HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/09/1989 (Cassette NO.1) February 9, 1989 regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning commission CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Matteucci, Terry, and Wendler. ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Mantegani and Commissioner Warren. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Fire Department Building Division Jean T. smith Maureen K. Morton Dan Christians Robert Ewing James Datzman Ron Petrocchi Dave Parenti Jake wittwer Deputy City Attorney Police Department CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of January 12, 1989. Motion-Terry/Second Boblitt: To approve the minutes of January 12, 1989 as presented. Approved by voice vote. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Matteucci. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS John W. Bacon, 1113 Airport Boulevard, UP-88-847, Neqative Declaration No. 650 Use permit to allow construction of a 3-story, 24-room motel plus manager's unit with related parking, landscaping, and sign program. continued from January 12, 1989. Commissioner Matteucci stated he would not be participating in the discussion since he was absent from the January 12th meeting. February 9, 1989 staff report presented. Applicant's representative: Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Boulevard Mr. Dell'Angela asked the Commission to approve the project subject to the conditions but with 24 motel rooms and a manager's unit. He read a letter (attached) from Mr. Bacon, which stated that if the project was approved with 22 units it would not be financially feasible to build, and the project would be abandoned. Mr. Dell'Angela stressed that the area is in need of revitalization and the applicant has made every attempt to meet the City's requirements. Page 1 of 8 Pages 2/9/89 PC Mtg. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS Although the Commission appreciated the design changes Mr. Avanessian has made, it supported staff's recommendation to remove two units, thereby having a less massive frontage. The Commission further stated that if a 22 unit motel wasn't feasible the applicant would need to convince the Commission by submitting supporting documents. Chairman Zellmer asked if the applicant would agree to a continuance. Mr. Dell'Angela responded that Mr. Bacon wanted a decision on the design at tonight's meeting. Motion-Terry/Second Wendler: To approve Negative Declaration No. 650 and UP-88-847 subject to the elevations dated November 4, 1988, requiring removal of two units, and the site plan dated January 24, 1989, subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. AYES: Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Terry and Wendler. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Matteucci. James Elmore, DR-S-88-297, UP-88-820, 1051 Airport Boulevard Review of Type "B" Sign Permit application of James Elmore in accordance with Special Condition No. 8 of Use Permit UP-88-820 and review of timeframe for compliance of Special Conditions of Approval for UP-88-820. Continued from December 8, 1988. Staff requested a continuance to the March 9, 1989 Planning commission meeting in order that a proper legal advertisement can be published. Motion-Boblitt/Second Matteucci: To continue DR-S-88-297 and UP-88- 820 to the March 9, 1989 Planning commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. city of South San Francisco, ZA-88-47 Zoning Amendment of the city of South San Francisco to amend Title 20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to correct inconsistencies and errors which have become evident since its adoption and to make it consistent with provisions of State law. continued from January 12, 1989. February 9, 1989 staff report presented. After discussing item No. 17 (new section 20.11.060[g]) the Commission agreed to the following change: "(g) The facility shall not be located within ~ 500 feet of any other licensed large family day care home. Exceptions to this limitation may be granted with a use permit." Motion-Wendler/Second Boblitt: To adopt the resolution recommending that the City Council approve ZA-89-47 to correct the Zoning Ordinance, Title 20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code, including modification to section 20.11.060(g). Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Page 2 of 8 Pages 2/9/89 PC Mtg. PUBLIC HEARINGS Inn Development, Inc., PM-89-262, 425 Marina Boulevard Tentative Parcel Map to divide a 4 acre parcel into two parcels for financing purposes in the Oyster Point Marina Specific Plan District. Motion-Boblitt/Second Matteucci: To approve PM-89-262 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Genentech, Inc., UP-85-734/Mod 2, Neqative Declaration No. 652, 1400 Grandview Drive Use Permit Modification to allow installation of a portable storage building for toxic materials at the southerly corner of the Buena vista Business Park. Staff requested that UP-85-734/Mod 2 be continued to the March 9, 1989 meeting in order that Genentech address the concerns raised by California Water Service with regard to the location of its easement. Motion-Terry/Second Wendler: To continue UP-85-734/Mod 2 to the March 9, 1989 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. city