HomeMy WebLinkAbout751 Gateway MMRPMITIGATION MONITORING & REPORTING PROGRAM  751 Gateway Boulevard Project  City of South San Francisco  State Clearinghouse No. 2020010281     751 Gateway Boulevard Project 1 January 2021 ICF 0662.19   The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the 751 Gateway Boulevard Project (proposed project) identifies the mitigation measures that will be implemented to reduce the impacts associated with the proposed project. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires a public agency to adopt a monitoring and reporting program for assessing and ensuring compliance with any required mitigation measures applied to proposed development. As stated in section 21081.6(a)(1) of the Public Resources Code: …the public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment. Section 21081.6 also provides general guidelines for implementing mitigation monitoring programs and indicates that specific reporting and/ or monitoring requirements, to be enforced during project implementation, shall be defined as part of adopting a mitigated negative declaration. The mitigation monitoring table lists those mitigation measures that may be included as conditions of approval for the project and the conditions of approval that will apply to the proposed project. To ensure that the mitigation measures are properly implemented, a monitoring program has been devised which identifies the timing and responsibility for monitoring each measure. The first column identifies mitigation measures that were identified in the EIR. The second column, entitled “Action Required,” refers to the monitoring action that must be taken to ensure implementation of the measure. The third column, entitled “Monitoring Timing,” refers to when the monitoring will occur to ensure that the action is complete. The fourth column, “Monitoring Responsibility,” refers to the agency responsible for oversight or ensuring that the mitigation measure is implemented. The fifth column, entitled “Compliance Verification,” is where the Responsible Agency verifies that the measures have been implemented. City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 2 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments Air Quality       Mitigation Measure AQ‐1: Use Clean Diesel‐Powered Equipment during Construction to Control Construction‐Related NOX Emissions The project sponsor shall ensure that all off-road diesel-powered equipment used during construction is equipped with EPA-approved Tier 4 Final engines. The construction contractor shall submit evidence of the use of EPA-approved Tier 4 Final engines or cleaner for project construction to the City prior to the commencement of construction activities. Project sponsor to provide City applicable provisions of construction contract requiring off-road diesel-powered equipment be equipped with engines that meet EPA Tier 4 final emissions standards. Once prior to issuance of grading permit. City of South San Francisco Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) Mitigation Measure AQ‐2: Implement BAAQMD Basic Construction Mitigation Measures The project sponsor shall require all construction contractors to implement the basic construction mitigation measures recommended by BAAQMD. The emissions reduction measures shall include, at a minimum, the following:  All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times a day.  All haul trucks shall be covered when transporting soil, sand, or other loose material offsite.  All visible mud or dirt track-out material on adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet-power vacuum-type street sweepers at least once a day. The use of dry-power sweeping is prohibited. Project sponsor to demonstrate that all applicable BAAQMD basic construction mitigation measures have been incorporated into contract specifications. Once prior to issuance of grading permit. City of South San Francisco Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 3 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments  All vehicle speeds shall be limited to 15 miles per hour on unpaved roads.  All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks that are to be paved shall be paved as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading, unless seeding or a soil binder is used.  All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified visible-emissions evaluator.  Idling times shall be minimized, either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to 5 minutes (as required by the California Airborne Toxics Control Measure).  Publicly visible signs shall be posted with the telephone number and name of the person to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 48 hours. BAAQMD’s phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Biological Resources Mitigation Measure BI‐1: Preconstuction Nesting Bird Surveys and Buffer Areas The project sponsor shall protect nesting birds and their nests during construction by implementation of the following measures: a. To the extent feasible, conduct initial activities, including, but not limited to, Project sponsor to provide to City applicable construction provisions, including schedule. If construction will occur in the nesting season, project sponsor to submit to City pre-construction surveys for review and approval. Once prior to issuance of grading permit. As needed during City of South San Francisco Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments vegetation removal, tree trimming or removal, ground disturbance, building or parking lot demolition, site grading, and other construction activities which may compromise breeding birds or the success of their nests outside the nesting season (February 15–September 15). b. If construction occurs during the bird nesting season, a qualified wildlife biologist* shall conduct a nesting bird preconstruction survey within 14 days prior to the start of construction or demolition at areas that have not been previously disturbed by project activities or after any construction breaks of 14 days or more. The survey shall be performed within 100 feet of the applicable construction phase area in