HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/10/1988 (Cassette NO.1) November 10, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. smith Maureen Morton Daniel Christians Terry Leong Robert Ewing Michael Dickson Sue Harris Rich Desanto Engineering Division Deputy City Attorney Police Department Code Enforcement Officers APPROVAL OF MINUTES of October 13, 1988 Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To approve the October 13, 1988 Planning commission minutes as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA CHANGES Director smith informed the Commission that staff is recommending that Agenda Item No. 2 (Joseph Welch) be continued. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS James Elmore. DR-S-88-297. UP-88-820. 1051 Airport Boulevard continued from the October 27, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Review of Type "B" Sign Permit application of James Elmore in accordance with Special Condition No. 8 of Use Permit UP-88-820 and review of timeframe for compliance of Special Conditions of Approval for UP-88-820. Staff presented report dated November 10, 1988. Applicant: James Elmore 1051 Airport Blvd. Applicant's representative: Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Page 1 of 7 Pages 11/10/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Mr. Dell'Angela informed the Commission that a sign company has been hired to install signs as required by the Design Review Board. Mr. Elmore felt the use permit and signed acceptance form were a contract he had with the city. He stated he will adhere to the conditions of that contract but would not go beyond it. The Commission discussed with Mr. Elmore his recently built 6' fence which abuts the street. Mr. Elmore stated that Special Condition 5(c) allows a 6' fence. Staff explained to Mr. Elmore and the Commission that Special Condition No. 5 first required that staff receive a revised site plan for review and approval; but since one was never submitted, staff was unaware that a 6' fence would be abutting the driveway. Deputy City Attorney Ewing verified that the fence height along the driveway within the setback cannot be higher than 3', therefore, the 6' fence is in violation of the zoning ordinance. commissioner Boblitt asked Mr. Elmore if he would consider cutting the fence back to 3', and he stated "no". Commissioner Warren advised Messrs. Elmore and Dell'Angela that when they failed to re-submit the site plan, as required, staff became unaware of the applicant's intentions. In an effort to accommodate Mr. Elmore, the Commission agreed to a 30-day continuance in order for the few remaining conditions to be corrected. Commissioner Wendler asked that a status report be prepared for the December 8 Planning Commission meeting indicating complete compliance, if not, a staff report should be prepared recommending revocation of the use permit. The Commission agreed that the 6' fence issue should be included as part of the conditions for compliance. Director smith requested that Mr. Elmore submit a site plan for approval showing the fence and portion to be cut, within one week. Motion-Mantegani/Second Wendler: To continue UP-88-820 and DR-S-88-297 to the December 8,1988 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Joseph Welch, UP-88-843, Neqative Declaration No. 645, 220 South Linden Avenue continued from the October 27, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Use Permit application of Joseph Welch and environmental determination of same to allow the establishment of a multi- tenant office warehouse facility with related parking, Page 2 of 7 Pages 11/10/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued landscaping and sign program in an existing industrial building at 220 South Linden Avenue. Motion-Boblitt/Second Warren: To continue UP-88-843 and Negative Declaration No. 645 to the December 8, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Louis Poletti, et aI, PM-88-260, 359-393 EI Camino Real Tentative Parcel Map to adjust the common lot line between two existing lots at 359 and 393 El Camino Real November 10, 1988 staff report presented. Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To approve PM-88-260 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Bruce A. Knol (Zel R. Kahn & Sons, Inc., Owners), UP-88-844, 1445 San Mateo Avenue Use Permit application to allow conversion of a single-tenant office/warehouse building into a multi-tenant building with related parking, landscaping, and sign program at 1445 San Mateo Avenue. November 10, 1988 staff report presented. Applicant: Bruce Knol 4345 Fallbrook Concord Mr. Knol stated that he agrees to the conditions as contained in the staff report. Motion-Matteucci/Second Zellmer: To approve UP-88-844 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Chevvs Restaurant (Wesco Manaqement Inc., Owner), UP-87-794/Mod 1 141 Hickev Boulevard Use Permit Modification to allow a full-service restaurant with on-sale liquor and hours of operation until 2:00 a.m. in an existing shopping center at 141 Hickey Boulevard. November 10, 1988 staff report presented. Property owner: James Rueter 390 So. San Antonio Road Los Altos Page 3 of 7 Pages 11/10/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Chevys representatives: Warren "Scooter" Simmons, Jr. Bon Air Center #302 Greenbrae Warren Simmons, Sr. Bon Air Center #302 Greenbrae Speaking with concern: Robert Giannini 133 Duval Drive Lori Schaeffer 82 Olcese Daly City Mr. Rueter felt Chevys was a quality restaurant and would have a positive influence on the shopping center and community. Mr. Simmons, Jr., president of Chevys Restaurants, described the restaurant's food preparation and environment, stressing its family atmosphere. He also submitted pamphlets for the Commission to review. Mr. Giannini, owner of the Manor House, was concerned with parking and Chevys' hours of operation. He felt there may be a conflict with his business if Chevys stayed open until 2:00 a.m. Ms Schaeffer supported the use and felt it would be good for the shopping center. Chairman Terry noted there were three merchants from the shopping center in the audience. The Commission discussed the hours of operation which might have an impact on the surrounding neighborhoods. It felt that the 2:00 a.m. closing should be reviewed by the Commission after one year, because of possible noise from the open patio area