various buildings, structures and open spaces in planned building groups and variations in the allowable heights of buildings and structures, while insuring substantial compliance with the District regulations and other provisions of this ordinance, in order that the intent of and general welfare may be observed without unduly inhibiting developers attempting to secure the advantages of modern large-scale site planning for residential, commercial or industrial purposes. Where use is made of the Planned Unit Develop- ment process, as provided in this section, a Zoning Permit shall not be issued for such development or part thereof until the said development has been approved as herein provided. 5.71 Procedures The following procedures shall apply to the establishment of a Planned Unit Development in any zoning district - wherein it is a permitted use, except that in a P-C District, the terms of the ordinance establishing the district may set forth the requirements for permitting a Planned Unit Development in said P-C District, the regulations for which shall be substantially the same as the regulations set forth in the Planned Unit Development sections of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Application - An application consisting of a verified petition of all the owners, a site plan and architectural plans shall be filed with the Planning Commission. The form and content of the petition and site plan are hereinafter set forth. 38 1. Petition - The petition shall set forth the following: (A) Names, addresses and extent of interest owned in the parcel proposed for P.U. District zoning or permit. (B) A legal description of the parcel and a statement of the number of acres contained therein. - (C) A Title Report verifying the description and vestees. (D) Title and other data identifying the general develop- ment and general development schedule. (E) The method whereby the landscaped areas adjacent to.. building sites and landscaped open areas are to be established and maintained. (F) A declaration as to whether the parcel is to re- main under the same ownership and control or to be divided into smaller units during or after development and the manner and method of said division. (G) A copy of any proposed deed restrictions and cove- nants proposed to be recorded. (H) A copy of any association, articles or incorporation and by-laws and, should there be none, then a state- ment of the proposed contents. 2. Site Plan - The site plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn on a map not less than 18" x 26" in size and to a scale of not less than one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') and shall show: (A) The title of Planned Unit; date of preparation; north point; scale; names and addresses and telephone numbers of record owners and developers; name, address and registration or license number of person who pre- pared the map; and a blank space of eight (80) square inches in area, of suitable shape for certification, conditions and approval. (B) Unit boundaries and acreage to the nearest one- tenth (1/lOth) per cent; lot lines and dimensions of all lots and area of each lot given to the nearest two (2) per cent of area; and landscaped and open areas Which constitute part of a lot or are adjacent to the lot or are reserved as open green areas for the benefit of the unit or district of which it is a part. (C) Location, names and widths of adjacent streets; pro- 39 posed streets and highways as shown on any precise plan or as official plan lines; existing and proposed streets, ways, sewers, storm drains, fire hydrants, gas, water, power and telephone, and other public utilities for the unit. (D) The outlines of groves of trees and the location of all other individual trees with a trunk diameter of eight inches (8") or greater standing within the boundaries of the unit. (E) Location, size, present use and proposed use of existing and propsed buildings and structures, yards and open spaces, walls and fences. Height and materials shall be shown for buildings, structures, walls and fences. (F) Location, dimensions of and number of spaces in existing and proposed off-street parking areas. (G) Internal circulation for pedestrians and vehicles. (H) Location of points of ingress and egress to public streets. (I) Location, dimensions and number of spaces for loading and the internal circulation for loading operations. (J) Location, size, height, type of materials and lighting of existing and proposed signs. (K) Location and nature of street and area lighting including types of hooding devices. (L) Plans showing existing grades and proposed finished grades and system for drainage. (M) Street dedications proposed. 3. Architectural drawings and sketches indicating building floor plans and tile exterior elevations of the building or structure proposed 4. Other data necessary for the Commission and Council to make their required findings. 5. Subdivision Requirements - Should a subdivision of the unit be proposed or undertaken, the map and other regu- lations of the subdivision ordinance shall apply. 5.72 General Requirements.and Exceptions A. Planned Unit Developments in all districts shall comply with the following requirements: 4O 1. The parcel on which the development is to be located shall be in one ownership or under unified control and include an area of at least four (4) acres except that an area may be less than four acres if it is bounded on all sides by streets, public open spaces, boundary lines of less restricted zoning districts or natural features which tend to separate the parcel from adjoining land. 2. The proposed development shall be in conformity with the adopted General Plan of the City and shall conform with any applicable precise plans adopted in conformance therewith for the purpose of effectuating the General Plan. 3. The proposed development shall be designed to produce an- environment of stable and desirable character in harmony with the character of the surrounding area. 4. The spacing between main buildings shall be at least equi- valent to the spacing which would be required between buildings similarly developed under the terms of this ordinance on separate parcels, due consideration being given to building height and to the openness normally afforded by intervening streets and alleys. 5. The development shall not produce a volume of traffic in excess of the capacity for which the access streets are designed. Vehicular entrances and exits shall be care- fully located and designated to minimize hazards. The Plan shall provide for safe, convenient internal circulation, pedestrian and vehicular. B. A Planned Unit Development in a P-C District shall conform to the terms of the ordinance establishing the P-C District and, where not in conflict there- with to the General Development Plan and General Development Schedule for the respective P-C District. C. A PlannedUnit Development in any other district shall conform to all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for such district, except as otherwise speci- fically permitted by this section. Planned Unit Developments in districts other than P-C Districts shall in addition to other requirements comply with the following: 1. Any buildings exceeding in height the limit normally per- mitted in the district shall be so located on the parcel so as to obviate the casting of unbroken shadows on adjoining parcels. 2. Yards which are not less in dimension than otherwise required in the district in which situated shall be provided along the parcel lines bounding each Planned Unit Development. D. Development of Planned Community - Development of the Planned Community District or any of the several designated districts or zones shall be by planned units of not less than four acres, unless otherwise provided, for which a Use Permit shall be required as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco and related provisions of this ordinance. No Building Permit shall be issued nor shall any buildings or structures be moved into said Planned Community District 41 or any of the several districts or zones prior to obtaining a Use Permit or Zoning Permit therefor. All plans, specifications and drawings shall be in complete and final form prior to granting of a Use or Zoning Permit. No Use Permit or Zoning Permit shall be granted subject to report and recommendations of departments, boards, commissions or other agencies. If departments, boards, commissions, and other agencies file reports setting forth requirements and recommendations and said reports are approved by the Planning Commission, then the related plans, specifications and drawings shall be amended so as to delineate thereon and therein said requirements and recommendations as approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a Use Permit or Zoning Permit. No Use Permit or Zoning Permit shall be granted until developer has conveyed the common greens free and clear of all liens, taxes and encumbrances, except those consented to by City, to a homeowner's association formed for the pur- pose of accepting such grants and maintaining such common greens or to City and said area has been annexed to or included within a separate maintenance district or other agency formed for the purpose of maintaining such common greens. Developers shall, at the time of conveyance, file a title insurance policy with the grantee, assuring title vested in the grantee free and clear of all said liens, taxes and encum- brances. No Use Permit or Zoning Permit shall be issued until developers have filed with the City Planner the necessary documents providing for the con- struction, installation and maintenance of the common greens in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and shall have filed with said City Planner a cor- porate surety bond guaranteeing the construction and installation of said common greens in accordance with the related plans and specifications. Developers shall pro- vide for maintenance of the common greens from the completion thereof until acceptance by the grantee for maintenance as hereinbefore set forth by filing with the City Planner an agreement to so maintain secured by a corporate surety bond in the principal sum approved by the City Landscape Specialist and City Attorney. No Use Permit or Zoning Permit shall be issued until developers have filed a final subdivison map in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. 5.73 Residential Planned Unit Development - Definition, Requirements and Exceptions A. A Residential Planned Unit Development is a development planned and executed as a unit and consisting of a single family, two-family or mutliple dwellings or any appropriate combination thereof, together with related uses serving only the individual Planned Unit Development. B. In districts other than P-C Districts the total parcel area shall be not less than ninety per cent (90%) of that normally required in the district in which located for the same number of dwelling units of equivalent sizes. C. The development shall include the provision for recreation areas adequate to meet the needs of the anticipated population of the development or such areas as may be specified in the Master Plan or in the approved General Development Plan and General Development Schedule for any P-C District. D. The development may include commercial and professional uses as an integral part of a residential development but such uses shall be planned and 9auged primarily for the services and convenience of residents and people working within, although not residents of, the Planned Unit Development, and shall be author- ized only to the extent that such uses are not available to the residents in reason- able proximity thereto. 42 5.74 Commercial - Industrial Planned Unit Development - Definition, Requirements and Exceptions A. A Commercial - Industrial Planned Unit Development is a develop- ment planned and executed as a unit and consisting of commercial or industrial uses or any appropriate combination thereof together with related uses. B. The development shall make adequate provision for delivery and shipment of materials by truck or rail; standing space for service vehicles; parking for vistors, clients, customers and employees. In no case shall a lesser number of parking or loading spaces be provided than required by Section 4.1 for similar uses, and th~ Planning Commission may increase said requirements by fifty per cent (50%). C. Noise, dust, odor, smoke and vibration shall be limited or con- trolled so as not to be detrimental to uses within the development or adjoining pro- perties. D. Storage and handling of explosive or otherwise potentially dangerous materials shall be limited to the extent necessary to protect the public safety. 5.75 Amendment or Modification A Planned Unit Development Plan and any requirements impOsed as a condition of granting a Use Permit therefor may be amended or modified on application by the developer, or through proceedings intiated by the Planning Commission or City Council. The procedure for amendment or modification shall be the same as required for the original application. 5.76 Expiration of Use Permit and Extension of Time Unless an extension of time is granted by the City Council, a Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development shall expire one year after it is issued, if development pursuant to it has not commenced. 5.77 Building Plans and Permits, Review by Planning Officer and Issuance of Endorsement Prior to issuance of the Building Permit to applicant, the Building Inspector shall submit to the Planning Officer two sets of the plans and the permit he proposes to issue. The Planning Officer shall review the proposed permit and plans and determine whether they conform to the approved planned unit development plans. If they conform the Planning Officer shall endorse approval on both copies of the permits and plans, returning one set to the Building Inspector and retaining one set for the Planning Commission files. There shall be no charges made in the plans as approved by the Planning Officer unless they are submitted to the Planning Officer as hereinabove stated. A. Verification of Construction - The Planning Officer and Building Inspector shall during the course of construCtion determine whether the construction is proceeding in accordance with the approved planned unit plans, and should construc- tion not be proceeding in accordance therewith, they shall exercise their powers to cause said construction to stop. B. Report regarding General Development Schedule - The Planning Officer shall file a monthly report with the City Council, Planning Commission and City Manager as to whether the construction in the Planned Unit Development is pro- ceeding according to the approved schedule. 5.8 Construction of Garages and Carports "Construction of garages and carports to serve any duplex, apartment house, dwelling group or other building or structure containing two or more residential units shall be regulated by the following provisions: A. Any garage,carport or other structure used for or intended to be used for the housing or shelter of vehicles to meet the other requirements of this Ordinance, and opening directly on to any public street or alley, shall be enclosed on three sides, and shall be equipped with a door or doors, or other solid devices, capable of enclosing the other or fourth side. B. Open garages and carports shall be permitted only when the vehicular entrance thereof is at an angle of not less than ninety (90) degrees from the adjoining public street or alley. C. Where any door which swings outward from the face of the garage entrance is installed, the garage or carport entrance shall be set back no less than twenty-four (24) feet. If a horizontal or vertical sliding door is installed, the garage or carport entrance shall be set back twenty-one (21) feet. Such setback shall be measured from the inboard edge of the sidewalk line. If no sidewalk or sidewalk line has been established, such set back shall be measured from the property line. PERMITS SECTIONS: 6.0 Permits 6.1 Zoning Permits 6.0 Permits 6.1 Zoning Permits Zoning Permits shall be required for all buildings and structures hereinafter erected, constructed, altered, repaired, or moved within or into any district established by this ordinance. Such permit may be a part of the building permit. USE PERMITS SECTIONS: 6.20 Use Permits 6.21 Applications 6.22 Public Hearings 6.23 Action by Commission 6.24 Appeal 6.25 Action by City Council 6.26 Effect 44 6.20 Use Permits Use permits,~revocable, conditional, or valid for a term period may, in accordance with the provisions of this subsection, be issued or denied for any of the uses or purposes for which said permits are required or permitted by the terms of this ordinance. 6.21 Applications A. Applications for use permits may be made only by an interested party and shall be made to the Planning Commission in writing on a form prescribed by the Commission and shall be accompained by plans and elevations necessary to show the detail of the proposed use of the building. Such.applications shall be accom- panied by a fee of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00), no part of which shall be refundable. B. When an application is filed, the City Planner shall make an investigation and review, the City Planner shall set a public hearing before the Planning Commission on said application. 6.22 Public Hearings A. Publication - Notice of the public hearing shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of South San Francisco not less than ten days prior to the date set for the hearing. B. Posting - Notice of the public hearing shall be posted on the property which is subject of the application, or adjacent thereto, not less than ten days prior to the date set for such hearing. 6.23 Action by Commission A. In order for the Planning Commission to grant a use permit, the findings of the Planning Commission shall be to the effect that the establishment maintenance, operation or the use of the building for which a permit is sought will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing ,or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, and will not be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Where a use permit is requested for a Planned Unit Development, findings shall also be made on the matters required to be set forth in the application; on the Planned Unit Development's conformity to the relevant provisions of Sections 5.72, 5.73 and 5.74, and as set forth below in order for the Planning Commission to grant the use permit. 1. In case of residential development in districts other than P-C Districts that the total parcel area is not less than ninety per cent (90%) of that normally required i:n the District in which located for the same number of dwelling units of equivalent sizes. 2. That yards are provided along the parcel lines bounding such Planned Unit Development not less in dimension than otherwise required in the District in which situated. 3. That the spacing between main buildings is at least equivalent to the spacing which would be required 45 between buildings similarly developed under the terms of the Ordinance on separate parcels, due consideration being given to building height and to the openness normally afforded by intervening streets and alleys. 4. Buildings exceeding in height the limit normally permitted in the District are so located on the parcel as to obviate the casting of unbroken shadows on adjoining parcels. 5. That the proposed development is designed to pro- duce an environment of stable and desirable cha- racter. 6. That the proposed development includes provision for recreation areas to meet the anticipated needs of the population or such areas as may be specified in the Master Plan or in the approved General Dev- elopment Plan and Schedule for the P-C District. 7. That the enforceable adequate method and program for construction, installation and maintenance of landscaped open areas has been developed and pre- sented. 8. That for any development in a P-C District the Planned Unit Development conforms to the terms of the Ordinance establishing the district and where not in con- flict therewith, the provisions of the General Develop- ment Plan and Schedule for the District. B. The Planning Commission may grant the permit by Resolution or Motion and designate such conditions in connection with the issuance of a Use Permit as it deems necessary in order to fulfill the purposes of this Ordinance and may require reasonable guarantees and evidence that such conditions are being, or will be, complied with. C. The City Planner shall file with the City Council a report of the determination and action of the Planning Commission. 6.24 Appeal A. The applicant or any other person affected by the determination of the Planning Commission may file an appeal with the City Council, provided said appeal is filed in writing within ten days after said determination. The City Council may on its own motion, within the ten-day period, order that a determination of the Planning Commission stand appealed. B. The City Council shall set a date for hearing said appeal. Notice of said hearing shall be given to the applicant and party filing the appeal. Notice of such appeal shall also be given to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Com- mission shall submit a report to the City Council setting forth the reasons for the action taken by the Commission. In addition, the Planning Commission may be repre- sented at the hearing. C. The City Council shall render its decision within sixty (60) days after the hearing on said appeal. 46 6.25 Action by City Council ~' ~ ~ A. The City Council may: 1. Continue the hearing and request, a supplemental report from the Planning Commission or City Planner, in which event the ~City COunci~l..mayextendthe time for rendering the decision as set forth in Sec. 6.24 (A) an addi- tional,~hirty (30) days. 2. Approve the grant of the Use Permit, provided the Council finds that the use which is sought will not under the circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general '~ welfare of persons ~residing or working in the neighbor- . hood of such proposed use and will .not:be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements'in the neigh- borhood and to the general~ welfare of the City. ~,~ ~'~ .. 3. Disapprove the grant of the Use Permit;~ provided the Council finds that the use which is'~sought will ~under the circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and gen- eral welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use and will be detri- · mental or. injuriOus to property and improvements in the neighborhoo'd and to the general welfare of the City. · .... 4. ~Modify the granting of the Use Permit, providedthat the Council makes findings as set forth in 2. above. B. The City Council may designate such other or additional qualifi- cations and conditions in connection with the use permit as it deems necessary or advisable .in order to fulfill the ~purposes of this ordinance, and it may require reasonable guarantees andevidence,that such conditions are being, or will be, com- -plied with, ~ - .... The City Council's action may be by motion or'resolution. The .City Clerklshal~l f~ie.wi~th~the Planning Commission a report of the action of the City Council. ~ ...... 6.26 Effect No building or zoning permit shall be issued except in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Use Permit. VARIANCES. SECTIONS: 6.30 Variances 6.31 Applications 6..32 Public Hearings 47 6.33 Action by Commission 6.34 Appeals 6.35 Effect 6.30 Variances Where practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships and results in- consistent with the general purpose of this ordinance may result from the strict appli- cation of certain provisions thereof, variance permits may be granted as provided in this sections. 6.31 Applications A. Applications for variance permits may be made only by an interested party and shall be in writing on a form prescribed by the Planning Commission and shall be accompanied by a fee of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00), no part of which shall be refundable. B. When an application is filed, the Planning Officer shall make an investigation and review of said application. Upon completion of the investigation and review, the Planning Officer shall set a public hearing before the Planning Com- mission on said application. 6.32 Public Hearings A. Publication - Notice of the public hearing shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of South San Francisco not less than ten.days ~prior to the date set for the hearing. B. Posting - Notice of the public hearing shall be posted on the property which is subject of the application, or adjacent thereto, not less than ten days prior to the date set for such hearing. 6.33 Action by Commission A, After the conclusion of the public hearing, ~he Planning commis- sion shall make written findings of fact showing whether the qualifications under Section 6.31 (A) apply to land, building or use for which a variance is sought, and whether such variance will be in. harmony with the general purpose of this Ordinance. Then the Planning Commission may by Resolution or Motion grant or deny the variance as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of this Ordinance and may require rea- sonable guarantees and evidence that such conditions are being or will be complied with. B. The City Planner shall file with the City Council a report of the determination and action of the Planning Commission. 6.34 Appeals, Action by City Council A. Appeal - The applicant or any other person affected by the determination of the Planning Commission may file an aPpeal with the City Council, provided said appeal is filed in writing within ten days after said determination. The City Council may on its own Motion, within the ten-day period, order that a deter- mination of the Planning Commission stand appealed. B. Hearing - The City Council shall set a date for hearing said appeal. Notice of said hearing shall be given to the applicant and party filing the appeal. Notice of such appeal shall also be given to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission shall submit a report to the City Council setting forth the 48 reasons for the action taken by the Commission. In addition, the Planning Commis- sion may be represented at the hearing. The City Council shall render its decision within sixty (60) days after the hearing on said appeal. C. Actions - The City Council may: 1. Continue the hearing and request a supplemental report from the Planning Commission or City Planner, in which event the City Council may extend the time for rendering the decision set forth in Sec. 6.34 (B) an additional thirty (30) days. 2. Approve the granting of the variance upon finding that the qualifications under Sec. 6.31 (A) apply to the land, building or use for which a variance is sought and whether such variance will be in harmony with the general pur- pose of this ordinance. The City Council may designate' such conditions in connection with the Variance as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of this ordinance and may require reasonable guarantees and evidence that such conditions are being or will be complied with. 3. Disapprove the grant of the variance upon finding that the qualifications under Section 6.31 (A) do not .apply to the land, building or use for which the variance is sought and that it will not be in harmony with the general pur- pose of this ordinance. 4. Modify the granting of the variance upon making the findings set forth in 2. above~ D. The City Council's action may be by motion or resolution. The City Clerk shall file with the Planning Commission a report of the action of the City Council. 6.35 Effect No buildingor zoning permit shall be issued except in accordance with the terms and conditions of the variance.' APPEALS SECTIONS: 6.40 Appeals 6.41 Planning Commission 6.42 Applicant 6.43 Notice 6.44 City Council 6.40 Appeals 6.41 Planning Commission The Planning Commission shall have the power to hear and decide 49 appeals based on the enforcement or interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance. 6.42 Applicant In case an applicant is not satisfied with the action of the Planning Commission on his appeal he may within fifteen (15) days thereafter appeal in writing to the City Council. 6.43 Notice Notice of such appeal shall be given to the Planning Commission and a written report shall be submitted by the Planning Commission to the City Council setting forth the reasons for the action taken by the Commission and, in addition, the Commission may be represented at the Council hearing. 6.44 City Council The City Council shall render its decision within thirty (30) days after the filing of such appeal. REVOCATION OF PERMITS OR VARIANCES SECTIONS: 6.50 Revocation of Permits or Variances 6.51 Zoning Permit, Use Permit 6.52 Use Permit, Zoning Permit 6.53 Planning Commission 6.50 Revocation of Permits or Variances 6.51 Zoning Permit, Use Permit Any zoning permit, use permit, or variance granted in accordance with the terms of this ordinance shall automatically expire if not used within one (1) year from the date of approval. 6.52 Use Permit, Zoning Permit Any zoning permit, use permit, or variance granted in accordance with the terms of this ordinance may be revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such permit or variance are violated, or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection therewith. 6.53 Planning Commission The Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on any proposed re- vocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing and shall submit its recommendations to the City Council. The City Council shall act thereon within thirty (30) days after receipt of the recommendations of the Planning Commission. 50 AMFNDMENTS SECTIONS: 6.60 Amendments 6.61 Initiation 6.62 Public Hearings 6.63 Action by Planning Commission 6.64 Action by City Council 6.65 Procedural, Incidental, or Other Changes Not Affecting Any Precise Plan or Regulation Based upon Master Plan 6.60 Amendments This ordinance may, by following the procedure of this section, be amended by changing the boundaries of districts or by changing any other provisions thereof whenever the public necessity and convenience or the general welfare requires such amendment. 6.61 Initiation A. An amendment may be initiated by: 1. The verified petition of one or more owners of property affected by the proposed amendment, which petition shall be filed with the Planning Commission and shall be accom- panied by a fee of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), no part of which shall be returnable to the petitioner. 2. Resolution of Intention of the City Council; or by 3. Resolution of Intention of the Planning Commission. 6.62 Public Hearings A. The Planning Commission shall hold such public hearings as are required by law, but the Planning Commission shall hold at least one (1) public hearing on any proposed amendment affecting the zoning classification of any property or the uses to,which any property may be put. Said Planning Commission shall give notice thereof by at least one (1) publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the City at least ten (10) days prior to the first of such hearings. B. In case the proposed amendment consists of a change of the bound- aries of any district so as to reclassify property from any district to any other district, the Planning Commission shall give additional notice of the time and place of such hearings and of the purpose thereof by posting along the streets upon which the property proposed to be reclassified abuts, at least three (3) public notices thereof not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the first of such hearings. Each such notice shall consist of the words "Notice of Proposed Zoning Change" in letters not less than one (1) inch in height and, in addition thereto, a statement in small letters setting forth a general description of the property involved in the proposed change of district, the time and place at which the public hearings 51 on the proposed change will be held, and any other information which the Planning Commission may deem to be advisable. C. Any failure to post or publish public notices or hold public hearings as aforesaid shall not invalidate any proceedings for amendment of this zoning ordinance, unless such posting, publishing, or holding of public hearings shall be an absolute requirement under a controlling provision of state law. 6.63 Action by Planning Commission A. After the hearing, the Planning Commission shall render its decision in the form of a written recommendation to the Council. The recommenda- tion shall include the reasons for the recommendation, a plat of the parcel for which the classification amendment is proposed, and the proposed regulations for the classification if the proposed amendment is for a parcel in a Planned Community District. The recommendation shall be made to the Council within ten days after close of the hearing, except that the Council may grant an extension of time to so file not exceeding twenty days. If the Planning Commission fails to make said recommendation within said time or extension thereof, the proposed amendment shall be deemed approved by the Planning Commission. B. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereinelsewhere stated, whenever a matter involving any amendment to, change in, or addition to this ordinance has been referred to, or is under consideration by the Planning Commission, the City Council may, at the request of an interested party or upon its own volition, require the Planning Commission to submit its written report within forty {40} days from the date of original reference to, or initial date of pendency before the Planning Commission, or within such longer period of time as said City Council may designate. Failure of the Planning. Commission to so report within said forty (40) days, or within such longer designated period of time, shall be deemed to be approval of the proposed change, amendment, or addition. 6.64 Action by City Council A. Hearing - Upon receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission, or failure of the Commission to file the recommendation within the re- quired time, the Council shall hold a public hearing, provided, however, that if the matter under consideration is an amendment to a Zoning Ordinance to change pro- perty from one zone to another, and the Planning Commission has recommended against the adoption of such amendment, the Council shall not be required to take any further action thereon, unless otherwise provided by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, or unless an interested party shall request such a hearing by filing a written request with the City Clerk within five days after the Planning Commission files its recommendations with the City Council. B. Notice of Hearing - Notice of the time and place of said hearing including a general description of the area affected shall be given at least ten calendar days before the hearing by publication at least once in a newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the City, or if there is none, notice shall be posted in at least three places in the City as designated by the City Clerk. C. Approval, Modification, Disapproval - The Council may approve, modify or disapprove the recommendations of the Planning Commission, provided that any modification of the proposed ordinance or amendment by the Council shall first be referred to the Planning Commission for report and recommendations, but the Planning Commission shall not be required to hold a public hearing thereon. Failure of the Planning Commission to report within forty (40) days after the reference, or such longer period as designated by the Council shall be deemed to be approval of the proposed modification. 52 6.65 Procedural, Incidental, or Other Changes Not Affecting Any Precise Plan or Regulation Based upon Master Plan The procedure outlined in this subsection for amendments to, or changes in, this ordinance are not mandatory insofar as concerns amendments or changes pertaining only to matters of procedure or of an incidental nature, or to any amendments or changes which do not substantially affect any precise plan or regulation based upon the Master Plan. With regard to such amendments or changes, the City Council may take action just as in the case of amendments to, or changes in, other ordinances, with or without referring the matter to the Planning Commission or holding public hearings, as it shall in its discretion decide. DEFINITIONS SECTIONS: 7.0 Definitions 7.11 Alley 7.12 Automobile Court 7.13 Boarding House 7.14 Building 7.15 Building, Accessory 7.16 Building Main 7.17 Building Site 7.18 Business, Retail 7.19 Business, Wholesale 7.20 Combining District 7.21 District 7.22 Dwelling, One Single Family 7.23 Dwelling, Two Family or Duplex 7.24 Dwelling, Multiple 7.25 Dwelling, Groups 7.26 Family 7.27 Garage or Carport 7.28 Garage Space 7.29 Home Occupations 7.30 Hotel 7.31 Junk Yard 7.315 Loading and Unloading Zone 7.32 Non-Conforming Use 7.33 Parking Space 7.34 Professional Office 7.35 Rooming or Boarding House 7.36 Side and Front of Corner Lots 7.37 Street 7.38 Street Line 7.39 Structure 7.40 Structural Alterations 7.41 Trailer Court 7.42 Use 7.43 Use, Accessory 53 7.44 Yard 7.45 Yard, Front 7.46 Yard, Rear 7.47 Yard, Side 7.0 Definitions 7.1 For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms used herein are defined as follows: 7.11 Alley Any public thoroughfare which affords only a secondary means of access to the block and to abutting property. 7.12 Automobile Court A group of two (2) or more detached or semi-detached buildings containing guests rooms or apartments with automobile storage space servings such rooms or apartments provided in connection therewith, which group is designed and used primarily for the accommodation of transient automobile travelers. 7.13 Boarding House A dwelling other than a hotel where lodging or lodging and meals for three (3) or more persons is provided for compensation. 7.14 Building Any structure having a roof supported by columns or by walls and designed for the shelter or housing of any person, animal, or chattel. 7.15 Building, Accessory A subordinate building, the use of which is incidental to that of the main building on the same lot or building site. 7.16 Building, Main A building in which is conducted the principal use of the lot or building site on which it is situated. 7.17 Building Site A lot or parcel of land, in single or joint ownership, and occupied, or to be occupied, by a main building and accessory buildings, or by a dwelling group and its accessory buildings, together with such open spaces as are required by the terms of this ordinance and having its principal front- age on a street, road, highway, or waterway. 7.18 Business Retail The retail sale of any article, substance, or commodity for profit or livelihood, conducted within a building, but not including the sale of lumber or other building materials or the sale of used or second-hand goods or materials of any kind. 54 7.19 Business, Wholesale The wholesale handling of any article, substance, or commodity - for profit or livelihood, but not including the handling of lumber or other building materials or the open storage or sale of any material or commodity and not including the processing or manufacture of any product or substance. 7.20. Combining District - Any district in which the general district regulations are combined with H for the purpose of adding special regulations. For example, C-2 combined with H (C-2-H) adds the special requirement of off-street parking. 