order to locate any active nests of passerine species and within 300 feet of the applicable construction phase area to locate any active raptor (birds of prey) nests, and this survey shall be of those areas that constitute suitable habitat for these species. c. If active nests are located during the preconstruction nesting bird survey, a qualified biologist shall determine if the schedule of construction activities could affect the active nests; if so, the following measures would apply: 1. If the qualified biologist determines that construction is not likely to affect an active nest, construction may proceed without demolition and construction. City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 5 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments restriction; however, a qualified biologist shall regularly monitor the nest at a frequency determined appropriate for the surrounding construction activity to confirm there is no adverse effect. Spot-check monitoring frequency would be determined on a nest-by-nest basis, considering the particular construction activity, duration, proximity to the nest, and physical barriers that may screen activity from the nest. 2. If it is determined that construction may cause abandonment of an active nest, the qualified biologist shall establish a no-disturbance buffer around the nest(s), and all project work shall halt within the buffer to avoid disturbance or destruction until a qualified biologist determines that the nest is no longer active. Typically, buffer distances are 100 feet for passerines and 300 feet for raptors; however the buffers may be shortened if an obstruction, such as a building, is within line-of-sight between the nest and construction. 3. Modifying nest buffer distances, allowing certain construction activities within the buffer, and/or modifying construction methods City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 6 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments in proximity to active nests shall be approved by the qualified biologist and in coordination with the Planning Division. To the extent necessary to remove or relocate an active nest, such removal or relocation shall be coordinated with the Planning Division, and the removal or relocation shall be in compliance with the California Fish and Game Code and other applicable laws. 4. Any work that must occur within established no-disturbance buffers around active nests shall be monitored by a qualified biologist. If adverse effects in response to project work within the buffer are observed and could compromise the nest, work within the no-disturbance buffer(s) shall halt until the nest occupants have fledged. 5. Any birds that begin nesting within the project area and survey buffers amid construction activities are assumed to be habituated to construction-related or similar noise and disturbance levels. Work may proceed around these active nests subject to Measure c.2 above. *The experience requirements for a “qualified biologist” shall include a minimum of 4 years of academic training and professional experience in biological City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 7 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments sciences and related resource management activities, and a minimum of 2 years of experience conducting surveys for each species that may be present within the project area. Mitigation Measure BI‐2: Lighting Measures to Reduce Impacts on Birds During design, the project sponsor shall ensure that a qualified biologist experienced with bird strikes and building/lighting design issues shall identify lighting-related measures to minimize the effects of the building’s lighting on birds. The project sponsor shall incorporate such measures, which may include the following and/or other measures, into the building’s design and operation. a) Use strobe or flashing lights in place of continuously burning lights for obstruction lighting. Use flashing white lights rather than continuous light, red light, or rotating beams. b) Install shields onto light sources not necessary for air traffic to direct light towards the ground. c) Extinguish all exterior lighting (i.e., rooftop floods, perimeter spots) not required for public safety. d) When interior or exterior lights must be left on at night, Project sponsor to submit bird-safe lighting specifications to the City for review and approval. Once prior to issuance of building permit. Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 8 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments the operator of the buildings shall examine and adopt alternatives to bright, all-night, floor-wide lighting, which may include installing motion-sensitive lighting, using desk lamps and task lighting, reprogramming timers, or using lower-intensity lighting. e) Windows or window treatments that reduce transmission of light out of the building shall be implemented to the extent feasible. Mitigation Measure BI‐3: Building Design Measures to Minimize Bird Strike Risk During design, the project sponsor shall ensure that a qualified biologist experienced with bird strikes and building/lighting design issues shall identify measures related to the external appearance of the building to minimize the risk of bird strikes. The project sponsor shall incorporate such measures, which may include the following and/or other measures, into the building’s design. a. Minimize the extent of glazing. b. Use low-reflective glass and/or patterned or fritted glass. c. Use window films, mullions, blinds, or other internal or external features to “break up” reflective surfaces rather than having large, uninterrupted areas Project sponsor to submit bird-safe building design specification to City for review and approval. Once prior to issuance of building permit. Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 9 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments of surfaces that reflect, and thus to a bird may not appear noticeably different from, vegetation or the sky. Cultural Resources Mitigation Measure CR‐1: Cultural Resources Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP) The project applicant shall ensure that a qualified archaeologist shall conduct a WEAP training for all construction personnel on the project site prior to construction and ground-disturbing activities. The training shall include basic information about the types of artifacts that might be encountered during construction activities, and procedures to follow in the event of a discovery. This training shall be provided for any additional personnel added to the project even after the initiation of construction and ground-disturbing activities. Qualified archaeologist (retained by the project sponsor) to conduct training. Once prior to the start of construction activities and ground-disturbing activities. As needed during duration of soil-disturbing or excavating activities and throughout all construction activities. Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) Mitigation Measure CR‐2: Halt Construction Activity, Evaluate Find, and Implement Mitigation for Archaeological, Historical, and Tribal Resources In the event that previously unidentified archaeological, historical, or tribal resources are uncovered during site preparation, excavation, or other Verify that all activity within 25 feet of a find is halted until such time as the find is evaluated by a qualified professional. If needed, verify that a find has been evaluated by a qualified professional and Duration of soil-disturbing or excavating activities and throughout all Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 10 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments construction activity, the project applicant shall cease or ensure the ceasing of all such activity within 25 feet of the discovery until the resources have been evaluated by a qualified professional, and specific measures can be implemented to protect these resources in accordance with sections 21083.2 and 21084.1 of the California Public Resources Code. If the find is significant, the project applicant shall ensure that a qualified archaeologist excavate the find in compliance with state law, keeping project delays to a minimum. If the qualified archaeologist determines the find is not significant then proper recordation and identification will ensue and the project shall continue without delay. that data recovery has occurred if required. construction activities. Mitigation Measure CR‐3: Halt Construction Activity, Evaluate Remains, and Take Appropriate Action in Coordination with Native American Heritage Commission In the event that human remains are uncovered during site preparation, excavation, or other construction activity, the project applicant shall cease or ensure the ceasing of all such activity within 25 feet of the discovery until the remains have been evaluated by the County Coroner, and appropriate action taken in coordination with the NAHC, in accordance with section 7050.5 of the CHSC or, if the remains are Native American, section 5097.98 of the California Public Resources Code. County Coroner to make determination of remains. If remains are to be Native American, Corner shall notify NAHC to identify descendants to make recommendations regarding proper burial. Duration of soil-disturbing or excavating activities and throughout all construction activities. Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 11 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments Geology and Soils Mitigation Measure GEO‐1: Halt Construction Activity, Evaluate Find, and Implement Mitigation for Paleontological Resources In the event that previously unidentified paleontological resources are uncovered during site preparation, excavation, or other construction activity, the project sponsor shall cease or ensure that all such activity within 25 feet of the discovery cease until the resources have been evaluated by a qualified professional, and specific measures can be implemented to protect these resources in accordance with sections 21083.2 and 21084.1 of the California Public Resources Code. If the find is significant, a qualified paleontologist shall excavate the find in compliance with state law, keeping project delays to a minimum. If the qualified paleontologist determines the find is not significant then proper recordation and identification shall ensue and the project will continue without delay. Verify that all activity within 25 feet of a find is halted until such time as the find is evaluated by a qualified professional. If needed, verify that a find has been evaluated by a qualified professional and that data recovery has occurred if required. Duration of soil-disturbing or excavating activities and throughout all construction activities. Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigation Measure GHG‐1: Require Implementation of BAAQMD‐recommended Construction BMPs The project sponsor shall require its contractors, as a condition in contracts (e.g., standard specifications), to reduce construction-related GHG emissions by implementing BAAQMD’s recommended BMPs as set forth in BAAQMD’s 2017 CEQA Project sponsor to submit to City applicable provisions of construction contracts requiring the use of BAAQMD- recommended construction best management practices to reduce GHG emissions. Once prior to issuance of grading permit. Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 12 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments Guidelines, including (but not limited to) the following measures.  