HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/26/1988 (Cassette No.1) May 26, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci*, Warren and Wendler. ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner Boblitt Planning Division DCM/City Engineer Engineering Division Deputy City Attorney Building Division Police Department Daniel Christians Robert Yee Terry Leong Robert Ewing Jake Wittwer Ron Petrocchi *Commissioner Matteucci arrived at 7:45 p.m. CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA ITEMS St. Francis Heights Development (G.P. Trading & Services, Inc., owner), PUD-88-12, SA-88-99, Negative Declaration No. 626 Continued from the May 12, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Planned Unit Development permit, and vesting tentative subdivision map of St. Francis Heights Development (G.P. Trading & Services, Inc.) and environmental determination of same to allow development of 35 single-family homes with common areas at the southeast corner of Appian Way and Gellert Boulevard in the R-2-H-P Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Title 19 and Chapter 20.78. May 26, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: Kay Wi 1 son Public Affairs Management Ferry Building, Suite 3047 San Francisco Lee Oberkamper Civil Engineer 10 Paul Drive San Rafael PC MTG. 5/26/88 PAGE 1 OF 4 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Ms. Wilson discussed the three items about which the Commission had requested further information: 1) the stairway/paseo; 2) parking, and 3) driveway maintenance. She stated the applicant is willing to comply with all conditions but could not support a private stairway if the pedestrian easement is retained. In response to Commissioner Wendler's question on street maintenance, Mr. Oberkamper explained the difference between an overlay and slurry seal. The Commission thanked the applicant for providing the homeowner association budget and felt the monies allocated were sufficient to ensure proper maintenance of the driveways. Staff provided a drawing demonstrating what the project would look like if public streets were used. The Commission concurred that private streets were more suitable for this type of development. A majority of the Commission favored deleting the stairway and having the homeowners maintain the landscaping. Mot i on-Z ell mer/Second Wend 1 er : To recommend that the City Council approve Negative Declaration No. 626. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To recommend that the City Council approve PUD-88-12 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Mot ion-Man tegan i /Second Warren: To recommend that the City Council approve SA-88-99 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Resolution recommending the City Council adopt a Policy on Private Roadways for Single-Family Planned Unit Developments May 26, 1988 Staff Report presented. Acting Planning Director Christians read the policy and it was discussed by the Commission. The Commission felt that criteria #5 should be modified as follows: 115. Adequa te res ident and gues t park i ng is provided in common areas adjacent to each unit ~-a&-~~~-~~~~ to off-set the loss of parallel parking normally provided on public streets.1I PC MTG. 5/26/88 PAGE 2 OF 4 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Motion-Warren/Second Zellmer: To adopt the resolution including the modification to criteria #5, recommending that the City Council adopt a policy on private roadways for single-family planned unit developments. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Supplemental report to City Council on specific items related to PUD-88-9 and SA-88-98, a Planned Unit Development Permit and ves t i ng Tentat i ve Map app 1 i cat i on of Westborough Development Corporation to construct 46 single-family homes, including 30 detached and 16 attached on one side onl y, with common areas located between Gellert Boulevard and Appian Way. May 26, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: Gordon Jacoby Venture Corporation 187 E. Blithedale Avenue Mill Vall ey Chris Craiker Architect 851 Irwin Street San Rafael Mr. Jacoby informed the Commission that since his last meeting before the Planning Commission he has met with the Westborough Way Homeowners' Association. He also stated that Venture Corporation agrees to the conditions as contained in the supplemental staff report. Mr. Craiker discussed the concerns of the C i t Y Co u n c i 1 and the de vel 0 pme nt's c h a r act e r i s tic s wh i c h comply with the City's proposed policy on private roadways. Mr. Jacoby also discussed the maintenance budget which the Commission felt was sufficient to cover future costs. Commissioner Warren was concerned with the amount of noise the dirt haulers would be making before 7:00 a.m. City Engineer Bob Yee stated the hours are regulated through a grading permit. (Cassette No.2) Mr. Jacoby reported to have already discussed the issue with the homeowners' association and they are to contact him with any complaints, and then he will alert the contractor. Motion-Mantegani/Second Zellmer: To forward the additional comments on PUD-88-9 and SA-88-98 back to the City Council for approval. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. PC MTG. 5/26/88 PAGE 3 OF 4 PAGES ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Chairman Terry reported the grocery store located at Westborough Square has its storefront blocked with boxes. Commissioner Wendler asked staff to verify if the display shelves, stocked wi th fru i ts and veget ab 1 es, were be i ng kept outs i de the store overnight, which might attract rats, dogs or other nuisances. Chairman Terry also reported the employees at Kaiser are parking in other areas than those designated for them. Mr. Christians stated that Kaiser is submitting a revised access plan to the Commission in July and concerns can be addressed at that time. Commissioner Warren asked that Kaiser submit a report on how many pa ti ents from out of the North County area are now us i ng the facility. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. to June 9, 1988, 7:30 p.m. ~ 'J('/ ,- '-.Jj'v'vvv . V j,\~~_ aniel Christians, Acting Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco E. Paul Terry, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco EPT:DC:sp PC MTG. 5/26/88 PAGE 4 OF 4 PAGES (Cassette No.1) May 12, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:35 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. DCM/City Engineer Deputy City Attorney Building Division Police Department Fire Department Jean T. Smith Daniel Christians Maureen Morton Robert Yee Robert Ewing Jake wittwer Ron petrocchi Dave Parenti ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division APPROVAL OF MINUTES of March 31, 1988 and April 14, 1988: Motion-Zellmer/Second Matteucci: To approve the Minutes of March 31, 1988 and April 14, 1988. Approved by voice vote. Abstentions: Commissioner Warren (March 31, 1988) and Commissioner Mantegani (April 14, 1988). CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS James Elmore, UP-88-820, Negative Declaration No. 618, 1051 Airport Boulevard Continued from the April 14, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Use Permit application to expand a non-conforming use, already established, in an existing building at 1051 Airport Boulevard. May 12, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Speaking in opposition: Mr. Tom Saberi 1045 Airport Blvd. Mr. Dell'Angela stated the applicant basically agrees to the conditions contained in the staff report but needed clarification on Special Conditions 4, 5, 5b, 5d, 6, and 8. He stated that PC MTG. 5/12/88 PAGE 1 OF 6 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) one of Mr. Elmore's concerns is posting a sign notifying customers of available parking across the street; he felt this was tying the two properties together. Mr. Dell'Angela also requested to work with staff on screening alternatives for the dumpster. Mr. Saberi presented photographs to the Commission that were previously submitted at the March 31, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. He stated that the driveway leading to his business was still constantly being blocked by customers patronizing the deli and bait shop. The Commission discussed the conditions that Mr. Dell'Angela mentioned and found them acceptable as presented in the staff report. Chairman Terry submitted pictures taken earlier in the day, which showed the site clean and the storage container freshly painted. Commissioner Warren's opposition to approving the use was based on the applicant's track record regarding violations of the municipal code and the lack of compliance since the application was submitted. The Commission reminded the applicant that the storage container is to be removed within 60 days after approval. The Commission asked Mr. Dell'Angela if the applicant agrees to the conditions contained in the staff report and he responded that he would have to consult with Mr. Elmore. Motion-Zellmer/Second Matteucci: To approve Negative Declaration No. 618 and Use Permit UP-88-820 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Terry, Vice- Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Matteucci and Wendler. NOES: Commissioner Warren. St. Francis Heights Development (G.P. Trading & Services, Inc., owner), PUD-88-12, SA-88-99, Negative Declaration No. 626, southeast corner of Appian Way and Gellert Boulevard Planned Unit Development permit, and vesting tentative subdivision map of St. Francis Heights Development (G.P. Trading & Services, Inc.) and environmental determination of same to allow development of 36 single-family homes with common areas at the southeast corner of Appian Way and Gellert Boulevard in the R-2-H-P Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Title 19 and Chapter 20.78. PC MTG. 5/12/88 PAGE 2 OF 6 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) May 12, 1988 Staff Report presented. Director Smith read to the Commission a proposed policy regarding private common driveways in residential developments. The policy would be used as a guide to determine if a site contained the proper characteristics that permitted private roadways. Applicant's representatives: Kay Wilson Public Affairs Management Ferry Building, Suite 3047 San Francisco Chris Craiker Architect 851 Irwin Street San Rafael Robert Luff Landscape Architect 499 Bahia Drive Novato Lee Oberkamper Civil Engineer 10 Paul Drive San Rafael Speaking in favor: Senen Castillo 15 Chateau Court Alice P. Bulos 2444 Liberty Court Ms Wilson stated the applicant agrees to the conditions and asked if PUD-88-12 met the characteristics described in the proposed policy. Director Smith responded that all characteristics were met. (Cassette No.2) The project representatives discussed the architecture, driveway entrances, views, landscaping, topography, underground utilities and drainage. Mr. Castillo and Mrs. Bulos both praised the project and felt it would upgrade the surrounding neighborhoods. The