7.21 District - A portion of the City within which certain uses of land and building are permitted or prohibited and within which certain yards and other open spaces are required and certain height limits are established for buildings all as set forth and specified in this oridnance. 7.22 Dwelling, One Single Family A building containing only one kitchen, designed for, or used to house, not more than one (1) family, including all necessary employees of such family. 7.23 Dwelling, Two Family or Duplex A building containing not more than two (2) kitchens designed, or used to house, not more than two (2) families, living independently of each other, including all necessary employees of each such family. 7.24 Dwelling, Multiple A building or portion thereof used and designed as a residence for three (3) or more families living independently of each other, and doing their own cooking in said building, including apartment houses, apartment hotels, and flats, but not including automobile courts. 7.25 Dwelling, Groups A group of two (2) or more detached or semi-detached, 1-family, 2- family, or multiple dwellings occupying a parcel of land, in one ownership and having any yard or court in common, but not including automobile courts. - 7.26 Family One (1) or more persons occupying a premises and living as a single housekeeping unit, as distinguished from a group occupying a hotel, club, fraternity, or sorority house. A family shall be deemed to include necessary servants. 7.27 Garage or Carport An accessible and usable covered space of not less than ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet for storage of automobiles, such garage or carport to be so 55 located on the lot as to meet the requirements of this ordinance for an accessory building or if attached to the main building, to be so located as to meet all the requirements of this ordinance for a main building. 7.28 Garage Space An accessible and usable space of not less than nine (9) feet by twenty (20) feet for the parking of automobiles off the street, such space to be located on the lot as to meet the requirements of this ordinance for an accessory building. 7.29 Home Occupations Any use customarily carried on within the living area of a dwelling by the inhabitants thereof which use is incidental to the residential use of the dwelling, and which use: A. Is confined within the living area of the dwelling, does not occupy any accessory structure, attached or detached garage, open space or yard, and occupies not more than two hundred (200) square feet. B. Involves no sales of merchandise other than that produced on the premises, or directly related to, and incidental to the service offered. C. Is carried on by the members of the family occupying the dwelling with no other persons employed. D. Includes, but is not limited to artists' studios, music or dancing schools where not more than one (1) student is taught at any one time, parson- ages, home cooking, dressmaking, tailoring, watch repairing, and professional offices, except medical, dental, insurance and real estate offices. E. Does not include general, building, plumbing, heating, electrical, air-conditioning, or similar contractors' offices where employees not living on the premises assemble or report as a part of their duties. F. Does not include barber shops or beauty salons. G. Produces no evidence of its existence beyond the premises such as noise, smoke, odors, vibrations, or similar annoyances. 7.30 Hotel Any Building or portion thereof containing six (6) or more guest rooms used, designed, or intended to be used, let, or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied, by six (6) or more individuals for compensation whether the com- pensation for hire be paid directly or indirectly. 7.31 Junk Yard The use of more than one hundred (100) square feet of the area of any lot or the use of any portion of that half of any lot, which half adjoins any street, for the storage of junk, including scrap metals, salvage, or other scrap materials, or for the dismantling or "wrecking" of automobiles, other vehicles, or machinery, whether for sale or storage. 7.315 Loading and Unloading Zone An acceptable and usable space on the building site, at least ten (10) feet by thirty-five (35) feet, located off the street with access for the loading and unloading of vehicles. 56 7.32 Non-Conforming Use A use that does not conform to the regulations for the district in which it is situated or exists. 7.33 Parking Space An accessible and usable space on the building site at least nine (9) feet by twenty (20) feet and located off the street with access for the parking of automobiles. 7.34 Professional Office An office for the conduct of any one of the following occupations or uses: Accountant, architect, attorney, chiropractor, civil engineer or surveyor's drafting office, collection agency, cosmetologist, dentist, doctor, funeral parlor, insurance office, private detective, real estate office, social worker, or similar use; but not.]the following occupations or uses: Advertiser, barber shop, contractor, pest control, pharmacy, veterinary. 7.35 Rooming or Boarding House Dwelling other than a hotel where lodging or meals or both for three (3) or more persons are provided for compensation. 7.36 Side and Front of Corner Lots For the purpose of this ordinance the narrowest frontage of a cor- ner lot facing the street is the front, and the longest frontage facing the inter- secting street is the side irrespective of the direction in which the dwelling faces. 7.37 Street A public or private throughfare which affords the principal means of access to a block and to abutting property, including avenue, place, way, drive, land, boulevard, highway, road, and any other thoroughfare, except an alley as de- fined herein. 7.38 Street Line The boundary between a street and property. 7.39 Structure Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires lo- cation on the ground or attachment to something having location on the ground. 7.40 Structural Alterations Any change in the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams, or girders. 7.41 Trailer Court Land or premises used or intended to be used, let, or rented for 57 occupancy by or of trailers or movable dwellings, rooms, or sleeping quarters of any kind. 7.42 Use The purpose for which land or premises of a building thereon is designed, arranged, or intended, or for which it is or may be occupied or main- tained. 7.43 Use, Accessory A use incidental and accessory to the principal use of a lot or a building located on the same lot. 7.44 Yard An open space other than a court on the same lot with a building which open space is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise permitted in Section 5.4. 7.45 Yard, Front A yard extending across the front of the lot between the inner side yard lines and measured from the front line of the lot to the nearest line of the building; provided however, that if any building line or official plan line has been established for the street upon which the lot faces, then such measurements shall be taken from such'building line or official plan line to the nearest line of the building. 7.46 Yard, Rear A yard extending across the full width of the lot and measured between the rear line of the lot and the nearest line of the main building. 7.47 Yard, Side A yard between the side line of the lot and the nearest line of the building and extending from the front line of the lot to the rear yard. INTERPRETATION SECTIONS: 8.0 Interpretation 8.1 Interpreting and Applying the Provisions 8.0 Interpretation 8.1 Interpreting and Applying the Provisions When interpreting and applying the provisions of this ordinance, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare. Except as speci- fically herein provided, it is not intended by the adoption of this ordinance to re- 58 peal, abrogate, annul, or in any way to impair or interfere with any existing provisions of law or ordinance, or any rules, regulations, or permits previously adopted or issued, or which shall be adopted or issued pursuant to law relating to the erection, construction, establishment, moving, alteration, or enlarge- ment of any building or improvement; nor is it intended by this ordinance to in- terfere with or abrogate or annul any easement, convenant, or other agreement between parties; provided, however, that in cases in which this ordinance imposes a greater restriction upon the erection, construction, establishment, moving, alteration, or enlargement, of buildings or the use of any such building or pre- mises in the several districts hereby established, or in any of them, than is imposed or required by any existing provisions of law or ordinance or by any rules, regulations, or permits, or by any easements, covenants, or agreements, then in such case the provisions of this ordinance shall control. ENFORCEMENT, PENALTIES, AND LEGAL PROCEDURE SECTIONS: 9.0 Enforcement, Penalties, and Legal Procedure 9.0 Enforcement, Penalties, and Legal Procedure 9.1 All departments, official, and public employees of the City of South San Francisco vested with the duty or authority to issue permits or licenses shall conform to the provisions of this ordinance, and shall issue no permit or license for uses~ buildings, or purposes in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance; and any such permit or license issued in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be null and void. It shall be the duty of the Building In- spector of the City to enforce the provisions of this ordinance pertaining to the erection, construction, reconstruction, moving, conversion, alteration, or addi- tion to or of any building or structure. 9.2 Any person, firm, or corporation, whether as principal, agent, employee, or otherwise, violating or causing the violation of any of the pro- visions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars _ ($300.00) or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one hundred fifty (150) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Such person, firm, or corporation shall be deemed to be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of this ordinance is committed or continued by such person, firm, or corporation, and shall be punishable as herein provided. 9.3 Any building or structure set up, erected, constructed, altered, enlarged, converted, moved, or maintained contrary to the provisions of this ordi- nance, and any use of any land, building, or premises established, conducted, oper- ated, or maintained contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be, unlawful and a public nuisance; and the City Attorney of said City shall, upon order of the City Council, immediately commence action or proceedings for the abatement and removal and enjoinment thereof in the manner prescribed by law, and shall take such other steps and shall apply to such courts as may have jurisdiction to grant such relief as will abate and remove such building or structure, and restrain and enjoin any person, firm, or corporation from setting up, erecting, building, maintaining, or using any such building contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. 9.4 The remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative and not exclusive. REPEALING SECTIONS: 10.0 Repealing 10.0 Repealing 10.1 Ordinance No. 269 and all amendments thereto are hereby repealed, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances of said City in conflict with this ord- inance, to the extent of such conflict and no further, are hereby repealed, provided that nothing contained herein shall be deemed to repeal or amend any ordinance of said City requiring a permit or license, or both, to cover any business, trade, or occupation. VALIDITY SECTIONS: 11.0 Validity 11.0 Validity 11.1 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordi- nance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or. phrases be de- clared invalid. REFERENCE SECTIONS: 12.0 Reference 12.0 Reference 12.1 This ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco," Reference to section numbers herein are to the sections of this ordinance. 6O PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE SECTIONS: 13.0 Publication and Effective Date 13.0 Publication and Effective Date 13.1 The City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once, as required by law, and it shall take effect thirty (30) days following its adoption. Introduced this 3rd day of August, 1954. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, at a regularly adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, held on the lOth day of August, 1954, by the following vote: AYES, Councilmen John Noonan, Francisco Lucchio, George Bosworth, Telford Smith. NOES, None. Absent, Emilio Cortesi APPROVED: TELFORD L. SMITH, Mayor of the City of South San Francisco ATTEST: ARTHUR RODONDI, City Clerk. 61 ORDINANCE 528 STONEGATE RIDGE PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT Sections: .010 Planned community or P-C district established. .020 Residential single family zone, residential duplex family zone, residential multiple family zone and commercial zone established. °030 Adoption of map, amendment of Section 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353, and amendment of the zoning map of the city. .040 Regulations. 0010 · Planned community or P-C district established. A. The parcel of property shown on that certain map entitled "Stonega~e Ridge planned Community Zoning Plan," which map is adopted and made a part of subsection B of this section, is hereby classified as a planned community or P-C district, and shall contain a single family zone, a duplex family zone, a multiple family zone and a commercial zone, all as set forth on said zoning map. The designation, location and boundary of the property herein zoned and more particularly described shall be delineated upon the map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of South San Francisco, California," dated March 1, 1961, and adopted March 5, 1962, as a part of Sec- tion 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353. B. The designations, locations and boundaries of the planned community district, and the single family zone, the duplex family zone, the multiple family zon'e and the commer- cial zone established therein are delineated upon the map entitled "Stonegate Ridge Planned Community Zoning Plan," which map and all notations and information thereon are hereby 62 made a part of this section by this reference, a copy of said map being attached hereto. (Ord. 545 §1, 1966: Ord. 528 ~1, 1965). .020 Residential single family zone, residential duplex family zone, residential multiple family zone and commercial zone established. A. The respective zones estab- lished by this section are shown on the map entitled "Stonegate Ridge Planned Community District - Zoning Plan," which shall hereinafter be referred to as "map." The parcel containing lots designated R-1 (and contain- ing six lots designated R-2) on the map, which parcel is designated Parcel A and hereinafter more particularly described, is zoned and established as a residential - single family zone. The parcel containing lots designated R-2 on thy map, which parcel is designated Parcel B and hereinafter more particularly described, is zoned and established as a resi- dential - duplex family zone. The parcel containing lots designated R-3 on the map, which parcel is designated Parcel C and hereinafter more particularly described, is zoned and established as a resi- dential - multiple family zone. The parcel containing lots designated C on the map, which parcel is designated Parcel D and hereinafter more particularly described, is zoned and established as a commer- cial zone. B. Parcel A--Residential - Single Family Zone. Ail that real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of Chest- nut Avenue, said point being the most northerly corner of the' 2.538 acre parcel of land described in Parcel Two of the deed from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company of South San Francisco Water Company, dated June 12, 1923, and recorded June 13, 1923, in Book 80 of Official Records of San Mateo County, at Page 115; thence South 73°15'32", East, 853.10 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 10°56'28'' East, 41.48 feet; thence South 67°00'00'' East, 70.40 feet; 'thence aIong the arc of a ~urve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 175 feet and a central angle of 30°21'13", an arc distance of 92.71 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, South 36~38'47"~East, 133.45 feet; thence South 83~00'00'' East, 129.50 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, 63 .020 tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 415 feet and a central angle of 10000'00'', an arc distance of 72.43 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, South 73°00'00'' East, 158.87 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the ],eft, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 125 feet and a central angle of 55000'00'', an arc distance of 119.99 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, North 52o00'00'' East, 80.00 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 325 feet and a central angle of 50o00'00'', an arc distance of 283.62 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve, South 78000'00'' East, 161.45 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 115 feet and a central angle of 29o30'00'', an arc distance of 59.21 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, South 48°30'00" East, 403.15 feet; thence North 41030'00'' East, 15.00 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to a line which bears South 48°30'00'' East, said curve having a radius of 350 feet and a central angle of 14o00'00'', an arc distance of 85.52 feet to a point of compound curvature; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding curve, said curve having a radius of 175 feet and a central angle of 27o29'28'', an arc distance of 83.97 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve, South 7°00'32" East, 50.81 feet; thence South 82o59'28'' West, 50.00 feet; thence North 7o00'32'' West, 50.81 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to a line which bears North 55°23'41'' West, said curve having a radius of 798 feet and a central angle of 27o14'46'', an arc distance of 379.48 feet, thence North 73015'32'' West, 102.78 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to a line which bears North 73°15 '32" West, said curve having a radius of 335 feet and a central angle of 80°02'35", an arc distance of 468.00 feet; thence North 73015'32'' West, 436.88 feet; thence North 50024'33'' West, 250.58 feet; thence North 73°15'32" West, 173.38 feet; thence North 10056'28'' East, 234.12 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing 9.8 Acres, more or less. C. Parcel B--Residential - Duplex Family Zone. Ail that real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of Chestnut Avenue, said point being the most northerly corner of the 2.538 acre parcel of land described in Parcel Two of the deed from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company to South San Francisco Water Company, dated June 12, 1923, and recorded June 13, 1923, in Book 80 of Official Records of San Mateo 64 .020 ! County, at Page 115; thence South 73015'32'' East, 6-93.89 feet tO the true point of beginning; thence North 23°00'00" East, 102.92 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 45 f.get and a central ~angle of 73030'00'', an arc distance of 57.73 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceding curve, said curve having a radius of 175 feet and a central angle of 13053'59'', an arc distance of 42.45 feet; thence South 67°00'00'' East, 264.45 feet; thence South 36°38'47'' East, 135.56 feet; thence South 83000'00'' East, 66.45 feet; thence -_ along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the pre- ceding course, said curve having a radius of 530 feet and a central angle of 10000'00'', an arc distance of 92.50 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve South 73000'00'' East, 164.08 feet; thence North 52°00'00'' East, 85.20 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preced- 'ing course, said curve having a radius of 440 feet and a central angle of 50000'00'', an arc distance of 383.97 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, South 78°00'00'' East, 161.45 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 230 feet and a central angle of 29030'00'', an arc distance of 118.42 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, South 48~30'00'' East, 480.00 feet; thence South 51011'28'' West, 106.51 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to a line which bears North 34°52'07'' West, said curve having a radius of 350 feet and a central angle of 13"37'53'', an arc distance of 83.27 feet; thence South 41030'00'' West, 15.00 feet; thence North 48030'00'' West, 403.15 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 115 feet and a central angle of 29030'00'', an arc distance of 59.21 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, North 78000'00'' West, 161.45 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 325 feet and a central angle of 50000'00'', an arc distance of 283.62 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, South 52000'00'' West, 80.00 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 125 feet and a central angle of 55000'00'', an arc distance of 119.99 f~et; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, North 73~00'00'' West, 158.87 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 415 feet and a central angle of 10°00'00", an arc distance of 72.43 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, North 83~00'00'' West, 129.50 feet; thence North 36~38'47'' West, 133.45 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 175 feet and a central angle of 30°21'13'', an arc distance of 92.71 feet; thence tangent to 65 .030-- .040 the preceding curve, North 67°00'00'' West, 70.40 feet; thence South 10°56'28'' West, 41.48 feet; thence North 73°15'32" West, 159.21 feet to the true point of beginning. Contain.~ng 5.3 acres, more or less. D. Parcel C--Residential-Multiple Family Zone. The boundaries of the multiple family zone shall be as delineated and described on the "Stonegate Ridge Planned Community Zoning Plan" as adopted by Section 20.58.010. E. Parcel D--Commercial Zone. The boundaries of the commercial zone shall be as delineated and described on the "Stonegate Ridge Planned Community Zoning Plan" as adopted by Section 20.58.010. F. The designation, location and boundary of the property herein zoned and hereinbefore more particularly described as Parcels A, B, C and D shall be delineated upon the map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of South San Francisco, California," dated March 1, 1961, adopted March 5, 1962. (Ord. 545 ~2, 3, 1966; Ord. 528'~2, 1965). .030 Adoption of map, amendment of Section 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353, and amendment of the zoning map of the cit~.* The map entitled "Stonegate Ridge Planned Community District - Zoning Plan" is adopted as the zoning map of the parcel shown therein, establishing the whole parcel as a planned community district or P-C district, and the respec- tive parcels so designated therein as a residential single family zone, a residential duplex family zone, a residential multiple family zone and a commercial zone. Subsection 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353 as amended entitled "Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco," adopted August 10, 1954, and the "Zoning Map of the City of South San Francisco," dated July 21, 1954, are hereby amended by adding thereto the map entitled "Stonegate Ridge Planned Community District - Zoning Plan." (Ord. 528 ~3, 1965). .040 Regulations. The following regulations shall apply in the planned community district or P-C district and the residential single family zone, residential duplex family zone, residential multiple family zone and commercial zone: A. General Regulations. The general regulations shall be: 1. Those applicable Sections set forth in the zoning ordinance of the city as said ordinance was amended by Ordi- nance No. 490, and codified in this title, said sections being: * The referenced map is on file in the office of the city clerk. 66 .O4O 3.22 (g) 3.52 (d) 3.82 (d) 4.22 4.25 5.7 5.73 5.76 3.32 (h) 3.62 (e) 4.2 4.23 4.26 5.71 5.74 5.77 3.43 (e) 3.72 (d) 4.21 4.24 4.27 5.72 5.75 6.23 .,2. Land use and development of said planned community district shall comply with the general plan of the city of South San Francisco, the general development plan and the general development schedule for said district, approved pur- suant to planning commission's Resolution No. 1862, passed on the eighth day of March, 1965, and the amendments to said general development plan and the general development schedule for said district, approved pursuant to planning commission's Resolution No. 2017, passed the twenty-seventh day of December, 1965. 3. Density. The density shall not exceed that estab- lished by the approved general plan of the city of South San Francisco. 4. Open space. Not less than fifty percent of said planned communi, ty district shall be open, green and landscaped areas. Driveways, streets and parking areas shall not be con- sidered open, green or landscaped areas for the purposes of this provision. 5. Lots. The approximate size, dimension and loca- tion of the lot or lots in the residential single family zone, residential duplex family zone, residential multiple family zone and commercial zone shall be as set forth on the plan entitled "Stonegate Ridge Planned Community District - Zoning Plan." 6. Public Areas. The approximate size, dimension and location of the several public areas such as, but not limited to, rights-of-way for streets and easements shall be as shown on the Stonegate Ridge general development plan, as said plan was amended by the Stonegate Ridge site plan, dated December 10, 1965, and approved pursuant to planning commission's Reso- lution No. 2017 passed on the twenty-seventh day of December, 1965. 7. Common Greens. The size, dimension and location of the several common greens located in the respective zones shall be as set forth on the plan entitled "Stonegate Ridge Planned Community District Zoning Plan" as said map was adopted and approved by Ordinance No. 528 on the seventh day of June, 1965; and on the amendment to the Stonegate Ridge general development plan, as shown on that certain map entitled "Stonegate Ridge - Site Plan," dated December 10, 1965, and approved pursuant to planning commission's Resolu- tion No. 2017 passed on the twenty-seventh day of December, 1965. 8. Planned Unit - Plans; Use Permit; Time for Filing. The residential single family zone, residential duplex family zone, residential multiple family zone and commercial zone shall be planned and developed as planned units. A use permit 67 .040 shall be required for each of the planned units, the applica- tion for which shall be filed within one year after the adoption of the ordinance codified herein. The planning com- mission may extend the time for filing said use permit applica- tion, which extension shall not exceed one year. 9. Not less than thirty acres of the Stonegate Ridge planned community district shall be landscaped by the developer thereof. The landscaped area shall not include streets, driveways, parking areas or any ground covered by buildings or structures. "Landscaped" shall be liberally construed to include recreative facilities such as, but not limited to, pools, playgrounds, tennis courts and play areas, as well as walks and patios, within the common greens, and the park area, as shown on the amended general plan. B. Special Regulations for Residential Single Family Zone. The development within the residential single family zone shall conform with the Stonegate Ridge general develop- ment plan, as modified by the site plan entitled "Stonegate Ridge Planned .Community District - Zoning Plan," and the following special regulations shall apply in said zone: 1. Uses Permitted: The uses permitted shall be single family dwellings, except for the lots designated R-2 on the map entitled "Stonegate Ridge Planned Community Dis- trict - Zoning Plan," on which lots a two family duplex dwell- ing may be permitted. 2. Lot Size Minimum: 5,000 sq. ft. (Except all corner lots should have a minimum of 6,000 sq. ft.) 3. Lot Frontage Minimum: 50 ft. 4. Lot Depth Minimum: 80 ft. 5. Lot Coverage Maximum: 40% (Meaning total building coverage, including garage or carport) 6. Setbacks: Front yards, minimum 5 ft. Side yards, main building, minimum 5 ft.* (Exception: Covered parking spaces may be built to side property line, leaving zero setback) Rear yards, minimum 20 feet.* (From main building to rear property line) 7. Parking per Dwelling Unit: 2 covered 2 uncovered** 8. Guest Parking per Dwelling Unit: 1/4 uncovered 9. Density, Landscaping and Architectural Features: As set forth in the approved general development plan or amendments thereof. 68 ,040 * When rear yard slopes exceed a maximum five .percent - slope usable outdoor space of at least one hundred fifty square feet per dwelling unit must be provided in the form of decks, patios or balconies. ** Whe.n, steepness of slope is too great to provide the uncovered spaces on the lot where the dwelling unit is located, they may be located in off-street parking areas - no less distance than two hundred feet from dwelling units they are to serve. C. Special Regulations for the Residential Duplex Family Zone The development within the residential duplex family -- zone shall conform with the Stonegate Ridge general develop- ment plan, as modified by the site plan entitled "Stonegate Ridge Planned Community District - Zoning Plan," and the following special regulations shall apply to that zone: 1. Uses Permitted: Single family dwelling and duplex family dwelling structures shall be permitted. 2. Lot Size Minimum: 5,000 sq. ft. (Ekcept all corner lots should have a minimum of 6,000 sq. ft.) 3. Lot Frontage Minimum: 50 ft. 4. Lot Depth Minimum: 80 ft. 5. Lot Coverage Maximum: 50% (Meaning total building coverage, including garage or carport) 6. Setbacks: Front yards, minimum 5 ft. Side yards, main building - minimum 5 ft.* (Exception: Covered parking spaces may be built to side property line, leaving zero setback) Rear yards, minimum 20 ft.* (From main building to rear property line) 7. Parking per Dwelling Unit: 1 covered. 1/2 uncovered** 8. Guest Parking per Dwelling Unit: 1/4 uncovered 9. Density, Landscaping and Architectural Features: As set forth in the approved general development plan or amendments thereof. * When rear yard slopes exceed a minimum five percent slope usable outdoor space of at least one hundred fifty square feet per dwelling unit must be provided in the form of decks, patios or balconies. ** When steepness of slope is too great to provide the uncovered spaces on the lot where the dwelling unit is located, they may be located in off-street parking areas no less distance than two hundred feet from dwelling units they are to serve. 69 D. Special Regulations for the Residential Multiple Family Zone. 1. Development within the residential multiple family zone shall conform with the Stonegate Ridge general develop- ment plan and general development schedule as amended by planning commission's Resolution No. 2017, passed on the twenty-seventh day of December, 1965. ' 2. Lot Size Minimum: All of the residential multiple family zone shall be one building site and there shall be no separation of this zone by subdivision, resubdivision, sale, lease or financing, except by subdivision which complies with all applicable condominium statutes of the state of California and zoning and subdivision regulations of the city. 3. Lot Coverage Maximum: Lot coverage, including streets, driveways, carports, garages, main and accessory buildings, shall not exceed fifty percent of the residential multiple family zone. 4. Setbacks. No part of any building or structure shall be closer than five feet to any street line. Distances between main buildings shall be not less than those set out in Section 20.56.110. 5. Density, landscaping and architectural features shall be as set forth in the approved general development plan or amendments thereof. 6. Additional Special Regulations: a. The following additional special regulations shall apply within Parcel 1 (townhouse area) of the residen- tial multiple family zone: i. Uses permitted: Dwellings, dwelling groups, carports, garages, open parking areas, private non- profit recreational facilities. Number, location, type and nature of all buildings and uses shall be as shown on the amended Stonegate Ridge development plan and development schedule. ii. Parking per Dwelling Unit: There shall be not less than one and one-half covered and one-half uncovered parking spaces per dwelling unit. iii. Guest Parking: Not less than one-fourth uncovered parking space per unit shall be required, located off-street and within two hundred feet of the dwelling it is to serve. iv. Height of Buildings: No main building or structure shall contain more than two stories of living area, plus one story for garage, parking and entry area, except for those units designated as "Type VI" on the amended general plan. No main building shall exceed forty feet in height. No carport or accessory building shall exceed fifteen feet in height. Height of buildings shall be measured from the lowest point of any ground covered by said building to the highest point of the roof. b. The following additional special regulations 70 .~40 shall apply within Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 (large apartment building area) of the residential multiple family zone: i. Uses Permitted: Apartment houses, private nonprofit recreational facilities, garages. The number, loca- tion, t~pe and nature of all buildings and uses, and the number, size and type of residential units allowed shall be as shown on the amended Stonegate Ridge development plan and development schedule. ii. Square Footage Minimums: The floor area of each residential unit shall be not less than four hundred fifty square feet for studio or efficiency apartments; six h~ndred square feet for one bedroom apartments; seven hundred forty square feet for two bedroom apartments; eight hundred eighty square feet for three bedrooms apartments. iii. Parking. There shall be not less than one and one-half covered parking spaces per dwelling unit. iv. Height of Buildings: No main building or struCture shall contain more than three floors or stories of living area above any ground level, plus one story for garage, parking and entry area. Additional parking floors or levels may be provided below the lowest finished ground level sur- rounding any main building. No accessory building shall exceed fifteen feet in height, measured from the lowest point of any ground covered by said building to the highest point of the roof. c. The following additional special regulations shall apply within Parcel 4 (small apartment building area) of the residential multiple family zone: i. Uses Permitted: Apartment houses, open parking areas, private nonprofit recreation areas. Number, location, type and nature of buildings and uses shall be as shown on the amended Stonegate Ridge development plan and development schedule. ii. Parking per Dwelling Unit: There shall be not less than one covered parking space per dwelling unit, within the structure in which the dwelling unit is located. There shall be not less than an additional three-fourths uncovered parking space per dwelling unit, located off-street and within two hundred feet of the unit it is to serve. E. Special Regulations for Commercial Zone: The follow- ing special regulations shall apply to the commercial zone of the planned community district: Uses permitted, building height limit, building site area, minimum yards required, parking required, landscaping and architectural features shall comply with the approved general development plan or amendment thereof. (Ord. 545 ~S4, 5, 6, 1966; Ord. 528 S4, 1965). 7] .O]9 ORDINANCE 511 WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT-- UNITS ONE AND TWO Sections: .010 Planned community or P-C district established. .020 Single family zone, multiple family zone and commercial zone established. .030 Adoption of map, amendment of Section 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353, and amendment of the zoning map of the city. · 040 Regulations. .010 Planned community or P-C district established. The ~O±iowing parcel of property is hereby zoned a planned community district or P-C district and it shall contain a single family Zone, a multiple family zone and a commercial zone as hereinafter set forth: All that certain real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, being a portion of the lands in Rancho Buri Buri, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the centerline of Oakmont Drive, distant thereon N 22018'00" W 90.00 feet from the intersection of said center line with the northwesterly boundary of Westborough Unit No. lB, as said drive and said subdivision are shown on the map entitled "Tract No. 798 Westborough Unit No. lB San Mateo County, California," which map was recorded September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; thence from said point of beginning S 67°42'00" W 105.41 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course south- westerly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 545.00 feet and a central angle of 83o09'32'', an arc dis- tance of 791.01 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 15027'32'' E. 416.42 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 217.35 feet and a central angle of 94°17' 38" an arc distance of 357.70 feet to a point on the south- westerly line of lands formerly of San Mateo Title Co. as described in deed recorded in Volume 3638 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 724; thence along said south- westerly line N 36°25'00'' W 1575.02 feet to the southeasterly line of lands formerly of Title Insurance and Trust Co., as described in deed recorded in Volume 3215 of Official Records 72 .020 of San Mateo County at page 214; thence along said south- easterly line S 77014'00'' W 87.34 feet to the most southerly corner of said lands of Title Insurance and Trust Co., being also a point on the northeasterly boundary of Skyline Boulevard; thence along said northeasterly line of Skyline Boulevard N 36°25'00" W 786.99 feet; thence leaving said northeasterly boundary of Skyline Boulevard along the southwesterly line of said lands of Title Insurance and Trust Co., N 27°56'00" W 908.59 feet; thence along the westerly line of lands formerly of Jory, et al, as described in deed recorded in Volume 3507 of Official Records of San Mateo County at page 121 N 18015' 00" W 935.98 feet; thence along the northwesterly line of said lands formerly of Jory N 45000'00'' E .867.44 feet to a point thereon; thence 1.eaving said northwesterly line S 40° 10'00" E 2289.73 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southeast~erly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 2839.75 feet and a central angle of 10010'00'', an arc distance of 503.89 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 30000'00'' E 335.31 feet; thence tangent to the pre- ceding course Southeasterly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 2795.00 feet and a central angle of 7042'00'' an arc distance of 375.62 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 22018'00'' E 20.00 feet; thence S 67042' 00" W 45.