Ensure alternative-fuel (e.g. biodiesel, electric) construction vehicles/equipment make up at least 15 percent of the fleet;  Use local building materials (at least 10 percent) sourced from within 100 miles of the planning area; and  Recycle and reuse at least 50 percent of construction waste or demolition materials. The project sponsor shall submit evidence of compliance to the city prior to the start of construction. Mitigation Measure GHG‐2: Operational GHG Reduction Measures The project sponsor shall:  Plant 44 additional trees on the project site; and  Install 28 more electric vehicle (EV) charging spots than required by the 2019 Building Code. Project sponsor to submit to City tree planting and EV parking plans. Once prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) Noise Mitigation Measure NOI‐1: Construction Noise Control Plan to Reduce Noise Outside of the Standard Construction Hours in the City of South San Francisco. The project sponsor and/or the contractor(s) for the proposed project shall obtain a permit to complete work outside of the standard construction hours outlined in the City Municipal Code. In addition, the project sponsor and/or the contractor(s) for the proposed project shall develop a construction Project sponsor and/or the contractor(s) to request permit from City to complete work outside standard construction hours. Project sponsor and/or the contractor(s) to submit a construction noise control plan to City to ensure that noise levels from construction will comply Once prior to issuance of grading permit. Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 13 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments noise control plan to reduce noise levels to within the City’s daytime and nighttime noise standards. Specifically, the plan shall demonstrate that noise from construction activities that occur daily between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. weekdays and Saturday will comply with the applicable City noise limit of 65 dBA at the nearest existing land use, and construction activities that occur between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. will comply with the applicable City noise limit of 60 dBA at the nearest existing land use. Measures to help reduce noise from construction activity during non-standard construction hours to these levels shall be incorporated into this plan and may include, but are not limited to, the following.  Require all construction equipment be equipped with mufflers and sound control devices (e.g., intake silencers and noise shrouds) that are in good condition (at least as effective as those originally provided by the manufacturer) and appropriate for the equipment.  Maintain all construction equipment to minimize noise emissions.  Locate construction equipment as far as feasible from adjacent or nearby noise-sensitive receptors.  Require all stationary equipment be located to maintain the greatest possible distance to the nearby existing buildings, where feasible.  Require stationary noise sources associated with construction (e.g., generators and compressors) in with the City’s daytime and nighttime noise standards. City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 14 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments proximity to noise-sensitive land uses to be muffled and/or enclosed within temporary enclosures and shielded by barriers, which can reduce construction noise by as much as 5 dB.  Use noise-reducing enclosures around noise-generating equipment during nighttime/non-standard daytime hours. Prohibit the use of impact tools (e.g., jack hammers) during these hours.  Prohibit idling of inactive construction equipment for prolonged periods during nighttime hours (i.e., more than 2 minutes).  Advance notification shall be provided to surrounding land uses disclosing the construction schedule, including the various types of activities that would be occurring throughout the duration of the construction period.  The construction contractor shall provide the name and telephone number an on-site construction liaison. If construction noise is found to be intrusive to the community (complaints are received), the construction liaison shall investigate the source of the noise and require that reasonable measures be implemented to correct the problem.  Use electric motors rather than gasoline- or diesel-powered engines to avoid noise associated with compressed air exhaust from pneumatically powered tools during nighttime hours. Where the use of pneumatic tools is unavoidable, an exhaust muffler on the compressed air City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 15 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments exhaust could be used; this muffler can lower noise levels from the exhaust by about 10 dB. External jackets on the tools themselves could be used, which could achieve a reduction of 5 dB. Mitigation Measure NOI‐2: Operational Noise Study to Determine Attenuation Measures to Reduce Noise from Project Mechanical Equipment Once equipment models and design features to attenuate noise have been selected, the project sponsor shall conduct a noise analysis to estimate actual noise levels of project-specific mechanical equipment, including heating and cooling equipment (such as boilers, chillers, cooling towers, and exhaust fans), to reduce potential noise impacts resulting from project mechanical equipment. Feasible methods to reduce noise below the significant threshold include, but are not limited to, selecting quieter equipment, siting equipment further from the roofline, and/or enclosing all equipment in a mechanical equipment room designed to reduce noise. This analysis shall be conducted, and its results and reduction methods provided to the City, prior to the issuance of building permits. The analysis shall be prepared by persons qualified in acoustical analysis and/or engineering and shall demonstrate with reasonable certainty that the mechanical equipment selected for the project and the attenuation features incorporated into project design would ensure noise from Project sponsor to provide to City noise analysis and plans that depict incorporation of all recommendations from the analysis to reduce noise from project mechanical equipment to the levels outlined in the City’s noise ordinance. Once prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. Economic and Community Development Department (Building Division) City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 16 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments these equipment do not result in noise at the nearest existing land use of 65 dBA Leq during the daytime and 60 dBA Leq during the nighttime. The project sponsor shall incorporate all recommendations from the acoustical analysis necessary to ensure that noise sources would meet applicable requirements of the noise ordinance into the building design and operations. Transportation and Circulation Mitigation Measure TR‐1: First‐ and Last‐mile Strategies The project sponsor shall fund the design and construction of the following off-site improvements to support the project’s first- and last-mile strategies necessary to support auto trip reduction measures.  