of South San Francisco, ZA-89-48, Neqative Declaration No. 653 Zoning Amendment of the City of South San Francisco to amend Chapter 20.11 of Title 20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code regarding trucks associated with home occupations and limiting auto repair on residential premises. February 9, 1989 staff report presented. Speaking in favor of the amendment: Wallace Pettigrew 408 Briarwood Drive Mr. Pettigrew supported the amendment stating that it would give code enforcement the legal means they need to cite violators. The Commission agreed that the amendment was reasonable and would benefit the community. It also stressed that the amendment was not aimed at citizens who preferred to do their own auto maintenance. Chairman Zellmer stated he still had concerns regarding subsection b) being too restrictive. Motion-Matteucci/Second Wendler: To approve Negative Declaration No. 653 and adopt the resolution recommending that the City Council adopt ZA-89-48. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. city of South San Francisco, GP-89-35, Neqative Declaration No. 654 General Plan Amendment to consolidate and update policies regarding Downtown South San Francisco. February 9, 1989 staff report presented. Page 3 of 8 Pages 2/9/89 PC Mtg. PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Speaking with concern: Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Boulevard George Bugnatto 216 Juniper Avenue George Starmer 851 Olive Avenue Mr. Dell'Angela asked for clarification on the following recommended policy changes: 2-5, 2-10, 2-11, 2-12, 2-14, 2-18, 2-39, 2-45, and 2-46. He suggested the Commission consider these changes before recommending approval to the city Council. Sergeant Petrocchi requested that the wording "loading and delivery zones" be incorporated into section on "Planning Issues" and Police 2-15. Senior Planner Christians responded to each of the questions raised by Mr. Dell 'Angela. (Cassette No.2) with regard to Policy 2-45, Mr. Bugnatto briefly commented on the density and blight problems in the Irishtown area. He felt that in some instances the Commission should grant density variances. Each case, or lot, needed to be looked at individually. Commissioner Wendler asked that Policy 2-45 be deferred to a meeting when residents of Irishtown can be notified of a hearing to discuss the implications of this policy. Staff suggested the wo~ding be temporarily modified to reflect these concerns until it can be considered further. Mr. Starmer stated that when he bought his property it was zoned R~3 and is now zoned R-2. The homeowners association supported the zone change because it prevented apartments from being built, but because of the density criteria property owners are not building and the blighted areas still remain. After considering the speakers' concerns, Mr. Christians responses, and the Commission's own concerns, the following modifications were agreed upon: Policy 2-6 "Financial institution" substituted for "bank". Policy 2-18 ...100/200 blocks of Grand Avenue or cypress Avenue... Policy 2-39 Current boarding rooms...No further boarding rooms shall be allowed in the Downtown. Policy 2-40 "Dwellings" substituted for "buildings". Page 4 of 8 Pages 2/9/89 PC Mtg. PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Policy 2-45 ...should be amondod studied for consideration of possible change from Medium Density Residential ...residents chould shall be obtained before this could occur. Motion-Boblitt/Second Wendler: To approve Negative Declaration No. 654 and adopt the resolution recommending that the City Council approve GP-89-35 to consolidate and update downtown policies of the General Plan. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Terry and Wendler. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Matteucci. OTHER ITEMS Review of and comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Downtown/Central Redevelopment Project. No comments were received from the Commission. Staff reminded the Commission that the comment period ends on February 24 and comments will then be forwarded to the consultant. Review and interpretation of General Plan Policy No. 47 reqardinq cardrooms. Chairman Zellmer reminded those present that this was not a public hearing item. February 9, 1989 staff reported presented. Sergeant Petrocchi commented on the Police Department's concerns and the City Attorney's interpretation of Policy No. 47. Chief Datzman presented background on the cardroom ordinance, dating back to the mid-1970's and its adoption in 1985. Speakers: Dan Modena, Esq. 421 Grand Avenue Evelyn Martin 534 Commercial Avenue Jake Jones 12 El Campo Drive Jack Stuart 910 Linden Avenue George Bugnatto 216 Juniper Avenue Philip Bernheim 2606 Bassett Court Charles Theiss 2601 Donegal Drive Page 5 of 8 Pages 2/9/89 PC Mtg. OTHER ITEMS - continued Joe Valcazar 721 Spruce Avenue George Starmer 851 Olive Avenue Mr. Modena, representing the owners of Weltes and Five Brothers, stated that in 1983, when Policy 47 was adopted, the hours of operation were not a concern because other cardrooms also closed at 2:00 a.m. He stated that competition from the 24-hour cardrooms in San Bruno and other nearby communities, have attracted card players away from South San Francisco. Ms Martin