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 106.930 acres of land, more or less. (Also referred to as Neighborhood 18 of the general plan of South San Francisco). (Ord. 511 ~1, 1964). .020 Single family zone, multiple family zone and commercial zone established. A. Parcel A hereinafter described is zoned and established as a single family zone; Parcel B hereinafter described is zoned and established as a multiple family zone, and Parcel C hereinafter described is zoned and established as a commercial zone. B. Parcel A--Single Family Zone. All that certain real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, state of California, being a portion of the lands in Rancho Buri Buri, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the center line of Oakmont Drive, distant thereon N 21° 05'35" W 89.99 feet from the intersection of said center line with the northwesterly boundary of that subdivision entitled Westborough Unit No. lB, as said drive and said subdivision are shown on the map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," which map was recorded September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; thence from said point of beginning N 68054'25'' E 45.00 feet; thence N 21005'35'' W 20.00 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course 73 .020 northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 2794.74 feet and a central angle of 7042'00'' an arc length of 375.59 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N 28047'35'' W 335.28 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course ~orthwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 2839.49 feet and a central angle of 6°41'49'' an arc length of 331.89 feet to the true point of beginning of the parcel to be described herein; thence from said true point of beginning continuing along last said curve from a tangent that bears N 35029'24'' W northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 2839.49 feet and a central angle of 3°28'11'' an arc length of 171.95 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N 38057'35'' W 1772.02 feet; thence S 51002'00'' W 305.67 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 650.00 feet and a central angle of 60°37'17'' an arc length of 687.73 feet to a point of compound curvature; thence tangent to the preceding curve southeasterly on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1350.00 feet and a central angle of 28018"27'' an arc length of 666.98 feet to a point of compound curvature; thence tangent to the preceding curve southeasterly on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 530.00 feet and a central angle of 37°44'16'' an arc length of 349.08 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 75038' 00" E 130.60 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course south- easterly on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 530.00 feet and a central angle of 14038'00'' an arc length of 135.36 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 61000' E 122.00 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course south- easterly on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 530.00 feet and a central angle of 24014'00'' an arc length of 224.16 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 36° 46'00" E 60.00 feet; thence at· right angles to the preceding course N 53014'00'' E 537.12 feet; thence tangent to the pre- ceding course northeasterly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 700.00 feet and a central angle of 2042'36'' an arc length of 33.11 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N 55056'36'' E 140.04 feet to the true point of beginning and containing 38.669 acres of land, more or less. The California Coordinate System, Zone 3, has been used as the basis of bearing for the purpose of this description. All bearings given are grid bearings. All distances given are grid distances. To convert grid distance to ground distance, multiply grid distance by 1.0000922. B. Parcel B--Multiple Family Zone. All that certain real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, being a portion of the lands in Rancho Buri Buri, described as follows: 74 .02O Beginning at a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the center line of Oakmont Drive, distant thereon N 21° 05'35" W 89.99 feet from the intersection of said center line with the northwesterly boundary of that subdivision entitled, Westborough Unit No. lB, as said drive and said subdivision are shown on the map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," which map was recorded September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; thence from said point of beginning S 68054'25'' W 105.40 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southwesterly on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 544.95 feet and a. central angle of 37°18'41'' an arc length of 354.88 feet to the true point of beginning of the parcel to be described herein; thence from said true point of beginning continuing along last said curve from a tangent that bears S 31035' 44" W southerly on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 544.95 feet and a central angle of 45°50'51'' an arc length of 436.06 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 14015'07'' E 416.38 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southwesterly on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 217.33 feet and a central angle of 94017'38'' an arc length of 357.67 feet to a point on the southwesterly line of lands formerly of San Mateo County Title Company as described in deed recorded in Volume 3638 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 724; thence along said southwesterly line N 35012'35" W 1574.87 feet to the southeasterly line of lands formerly of Title Insurance and Trust Company as described in deed recorded in Volume 3215 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 214; thence along said southeasterly line S 78026'25'' W 87.33 feet to the most southerly corner of said lands of Title Insurance and Trust Company, being also a point on the northeasterly boundary of Skyline Boulevard; thence along said northeasterly line of Skyline Boulevard N 35012'35'' W 786.92 feet; thence leaving said northeasterly boundary of Skyline Boulevard along the southwesterly line of said lands of Title Insurance and Trust Company N 26043'35'' W 908.51 feet; thence along the westerly and northwesterly line of lands of Westborough Homes N 17002'35'' W 935.89 feet and N 46012'25'' E 867.36 feet to a point thereon; thence leaving said northwesterly line S 38057'35'' E 517.49 feet; thence S 51002'00'' W 305.67 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 650.00 feet and a central angle of 60037' 17" an arc length of 687.73 feet to a point of compound curva- ture; thence tangent to the preceding curve southeasterly on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1350.00 feet and a central angle of 28018'27'' an arc length of 666.98 feet to a point of compound curvature; thence tangent to the preceding curve southeasterly on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 530.00 feet and a central angle of 75 .O2O 37°44'16" an arc length of 349.08 feet; thence tangent to' the preceding curve S 75o38'00'' E 130.60.feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southeasterly on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 530.00 feet and a central angle of 14°3~'00'' an arc distance of 135.36 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 61o00' E 122.00 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southeasterly on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 530.00 feet and a central angle of 24o14'00'' an arc distance of 224.16 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 36046'00'' E 60.00 feet; thence at right angles to the preceding course N 53014'00'' E 537.12 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course northeasterly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 700.00 feet and a central angle of 2042'36'' an arc length of 33.11 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N 55o56'36'' E 140.04 feet; thence from a tangent that bears S 35°29 '24" E southeasterly on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 2839.49 feet and a central angle of 6°41'49'' an arc length of 331.89 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 28047'35'' E 70.83 feet; thence S 61o12'00'' W 154.47 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southwesterly on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 700.00 feet and a central angle of 7058'00'' an arc length of 97.33 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 53o14'00'' W 423.52 feet; thence at right angles to the preceding course S 36o46'00'' E 520.25 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course south- easterly on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 200.00 feet and a central angle of 27°06'41'' an arc length of 94.64 feet to a point thereon; thence N 80°20'41'' E 93.83 feet to the true point of beginning and containing 59.115 acres of land, more or less. The California Coordinate System, Zone 3, has been used as the basis of bearing for the purpose of this description. All bearings given are grid bearings. All distances given are grid distances. To convert grid distance to ground dis- tance, multiply grid distance by 1.0000922. C. Parcel C--Commercial Zone. Ail that real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, being a portion of the lands in Rancho Buri Buri, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the center line of Oakmont Drive, distant thereon N 21° 05'35" W 89.99 feet from the intersection of said center line entitled Westborough Unit No. LB, as said drive and said sub- division are shown on the map entitled "Tract No. 798, West- borough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," which map was recorded September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; thence from said point of 76 · 030--- beginning N 68°54'25'' E 45.00 feet; thence N 21005'35" W 20.00 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 2794- .74 feet and a central angle of 7042'00'' an arc length of 375.59 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N 28047' 35" W ~4.45 feet; thence southwesterly S 61012'00'' W 154.47 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southwesterly on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 700.00 feet and a central angle of 7°58'00'' an arc length of 97.33 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S 53014'00'' W 423.52 feet; thence at right angles to the preceding course S 36° 46'00" E 520.25 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course southeasterly on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 200.00 feet and a central angle of 27°06'41'' an arc length of 94.64 feet to a point thereon; thence N 80°20'41" E · 93.83 feet; thence northeasterly from a tangent that bears N 31°35'44'' E on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 544.95 feet and a central angle of 37°18'41" an arc length of 354.88 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N 68~ 54'25" E 105.40 feet to the point of beginning and containing 9.127 acres of land, more or less. The California Coordinate System, Zone 3, has been used as the basis of bearing for the purpose of this description. All bearings given are grid bearings. All distances given are grid distances. To convert grid distance to ground distance, multiply grid distance by 1.0000922. (Ord. 511 §2, 1964). .030 Adoption of map, amendment of Section 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353, and amendment of the zoning map of the city.* The map entitled "Westborough, West Park Planned Com- munity District Site Plan" is hereby adopted as the zoning map of the parcel therein shown, establishing the whole parcel as a planned community district or P-C district and the respec- tive parcels so designated therein as a single family zone, a multiple family zone and a commercial zone. Subsection 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353 as amended entitled "Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco" passed and adopted on August 10, 1954 and the "Zoning Map of the City of South San Francisco" dated July 21, 1954 are hereby amended by adding thereto the map entitled "Westborough, West Park Planned Community District Site Plan." (Ord. 511 $3, 1964). .040 Regulations. The following regulations shall apply in s-aid planned community district or P-C district and the single family zone, multiple family zone and commercial zone: A * The referenced map is on file in the office of the city c le rk. 77 .O40 A. General Regulations. The general regulations shall be: 1. Those applicable sections set forth in the zoning ordinance of the city as said ordinance was amended by Ordi- nance N~, 490, and codified in this title, said sections being: 3.22 (g) 3.52 (d) 3.82 (d) 4.22 4.25 5.7 5.73 5.76 3.32 (h) 3.62 (e) 4.2 4.23 4.26 5.71 5.74 5.77 3.43 (e) 3.72 (d) 4.21 4.24 4.27 5.72 5.75 6.23 2. Land use and development of said planned community district shall comply with the general plan of the city, the general development plan and general development schedule for said district approved pursuant to planning commission's Reso- lution No. 1714, passed the twenty-seventh day of April, 1964, and city council Resolution No. 3959, passed the twenty-fifth day of May, 1964. 3. Density. The overall density shall not exceed that permitted by the general plan of the city. 4. Open Space. No less than fifty percent of said planned community district shall be open, green and land- scaped areas. Driveways, streets and commercial parking areas shall not be considered open, green or landscaped areas for the purposes of this provision. 5. Lots. The size, dimension and location of the lot or lots in the single family zone, multiple family zone and commercial zone shall be as set forth in the plan entitlted "Westborough, West Park Planned Community District Site Plan." 6. Public Areas. The size, dimension and location of the several public areas such as rights-of-way for streets, school site and park site shall be as shown on the plan entitled "Westborough, West Park Planned Community District Site Plan" except that pavement widths of streets shall be as set forth in paragraph 8 of this subsection. 7. Common Greens. The size, dimension and location of the several common greens located in the respective zones: Single family zone, multiple family zone and commercial zone, shall be as set forth on the plan entitled "Westborough, West Park Planned Community District Site Plan." 8. Street Width. Cul-de-sac streets shall have a minimum forty feet right-of-way with a thirty feet pavement curb to curb and a minimum turning radius of thirty-five feet at the face of the curb. One-way minor streets shall have a twenty-two feet pavement surface curb to curb. All other streets shall have a minimum right-of-way of fifty feet with a pavement surface of thirty-six feet curb to curb. 9. Time for Filing Planned Unit Plans. Planned unit plans shall be filled within one year after adoption of the ordinance codified herein, which time may be extended for an additional year by the planning commission. B. Special Regulations for Single Family Zone. The 78 : ' 040 following special regulations shall apply to a single family zone of a planned community district: 1. Density. Density shall not exceed eight hundred and thirty persons. .~. Lot Coverage. Lot coverage shall not be inter- preted to mean building coverage, which term applies to the percentage of coverage of the whole district or zone. Lot coverage of the individual lot may be sixty-five percent if all regulations are complied with and the addition of the pro rata share of the common green area adjacent to and serving said lot would result in a lot coverage of forty percent for said combined area composed of the lot and pro rata share of the common green area; otherwise, lot coverage shall not exceed forty percent. The planning commission may approve up to a ten percent increase in the forty percent lot coverage if all regulations are complied with and said 'increase does not adversely affect the nature, character and design of the district or zone. 3. Yards. Front and rear yards shall have a minimum depth of fifteen feet except that balconies and building cantilevers when their vertical clearance from finish grade is eight feet or greater, may not encroach more than five feet into said yards. Roof eves shall not project more than an additional three feet beyond said balconies or building canti- levers. 4. Building Line Setback. The minimum front setback to face of building shall be twenty-two feet from nearest edge of sidewalk or face of curb where sidewalks are not required. 5. Square Footage of Unit or House. The minimum- square footage of each unit or house constructed on lots in the single family zone shall be not less than fifteen hundred square feet. 6. Parking. Each dwelling shall not have less than four parking spaces on the lot for said dwelling, two of which shall be in a garage or covered area and two of which may be open. Additional parking of .25 to 1 shall be provided in the parking bays or other areas conveniently accessible to said dwelling and lot. C. Special Regulations for Multiple Family Zone. The following special regulations shall apply to multiple family zone of said planned community district: 1. Density. Density shall not exceed two thousand one hundred seventy persons. 2. Lot Coverage. a. Four-plex Development. Lot coverage shall not be interpreted to mean building coverage, which term applies to the percentage of coverage of the whole district or zone. Lot coverage of the individual lot for four-plex development may be eighty percent if all regulations are complied with and the addition of the pro rata share of the common green 79 .040 area adjacent to and serving said lot would result in a lot coverage of fifty percent for said combined area composed of the lot and pro rata share of the common green area; otherwise, lot coverage shall not exceed fifty percent. The planning commission may approve up to a ten percent increase in the fifty ~'ercent lot coverage if all regulations are complied with and said increase does not adversely affect the nature, charac- ter and design of the district or zone. b. Garden Apartment Development. If all regula- tions are complied with, lot coverage of individual lots for garden apartment development may be fifty percent; otherwise lot coverage shall be forty percent. 3. Yards. a. Four-Plex Development. The front and rear yard shall be a minimum of ten feet in depth, except that balconies and open stairways may encroach into said yards for not more than six feet. b. Garden Apartment Development. The minimum depth of the yards for garden apartment development shall be as follows: Front yard, fifteen feet; rear yard, ten feet; and side yards, ten feet. Balconies and open stairways may encroach into the front and rear yards for not more than six feet. 4. Building Line Setback. a. Four-Plex Development. The front and rear setback shall be a minimum of ten feet, except that the plan- ning commission may require a setback of twenty-two feet from the face of a garage door or entrance to the nearest edge of sidewalk or face of curb where sidewalks are not required. Balconies and open stairways may encroach into the front and rear yards for not more than six feet. b. Garden Apartment Development. The setbacks for garden apartment development shall be as follows: Front setback, fifteen feet, rear setback, ten feet; and side set- back, ten feet. The planning commission may require a setback of twenty-two feet from the face of a garage door entrance to the nearest edge of sidewalk or face of curb where sidewalks are not required. Balconies and open stairways may encroach into the front and rear setbacks for not more than six feet. 5. Distance Between Buildings--Four-plex Development. The minimum distance between buildings at right angles to each other and separated by a common green shall be thirty feet. The minimum distance between the backs of buildings when separated by a common green shall be seventy-five feet. 6. Square Footage--Minimum per Unit--Four-plex and Garden Apartment Development. The minimum square footage of each unit shall be not less than four hundred fifty square feet for studio apartments, seven hundred square feet for one bedroom apartments, eight hundred forty square feet for two bedroom apartments and nine hundred fifty square feet for three bedroom apartments. 80 .040 7. Parking--Four-Plex and Garden Apartment Develop- merit. There shall be a minimum of one off-street covered parking space per dwelling unit on the lot and an additional minimum of one-half covered or uncovered parking space per dwelling unit on the lot or in conveniently accessible park- ing bay~ or other parking areas. D. Special Regulations for Commercial Zone. The follow- ing special regulations shall apply to the commercial zone of said planned community district: 1. Uses Permitted. Except for residential areas, all uses permitted in a neighborhood commercial district including one gasoline service station as outlined in Chapter 20.28. 2. Building Height Limit. Maximum height of any building shall be thirty feet. 3. Building Site Area Required. For each main build- ing, minimum five thousand square feet. 4. Minimum Yards Required. a. Front yard, fifteen feet. b. .Side yard, none, except where the side of a lot abuts upon the side of a lot in an R district, in which case the side yard shall be not less than ten feet. c. Rear yard, none, except where the rear of a lot abuts on an R district, in which case the rear yard shall be not less than ten feet, or in the case where property rears on other commercial property and is one hundred fifty feet or more in depth, the rear yard setback shall be ten feet. 5. Parking Required. a. Off-street parking on the building site shall be required in C-1 districts according to the following formula: i. Retail stores, one parking space fo~ each one hundred square feet of sales floor area, but in no case less than one space for each two hundred square feet of gross floor area; ii. Banks and office buildings, one parking space for each three hundred square feet of floor area; iii. Restaurants, one parking space for each four seats; iv. Public asSembly, including churches, one parking space for each six seats; v. Theaters, one parking space for each six seats; vi. Clinics, one parking space for each three hundred square feet of floor area, plus one additional space for each doctor and two staff members; vii. All other uses permitted and not enumerated in this section shall furnish parking as required by the plan- ning commission. b. Design and location of all off-street parking lots shall be approved by the planning commission. (Ord. 511 ~4, 1964). .010 oRDi'NANCE 575 WESTBOROUGH-WE~T PARK PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT--UNIT THREE Sections: .010 Planned community or P-C district established. .020 Planned community commercial, planned community civic, planned community duplex family, planned community single family, planned community unclassified, and planned community prezoned district or zone established. .030 Adoption of map, amendment of Section 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353, and amendment of the zoning map of the city. · 040 General regulations. .050 Planned unit development. · 060 'Special regulations--Planned community commercial districts or zones. .070 Special regulations--Planned community civic district or zone. .080 Special regulations--Planned community duplex family districts or zones. .090 Special regulations--Planned community single family districts or zones. · 100 Special regulations--Planned community unclassified district or zone. .110 Special regulations--Planned communIty prezoned district or zone. .120 Zoning Map--Westborough-West Park #3. 130 Appendix to Zoning Map--Westborough-West Park #3. .140 Parcels A, B and C amended--PC-C district. .010 Planned community or P-C district established. A. The following parcel of property is zoned and established as a planned community district or P-C district, and it shall contain planned community commercial districts or zones (PC-C); a planned community civic district or zone (PC-CV); planned community duplex family districts or zones (PC-DF); planned community single family districts or zones (PC-SF) ; planned community unclassified district or zone (PC-U); and a planned community prezoned district or zone (PC-P) as hereinafter set forth. B. All of the following described parcel lying within the city limits of the city of South San Francisco, California, more particularly described as follows: 82 010 Beginning at the intersection of Oakmont Drive and Bantry Lane as said drive and lane are Shown on that certain map entitled "Tract 798, Westborough Unit lB, San Mateo County, California," which map was filed on September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; thence '~long the center line of said Bantry Lane North 67° 42' East 469.89 feet to the beginning of the 1075 foot radius center line curve of said Bantry Lane, thence leaving said center line, North 22°18' West 225.00 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Westborough Boulevard, said point being the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning along the northerly line of Westborough Boulevard South 67~42'00'' West 397.89 feet; thence on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 30.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 90~0', an arc distance of 47.12 feet to a point in the easterly line of Callan Boulevard (Oakmont Drive) as shown on that certain map entitled "Westborough, West Park Unit No. 1, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California," filed November 19, 1964 in Volume-61 of Maps at Pages 11-16 inclusive, San Mateo County records; thence along said easterly line, North 22~ 18' West 101.84 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 2792.26 feet, subtending a central angle of 7°42'25'', an arc distance of 375.59 feet; North 30°00'25'' West 209.24 feet; northerly on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last pre- ceding course, with a radius of 3792.35 feet, subtending a central angle of 10~10'00'', an arc distance of 672.92 feet; North 40"10'25" West 1818.38 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 708 feet, subtending a central angle of 9~51'01", an arc distance of 121.72 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing North 30~19'24'' West, with a radius of 30 feet, subtending a central angle of 109°31'40'', an arc distance of 57.35 feet to a point in the southerly line of King Drive, as shown on that certain map entitled "Serramonte Unit No. 1, Daly City, San Mateo County, California," which map was filed on June '17, 1965 in Book 62 of Maps. at Pages 29, 30 and 31, San Mateo County records, said line also being the city limit line between the cities of South San Francisco and Daly City; thence easterly along last said line on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing North 79~12'16'' East, with a radius of 600 feet, subtending a central angle of 31°18'00", an arc distance of 327.77'feet; on the arc of a curve to the left from a tangent bearing South 69" 29'44" East, with a radius of 1,000 feet, subtending a central angle of 21°00'16", an arc distance of 366.60 feet; thence leaving said cities limit line along the easterly prolongation of said southerly line of King Drive North 89~30' East 616.92 feet to a point in the southerly boundary line of the lands described in that certain deed from J. A. Christen & Sons to 83 ..010 Suburban Realty Company recorded in the office of the recorder of the county of San Mateo, state of California on May 10, 1963 in Book 4453 of Official Records, at Page 548, distant thereon South 55030' East 61.89 feet from an angle point thereof, said line being also aforesaid cities limit line; thence ~long last said line South 55030' East 318.27 feet; South 83°00' East 256.63 feet; North 66%00' East 328.96 feet; North 66° 15' East 4.08 feet to a point in the easterly exten- sion of the southerly line of aforesaid King Drive; thence along last said line South 80°30'00'' East 134.42 feet; east- erly on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 3440 feet, subtending a central angle of 20021'24'', an arc distance of 1222.20 feet to a point in aforesaid southerly boundary line of the lands conveyed to Suburban Realty Company and the city limit line between the cities of South San Francisco and Daly City; thence along last said line South 63030' East 122.65 feet to an angle point thereof; thence leaving said southerly boundary line along the city limit line between the city of South San Francisco and unincorporated territory of the county of San Mateo, South 61000' East 632.47 feet to a point in the west- erly right-of-way line of that certain 50 foot Pacific Gas and Electric Company right-of-way and easement filed in Volume 225 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 86 and in Volume 2523 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 281; thence along said westerly right-of-way line of said Pacific Gas and Electric Company right-of-way and ease- ment, South 6059'30'' West 2277.55 feet to a point in the northerly right-of-way of Westborough Boulevard, as said Boulevard is described in Volume 4033 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 514; thence westerly along the northerly right-of-way line of said Westborough Boulevard, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing North 87~22'49'' West, with a radius of 655 feet, subtending a central angle of 27018'20'', an arc distance of 312.15 feet; North 60~04'29" West 194.15 feet; northwesterly on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course with a radius of 1045 feet, subtending a central angle of 5°31'02'', an arc distance of 100.63 feet to the northwesterly corner of the aforesaid Westborough Boulevard as described in Volume 4033 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 514; thence continuing along the northerly line of said Westborough Boulevard, northwesterly on the arc of a curve to the left from a tangent bearing North 65°35 '31" West, with a radius of 1045 feet, subtending a central angle of 13°23'19'', an arc distance of 244.19 feet to a point of compound curva- ture; thence northwesterly on the arc of a curve to the left from a tangent bearing North 78058'50'' West, with a radius of 1300 feet, subtending a central angle of 33°19'10'', an arc distance of 755.99 feet to the true point of beginning. 84 Containing 162.987 acres, more or less. (Also referred to as Neighborhood 17 of the general plan.) (Ord. 575 Sl, 1968). ~ .020 Planned community commercial, planned com- munity civic, planned community duplex family, planned com- munity single family, planned community unclassified, and planned community prezoned district or zone established. A. Parcels A and B hereinafter described are zoned and estab- lished as planned community commercial districts or zones; Parcels C, D, E and F hereinafter described shall constitute and be established and zoned as a planned community civic district or zone; Parcels G, H, I, J and K hereinafter described are zoned and established as planned community duplex family districts or zones; Parcels L and M hereinafter described are zoned and established as planned community single family districts or zones; Parcel N hereinafter described in zoned and established as a planned community unclassified district or zone; and Parcel 0 hereinafter described is zoned and established as a planned community prezoned district or zone. B. Parcels A and B--Planned Community Commercial Dis- tricts or Zones. PARCEL A All that real property city San situate in the of South Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the center line intersection of York Street and Callan Boulevard as said street and boulevard are shown on that certain map entitled "Serramonte Unit No. 1, Daly City, San Mateo County, California," which map was filed on June 17, 1965 in Book 62 of Maps at Pages 29, 30 and 31, San Mateo County records; thence southerly along the center line of said Callan Boulevard, South 2°30' East 103.22 feet; southerly on the arc of a curve to the left tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 750 feet, subtending a central angle of 20°52'51'' an arc distance of 273.33 feet to the center line intersection of Callan Boulevard with the center line of King Drive, as said King Drive is shown on the aforesaid map of Serramonte Unit No. 1; thence easterly along the center line of said King Drive, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing North 70°51'04'' East, with 'a radius of 640 feet, subtending a central angle of 8"21'12'' an arc distance of 93.31 feet; .thence leaving 'said center line of King Drive, radiallY, South 10~47'44" East 40.00 feet to a point of the southerly boundary line of a one foot strip dedicated to the city of Daly City, said southerly boundary line being also the southerly boundary line of said Serramonte Unit No. 1 and said 85 West, 95.11 feet; North 62°50' West 185.350 feet; and South 17o49' West 280.50 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing an area of 10,000 acres, more or less. PARCEL E Ail that real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, San Mateo County, state of California described as fol lows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Galway Place with the northerly boundary line of Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, as 'shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," filed in the office of the recorder of the county of San Mateo, state of California on September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps, at Pages 16 and 17; said northerly boundary line being also the southerly right-of-way of West- borough Boulevard 90.00 feet wide as described in Volume 4033 of Official Records of the county of San Mateo, at Page 514; thence along the northeasterly prolongation of the center line of aforesaid Galway Place, North 27o10' East 90.00 feet to a point in the northerly line of said Westb~rough Boulevard and the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning, North 27010' East 262.89 feet; leaving said line, North 62050' West 215.35 feet; South 17o49' West 280.50 feet to a point in the northerly line of the aforesaid Westborough Boulevard; thence along last said line, easterly from a tangent bearing South 72o11' East, on the arc of a curve to the right, with a radius of 1045.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 9°21'0'', an arc distance of 170.54 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing an area of 1.188 acres, more or less. PARCEL F All that real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, San Mateo County, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Galway Place with the northerly boundary line of Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, as shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," filed in the office of the recorder of the county of San Mateo, state of California on September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17; thence along the north- easterly prolongation of the center line of the aforesaid Galway Place, North 27010' East 352.89 feet; thence leaving 86 .020 said line North 62°50' West 30.00 feet; North 27°10' East 95.11 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 1100.00 feet, sub- tending a central angle of 8020', an arc distance of 159.99 feet; and North 18°50' East 350.36 feet, to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning South 86021'50'' West 470.70 feet; North 5057' West 90.00 feet; South 84003' West 10.00 feet; North 5057' West 50.00 feet; South 84003' West 8.00 feet; North 5057' West 200.00 feet; North 84003' East 34.72 feet; North 54029' East 195.97 feet; North 27000' East 114.78 feet; South 6300' East 89.51 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last pre- ceding course, with a radius of 400.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 81050', an arc distance of 571.30 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing an area of 5.001 acres, more or less. D. Parcels G, H, I, J and K--Planned Community Duplex Family Districts or Zones. PARCEL G Ail that real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of center line of Oakmont Drive with the center line of Bantry Lane, as said drive and lane are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," filed September 13, 1961 in Volume 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; running thence along the center line of said Oakmont Drive and its northerly prolongation, North 22018' West 255.00 feet; thence North 67042' East, 42.00 feet to a point in the easterly line of Callan Boulevard, as said Callan Boulevard is shown on that certain map entitled "West- borough-West Park Unit No. 1, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California," which map was filed on November 19, 1964 in Volume 61 of Maps at Pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, San Mateo County records; thence along said easterly line, North 22018' West 101.83 feet, on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 2,792.26 feet, subtending a control angle of 7042'25'', an arc distance of 375.59 feet; and North 3000'25'' West 152.70 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of begin- ning, and continuing along the easterly' line of said Callan Boulevard, North 3000'25'' West 56.54 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 3792.35 feet, subtending a central angle of 4°51' 24", an arc distance of 347.93 feet to a point in the easterly 87 prolongation of the center line of Duhallow Way', as said Duhallow Way is shown on the aforesaid map of Westborough- West Park Unit No. 1; thence leaving said Callan Boulevard line, along the westerly prolongation of the center line of the afqresaid Duhallow Way, North 54°44'11'' East 120.00 feet; South 32°17'26'' East 411.28 feet; and South 58°04' West 120.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing an area of 1.091 acres, more or less. PARCEL H All that certain real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, .state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Galway Place with the northerly boundary line of Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, as shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 798', Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," filed in the office of the recorder of the county of San Mateo, state of california, on September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps, at Pages 16 and 17; said northerly boundary line being also the southerly right-of-way of Westborough Boulevard, 90.00 feet wide, as described in deed filed in Volume 4033 of Official Records of San Mateo County, at Page 514; thence along the northeasterly prolongation of the center line of the aforesaid Galway Place, North 27°10' East 90.00 feet to a point in the northerly line of said Westborough Boulevard, and the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning along the northerly prolongation of said center line of said Galway Place, North 27010' East 140.00 feet; thence leaving said line, South 62o50' East 202.91 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preced- ing course, With a radius of 822.