The project shall provide a fair-share contribution towards the City’s cost of facilities and improvements identified below for the purposes of upgrading Poletti Way sidewalk to a Class I shared-use bicycle and pedestrian pathway between the Caltrain Station at East Grand Avenue, and the street’s northern terminus as identified in the Active South City: Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (currently in draft form), or if said Master Plan is in the process of being amended or updated at the time of the first building permit for the project, then the project shall instead provide a fair-share contribution in an equivalent amount towards improvements and upgrades of equivalent design and purpose, as Verify that project sponsor has provided proof of funding off-site improvements to City. Once prior to issuance of building permit. Economic and Community Development Department (Planning Division) City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 17 January 2021ICF 0662.19 determined by the City’s Chief Planner in his reasonable discretion. The Gateway Property Owners Association is currently in the process of dedicating the Poletti Way right-of-way to the City and the dedication is expected to be completed by the end of 2020. The improvement will include curb ramps, curb and gutter, signage, markings, and other changes necessary to meet Caltrans and City of South San Francisco Class I bikeway standards. Specific improvements will include upgrades at vehicular crossings (such as driveways and minor streets) to provide 10-foot minimum wide barrier-free accessible ramps that permit direct, two-way bicycle and pedestrian travel. Adequate warning and regulatory signage and markings will be provided to alert road users of potential conflicts per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD). Existing pavement conditions will be assessed and reconstructed if necessary, per City of South San Francisco standards. The project’s obligation to pay a fair share contribution toward this improvement is contingent upon the City (i) adopting a final Active South City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan that includes the improvement, or City approval of a plan for improvements of equivalent design and purpose; (ii) acquiring any necessary right of way; and (iii) implementing a program that will require fair share contributions from other developments in the East of 101 City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 18 January 2021ICF 0662.19 area that will benefit from the improvement.  The project shall provide a fair share contribution toward the City’s cost of facilities and improvements identified below for the purposes of extending Class II bicycle lanes on Gateway Boulevard between East Grand Avenue and Oyster Point Boulevard, assuming 1,100 linear feet of frontage. This improvement will include striping new bicycle lanes and restriping existing lanes. Extending bicycle lanes will support enhanced bicycle access from south of the project site as identified in the Active South City: Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (currently in draft form). If said Master Plan is in the process of being amended or updated at the time of the first building permit for the project, then the project shall instead provide a fair-share contribution in an equivalent amount towards improvements and upgrades of equivalent design and purpose, as determined by the City’s Chief Planner in his reasonable discretion.  The project shall participate in first-/last-mile shuttle program(s) to Caltrain, BART, and the ferry terminal. Shuttles may be operated by Commute.org and/or a future East of 101 transportation management agency. The project may provide an on-site loading zone for potential future private shuttles or pick-up/drop-off operations; however public shuttle shall utilize on-street shuttle stops located adjacent to the project site in order to minimize additional travel time for shuttles. City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 19 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Southbound shuttles on Gateway Boulevard shall use the existing shuttle stop at the intersection of Gateway Boulevard and the Gateway Business Park driveway (approximately 500 feet south of the project site) or the project may choose to construct a new southbound shuttle stop along the project frontage on Gateway Boulevard. A new shuttle stop shall accommodate small shuttles and larger buses and shall be designed in close coordination with the City and the shuttle operators taking into consideration planned roadway improvements, other new developments, and rider needs. Northbound shuttles on Gateway Boulevard shall use the future shuttle stop at the Gateway Business Park driveway (directly across the street from the project site) as proposed as part of the Gateway of Pacific project.  The project shall provide a more direct connection to on-street shuttle stops by adding directional curb ramps and high visibility crosswalks at the northern leg of the Gateway Boulevard/Gateway Business Park driveway/Project driveway intersection. Since no crosswalk currently existing across the northern leg of this intersection, the project shall review existing intersection signal timing and adjust if necessary, to accommodate the new pedestrian phase. Add high-visibility crosswalks on the south side of the Oyster Point Boulevard / Gateway Boulevard intersection (southern and eastern legs of the City of South San Francisco  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  751 Gateway Boulevard Project 20 January 2021ICF 0662.19 Mitigation Measure Action Required Monitoring Timing Compliance Verification Monitoring Responsibility Initial Date Comments intersection) to improve access to shuttle stops on Oyster Point Boulevard.