HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/09/1988 (Cassette No.1) June 9, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Zellmer Planning Division Deputy City Attorney Building Division Police Department Jean T. Smith Maureen Morton Philip Gorny Robert Ewing Jake Wittwer Ron Petrocchi APPROVAL OF MINUTES of May 12, 1988 and May 26, 1988 Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To approve the Minutes of May 12, 1988 and May 26, 1988, as presented. Approved by voice vote. Abstention: Commissioner Boblitt (May 26, 1988). CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Gook So and Kesun Kim, UP-85-748/Mod 1, 1155 El Camino Real Use Permit Modification to allow a retail store with 30% wholesale as an accessory use and within 200 feet of a residential zone in an existing building at 1155 El Camino Real in the C-l Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapters 20.22 and 20.11. June 9, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicants' representative: Leonard Chan 1480 Sutter Street San Francisco Mr. Chan, architect, stated the applicants have agreed to comply with all conditions. Commissioner Matteucci cited the area in back of the building was being used to store cardboard and was a fire hazard. Staff recommended the following condition: PC MTG. 6/9/88 PAGE 1 OF 5 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued 119. Area in rear of building and remainder of site shall be kept clear of debris.1I Motion-Warren/Second Boblitt: To approve UP-&5-748/Mod 1 subject to the conditions, including additional Special Condition No.9, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Rich Diodati, UP-88-833, Negative Declaration No. 629, 395 and 400 Oyster Point Boulevard Use Permit to establish four helistop landing pads on the roofs of two office buildings at 395 and 400 Oyster Point Boulevard in the P-C Zone District according to the provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.24.30. June 9, 1988 Staff Report presented. Staff recommended the following Special Condition be included: 1114. There shall be no commercial sight-seeing associated with the use. Helicopters shall fly over San Francisco Bay to and from the heliports in accordance with FAA regulations and SFO procedures.1I Applicant: Rich Diodati 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Mr. Diodati stated he agrees to all conditions included in the staff report and Special Condition No. 14. Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To approve Negative Declaration No. 629 and Use Permit UP-88-833 subject to all conditions, including additional Special Condition No. 14, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Rich Diodati (Southern Pacific Railroad, owner), UP-84-705/Mod 2 338 North Canal Street Use Permit Modification to eliminate Special Condition No.3 of UP-84-705/Mod 1 and to allow an open storage yard at an existing officelwarehouse building at 338 North Canal Street in the P-I Zone District in accordance with provisions of Chapter 20.91. June 9, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Rich Diodati 400 Oyster Point Blvd. PC MTG. 6/9/88 PAGE 2 OF 5 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Mr. Diodati objected to the revised concept plan prepared by staff and asked the Commission to approve the original proposal. The Commission felt Sergeant Petrocchi's opposition to the proposed site plan was important and his concern with circulation was justified. The Commission discussed with Mr. Diodati the possibility of providing the required truck turnaround areas, relocating the construction yard, the feasibility of a solid wall, and concern that approval of the yard would set a precedent. The Commission felt the railroad right-of-way may never be developed unless owned by Mr. Diodati. Chairman Terry granted a ten-minute recess for Mr. Diodati and Sergeant Petrocchi to discuss a compromise regarding circulation and truck turnaround areas and to prepare a sketch for the Commission to review. City of South San Francisco, GP-88-33 General Plan amendment to include IIwarehouse retailll as a use listed in the Planned Commercial and Planned Industrial designations in the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan. Director Smith informed the Commission that the Chamber of Commerce Legislative and Governmental Review Committee requested GP-88-33 be continued to either 1) another public hearing date; 2) a subcommittee meeting, or 3) an individual-type meeting. Several Commissioners felt strongly against a subcommittee since it did not include the public's input. Chairman Terry suggested a study session on June 30th with the Chamber, then a public hearing at the July 14th Planning Commission meeting. Motion-Matteucci/Second Warren: To continue GP-88-33 to a study session on June 30, 1988. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Terry re-opened the UP-84-705/Mod 2 hearing. Mr. Diodati submitted a sketch of a revised site plan with a hammerhead turnaround for the Commission's review which met with Sergeant Petrocchi's approval. (Cassette No.2) The Commission further discussed its concerns regarding setting a precedent by allowing outdoor storage screened with a cyclone fence. A ten-minute recess was declared by Chairman Terry for staff to prepare findings which would enable the Commission to approve the project as submitted. After Chairman Terry reconvened the meeting a reevaluation of staff's original recommendation (Exhibit IIHII) was made. This PC MTG. 6/9/88 PAGE 3 OF 5 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued recommendation allowed the construction yard with the appropriate screening and design. A poll of the Commission revealed that a majority favored staff's compromise proposal as the best solution. Motion-Boblitt/Second Warren: To approve UP-84-705/Mod 2, modified as per Exhibit IIHII, subject to the conditions and based on the findings as contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. City of South San Francisco, GP-88-33 Chairman Terry asked that GP-88-33 be re-opened to discuss the merits of appointing a subcommittee to meet with the Chamber of Commerce. Commissioners Mantegani, Warren and Wendler agreed to serve on the committee and to hold an informal meeting with the Chamber. Motion-WendlerlSecond Matteucci: To cancel the June 23, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Approved by voice vote. Motion-Warren/Second Boblitt: To rescind the previous motion to hold a study session on June 30, 1988. Approved by voice vote. Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To continue GP-88-33 to the July 14, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Approved by voice vote. (Commissioner Matteucci voted IINayll on all three motions.) ITEMS FROM STAFF a. Zoning Amendment to Incorporate Warehouse Retail Uses. Continued to the July 14, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Director Smith informed the Commission of the following: 1. the City Council will be reviewing the Policy on Private Roadways at its June 22 meeting; 2. the City Counci 1 approved the Sunrise Development as recommended by the Planning Commission at its June 8 meeting; 3. a Genentech Master Plan will be submitted to the Planning Commission in July; 4. a preliminary plan for Terrabay is being reviewed by the Design Review Board; PC MTG. 6/9/88 PAGE 4 OF 5 PAGES ITEMS FROM STAFF - continued 5. the City Council has remanded Rollins Leasing to the Planning Commission based on new information; 6. Elmore's bait and tackle use permit was appealed by Mr. Tom Saberi and set for the July 13 City Council meeting. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Chairman Terry reported a flashing sign installed at Mr. Elmore's bait and tackle shop. Upon the advice of the City Manager, Commissioner Boblitt read a letter she had prepared, to the City Attorney, regarding two phone conversations she had had with Mr. Tom Callan. (Copy of letter attached to Minutes.) Commissioner Warren, after citing numerous problems, requested that a signal activator be considered for the northbound right-turn lane at the AirportlOyster Point Boulevards intersection. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. to July 14, 1988, 7:30 p.m. - -----~~--------- an T. Smith, Secretary lanning Commission City of South San Francisco :J'~\g~~~~r~ ~~PI1~I'ff"~t'!t"r! ~:...,...,'Mtt!.~IJi1fiV~tJ .~. .~........., . ~,_",.....,..,,,,.lt."~,.,. ..........\1 1',,,:..0- f," <. ~t'rJ'!t'rt~ ",...------ L ' ,r'''''''''' 'Ii,,,,\. -';'>1 ~- ---..., \......". _..-".,/ , '\ "";n"....~ , 'l~ ",,;lJ. ~.~.L "_ .___n,' t . ~"-~'-'."'-- b ltJ...."";~\'\l... r~~ I,)'''''' ~ ~ --paUl-Terr~-Chai~n~--- ... Planning Commission . City of South San Francisco \ EPT:JTS:sp PC MTG. 6/9/88 PAGE 5 OF 5 PAGES June 9,1988 Ms. Valerie Armento, City Attorney So. San Francisco City Hall 400 Grand Avenue So. San Francisco, Calif. 94080 Dear Ms. Armento: One day ~n May I received a phone call at work from Mr. Tom Callan requesting me to join him to look at a development in Daly City. The area he wanted me to look at with him turned out to be on Gellert near Serramonte Shopping Center where the Good Guys, Wallpapers to Go, and a Sporting Goods store etc are located with housing on the hill behind the center. I informed him that although I was unwilling to join him I had been to that area many times and was very familiar with the area. He"persisted that he wanted me to go with him which I again declined and this seemed to infuriate Mr. Callan. He then asked if I would approve such a project on his property on Gellert in Westborough. I told him that I could not make a judgement on any application until I had all the facts from the Planning Dept., Engineering Dept. etc. He then requested me to find this information out for him and I informed him that as he well knew he must go through this process himself and when the project was presented to the Planning Gomisssion at a Public Hearing I would then be able 'to comment and make a decision at that time as is done with all applications. He stated that I was not interested in his projects but contrary to his belief I am very intersted in all projects and applications that come before us at the Planning Commission. On June 1st Mr. Callan called me at work again and he said this was to inform me that he had met with Mayor Jack Drago and Councilman Mark Addiego to tell them that I had told him that I was not interested in any of his projects and would not support or vote for them. This was of course an out and out lie and I told him so. Whereupon he informed me that he was calling me because I was "He~d Niggar". I immediately told Mr. Callan that I did not appreciated his racial slurring remark and he said he always talked that way but I retorted ?not to me". I then informed Mr. Callan that if he was referring to the Chairmanship of the Planning Comission, the Chairman was now Paul Terry. He replied that he probably should not be talking to me then. I informed Mr. Callan that I intended to correct his false accucations of my integrity arid have done so verbably with Mr. Jack Drag0 and Mr. Mark Addiego as well as Mr. Mark Lewis. This is mearly a mem'o for your files should any prDblem atise as a result of our conversations. Very sincerely yours, c.c. Mr. Mark Lewis c.c. Mr. Jack Drago Ms. Roberta Teglia Hr. Rich Haffey Mr. Mark Addiego Beverly Boblitt, Planning Commissioner