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 20°10'30'', an arc distance of 289.44 feet; and South 83°0'30'' East 8.51 feet to a point in the westerly line of that certain 50.00 Pacific Gas and Electric Company power line easement described in deeds filed in Volume 225 of Official Records at Page 86 and Volume 2523 of Official Records at Page 281, San Mateo County records; thence along said westerly line South 6o59'30'' West, 155.00 feet to a point in the afore- said northerly line of Westborough Boulevard; thence along said northerly line, westerly, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing North 87o22'49'' West, with a radius of 655.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 27°18'20'', an arc distance of 312.15 feet; North 60004'29'' West 194.15 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 1045.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 2°45'31'', an arc distance of 50.31 feet to the true point of beginning. 88 .020 275.00 feet; South 29°42' East 27.31 feet; North 84°03' East 180.00 feet; and South 9050'43" East 606.65 feet to a point in the northerly line of the aforesaid Westborough Boulevard; thence along said Westborough Boulevard line, westerly on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing North 87~ 16'0" West, with a radiUs of 1300.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 25~02', an arc distance of 567.99 feet; and South 67~42' West 286.88 feet to the point of beginning. Containing an area of 15.021 acres, more or less. PARCEL D All that certain real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, San Mateo County, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Galway Place with the northerly boundary line of Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, as shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. ~18, San Mateo County, California," filed in the office of the recorder of the county of San Mateo, state of California, on September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps, at Pages 16 and 17; said northerly boundary line being als° the southerly right-of-way line of Westborough Boulevard, 90.00 feet wide, as described in deed filed in Volume 4033 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 514; thence along the northeasterly prolongation of the center line of the aforesaid Galway Place, North 27~10' East 90.00 feet to a point in the northerly line of said Westborough Boulevard; thence along the northerly line of said Westborough Boulevard, westerly, on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing North 62°50' West, with a radius of 1045.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 9~21', an arc distance of 170.54 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning, and continuing along the northerly line of said Westborough Boulevard, westerly, on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing North 72~11' West, with a radius of 1045 feet, subtending a central angle of 6~47' 50", an arc distance of 123.97 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing North 78~58'50'' West, with a radius of 1300 feet, subtending a central angle of 8°17'10'', an arc distance of 188.01 feet, thence leaving said Westborough Boulevard line, North 9"50'43'' West 606.65 feet; North 5"57' West 22.00 feet; North 84~03' East 215.00 feet; South 5057' East 12.00 feet; North 84~03' East 80.00 feet; North 5°57' West 12.00 feet; North 84°03' East 119.69 feet; North 86"21' 50" East 470.70 feet; South 18~50' West 350.36 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 1100.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 8~20', an arc distance of 159.99 feet; South 27010' 89 .020 a radius of 2933.27 feet, subtending a central angle of 4° 57'39", an arc distance of 253.97 feet; South 22039'49'' East 9.14 feet; and South 22018' East 141.01 feet to a point in the northerly line of the aforesaid Westborough Boulevard; thence .,along said northerly line, South 67042'' West 111.01 feet; thence leaving said line on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 30.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 9000', an arc distance of 47.13 feet to the point of beginning. Containing an area of 1.283 acres, more or less. C. Parcels C, D, E and F - Planned Community Civic District or Zone. PARCEL C All that real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Oakmont Drive with the center line of Bantry Lane, as said drive and lane are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," filed September 13, 1961 in Volume 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; running thence along the center line of said Oakmont Drive and its northerly prolongation, North 22°18' West 180.00 feet to the intersection thereof with the center line of Westborough Boulevard; thence along the center line of said Westborough Boulevard, North 67~42' East 183.01 feet; thence leaving said center line, North 22018' West 45.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning North 22018' West 141.01 feet; North 22039'49'' West 9.14 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 2,933.27 feet, subtending a central angle of 4°57'39'', an arc distance of 253.97 feet; and South 62022'53'' West 141.01 feet to a point in the easterly line of Callan Boulevard, as said Callan Boulevard is shown on that certain map entitled "Westborough-West Park Unit No. 1, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California," which map was filed on November 19, 1964 in Volume 61 of Maps at Pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, San Mateo County records; thence along said easterly line, on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bear- ing North 27037'07'' West, with a radius of 2,792.26 feet, subtending a central angle of 2°23'18'', an arc distance of 116.39 feet; North 30000'25'' West 152.70 feet; thence leaving said Callan Boulevard line, North 58004' East 390.00 feet; South 64°49'10'' East 31.06 feet; North 74051' East 300.00 feet; South 39°06'12'' East 38.88 feet; North 84003' East · 90 .020 point being the true point of beginning; thence, from said true point of beginning, easterly along the aforesaid southerly boundary of Serramonte Unit No. 1, on the arc of a curve to the right from a tangent bearing North 79°12'16'' East, with a radiu.~ of 600 feet, subtending a central angle of 31°18' an arc distance of 327.77 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence continuing along the aforesaid southerly boundary of Serramonte Unit No. 1, easterly, on the arc of a curve to the left from a tangent bearing South 69°29'44" East with a radius of 1000 feet, subtending a central angle of 15°36'06", an arc distance of 272.30 feet; thence leaving the aforesaid southerly boundary line of Serramonte Unit No. 1, South 3°28'13'' West 354.69 feet; South 49°49'35'' West 202.54 feet; North 40010' 25" West 560.00 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, with a radius of 708 feet, subtending a central angle of 9°51'01'', an arc distance of 121.72 feet to a point of compound curvature; on the arc of a curve to the right from a tangent bearing North 30019'24'' West, with a radius of 30 feet, subtending a central angle of 109o31'40'', an arc distance of 57.35 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing an area of 4.675 acres, more or less. PARCEL B All that real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, San Mateo County, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Oakmont Drive with the center line of Bantry Lane, as said drive and lane are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," filed September 13, 1961 in Volume 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; running thence along the center line of Oakmont Drive and its northerly prolongation, North 22° 18' West 255.00 feet; thence leaving said line, North 67042' East 42.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning along the easterly line of Callam Boulevard, as said Callan Boulevard is shown on that certain map entitled "Westborough-West Park Unit No. 1, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California," which map was filed on November 19, 1964 in Volume 61 of Maps at Pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, San Mateo County records, North 22018' West 101.83 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 2792.26 feet, sub- tending a central angle of 5°19'07'', an arc distance of 259.20 feet; thence leaving said Callan Boulevard line, North 62° 22'53" East 141.01 feet; southerly, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing South 27037'07'' East, with 91 .020 Containing an area of 1.839 acres, more or less.. PARCEL I Ail that certain real property situate in the city of South S~h Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly line of Westborough Boulevard, as said Westborough Boulevard is described in deed to San Mateo County, filed in Volume 4033 of Official Records at Page 514, with the northerly prolonga- tion of the westerly line of Lot 25 in Block 6, as said lot and block are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 808, Westborough Unit No. lC, San Mateo County, California," which map was filed in the office of the recorder of the county of San Mateo on May 1, 1962 in Volume 56 of Maps at Pages 14 and 15, said point being also a point in the northerly line of said Tract 802; thence from said point of commencement along the said northerly line of Tract 802 and the southerly line of said Westborough Boulevard, westerly, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing North 88°42'14'' West, with a radius of 745.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 1°51'09'', an arc distance of 24.09 feet to the intersection of said line with the northerly line of that certain 50.00 foot PG&E power line easement as shown on the aforesaid map of Tract No. 802, and as said easement is described in deeds filed in Volume 225 of Official Records at Page 86 and Volume 2523 of Official Records at Page 281, San Mateo County records; thence along the westerly line of said 50.00 foot PG&E power line easement, North 6059'30'' East 90.23 feet to the inter- section thereof with the northerly line of aforesaid West- borough Boulevard; thence continuing along the westerly line of said PG&E power line easement, North 6059'30'' East 2277.55 feet to a point in the northerly city limit line of the city of South San Francisco; thence along said city limit line, North 61°0' West 298.29 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning, leaving said city limit line, westerly, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing South 57°41'11'' West with a radius of 825 00 ' ' feet, subtending a central angle of 18018'49", an arc distance of 263.70 feet; South 7600' West 120.00 feet; southerly, on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing South 14°0' East, with a radius of 2,200 feet, subtending a central angle of 400', an arc distance of 153.59 feet; South 18°0' East 53.00 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 1100 feet, subtending a central angle of 18°0', an arc distance of 345.58 feet; due South 70.59 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 170.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 3700', an arc distance of .020 /_~ 109.78 feet; South 37°0' West 89.00 feet; northWesterly, on -~ the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing North 5300' West, with a radius of 430.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 10°0', an arc distance of 75.05 feet; North 6300' West 89~51 feet; South 2700' West 144.78 feet; South 54029' West 195.97 feet; South 84003' West 13.76 feet; North 35031' West 152.43 feet; northeasterly, on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing North 72016'30'' East, with a radius of 360.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 136012' 30" . , an arc distance of 855 82 feet; North 26004' East 49.38 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last -- preceding course, with a radius of 422.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 29014', an arc distance of 215.31 feet, and North 3°10' West 207.71 feet to a point in the southerly line of King Drive; thence along said' King Drive line, on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing North 84012'28'' East, with a radius of 3,440 feet, subtending a central angle of 5003'52'', an arc distance of 304.07 feet, to a point in the aforesaid city limit line of the city of South San Francisco; thence along said city limit line, South 63030' East 122.65 feet; and South 61°0' East 334.18 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing an area of 10.676 acres, more or less. PARCEL J All that real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of center line of Oakmont Drive with the center line of Bantry Lane, as said drive and lane are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," filed September 13, 1961 in Volume 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; running thence along the center line of said Oakmont Drive and its northerly prolongation, North 22018' West 255.00 feet; thence North 67042' East, 42.00 feet to a point in the easterly line of Callan Boulevard, as said Callan Boulevard is shown on that certain map entitled "Westborough-West Park Unit No. 1, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California," which map was filed on November 19, 1964 in Volume 61 of Maps at Pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, San Mateo County records; thence along said easterly line, North 22°18' West 101.83 feet, on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 2,792.26 feet, subtending a central angle of 7042' 25", an arc distance of 375.59 feet; North 3000'25'' West 209.24 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 3792.35 feet; 93 020 subtending a central angle of 10010', an arc distance of 672.92 feet; North 40010'25'' West 1258.38 feet; thence leaving said Callan Boulevard line, North 49049'35'' East 115.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning, North 49049'35'' East 87.54 feet; South 85030' East 205.89 feet; South 23044' East 110.38 feet; westerly, on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing 16026' 25", West 222.00 feet; South 49049'35'' West 4.60 feet and North 40010'25'' West 222.00 feet, to the true point of begin- ning. ' Containing an area of 0.975 acres, more or less. PARCEL K All that certain real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly line of Westborough Boulevard, as said Westborough Boulevard is described in deed to San Mateo County, filed in Volume 4033 of Official Records at Page 514, with the northerly prolonga- tion of the westerly line of Lot 25 in Block 6, as said lot and block are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 808, Westborough Unit No. lC, San Mateo County, California," which map was filed in the office of the recorder of the county of San Mateo on May 1, 1962 in Volume 56 of Maps at Pages 14 and 15, said point being also a point in the northerly line of said Tract 802; thence from said point of commence- ment along the said northerly line of Tract 802 and the southerly line of said Westborough Boulevard, westerly, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing North 88° 42'14" West, with a radius of 745.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 1°51'09'', an arc distance of 24.09 feet to the inter- section of said line with the northerly line of that certain 50.00 foot PG&E power line easement as shown on aforesaid map of Tract No. 802, and as said easement is described in deeds filed in Volume 225 of Official Records at Page 86 ahd Volume 2523 of Official Records at Page 281, San Mateo County records; thence along the westerly line of said 50.00 foot PG&E power line easement, North 6059'30'' East 90.23 feet to the inter- section thereof with the northerly line of aforesaid West- borough Boulevard; thence continuing along the westerly line of said PG&E power line easement, North 6059'30'' East 2277.55 feet to a point in the northerly city limit line of the city of South San Francisco; thence along said city limit line North 61°0' West 632.47 feet and North 63030', West 122.65 feet to the intersection thereof with the southerly line of King Drive; thence along said King Drive line westerly on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing South 94 .020 79°08'36'' West, with a radius of 3,440 feet, subtending a central angle of 7054'39'', an arc distance of 474.96 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning and continuing along the southerly line of said King Drive, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing South 87°03'15'' West, with a radius of 3440.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 4°24'12'', an arc distance of 264. 37 ~ feet; thence leaving said King Drive line, South 2°0' West 85.00 feet; South 8800' East 264.00 feet; and North 200' East 97.65 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing an area of 0.544 acres, more or less. E. Parcels L and M--Planned Community Single.Family Districts or Zones. PARCEL L All that certain real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of' Galway Place with the northerly boundary line of Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, as shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Uniot No. lB, San Mateo CoUnty, California," filed in the office of the recorder of the county of San Mateo, state of California, on September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps, at Pages 16 and~17; said northerly boundary line being also the southerly right-of-way of Westborough Boulevard, 90.00 feet wide, as described in deed filed in Volume 4033 of Official Records of San Mateo County, at Page 514; thence along the northeasterly prolongation of the center line of the aforesaid Galway Place, North 27010' East 90.00 feet to a point in the northerly line of said Westborough Boulevard; and continuing along the northeasterly prolonga- tion of the center line of the aforesaid Galway Place, North 27010' East 140.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning, and continuing along the northeasterly prolongation of the center line of the afore- said Galway Place, North 27010' East 122.89 feet; thence leaving said line, North 62~50' West 30.00 feet; North 27° 10' East 95.11 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tan- gent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 1100.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 8°20', an arc distance of 159.99 feet; North 18~50' East 350.36 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 400.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 81~50', an arc distance of 571.30 feet; North 63°0' West 89.51 feet; North 2700' East 30.00 feet; South 63"0' East 89.51 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to 95 ". 020 the last preceding course, with a radius of 430'.00 feet, sub- tending a central angle of 10°0' · , an arc distance of 75 05 feet; North 37°0' East 89.00 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a 'radius of 170.~00. feet, subtending a central angle of 37°0', an arc distance of 109.78 feet; due North 70.59 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 1100.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 18'0", an arc distance of 345.58 feet; North 18°0' West 53.00 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 2200.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 4°0', an arc distance of 153..59 feet; North 7600' East 20.00 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, .tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 825.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 18°18'49'', an arc distance of 263.70 feet to a point in the northerly cor- porate limit line of the city of South San Francisco; thence along said corporate limit line, South 61°0' East 298.29 feet to the intersection thereof with the westerly line of the 50.00 foot PG&E tower line easement as described in deeds filed in Volume 225 of Official Records at Page 86, and Volume 253 of Official Records at Page 281, San Mateo County records; thence along said westerly line, South 6°59'30" West 2.122,55 feet; thence leaving said line North 8300'30'' West 8.51 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 822.00 feet, central angle of 20o10'30'', an arc distance of subtending a 289.44 feet; and North 62050' West 202.91 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing an area of 21.345 acres, more or less. PARCEL M All that real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of center line of Oakmont Drive with the center line of Bantry Lane, as said drive and lane are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, California," filed September 13, 1961 in Volume 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; running thence along the center line of said Oakmont Drive and its northerly prolongation, North 22°18' West 255.00 feet; thence North 67°42' East, 42.00 feet to a point in the .easterly line of Callan Boulevard, as said Callan Boulevard is shown on that certain map entitled "Westborough-West Park Unit No. 1, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California," which map was filed on November 19, 1964 in Volume 61 of Maps at Pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 96 , .020 and 16, San Mateo County records; thence along said easterly line, North 22°18' West 101.83 feet, o~ the arc of a curve tO the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 2,792.26 feet, subtending a central angle of 7°42' 25", ano, arc distance of 375.59 feet; North 30°0'25'' West 152.70 feet; thence leaving said Callan Boulevard line, North 58°04' East 120.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning North 32°17'26" West 411.28 feet; South 54°44'11'' West 120.00 feet to a point in the easterly line of the aforesaid Callan Boulevard, which point is the northeasterly prolongation of the center line of Duhal- low Way, as shown on the aforesaid map of Westborough-West Park Unit No. 1; thence along the easterly and northeasterly line of said Callan Boulevard, northwesterly, on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing North 35°15'49" West, with a radius of 3792.35 feet; subtending a central angle of 5~18'36'', an arc distance of 324.99 feet; and North 40°10'25'' West 1036.36 feet; thence leaving said Callan Boulevard line, North 49~49'35'' East 119.60 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 700 feet, subtending a central angle of 16"26'25", an arc distance of 200.86 feet; North 23"44' West 110.38 feet; South 85~30' East 205.89 feet; North 3°28'13" East, .354.69 feet to a point in the southerly line of King Drive; thence along said King Drive line, easterly, on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing South 85~05'50'' East, with a radius of 1000 feet, subtending a central angle of 5~24'10'', an arc distance of 94.30 feet; North 89°30' East 616.92 feet to the intersection of said southerly line of King Drive with the northerly city limit line of the city of South San Francisco; thence along said city limit line, South 55"30' East 318.27 , feet;.South 83"0' East 256.63 feet; and North 66~0' East 328.96 feet; and North 66°15' East 4.08 feet to the intersec- tion of said city limit line with the southerly line of the aforesaid King Drive; thence along said King Drive line, South 80~30' East 134.42 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 3440 feet, subtending a central angle of 8~02'33'', an arc distance of 482.87 feet; thence leaving said line South 2~0' West 85.00 feet; South 88~0' East 264.00 feet; and North 2°0' East 97.65 feet to a point in the aforesaid southerly line of King Drive; thence along said King Drive line, easterly, on the arc of a curve to the left, from a tangent bearing North 87~03'15'' East, with a radius of 3440.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 2~50'47", an arc distance of 170.90 feet; thence leaving said line, South 3°10' East 207.71 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 422.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 29°14', an arc distance of 215.31 feet; South 26~04' West 49.38 feet; southerly, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing South 63~56' East, with a radius of 360.00 feet, 97 020 subtending a central angle of 136012'30", an arc distance of 855.82 feet; South 35031' East 152.43 feet; South 84003' West 20.96 feet; South 5057' East 200.00 feet; North 84003' East 8.00 feet; South 5057' East 50.00 feet; North 84003' East 10.00 f~et; South 5057' East 90.00 feet; South 84003' West 119.69 feet; South 5057' West 12.00 feet; South 84003' West 80.00 feet; North 5057' West 12.00 feet; South 84003' West 215.00 feet; South 5°57' East 22.00 feet; South 84003' West 180.00 feet; North 29042' West 27.31 feet; South 84003' West 275.00 feet; North 39°06'12'' West 38.88 feet; South 74051' West 300.00 feet; North 64°49'10'' West 31.06 feet; and South 58004' West 270.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing an area of 89.349 acres, more or less. F. Parcel N--Planned Community Unclassified District or Zone. Commencing for reference at the point of intersection of the center line of King Drive 80.00 feet wide with the easterly boundary line of that certain map entitled "Serramonte, Unit No. 1, Daly City, San Mateo County, California," filed in the office of the recorder of the county of San Mateo, state of California on June 17, 1965 in Book 62 of Maps, at Pages 29, 30 and 31; thence along the easterly prolongation of said center line of King Drive the following courses: From a tangent bearing South 89007'37'' East on the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of~960.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 1°22'23'', an arc distance of 23.01 feet; North 89" 30' East 741.30 feet; tangent to the last said course, on the arc of a curve to the right, with a radius of 2600.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 10°00' an arc distance of 453.79 feet; and South 80030' East 316.54 feet to a point in the southerly boundary line of the lands described in that certain deed from J. A. Christen & Sons to Suburban Realty Company recorder in the office of the recorder of the county of San Mateo, state of California on May 10, 1963 in Book 4453 of Official Records, at Page 548; distant thereon North '66~ 15' East 77.03 feet from an angle point therein; thence along said line South 66015' West 72.95 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning along said southerly boundary line North 66~15' East 773.40 feet and South 63030' East 715.55 feet to a point in the southerly line of said King Drive; thence along last said line, westerly, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing South 79~08'36'' West, with a radius of 3440.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 20021'24'', an arc distance of 1222.20 feet and North 80030' West 134.42 feet to the true point of begin- ning. Containing 6.224 acres, more or less. (Ord. 575 ~2, 1968). 98 .030 Adoption of map, amendment of Section 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353, and amendment of the zoning map of the city. A. The map entitled "Zoning Map - Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3" is hereby adopted as the zoning map of the parcels~ shown thereon, establishing the whole parcels within the corporate limits of the city a planned community district or PC district and the respective parcels so designated therein as planned community commercial districts or zones (PC-C); a planned community civic district or zone (PC-CV); planned com- munity duplex family districts or zones (PC-DF); planned com- munity single family districts or zones (PC-SF); planned com- munity prezoned district or zone (PC-P); planned community unclassified district or zone (PC-U). B. Subsection 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353 as amended entitled "Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco," adopted August 10, 1954, and the zoning map of the city of South San Francisco, adopted March 5, 1962, as amended, are hereby' further amended by adding thereto the map entitled "Zoning Map - Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3," codified at Section 20.62.'120. (Ord. 575 ~3, 1968). 040 General regulations. The following general regulations shall apply in said planned community district or PC district and the planned community commercial districts or zones (PC-C); planned community civic district or zone (PC-CV); planned community duplex family districts of zones (PC-DF); planned community single family districts or zones (PC-SF); planned community prezoned district or zone (PC-P); planned community unclassified district or zone (PC-U). A. Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. The applicable sections of the zoning ordinance of the city of South San Francisco codified in this title, and amendments, particularly those sections added by Ordinance No. 490, passed the fifteenth day of April, 1963, and amendments, shall be part of the general regulations. B. Land Use and Development of the Planned Community District and the Several Designated Districts or Zones. Land use and development in said planned community.district and in the several districts or zones shall comply with the follow- ing, all of which are on file in the office of the city clerk and city planner: 1. Zoning map, Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3, Survey 5740, Drawing #WWP-3-M-1, hereinafter designated "zoning map"; 2. Approved general development plan, Survey No. 5740, Drawing #WWP.-3-M-1 together with appendices described in subsection 8, hereinafter designated "general plan"; 3. Approved general development schedule together with appendices described in subsection 8, hereinafter desig- nated "schedule"; 4. Approved general development statement together 99 .040 with appendices, described in subsection 8, hereinafter desig- nated "statement"; 5. Approved site utilization plan entitled West Park Unit 3 Site Plan together with appendices, described in sub- section 8, hereinafter designated "site plan"; ~ 6. Approved utility plan entitled Utility Plan -- Westborough-West Park Unit #3 dated July 8, 1966, revised January 29, 1968, Survey #5740, Drawing #WWP-3-U-1 together with appendices described in subsection 8 hereinafter desig- nated "utility plan"; 7. Approved grade plan entitled Grade Plan Westborough- West Park Unit #3 dated July 8, 1966, revised January 29, 1968, Survey #5740, Drawing #WWP-3-G-1 together with appendices described in subsection 8, hereinafter designated "grade plan"; 8. Appendices. Planning commission Resolution 2080 passed the twenty-fifth day of July, 1966, and Reports contained in the document entitled "Matter of Westborough-West Park No. 3 Revised," dated July 25, 1966, which are particularly set forth in Paragraph I (1), (2) , (3) , (4), and (5) of Resolu- tion 4804 of the city .council passed the nineteenth day of February, 1968, in those parts that relate to the "general plan," "schedule," "statement," "site plan," "utility plan" and "grade plan" shall constitute and be appendices to same and revisions of said plans and documents in accordance with said parts of the appendices shall be filed with the city planner. Upon receipt of said revised plans or documents the city planner shall submit same to the respective department for review and determination that the required revisions have been made. Upon determining that said revisions have been made, the respective department heads and city planner shall endorse a certificate on the plans or document that said revi- sions have been made and file a copy of said plan or document so certified in the office of the city clerk and city planner. C. Common Greens (Common Parkways). The common greens (common parkways) in the planned community district and each of the several designated districts or zones shall be situated as shown on the zoning map and be of the size and dimensions as shown on said map, and shall be improved and maintained to the standards set forth on the general plan, site plan, utility plan, grade plan together with the appendices thereto or revi- sions made pursuant thereto. Developer shall provide for improvement of the common greens (common parkways) and main- tenance thereof as hereinafter set forth. D. Open Green Landscaped Areas. Not less than fifty-one and seventy-one hundredths of one percent of said planned community district shall be open, green and landscaped to the standards and as set forth on the "site plan" for said district and the several designated districts or zones. Driveways, streets and commercial parking areas shall not be considered open, green landscaped areas for purposes of this provision. ]00 .040 The parcels in the civic district by the nature of their use provide maximum open space and minimum building coverage and therefore a substantial percentage credit for said open, green landscaped areas to meet the total 51.71 percent open, green landscaped area requirement, and the percentage of open, green lahdscaped area within the civic district shall be an integral part of the planned community district and the several designated districts or zones, which, if not provided for in the civic district parcels by developer, shall be required in other parts of said planned community district and the several designated districts or zones, so that a total of 51.71 percent of said district and the several designated districts or zones shall be open, green and landscaped. E. Public Areas. The public areas in the planning com- munity district and each of the several designated districts or zones shall be situated as shown on the zoning map and be of the design, size and dimensions as shown on the general plan, site plan, utility plan, grade plan together with the appendices thereto or revisions made pursuant thereto and improved and maintained to the standards set forth on said plans together with said appendices or revisions. F. Time for Filing First Planned Unit Plans, Rezoning, etc. Planned unit plans for at least one planned unit, con- sisting of not less than four acres shall be filed within one year after the adoption of the ordinance codified herein and said planned unit shall be completed within one year after issuance of the use Permit. All public and private improve- ments in the planned community district and the several desig- nated districts or zones shall be ~completed within four years after adoption of the ordinance codified herein. The plan- ning commission may grant reasonable extensions of time for the filing of the first planned unit plans and the completion of the improvements as herein provided. Should filing and development of the planned unit and the completion of the public and private improvements in the planned community district not be accomplished within the dates hereinbefore provided, then the planning commission shall review the ordi- nance codified herein and the land areas affected thereby for the purpose of determining whether a more feasible zoning classification is neceSsary to regulate the land use for the parcel composing the planned community district and the several designated districts or zones. The establishments of a different district or zone for all or parts of said planned community district or zone or any of the several designated districts or zones shall be in accordance with the zoning ordinance of the city codified in this title. (Ord. 575 S4, 1968). 101 '.050 .050 Planned unit development. A. Development of the planned community district or any of the several desig- nated districts or zones shall be by planned units of not less than four acres, for which a use permit shall be required as set o.forth in the zoning ordinance of the city codified in this title and related provisions of the ordinance codified herein. No building permit shall issue nor shall any build- ings or structures be moved into said planned community dis- trict or any of the several districts or zones prior to obtain- ing a use. permit or zoning permit therefor. All plans, speci- fications and drawings shall be in complete and final form prior to grant of a use or zoning permit. No use permit or zoning permit shall be granted subject to report and recom- mendations of departments, boards, commissions or other agencies. If departments, boards, commissions and other agencies file reports setting forth requirements and recom- mendations and said reports are approved by the planning com- mission, then the related plans, specifications and drawings shall be amended so as to delineate thereon and therein said requirements and recommendations as approved by the planning commission prior to the issuance of a use permit or zoning permit. B. No use permit or zoning permit shall be granted until developer has conveyed the common greens free and clear of all liens, taxes and encumbrances, except those consented to by city, to a homeowners' association formed for the purpose of accepting such grants and maintaining such common greens or to city and said area has been annexed to the West Park Parkways and Maintenance District or included within a separate maintenance district or other agency formed for the purpose of maintaining such common greens. Developers shall, at the time of the conveyance, file a title insurance policy with the grantee, assuring title vested in the grantee free and clear of all said liens, taxes and encumbrances. C. No use permit or zoning permit shall be issued until developers have filed with the city planner the necessary documents providing for the construction, installation and maintenance of the common greens in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and shall have filed with said city planner a corporate surety bond guaranteeing the construction and installation of said common greens in accor- dance with the related plans and specifications. Developers shall provide for maintenance of the common greens from the completion thereof until acceptance by the grantee for main- tenance as hereinbefore set forth by filing with the city planner an agreement to so maintain secured by a corporate surety bond in the principal sum approved by the .city landscape specialist and city attorney. D. No use permit or zoning permit shall be issued until developers have filed a final subdivision map in accordance 102 .060 with the Subdivision Map Act .of the state of California and the subdivision ordinance of the city codified at Title 19. (Ord. 575 S5, 1968). .060 Special regulations--Planned community com- mercial · ~istricts or zones. In addition to the general regu- lations hereinbefore set forth, the following special regula- tions shall apply in the planned community commercial districts or zones: A. Parcel A. 1. Uses Permitted. The following uses when conducted within a building are permitted upon approval of planned unit development plans and the issuance of a use permit by the planning commission pursuant to the procedure hereinbefore set forth and procedures set forth in the zoning ordinance of the city codified in this title, as amended: a. Retail stores of the following types: Bakeries, food stores, hardware stores, banks, barbershops, beauty parlors, bookstores, variety stores, shoe shops, drug stores, offices, florist shops, restaurants, personal service estab- lishments, department stores, launderettes, cleaning agencies, service stations and uses which the planning commission finds and determines to be of a similar nature; b. Unilluminated signs attached to the main build- ing and appurtenant to the use thereof and not'projecting more than one foot over the property line. The planning commiss, ion may permit illuminated signs in accordance with the regulations set forth in the zoning ordinance (Title 20) and sign ordi- nance (Title 17) of the city. 2. Off-Street Parking--Additional Provisions. The planning commission shall set forth in the use permit the number of parking spaces required for each use applying the standards set forth in the general regulations or standards set forth for similar uses in the zoning ordinance of the city codified in this title. B. Parcel B. 1. Special Findings. The planning commission shall make the following special findings before approving planned unit development plans and granting a use permit for uses in this district or zone: a. The proposed uses are planned and gauged primarily for service and conveniences to the residents of and people working within or those who will reside or work within the planned community district. b. The proposed uses will provide such local service and facilities which are not available in a reason- ably proximate location, or needed and desirable as supple- ments to existing local service and shopping facilities. 