HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/11/1987 Before the June 11, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission was called to order, City Clerk Barbara Battaya gave the oath of office to newly appointed Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Zellmer. (Cassette No.1) June 11, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Boblitt, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Police Department Building Division Fire Department Jean T. Smith Ron Petrocchi H. J. Wittwer Dave Parenti PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Wendler/Second Terry: To approve the Minutes for the May 14, 1987 Planning Commission meeting as presented. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Boblitt, Vice-Chairman Terry, and Commissioner Wendler. Chair Boblitt announced that UP-78-441 (Auto Studio), originally continued to the June 11 Planning Commission meeting, has been rescheduled for the June 25, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Also, based on staff's recommendation UP-87-801 (Oroweat) was removed from the agenda. AGENDA ITEMS - CONSENT CALENDAR Geortom, Inc. and San Mateo Development Co., UP-85-723 and V-85-286, West side of Carter Drive between Kilconway and Cromwell Row One year extension of time request for Use Permit UP-85-723 and Variance V-85-286 for the construction of a fifty unit residential condominium planned development on property located on the west side of Carter Drive between Kilconway and Cromwell Row. Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To approve a one year time extension for Use Permit UP-85-723 and Variance V-85-286. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Li Shan Investment, UP-85-724 and V-85-284, North side of Carter Drive between Callan Boulevard and Shamrock Court One year extension of time request for Use Permit UP-85-724 and PC MTG. 6/11/87 Page 1 of 5 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) Variance V-85-287 for the construction of an eighty-four unit residential condominium planned development on property located on the north side of Carter Drive between Callan Boulevard and Shamrock Court. Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To approve a one year time extension for Use Permit UP-85-724 and Variance V-85-284. Unanimously approved by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS Syufy Theatres and Pay'N Pak Stores, UP-84-688, 410-470 Noor Avenue Continued from the May 14, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Public hearing to consider modifications to the Special Conditions of Syufy Enterprises and pay'N Pak Stores Use Permit for property located on the north side of Noor Avenue, east of EI Camino Real or to take other appropriate action. June 11, 1987 staff report presented recommending that UP-84-688/Mod 3 be continued to the July 23, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Motion-Mantegani/Second Wendler: To continue, with the public hearing open, UP-84-688 to the July 23, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Donald Seyranian, UP-87-798, Negative Declaration No. 588, 1133 El Camino Real Use Permit application of Donald Seyranian and environmental determination of same to allow construction of an office/retail building with related parking and landscaping in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.22.030 at 1133 EI Camino Real. June 11, 1987 staff report presented. Applicant: Donald Seyranian 7747 Mission Street Colma Applicant's representative: Albert Seyranian 1820 Gate Way San Mateo Speaking against the project: Jean E. Morgan 126 Alta Loma Drive PC MTG. 6/11/87 Page 2 of 5 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARING (continued) Florence Berg 128 Alta Lorna Drive Mr. Albert Seyranian stated that the applicant has agreed to the conditions with the exception of modifying the proposed block wall with a combination concrete block column and wooden fence. Mrs. Morgan objected to the height of the structure stating that it would cast a shadow in her backyard. Mrs. Berg's concerns were view obliteration, rodents from existing restaurants, burglaries in the neighborhood, and parking problems. The Commission also felt that the height of the building was not in scale to the surrounding businesses and although they favored seeing this parcel developed they could not support the application. Director Smith stated that the proposed building is 39' from the rear property line and it is within the allowable height limit. Mr. Donald Seyranian stated that it was not economically feasible to lower the structure any further and he did not favor a redesign. Chair Boblitt directed staff to prepare findings for denial and requested a motion to have the case continued to June 25, 1987. Motion-Matteucci/Second Warren: To continue UP-87-798 to the June 25, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. On the question: Commissioner Mantegani stated that the applicant should be informed as to what the Commission considered a reasonable height for this site for redesign purposes. The Commission wanted the building to be visually more in scale with the surrounding buildings. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Dennis Rosaia, UP-87-800 and Negative Declaration No. 591, 500 Baden Avenue Use Permit application of Dennis Rosaia and environmental determin- ation of same to allow construction of a mixed use retail and residential development with related parking, landscaping, and sign program in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.26.050 at 500 Baden Avenue. June 11, 1987 staff report presented. PC MTG. 6/11/87 Page 3 of 5 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARING (continued) Applicant's representative: Robert S. George, AIA 2940 Chabot Drive San Bruno Speaking in favor of the project: David Johanson 458 Comerwood Court Mr. George stated that the applicant agrees with the staff report and will comply with its conditions. Mr. Johanson, owner of the property at 506 Baden Avenue, had no objections to the project and stated that if any problems arose he and the owner could work them out amicably. Motion-Wendler/Second Zellmer: To approve UP-87-800 and Negative Declaration No. 591 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF Director Smith informed the Commission of the following: 1. City Council has adopted the ordinance to increase the maximum square footage in a residence with one car garage from 1500 to 1800 square feet; 2. City Council acted on the subdivision map extension requests for the Callan property, approving a three month extension; 3. City Council waived certain fees for the BRIDGE Housing Project because of the applicant's efforts in providing affordable units for senior citizens and tying this project in with the historically significant Magnolia Senior Center; 4. The Design Review Board extends an invitation to the Commission to attend any of their meetings on the third Wednesday of each month, 9:00 am, in the City Hall Conference Room. And, if the Commission desires, the Board would be available for a joint meeting. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Commissioner Wendler thanked staff for the information on the school impact fees and stated that the school district will be having a public meeting on June 25 to discuss this issue. Chair Boblitt requested a copy of the information be sent to all Commissioners. Director Smith informed the Commission that at the June 10 City PC MTG. 6/11/87 Page 4 of 5 Pages ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION (continued) Council meeting, John Aguilar, speaking on behalf of the Pacific International Business Center, stated his OPposition and plans on attending the school board's meeting. Commissioner Mantegani asked staff to inquire into whose responsi- bility it is for maintaining the landscaping along Chestnut Avenue below Stonegate near Hillside Boulevard. He reported that the sprinkler heads are broken and the timers are set at odd hours. Commissioner Mantegani reported that the "No Left Turn" sign has been removed from 1124 Mission Road and asked staff to find out if the City had it removed. Commissioner Terry requested that staff contact the City Attorney to start proceedings against General Rent-A-Car to have their sign removed. He also reported illegal banners at 405 South Airport and #1 Chestnut Avenue (Ron Price). Director Smith stated the Code Enforcement Officer is currently working on these violations. ADJOURNMENT Chair Boblitt adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. to June 25, 1987, 7:30 p.m. ean T. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco BB:JTS:Sp PC MTG. 6/11/87 Page 5 of 5 Pages