HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/08/1988 December 8, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. 6:30 MEETING WITH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ROLL CALL: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: Members Present: Anthony Shen, Michael DeZordo, Robert Williams, John Lucchesi, Peter Kostrikin* PLANNING COMMISSION: Members Present: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer Commissioners Boblitt, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler Absent: commissioner Mantegani Staff: Jean T. Smith, Phil Gorny *Boardmember Kostrikin arrived at 6:50 p.m. For the Commission's benefit, Chairman Terry reviewed the discussion that took place at the November 16, 1988 Design Review Board meeting. There were several items discussed, but Chairman Terry stressed that the Commission's major concern was that the character of the total neighborhood be considered when reviewing a residential addition. Chairman Terry proceeded to open the meeting and asked for comments from the Commission and the Design Review Board. Boardmembers Lucchesi, Williams and Shen acknowledged the Commission's concerns and appreciated the opportunity to discuss them. Boardmember Lucchesi stated that before the DRB meetings he visited each site and felt that areas other than design were also important to consider. He further stated that communication with the homeowner/applicant is important in order for an addition to be successful. Boardmember Williams stated that communication with the Commission is important and meetings between the Commission and Board are beneficial. He also felt that compatibility of commercial projects with their surroundings should be considered, as well as residential projects. commissioner Wendler stated that the DRB's comments were always helpful when reviewing a staff report. She suggested 12/8/88 PC MTG. PAGE 1 OF 9 PAGES December 8, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission - continued. (Cassette NO.1) CALL TO ORDER: 7:40 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. ABSENT: commissioner Mantegani ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. smith Philip Gorny Terry Leong Robert Ewing Fred Lagomarsino Ron Petrocchi Jake wittwer Engineering Division Deputy city Attorney Fire Department Police Department Building Division APPROVAL OF MINUTES of October 27, 1988 and November 10, 1988 Motion-Zellmer/Second Matteucci: To approve the October 27, and November 10, 1988 Planning Commission minutes as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani. CHAIR COMMENTS Chairman Terry presented certificates of Appreciation to Sergeant Petrocchi and Chief Building Inspector wittwer for their services to the Commission during 1988. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Joseph Welch, UP-88-843, Neqative Declaration No. 645, 220 South Linden Avenue continued from the October 27, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Use Permit application of Joseph Welch and environmental determination of same to allow the establishment of a multi- tenant office warehouse facility with related parking, landscaping and sign program in an existing industrial building at 220 South Linden Avenue. December 8, 1988 staff report presented. Applicant: Joseph Welch 383 West San Bruno Avenue San Bruno 12/8/88 PC MTG. PAGE 3 OF 9 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Applicant's representative: Michael O'Brien 343 Bennington Street San Francisco Mr. O'Brien stated the applicant agrees to the conditions contained in the staff report. The Commission thanked Mr. Welch for the redesign and his cooperation. Mr. Welch informed the Commission that the sign program will consist of tenant identification signs over doorways. He indicated that monument signs will not be included in the program. Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To approve Negative Declaration No. 645 and UP-88-843 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani. John W. Bacon, 1113 Airport Boulevard, UP-88-847, V-88-309, Neqative Declaration No. 650 Use permit, variance, and environmental determination of same to allow construction of a 3-story, 24-room motel plus manager's unit with related parking, landscaping, and sign program with a variance to allow parking to encroach into the required 10' rearyard setback at 1113 Airport Boulevard. December 19, 1988 staff report presented. Director smith informed the Commission that the adjacent building at 1107-1107\ Airport was built on the property line with windows that are not in compliance with the building code. This problem is being worked out between the two property owners and the Chief Building Inspector. Applicant's representatives: George Avanessian 400 Oyster Point Blvd Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Blvd Speaking in favor of the project: victor Kyriakis, Esq. 375 South Mayfair Avenue Daly City Paul Makrynassios 865 Noriega Street San Francisco 12/8/88 PC MTG. PAGE 4 OF 9 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Mr. R. Fitzpatrick 1103 Airport Boulevard Speaking with concern: Irma & Ferrell stiltner 146 Gardiner Avenue Mr. Avanessian stated that the applicant agrees to the conditions contained in the staff report and the issue between the two property owners has been resolved. Mr. Kyriakis reported that the two property owners have negotiated an agreement that meets with the approval of the Chief Building Inspector. Mr. Fitzpatrick felt the motel would clean up an eyesore and would be beneficial to the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Stiltner, owner of apartments at 146 Gardiner Avenue, stated their concerns were regarding springs in the area that cause drainage problems after heavy rainfalls, parking of large semi-trucks in the area, noise the motel may generate, and loss of view. Mr. Avanessian responded to the concerns and stated that the Engineering Division has addressed water drainage in its memo, semi-trucks use Airport Boulevard for parking, the motel would buffer automobile noise from the apartments, and the motel would be no higher than the existing building next door. Sergeant Petrocchi stated that semi-trucks are not allowed to park on 'Gardiner Avenue other than to make service calls. He advised Mr. and Mrs. stiltner to call the police department if overnight parking should occur. (Cassette NO.2) The Commission discussed the stiltner's concern regarding the springs. senior civil Engineer Leong stated that he was not aware of springs in the area. The Commission agreed that this concern needed to be addressed further by the applicant and Engineering Division before the