2. Uses Permitted. The following uses when conducted within a building are permitted upon approval of planned unit development plans and the issuance of a use permit by the 103 .070 planning commission pursuant to the procedures ~set forth in the zoning ordinance of the city codified in this title, as amended: a. Offices, banks, financial institutions and service establishments which are accessory to and necessary for th~ operation of the uses permitted herein; b. Unilluminated signs attached to the main build- ing and appurtenant to the use thereof and not projecting more than one foot over the property line. The planning com- mission may permit illuminated signs in accordance with the regulations set forth in the zoning ordinance (Title 20) and sign ordinance (Title 18) of the city. 3. Off-Street Parking--Additional Provisions. The planning commission shall set forth in the use permit the number of parking spaces required for each use applying the standards set forth in the general regulations or standards set forth for similar uses in the zoning ordinance of the city codified in this title. 4. Planned Unit Development. In accordance with Section 20.76.040, this parcel though containing less than four acres may be developed as a planned unit. (Ord. 653 ~2, 1973; Ord. 575 ~6, 1968). .070 Special regulations--Planned community civic district or zone. In addition to the general regulations here- inbefore set forth, the following special regulations shall apply in the planned community .civic districts or zones: A. Uses Permitted. 1. Civic centers, 2. Public schools and appurtenant buildings, 3. Public buildings, 4. Public parks and playgrounds, 5. Public recreation, 6. Churches; B. Use Permit Required. A use permit shall be obtained before any building or structure is erected, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered in any manner within the civic district or zone; C. Design. The nature, character and design of the improvements shall comply with the site plan; D. Building Coverage. The dimensions, size and location of buildings shall be as shown on the site plan; E. Off-Street .Parking. The design, dimension, size and location of the off-street parking facility or area shall be as shown on the site plan, except that the planning commission may apply the standards for number of parking spaces required for specific uses as set forth in the zoning ordinance of the city codified in this title. (Ord. 672 ~4, 1974: Ord. 575 S7, 1968). 104 ' .080 .080 Special regulations--Planned community duplex famil~ districts or zones. In addition to the general regula- tions hereinbefore set forth, the following special regulations shall apply in the Planned Community Duplex Family Districts or Zones: A. ~Uses Permitted. 1. Duplex family buildings, 2. Single family buildings, 3. Accessory buildings, structures and improvements shown on the general plan and site plan; B. Design. The nature, character and design of the buildings, structures, landscaped areas (common greens and on-lot areas) and improvements shall comply with the general Plan and site plan; C. Lot Coverage and Building Lines. The location, size and dimension of buildings, structures and improvements shall be as shown on the site plan. The building lines (front, side and rear) shall be as shown on the site plan, except: 1. The minimum distance from face of garage door to the inside edge' of sidewalk shall be twenty-two feet, 2. The minimum distance from face of garage door to face of curb on cul-de-sac streets shall be twenty-four feet, which wil~l provide a sidewalk area consisting of four feet, composed of a three and one-half foot sidewalk plus one-half foot curb; D. Parking. 1. There shall be a minimum of two off-street covered parking spaces (with garage doors) per dwelling unit on the lot within the building lines, which spaces may be parallel or tandem. The planning commission may require an additional minimum of one-half covered or uncovered parking space per dwelling unit in a conveniently accessible parking bay or area, 2. On-Street Parking. Seven nine foot by twenty foot parking bays shall be provided at the base of each cul- de-sac, but should there be no cul-de-sac then the planning commission may require an additional minimum of one-half covered or uncovered parking space per dwelling unit in a conveniently' accessible parking bay or area; E. Yards and On-Lot Landscaped Areas. The loCation, size, dimension and standards of improvements of the front and rear yards and on-lot landscaped areas shall be as shown on the site plan except that the minimum depth of front and rear yards shall be fifteen feet. F. Encroachments into Yards. The planning commission may permit the following encroachments into yards if the com- mission determines that the proposed use of said encroachments will be compatible with the nature, character and design of the development in the district or zone: 1. Front Yards and Rear Yards. A five foot encroach- ment °for balconies and building cantilevers where the vertical distance from finished grade is eight feet or more. An 105 ' .090 additional three-foot encroachment may be permitted for roof eaves, 2. Rear Yards. Stairways may be included within the five-foot encroachment area set forth in 1 above; G. Minimum Area of Dwelling Units. The minimum area for dwelling units shall be one thousand square feet. The city p]"anner may permit a reduction in the minimum area for said dwelling units to a minimum area of eight hundred square feet provided he finds and determines, in accordance with architectural plans submitted by developer, that said reduc- tion will not adversely affect the nature, character and design of the area. H. Sidewalks in Cul-de-Sac Areas. Sidewalks shall be required in cul-de-sac areas of a minimum width of four feet, consisting of a three and one-half foot principal sidewalk area plus a one-half foot curb area. (Ord. 575 ~8, 1968). · .090 Special regulations--Planned community single family'-districts or zones. In addition to the general regu- lations hereinbefore set forth, the following special regu- lations shall apply in the planned community single family districts or zones (PC-SF) : A. Uses Permitted. 1. Single family dwellings, , 2. Accessory buildings, structures and improvements as shown on the general plan and site plan, 3. Duplex family dwellings on those lots designated as R-2 on the zoning map and site plan within single family zones. The special regulations set forth in Section 20-62.080 shall apply to those lots so designated and in the special regulations hereinafter set forth in this section, which regulations are applicable to the other uses in the PC-SF zone; B. Design. The nature, character and design of the buildings, structures, landscaped areas (common greens, open green areas and on-lot landscaped areas) and improvements shall comply with the general plan and site plan; C. 'Lot Coverage and Building Lines. The location, size and dimension of buildings, structures and improvements shall be as shown on the site plan. The building lines (front, side and rear) shall be as shown on the site plan, except: 1. The minimum distance from face of garage door to the inside edge of sidewalk shall be twenty-two feet, 2. The minimum distance from face of garage door to the face of curb on cul-de-sac streets shall be twenty-four feet, which will provide a sidewalk area consisting of four feet, composed of a three and one-half foot sidewalk plus one-half foot curb; D. Parking. 1. Off-Street Parking. There shall be a minimum of two off-street covered parking spaces (with garage doors) per dwelling unit on the lot within the building lines, 106 which spaces may be parallel or tandem. The planning commis- sion may require an additional minimum of one-half covered or uncovered parking space per dwelling unit in a conveniently accessible parking bay or area, 2. On-Street Parking. Seven nine foot by twenty foot parking bays shall be provided at the base of each cul-de-sac, but should there be no cul-de-sac then the planning commis- sion may require an additional minimum of one-half covered or uncovered parking space per dwelling unit in a conveniently accessible parking bay or area; E. Yards and On-Lot Landscaped Areas. The location, size, dimension and standards of improvements of the front and rear yards and on-lot landscaped areas shall be as shown on the site plan except that the minimum depth of front and rear yards shall be fifteen feet; F. Encroachments into Yards. The planning commission may permit the follOwing encroachments into yards if the commis- sion determines that the proposed use of said encroachments will be compa.tible with the nature, character and design of the development in the district or zone: 1. Front Yards and Rear Yards. A five-foot encroach- ment for balconies and building cantilevers where the vertical distance from finished grade is eight feet or more. An addi- tional three foot encroachment may be permitted for roof eaves, 2. Rear Yards. Stairways may be included within the five foot encroachment area set forth in 1 above; G. Minimum Area of Dwelling Units. The minimum a~ea for dwelling units shall be fifteen hundred square feet; H. Sidewalks in Cul-de-Sac Areas. Sidewalks shall be required in cul-de-sac areas of a minimum width of four feet, consisting of a three and one-half foot principal sidewalk area plus a one-half foot curb area. (Ord. 575 ~9, 1968). ,'.100 Special regulations--Planned community unclas- sifie~ district or zone. In addition to the general regula- tions hereinbefore set forth, the following special regula- tions shall apply in the planned community district or zone: A. Uses Permitted. 1. Single family dwellings similar to those shown on the general plan and site plan for the PC-SF zone, 2. Accessory buildings, structures and improvements similar to those shown on the general plan and site plan for the P.C-SF zone; B. Standards for Development. The standards for develop- ment of the PC-U district or zone shall be established by amendment to the ordinance codified herein and shall be sub- stantially in compliance with those standards established for the PC-SF district or zone. (Ord. 575 Sl0, 1968). 107 · 110 .110 Special regulations--Planned community pre- zoned-district or zone. The general regulations hereinbefore set forth and the following special regulations shall apply in the planned community prezoned district or zone and shall become .,operative upon annexation of the parcel constituting said zone, which parcel is presently situated in the county of San Mateo: A. Uses P.ermit ted. 1. Single family dwellings on those lots designated for said use on the general plan and site plan, 2. Duplex family dwellings on those lots designated for such use on the general plan and site plan, 3. Accessory buildings and structures and improve- ments as shown on the general plan and site plan; B. Issuance of Use Permit--Additional Provisions. No zoning or use permit shall issue for the parcel contained in said prezoned district or zone unless the adjacent parcel presently located within the city of Daly City is platted and developed in accordance with regulations similar to the general regula%ions and special regulations set forth in the ordinance codified herein. (Ord. 575 §11, 1968). ]08 120' Zoninq MaD--Westborouqh-West Park #3. (D s E F,~ F,~ A M 0 PC-C ~ . .. 109 N T E ZONING MAP - WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK #3 APPENDIX A TO ORDINANCE  ,xx NO. 575, PASSED THE 13TH · DAY OF MAY, 1968 ,,:: ..~ ~ PC-CV ~-~ .... ~ ..... '~ '""'* .... ' ;'-"~. ~~ ~ ~ _~ .... .: ~,.,..-,¥,~, ,,,o; c~ .... ~ --,.-~. , / PC-CV ,/ "* / / zo.o ~J I I llO .130 .130 Appendix to Zoning Map--Westborough-West Park #3° EXHIBIT "A-i" TO ORDINANCE NO. 672-7[~ PLAT OF PROPERTY ZONED AND ESTABLISHED AS A PLANNED COMMUNITY CIVIC DISTRICT OR ZONE (PC-CV DISTRICT OR ZONE, WEST PARK NO. 3) ¥;"" ~, ":-': RZ-28 ~-~ From PC-SF to PC-CV (Ord. 672 (part), 1974; Ord. 575 (part), 1968). 111 · 140 ..140 Parcels A, B and C amended--PC-C district. A. The parcel of property more particularly described in Exhibit A mapped as subsection C, and made a part hereof, is zoned and established as a planned community commercial district or zone. ., B. Exhibit A. All that certain real property situate in the city of South San Francisco, county of San Mateo, state of California, being portions of parcel "A", parcel "B" and parcel "C", as said parcels are shown on that certain parcel map entitled "PARCEL MAP, DIVISION OF 1.469 ACRE PARCEL, NORTHEAST CORNER OF WESTBOROUGH AND CALLAN BOULEVARDS, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA:," filed January 2, 1970, in Book 9 of parcel maps at Page 11, San Mateo County records, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Oak- mont Drive with the center line of Bantry Lane, as said Drive and Lane are shown on that certain map entitled "TRACT NO. 798, WESTBOROUGH UNIT NO. lB, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", filed September 13, 1961, in Book 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County records; running thence along the center line of Oakmont Drive and its northerly prolongation, North 22018' West 255.00 feet; thence leaving said line, North 67°42' East 42.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning along the easterly line of Callan Boulevard (formerly Oakmont Drive, map) as said Callan Boule- vard (Oakmont Drive) is shown on that certain map entitled "WESTBOROUGH - WEST PARK UNIT NO. 1, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", filed November 19, 1964, in Book 61 of Maps at Pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, San Mateo County records, North 22°18' West (North 21°05'35'' West, map) 101.84 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last said course, with a radius of 2792.26 feet (2792.00 feet, map), subtending a central angle of 5°19 '07", an arc distance of 259.20 feet; thence leaving said Callan Boulevard line, North 62022'53'' East 141.01 feet; southerly on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing South 27°37'07'' East, with a radius of 2933.27 feet, subtending a central angle of 4057' 39", an arc distance of 253.97 feet; South 22°39'49'' East 9.14 feet; and South 22018' East 141.01 feet to a point on the northerly line of Westborough BOulevard; thence along the said northerly line of Westborough Boulevard, South 67042' West 111.01 feet; thence leaving said line on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the said course, with a radius of 30.~00 feet, subtending a central angle of 90°00', an arc distance of 47.12 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing 1.283 acres, more or less. 112 /' I ~,~ o~ . I "' ~ ~t : ~ NG7°4 'I" rl~ g. m ~ NOT REZONE[ ~,;. ~ ,~ .o,'  ._~ ~ s~ ~'w . .,, . ~,,~: 4200' - ~ ~o,~)~?v. - ~ o ' -" S~7'42'w V/EsTBORo~GH BL VD. Excerpt of parcel map Di~vision of 1.469 Acre Parcel, . N.E. corner of Westborough'and Ca,lan Blvds., SSF, Ca., fi~ed 1/2/7~, Book 9 of Parce~ Maps at Page 11, San Mateo County Records, showing portions of Parcels A, B and C zoned P~anned Co~unity-Co~ercial District in accordance with Exhibit A of said Ordinance (O~d. 653 ~1, 19~3~ O~d. 575 (pa~t), 1968). ll3 Subdivision Ordinance CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA MAY, 1968 Reprinted June, 1968 July, 1969 February, 1970 GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION/CITY PLANNING FUNCTION CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION FRANK J. BERTUCELLI ................ Mayor JOSEPH T. ZLATUNICH ............. Chairman WARREN A. STEINKAMP ........ Mayor Pro Tem NELLO LAZZARI ............... Vice Chairman ANDREW ROCCA ................ Councilman GORDON T. BOBLITT .......... '_Commissioner F. FRANK MAMMINI .............. Councilman MARIO RAFFAELLI ............. Commissioner PATRICK E. AHERN ............... Councilman FRANK L. ROSATI .............. Commissioner ARTHUR RODONDI ................ City Clerk JOHN T. GARDNER ............. Commissioner MARCEL CAMPREDON .......... Commissioner DANIEL M. PASS ................... Secretary CITY MANAGER THOMAS P. McKENZIE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER LAURENCE L. ROSS ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE CITY ATTORNEY PAUL MARKLING .................. Architect JOHN HOFFMAN ........... Landscape Specialist JOHN NOONAN DANIEL M. PASS ................ City Planner CITY ENGINEER LOUIS H. GOSS _ _ Director of Public Works · CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR OFFICE OF THE CITY PLANNER LEONARD PITTZ DANIEL M. PASS ............. AIP City Planner FIRE CHIEF WILLIAM A. TIMMONS ....... Assistant Planner BILLIE VAN VELSOR ................ Secretary JOHN A. MARCHI ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF · ALWIN R. BRAUNS POLICE CHIEF PLANNING CONSULTANT SALVATORE ROSANO NEAL MARTIN ...... Hahn, Wise & Associates, Inc. 'Page 1 ORDINANCE NO. 603 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF ADOPTION THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 1.01 The City Council of the City of South San Francisco, State of TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE California, in conformity with the provisions of the "Subdivision Map Chapter 1 -- ADOPTION ......................... 3 Act" Div. 4, Part 2 of the Business and Professions Code, Ch. 2, as Purpose ................................. 3 amended, does ordain as follows: Chapter 2 -- DEFINITIONS ....................... 3 PURPOSE Chapter 3 - REQUIREMENTS BY TYPE OF SUBDIVISION .... 4 Industrial Subdivisions ......................... 4 For the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, convenience Commercial Subdivisions ....................... 4 and general welfare; the design, improvement and survey data of subdivi- Residential Subdivisions ........................ 4 sions; and the form and content of tentative, final and parcel maps Chapter 4 - GENERAL DESIGN AND thereof; and the procedure to be followed in securing official approval IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS ................. 5 thereof shall be governed by the provisions of the a~oresaid acts adopted Length of Blocks ............................ 5 by the Legislature of the State of California, and by the additional pro- Walkways ................................ 5 visions of this Ordinance, and shall comply with the provisions of the Utility Easements ........................... 5 General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Non-Access and Planting Strips ................... 5 1.02 Further, it is the purpose of this Ordinance to encourage new Water Courses and Drainage ..................... 5 concepts and innovations in the arrangement of building sites within Monuments ............................... 5 subdivisions. Deviations from the traditional mechanical approach to Lots Abutting on Improved Streets ................. 5 the subdivision of land are encouraged in order to facilitate the ultimate Roads and Streets ............................ 5 development of the land in a manner that will be commensurate with eon- Optional Design and Improvement Standards ........... 5 temporary living patterns and technological progress. Chapter 5 - STREET DESIGN ..................... 6 1.03 The Planning Commission is hereby designated as the Advisory Chapter 6 -- IMPROVEMENTS ..................... 7 Agency with respect to subdivisions as provided in the Subdivision Map General Requirements ......................... 7 Act of the State of California. Parks and Recreation Land ...................... 7 School Sites ............................... 8 a. The Planning Commission shall have all the powers and duties with respect to tentative, final and parcel maps, and the procedure Off-Site Improvements ........................ 8 relating ihereto, which are specified by law and by this Ordinance. Chapter 7 - EXCEPTIONS ....................... 9 Exceptions based on hardship .................... 9 Planning Commission Action ..................... 9 Chapter 8 -- TYPE OF SUBDIVISION AND PROCEDURE ..... 9 CHAPTER 2~ Chapter 9 - STANDARD SUBDIVISION PROCEDURE ....... 9 DEFINITIONS Tentative Map Data Required and Design .................... 9 2.01 "CITY COUNCIL" shall mean the City Council of the City of Statements ............................. 9 South San Francisco. Covenants .............................. 9 2.02 The designation of any particular officer herein shall mean the Completeness and Filing ..................... 10 particular officer of the City of South San Francisco. Action by Planning Commission ................. 10 2.03 a. "Freeway" -- An arterial street which is characterized by Appeal ............................... 10 limited access, grade-separated intersections, and median strip dividers. Improvement Plans ........................ 10 b. "Expressway" - An arterial street which is characterized by Chapter 10- FINAL MAP ....................... 10 limited access, at - grade intersections, and median strip dividers. Time Limit ............................... 10 Form .................................. I1 c. "Arterial '(Artery)" -- A street of general city or city-county Data Required ........................... 11 importance, which carries traffic on four moving lanes between different Additional Material ........................ 11 areas of the city and county. Procedure for Submitting Final Map .............. 12 d. "Collector Street" - That which collects traffic from a Minor Approval by City Council .................... 12 Street, a subdivision or other area and carries said traffic to an Arterial Recording .............................. 12 Street. Chapter 11 - MINOR SUBDIVISION PROCEDURE ......... 12 e. "Minor Street" - That which is used primarily for access to Filing .................................. 12 abutting properties. Tentative Parcel Map f. "Alley" -- Any public or private way which affords a secondary Data Required and Design .................... 12 means of access to abutting property. Statements ............................. 12 2.04 "PLANNING COMMISSION" shall mean the Planning Commis- Filing and Action by Planning Commission ........... 12 sion of the City of South San Francisco and the Advisory Agency referred Extension of Time ......................... 13 to in the State Subdivision Map Act. City Council Action on Appeal ................. 13 Parcel Map 2.05 "AVERAGE CROSS SLOPE." The average cross slope of an area Limitation of Approval ...................... 13 is defined to be the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the vertical dif- Submission ............................. 13 ference in elevation to the horizontal distance between two points on Chapter 12 - EXCEPTIONS FROM ORDINANCE AND the perimeter of the area, with the line connecting the two points being SUBDIVISION ALTERNATE .................. 13 essentially perpendicular to the contours between the two points. The Chapter 13 - ENFORCEMENT ..................... 13 Planning Commission shall have the authority to determine the average Chapter 14 - PENALTY ......................... 13 cross slope of a subdivision and shall also be empowered to designate Chapter 15 - NAME ........................... 13 different portions of any subdivision as having different cross slopes. In Chapter 16 - SEVERABILITY ...................... 13 all cases the cross slope of an area shall be determined prior to any grading Chapter 17 - ENACTING ........................ 13 operations. CHAPTER 1 2.06 "DESIGN" refers to street alignment, grades and widths, align- SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ment and widths of easements and rights-of-way for drainage, sanitary sewers, water, utilities and other facilities for public use or benefit, in- AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DESIGN, IMPROVEMENT cluding but not limited to recreation sites; lot area, width, depth and AND SURVEY DATA OF SUBDIVISONS AND CERTAIN OTHER DIVISIONS OF LAND AND THE FORM AND CONTENT OF shape and pattern as required in this Ordinance. TENTATIVE, FINAL AND PARCEL MAPS THEREOF: PROVIDING 2.07 "EASEMENT, DEDICATED" shall mean an easement dedicated PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF; AND DESIGNAT- to and accepted by the City, to be used for streets, alleys, other public lNG AN ADVISORY AGENCY; SAID ORDINANCE BEING ADOPT-. ways or places, sanitary sewers, drainage, utilities or other public purpose. ED PURSUANT TO THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AS AMENDED, 2.08 "FINAL MAP" refers to a map prepared in accordance with the AND TO THE GENERAL POWERS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH Subdivision Map Act and this Ordinance, which is designed to be filed SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. with the San Mateo County Recorder. Page 3 2.09 "IMPROVEMENT" refers to such street work, drainage structures, b. Mineral, Oil or Gas Leases, Cemeteries. utilities, landscaping, parks, or other facilities to be installed, or agreed to 2.24 "SUBDIVIDER" shall mean a person, firm, corporation, partner- be installed by the subdivider, on the land or appurtenant land thereto, ship or association who causes land to be subdivided into any amount of to be used for public streets, highways, ways and easements, as are parcels. necessary for the general use or benefit of the lot owners in the subdivision 2.25 "TENTATIVE MAP" shall mean any map made for the purpose and the surrounding area as a condition precedent to approval and ac- of showing the design of a proposed subdivision of any kind, showing the eeptance of the final map, or parcel map thereof, existing conditions in and around it, prepared as required in this Ordinance 2.10 "LOT" shall mean a parcel of land established, or to be estab- and the Subdivision Map Act. lished, by the Standard Subdivision Procedure or Minor Subdivision CHAPTER 3 Procedure, as provided herein. REQUIREMENTS BY TYPE OF SUBDIVISION 2.11 "LOT WIDTH, AVERAGE" - the sum of the length of the front Subdivision design and improvements shall be required as set out and rear lot line divided by two. In the ease of irregularly-shaped lots in this Ordinance. having four or more sides, "average lot width" shall be the sum of the length of two lines, drawn perpendicular to one side line at the widest 3.01 INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISIONS: and narrowest portions of the lot, divided by two. a. Minimum lot area and width for industrial subdivisions shall be as stipulated in the Zoning Ordinance, but not less than 5,000 sq. ft. and 2.12 "LOT DEPTH, AVERAGE" -- the sum of the length of the two 50', respectively, except where modular lot patterns are approved by side lines of the lot divided by two. using the provisions of Section 4.24. 2.13 "LOT DEPTH" -- the horizontal distance between the front b. Street Design: Street design shall be as set forth in Chapter 5 and rear lot lines, measured in the mean direction of the side lot lines, for industrial areas. 2.14 "LOT LINE, FRONT" - in the case of an interior lot, a line c. Improvements: All improvements shall be as set out in Chapter separating the lot from the street; and in the ease of a corner lot, a line 5 and 6 herein, and standards adopted pursuant to this Ordinance. separating the narrowest street frontage of the lot from the street, except in those cases where the latest recorded tract deed restrictions, approved d. Other regulations: All other regulations set out in this Ordinance as part of the subdivision approval, specify another line as the front lot shall be complied with in the development of Industrial Subdivisions. line. 3.02 COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISIONS: 2.15 "LOT LINE, REAR" -- A lot line which is opposite and most dis- a. Minimum lot area and width for commercial subdivisions shall tant from the front lot line and, in the case of an irregular, triangular be 5,000 sq. ft. and 50', respectively, provided that the Planning Commis- or gore-shaped lot, a line within the lot most nearly parallel to and at the sion may reduce the lot area of sites not more than 60% when the total maximum distance from the front lot line, having a length of at least lot size combined with land used for parking and landscaping, and aeees- ten (10) feet. sory uses, in undivided common interest equals the required 5,000 sq. ft. 2.16 "LOT LINES, SIDE" -- any lot boundary line not a front lot line lot size. or a rear lot line. b. Street Design: Street design shall be as set out in Chapter 5 2.17 "OWNER" -- the individual, firm, partnership or corporation for commercial areas. having sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided c. Improvements: All improvements shall be as set out in Chapter to commence and maintain proceedings to subdivide said land under 5 and 6, and standards adopted pursuant to this Ordinance. the law of the State of California and this Ordinance. d. Other regulations: Ail other regulations set out in this Ordinance 2.18 "PARKWAY" -- the area between the back-of-curb and the prop- shall be complied with in the development of Commercial Subdivisions. erty line, but not including the sidewalk. 3.03 RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS 2.19 "PARCEL MAP" refers to a map showing the division of land as a. Minimum Lot Area and Width shall be as follows, unless a described in the following cases: greater lot size or width is stipulated in the Zoning Ordinance. Where the (1) Any parcel or parcels of land which is divided into four or lot size is reduced through the use of Section 4.24 herein, the following less parcels; shall serve as the criterion for determining gross lot density requirements. (2) The whole parcel before division contains less than five acres, b. Table of Lot Areas, Widths and Depths each parcel created by the division abuts upon a public street and no Grading: Follow- dedications or improvements are required; lng portion of the surfac~ slmll (3) Any parcel or parcels of land divided into lots or parcels, remain in its ul~- each of a gross area of 20 acres or more, and each of which has an r~gy' Min. Min. Min. Ratio-Max. graded state. of Min. Front- Aver. Aver. Depth to (No cut or fill) approved aocess to a maintained public street; Area Area age Width Depth Width (1) (4) Any parcel or parcels of land divided into lots or parcels, each Flat of which is forty (40) acres or more. 0-10% (~) (2) (5) Any parcel or parcels of land having approved access to a Cross Slope 5,000 ~o' ~o' 00' 2~:1 public street which comprises part of a tract of land zoned for industrial Hi]Iii& 10-15% development and which has the approval of the governing body as to cro~ Slope ?.soo oo' 70' 110 '24:1 street alignments and widths, provided however, that the Planning Com- Steep Hill- mission may require the filing of a standard subdivision on such indnstrial- side ly-zoned land where it deems it in the public interest and approved and filed in accordance with law under the Standard Subdivision Procedure. Crom Slope 10.000 75' 80' 120' 3:1 30% Very Steep 2.20 "PEDESTRIAN WAY"--an easement exchtsively for pedestrian use. Hillside 2.21 "PERSON" -- an individual, person, partnership or corporation. Cross Slope 20,000 90' Iff0' 150' 3:1 40% 2.22 "RESERVE STRIP" - a strip of land not less than one foot in very steep width deeded to the city for the purpose of regulating access to any Hilhide arterial street or to a partially dedicated or dead-end, alley, street or Cro~ Slope I Acre 100' 120' 200' 3:1 60% highway. 2.23 "SUBDIVISION" shall mean any real property improved or nnim- so% & Great- proved, or portion thereof, shown on the latest adopted Assessment Roll ~o~er°ss 1~ Ac. 120' 150' 225' 3:1 80% of the City as a unit or as contiguous units, which is divided by a sub- divider, including condominiums and community apartment projects, (1) Mas~ recontouring may be allowed when approved by the Planning Commission, provided that sx~ch contouring shall be planted or reforested to approval of said whether immediate or future, by any person, firm or corporation or their Planning Commission. assigns, within any period. The following, however, are not subdivisions (2) Comer lots - 00fl0 sq. ft. Minimum Area and fl0' Minimum Frontage. On culs-de-sac within the meaning of this Ordinance. or curvilinear streets, minimum width at ~ethack line 50'. a. Leasing Of industrial buildings, stores, offices, apartments c. Improvements: All design and improvements shall be as set forth or similar space within a building or spaces within a trailer park. in Chapter 5 and 6. Page 4 CHAPTER 4 4.11 LOTS ABUTTING ON IMPROVED STREETS GENEPO~L DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS All lots shall abut on a dedicated and improved street. 4.01 LENGTH OF BLOCKS 4.12 ROADS AND STREETS Blocks shall not be longer than 1,200 feet between intersecting Existing streets shall be extended as required by the Planning street lines, except on arterial streel~s, where longer blocks may be Commission. required by the Planning Commission. Lots with frontage on more than 4.13 Street stubs shall be extended to adiacent unsubdivided property one street will not be permitted, except comer lots, unless approved where, in .the opinion of the Planning Commission, they are necessary. by the Planning Commission and when access rights are releaSed on one A satisfactory, temporary cul-de-sac and a standard barrier shall be in- street, stalled at the termini of street stubs, in order to prevent unauthorized 4.02 WALKWAYS ' acceSS, thereto and therefrom. Improved walkways not less than 15~ in width and not over 300'~ 4.14 Streets shall intersect at as near right angles aS is practicable. in length may be required through blocks more than 900 feet in length and Radius of curvature, where the property lines intersect, shall be a minimum through other blocks where necessary to provide access to schools, parks of twenty (20) feet, except where streets intersect arterials where the and scenic easements, minimum radius shall be thirty (30) feet. 4.03 UTILITY EASEMENTS 4.15 "T" or three-legged intersections are preferable to four-legged Easements not less than 5 feet wide shall be required on each side (grid iron) intersections on local streets, but the center line of the of all lots and 5 feet wide at the rear of all lots where necessary for street shall not be located closer than 150' to eenterline of any other underground utilities, cables, wire, street trees, drainage, conduit and intersection. water mains or other utilities. A reduction of the width may be allowed 4.16 Four-way intersections shall not be located closer than 180' to when a lesser width is justified in the opinion of the Planning Commission any other intersections measured from' the nearest right-of-way lines. and the serving utility. 4.17 Access rights, where required to control access over certain lot lines, or reserve strips over the ends of street stubs, shall be deeded to 4.04 NON-ACCESS AND PLANTING the City. When the rear of any lots border upon a freeway, state highway or 4.18 Frontage roads, access roads, or acceleration lanes shall be required arterial, the subdivider may be required to dedicate and improve a planting strip adjacent to such freeway, state highway or arterial. The in industrial, commercial, and in multiple family residential areas where cost of all required improvements shall be borne by the subdivider, it is necessary to control access to arterial streets. 4.19 Where alleys intersect streets, a minimum 20 foot radius of 4.05 WATER COURSES AND DRAINAGE curvature shall be required. Water courses Shall be shown as easements when required by the 4.20 Cul-de-sac streets shall have the following limitihg dimensions: City Engineer, and storm drains shall be placed in easements when public right-of-way is not available or adequate. The Planning Commission 50' Minimum Radius to Property Line 40' Minimum Radius to Curb Line shall require that all lots be so graded as to drain to an improved street or, when this is not feasible, all water, courses shall be placed entirely 500' Maximum length of a cul-de-sac to center of turn-around, in underground conduits in accordance with the standards adopted pur- except where such cul-de-sac serves less than twelve lots suant to this Ordinance. In the event that storm drains are located at and where a loop is provided in the water system. the rear lot line, there shall be provided a concrete inlet structure with 4.21 Names for proposed new streets shall be approved by the Planning iron grate at the lower comer of each lot. Where sumps are apProved Commission upon the recommendation of the City Planner and shown to handle drainage as an interim solution, defeasible easements shall be on the tentative map. provided for necessary channels and sump areas. 4.22 Streets, rights-of-way, and easements in any Standard Subdivision 4.06 MONUMENTS or Minor Subdivision shall be offered for dedication by appropriate means. The city may, at its option, accept or reject any such offer or reserve the Durable metal monuments consisting of iron pipe approved by right to require future dedication. the City Engineer, but not less than 2" in diameter by 2~' in length 4.23 Street design shall conform to the standards embodied in the with plug and tack, set at least 2' into the ground, and conforming to Circulation Element of the General Plan of the City. the standards adopted by the City of South San Francisco, and shown on the final subdivision or parcel map, shall be placed at the following a. Curve Radius locations: Minimum center line radius on streets shall be: (a) Along boundary lines at intervals not to exceed 500', or at Arterial Streets 1500 feet such lesser distances as may be made necessary by topography or cul- Collector Streets 800 feet ture, to assure accuracy in the re-establishment of any point or line Minor Streets 200 feet without unreasonable difficulty. Cul-de-sac Streets 100 feet (b) At the beginning and ending of property line, curves or the b. Grades points of intersection of tangents thereof, or other intermediate points Maximum permitted 10 per cent' required by the City Engineer. Normal minimum permitted, 1 per cent~ (c) At all lot comers. A lead and tack shall be set in the top 4.24 OPTIONAL DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS of curb on the prolongation of the side lot lines. Variation of the standards required pursuant to Chapters 3 and 4 4.07 Concrete monuments, depressed below street grade, with cast herein may be permitted only in areas where a Use Permit is in effect iron ring and cover of a type approved by the City Engineer, shall be for a Planned Unit Development. The variations permitted shall be only set at intersections of street centerlines. Where said street centerlines those shown on that site plan which was approved as a part of said Plann6d intersect on private property, said monuments shall be placed at the Unit Development. beginning and end of the centerline curve. 