HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/26/1989 (Cassette NO.1) January 26, 1989 study Session of the South San Francisco Planning commission CALL TO ORDER: 8:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Zellmer, Vice-Chairman Mantegani, commissioners Boblitt, Matteucci, Terry, Warren and Wendler. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. smith Maureen K. Morton Robert Ewing Ron Petrocchi Deputy City Attorney Police Department 1. Zoning Amendments from Staff a) ZA-88-47 b) Amendments regarding auto repairs on residential premises and clarification of definition of "truck" in the home occupation ordinance. Due to the time Chairman Zellmer suggested that the Commission review ZA-88-47 page by page and items of concern would be pulled and discussed at the March 9th meeting. The following items were discussed: Item 17 (Large Family Day Care Homes): Commissioner Wendler asked if the State restricted day care homes to within 300' of each other. Deputy City Attorney Ewing stated he would research this matter. Commissioner Wendler asked that this item be pulled for further discussion. Item 29 (Commercial Recreation: Outdoor Sports and Recreation) : Commissioner Wendler felt batting cages should not be allowed in C-1 zones. Chairman Zellmer asked that this item be pulled for further discussion. Item 38 (Special Operations or Structures): Commissioner Terry asked that the operators of pumpkin and Christmas tree lots be responsible for cleaning up sites after vacating them. Vice-Chairman Mantegani suggested bonds be posted. Director smith stated that this was not under the zoning ordinance's jurisdiction that she would pass this suggestion to the Building Division. Item 42 (Size of off-street parking spaces): The Commission felt that the 8\'x18' standard parking space should be reconsidered since large vehicles and trucks were becoming popular again. The Commission agreed to go forward with this item, but to consider parking space sizes at a future study session. Item 50 (Measurement of Fence Heights): Vice-Chairman Mantegani felt that fences should be measured from the street side or perhaps the lower side of the fence. Staff was directed to clarify the procedure. PAGE 1 OF 3 PAGES 1/26/89 study Session Item 54 (Additions to Existing Dwelling Units): Commissioner Terry felt that the cubic footage of an addition should be taken into consideration rather than the square footage. This would be discussed at a future study session. Item 56 (Single Family and Townhouse units in Planned Developments): The Commission felt the length of driveway aprons should be increased from 16' to 18'. Staff was directed to make the modification. Vice-Chairman Mantegani asked that roll up doors be required in planned unit developments. Chairman Zellmer asked that this item be listed as a subject for a future Planning Commission meeting. Item 59 (Automotive and Equipment): Commissioner Terry felt the requirement for four spaces for each hoist, rack, etc. should be increased to six. Chairman Zellmer asked that this item be pulled for further discussion. Item 61 (Driveway Approaches/Curb Cuts): The Commission asked for clarification on this new section and directed staff to schedule a workshop session to discussion this item, including on-street parking as well as off-street parking. Item 70 (Lot size): Staff explained that this section dealt with the minimum lot size for second units, and the width and length of a lot was not pertinent. The Commission asked that this item be listed as a topic for a future Planning commission study session. Item 72 and 88 (Abandoned Uses): Commissioner Wendler requested staff modify the wording for clarification purposes, as follows: The six-month period shall commence whenever anyone of the following circumstance occurs: the site is vacated, utilities are terminated, the lease is terminated, or the lease or sale to another party becomes effective, ~hichovor occur~ fir~t. section 20.11.020(i) (Home Occupations): The Commission agreed that the length of a truck bed allowed to park on the public street should be changed from ten feet to eight feet (excluding tailgates). New section: 20.11.050 Vehicle and equipment repair on residential premises. Staff explained that this item is scheduled for the February 9, 1989 Planning commission meeting and that subsection "e" will be modified as follows: "e. Such work shall be conducted on no more than one .:t;.w.e vehicle at anyone time." The Commission discussed the ramifications of enforcement. All Commissioners agreed with the concept, but Chairman Zellmer felt subsection "b" should be reworked because of antiquated terms. He also felt this new section would make it unlawful for homeowners to repair their own vehicles in their own garages. The Commission continued with a discussion of the terms "minor" and "major" repairs, suggesting that these terms need to be better defined. The Commission agreed to continue the discussion at the March 9th meeting. PAGE 2 OF 3 PAGES 1/26/89 study Session 2. Zoninq Amendments or other ma;or items from Commission The Commission agreed that the following topics should be subjects of future study sessions: a. Items which were held out of ZA-88-47 for additional consideration. b. Residential additions (including the air space issue). c. Design Review Board. d. Parking space sizes. e. Roll-up garage doors (requested by Commissioners Warren and Vice-Chairman Mantegani). f. Outdoor storage (requested by Commissioner Terry). g. Neighborhood shopping centers/retail commercial (requested by Commissioners Boblitt and Wendler). h. View preservation (requested by Commissioner Wendler). i. Residential second units (requested by Commissioner Wendler). j. Report from Code Enforcement Officers (Commissioner Matteucci requested that the lanes be inspected regarding deteriorating conditions). commissioner Warren asked for a mid-year review to look at accom- plishments and possibly make additions at that time. Chairman Zellmer stated that he would work with Director smith to prepare a timetable (taking into consideration manpower requirements) which will be presented to the City Council for endorsement. 3. Other proiects a) Appointment of representatives to redevelopment public meetings. b) Improvements to staff reports and oral presentations. Commissioners Boblitt, Wendler and Terry were designated alternates to attend the redevelopment public meetings. commissioner Matteucci stated that because he owns property within the redevelopment district he will be attending the meetings also. Director smith informed the Commission that staff will be experimenting with videos and slides at future Commission meetings in an attempt to improve staff report presentations. commissioner Boblitt suggested that slides include the surrounding area of a project. commissioner Warren asked that the staff tables be set up similarly to the city Council meetings so that staff is facing the Commission. ADJOURNMENT ~~:. ean T. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco February 9, 7:3Q Chairman Zellmer adjourned the meeting at p.m. Alan 9' lmer, Chairman Plan~ g Commission City of South San Francisco PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGES 1/26/89 study Session