felt that the Pascos should be allowed the opportunity to expand because of their honorable reputation and charitable attributes. Mr. Jones, whose family has resided in South San Francisco since 1902, spoke highly of the Pasco brothers, their cardroom operations and their generosity in the community. Mr. Stuart speaking in opposition to cardrooms in general, stated that it is not the City's responsibility to compete with towns that allow 24-hour operations. Mr. Bugnatto, representing the Historic Old Town Homeowners and Renters Association, submitted an information sheet to the Commission stating the Association's concerns. He asked the Commission to deny an expansion because the use is a detriment to the community. Mr. Bernheim felt that the cardrooms should be allowed to operate on a 24-hour basis since this is the trend of many businesses. Mr. Theiss felt that a 24-hour use can be justified when other businesses in the vicinity have the same hours of operation. He pointed out that in this instance there is no justification. Mr. Valcazar, stating that he is a card player, acknowledged that because of the 2:00 a.m. closing many card players no longer play in South San Francisco. Mr. Starmer, opposing an expansion, felt a burden would be put on the Police Department because of added costs to patrol. Chief Datzman reminded the Commission that the City has taken a position of phasing out cardrooms and that an expansion of the use is considered a conscious movement toward casinos. The Commission discussed with Chief Datzman and Sergeant Petrocchi the type of security used by the owners, patrol demands, and related crime problems. (Cassette No.3) commissioner Wendler stated that she received a few telephone calls regarding this issue. She read dialogue from the April 13, 1983 and February 13, 1985 City Council meetings, as follows: Page 6 of 8 Pages 2/9/89 PC Mtg. OTHER ITEMS - continued (2/13/85 City Council meeting, Agenda Item 34 - Introduction of cardroom ordinance, discussion between Chief James Datzman and Councilman Midge Damonte.) JD: ...since the study session there was a meeting with both card room owners and we went through the ordinance in detail....there was very little change, the existing ordinance met with their full satisfaction and you can confirm this with both attorneys from both establishments." MD: You say this was confirmed by both parties? JD: ...it was reconfirmed as late as today. (End of dialogue, ordinance was introduced.) (4/13/83 City Council meeting, discussion between Mayor Teglia and Mr. Dan Modena) RT: ....Dan, would you require, for example, additional tables or an expansion of your card room activities? DM: We're not--we haven't addressed that. No, we wouldn't. ....I've also suggested we have 10 or 12 tables and we will live by it. But we want the same opportunity to pass the business on to our children... (Discussion between Mayor Teglia and James C. Tevini, Esq.) RT: ...so what you're saying is that your client is not interested in expanding his facility that he wants to have the right to continue operating and have..... JT: No, I didn't say that.... RT: ...Or expand? Expanded in the area or in the number of tables operated? JT: ...I'm just saying that we might be contented to stay the way we are... The Commission discussed its position and agreed that Policy 47 clearly states that the cardrooms "should not be allowed to expand in the number of tables operated". The Commission concluded by agreeing that an increase in hours can be interpreted as an expansion. Motion-Boblitt/Second Terry: That the two existing cardrooms can continue to operate in the same manner they have for years, but there can be no increase in the number of tables, square footage, hours or any other aspect of their current operations which would change the basic nature, intensity or Impact of these existing facilities. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. commissioner Boblitt suggested that Policy 47 be amended to specifically include operating hours, which would prevent future misinterpretations. Page 7 of 8 Pages 2/9/89 PC Mtg. ITEMS FROM STAFF Director smith informed the Commission that the League of California cities Institute conference is scheduled for April 5-7, 1989. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Chairman Zellmer asked the Commissioners to review the study session time schedule (previously distributed) and that it can be discussed at the next meeting. commissioner Terry asked that staff report back to the Commission the number of instances a member of the Design Review Board has abstained from participating on an item because of a conflict. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr. Louis Dell'Angela commented that it has been his perception that when a Design Review Board member designs a project it is approved with little difficulty by that body. The Commission asked that the Deputy City Attorney meet with the Design Review Board to discuss their roll as members of that body. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Zellmer adjourned the meeting at 11 7:30 p.m. o February 23, \~ ~ an T. Smith, Secretary lanning commission City of South San Francisco mer, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco AZ:JTS:sp Page 8 of 8 Pages 2/9/89 PC Mtg.