4.08 Permanent elevation l)enchmarks, of a type approved by the 'Where topography makes 10 Per cent impractical, subject to receiving the City Engineer's City Engineer and referring to the city datum, shall be set at each street recommendation, the Planning Commission may allow up to 12 per cent grade, where intersection in the curb return or other location approved by the City satisfactory evidence which is given, showing that a lesser grade is not possible. Engineer. :Absolute minimnm permitted. 0.5 per cent; cross fall across intersections. 0.5 per cent. 4.09 Any monument or benchmark, required by this ordinance, which is disturbed or destroyed before acceptance on all improvements, shall be replaced by the subdivider at his expense, CHAPTER 5 4,10 Complete field notes, in a form satisfactory to the City Engineer, STREET DESIGN showing references, ties, locations, elevations and other necessary data 5.01 All streets shall conform to the standards set out in the table of relating to monuments and bench-marks set in accordance with the "Specific Street Design Dimensions" contained herein. Any deviation requirements of this ordinance, shall be submitted to the City Engineer shall be permitted only with written approval of the Planning Commission to be retained by the City, aS a permanent record, in accordance with Section 4.24. Page 5 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ARTERIAL ( Divided ) 4- LANE R/W 106' Min. 6-LANE R/W 1:30' Min. ARTERIAL ( Undivided ) R/W 88' Min. · 0'-6; ~ 4'-I0' I0' · 48' · I0' ! 4'-I0' 0'-6' COMMERCIAL- INDUSTRIAL COLLECTOR 8~ MINOR R/W 64' Min. · 0'-6' · 4-10' I0' · 24' I0' 4'-I0' · 0'-6' · RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR R/W 60' Min. ~ 2 4' / 8' 6' RESIDENTIAL MINOR R/W 56' Min. - · .,'.,..,.20. Pa~e 6 SP{~IFIC STREET D~SIGN DIMENSIONS ~t MIsmmsm Otnm~as~s t~ ~ ~ I. Tr~c .sisals, si~, ~ntro~, ~d m~kin~ where str~ ~ ~-w~y P~t ~y' M~ s~' AI~' intent ~d at o~er l~atiom r~r~ by the Pl~ning Comm~i~. ~ ~' ~ ~' N~ 4' ~ m. A ~re ~ ~tem ~d al~ b~es of a t~, ~ at l~ati~s ~ approv~ by ~e Fire Chief. by ~m~ng n. Utility ~t~bution iin~, inclu&ng but n~ Hmit~ to cleric, C~m~ ~mmunicatiom, ~t li~ting ~d ~ble tel~si~ ~ ~' ~' s' ~ pi~ ~de~d. ~e m~r a ~m~le ~ c~g ~th the ~ ~' ~' ~' ~ r~ements ~ tha ~ti~, ~d he ~1 m~e ~e ~ ~ments (~, wi~ the utility com~i~ for the i~ia6on of sm~ ~iliti~ For the ~ 1~' m' ~' ~s' Out not limit~ to, m~mo~t~ tr~o~, ~t~-m~nt~ ~ te~ box~ ~ meter c~bi~, ~d ~c~ ~c~ in ~ under- ~m~ ~' ~' ~' ~s' ~ound s~tem may ~ ~a~ a~v~. All m~m~t~ in~la- (~. ti~s sh~l be ~r~n~ wi~ l~p~g ~ appro~ by t~ Piing ~ C~m~ion or pla~ ~yond ~y ~ck ~u~ by the applicable ~ ~i~m~ ~m in C~l ~ zomg ~t ~ati~. ~ ~t~-way Fav~t P~ay' M~ Sl~t' SI~' 6.~ ~~ ~ ~ati~ ~ l~d, ~t of f~, or ~th, for M~ ~' ~' 0' s~ ~0' ~' ~k ~d ~tion l~d ~ Su~si~s. ~ ~' ~' 0' N~ 10' ~' (a) CI~ D~NED: Ci~ ~ ~ in th~ SuCtion ~all me~ ~a ~' ~' 0' N~ ~0' ~' the City ~ ~th ~ Fr~ci~o. (~. ~ ~) SUB~V~ SHALL PRO, DE PARK ~D ~R~TION- AL FACI~: ~ ~ ~' 0' ~s' ~0' (~, Eve~ m~i~der who ~i~d~ ~d ~i ~cate a ~ion ~ of ~ch l~d, ~y a f~, ~ do ~th, ~ ~t ~ in t~s ~tion ~r the ~ 1~' ~' 0' 18' 1o' (~. pu~ ~ pmvi~g ~k ~d r~weati~M fa~liti~ to ~e ~ture a~ ~idents ~ ~ch Su~v~ion. (c) APP~CA~ON: ~pt Su~i~si~s f~ which tentative sub- ~ M~ ~ ia ~ ~ di~sion ma~ have ~n fll~ within thi~y (~) ~ys ~er the e~ive ~ ~t~W,y P,~t p~y. M~ s~t' ~1~ date of this Or~n~ ~d Industfi~ Sub~visiom, the pro~si~s of ~is M~ ~' ~' ~' N~ 4' ~' ~tion shall apply to: ~ ~' ~' · ~ (~. s~. of the Busin~ ~d Profe~i~s C~e of the State of Califor- ~ ~' ~' 6' N~ 4' ~' nia. ~ ~m' ~' 8' IS' 4' ~' 2. Community ApaRments and/or C~dominihms (~. ~ 3. Minor Su~i~sions or lot splits ~ ~' ~' s' is' 4' ~' (d) RELATION OF LAND REQUIRED TO POPULATION (~' DENSI~ '!~ ~h ~t~-w,y aM ~t ~h It ~ hereby found ~d dete~in~ that the public inter,t, 'Mmr ~ ~ c~l~. c~nveni~, he~th, welfare ~d s~ety r~uire that f~r (4) acres of 'Pa~t ~h fm tw~l g~ ~all I~ ~' for e~h ~i~. pro~y, for each. one thou~nd (1,~) ~rsom r~iding within t~e · ~c~ ~ ~ ~t~-way City, be devot~ to park and recreational pu~. (e) ~PULA~ON DENSI~: Population ~nsity for the pu~ CHAIR ~ of this ~ion shall ~ ~te~in~ in accor~ with the ~c~pti~ IMPROVEMENTS of nei~rh~ demiti~ embed in the adopt~ Gener~ PI~, to wit: 6.01 All improvements ~all ~fo~ to the City of ~uth ~r dwelling unit cis~'s Ensnaring St~ds. Any de~ation ~all be ~ittM ~ly 2. M~tiple family dwelling ~its -- 2.~ ~ons ~r with ~e written approv~ of the Pl~ning Comm~ion in accord~ce with ~cti~ 4.~. Pe~ion ~all ~ ~t~n~ ~om the Ci~ En~n~r dwelling ~it ~fore ~y c~nstm~ion is st~. ~e b~s for dete~ining the total numar of dwel~ng u~ts 6.02 Improvements to ~ instafl~ by each su~vi~r ~all include the ~! ~ the numar of such units ~itt~ by the City ~ the pro~y following: includ~ in the Su~i~ at the time ~e ~ ~si~ tra~ map g ~!~ with ~e City C~neil for approve. a. C~b, ~tter, sidew~k ~d w~a~. (0 AMOU~ OF ~ND TO BE DEDICA~D: ~e ~nt of b. Water Hnm, g~ ~d other utility ~i~s to se~e each lot ~d I~d requir~ to ~ d~cat~ by a su~der puget to th~ ~ction shall ~ stub~ to pro~Ry line p~or to ~ving. sh~! ~ b~ ~ the ~ area includ~ ~ the su~on, dete~in~ c. Fire hydr~ts of a ty~ ~d size approved by the Fire Chief. by the following fo~ula: Fire flows shall be ~ approv~ by the Fire Chief. DENSI~ FORMU~: d. S~it~ ~wers ~d sep~ate laterals to se~e each lot and Per~ntage of the shall ~ stub~ to pro~y line p~or to paving. Net density ~r dwelling ~it ~ea ~ the su~ion e. Sto~ ~we~, &~ns ~d channel improvements when n~e~ r~uir~ when p~k l~d for g~eral u~ of the development, g d~cat~ f. Silt h~ins or other forms of ermion control when n~ 1 D.U. ~r acre ~ more ............... 0.~ for general u~ of the development. 1 D.U. ~r ~ to 1 acre ................ 2.~ g. Pav~ struts. 1 D.U. ~r 10,~ ~. R. to ~ acre ......... 1.73% h. Prenatal strut li~ts. ~e Planning Commission shall re- I D.U. ~r 9,~ to 9,~ ~. R ............ 2.7~ quire under~o~d wiring of all street li~ting systems. 1 D.U. ~r 8,~ to ~ ~. R ............. 3.01% i. Street tre~. Not !~ th~ one (1) tr~ ~r lot, average 1 D.U. ~r 7,~ to 7,~ ~. R ............ 3.~ 1 D.U. ~r 6,~ to 6,~ ~. R ............ 3.~ spacing ~' on center and of a t~ approved by the Planning Commi~ion. 1 D.U. ~r 5,~ to 5,~ ~. R ............ 4.~ j. Street si~s at all bilk nnmber changes and at l~ations 10 to 19 D.U.'s ~r acre ................. 5.7~ approved by the City En~neer. ~ to 29 D.U.'s ~r acre ................. 9.~ k. Street end ba~cades, walls or fencing where require. ~ to 39 D.U.'s ~r acre ................. 12.~ Page 7 40 to 49 D.U.'s per acre ................. 15.58% 5. That facilities proposed for the common open landscaped areas 50 to 59 D.U.'s per acre ................. 18.40% are in substantial accordance with the provisions of the recreational 60 to 09 D.U.'s per acre ................. 21.05% element of the general plan, and are approved by the City Council. 70 to 79 D.U.'s per acre ................. 23.54% (i) CHOICE OF LAND OR FEE 80 to 89 D.U.'s per acre ................. 25.85% 90 to 99 D.U,'s per acre ................. 28.00% 1. PROCEDURE. The procedure for determining whether the sub- 100 D.U.'s and over per acre .............. 29.07% divider is to dedicate land, pay a fee, or both, shall be as follows: (g) AMOUNT OF FEE IN LIEU OF LAND DEGIATION: Where A. PARCEL MAPS, MINOR SUBDIVISIONS AND LOT a fee is required to be paid in lieu of land dedication, the amount of SPLITS. The fees to be paid for land subdivided by parcel maps, such fee shall be based upon the fair market value of the amount of land minor subdivisions and lot splits shall be deposited in escrow which would otherwise be required to be dedicated pursuant to Subsection with the City Clerk upon filing of the tentative map, to be (0 hereof. The amount of such fee shall be a sum equal to the fair market transferred to the appropriate City fund upon the filing of the value of the amount of land required in aeeordane~ with the following parcel or final map. formula: B. SUBDIVIDER. At the time of filing a tentative subdivision FEE FORMULA: map for approval, the owner of the property shall, as a part of such filing indicate whether he desires to dedicate property Sq. Ft. of park land for park and recreational purposes, or whether he desires to pay Net density per dwelling unit required per gross acre a fee in lieu thereof. If he desires to dedicate land for this of subdivision purpose, he shall designate the area thereof on the tentative I D.U. per acre or more ................ 262 subdivision map as submitted. I D.U. per ~ to 1 acre ................. 527 C. ACTION OF CITY. At the time of the tentative subdivision 1 D.U. per 10,003 sq. R. to ~4 acre .......... 767 map approval, the City Council shall determine as a part of 1 'D.U. per 9,000 to 9,999 sq. ft._ 1,209 such approval, whether to require a dedication of land within 1 D.U. per 8,000 to 8,999 sq. ft ............. 1,350 the subdivision, payment of a fee in lieu thereof, or a eombina- 1 D.U. per 7,000 to 7~999 sq. ft ............. 1,532 tion of both. 1 D.U. per 6,000 to 6,999 sq. ft ............. 1,768 D. PREREQUISITES FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP. 1 D.U. per 5,000 to 5,999 sq. ft ............. 2,090 Where dedication is required, it may be accomplished in 10 to 19 D.U.'s per acre .................. 2,680 accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. 20 to 29 D.U.'s per acre .................. 4,466 Where fees are required, the same shall be deposited with the 30 to 39 D.U.'s per acre .................. 6,257 City prior to the approval of the final subdivision map. Open 49 to 49 D.U. s per acre .................. 8,039 space covenants for common open landscaped areas or recrea- 50 to 59 D.U. s per acre .................. 9,825 tion facilities shall be submitted to the City prior to approval 60 to 69 D.U. s per acre ................... 11,611 of the final subdivision map and shall be recorded eontemporane- 70 to 79 D.U. s per acre .................. 13,408 ously with the final subdivision map. 80 to 89 D.U. s per acre .................. 15,185 90 to 99 D.U. per acre .................. 16,969 2. DETERMINATION. Whether the City Council accepts land 100 D.U.'s and over per acre ............... 17,851 dedication or elects to require payment of a fee in lieu thereof, or a combination of both, shall be determined by consideration of the Fair market value may be determined as of the time of filing following: the final' map in accordance with the following: A. Recreation element of the City's general plan; 1. The fair market value as determined by the City Council based upon the then assessed value, modified to equal market B. Topography, geology, access and location of land in the value in accordance with current practice of (City) (County) subdivision available for dedication; Assessor;.or C. Size and shape of the subdivision and land available for 2. If the subdivider objects to such evaluation he may, at his dedication. expense, obtain an appraisal of the property by a qualified real The determination of the City Council as to whether land shall estate appraiser approved by the City, which appraisal may be be dedicated, or whether a fee shall be charged, or a combination accepted by the City Council if found reasonable; or thereof, shall be final and conclusive. On subdivisions involving fifty (50) lots or less, only the payment of fees may be required, 3. The City and subdivider may agree as to the fair market except City may elect to accept dedication of the land in lieu of value, said fees. (h) CREDIT FOR COMMON OPEN LANDSCAPE AREAS: Where common open landscaped areas for park and recreational purposes are (j) TIME OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE DESIGNATED: provided in a proposed subdivision and such space is to be privately At the time the final subdivision map is approved or parcel map filed, the City shall designate the time when development of the park and recrea- owned and maintained by the future residents of such subdivision, or tional facilities shall be commenced. maintained by the future residents of such subdivision, or maintained by a district created for said purpose, such areas may be credited against (k) LIMITATION ON USE OF LAND AND FEES: The land and the requirements of dedication for park and recreation purposes, as set fees received under this Section shall be used only for the purpose of forth in Subsection (0 hereof, or the payment of fees in lieu thereof, as providing park and recreational facilities to serve the subdivision for set forth in Subsection (g) hereof, provided the City Council finds it is which received and the location of the land and amount of fees shall bear in the public interest to do so, and that the following standards are met: a reasonable relationship to the use of the park and recreational facilities 1. That yards, court areas, setbacks and other open areas required by the future inhabitants of the subdivision. to be maintained by the zoning and building regulations shall not 6.04 SCHOOL SITES. be included in the computation of such common open landscaped Where the subdivider proposes to develop a minimum of 400 areas: dwelling units within a single school district within a 3-year period or 2. That the private ownership and maintenance of the common less, the Planning Commission may require the subdivider to dedicate to open landscaped areas is adequately provided for by written agree- the School District such land as the governing body shall deem necessary ment or other undertaking, for the purpose of constructing thereon schools necessary to assure elemen- 3. That the use of the common open landscaped areas is restricted tary school service for the residents of the development. Such requirement for park and recreational purposes by recorded covenants which shall be subject to the costs formula and other provisions and limitations of Section 11525.2 Article 2 of the Business and Professions Code of the run with the land in favor of the future owners of property within the tract and which cannot be defeated or eliminated without the State of California. consent of the City Council. 6.05 The following off-site improvements may be required when said 4. That the proposed common open landscaped areas are reason- improvements are needed to serve the proposed subdivision: ably adaptable for use for park and recreational purposes, taking a. The subdivider shall pay the fee estimated by the City for the into consideration such factors as size, shape, topography, geology, improvement of any existing source of water supply and the constrnetion access, and location of the common open landscaped areas, of transmission lines from that supply to the proposed development. Page 8 b. The subdivider shall pay the fee estimated by the City for the (e) The parcel or parcels of land is divided into lots or parcels each development of sewage disposal facilities or for the improvement of any having access (conforming to the requirements of Chapters 4, 5, and 6, existing sewage disposal system and the construction of transmission lines herein) to a dedicated, improved and maintained city street or State High- from the proposed development to the site of disposal, way, which comprises part of a tract of land zoned for industrial develop- c. vv"nen flood zones or other lawful special purpose zones are ment. established by the City Council, the subdivider shall pay the fee set out 8.02 The Standard Subdivision Procedure (Chapter 9.) shall be used for the particular zone in which the subject land lies. on all subdivisions not specified in Section 8.01. d. Properly graded, drained and paved access roads. CHAPTER 9 e. The extension of any other utilities. STANDARD SUBDIVISION PROCEDURE f. Agreements may be made upon approval of the City Council for reimbursement by future developers for facilities required by the city 9.01 This procedure shall apply to all subdivisions, parts of subdivisions or any division of land where prescribed in Chapter 8. to the extent that such facilities are in excess of sizes, lengths and locations needed to serve the subdivision involved. Requests for reimbursement shall 9.02 Prior to filing of a tentative Subdivision Map, a city tract number be made in writing at the time of submitting the final map. shall be obtained from the County Surveyor and a preliminary title report 6.06 In addition to all other requirements herein: from a reputable title company shall be filed with the City Planner. a. Improvement work shall not be commenced until improvement 9.03 TENTATIVE MAP. DATA REQUIRED AND DESIGN. plans for such work have been submitted to and apprOved by the City The proposed subdivision design and improvements shall comply Engineer. with the requirements of Chapters 4, 5 and 6 herein: The following data b. No grading shall be commenced until a grading plan shall have shall be shown on the tentative Subdivision Map or Maps: been submitted to and approved by the City Engineer and a grading a. A sketch indicating the location of the proposed subdivision in permit is issued by the City Council. relation to the surrounding area or region, to a minimmn scale of r' -, 1000'. c. All improvements shall be constructed under the inspection of, Said sketch shall show land use in surrounding area. and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. b. Name and address of record owner and subdivider. d.. Cost of inspection shall be borne by the subdivider and shall c. Name and address of licensed land surveyor, registered civil be deposited in the manner and in the amount established by the City. engineer or other qualified professional who prepared said tentative map. Said cost of inspection shall be secured by a cash deposit with the City d. Date, north point (.~enerally pointing up on the map) and of South San Francisco in the amount of 2% of the estimated co~t of sub- scale. Minimum scale r' ~= 100 or as otherwise approved by the City division improvements. Engineer. Minimum map size 18" x 26". CHAPTER 7 e. Tract number of proposed subdivision, and of all adjacent EXCEPTIONS subdivisions. Locations of, names and width of adjacent streets, highways, 7.01 EXCEPTIONS BASED ON HARDSHIP. alleys and ways, and easements of all kinds, together with the type and It is realized that there are certain parcels of land of such dimen- location of street improvements thereon including fire hydrants and street sion, subject to such title restrictions, so affected by physical conditions light locations. and/or devoted to such use that it is impracticable for the subdivider to f. The contour of the land at intervals of one foot of elevation conform to all the foregoing requirements when subdividing property, up to 5% slope; two foot intervals up to 10% and five foot intervals over 10% 7.02 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION g. Sufficient data to define the boundaries of the tract, or a legal description of the tract and blue border on reverse side of map to indicate The Planning Commission (or on appeal, the City Council) may tract boundaries. The tentative map shall show probable units of final map. grant exceptions from the foregoing requirements, When all the following conditions are found to apply: h. Width, approximate location and purpose of all existing and a. That any exception granted shall be subject to such conditions proposed easements and adjacent easements adjoining the subdivision. as will assure that the adjustment thereby authorized shall not constitute i. The width and approximate grade of all streets, highways, a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other alleys and other rights-of-way whether proposed for dedication or not. properties in the same vicinity, j. The approximate radii of all curves. b. That I~canse of special circumstances applicable to the subject k. All lots numbered consecutively throughout the entire develop- property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the ment. The approximate dimensions of all lots shall be shown and the strict literal application of this ordinance is found to deprive subject approximate lot areas shall be shown for all parcels not rectangular in shape. property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity. I. The approximate locations of areas subject to inundation by c. That under the circumstances of this particular case the excep- storm water overflow, and the location, width and direction of flow of tion, rather than the sections at issue in this Ordinance, actually carries all water courses existing and proposed. out the spirit and intent of this Ordinance. m. The location and outline to scale of each existing building or 7.03 Adequate guarantees shall be provided to insure that any conditions structure, including underground utilities, within the subdivision, noting imposed as a part of any approved exception shall be carried out as thereon whether such building or structure is to be removed or remain. specified. The existing and proposed future use of said building or structure shall CHAPTER 8 be shown on the tentative map. TYPE OF SUBDIVISION AND PROCEDURE n. Approximate elevation of street intersections. 8.01 The subdivider may elect to use either the Standard Subdivision o. The location, pipe size and approximate grades of proposed (Chapter 9.) or Minor Subdivision (Chapter 11.) Procedure in any of the sewers, water lines, and underground storm drains, including the pro- following cases: posed location of fire hydrants, street lights, gas mains, power, and TV cables. (a) The parcel or parcels of land is to be divided into four or less parcels in any time period, p. The location of all trees over 4" in diameter at the base of tree (where stands of trees are located individual trees need not be shown, (b) The whole parcel before division contains less than five (5) but may be shown as a group). acres, each parcel created by the division abuts upon a dedicated, im- proved and maintained city street or state highway, and no dedications or q. The location of existing fences, ditches, wells, sumps, cesspools, improvements are required, reservoirs, sewers, culverts, drain pipes, underground structures, utility lines and sand, gravel.or other excavation within two hundred (200) feet (c) The parcel or parcels of land is to be divided into lots or or any portion of the subdivision, noting thereon whether they are to be parcels, each of a gross area of twenty (20) acres or more, and each of abandoned or used. which has access (conforming to the requirements of Chapters 4, 5, and 6, herein) on a dedicated, improved and maintained city street or state 9.04 STATEMENTS highway. The following statements, reports and information shall accompany (d) The parcel or parcels of land are to be divided into lots or the tentative map or shall be placed on said map: parcels of forty (40) acres or more. a. The existing zoning and proposed use of the subdivision. Page 9 b. A report o~ soils t~ts by a quarried soils engineer. ~vide--"~c~Prr°Ve said map, and shall report such action directly to the sub- c. A statement of the method by which the subdivider proposes to control erosion. 9.1~- The Plam~ng Commission may, in addition to any other causes d. A statement indicating the improvements to he constructed by therefore, disapprove a tentative map because of flood, inundatiun, or the subdivider, as required in Chapters 5, and 6 herein, and other ordi- slide hazards ami may require protective improvements to be constructed nences of the city. as a cooditien precedent to approval of the map. e. The depth of fro~t yards and building setback lines. 9.12.1 The City Co~mcil shall determine whether the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the existing City sewer system f. The proposed source of water supply and method of sewage would result in violation of existing requirements prescribed by the disposal, indicating whether Chapter 6 ca~ be complied with. California Regional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to Division ? of g. The type and size of tree planting to be installed, the State of California Water Code. Said determination shall be made h. A statement indica(ing proposed public areas to be dedicated subsequent to the recommendation of the City Engineer who shall su~mit or scenic easements proposed, a written report to the Planning Commission with a copy to the Regional i. The type and location of street lighting proposed. Water Quality Control Board. In the event the City Council finds that the proposed waste discharge would result in or add to violation of require- ~. A statement indicating the proposed development of lots ments of such Board, it shall disapprove the tentative map or maps of the (whether for sale as lots or fully developed house and lot). subdivision. k. A statement indicating the subdivision purpose (whether for 9.13 TENTATIVE MAPS. APPEAL. sale, lease, or financing). If the subdivider or other affected property owner is dissatisfied I. Four (4) copies of the preliminary title report, with any action of the Planning Commission with respect to the tentative m. Justification and reasons for any exceptions to the provisions map, or the nature and extent of improvements required, he may, within of this Ordinance. 15 days after such action, appeal in writing to the City Council for a public n. The subdivider shall submit a copy of a letter to each serving hearing thereon. Such appeal, along with seven copies of the map, must he utility agency requesting submission of utility easement requirements filed with the City Clerk on or before the agenda closing date of the next and a copy of the reply from each affected utility agency, succeeding regular meeting of the City Council. The City Council shall hear the appeal, upon notice to the subdivider and the Planning Commis- o. A geological report shall be required in any area, so determined sion, unless the subdivider consents to a continuance, at its next succeeding by the City Engineer, where there are known geological hazards, regular meeting following the filing of the appeal. At the hearing the City 0.05 COVENANTS. Council shall hear such argument and material as the subdivider or Plan- A copy of any condition, restrictive reservation or covenant existing ning Commission, or other persons may present. or proposed shall accompany the tentative map. §.14 Upon conclusion of the hearing or continuance thereof, the City §.0~ TENTATIVE MAP. COMPLETENESS AND FILING. Council shall within seven ('0 days declare its findings based upon the A tentative map shall be considered complete for the consideration testimony produced before it. It may sustain, modify, reject, return to of the Planning Commission after submission of the required maps or the Planning Commission, or overrule any recommendations or rulings of sketches, together with all supplementary data to the Secretary of the the Planning Commission, and may make such findings as are not incon- Planning Commission. If the tract is a portion of a larger area which may sistent with the provisions of this Ordinance or the Subdivision Map Act. be subdivided later, the tentative map shall roughly indicate the ultimate 0.15 IMPROVEMENT PLANS, ALL SUBDIVISIONS. plan for the whole. After the approval by the Planning Commission of the tentative ,9.0'/ Twenty (~0) copies of the tentative map and statements concerning map of any subdivision, the subdivider shall furnish the following informa- the proposed subdivision of any land, shall be presented to the Secretary tion to the Secretary of the Planning Commission. No final map shall be of the Planning Commission at least seventeen (1'/) days prior to the submitted for consideration of the City Council until the improvement Planning Commission meeting, together with a filing fee of fifty ($50.00) plans have been approved by the City Engineer. No improvement dollars plus three ($3.00) dollars for each lot in the proposed sobdivision, plans shall be considered finally approved until approval of the final ,9.08 Distribution of copies. Upon the filing with the Secretary of the map by the City Council. Planning Commission of a tentative map and the requisite number of a. Three (3) copies of a grading plan showing existing and pro- copies thereof, he shall forthwith transmit copies thereof to the following posed contours, typical cross sections, and finished grades of all lots, roads, departments or officers: City Planner, City Engineer, Chief Building streets and highways in the proposed new subdivision. Inspector, Superintendent of Recreation and Parks, Police Chief, Fire b. Three (3) copies of plan and profile drawings of all streets, Chief, the District Engineer of the Division of Highways, Department of including sewer and drainage improvements, and other utilities. All Public Works of the State of California, if affected, and each serving tracings or duplicate tracings shall he filed with the City Engineer. Three utility. (3) copies of final Improvement Plans and Specifications. Scale of plans ,9.00 Reports. Not less than seven (7) days prior to the Planning Com- shall be 1"-40' horizontally; 1',-4' vertical in Profile, unless otherwise mission meeting at which the tentative map is to be considered, each approved by the City Engineer. Three (3)copies of all contract construction officer or department to which said tentative map shall have been trans- drawings. mitted, shall file with the Planning Commission his or its approval of such c. Estimated costs of improvements to be dedicated to the City tentative map or a report showing what changes are necessary to make or other public agency or any other conditions of approval of the sub- such map conform to the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and division. Such estimates to be verified by the City Engineer. of this ordinance coming within the jurisdiction of such officer or depart- ment. If such approval or report is not made before the expiration of the d. Any other pertinent information required by the Conditional seven-day period by any such officer or department, the map shall be approval of the Planning Commission or by the City Engineer, including a deemed to be approved by him or it. soils report on filled areas or areas proposed to be filled; and in'all street and alley rights-of-way at intervals not exceeding 1000' and/or any change 9.10 TENTATIVE MAP. ACTION BY PLANNING COMMISSION. in soil conditions. The soils report and analysis will be in accordance The date of the actual filing of the tentative map, for purposes with methods approved by the State of California for "R" values, sieve of this Ordinance, shall be the date of the next succeeding closing of the analysis and sand equivalent. agenda of the Planning Commission meeting following the presentation CHAPTER 10 of the said map to the Secretary of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall act on any tentative map within 50 days of the date of FINAL MAP filing, unless this time period is extended by mutual consent of the sub- 10.01 TIME LIMIT divider and the Planning Commission. Failure of the Planning Commission Within eighteen months after approval or conditional approval of to act within the time limits prescribed shall be deemed approval of the the tentative map or maps, the subdivider may cause the subdivision or tentative map. any part thereof, to be surveyed and a final map to be prepared in ac- ,9.11 The Planning Commission shall determine whether a tentative c~rdance with the tentative map as approved, or conditionally approved. map is in conformity with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and Streets and easements needed for access to any such part shall be shown of this Ordinance and upon that basis approve, conditionally approve, or on the final map, and dedicated if required. Page 10 10.02 Upon application of the subdivider an extension of not exceeding 10.09 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL two additional years may be granted by the City Council, after review The following additional material shall be submitted with the and recommendation of the Planning Commission. final map: 10.03 Any failure to record a final map within eighteen months from 10.10 Guarantee of Title. The subdivider shall furnish to the GityGouneii the approval or conditional approval of'the tentative map, or any extension a guaranty of title or letter from a competent title company, certifying thereof granted by the City Council, shall terminate all proceedings, that the names of ali persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear Before a final map may thereafter be recorded, a new tentative map title to the land being subdivided and all acknowledgments thereto shall be submitted. appear on the proper certificates and are correctly shown on said map, 10.04 FINAL MAP FORM ' both as to consents as to the making thereof and affidavits of dedication The final plan or map shall be made to a scale of 100 feet to the where necessary. Such guaranty shall be issued for the benefit of the inch, using more than one sheet if necessary to furnish the desired space. City of South San Francisco and protection of the City Council and shall The original shall be drawn in black ink upon tracing cloth or Polyester base film of good quality and the size of the sheets shall be 18" x 2B", be continued complete up to the instant of recording. ali sheets shall have a margin of 2" at the left edge and 1" at the other 10.11 Improvement Agreement. The subdivider shall file an agreement three edges, for all improvements and monuments as herein required, and as may be 10.05 Each sheet shall be numbered, and the total number of sheets further required by the City Council or by law, and shall secure the per- formanee thereof by a good and sufficient surety bond executed by a comprising the map shall be shown on each of the sheets and the relation responsible surety company to be approved by said Council, or an instru- of one sheet to another clearly shown. If more than two sheets are neces- ment of credit approved by said City Council; or in lieu of such surety sary for the map, an index map shall be required, bond or instrument of credit, a cash deposit; which bond, instrument of 10.0B The title of each such final map shall consist of a tract number credit or cash deposit shall be in an amount equal to the cost of the and "In the City of South San Francisco." improvement and conditions of approval of the map as approved by the 10.07 The map or maps, or the title sheet, shall also contain a sub-title City Engineer; provided that there be no reduction in the amount of any giving a general description of the property being subdivided by reference bonds or instrument of credit unless approved by the City Council after to maps which have been previously filed or recorded, or by reference to a report and recommendation by the City Engineer; provided however, the plat of United States Survey. Each reference in such description, to that the subdivider may, at his option, in lieu of such agreement and bond, any tract or subdivision, shall be spelled out and worded identically with instrument of credit or cash deposit, enter into a contract with the City the original record thereof and references to book and page of record must Council, secured by a faithfulperformanee bond or cash deposit in the be complete, manner and condition as provided by Section 11,612 of the Business and 10.08 FINAL MAP--DATA REQUIRED Professions Code of California and all other laws applicable thereto. The final map shall show the following: 10.12 The developer shall file a request for a method ot reimbursement a. Boundaries and Streets. The exterior boundaries of the property for proposed off-site improvements that benefit properties other than his (shown in blue, ~4" wide); the border lines and center lines of all proposed own and such method of reimbursement shall be included in the sub- streets and alleys with their widths and names; and other portions intended division agreement approved by the City Council. to be dedicated to the public use. In ease of branching streets, the line 10.13 The agreement shall also provide for inspection of all improvements of departure from one street to another shall be indicated, by the City Engineer, and reimbursement to the City for the cost of such b. Adjacent Streets. The lines of ali adjoining properties; the lines inspection by the subdivider. Said cost of inspection shall be secured by of adjacent streets and alleys, showing their widths and names, a cash deposit with the City of South San Francisco in th~ amount of 2% of the estimated cost of subdivision improvements. e. Lot Lines and Numbers. Ail lot lines, and numbers for all lots, easements and their purposes. All lots are to be numbered consecutively 10.14 Upon the installation and completion of all public improvements to throughout the subdivision, starting with the No. 1. be made by the subdivider, and prior to the approval and acceptance d. Dimensions. All dimensions, both linear and angular, for locating thereof by the city, the subdivider shall execute and file with the city a boundaries of subdivisions, lots, street, alley lines and easements. The written agreement whereby he shall agree to repair or replace, at his own linear dimensions shall be expressed in feet and hundredths of a foot. No expense, any work of public improvement (including, but not limited to, ditto marks shall be used. streets and highways, drainage structures, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, sewers, water mains and fire hydrants, street trees, street lighting and street e. Monuments. All permanent monuments, together with their signs, and railroad crossings) which shall at any time during the two (2) descriptions showing fully and clearly their location and size, and if any year period subsequent to the date of approval and acceptance thereof, points were reset by ties, that fact shall be stated. prove to be defective or which shall become damaged by differential f. Title and Description. Title and description of property being settlement, action of the elements or through ordinary usage. The sub- subdivided, showing its location and extent, north arrow, scale of plan, divider shall also file with the aforesaid agreement, to assure his full and basis of bearing and name of owner of the land and of engineer or surveyor faithful compliance therewith, a bond for such sum as the city council platting the tract, may deem sufficient to cover the cost of repairing or replacing said g. The boundaries of any areas within the proposed subdivision improvements, including the cost of inspection; provided, however, that which are subject to periodic inundation by water, the amount of such bond shall not be less than ten percent (10%) of h. Private Restrictions. Any private restrictions shall be shown the total cost o£ ali public improvements installed within the subdivision on the plat or reference to them thereon; and the plats shall contain nor more than twenty-five percent (25%) of such total cost. proper acknowledgment of owners and mortgagees accepting said platting Such bond shall be executed by a surety company authorized to and restrictions, transact a surety business in the State of California and must be satis- i. City Boundaries. City boundaries which adjoin the subdivision factory to, and be approved by, the city attorney as to form. In lieu of shall be clearly designated and located in relation to adjacent lot or block said bond, the subdivider may deposit with the city treasurer cash money lines. No lot shall be divided by a city boundary line. in an amount fixed, as aforesaid, by the city council. In the event the subdivider shall fail to make the repairs or replacements specified above, j. Title sheet shall indicate where vehicular access rights have in this subsection, then the city may make the necessary repairs or re- been surrendered on Arterial and Collector streets, placements or cause the same to be done, and thereafter call upon the k. The allowable error of closure on any portion of a final map surety or the subdivider for reimbursement. or parcel map shall be 1/20,000. 