project was considered. The Commission also felt that the application should not be considered until after the Design Review Board comments on the revised plans. The Commission stated that its action, including design of the structure, is final, unless the case is forwarded to the City Council. Mr. Dell'Angela asked the Commission to make a decision regarding the variance before requesting a continuance. He indicated that 12/8/88 PC MTG. PAGE 5 OF 9 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued if the variance was not granted the motel would not be economically feasible. Deputy City Attorney Ewing stated the applicant has the right to call for a vote at any time. The Commission discussed the loss of eight motel units if the variance was not granted and several Commissioners felt that this would create a hardship. Commissioner Wendler felt the variance was unjustified, and its need was unsubstantiated. Commissioner Boblitt felt that too many questions remained unanswered and that a redesign may determine if a variance is needed or not. commissioners Warren and Matteucci asked if the variance could be tied-in with the use permit in order to protect the Planning commission's decision if the variance was approved. Staff suggested the following Special Conditions: "l. Variance is attached to Exhibit Al site plan, parking level. 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions and requirements of related Use Permit UP-88-847 at such time as it is approved, including all conditions and requirements of affected departments/divisions. II The applicant agreed to the conditions and agreed to continuing UP-88-847. Motion-Zellmer/Second Matteucci: To approve V-88-309 subject to the conditions as specified above, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci and Warren. NOES: Commissioners Boblitt and Wendler. ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani. Motion-Zellmer/Second Wendler: To continue Negative Declaration No. 650 and UP-88-847 to the January 12, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani. Oken & Brooks/Curtis Nuts, 513 Mavfair Avenue, UP-88-846 Use Permit to allow food preparation (nut roasting) in an existing building with related parking and landscaping at 513 Mayfair Avenue. December 8, 1988 staff report presented. Applicant: Charles Oken 52 Peacock Drive San Rafael 12/8/88 PC MTG. PAGE 6 OF 9 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Mr. Oken agreed to the conditions contained in the staff report and asked that the existing office space area be corrected to read 640 square feet, rather than 600 square feet. In response to the Commission's concern regarding the lack of a fire sprinkler, Fire Marshal Lagomarsino stated that a sprinkler system is not required. (Cassette No.3) At the Commission's request Mr. Oken explained that Curtis Nuts is not a labor intensive operation; fifteen employees would be the maximum employed. with regard to Finding No.2, Deputy City Attorney Ewing asked that the last paragraph be deleted, explaining that eight parking spaces are being provided. Corrected as follows: "2. The proposed use complies with all applicable standards and requirements of Title 20, the City's Zoning Ordinance. Food preparation uses are permitted in the P-I Zone District with a use permit. The cite ic nonconforming \li th regard to parking eight arc required, but only e:o-ven legal cpacec can be pro'vided. II Motion-Warren/Second Wendler: To approve UP-88-846 based on the findings, as modified, and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani. OTHER ITEMS James Elmore, DR-S-88-297, UP-88-820, 1051 Airport Boulevard Continued from the November 10, 1988 Planning commission meeting. Review of Type "B" Sign Permit application of James Elmore in accordance with Special Condition No. 8 of Use Permit UP-88-820 and review of timeframe for compliance of Special Conditions of Approval for UP-88-820. December 8, 1988 inter-office memorandum read. Applicant: James Elmore 1051 Airport Boulevard Applicant's representative: Lisa Thomas 446 Baden Avenue 12/8/88 PC MTG. PAGE 7 OF 9 PAGES OTHER ITEMS - continued Ms Thomas read a statement prepared by Mr. Elmore and copies were distributed to the Commission and staff (copy attached). Mr. Elmore spoke on his own behalf, stating that he has met conditions imposed under UP-88-820 and feels he is being treated unfairly by staff. He stated that he will be out of town during January and requested the revocation hearing be scheduled for the first meeting in February. Motion-Zellmer/Second Boblitt: To continue DR-S-88-297 and UP- 88-820 to the February 9, 1989 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani. ITEMS FROM STAFF Director smith informed the Commission that on December 14, the Redevelopment Agency will consider the following: 1. Preliminary Plan on the Downtown/Central Redevelopment Plan; 2. Report on the Plan for the Downtown/Central Redevelopment Plan; 3. Downtown/Central Redevelopment provision for public input; 4. A request from Mid-Peninsula Housing Coalition for funds to convert the second floor of the Sundial Hotel (222 Grand Avenue) into eleven studio apartments (the first floor of the building is to be leased and operated asa commercial restaurant); 4. Shearwater time extension. A potential purchaser has indicated that the property will be developed as approved. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION commissioner Wendler asked that the issue regarding second story additions be considered as part of the comprehensive zoning ordinance study in 1989. After a discussion of a timetable for the Planning Commission's review of the zoning ordinance, staff suggested the second meeting in January (January 26) be scheduled as a study session. Vice-Chairman Zellmer requested that Commissioners make a note of any items or goals that th~y wish to see addressed during 1989 in preparation for that study session. 12/8/88 PC MTG. PAGE 8 OF 9 PAGES ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION - continued commission Wendler asked that a zoning ordinance be provided to any Commissioner needing one, and that the Design Review Board be provided with a list of the Commissioners names, addresses and phone numbers. commissioners Boblitt and Wendler presented Chairman Terry with a gift in appreciation of his assistance and guidance over the past four years. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m. to January 12, 1989, 7:30 p.m. ~r.-.1~$~;.;l" ean T. Smith, Secretary lanning commission City of South San Francisco . Paul Terry, C~airman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco EPT:JTS:sp 12/8/88 PC MTG. PAGE 9 OF 9 PAGES