HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 365-1955[Bun. File lo. MO-a] ~ CENTRAL RECORDS FILE NO: ..... OBI)lB'AlICE IH). 365 Al OIDIIMICX AHIIDI]IO OIDIIIAiCE IO. 383 IlrTITLID: 'ZOJIIO ORDIIAIC~ OF Tll CiTY O! SOUTI IAI The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does Ol~aia aa follows: SBCTIOII 1. Subsection 3.10 (c), 3.28 (o), 3.37 (e), 3.43 (b), and 5.J (b)of Ordtn&uce lis. 3S3, entitled: Zonins Ordinaueo of the C~ty of South hn Francisco", passed and adop~od on iUS~Bt 10, 1054, are bore- by maondod as that said nbeootiou, aa amended, shall, roopeettvoly, read aa follon: '3.13 (e) bar Yards: Twenty (SO) feet mien, not to exceed five persona (~L) &vorap 8Ttdo, provided that vbou tho elope ezooods five percent (SS), the roar yard B~F be torr~eed at various olovatloBm so that a total of aunty (JO) feet or mere 18 provlded of loss than five percent (S~L) slope.' "3.36 (c) bar Yards: Twenty (J0) feet miaim, not to ezeeod flys percent (5~) ay. rage grads, provldod that when tho avsraKo slope ezeoed8 five perceat (5~), the roar yard may be terraced at varlous elevations so that a total of twenty (J0) feet or moro ts pro- vialed of lose than ltv® percoat (ML) slope.' "3.37 (c) lear Yards: Iltnlmum of ton (10) feet If bulldluS not over thirtyoftvo (36) feet in holfht; add one (1) foot for each ton (10) feet over thirty-five (36) foot; ton (10) foot, not to exceed five pereeut (01L) grads, provided that when the ay. rare slope oxes.ds flys per.eat (O~), tho rear yard may be terraced at various elevations so that a total of tea (lO) feet or mere ia provided of less than five perceat (81L) slope." "3.43 (b) Other stores within a belldlu~, mortuaries, service m~attoum, theaters, drive-in basks, drive-in root&utters, nny sale' establishont v~ro li~or is served, u~d ~ lots. tad ot~r uses which ~n the opinion of the planning e~aa~oa are of a 8iailar nturo,n "~.~ Ih). In R~ ~1; or o,her dia~rie~ in ~l~h fron~-yird or side-yard so~bt~ ire requi~d~ no fen~. ~d~, or s~on pl~inf of ~y kind shll he~tf~er b ~n~ed or Iron ~o ex.ed six (6) feet in height (ex.pt t~t a one (1)-foot hfflo or louvre uy tenth.tod i. ox~ss of stud six (S) feet height, vh~eh shall b for v~ ~fleet~on only), v~th~a ~y roqu~d s~do 'y~d to tb .ar tb ~.at liae of any dwlling or I1oq any .ar p~rty li~, to exmd t~ee (3) feet in ho~ght tloq t. p~rty 1~ to t~ front, or t~ street aide, of ~y dwlliq or v~thia twaty (~) f~t of t~ ot~et ~rner sa ~y umr lot; p~v~, ~~F. t~t a s~x (6)-foot foa~, b~. or semn plant~q uy b cmt~etod or Iron on the street o~do of try dwll~q if required front and ~l~uFX~g 2. .hbsoetAoBm 3.16 (a), 3.26 (a), ~d 3.36 (a) of ~d ~Xm~ ~ mn~d by add~ a ~ntoneo to o~eh of ~etieu, ~ fellou: of t~ lo~ in a blo~ bye ben imp~ved with buildiap, t~ mia~ dimt~ from a ~a~., e~rt, or ae~mmo~ htldtmw eatraa~ to t~ ~~ ~ o~ tho stde~lk shall ~ t~ ave~fo of t~ ~p~ved lots if leu t~ aiae~a (lJ) feet." of t~ lo~ ia a blo~ bye ben lm~vod with buildiap, ~he dtm~ fr~ a ~ara~, e~rt, or ae~omory hildiag entran~ to aemm~ ~ of t~ oi~valk shall b tb average of the improved lo~ 3.36 (a) . .... ~en twnty-five ~r~at (~) or ~ of tim lots-in a bleek have been JJpFoved vtth build&nfs, the minimum distance from a garage, earport, er aeoooaor7 bulldiq entrm to the no&re.st edge of the stdevalk shall bo the average of the iuproved lets if less than nineteen (19) feet." SICTIOI 3. Subseetion S.! of sLtd Ordimce is~ amended by adding thereto a ney subdivision which shall he designated as "$.1 ami vhleh shall read nj follows: "5.1 (f) Aocessory hildin8~ in any I district uny ocoupy not moro than thirty percent (30~) of the required roar yard rites.' 8B~TIOH 4. Tb~s Ordimee shall he publimbod sacs nj roqulred Mloption. · * e. · · Introduced tlLtm 16th d~y of Buy, lOSS. PaJmed and adopted as aa ordimoo of the ~Lty of Immtll gan Yrameimeo at an adjourned regular mOotllll~ 6A tM ~;lqy ~.d mell of the ~lty of .outA ual ...~ eto~ thlo -23rd day of by. IJSS. by t~ follo~q voto~ ~, ~~l Andrew ~ca, Francts'Lucchto, Telford · Smltb. Emilio Cortes1. Richard Gamlen ~ " None ~p " None ~ ~anetm co