10.15 Taxes. Prior to the filing of the Final Map the subdivider shall 1. Proposed easements for public utilities purposes shall be shown file with the Clerk of the County of San Marco certification from the on the map. Such easements shall be identified as public utility easements official computing redemptions in San Marco County and in the City of and other public purpose. South San Francisco showing that, according to the records of his office, m. At the time the subdivider presents the final map to the Plan- there are no liens against the subdivision or any part thereof for unpaid ningCommission, there shall be presented certificates executed respectively State, County, Municipal or local taxes or special assessments collected by the various public utility companies authorized to serve in the area of as taxes, except taxes or special assessments not yet payable. the subdivision, certifying that satisfactory provisions have been made As to taxes or special assessments collected as taxes not yet payable, with each of said public utility companies as to location of their facilities, the subdividdr shall file with the Clerk of the County of San Mateo a and that satisfactory easements have been provided, certificate by each proper officer, giving his estimate of the amount of taxes Page 11 and assessments which are a lien but which are not yet payable, disapproval. Within the time limits of the conditional approval or any Whenever any part of the subdivision is subiect to a lien for taxes extension thereof the subdivider may file with the City Clerk a map altered or special assessments collected as taxes which are not yet payable, the to meet with approval of the City Council and which shall conform with the final map shall not be recorded until the owner or subdivider executes procedures specified herein. and files with the Board of Supervisors a good and sufficient bond to be ap- 10.25 RECORDING proved by the Board and by its terms made to inure to the benefit of the The City Clerk, after approval by the City Council, and after County upon the payment of all State, County, Municipal, and Local taxes signatures and seals have been al¥ixed, shall transmit the final map to the and all special assessments collected as taxes, which at the time the final City Engineer for filing with the County Recorder. No map shall have map is recorded are a lien against the property but which are not yet any force or effect until it has been approved by the City Council and no yable. In lieu of a bond a deposit may be made of money or negotiable title to any property described in any offer of dedication shall pass nds in the amount, and of the kind approved for securing deposits of until recordation of the final map. No building permit shall be issued until public money, with the approval of the Board of Supervisors of said County. the final map is filed with the Recorder for record. 10.16 PROCEDURE FOR SUBMITTING FINAL MAP Completion. A final map shall be considered complete for sub- CHAPTER I1 mission when it complies with Sections 10.01 through 10.15, herein, and MINOR SUBDIVISION PROCEDURE is accompanied by .the statements, agreements, and security required. 11.01 FILING No final map shall be considered acceptable for submission to the Where required by the provisions of this Ordinance, tentative Par- City Clerk until said Clerk receives a statement in writing from the City cci Maps and Parcel Maps, as set out in the Subdivision Map Act, shall be Attorney that the final maps comply with all the requirements of this prepared and filed with the Planning Commission together with a filing Ordinance, and that a title report, deed restrictions, and improvement fee of Fifty ($50.00) dollars. agreement have all been submitted, reviewed and approved by said City Attorney and are ready for submission to the City Council. 11.0'2 TENTATIVE MAP--DATA REQUIRED AND DESIGN 10.17 Submission of Final Maps. The subdivider shall submit the follow- a. Design and Improvements. The design and improvements of ing to the City Clerk when all of the requirements of Section 10.16 are met. property divided by the use of this Chapter shall be governed by Chapters 4, 5 and 6 herein. a. Twenty blueline copies, original tracing on linen or Polyester base film of good quality; boundary travers map, approved; improvement b. Tentative Parcel Map Information. A legible, tentative map plans; and a checking fee of fifty ($50.00) dollars for such detailed examina- drawn to scale on a sheet 18" x 9~6" in size on tracing paper shall be tion of Final Maps and field checking as may be necessary for the City prepared and submitted showing: Engineer to make his required certification, together with the necessary 1. Name, address and phone number of record owner and per- recording fee. son filing the map; the parcel map number of the proposed subdivision, and the name and address of the licensed land surveyor, registered civil b. The approved title guarantee, deed restrictions, improvement engineer or other qualified professional who prepared said tentative map. agreement, recording fee, and bond adequate to cover all required im- provements with the City Clerk, if not previously submitted. 2. Name and legal designation of tract or grant in which the 10.18 Department Approvals. The following functions shall be acted upon subdivision is located and ties to adjoining streets. within 15 days after submission. 3. Any other data necessary for the intelligent interpretation of the conditions existing and the location of recorded points, lines and 10.19 Prints and Distribution. Upon the submission of a final map with areas shown including but not limited to: the City Clerk, he shall immediately transmit as follows: Two prints to the City Engineer, one print to the City Attorney, one print to the Fire (a) The contour of the land at intervals of one (1) foot of Chief, two prints to the City Planner, one print to the Superintendent of elevation up to five (5%) percent slope; two (2) foot intervals up to ten (10%) Recreation and Parks, seven prints to the Planning Commission, five percent slope and five (5) foot intervals over ten (10%) percent slope. prints to the City Council and shall retain one print himself. (b) Snffieient data to determine boundaries of division 10.20 The City Engineer shall examine the final map. If he shall de- accurately. termine that the surveys are correct and that said map is technically (e) Width, location, and purpose of all existing and proposed correct, substantially conforms to the tentative map and any approved easements. alteration thereof, and to the provisions of this Ordinance and the Sub- (d) The width and grade of all streets and other rights-of-way division Map Act, he shall execute the map as required and forward said whether proposed for dedication or existing. map to the City Council for their consideration. If he shall find that full conformity has not been made, he shall so advise the subdivider and afford (e) The approximate radii of all curves. him an opportunity to make the necessary changes. (f) The location of areas subject to flood inundation. 10.21 The Planning Commission shall examine the final map. If said (g) Approximate elevations of street intersections. Commission shall determine that the map substantially conforms to the (h) The location, size and grades of proposed sewers, water approved tentative map, and any condition imposed thereon, the Secretary lines, and storm drains. of the Planning Commission shall so certify on said map. (i) Location of all proposed fire hydrants, street lights, and 10.22 When filing is completed and approved a~s outlined, the City Clerk easements. shall present the following as provided by the subdivider to the City 11.03 STATEMENTS Council for consideration: An original linen or one duplicate transparency Accompanying the tentative map shall be the following: (1) A on Polyester base film suitable for reproduction with all accompanying statement by the subdivider as to drainage, surfacing or other required ira- statements, agreements, and security required, provements to be constructed by him; (2) whether proposed roads, widen- 10.23 APPROVAL BY CITY COUNCIL ings or street openings are offered for separate dedication, and if so, Upon presentation of the map and all required materials by the copies of a preliminary title report on subject property shall be included; City Clerk as aforesaid, at its next regular meeting or within a period of (3) statement of existing zoning and proposed use; (4) statement and report not more than ten (10) days after filing, the City Council shall consider on soil tests of Geologic Report, if required by the City Engineer. said map, the plan of subdivision, the offers of dedication, the proposed 11.04 FILING AND ACTION ON TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 'BY agreement and all related matters. The City Council may reject any or PLANNING COMMISSION all offers of dedication or require dedication of all proposed streets and One reproducible tracing and twenty (20) copies of the tentative easements. In the event that improvements are required under the terms of map and statement regarding proposed improvements shall be filed with this Ordinance or by law, the City Council shall approve an improvement the Secretary of the Planning Commission at least seventeen (17) days agreement and require adequate security for the performance thereof, prior to the time at which action by the Planning Commission is expected. 10.24 After the City Council shall determine that said map is in con- The Secretary of the Planning Commission shall immediately transmit a formity to the requirements of this Ordinance, it shall approve said map by copy of said map to the City Planner, City Engineer, Chief Building resolution. In case the City Council shall determine that said map is not Inspector, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Superintendent of Recreation and in conformity with the requirements of this Ordinance, it shall disapprove Parks, and to each public utility serving the general area of the proposed said map, specifying reasons therefor and advising the subdivider of such minor subdivision. Page 12 11.05 The City Engineer and other officers or departments shall review CHAPTER 12 said map and shall make a report and recommendations to the Planning EXCEPTIONS FROM ORDINANCE AND SUBDIVISION ALTERNATE Commission. 12.01 EXCEPTIONS This Ordinance shall not apply to any parcel not conforming to 11.06 The subdivider shall submit proof of the adequacy of the proposed the provisions herein, for which a d'e~d is of re~o~'d or for which a cont,:act easements at the time of filing the tefitative parcel map, and any utility of sale was in full force and effect, and recorded prior to the effective company concerned may make a report to the Planning Commission as to date of this Ordinance, nor to any land dedicated f~r cemetery purposes the adequacy of the proposed easements, under the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. 11.07 Any lots created by a minor subdivision approved by the City 12.02 SUBDIVISION ALTERNATE shall eliminate any previously recorded lot lines which fall within said Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall prevent any owner minor subdivision, from processing a Division of land as a subdivision. 11.08 Partial width streets may be approved by the Planning Commission CHAPTER 13 when lot owners are not able to eoordiuate development on adjacent lots, but in no ease shall such street be less than 28' of right-of-way and 18' of ENFORCEMENT 13.01 No building shall be constructed nor shall a permit for the con- pavement, strnction of a building be issued, nor shall any portion of any parcel be 11.09 ACTION ON TENTATIVE PARCEL MAPS used when not conforming to this Ordinance.- -- - - The Planning Commission shall determine whether the tentative parcel map is in conformity with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act CHAPTER 14 and this Ordinance as to design, ~irainage, utilities, road improvements PENALTY and offers of dedication or deed. Ul~on this basis they shall, within 30 14.01 Any offer to finance, lease, sell or contract to sell, or any financing days of receipt of the City Engineer s report approve, conditionally ap- of a division of land, lease or sale contrary to the provisions of this Ordi- prove or disapprove said Map. The Planning Commission shall report such nance shall he a misdemeanor, and any person, firm, corporation, partner- action in writing to the subdivider. Any such approved tentative map ship or co-partnership, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a shall meet the requirements for a Parcel Map. fine of not more than five hundred ($500) dollars or by imprisonment in I1.10 EXTENSION OF TIME the County Jail for a period of not more than six (§) montlis, or by both The time limits for acting and reporting on a Tentative Parcel Map such fine and imprisonment, except that nothing herein contained shall for a Minor Subdivision, as provided in this Ordinance, may be extended be deemed to bar any legal, equitable, or summary remedy to which upon mutual consent, in writing, of the person filing the map and the the City of South San Francisco or other political subdivision or person, Planning Commission. firm, corporation, partnership or co-partnership may otherwise 'be en- 11.11 Appeal from the action of the Planning Commission must be made titled, and the City of South San Francisco or any other political sub- froin writing ..... by the applicant to the City Council within fifteen (15) days division, or person, firm, corporation, partnership or co-partnership may m the date of receipt of notice of action of the Planning Commission. file an action in the Superior Court of the State of California, in. and for ll.lg No Building Permit may be issued prior to recording of the Parcel the County of San Mateo to restrain or enjoin any attempted or proposed Map indicating the Minor Subdivision. subdivision or sale in violation of this Ordinance. 11.13 CITY COUNCIL ACTION ON APPEAL--TENTATIVE PARCEL 14.02 Any transfer or conveyance, or purported transfer or conveyance, MAP OF MINOR SUBDIVISION or agreement to transfer or convey any parcel of land without compliance The City Council shall hear any appeal within fifteen (15) days with the terms of this Ordinance shall be voidable at the option of the or at its next succeeding regular meeting ~f[er filing thereof. If the City transferee in accordance with theprovisions of Sections 11540 and 11540.1 Council fails to act within seven days following said hearing, the action of of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, as the the Planning Commission shall be deemed as final, unless tills time period same may be amended from time to time. is extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and the City Council. CHAPTER 15 PARCEL MAP NAME 11.14 LIMITATION OF APPROVAL 15.01 This Ordinance shall be known as the SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE The approval or conditional approval of a Tentative Parcel Map OF THE CITY OF SOUTtt SAN FRANCISCO. shall be valid rot a period of twelve (12) months from the date of approval by the Plannin~ Commission or City Council. Such approval or conditional CHAPTER 16 approval may ne extended for a period not to exceed two (2) additional SEVEBABILITY 16.01 If any section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, years by the Planning Commission upon written request, providing such clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or request is made prior to the expiration of the one (1) year approval or conditional approval period, unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, 11.15 Any failure to record a Parcel Map within one (1) year from the and this City Council does hereby expressly declare that this Ordinance approval or conditional approval of the Tentative Parcel Map, or any and each section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, clause extension thereof granted, shall terminate all proceedings, and phrase thereof would have been adopted irrespective of the fact that 11.16 A Parcel Map shall be prepared in conformance with the approved any one or' more of such section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, tentative Parcel Map and presented to the Planning Commission after a sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid or unconstitutional certificate has been executed by the City Engineer, and the Registered Civil. Engineer ....or Licensed LandSurveyor who p repared the ma p, certi fy _ CHAPTER 17 mg eomphanee with all conditions of approval. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE 11.17 The Parcel Map shall meet all requirements of a Parcel Map, as 17.01 This Ordinance shall be published once in the "Enterprise-Journal", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South San Francisco, as set out in the Subdivision Map Act and this Ordinance, and when ira- required b.y law, and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and provements or dedications are required, shall be accompanied by a guaranty of title, any separate instruments of dedication or deeds, and improvement after its adoption. agreement and bond, all as set out in Section 10.09 through 10.15. 11.18 SUBMISSION OF PARCEL MAP. Introduced this 21st day of January, 1970. A Parcel Map shall be considered complete for filing when it complies with the Subdivision Map Act and this Ordinance and the Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San following is filed with the City Engineer: Twenty (20) blueline prints, Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South original tracing or duplicate on linen or polyester base fihn of good San Francisco this 2nd day of February, 1970, by the following vote: quality, and a filing fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars. AYES, COUNCILMEN Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Frank 11.19 The City Engineer shall determine that said map is in conformity Mammini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this Ordinance and NOES, COUNCILMEN None. if it is, he shall so certify on said Map. In the ease the City Engineer ABSENT, COUNCILMEN None. shall determine said ma~ is not in confdrmity with the said requirements, ATTEST: Arthur A. Bodondi he shall disapprove said map. If the map is approved, and after seals and City Clerk signatures are affixed, the City Engineer shall transmit any offers of dedication or agreement to the City Council for approval and acceptance. As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 2nd day of February, 1970. After such approval, the City Engineer shall transmit the Parcel /s/ Frank J. Bertueelli Map to the County Recorder for recordation. No Building Permit shall Mayor be issued until the Parcel Map has been recorded by the County Recorder. E-J 12 No. 0858 Page 13 Sign Ordinance of the City of South Sma Francisco ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SIGNS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND FIXING THE FEES THEREFOR, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER · 1960 TABLE OF CONTENTS 8~TION PAGE 1 Short Title ................................................................................................ 1 2 Definitions .................................................................................................. 3 General ........................................................................................................ 4 Licenses and Fees .................................................................................... 3 5 Permits and Fees ...................................................................................... 6 Zoning Ordinance Provisions ................................................................ ? i~lfn and Construction ........................................................................ 8 Advertising l~'ohlbited on l~ibllc Property ...................................... 4 9 Immoral or ~.Tnlawfut Advertising Prohibited ................................ 4 X0 Signs not to Obstruct Traffic Signals .............................................. 4 ;ti Signs not to Obstruct Doors ................................................................. 4 Z2 t~nsare and t~nlawrul Signs .................................................................... 4 Z3 Liability for Damages ............................................................................ 4 14 Electrical Signs ....................................................................................... 4 Z5 Exempted Signs ........................................................................................ 4 16 Pole Signs ................................................................................................... 4 17 Projecting Signs ........................................................................................ 4 18 (~round Signs .............................................................................................. 4 19 %Vail Signs ............................................................................................... 4 20 Roof Signs ................................................................................................. 21 Combination Signs ............................................................................... 22 lndividum~ Letters ................................................................................... 23 Marque~, Awning and Canopy Signs .............................................. 24 Painted %Vail Signs .................................................................................. 2~ Temporary Signs ...................................................................................... 26 Outdoor Advertising Structures ........................................................... 5 27 Illuminated Identification Panel .................................................. 5 ~8 Non-Conforming Signs ........................................................................ 6 :29 Revocation ................................................................................................. 30 Enforcement .......................................................................................... 3! Penalties and Legal Procedure ......................................................... 3:2 Constitutionality ..................................................................................... 33 l~epeal ........................................................................................................ 6 34 Effecti~/e Date .......................................................................................... 3~ Certification and Publication ORDINANCE NO, 4SS by the planting at least on one side of the freeway right-of-way o.t lawns, trees, snrnbe, flowers or other ornamental vegetation which shall require reasonable mmintenan~. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SIGNS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH Planting for the purpose of soil erosion control, trail.lc safety ] SAN FRANCISCO, PROVIDING IPOR THE ISSUANCE OF PER- requirements, reduction of rife hazards, or traffic noise .au. sternest MITS AND FIXING THE FEES THEREFOR, PRESCRIBING PEN- shall not change the character of a freeway to a landseape~ ireeway. "MARQUEE" shall mean a permanent r~. fed .structure attac.h..ed ALTIES AND REPEAIJNG ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF to and supported wholly by the building ano projecting over puone ORDINANCE~ IN CON'I"I-WCT HI~REWITH. property. "MARQUEE SIGN" shall mean any advertising of any nature The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain which is painted, printed or in any manner affixed or attached to a as follows: SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This ordinance shall hereafter b~ NON-STRUCTURAL TRIM" shall mean the molding, battens, known and cited as the "Sign Ordinance.** capping, nailing strips, latticing, platforms and letters, fig. u.res, cbs.r- SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this ordinance acters or representations in cutout or irregular form which are thc following words and phrases shall have the meaning attached to inched to the sign structure. ahem by this section unless it ts apparent from the context that an- "OPEN-AIR BUSINESS** shall mean any business, or any sepa- other meaning is intended, rate functional division thereof, the major portion of the patrons of. "ADVERTISING SURFACE" (Facing) shall mean the surface of which drive upon the premises in motor vehicles, wherein sales the sign upon, against, or through which'the message of the sign is tangible personal property or services to s~tch patrons are consum- mated on the premises. exhibited. "ALLEY" shall mean any public right of way, not exceeding "OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURE*' shall mean any struc- · twenty feet (20') in width, for the use of pedestrians and/or of ye- ture and all parts and supports thereof erected upon or attached hicies, which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting to the ground and used for non-appurtenant adv. erti.s, ing pur~..ses: regardless of the materialt character, construction, tocatmn or metnou property, of attachment of the aavertlslng medium. Any roof sign or wall "APPROVED COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS" shall mean wood, or sign not appurtenant.to the use of the property, which is either at- / materials not more combustible than wood, and plastics, which, when ~ached to the wall or a building, or constructed or maintained on or tested in accordance with ASTM Standard Method of Test for Flare- above the roof or parapet of a building shall be d~emed to be an mabillty of Plastics over .050 inches in thickness (D6~5-44). burn outdoor advertising structure. Outdoor advertising structure sba no faster than 2.5 inches per minute in sheets of .060 Inches in not include s~gns appurtenant to the use of the property such as thickness, ground signs, combination signs, individual letter signs, pole signs, projecting signs, painted wall signs, marquee, awning or canopy "AWNING'* shall mean any structure made of cloth, metal or signs; and real estate signs advertising the sale or lease of property other suitable material with a fixed or movable metal frame at- upon which such signs are placed. inched to a building and projecting over a thoroughfare. "PAINTED WALL SIGN'* shall mean any SIRs that is painted "AWNING SIGN" shall mean any advertising of any nature directly on the exterior front, rear, or side wall of any building or which is painted, printed, stamped, sewed or otherwise attached to an other structure. awning. "POLE SIGN" shall mean a sign supported wholly by a pole or "BUILDING" shall mean any structure built for the support, poles placed in, or upon, the ground andwhlch are not part of a shelter and enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or movable prop- building. erty of any kind. "PRO~ECTING SIGN" shall mean any sign which is sttached "BUILDING CODE" shall mean any ordinance of the City of to a building or other structure and extends beyond the line of the South San Francisco governing the type and method of construction said building or structure to which it is attached. of buildings, signs and sign structures and any amendments thereto "REAL ESTATE SIGN" shall mean any sign advertising for and any substitute therelore, sale or lease the lot or parcel of land upon which it is erected or "CANOPY" shall mean a structure made of cloth or metal with maintained. a metal frame attached lo a building and projecting over a public tl~oroughfare, and may be supported by the ground or sidewalk. "ROOF SIGN" shall mean any sign of any nature, together with all its parts and supports, which is erected, constructed or main- "CANOPY SIGN"--Refer to awning sign definition, tained on or above the roof or parapet of any building. "COMBINATION SIGN" shall mean any sign incorporating any "SIGN" shall mean and include every sign, outdoor advertising combination of the features of ground, pole, projecting and roof signs, structure, ground sign, wall sign, roof sign, combination sign, real "ELECTRICAl. CODE" shall mean any ordinance of the City of estate sign, illuminated sign, individual letter sign, pole sign, pro- South San Francisco regulating the alternation, repair and the in- Jeering sign, temporary sign, painted wall sign, marquee sign, awn- stallation of ele('tri(, wires and fixtures and any amendments thereto ink sign, canopy sign, or other structure, erected for the purpose of and any substitute therefor, advertising or promoting the interests of any person when such sign is located out-of-doors in view of the general public. Ornamental "ELECTRICAl. SIGN" shall mean any illuminated sign which trim which is made a part of any building or structure is not to be has characters, letters, figures, designs or outline illuminated by construed to be a sign. electric lights or luminous tubes as an integral part of the sign. "SNIPING" shall mean the affixing of any advertising matter "ERECT" shall mean to build, construct, attach, hang, place, to a building, structure, or any other surface without the consent of suspend, or affix, to or upon any surface, the owner, or other person exercising control of the premises, exclud- ing any posting by an authorized public officer or employee, of the "FACE OF BUILDING" shall mean the general outer surface of a giving of a notice required or authorized by law. pole. structure, or walls of a building facing a street and located .n the property line. Where the outer surface of the pole, structure "SOUTtt SAN FRANCISCO BUILDING CODE" shall mean any -r w~tii is ];et on the property line, the projection of a sign from the ordinance of the City of South San Francisco governing the type and _ f~u'e (,f a building .~hall be measured from the property line. Where method of construction of buildings, signs and sign structures and bay win¢iows or pillars project beyond the walls, the outer surface any amendments thereto and any substitute therefor. .f the windows or pillars shall be considered to be the face of the building. "STREET*' shall mean a public thoroughfare which affords the principal means el access to abutting property, including avenue, "FREESTANDING SIGN" shall mean any sign supported wholly place, way, drive, lane, boulevard, highway, road and any other by uprights or braces placed in the ground, thoroughfare except an alley as defined herein. "FREEWAY" shall mean a highway in respect to which the "STRUCTURE'* shall mean that which is built or constructed, owners of abutting lands have no right to easement of access to an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially or from their abutting lands or in respect to which such owners built up or composed of parts Joined together in some definite manner. have only limited or restricted right of easement of access, and whh. h is declared to be such in compliance with the Streets and "TEMPORARY SIGN" shall mean and include any sign, ban- ~ net, pennant, valance, or advertising display constructed of cloth, llighways Code of the State of California. canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard, or other light materials, with or without frames, intended to be displayed for a short period "GROUND SIGN" shall mean any sign appurtenant to the use .f the property, supported wholly or in part by uprights or braces of time only. placed in, or upon, thc ground, other than a combination sign, outdoor advertising structure, pole sign or real estate sign as defined in this "WALL" shall mean any vertical exterior surface of a building ordinance, or any part thereof. "INCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL" shall mean any material which "WALL SIGN" shall mean and include all flat signs of solid wiU not ignite at, or below, a temperature of 1200 degrees Fahren- face construction which are placed against a building or other structure and attached to the exterior front, rear, or side wall of any heit and will not continue to burn or glow at that temperature, building or other structure. ~ "ILIA'MINATED IDENTIFICATION PANEL" shall mean any illuminated p~tnel for the sole purpose of identifying the place of "ZONING ORDINANCE" shall mean any ordinance of the City business in trent of which it appears. The illumination source must of South San Francisco regulating the use of property and any be covered, amendments thereto and any substitute therefor. "LANDSCAPED F*REEWAY" shall be deemed to mean a section SECTION 3. GENERAL. or sections of it freeway whi¢,h is now, or hereafter may be, improved a. Consent of Owner. It shall be unlawful to erect, construct, Page place or maintain any sign upon any property or buildlngWtthout the area will. be subject to the consent or the owner, holder, leases, agent or trustee thereof, use permit requirement. b. Guy Wires. Cables, chains, wire or other flexible or loosely lb) All signs over one hun- Yes Yes 30' e.onnected m.embers shall not be considered ma providing lateral bra- dred (100) square feet in (xr a free cms or as /smashing any support to m~y sign unless provision is area and appurtenant to any standing made by turnbuckle or other equally effective means, for tlf. hte.ning permitted use. sign) s.uch ma. tubers and keeplngthem taut. Wire other than galvanlz~l lc) Signs appurtenant to Yes Yes 50' strmndea cable shall not be considered ms adequate futenlng, ex- any permitted use exesed- (If a free eept rot cloth signs and banners, lng -one hundred (100) standing e. Wsed Plugs. No wooden plug or block inserted in or attached square feet in area, and sign) to any masonry, concrete or stone structure shall be used for the signs which are not ap- attachment or anchorage or any sign or or any support thereof, purtenant to any permitted use, regardless of size. d. Maintenance. Signs and sign structures shall be maintained at all times tn a state of good repair, with all braces, bolts, clips, sup- Cd) One sign not exceeding No Yes 15' ]~orting frame and fastenings free from deterioration, termites, in- twenty (~0~ square feet in (If a free l?sta.tion, rot, rust or 1 .o~me?Jng. They sl~mll be able to safely with- area and pertaining only to standing starts at &Il times the wino pressure for which they were originally the sale, lease or rental of sign) .designed and in no case less than twenty (~0) pounds per square the property on which the xoot of exposed surface, sign is located. t'e' Exeeptiom*ne All signs erected shall be appurtenant to the uae of P-1 (al One (Z) single faced No Yes of property with the exception of outdoor advertising structures, sign, not to exceed one f. Sigs~Stse, Permit, Height Regul~tlmmo hundred 1100) square feet in area, for each building site. Sign and Use Building Overall Any such sign shall be erect- ed, flatwlse, entirely on the Permit Permit Height face of the building; and District Size Required Required 5' shall be appurtenant to the R-1 and (al One unlighted sign, not No No (Ir a free* use of the building. R-2 over four (4) square feet standing lb) One (1) sign not ex- No Yes 15' in ar~a and pertaining only sign) ceedlng'twenty (20) square (If a free to the sale, lease, or rental of the property on which the feet in area and pertaining standing sign is located, only the sale, lease or rent- sign) al of the property on which lb) Signs over four (4) Yes Yes A condition the sign is located. square feet in ar~a and ap- of the use put*tenant to any permitted permit. M-1 and (al Signs not exceeding one No Yes 55' use. M-2 hundred (100) square feet in (If a free R-3 (al One unlighted sign, not No No 5' area and appurtenant to any standing over four (4) square feet in (If a free- permitted use. sign) area and pertaining only to standing lb) One (1) sign not ex- the sale, lease, or rental of sign) cmmding one hundred (100) 15' the property on which the square feet in area and per- No Yes sign is located, raining only to the sale, I lf a free lb) One sign not over four No No lease or rental of the prop- standing (4) square feet in area, at- arty on which the sign is lo- sign) tached to the main building coted. and appurtenant to any lc) Signs appurtenant to any Yes Yes 55' permitted use. permitted use exceeding one (If a free lc) Signs over four (4) Yes Yes A condition hundred (100) square feet in standing square feet in area and aP- of the use area, and signs which are sign) purtenant to any permitted permit, not appurtenant to any per* use. mitred tam, regardless of C-1 Signs appurtenant to any permitted use of the prop- U (al One (1) unlighted sign No No erty according to the follow- not over (4) square feet in (If a free lng formula: area and appurtenant to the standing (al Signs shall be permitted No Yes 30' use of the property, sign) to have an area not to ex- CXt a tree lb) One (1) unlighted sign, No No 5' seed three (3) square feet standing not over four (4) square (If a free for each one (1) foot of sign) feet in area and pertaining standing frontage; provided, how- only to the sale, lease, or sign) ever, that any business es- rental of the property on tabliahment shall be allowed which the sign is located. a sign of fifty (50) square lc) Signs appurtenant to any Yes Yes feet and no more than permitted use exceeding one (If a free three hundred (300} square hundred (100) square feet standing feet; and further provided in area, and signs which sign) that the area permitted are not appurtenant to any~ may be divided into not permitted use, regardless o[ more than six (6) single or size. double faced signs; said H Same sign size, use and formula shall apply to each building permit requirements street frontage. Any such and overall height regula- signs exceeding one hun- lions as the respective dis- dred (100) square feet in tricts with which the H area will be subject to the District ts combined. use permit requirement. lb) One sign not exceeding No Yes ].5' P-C la) One (1) unlighted sign No No 5' twenty (20) square feet In (It a free not over four (4) square feet (Ir a free area and per, aiming only standing in area and appurtenant to standing to the sale, lease or rental sign) the use of the property, sign} lb) One (1) unlighted sign, of the property on which the sign la located, not over four (4) square No No 5' feet in area and pertaining (If a free C-2 and (al All signs appurtenant to No Yes 30' only to the sale, lease or standing C-3 the use ortbe property shall (If a free be permitted to have an area standing rental of the property on sign) which the sign is locm~ted. not to exceed three (3) sign) lc) Signs over four (4) Yes Yes A condition square feet for each one (1) of the use foot of frontage; provided, square feet in area and ap. however, that any business purtenant to any permitted permit. establishment shall be al- use. lowed a sign or fifty (50) B Same sign size, use and square reef and no more building permit requirements than three hundred (~00) and overall height regula- square feet; and further tlons as the respective dis- provided that the area per- tracts with which the B Dis- matted may be divided into tract is combined. not more than six (6) single or double faced signs: said P-C-M (al One (1) unlighted sign No No not over four (4l square (If a free formula shall apply to each street frontage. Any such feet In area and aDpurte- standing signs exceeding one hun- nant to the use of the proD- sign) drmi (100) square feet in arty. Pege 2 (bi One (1) sign not ex- No Yes 15' transfer lateral forces to the foundations. For signs on buildings, the c~eding twenty .