and cars. Several Commissioners recommended patio enclosures. Mr. Simmons, Jr. assured the Commission that noise would not be a problem since it has not been one at other restaurant locations. Mr. Simmons, Sr. stated that the restaurant's operation would be jeopardized if it were to close at any other time than 2:00 a.m. The Commission informed the applicants that the review process would be a simple matter that would not require a public hearing. The following condition was agreed to: "12. Permit shall be reviewed with regard to the hours of operation between 12:00 midnight and 2:00 a.m. in one year after opening of the restaurant." commissioner Matteucci repQ~ted a blind spot when exiting the shopping center onto Camaritas Avenue. Mr. Rueter agreed to trim back the trees in order to see traffic coming down Camaritas Avenue. Page 4 of 7 Pages 11/10/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued (Cassette No.2) Motion-Warren/Second Wendler: To approve UP-79-794/Mod 1 subject to the conditions, including Special Condition No. 12, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. BKB, Inc. (Jackson Chenq, Owner), UP-88-845, 330 Shaw Road Use Permit application to allow an indoor commercial recreation facility (soccer) in an existing industrial building at 330 Shaw Road. November 10, 1988 staff report presented. Applicant's representatives: Barney Boyce 880 Arnold Way San Jose David Chaplek 661 Catamaran #1 Foster City Speaking in favor of the project: Bruce Tognetti 507 Lassen Avenue Lynn Menicucci 150 North Spruce Ave. George Fulvio 2705 Allview Way Belmont Speaking against the project: Roger Cheng 330 Shaw Road Mr. Boyce, president of BKB, Inc., stated that he agrees to the conditions contained in the staff report and proceeded to describe the organization to the Commission. Several letters were read into the record that were received from Mr. Don Molton, parking superintendent at the San Mateo fairgrounds; Mr. Jackson Cheng, owner of 330 Shaw Road; AYSO (a San Mateo County youth organization); and Mr. Tom Mendez, grounds supervisor at the San Mateo fairgrounds. Each of the letters praised BKB, Inc. for its well conducted business. Mr. Chaplek, manager for BKB, Inc., presented slides of the indoor soccer field, refreshment stand, and participants in action. Mr. Tognetti, affiliated with the organization for many years, stated the league is well organized and controlled, and negative activity is not tolerated. Ms Menicucci praised the use, stating she was a member who participated in the womens' league and thoroughly enjoyed the sport. Page 5 of 7 Pages 11/10/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Mr. Fulvio also supported the indoor soccer facility and felt it would benefit any community. Mr. Cheng, an employee at SFC Distributing, 330 Shaw Road, opposed the use stating that he was concerned with vandalism, parking, noise, and an increase in traffic. commissioner Mantegani remarked that he had visited the site and felt SFC Distributing was the source of the parking problem. staff recommended the following wording be added to Special Condition No. 13: "13. Parking on the site shall be limited to only the designated parking spaces. Vehicles shall not park along the driveway at the north property line. No storage of vehicles is permitted in the parking area." In response to Commissioner Warren's concern regarding the operation being conducted on non-federal holidays, the following wording was added to Special Condition No.7: "7. Hours of operation shall be limited to from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight on weekdays and to 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight on weekends and federal holidays, or any holiday on which all tenants in the building agree." Mr. Boyce agreed to the modified Special Conditions. Motion-Wendler/Second Zellmer: To approve UP-88-845 subject to the conditions, including modifications to Special Conditions Nos. 7 and 13, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Antonio and Godofreda Tito, PM-88-261, 643 Chestnut Avenue Tentative Parcel Map application to subdivide a 16,125 square foot lot into two parcels containing 9,637 square feet and 6,488 square feet at 643 Chestnut Avenue November 10, 1988 staff report presented. Applicant's representative: Maria Gallego 961 Portofino Lane Foster City Ms Gallego stated the applicants agree to the conditions contained in the staff report. Chairman Terry asked the applicant if the current house at 643 Chestnut Avenue was occupied by more than one family. Ms Gallego stated that just the Tito family occupied the residence. The Commission discussed the widening of Chestnut Avenue. Senior civil Engineer Terry Leong responded to Commission questions about the widening in this section. Page 6 of 7 Pages 11/10/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Commissioner Mantegani asked that staff advise the Titos that washers and dryers are not to be stored in the driveway. MQtion-ManteganijSecond Zellmer: To approve Tentative Parcel Map PM-88-261 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report. Approved by the following voice vote: AYES: Chairman Terry, Vice Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. NOES: Commissioner Boblitt. ITEMS FROM STAFF Director smith informed the Commission of recent City Council actions on Planning commission cases: 1) Alden Development - Approved 2) Carter Park I and II - Approved 3) Blondin Way Townhomes - Approved ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Commissioner Warren asked that the Engineering Division list major concerns at the beginning of its memorandums. She felt that it was difficult to decipher what was really important when issues were buried. commissioner Boblitt reported that newspapers are being stacked outside the kiosks at the Westborough Square Shopping Center and a blue crate is being used for recyclables when tenants aren't on duty. Chairman Terry reported large containers were being used to store automotive parts at the Shell station at Linden Avenue and Airport Boulevard. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 10:40 p.m. to November 30, 6:30 p.m. ean T. Smith, Secretary Planning commission City of South San Francisco E. Paul Terry, Chairman Planning commission .' C:i.f7Y. .,O~ . ~9u:~h". San Franc.isco (;:",,:j(::"'0,!L.'i'~""'w1 !l If \, EPT:JTS:sp Page 7 of 7 Pages 11/10/88 PC MTG.