Commission discussed the proposed policy and the May 11, 1988 City Council meeting, which triggered its conception. other issues addressed were maintenance of landscaping and the private driveway, the stairway, and visitor parking. A majority felt that a maintenance burden should not be put on such a small group PC MTG. 5/12/88 PAGE 3 OF 6 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) of homeowners, a request was made that a preliminary budget be made available for the Commission's review. Commissioner Boblitt did not favor the stairway but was informed by staff that this was a dedicated easement for the purpose of an access to Sellick Park. Ms Wilson stated that the stairway can be deleted but it was her understanding that the City had required it. After a discussion of the legalities and time involved with vacating an easement, Ms Wilson requested a condition be included to delete the pedestrian easement pending a public hearing and City Council approval. Staff suggested that the concerns be addressed through additional conditions, but a majority of the Commission felt the case should be continued to the May 26, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Ms Wilson agreed to a continuance and would submit a revised site plan and preliminary budget. Chairman Terry requested that PUD-88-9 (Westborough Development Group) also be scheduled for May 26 so that both planned unit developments can be reviewed concurrently. (Cassette No. 3 Motion-Warren/Second Wendler: To continue PUD-88-12, SA-88-99 and Negative Declaration No. 626 to the May 26, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Terry, Commissioners Boblitt, Warren and Wendler. NOES: Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Mantegani and Matteucci. Rollins Leasing Corp., UP-88-831, Negative Declaration No. 627 266 Harbor Way Use Permit to allow establishment of a truck repair and maintenance facility as an expansion of a legal non-conforming use at 266 Harbor Way. May 12, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representatives: Karel Fisher L. J. Hooker 101 California Street San Francisco Thomas Hurt Rollins Leasing Santa Ana Randy Wood L. J. Hooker 101 California Street San Francisco PC MTG. 5/12/88 PAGE 4 OF 6 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Roger Maino, Esq. 1901 So. Bascom Ave. #1050 Campbell Speaking Against the Project: Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Owner of the Property: Alfred T. Tomlinson 90 Yerba Buena Avenue San Francisco Mr. Fisher made a brief introduction regarding Rollins Leasing and turned the microphone over to Mr. Hurt who described Rollins' operation. He stated the applicant agrees to the conditions and hoped the Commission would approve the use permit. Mr. Dell'Angela, representing Kathleen Castaglio, 283-299 Harbor Way, urged the Commission to deny the application and submitted a petition signed by surrounding tenants/property owners who also objected to the use. Concerns were that the use was not allowed in the Planned Industrial zone, the previous non-conforming use had been abandoned for more than six months (he mentioned that he verified this through the scavenger company), and the use had a negative impact on the surrounding businesses. Mr. Wood stated the use was less intensive than the previous use (Laidlaw) and believed the time limitation had not expired when contact was first made with the Planning Division, in early March or late February 1988. Mr. Maino, attorney for Rollins Leasing, legally felt the petition could not be admitted unless it was notarized. Chairman Terry responded that it had always been the Commission's policy to accept petitions in good faith. Although the Commission approved of the use, the determination when Laidlaw abandoned the site was necessary. Mr. Tomlinson informed the Commission that Laidlaw vacated August 22, 1987. After further discussion regarding initial contact between the applicant and the City, Deputy City Attorney Ewing stated that if it were determined to be six months and a day the application legally would not fall within the six month time frame. Staff was unable to corroborate when contact was first made. PC MTG. 5/12/88 PAGE 5 OF 6 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) (Cassette No.4) Motion-Warren/Second Mantegani: To deny UP-88-831 and Negative Declaration No. 627 based on the findings contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. NOES: Vice-Chairman Zellmer. ABSTAIN: Chairman Terry. City of South San Francisco, GP-88-33 General Plan amendment to include "warehouse retail" as a use listed in the Planned Commercial and Planned Industrial designations in the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan. Continued to the June 9, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. ITEMS FROM STAFF Director Smith reminded the Commission of the 5 specific items that City Council directed the Planning Commission to review regarding Westborough Development Corp. (PUD-88-9): 1. Maintenance and liability concerns related to the proposed public stairway. 2. History of and policy on private roadways. 3. Parking for this project. 4. Budget and maintenance of private roadways. 5. Comments received from adjacent Westborough Way neighborhood. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 11:30 p.m. to May 26, 1988, 7:30 p.m. mith, Secretary lanning Commission V City of South San Francisco EPT:JTS:sp E. Paul Terry, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco \ PC MTG. 5/12/88 PAGE 6 OF 6 PAGES