(20) .squ.are tiS a free dead and lateral loads shall IM transmitted through the strueturki feet in area ann pertammg standing frame or the building to the ground in such moaner st not to over- only to the sale, lease or sign) stress any or the elements thereof. whichrental the°f signthe isPr°pertYLocated, on The overturning moment produced from literal force~ shall in no case exceed two-thirds of the dead-load resisting moment. Uplift lc) Signs appurtenant to any Yes Yes 30' due Io overturning shall be adequately misted by proper anchoraae permitted use exceeding one (If a free to the ground or to the structural frame of the buildtna. The weight hundred (100) square feet standing of earth superimposed over footings may be used in determining the In area, and signs which are sign) dead-load resisting moment. Such earth shall be carefully placed not appurtenant to any and IAoroughly compacted. permitted use, regardless of 2. Wind Loads. For the purpose of design, and except for roof size. signs and combination signs, wind pressure shall be taken upon the g. Flashing~ ,~eintlllatln~ and Beacon Type Li.~hts..Flashing, gross area or the vertical projection of ali signs and sign structures scintillating or Deacon type lights are prohibitedlf visible from any .at not less than fifteen (15) pounds per square foot for those portions highway, street or freeway and displaying any red or blinking or less than sixty (60l feet above the ground and at not less than , intermittent light likely to be mistaken for a warning or danger sis- twenty (20) pounds per square foot for those portions more than ~ hal; or if any illumin, ation thereon shall be of such brilliance and no sixty t60) feet above the ground. postioned as to bliss or dazzle the vision of traveler~ on adjacent highways, streets, or freeways. Wind pressure upon roof signs and combination signs and their supports sha)l be taken at not less than thirty (30) pounds per h. Illuminated signs, Limitation, When reflectors, spotlights or square foot o~ the gross area of the plane surface acting in any dl- other devices of light are used they shall be considered as illuminated faction for signs whose extreme elevation above ground is sixty signs and shall concentrate the illumination upon the area o! the feet, or more than twenty (20) pounds per square foot for roof signs sif~n in such a way as to minimize glare on streets or adjacent prop- whose extreme elevation above the ground is less than sixty arty. feet.. In calculating wind pressure or, cylindrical or spherical signs i. Building ar .*4etbnek Line. No ground sign or outdoor advertising or sign structures, this pressure shall be assumed to act on six- structure exceeding an overall height of six i6i feet shall be nearer tenths of the projected area. In alt open frame signs or sign struc- the property line than the building or setback line established by lures ,'he area used in computing wind pressure shell be one 'and law; provided, however, that on vacant corner lots no ground sign one-half times the net area of the framing members in the side ex- or outdoor advertising structure shall be erected within twenty-five posed to the wind. (25) feet of the property corner so as to interfere with traffic visa- 3. Seismic Loads. Signs and sign structures shall be designed and blllty across the corner, constructed to reist seismic forces as provided In the earthquake J. Comput~tion of Sign Advertisinq Are& For the purpose of. this. regulation Appendix, Section 2312, of the Uniform Building Code. ordinance the advertising area of only one side of a double face~ 4. Combined Leads, Wind mad seismic loads need not be combined sign shall be used in computing the advertising area. in the design of signs or sign structures; only that loading producing k. Electric Power Line~. No permit for any sign shall be issued, the larger stresses need be used. and no sign shall be constructed or maintilned, which does not Vertical design loads, except roof live loads, slmll be assumed comply with ail of the provisions of this ordinance or which has less to be acting simultaneously with the wind or seismic loads. horizontal or vertical clearance from energized electric power tines - than that prescribed by the California Penal Code. the regulations of 5. Allowable St~e~s. The design of wood. concrete, or steel mere- the California Public Utilities Commission. and the orders of the Da- bors shall conform to the requirements of Chapters 25. 26. and 27 vision of Industrial Safety, State of California, as now in force and of the Uniform Building Code. Vertical loads, exerted on the soil. shall not produce stresses exceeding those permitted by Chapter 28 as hereafter amended, of the Uniform Building Code. SECTION 4. LICENSES AND FEES. It shall be unlawful for any The working stresses of wire rope and Its fastenings shall not person, firm, or corporation to engage In or carry on the business of exct~d twenty-five percent (25%) of the ultimate strength of the Installing, constructing, maintaining, or repairing any advertising rope or fasteners. sign without first obtaining a license and paying the prescribed fee Working stresfms for wind or seismic loads combined with dead as imposed by the Business License Ordinance of the City of South loads may be increased as specified in Section 2303 of the Uniform San Francisco. Building Code. ~ SECTION 5. PERMITS AND FEES. It shall be unlawful for any b. CONSTRUCTION person, firm or (~rporation, to erect or maintain any sign of any 1. /~muR. nJ. The supports for all signs or sign structures shall be nature, except those exempted in Section 15 of this ordinance, without placed in or upon private property and shall be securely built, con- first obtaining a Use Permit as required by Section 3.f.; a Building Permit and thepayment of fees as set forth i..n the Uniform Building situated* and erected in conformance with the requirements of this Code as adopted by the City of South San ~-ranclsco; an Electra.cai ordinance. Permit as required by the tsullding Inspector: and the payment ox a 2. Materials, Materials of construction for signs and sign struc- Sign Permit Fee in the amount of Two and No/J00 Dollars ($2.00) lures shall be Of the quality end grade as specified for buildings in the Uniform Building Code. for each sign erected in the City of South San Francisco. Each ap- plicant for any type of sign shall file an application therefor with In ali signs and sign structures the materials end details or the Building Inspector on a form furnished by him which shall con* construction shall, in the absence of specified requirements, conform - lain the following information: with the following: a. Name. address, and telephone number of the person making Structural steel shall be of such quality as to conform with the application. U.H.C. Standard on structural steel as referred to in Chapter 27 of b. Location of building, structure, or lot to which or upon which lhe Uniform Building Code. Secondary members in contact with, or the sign is to be attached or erected, directly supporting the display surface, may be formed of light gauge galvanized steel provided such members are designed in ac- c. Name of person erecting the sign. cordance with the specifications of the design of light gauge steel as d. Statement that consent of the owner or lessee of premises upon provided in U.B.C. Standard for materials and design as referred to in which sign is to be erected, or his authorized agent, has been Chapter 27 of the Uniform Building Code. Secondary members, when · ecured, formed integrally with the display surface, shall be not less than e. Size, type and illumination of sign. No. 24 gauge in thickness. When not formed Integrally with the dis- play surface, the minimum thickness of the seconuary members shall - f. Statement of sign valuation, be No. 12 gauge. The minimum thickness of hot rolled steel members g. Two 12) sets of detailed p?ans or other pertinent information furnishing structurai support for signs shall be one quarter where such information is necessary to insure compliance with inch provided,' that If galvanized, such members may be not less than this ordinance, Building Code, and the Electric Code. one eighth (%) inch thick if galvanizing complies with ASTM This section shall apply to signs hereafter erected, whether specifications A 12~-47 for zinc (hot galvanized) coatings on struc* placed upon new or existing buildings, rural steel shapes. Steel pipes shall be of such quality as to conform There shall be a triple fcc imposed on all persons or corporations with U.B.C. Standard for steel pipes as referred to in Capter 27 of who fall tn obtain a building permit prior to erection of any sign, but the Uniform Building Code. Steel members may be connected with the payment of such triple fee shall not relieve any ~erson or cot- one galvanized bolt provided the connection is adequate to transfer novation from fully complying with the requirement~ of this or- the stresses in the members. dJnanee, or from any other penalties prescribed herein. Anchors and supports for signs when of wood which are em- - bedded in the soil, or are indirectiv in contact therewith, shall be SECTION 6. ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS. It shall be un- pressure-treated with an approved /)erservatlve before erection. lawful to erect, construct or maintain any sign of any nature, ex- No material, part, portion, or equipment shall be used in any ('ept those signs specifically exempted by Section 15 of this ordinance, sign which might become dangerous because or vibration, corrosion, upon any lot or parcel of land which is restricted by the Zoning 'disintegration, or any other re#son. Ordinance for residential purposes, or upon any lot or parcel in any District where a use permit ts required by the provisions of this 3. Restr4etions on Combustible Materials. All signs and sign structures erected in Fire Zone No. I and No. 2 shall have structural ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance, until said use permit is ob- tained in accordance with the procedure provided for in said Zoning members o! Incombustible materials. Ordinance. Ca) Exceptions. _ SECTION 7. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION il) Signs when not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area. (2) Ground signs not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area or a. DESIGN six (6) feet in height may be constructed of approved combustible 1. Genernl. All signs and sign structures shall be designed and material. constructed to resist wind and seismic forces as specified in this (3) Ground signs and outdoor advertising structures erected on section. All bracing systems shall be designed and constructed to the surface of the ground r~ay be constructed of any material meet- Page 3 ins the requirements of this ordinance except as provided above and SECTION 14. ELECTRICAL SIGNS. Electrical signs shall bear further provided that secondary members, purlins, etc. of heavy the Underwriter's 'Laboratories Incorporated label of approval, or timber with least nominal dimensions of three inches may be used In meet said requirements, and be constructed and installed in compli- the Fire Zones. ante with the Electrical Code. Combination signs, roof signs, walt ~C. ns, projecting signs, pole signs and signs on marquees, awnings, ~tnd canopies shall be con- SECTION 15. EXEMPTED SIGNS. structed of incombustible materials, except as provided in Subsection a. The following type exempted signs shall be subject to ail the 4 of this Section. No combustible materials other than approved provisions of thc Zoning Ordinance, and all other provisions of this plastics shall be u~ed in the construction of electric signs, ordinance except Section 5: 4. Num-strueturml Trim. Non-structural trim and the portable 1. Real estate signs in residential districts not exceeding four advertising surface of outdoor advertising structures may be of wood, (4) square feet in area ami only one (1) such sign shall be Der- metal, approved plastic or any combination thereol, mitred on each lot or parcel of land. 5. Ameh®s~e. Members supporting unbraced signs shall be so 2. One il) professional name plate not exceeding two (2) Square proportioned that the bearings loads imposed on the soil_in either feet in area for each occupant therein. direction, horizontal or vertical, shall not exceed the sam values. 3. One (1) bulletin board not exceeding four (4) square feet in Braced ground signs and outdoor advertising structures shall be area, for public, charitable or religious institutions, if located on the anchored to resist the specified wind or seismic load acting in any premises of said institutions. direction. Anchors and supports shall be designed for safe bearing loads on the soil and for an effective resistance to pull-out amount- 4. Professional occupation signs denoting only the name and pro- lng to a force twenty-five percent (25%) greater than the required fesslon of an occupant in a commercial building, public Institutional resistance to overturning. Anchors aM supports shall penetrate to a bulldingt or dwelling house, and not exceeding one (1) sign four (4) depth below ground greater than that of the frost line. square lest in urea for each occupant therein. Portable ground signs supported by frames or posts rigidly at- 5. Signs indicating direction or convenience to the public, pro- inched to the~oase shall be so proportioned that the weight and size riding that such signs shall not project over I~ublie property more of the base will be adequate to resist the wind pressure specified than six (6) inches or be larger in area than xour (4) Square feet. tn Suh~ection a.2 of this Section. and which shall contain no advertising legend. Signs attached to masonry, concrete, or steel shall be nfely and 6. Signs of a temporary nature, erected over public property and securely fastened thereto by means of m~tal anchors, bolts, or ap- pertaining solely to festival, spectacle or other similar event of a proved expansion screws of sufficient size and anchorage to safely general service and public nature, conducted within the City of South support the loads applied. San Francisco, nnd de~alcomanias.- No wooden blocks or plugs or anchors with wood used in con- 7. Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of section with screws or nails shall be considered proper anchorage, erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of except in the case of signs attached to wood framing, bronze or other incombustible materials. No anchor or supDort of any sign shall be. co..nnected to, or. sup- 8. Traffic or other municipal signs, legal notices, or railroad ported by, a parapet wall, unless such wall is oeslgned in accoraance crossing signs as may be approved by the City Council. with the provisions for lateral bracitlL Chapter 23, Appendix, of the 9. Signs of public Service companies indicating danger and aids to Uniform Building Code for parapet walls, service or safety. SECTION 8. ADVERTISING PROHIBITED ON PUBLIC PROP- SECTION 16. POLE SIGNS. ERTY a. Sniping om I~ublJm FTope~ty Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for a. M~terials mad Commtruetion. Er. cry pole sign, including the pole any person, or persons, except a public officer or public employee in or poles, and supports thereof, shall comply with the provtstolu of the performance of a public duty, to p~int, post, lasts, print, nail, Section 7 of this ordinance. stamp, tack or otherwise fasten any card, banner, hand. bill, sign, b. Height and Projection Over Public Property. sticker, poster or advertisement notice or advertising dewce of any 1. Every pole sign shall be placed at least ten (10) feet above kind calculated to attract the attention of the public or cause the the public sidewalk over which it is erected, and every pole sign same to be done, on any curbstone, curb, lamp po~t, pole, hydrant, erected over an alley, or a private or public driveway, shall be placed bridge, wall, fence, building, or tree, or upon any fixture or fire at least fifteen (15) feet above the surface of such alley or driveway. alarm, police or telephone system o! the City of South San Francisco upon any public sidewalk, street, alley or other public place, except as 2. No pole sign shall project more than forty-eight (48) inches beyond the property line. may be required by ordinance or law. b. Signs on Public Property l*rohiblted. Except as otherwise pro- shni~'beB~nslt~ie~h~eg;ro~onSUPp°rtS'prtvate Supportingproperty. pole or poles vlded in this ordinance, Jt shall be unlawful to erect* construct or maintain any sign upon any sidewalk, street, alley or other public SECTXON ~7. PROJECTING SIGNS place. a. Materials -nd Construction. Every projecting sign, including SECTION 9. IMMORAL OR UNLAWFUL ADVERTISING PRO- the frames, braces and supports thereof, shall comply with the pro- HIBITED. It shall be unlawful to exhibit, post or display upon any visions of Section 7 of this ordinance. sign, or upon or in any window, or upon any building, or tn any pub- b. Thlekme~s Limitation. The distance measured between the prin- Ifc place, or expose to public view, any statement, word or sign of cipal faces of any projecting sign shall not exceed thirty-six (36) an obscene, indecent or immoral nature; or any statue or statuary, inches. However, the thickness s fa "V*' type projecting sign shall be picture, illustration or delineation of any nude human figure in such measured from its apex to the face of the building to which It Is detail as to offend the public morality or public decency; or any attached. lewd or lascivious act; or any other thing of an obscene, indecent, or Immoral nature or offensive to the moral Sense. c. Height and Projection Over Public Property. 1. Every projecting sign, except barber poles, shall be placed at SECTION ~0. SIGNS NOT TO OBSTRUCT TRAFFIC SIGNALS. least ten (10) feet above the public sidewalk over which it is erected. No sign as regulated by this ordinance shall be erected at any lees- 2. No projecting sign shall be erected with a greater distance tlon where by reason of its position it will obstruct the view of any than six (6) inches from the face of the wall to which it is attached. authorized traffic sign, signal or device. measuring from the point of the sign nearest thereto, nor shall any such sign or part thereof project more than forty*eight (48) Inches SECTION ll. SIGNS NOT TO OBSTRUCT DOORS, WTNDOWS OR over public property. Measured ve:iically no portion of any projecting FIRE ~APES. No sign shall be erected, relocated or maintained so sign erected over an alley, or a private or public driveway, other than as to obstruct any door, window or lire escape. No sign shall be at- tached to a standpipe, gutter drain, or fire escape, a public sidewalk, shall be less than Ill, teen (XS) feet above the surface of such alley or driveway. STATION 12. UNSAFE AND UNLAWFUL SIGNS. The owner of d. Barber Pole~. Barber poles may be affixed to the face of a any sign as defined and regulated by this ordinancq, including sup- building at the entrance of a barber shop, shall have a clearance porting structure, shall keep the same in m safe condition, at all above the sidewalk of not less than eight (8) feet, and shall project times, not over one (1) foot from the face of the building. If the Building Inspector shall find that any sign regulated herein is unsafe or insecure, or is a menace to the public, he shall SECTION 18. GROUND SIGNS. give written notice to the sign owner and to the property owner. If a. Materials amd Construction. Ground signs and their supports such sign owner fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply shall comply with the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance. with the standards herein set forth within thirty (301 days after b. Height Limitatinm. For height limitation of ground signs refer such ~otice, the Building Inspector may cause such sign to be re- to Section 3 f. of this ordinance. moveu or altered to comply at the expense of the sign owner or c. Locution and Use Permit Requirements. All ground signs shall owner of the property upon which it is located. The Building Inspec- be erected entirely within the property lines and be appurtenant to tot may cause any sign which is an immediate peril to Persons or the use of the property. All ground signs having an area in excess property to be removed summarily and without notice, of one hundred (100) square feet shall be subject to the securing of a use permit in accordance with the procedure provided for in Zoning SECTION 13. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES. The provisions of this Ordinance 353. ordinance shall not be construed as relieving or limiting in any way the responsibility or liability of any person erecting or owning any SECTION 19. WALL SIGNS. sign for personal injury or property damage resulting from the placing of such signs, or resulting from the negligence or wilful acts a. Materials l~quired. All wall signs for which a permit is re- of such persons, its agents, employees, or workmen, in the construe- quired under this ordina~ce shall have an advertising surface of lion, maintenance, repair or re'oval of any sign. Nor shall this or- metal or other incombustible material, except as provided in Section dlnance be construed as imposing upon the City of South San Fran- ? of this ordinance. cJsco, or its officers, or employees, any responsibility or liability by b. Construction. Every wall sign shall be SO designed and con- reason of the approval of any signs, materials or devices under the structed so as to conform to the requirements of Section ? of this provisions of this ordinance, ordinance. Page 4 c. preJeetJon Over Public Pro ~pe~r~y..No wall sif. n .which.projects loam. ted upon any lot or parcel of land which Is restric.te~...b.y the over public property shall be.les-.s ma_n ten (10) .feet. aoove .the. side: Zonmg Ordinance for residential purposes, or upon any oustomg or walk, and the maximum projection rot any sues sign, exclusive o, structure located on any lot or parcel in any Commercial or Industrial the neceseaFy maintenance platform shall not exceed twenty-roar District which is not appurtenant to the use of the property. For I24l Inches. Reflector arms may extend from the advertising surface area limitations or painted wall signs refer to SeeUon 3 f. or this of a wall sign ir said reflector arms are not less than fourteen (34) ordinance. feet above the surface of the adjoining ground, sidewalk or pave- meat. SECTION 25. TEMPORARY SIGNS. a. M~erluis Requited. Temporary sl~ns as regulated by this. or- SECTION 20. ROOF SIGNS. dlnance shall Include any sl~n, banner, pennant, valance or saver- s. Materials Required. Ali roof signs and their supports shall be tJslng display eonstrueted of cloth, canvas, light fabric, ea.rd, boa~., constructed of incombustible materials except as provided In Section wallboard, or other light materials, with or w. lthout frames, lntende~ to tM displayed for a short period of time say. 7 of this ordinance. The advertising surface shall tM of metal or other Incombustible material. The supporting frame shall be se- b. CostsJruetloa. cutely anchored to the structural members of the building. R. oof 1. Material sad Area LlmiMba. No temporary sign of eom- signs having a tolal height of four id) feet or less above the reo~ of bustlbJe material shall exceed five (5) feet in more than one of its a one-story building may tM constructed entirely of approved eom- dimensions or one hundred (100) square feet In ares, and provided bustlble materials. Foundation members, stringers, non-structural such signs in exeese of sixty (60) square feet shall be made of rigid trim and foot walks may tM of approved combustible materials, materials, that Is, of wall board or other light materials with frames, b. Construction. Every roof sign, including the supporting strue- 2. Weight l,bsdtd~tion. Every temporary sign wetJhln_~ in excess tare, shall comply with the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance, of fifty (~0} pounds must be approved by the Building Inspector as c. Location and Dimensions. Except as otherwls~ provided In this conforming to the safety requirements of the Building Code. section, no portion of the face or any roof sign shall b~. less than three (3l feet measured horizonlally from the outer surxaee of any e. FroJeetJon Over P~blle i~Per~y. No temporary sign shall ex- parapet wall, or from the face of the building If ther~ is no parapet les over or into a street, alley, sidewalk or other public thorough= wall, or from the edge of the cave when It Is a part of the main roof fare a distance {greater than slx ($) Inches from the structure upon structure and extends beyond the exterior wall A clearance of not which it is ereetod. The provisions of this subeeetion do not apply less than five 15) feet is required at the ends of the sign supports, to pennants or banners strung from a bulldln{f to its marquee or suspended from a marquee and not less than seven (7) feet above d. Vertical Clearance Above Root. The bottom of any portion of the sidewalk, nor to pennants or Immnners of a civic or religious nature. roof signs exceeding four i4l feet in height, shall not tM less than six (6) feet above the roof directly beneath the sign, and the space d. SuplJert maud AttmekmmnL Every temporary si~n shall tM at- between the supports must not be less than six (6) feet. Not less tached to the wall with wire or steel cables, and no strings, ropes or than fifty per cent (50~.;) of the spaces so defined shall be and re- wood slats for anchorage or support purposes shall be permitted. main clear of any obstruction. e. Permlt~. Permits for temporary signs shall authorize the erec- e. Horisontal ('learmnce. No sign shall be placed on a roof in tips of said signs and their maintenance for a poriod not exceeding such a manner that an.,V part of the sign or supporting structure will thirty (30) days. Renewals of permits may tM obtained from the be closer than six (6l feet from the outlet connection of any stand- Building Inspector at the expiration of thirty (30) days. Fee for such ard pipe. Installation or renewal shallbe two dollars iS:L00). f. Ilelght Limitation. No roof sign in a Commercial District shall The Building Inspector may order such signs removed if, in his have an overall height above the highest portion of the roof directly opinion, the temporary signs c~ate a hazard or public nuisance. Not beneath the sign of more than twenty-slx (26) feet, and no roof more than one such sign will be allowed for each place of business. sign in an Industrial District shall have an overall height above the . f. Tempermry Si{fas Over i)mblle i*rol~rty. The Building Inspector highest portion of Ihe roof directly beneath the sign pt more than ~s hereby given authority and directed under the following conditions, fifty (50) feet. to issue temporary permits for the erection, construction or main- g. Signs L~ss Than Four Feet Above the Fire Wall. Signs less tenanee of decorative flags, emblems, banners, bunting, shrubbery than four i4i feet above the fire wall or roof may extend to the and other similar devices upon the public sidewalks, streets and other public places In conjunction with and pertalnin{f to festival, spectacle front properly linc, or building set-back line where they occupy or other similar event of a general civic and public nature conducted fifty per cent {50.', ) or less of the width of the building, within the City of South San Francisco. SECTION 21. COMBINATION SIGNS. 1. Such decorative flags, emblems, banners, bunting, shrubbery a. Materials Required. Combination signs, including the frames, and other similar devices shall tM so erected, constructed and main- braces and supports thereof, shall be constructed of Incombustible tained as not to interfere with traffic or with the safety of persons materials, except as provided in Section 7 of this ordinance, or property, and in such manner as the Building Inspector shall de- b. Construction. All supports of combination signs shall tM placed termine. In or upon private property, and the rigid framework shall tM cpm- 2. Such temporary permits shall desl{fnate .the. dates, during ple~ely within such signs and securely fastened to the supporting which such decorative tim{fl, emblems, banners, punting, snrubtMry structure by means of metal bolts. Design and construction shall and other similar devices may be erected, constructed and main- comply with the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance, tained and such time shall tM for not more than fifteen (15) days before and not more than five (5) days after the period during which c. Area nnd Thickness Limitation. No portion of a combination such festival, spectacle or other civic event is produced in the City s. ign projecting over public property shall exceed forty (40) square or South Sma Francisco. feet on each side. The distance measured between the principal facings of any combination sign shall not exceed thirty-six (36) SECTION ~6. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURES. inches. d. Height Limitation. No combination sign shall have a maxi- a. Bfaterlatls Reqmired. mum height exceeding ten ~10) feet above the roof line of the build- 1. All outdoor advertislngstructures and their supports shall lng to whir. b it is attached, comply with the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance. e. Projection Over Public Propert},. Every combination sign shall 2. The advertising surface of outdoor advertising structures in be placed at least i~,n il0) feet above the public sidewalk over the First Fire Zone shall tM made of metal or other incombustible which it is erected and every combination sign erected over an alley, materials, except that the prefabricated sections or portable adver- or a private or public driveway, shall not be placed less than fifteen tlsing surfaces may tM of approved combustible materials. (15~ feet above the surface of such alley or driveway. b. ~ening Ordinance Previ~ioas, It shall be unlawful to erect, con- No c(~mbinatlon sign shall prelect more than forty-eight (48) struct or maintain any outdoor advertisln]~ structure ..upo. n a._ny inches beyond the property line. building, lot, or parcel or land which is restricted by the ~oning or- SECTfON 22. INDIVIDUAL LETTERS. dinance for residential purposes. . a. Materials Required. Signs made of individual letters projecting c. Lmeation. over public property and perpendicular to the building wall may 1. All outdoor advertising structures, except those attached to project a distance not ti) exceed forty-eight 148) inches. Such signs walls of buildings, shall be erected entirely within property lines. attached flat on the face of a building wall may project over public 2. Ali outdoor advertising structureh hereafter erected on property properly a distance not to exceed twelve (12) inches. Either type adjacent to a freeway must tM spaced a distance of one thousand of individual letter sign shall have n clearance of not less than ten (1,000l lineal feet apart on any one side of a freeway; provided, how- ¢10) feet above the surface of the public sidewalk or fifteen (15l ever, that a "V" typo or "back-to-back" outdoor advertising structure feet above the surface of a public street or alley, may tM erected; and further provided, that in the event there is an b. Area l,imitntlon. All signs made of individual lelters shall con- intervening building the one thousand (1,000) foot spacing shall not form to the area Ilmilation as provided in Section 3 f. of this ordi- apply. nance. The area of such signs shall be the area of a rectangle which d. Height. No part of any outdoor advertising structure, erected shall enclose all parts of the individual letters, on the surface of the ground, exclusive of letters, figures, characters or representations tn cutout or irregular form, as hereinafter provided, SECTION 23. MARQUEE. AWNING AND CANOPY SIGNS. shall be mi)re than thirty (30) feet above the level of the adjoining A sign may be affixed to a marquee, awning or canopy even curb or sidewalk, or, in case the ground on which the outdoor ad- though such marquee, awning or canopy projects over public prop- vertislng structure is erected is higher than the adjoining curb or arty, provided, however, that any such sign shall not exceed forty sidewalk, said outdoor advertising structure shall not be erected (40) square feet In area and shall otherwise comply with the pro- more than thirty (30) feet above the ground; provided, that an out- visions of Section 17 of this ordinance, as it relates t~) thc hellrht door advertising structure erected against the wall of a~buiiding may. limitation over publh' property. All such signs on marc~uees, awnings have a total overall height of thirty-five (35) feet spore the level or canopies shrill be appurtenant to the use of the properly upon of the ground or adjoining curb or sidewalk; provided, however, which they are affixed. ' that in an industrial District outdoor advertising structures may have an overall height of fifty-five (55) feet above the level of the SECTION 24. PAINTED WALl. SIGNS. ground or the adjoining (urb or sidewalk. It shall be unlawful to paint a sign on any' building or structure e. [~se I'ermit. Ali outdoor advertising structures shall tM subject Page 5 to the securing of a use permit in accordance with the procedure SECTION 29. REVOCATION. provided for In the Zoning Ordinance. Subject to the provisions of Section 28 hereof, the City Council f. Lsmdses4~ed Freeways. shall have and hercby reserve the power and authority to revoke 1. No outdoor advertising structures shall be placed or main- any license or permit granted hereunoer, and to order any sign main- rained tn violation of any provision of this ordinance to be altered, rained on property adjacent to a section .t ireeway which has been, or hereafter may be. landscaped as defined herein, if the outdoor repaired, changed, reconstructed, demolished or removed as may be advertising structure is designed to be viewed primarily by persons necessary to conform hereto, and such work or act shall be corn- traveling on such landscaped section of a freeway, pleted w'lth thirty (30! days from the date of such order. 2. Any outdoor advertising structure which is now, or hereafter .~ECTIi)N .'gl, ENFORCEMENT. shall be, In violation of the provisions of Section 26 f. 1., shall be. removed within one (1) year from the effective date of this ordinance, It shah b- the duty of the Huilding InsPector and thc Police or within one il) year from the date when the project for the land. Department t- enforce the pr. visions of this ordinance. scaping of a section or sections of a freeway shall have been com- pleted or accepted, and the character of said section or sections shall SECTION 31. PENALTIES AND LEGAL PROCEDUHE. have b~n changed from a freeway to a landscaped freeway, which- Any person, ;ts principal, officer, agent, clerk or employee, whether ever is later, acting for himself or for another person, shall be deemed ~ullty of a misdemeanor ami upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceed- 3. The provisions of Section 26 f. 1. shall not apply to any sign if the sign Is used exclusively: lng Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in Jail not exceeding sixty 160l days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. iai To advertise the sale or lease of the property upon which Each clay such v~olation is committed, or oermitted to ,.,ontinuc, shall such sign Is placed, constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such here- ih) To designate the name of the owner or occupant of the under. premises upon which such sign is placed, or to identify such premises. SECTION 32. CONSTITUTIONALITY. lc) To advertise goods manufactured or produced, or services If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this rendered, on the property upon which such sign is placed, ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any Court of competent Jurisdiction, such decision g. EmbellMhmentL Letters, figures, characters or representations shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this or- in cutout or irregular form, may be maintained tn conjunction with, dinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have 0asaed attached to, or embossed upon an outdoor advertising structure, but shall not extend more than seven and one-half (?V~) feet above the this ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and top of the ornamental molding of the outdoor advertising structure; phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact t'hat any one or more of the .and, unJe~ otherwise approved, by use permit procedure, shall pro- sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases thereof be de- clared invalid or unconstitutional. Jeer not more than thirty (30) inches from the advertising surface or the outdoor advertising structure, The total solid area of char- SECTION 3.3. REPEAL. acters or representations extending above the top molding shall not exceed thirty (30) percent o! the total area of the advertising sar- All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, In conflict herewith are face upon which it is placed, hereby repealed. t' h. allnt~wma~ee. Painting, the repainttng, changing the sign sec- SECTION ~4. EFFECTIVE DATE. tons, or any change in the advertising copy or message thereon in- ctudinz embellishments, shall not be considered an erection or alter- This ordinance shall take effect upon the expiration of thirty ation which requires a sign permit, unless a structural change is (30i days from its publication. made. SECTION 35. CERTIFICATION AND PUBLICATION. SECTION 27. ILLUMINATED IDENTIFICATION PANEL. The City Clerk of the City ~)of South San Francisco is hereby di- a. Consttmetlon. Materials shall conform to the standards of a retted to cause this ordinance be published once, as required by projecting sign. law', and it shall take effect thirty i30) days after its adoption. Introduced this 17th day of October, 1960. b. L~emtton. All such displays are to be located under a canopy or marquee where identification of the business is otherwise obstructed Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San from the sidewalk. Francisco at a regular meeting of the CSt), Council of the City of Such display cannot project more than fourteen (14l inches be- South San Francisco this 7th day of November, 1960, by the following Iow' the canopy or marquee to which it is attached and cannot project vote: beyond the canopy or marquee face. AYES, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G J. Rozzt, Emilio Cortesi, project beyond thecanopy or marquee face. Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem. SECTION 28. NON-CONFORMING SIGNS. NOES, Councilmen None Except as otherwise provided In Section 26 f.2. of this ordinance, all signs not in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance ABSENT, Councilmen None shall be removed or altered to conform within the period following the effective date of this ordinance as hereinafter provided: A'I~EST: Value of sign less than $1,500.00---not more than five (5) years; ARTHUR A. RODONDI Value of sign $1,500.00 to S2,900.00~not more than seven (7) City Clerk years; As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve Value of sign $2,500.00 to $5,000.00---not more than ten (10) years, the foregoing ordinance this 7th day of November, 1960. For every increment of $2,000.00 of value, or fraction thereof, in excess of ~5,000.00. an additional year of amortization over the ten ANDREW ROCCA ,~101 year period may be added. Mayor of the City of South San Francisco All existing signs shall be subject to the provisions of Section ~3 of this ordinance. E-J 46. No. 2233. 'Page 6